
Drunk drivers!

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I can understand why you might feel a twinge of guilt but remember, she did this to herself, AND to you. She deserves whatever repercussions come her way. She seriously could have killed someone. She was unfit to drive and did so makes me so infuriated. She should have the book thrown at her. Until this crime is taken this seriously - it will continue to happen.
You poor thing...I''m glad you and your hubby are okay. Definitely something to think about...when my FF and I go out, only one of us will drink and the other will drive, and we don''t allow anyone to leave a party without a DD-they either stay the night or call a cab. I hope everything at the doc''s turns out alright and you''re back in tip-top shape in no time!

Date: 7/9/2007 4:02:28 PM
We were driving home yesterday night at a pretty low speed (35-40 mph) when in my rearview mirror I see a car HURTLING toward the back of my car. Realizing in horror that it wasn''t stopping, I braced myself and was completely jarred and jolted as the car hit the back of mine dead on.

After a few seconds of shock, my husband got out of the car to see A) if the person was OK, and B) if the person hadn''t run off. A young woman came out of the car and said she was sorry and please to not call the police...that our insurance companies could handle it or she could give me cash.

She kept trying to grab my arm/phone as I insisted I was calling the police. I asked her why in God''s name she was driving so fast that she would ram up the back of me? Her answer: that she wanted to clear the intersection we had crossed (clearly on a green light) and sped up to run the yellow light. There was no one behind me as I crossed it, so she must have FLOWN to pass it.

I still called the cops. She was guzzling water like crazy and when they arrived, she disappeared, stating she had to go to the bathroom. Ten minutes later, some friends she had called to the scene went and looked for her because everyone was wondering where she went. She came back holding a cup of coffee!

The traffic officer was not happy about this and a series of sobriety tests ensued. Finally the breath test thing and I watched them handcuff her and take her away.

Our car doesn''t look bad, but she must have braked right as she hit our car because the underside of the back is totally damaged (as I think she actually lifted our car off the ground), the frame twisted and the sides of the car moved forward (unallowing us to close the door). Her car was totally mashed...and all this while we were both MOVING. I can''t imagine how bad it would have been if she had hit a still car! My poor little car...a mustang convertible, paid off and only 55K miles on it even though it''s over 7 years old. I am guessing it will be a loss.

This morning I felt momentarily guilty that I really screwed her by calling the cops. But then I came back to my senses (after TGuy slapped me upside the head) and said he did not feel bad about it whatsoever. Better that she learned this way than learning by killing someone. We were pretty shaken up though.

Damn STUPID drunk drivers!!
I have major issues with this stuff.... the summer between 8th and 9th grades these two boys I knew were killed by a dd... one went through the windshield and lived about 20 minutes and the other was dragged under the car FOR A MILE. The guy got a couple years in jail. It was just such a waste. So in 9th grade my best friend and I formed the SADD chapter at my school and we''re still best friends but she admitted later she only did it for college aps and I was so pissed off (not at her for telling me that) but way back when because her friends (who I couldn''t stand, they''re okay now as adults but as teens they were awful) were some of the biggest drunk drivers ever and they took over the SADD chapter - so I quit. I was the only one who cared the rest were hypocrites. I''d call my mom from parties, drunk, to have her pick me up. Most parents wouldn''t allow the drinking but I always made it clear that I didn''t want to drive with any of the fools and my mom agreed I guess. Anyway.... to this day I''m really uptight and prudent about drinking and driving and my personal rule is I will try ONE SIP of something just to taste it but that''s my limit. I won''t even have one drink and drive. And I think anyone who thinks they''ll decide on the fly where their limit is, is a bloody freaking fracking (insert multiple cuss words here - ha we used to type ICWH for that) idiot (and I''m unapologetic for saying/thinking so). I rarely have the opportunity to toss a few back with my friends because no one else comes close to my standard and I won''t ride with anyone else drinking either. So I''m almost always the designated driver. I do have a friend who doesn''t drink so occasionally I''ll have something when she''s driving but mostly my drinking is at home (not that I drink often) because I know I won''t have to drive. MAJOR soap box issue for me. I am so sorry you''re having to deal with this but you absolutely did the right thing. You are right that she is learning the easy way. But she does need to learn it. And even this might not stop her.... next time. grrrrrrrrrrrr

I am not just against drunk driving, I am against drinking and driving......... because how are you supposed to determine if you''re drunk when you''re drunk - most drunks think they''re invincible. And the relaxed attitude that so many adults have turning blind eyes toward their friends so as not to be uncool is just ridiculous and irresponsible and immature.

