
Good wishes, please.

So glad she is making progress @lovedogs!

If I may share this tidbit, I remember having my first son and finding out he was a tiny 4lb 15oz (c-section) and being so worried about him when I was on the table that I just prayed that he would be okay. He was great, just small, but babies have a way of overcoming obstacles and the fact that she has already progressed to room oxygen is amazing!

Having a baby is a most magical time, impossible to put that degree of special into words.
What a beautiful baby! Congratulations to you and your hubby. It sounds as if she is making good progress. Prayers for all three of you that she continues to improve!
She’s such a beautiful baby!! So happy to hear she is off of the O2. Woo hoo! Baby steps to home ❤️
Congratulations!! Hope baby lovedogs continues to do well!!
Still on room oxygen. I was finally able to hold her this morning and fed her some formula. They're working on consistent feeding, and also making sure her breathing rate stabilizes (it still randomly gets fast and then slows to normal again). So they want to make sure everything is good before discharging her.

I'm home, which is weird. Got here like 20 min ago and everything feels different but also rhe same. And her not being here is strange,but also comforting because I know she is in the safest possible place. So on one hand I don't want her here bc it's not safe, but on the other hand I do (duh). I also feel like she's not quite "mine" yet. It's almost like I'm borrowing her from the NICU. But I assume that's normal (I hope?)

I guess I'm just having all of the feelings over here.
Still on room oxygen. I was finally able to hold her this morning and fed her some formula. They're working on consistent feeding, and also making sure her breathing rate stabilizes (it still randomly gets fast and then slows to normal again). So they want to make sure everything is good before discharging her.

I'm home, which is weird. Got here like 20 min ago and everything feels different but also rhe same. And her not being here is strange,but also comforting because I know she is in the safest possible place. So on one hand I don't want her here bc it's not safe, but on the other hand I do (duh). I also feel like she's not quite "mine" yet. It's almost like I'm borrowing her from the NICU. But I assume that's normal (I hope?)

I guess I'm just having all of the feelings over here.

Of course you are and everyone can certainly understand. I hope how soon she is home with you guys but until then, try to get some good sleep. That will probably change when she gets home, so rest up! Big hugs and prayers still coming your way!
Newborns are such strange little creatures. It’s so weird we get to look after them without much training. It feels like you steal them from the hospital or got one by mistake no matter how the birth went! Before you know it you will have her with you at home. And then a whole different kind of crazy unpredictable will take over!
Oh @lovedogs, How thrilling she has arrived!!! I can imagine how stressful this has been for you and your husband. Please know she is being monitored closely and hopefully home very soon. When she comes home there will be lots of joyful chaos. I’m so happy for you!
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Congratulations lovedogs! To you and your family. I prayed for you that everything will work out. I have a small human, and they have made me happier than anything. Congratulations to the three of you. Having your own little family is so special.
Newborns are such strange little creatures. It’s so weird we get to look after them without much training. It feels like you steal them from the hospital or got one by mistake no matter how the birth went! Before you know it you will have her with you at home. And then a whole different kind of crazy unpredictable will take over!

Omg this comment is so helpful, thank you. I wasn't sure anyone else felt like this or if it was just the circumstances of her NICU stay, or if I was just insane haha.
Omg this comment is so helpful, thank you. I wasn't sure anyone else felt like this or if it was just the circumstances of her NICU stay, or if I was just insane haha.

These sound like very normal feelings to me!

And yay for her getting to be in your arms - that will nourish her in all kinds of ways beyond the formula! Meanwhile, I think @MissGotRocks had a marvelous idea - lots of rest and sleep for you, as your body needs healing and rest will be more of a struggle soon!
Omg this comment is so helpful, thank you. I wasn't sure anyone else felt like this or if it was just the circumstances of her NICU stay, or if I was just insane haha.

Oh I think it is a very normal feeling! You will look at your baby and wonder what she is doing with you for a long time. Your comfort grows with experience. I didn't feel this way with my second baby, for example, because I knew what to expect. Though each baby is different so there is still a learning curve for sure. But the first is a mystery. And I don't think there is much you can do to prepare for how strange newborns are! So cute, just painfully cute. But they can't see much, or respond to the world in ways we understand, and they sleep like 90% of the time (but only if you hold them! lol... insisting that newborns should sleep on their own is a cruel joke on parents because babies usually have other ideas), and they have to learn how to digest food and even fart lol. Trust that any weird feelings you have about caring from this little creature are normal and they get less confusing/distressing with time!
Please remember this time when she is a teen. There is nothing like those years and you will need any and all precious memories to keep you calm and sane. :D
Glad to hear that she is breathing on her own. Hopefully, she'll be eating and breathing all on her own soon!
Hoping you're getting some rest mama, BabyLove will be home in no time! Oh, and sit and savor a meal, take your time. It was months of snatched meals with my first(my fault, but I couldn't help it) it's like your arms turn into magical velcro no matter what you do:lol:
How's your little pumpkin today? Been thinking about your little family a lot. Sending hugs and healing vibes your way. :kiss2:
Congratulations @lovedogs on the birth of your beautiful baby and also for her progress. <3
She's beautiful. When she's home you will get to bond and it won't take long at all before the strangeness of it all disappears. You'll be admiring all those dimples that newborns have and wishing you can keep her small forever.
Congratulations! What a sweetheart.

Post-partum emotions are a rollercoaster even without complications. Try not to be hard on yourself. Babies are essentially our own hearts, beating outside our chests.
Late to the thread, but happy to hear Baby is doing better! Welcome to motherhood, a permanent state of conflicting emotions, where worry and happiness constantly coexist. Congratulations!
You have created a divine baby girl @lovedogs she looks beautiful and strong in the photo you posted! Sending many best wishes to you and yours, I have no doubt that everything will be okay, and your beautiful baby girl will be at home and in your arms before you know it.
Congratulations on your new little girl @lovedogs. I hope she is home with you soon, turning your life upside down and continuing to improve day by day.
Update: she's on room oxygen! No more CPAP or anything for now. They're working on her taking feedings from their nipple bottle things since I guess she only ate a little and then threw up. So that's the next hurdle, but fingers crossed she figures it out quickly and stays safe! Still very worried but I know she's in the safest place possible

we need a hug 'like' emogi
Hi all,
She's doing much better. Please send all thoughts and prayers she can come home today. It's so hard for us without her here, and she appears to be medically stable.
Here's hoping she can come home today! Best wishes for lots of smelling intoxicating baby head. And of course the all-important, may you have a good sleeper!

My memories of the roller-coaster baby days include thinking in my post-partum haze that she looked like an alien: large head, small body, and virtually invisible whites of the eyes. And sometimes they might as well be aliens, given that there will be communication problems. But those were good days - and the alien did grow up to be a human. Just saying.
Praying for all, for your continued healing and recovery. I’m so glad for the progress she’s made and hope your beautiful baby can come home with you soon.