
Good wishes, please.

There'll be a lot more fireworks in many households when we hear she's home with you.
Hope you get to bring her home and give her a hug soon!
Update. She didn't come home today, but we had a great convo w her doctor and are feeling better. Doc explained exactly what they're looking for in terms of amount of food, pooping, weight gain/day, etc. We finally feel like we got straight/clear/concise answers about why she was still there, and it helped a lot.

Very hopeful she comes home soon.
I'm sorry little lovebug didn't get to come home! Many parents are traumatized by the time in the NICU due to not only the separation, but the feelings from a lack of control and anxiety/worry. Doctors and nurses expect parents to ask questions and are used to it. Do not hesitate to ask questions, and if you don't understand the answers ask for clarification. Knowledge is power, it helps you make educated decisions, can help relieve anxiety, and gives you a sense of control. Ask, ask ask!

A good NICU ratio of baby to the RN is 1:1 severely acute/sick baby, 2:1 moderate, 3:1 babies who are "feeders & growers" meaning they need to gain weight and work on feeding. She sounds like she has moved to the 3:1, which means she's got some goals to meet and then she's outta there! I know you're in the IE, but I don't recall the area so I can't comment on hospitals. I know this sounds silly, but make sure they wash their hands before handling her. You'd be amazed at the providers who don't! Hugs to all...
Congratulations @lovedogs , I hope you can bring your baby girl home.
Sending you lots of luck and prayers that you’ll be reunited soon xx
Sorry I’m late to this thread @lovedogs. Congratulations and glad to hear she is doing well. Try and get some sleep while you can, she will be home with you very soon.
@lovedogs thank you for the update and I am glad they explained everything to you and hopefully she will be home with you very soon.
Continued healing wishes being sent her (and your) way
Congratulations on your beautiful girl!

We also had to leave our baby in the hospital for a few extra days. One thing we were told that reassured us was that, once baby comes home, if there's any reason to return, baby needs to be admitted through the emergency room.

That made us comforted that the extra hospital stay was the right choice and worth the stressful wait.

Things might be different today, but hope this helps.

Many best wishes.
@lovedogs, I'm so glad you're feeling better now that you have a clearer understanding of why your little one needs to stay a bit longer. I'm sending you lots of hugs, please take care of yourself and rest whenever you need to. Also sending positive thoughts that your baby girl is home with you very soon! <3
Hope today finds even greater progress! We are excited for the homecoming!
Praying for strength, resolution, healthy baby growth, and that she gets home very soon! I'm sure she wants to be reunited with her mamma as much as her mamma wants to be reunited with her! <3
Still in NICU and I feel like evrty day is harder without her home. It's freaking miserable, and my husband and I are beyond stressed and tired.

At this point it's a food issue. She needs to take a certain amount every 3 hours by mouth, and isn't quite there yet. Anything she doesn't eat by mouth they give her via a nose to stomach tube. It's soooo hard when she has a few great feedings and then terrible ones. Every "bad" (not enough by mouth) feed means another 24 hours here, so it just breaks my heart.
Still in NICU and I feel like evrty day is harder without her home. It's freaking miserable, and my husband and I are beyond stressed and tired.

At this point it's a food issue. She needs to take a certain amount every 3 hours by mouth, and isn't quite there yet. Anything she doesn't eat by mouth they give her via a nose to stomach tube. It's soooo hard when she has a few great feedings and then terrible ones. Every "bad" (not enough by mouth) feed means another 24 hours here, so it just breaks my heart.

That is heartbreaking indeed. Your PS family is waiting with you for your baby (I think of her as Pearl, as she was a June baby after all) to come home to you. There is good reason to hope that it will resolve soon, and then, painful as the memories are, they will be just that - memories. And your baby will be a real presence in your arms.

Thinking of the three of you.
I am sure it is frustrating, disappointing and tiresome. She was a little one so I am sure they don’t want her to lose any weight if possible. I hope how soon these days are behind all of you. Try to rest when you can, eat a good meal and take care of yourself too.
So sorry she is not at home with you yet @lovedogs . Can't imagine how incredibly hard that is. Fingers crossed that she
starts eating well and gets to come home soon.
I'm glad that things are going well. My nieces twins were in NICU for over 2 months but they were early early, so needed that time, which drove my niece pretty crazy. She's a nurse but even so, it was hard for her.

I do hope she'll be home with you soon.
Prayers continue!!
Praying for all good feedings and heading home very soon!!!
Thinking of you and your family @lovedogs. Everything you and your husband are feeling is completely understandable. I can only imagine how hard this is for you. I hope they are letting you spend time throughout the day with your sweet girl, even if its just short visits. I’m so sorry you are all going thru this and hoping this is resolved quickly so she can be home with you and your husband. Sending you hugs. Callie
Still thinking of you all. Hope her feedings are going well.
Prayers continue.
Thinking of all of you and Prayers continuing.
Any updates @lovedogs ? I know its a super busy time for you but we're all thinking about baby and you. Update us
when you find time.