I gotta step off LOL Don''t take your car at a loss, demand compensation!
I''m sorry about I am so glad you weren''t hurt! Don''t feel bad for her at all. You may have saved someone else''s life by bringing her insobriety to attention, plus it will help you with your insurance so there can be no doubt she was at fault.
TG: your last post got me to thinking...the thing with alcohol and driving is that even one drink can impair a person. A couple of friends of mine were hit (separately) by drunk drivers. Luckily both are okay but still....I was affected. We might think we''re okay to drive because we''re not falling down drunk, but even one drink depending upon weight, tolerance and other factors can impair one''s judgement. In your case and in my friends'' cases none of the drivers were what we would call *drunk.* They were more or less tipsy, but still did a lot of damage.
That''s horrible and it is fortunate that you are both okay. It could have been much worse and you are right that it is better for her to learn her lesson now than when she kills someone... it just sucks that it was your car that had to teach her the lesson

I wish you the best in your insurance dealings and getting a replacement car!
Date: 7/9/2007 4:46:25 PM
Author: surfgirl
Months later his lawyer called me and asked me to re count the events to her. I became irate because I knew she was trying to trick me into mis-remembering a minor detail so she could get this guy off on a technicality. So I went ballistic on her, telling her whatever the police reported was what happened and that I was the last person she''d want to call to a witness stand because I remember every detail and I''d do nothing but put this guy in jail for a very long time. I never heard from her again and I have no regrets about calling the police. He would have killed someone at some point and hopefully, he got into enough trouble that he wont do it again. Hopefully this woman will do the same. Feel better!

Wow, you are clever! I probably just would have babbled on the phone like an idiot, not realizing she was baiting me.

Your story reminds me of mine. (The staw that broke the camels back, and the reason I no longer drive on freeways...)
My stepbrother was killed 4 yrs ago by a drunk driver coming across a divided highway. He was 14.
Julia, I''m sorry about your brother. Another reason what TG did was the right thing to do...
Wow, I''m SO glad you guys are ok. And yes, you did do the right thing.

I hope you can salvage your car.
Maybe everyone knows this but--you should carry the most coverage you can in the Uninsured and Underinsured category in your auto insurance because this is what is going to pay for your medical bills when the drunk and uninsured driver hits you. I had a friend who didn''t and her medical bills were outrageous and not enough coverage to take care of it. This was afew years back, so maybe old info. Mine was low so I pumped it up to maximum. Sorry if it is common knoweldge.

My son was rear-ended by a drunk a year ago, $2000 damage to rear of car, no damage to him, thank God. The guy was so drunk he rolled out of the car and plopped on the ground, couldn''t even walk . Son had called police and three police cars had surrounded the drunk, they thought he had bailed out of the car, but he was just slumped in the seat.

I am so glad you both are ok--and yes, pain in the neck can happen days later. Don''t miss getting treatment if you are hurt!
You are lucky that you were not killed. And no offense, she was trying to evade and be sneaky because I am certain this is not the first time she has had this issue. She needs help and soon, before she kills someone. I am just glad you are not too badly hurt, but that is a terrible feeling to look in the mirror and see a car hurtling towards you. Especially f there is no where for you to go.
My ex was hit in a similar accident. A friend of his family who was a retired claims adjustor advised him don't settle until you've got damages for the totaled vehicle PLUS $12000 to $13000 per occupant for any injuries not apparent now that may be found later and/or may be permanent. $10k to $14k would not be unreasonalbe is sucn an accident, said the friend. So, he settled from something between retail and loan value on his vehicle, plus another $13000 for his "potential" permanent injuries. And walked away with a smile. I bet that other driver Still can't get insurance.

