
Have you experienced sexual harassment at work? How did you handle it?

Hope that your DH's interview goes well. So sorry to hear about this new work madness-seriously, what is wrong with these people!
I've been heated about this and I kept veering in to battle, which isn't what you needed- so there were many comments I left hanging. But I've been following and swearing in fury for you from my chair here. I can't help it, I spit fire.
You've handled all of this beautifully.

Best of luck to you both and I have a good feeling. Things do coalesce, and you're putting positive out there in so many ways that there is no room for this crap.

You just keep on being a good people.
I'm proud of you.
@junebug17, it really has been awful, I never expected taking a simple retail job would turn into this! Still it is part of the greater journey and has made me a stronger person who speaks up for herself so that is the silver lining. Thanks for your support.

@Lookinagain, you know when I thought about it, I decided I’m leaving whether he gets the new job or not. At this point my four hour shifts are mostly down to three hours (they are giving me less work but I’m also faster than I was) so when I actually looked at my contribution to the household, it’s not enough to justify the effects on my mental health. I will keep the thread updated and thanks for your support.

@stracci2000, I thought working in an office was bad but it was nothing compared to this. What is so stupid to me is if indeed I was having an affair with this 19 year old guy (completely gross anyways) why in the hell would we stand and talk in front of the store in the parking lot?! God, it just baffles me how much people care about what other people are doing this much. Anyways, thanks for the well wishes, I am getting out no matter what. I plan on telling them this week.
@lulu_ma, thank you for the well wishes. I have no idea what is wrong with this other manager but she was literally seething one night and confronted me as I was leaving about our parking lot conversations. Honest to God I was so disgusted with her and let her know as much. Can’t wait to get out of there!

@ItsMainelyYou, thank you, your words mean so much and are very appreciated. Honestly I should have just left months ago but I’ve been reluctant because of both the comfort of knowing the job and not wanting to have a schedule that takes me away from my family even more. Now though I have reached my personal limit, I can’t see anything redeeming about this job anymore and it’s going more harm than good at this point. Time to get out.
@Lookinagain, you know when I thought about it, I decided I’m leaving whether he gets the new job or not.

Good for you!

I have no idea what is wrong with this other manager but she was literally seething one night and confronted me as I was leaving about our parking lot conversations.

That's so strange, I wonder if she has some weird attraction to that person. It actually sounds like jealousy to me.

Time to get out

Totally agree! So glad that you made this decision. And please, still write the letter to the upper management. Local, but also corporate, if there is a "corporate".
@Lookinagain, I don’t think what’s going on with this manager is jealousy, she is 62 and this guy is 19. It seems like she may have had a personal experience with infidelity and seeing us talking once a week outside triggered her. This is just a guess but it’s the only logical explanation I’ve been able to come up with.
Bloody hell.
You talk to a young lad human to human and that means you're sleeping with him? How insulting. I'd like to say I'm astonished as how basic these coworkers are but honestly, I work with the same lot of folks. Muttering under breath.
Leave. As you say, the take home isn't worth your mental health and amen to going out with a bang. Blow that f*cking bridge up, I say. Sorry, bit triggered I guess. Back to you.
Dust for hubbo getting the job that pays. Both for him and to give you more options.
Who misconstrues kindness like that and has the audacity to be vocal in their idiocy?
See?! I hear more and I want to...anger-inside-out-walking-hhrzjjmu7i37uafz.gif

Yes, get away from there. You don't want it and you don't need it. None of this is worth the indigestion. Time to beat feet.
Ugh, there is something seriously wrong with that manager's head, making such an accusation.
I think you are doing well to leave.
@Begonia right because anytime males and females are talking that must mean more apparently, we can’t have talking for talking sake! Thanks for the support and I loved your “blow the f*cking bridge up” I am doubtful anything will change but at least the scumbag will know he finally met his match. He clearly has an issue with women, there are things he has said to my co-workers that no man with any amount of decency or respect for women would ever say.

@pearlsngems thank you for the support, I am baffled but not surprised, the whole store is just a cauldron of toxicity.
@Calliecake, so true, if there is one thing for sure I’m not a quitter, I’ve stuck it out with this place for way too long. I’m giving my notice Thursday and DH interviews for this new job tomorrow. These are exciting times.

The friendship with this much younger guy although unconventional has been mutually beneficial. He gets the wisdom of someone 25 years older than him and I get the younger perspective and insight from someone of our older son’s generation. I have to say that I am so glad I’m Gen X!