
Good wishes, please.

Awe gee, I feel so bad for you because I know I'd feel the exact same way, but please take heart and try not to worry too much. I used to work in NICUs, and this type of thing happened not all that infrequently and was usually not a big deal. NICU doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists were always the kindest, most dedicated and most common sense oriented medical personnel I ever worked with. Congratulations on the birth of your precious daughter and may both of you heal quickly and thoroughly. Sending lots of love and well wishes.
Congratulations on baby @lovedogs --and all the very best wishes for speedy healing so you can both go home!
Congratulations! And healthy vibes coming to her from Colorado.
Congratulations! But I understand how terrifying this would be so my thoughts and prayers go out to you & your new baby. I hope you get to hold her soon!
Much healing dust going to you and your little girl! I totally understand your worry, but I've also heard that this is not all that unusual an occurrence, so I'm betting she'll be in your arms and on the way home right quick!
Prayers outgoing from my Wifey and I!!!!!!
Oh, sweet baby! Praying her stay in NICU is short. Rest up Mama, she’ll be needing a lot of your energy soon!
She looks perfect and precious! I hope how soon the three of you are united at home. Thanks for sharing the picture and I completely understand your hesitation to post her name. You and Dad are, and will always be, her main advocates so just do what you feel is best.

Thanks for the update and we will wait to hear from you again soon!
Oh @lovedogs she's absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for sharing your precious baby with us. Totally understandable you prefer not to share her name. Congratulations to you and your dh!
Blessings to natasha_cupcake for her experienced and educated post. This is very scary but she's seen this before.
@lovedogs, I knew you were expecting but I had no idea when. I think by the time you read this you'll be holding your daughter. She's a beautiful baby - there is no happiness I can wish you greater than this.
Keep us posted. Give her a pseudonym.
Congratulations to you both! Beautiful baby, I'm so happy for you!
Aw, I'm misting at this surprise:love:
She had herself a little meconium milkshake?
She's going to be just fine, just a bit of a hoover and she'll be right as rain in no time.

She's amazing. You'll see.
You tell her...
We're so happy she's here.
Congratulations, lovedogs! Sending healing wishes to your baby girl.
Sending much love and light and hugest congratulations.
As a new mother it’s 100% normal to be very upset and worried by this hiccup, many of us have been there and know the feeling. It’s quite frankly awful and the absolute pits and no amount of reassurance really helps. So be kind to yourself and your very active mother hormones.
You can trust in the doctors and rejoice in this beautiful treasure of a baby girl.
Congratulations!! Sending healing vibes!!
Sending love and light your way! Congratulations on your baby.
Congratulations @lovedogs!
Your precious girl is gorgeous!
She'll be fine and in your loving arms soon, but I’m sorry you have had to endure this scary detour.
Bless all the NICU docs and nurses!!
Update: she's on room oxygen! No more CPAP or anything for now. They're working on her taking feedings from their nipple bottle things since I guess she only ate a little and then threw up. So that's the next hurdle, but fingers crossed she figures it out quickly and stays safe! Still very worried but I know she's in the safest place possible

What a sweet buboo!! My classmate and friend has worked her entire career in NICU and she is the best!! (as is her team). Your precious is in the best hands!!!

Thinking of you all.

kind regards--Sharon
Congratulations on your sweet baby girl. She’s a beauty! :kiss2:
Now, I’ll join everyone in sending all the healing energy her way. I’m glad she’s doing better, and hopefully you’ll be able to bring her home soon.
Update: she's on room oxygen! No more CPAP or anything for now. They're working on her taking feedings from their nipple bottle things since I guess she only ate a little and then threw up. So that's the next hurdle, but fingers crossed she figures it out quickly and stays safe! Still very worried but I know she's in the safest place possible

That’s a very encouraging update! I hope every hour is better than the last!
Update: she's on room oxygen! No more CPAP or anything for now. They're working on her taking feedings from their nipple bottle things since I guess she only ate a little and then threw up. So that's the next hurdle, but fingers crossed she figures it out quickly and stays safe! Still very worried but I know she's in the safest place possible

Yay! She's getting there. Being born is HARD compared to cozy, easy life in Mama's womb - so much to learn how to do! But she'll get it. =)2
Congratulations @lovedogs. Hopefully you and your precious little bundle will be home together soon.
YES!!! Good news.
Prayers continue.