I ran that by the insurance co. my relative works for. I said: Is that fruad? Is that overstating a claim. He said Nope, if that's what it took to settle the claim, we'd have to pay it.
TG, I am so glad you and TGuy are alright. I''m so sorry about your car, but so glad it''s the only thing seriously damaged by this terrible situation.
So scary TG. Good for you that you did your best to handle your car as you saw her coming for you.

You did her a favor by turning her in. Maybe she will get help for her problem. Maybe she will learn from this. If you let her go, she would just learn that she can cause disaster and sweet talk out of it. Good job on your part!

I hope you don''t have any residual neck/back/other problems from this bad experience. You were so lucky that it was not worse. I am so happy it wasn''t a major accident that happened to you.

Hi again all...


Strm and JustJulia, I am so sorry for your loss. Believe me, I know we were lucky.

TGuy and I did go to the doctor today. I am in quite a bit of pain, which I expected due to how violently we were thrust forward and back in the car. People have been asking if our airbag went off (it did not) and seem to assume the accident could not have been that bad, but I believe the airbag does not deploy in a rear collision, but I could be wrong.

The doc says we will feel worse tomorrow and the day after, which I also expected. I just wanted it documented in case things don''t get better. Unfortunately I have had shoulder and neck soreness for years now and am afraid this will make the pain hurt more than the bearable one I have now. The real bummer is my lower back! I have had lower back pain for years and in December started taking pilates. It actually WORKED and I have been totally free of it for 6 months now. Today I have sharp pains all along my lower back.

I''m certainly not a sue happy person and if I''m fine, I am happy. But I am a bit concerned about future pain that may come from this. AdaBeta, your comment about settlement was interesting. I think I would feel bad about asking for something like that, but if it was a fair reason I might have to think about it. I have spent so much money trying to deal with my pain already that if it gets worse due to the accident, I am going to be pretty darn sad. I also have arm and finger pain at the moment, but that probably is because I tensed up and gripped the steering wheel so hard.

DF, believe me, no offense taken. This probably wasn''t her first time doing this! Believe me, there was NO question last night I was calling the police. I only felt a twinge this morning when I thought it must suck to be her right now.

Surfgirl, your story made me chuckle a bit. Good for you!

Mandarine, your poor friend! It just makes me mad that people have to go through all that pain because someone is just so stupid and stubborn to think they can drive!

If I were you, I''d get an MRI. I really hope you heal well and don''t have any residual problems. I was in a near wreck last week, that gave me whiplash. The creep that nearly hit me, kept on going. How nice.
Again, am so sorry this happened, hope you are back to normal soon!!!!
I am so sorry that this happened TG!! It's awful and I hope that the pain you and TGuy have is temporary. Healing vibes going your way.

It's a wakeup call when these things happen, and I really hope this woman will think about who will be driving BEFORE she gets drunk next time....cause sadly you know there will be a next time.
Date: 7/9/2007 4:40:37 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Thanks for the condolences on the mustang.
If they can fix it, I will be happy. If not, that means we will have to get a new car and that will make TGuy happy as he hated how cramped my car was. And I''ll look on the bright side and be happy too, as we can get a bigger car...just in case we *may* need more room in the future.

Oh, do you have something to tell us?
Don't feel bad for one second! You saved someone else's life or her life because I promise you she would have done it again. Hopefully this will be her wake up call. Better for her to have a police record and be alive and NOT KILL MY CHILD or me on the road than let her go free to kill someone.

I have zero sympathy for drunk drivers. ZERO tolerance for the stupidity to decide to drink and kill.

I am happy that you and TGuy are alive today.
Thank goodness you guys are ok, and I'm sorry to hear about your pains. Hopefully, you'll feel better fast. And I'm SO glad you called the police on this horribly inconsiderate person. The unfortunate thing with people who receive DUI's is that in my experience they seem to often go on to rack up more than one.

