
Dreamer's Reset Help!!

What to do with my gifty?

  • Three-stone

    Votes: 61 66.3%
  • Halo

    Votes: 17 18.5%
  • AV cushion or round in etoile or halo

    Votes: 11 12.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
The bigger for sure - looks better on your finger IMO. The smaller sidestones *do* take away from your centrestone so it doesn't have the OOMPH of a solitaire, but it also doesn't have the BLING of a threestone...
Just joining the fun finally..I vote 3 stone, and to get a semi bezel for a camping ring down the road as funds permit, or as a rhr or whatever. And, I like the bigger sides. And totally adore that you cut those out and took pics.
The .25 are just too small - and that surprises me! In this mockup the larger sidestones look better - not completely sure though what size would be just right. The .37 looks nice though!

What are your thoughts?
BIGGER for sure! And I still think you could even go a little larger if you wanted. So, what's the timeline on when you think the entire ring will be finished? What are your thoughts on the two options?
Wow, seeing it on your hand- the .37's for sure!
Yssie|1290136373|2772441 said:
The bigger for sure - looks better on your finger IMO. The smaller sidestones *do* take away from your centrestone so it doesn't have the OOMPH of a solitaire, but it also doesn't have the BLING of a threestone...

hahaa... if paper can bling at all! :tongue:
OK, so in person the smaller sides make the ring looks really *pretty* and dainty on my hand. I taped the diamonds to a 2mm band, and seeing that band on either side of the diamonds also adds to the daintyness. If I went that route it would be a thin band like that for sure. I think that if they were diamonds and not paper they would have more presence, because they would be bright white, ya know?

Now, the .37s definitely have more presence, and even though the actual difference in mm finger coverage is miniscule, it really *looks* like greater finger coverage. DH thought so too (yes he is humouring me 8) ). Definitely more of a "three-stone" look, whereas the smaller ones are more like accents. Pretty dainty delicate accents. I think the bling factor difference would be substantial.

I don't want to go any bigger 1) for budget and 2) because I think it might start to detract from my center. BUT the side stones I buy will be ES stones no matter what and so upgrading is always an option I suppose.

I am wearing the ring now and looking at it. I have one paper cut out on one side of the ring and the other on the other side, so I can rotate it to have one or the other on top :sun: It is actually very easy to get the two rings confused, which is a good thing I think. Lokoing at the .37s now they still look like side stones and they look nice and subtle, not detracting at all from the center.
jill_s|1290137064|2772460 said:
BIGGER for sure! And I still think you could even go a little larger if you wanted. So, what's the timeline on when you think the entire ring will be finished? What are your thoughts on the two options?

I'm not 100% sure about the timeline, but before the new year most likely. I was worried I would not have the funds to pay the additional $1000 for this project over the gift amount, but as luck would have it just as I posted this thread I was contacted by a textbook company to review 6 chapters in an upcoming text and they will pay me $600 for it :bigsmile: It is pretty easy work I can do in the evenings, and it will allow me to get this reset sooner rather than having to buy the stones now and then wait!
I was sure I'd like the .25s best until I saw your photos. The .37s are definitely better, in my opinion. Like others have said, they are big enough to really "up" the bling factor but still don't detract from your center stone. The .25s just seem lost.
Bigger is way better in this case, I think. Tastay! :naughty:
The bigger ones, no question! I was initially thinking some sort of happy medium between the .37's and the .25's, but I love the scale of the .37's on you.
The .37 sides look like a winner in your mock-up! The proportions seem to really work. The scale of it looks perfectly balanced so that your main diamond is the star and you get great coverage. I can't wait to see how it all turns out!
I usually like smaller, but i think the larger ones look better on you. Can't wait to see the finished product!!
the .37s FOR SURE! Looks great on your hand!

I don't think three stone are "boring" at all and I really think you'll be most happy with this decision:-) It seems they really speak to you!

I :love: Sheerah and hope she helps you get exactly what you want ;))
The .37s, no contest IMO. I think the coverage is better on your finger as well. The .25s just get lost.

And I love you for cutting those out, I really , really do. :mrgreen:
Okay, first I must say the cut outs are awesome... and I will also vote for the .37s... I think they look like a perfect complement to your center and will also have eye appeal as individual stones (if that makes any sense) :wacko:
LOVE the cut outs. The mock up did not change my opinion at all, I still like the 0.37s better.
0.37's! The proportion looks fabulous on your hand. I don't think it detracts from your center either.

I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see the final product!
I think those .37s look devine! Some kind of golden ratio.
.37- go for the bigger- you will not regret it.

When I had my center stone set with side stones, I went for the smaller more delicate .25, thinking it was delicate and light, proportional- all that good stuff ---- , but I kick myself every day for not going for the .50- what the heck... its still great and I love it, but in hindsight I would have gone bigger- but you know how it goes
Hi Dreamer!

First, congrats on the gifty! You totally deserve it!!

I am pretty sure by now you have somewhat made up your mind about the sidestones...but in case you haven't, have you ever considered pear-shaped side stones? As you know, my diamond jargon is quite limited, but I was thinking you will get more coverage that way than the current round side stones.

Anyway, if that isn't an option or something you like, I would definitely pick the bigger 0.37s out of the current 2 options you have. It's bigger = more coverage, more bling, more sparkle and if $ isn't an issue, what's not to love?? ;))
Wow, I am surprised that the opinion is such a resounding concensus! I suspect that the paper cut outs does not to utter justice to the .25s... if 3d and reflecting light I am sure they would look much more impressive. Still, I am convinced that the .37s are the way to go!

I am fairly certain I have reached my decision, I will update as soon as I have more information! :Up_to_something:
Dreamer_D|1290224692|2773706 said:
Wow, I am surprised that the opinion is such a resounding concensus! I suspect that the paper cut outs does not to utter justice to the .25s... if 3d and reflecting light I am sure they would look much more impressive. Still, I am convinced that the .37s are the way to go!

I am fairly certain I have reached my decision, I will update as soon as I have more information! :Up_to_something:

:appl: :appl: :appl:
Late to the vote but I almost always prefer smaller side stones and in this case I think the larger ones really look best in paper cut out version. Glad you're leaning that way. Seems like the extra bling you're looking for. Congrats!
lovemybling|1290136299|2772438 said:
DEFINATLY the .37s :appl: :appl: :appl:

I think the .25 just look too small and get lost.

Dreamer_D|1289878213|2767697 said:
OK, so I am leaning to the three-stone!!

What do you think of these proportions? This is a 1.7ct with .25ct sides, I am thinking of the same for my diamond. My concern is that the sides will not be "blingy" enough in person... but I don't want to detract from my center stone!! Thoughts?

Frankiextah's former ring, love it:

Dreamer, I don't know how I missed your thread. I put in a very late vote, for other. I would vote for a three stone WITH a halo.
Have it all, girlfriend!!!!!!
I'm glad you tried on the paper versions before deciding!

To my eye the .37s provide a nice balanced silhouette that is in harmony with the shape of your hand.

The .25s are too small for your hand and give the ring an awkward outline - they make the whole ring look like it's too small or too tight.

The 3 stone looks gorgeous - an excellent choice!
I adore the mock-ups! What a great idea!

Love the .37's! :appl: :appl: :appl: So excited for you Dreamer!
Have you decided what setting you are going to use? I think that could have some bearing on your sidestones as well. If they are going to be 'tucked under' the center stone then you may really have to use the larger stones.

I also hoped we're not all being swayed by the 2d image of the rings taped on your finger - I'm sure they will all be blingier in real life!