My mom had her sixth surgery this year at 47 years old on her spine (which is now artificially constructed of steel) and her damaged bladder. She was hit by an uninsured dd on her way to her second job while waiting at a red light. He rear-ended her at 40 mph. It still makes me so furious and this was almost 15 yrs ago-in the past she was a gymnast, distance runner, fitness trainer and a dancer. The emotional toll has been as bad as the physical one for her. I don't know what this guy was thinking. He of course got out of the car and threatened her not to call the police and drove off. She got his tag number and they found him, but she never got any recourse from him. Truly awful for a single parent of two. the risk of sounding self-righteous
, I won't get in the car after even one drink because I know that's all it takes for me to be impaired. Granted everyone's tolerance is different, but I think everyone should be aware of their limits and stick to them. It's our responsibility to each other.

Gosh, sorry for the rant, but this really struck a nerve! Again, I'm glad you guys are ok and I hope this girl learned something.

ETA: I hope the Mustang gets better, too. I have an old one that is like my baby.
TG, one more thing...when you get your car fixed, please DEMAND a brand new bumper! My insurance company tried to tell me a used bumper from a salvaged car would be just fine for my car. I told them in plain English, "Fine. If you insist on giving me a used bumper instead of a new one, just know the IF I ever get into another accident and have any injuries, I will sue each of you individually, as well as your insurance company and this repair shop." I got my brand new bumper but I had to be a b*#ch about it. Some things are worth fighting for and my safety is one of them...And yours! Just a heads up...Hope you''re feeling better soon. Try to get some PT, it really helped me alot.
TG, sorry I''m so late to your thread! I''m so sorry to hear this happened to you, I hope you are ok soon. I hate to hear stories like this, and unfortunately they are all too common. I''m thinking positive thoughts for you and hope things turn out in your favor.
T gal, the neck and other pain most often does NOT occur til later. If someone claims soft tissue pain immediately after a fender bender or accident, it is often false. I was rear ended as I sat at a red light once, an old man just plowed into me as I was stopped. I was leaning forward in my seat to unbunch my jacket which was uncomfortable against the seat as I leaned on it, so I was whipped back. I felt fine until much later that evening. Had to have pt, this was as I was planning my wedding and the neck and back pain was pretty severe. I could not lift grocery bags from my car up into our apartment that we lived in then, and forget raising my arm above my shoulders to put something in a cabinet or dry my hair. But I honestly felt fine most of that day, it was at the movies while sitting for a very long time that it hurt. I literally was numb from the neck down and it was tough to move. That is when I called the doctor. Of course, if there is a very serious injury that occurs due to the accident, there would be immediate pain, but as for soft tissue stuff, it takes a while.

Also, I am hoping you iced for the first 24 hours, and then applied heat, since that is what is best. To me heat is the best, but according to my orthopedist you need to ice first for 24 hours.
TG, I am so glad you and TGuy are OK!
I LOATHE the idiocy and selfishness of drunk drivers -- all of them are actual or potential murderers. You absolutely did the right thing, 100% no doubt. It''s scary how pretty much everyone out there has been affected by a drunk driver in some way, either directly or indirectly.

DH and I witnessed a horrific crash when we were living in Chicago -- an out of control drunk driver was going 75 in a 30MPH zone, it came zooming up from behind us, swerved around us, and immediately hit an oncoming car that was turning left at an intersection. The spray of glass and debris was like a mini-nuclear explosion. The impact was tremendous. The driver (turns out she was a drunk and high prostitute) died on impact, and her passenger''s (the john) entire body was smashed and compacted into the firewall (the floor space where your feet go). We were riding with a friend who was a physician, and he hopped out to help. He took one look and motioned to us to get back in the car, because the sight of the john''s body (compacted into a 2-foot space) was too disturbing to see. It was truly awful. We spent the entire night at the police station giving our reports. 2 people died, and the people in the other car were seriously injured (one was in a coma). To this day, I thank my friend for sparing us the sight of those traumatized bodies.

TG, please keep us posted on everything. I really hope your tissue injuries heal soon and that you''re getting all the medical attention you need. Hugs!
TGal- thank goodness you two are okay and it wasn''t worse. Make sure you both get checked out by a doctor...rear-end injuries sometimes sneak up on you (neck, back, shoulders...)

I''ve had this happen as well. I was sitting at a light and saw the car coming behind me. He wans''t flooring it, but nonetheless going about 25mph. I couldn''t go anywhere since there were cars on either side of me. He hit me and then jumped out of the car, ran up to me almost in tears repeating ''sorry'' and ''no police''. Now with how much I love this car (old 1984 Lincoln) I was raving and had to keep it from getting physical. I''m thinking no, this jackass isn''t worth getting arrested for assault. He reeked of beer.

Come to find out during the field test he was way drunk, 19yo, suspended license (for guess what), and had spent his day haning at his friends'' house playing video games and drinking. I had to appear in court for this since his mom tried to fight the charges against him. Giving me the whole ''my son is a good kid who just made a mistake'' crap. I said if he was ''so good'' then he wouldn''t have been dumb enough to do it the first time, much less again to me.

Fortunately, there wasn''t that much damge to me, since it''s old it still has the big metal bumpers. It''s sad, you hear these stories on the news about people busted for the fifth, sixth, tenth time, yet they still are given a break and find their way behind the wheel, suspended or not. Drunk drivesrs aren''t taken seriously until they kill someone. It keeps happening here in Mass.
Ooops, sorry I didn''t see you''ve already been checked out by the doctor.
I''m so glad you and Tguy are okay! I understand your twinge of guilt this morning, but you definitely did the right thing! I really hope your back recovers, too.

I can''t believe people are so thoughtless and irresponsible. The laws really have to change on drunk driving so the penalties will be much tougher. I know a guy who has had 3 DUIs and nothing ever really came out of it. He had to go to AA meetings and rehab once, but I think that was the extent of his "punishment."
So sorry to hear of this TG.......burns me every time I read something like this. In this day and age, this is just no excuse for this happening!

Grateful that you weren''t critically hurt, but really bummed for the discomfort and pain you''re in now and hope they are short-term.

It''s stunning how much this still happens. My surrogate sis and I were on the way home from Foxwoods last Saturday between 12 and 2 a.m., and at various points, we were behind at least 3 different cars who we noted as drunk drivers. Weaving in the lanes 70+ mph. No excuse for this crap.

Let us know of your progress with the car.
Morning ladies...

Kaleigh, the doctor was pretty sure it was just typical whiplash stuff and said we would be fine. He wouldn''t order any additional tests or xrays. I am not a fan of my doctor, but since I am not in excruciating pain, I''m not pushing the issue at this point. But in two weeks, if I even feel the slightest difference in my body, I am going back. Sometimes you have to be insistent with docs...especially the HMO ones. The doc told us to take meds, twice a day. TGuy told me he wants to go back and say he feels good while on the meds, but awful when he is not on them and does the doc have any suggestion to help get him off meds? What a goof.

The car will be towed today so I should find out later today or tomorrow if it''s salvageable. I''ll keep you ladies posted on this thread instead of starting another one, in case you''re interested. I find it hard to believe they''d total the car, but we''ll see. If not, we''re looking at the Ford Freestyle. I know Fords are not considered the most reliable car but I have never had a problem with mine, and now I can say that I am pretty impressed with Detroit Iron!

Tacori, saying anything yet. Nuthin'' to say!

Siamese Kitty, I am sorry to hear about how your mom suffered. I just get so mad hearing about these stories! We were probably hit at about the same speed, when you consider we were going about 35 and she was going at least twice our speed (so take the difference, I suppose). And you are right about racking up DUIs. An acquaintance of mine has 3 of them. I think she''s learned her lesson finally though...she seems to only drink at home.

Surfgirl, thanks for the tip on the bumper! I remember reading a tip like that ages ago, but forgot until you reminded me. I will be very firm about this should they be able to fix my car.

DF, no I didn''t ice. I should have, but I have just been resting. I''m one of those silly people who don''t even like taking I am not good at self medicating!

KD, you''re story actually made me sit there and feel really sick...what a horrible accident. A person squashed into a two foot space?

nytemist, you''re''s not taken seriously until someone gets hurt. I think that''s why the officers kept asking me if I felt injured...because of her DUI, if she injures me, it can be a felony.

Again ladies, thanks for the nice words of support. I haven''t told too many people I know yet...I hate for them to freak out and worry, so it''s nice to get some insight and tips from PS.
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