
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I forgot to watch for your commercial but I did have Marty go watch it on YouTube. I keep hoping they’ll believe me at work and send me packing. I’ll take my bears and they can pack up all my TONS of crap and send it to me in a taxi. I bet Marty would like green curry. Curry is one of his favorites. I liked your collection of personal stuff at work. I have a lot of pictures, Snoopy stuff, magnets, a few teddy bears and way too many pens, pencils and markers. Tell CB happy belated birthday. Marty’s is in a few weeks and I have NOTHING planned either. I think he’ll be in D.C. that week anyway. Hope your dinner plans go well.

I must say I am delighted 5 pm Friday finally arrived. I was pretty busy at work so the day zipped by. Marty decided to go to Verizon to see about getting the new iPhone. He went about 10:30 and there were quite a few people in the store but for some reason he was “next”. He got his new phone, increased our data plan and our plan will cost us $10 less a month. Good deal. Only in Wyoming can you get the new iPhone without camping out overnight, huh?

I am still debating getting the new mini. I use my mini at work and bring it home on the weekend. I use my regular iPad at home. Marty thinks I’m crazy (in general) to have 2 iPads. I just don’t want to carry one around every day.

We met for lunch and then had grilled cheese for supper. We will probably have a quiet weekend. Marty has tee times both days this weekend and I need to go buy some new shoes.

Have a great weekend.

Sunday evening there will be a total lunar eclipse. We plan on watching it from our deck. Check it out if it’s clear.

Marcy / Curby
Happy Sunday Kids!

I hope you got to see the eclipse. It is pretty good here. My DSLR had 2 dead batteries but I got this with a point and shoot. Not great but it'll do.

We had a nice lazy weekend. Marty washed my car inside and out. SWEET.

Have a great week!

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, great pic of the moon! We were sitting on the veranda and tried to see it but there was some cloud cover, plus being in the city we never see things too clearly anyway given all the extra lighting.

This weekend flew by! (I feel like I say that every Monday, ha!) We went to a huge flea market on Saturday and then went to an art festival. There was a guy taking advantage of the art festival who had a garage sale and I bought yet another rug. It is a 5 x 7 silk and I paid about 1/10 of it's value. I took it right to the rug store to get cleaned and the guy said it was a really good silk piece. I also picked up my Turkish prayer rug, which looks AWESOME! Can't wait to hang it! Then we went to dinner with friends.

On Sunday we did some shopping, took a nap, helped a friend out with something at their house, had a late lunch, then took another nap. Last night we just sat outside with some of our neighbors and went to bed early.

Today is the CB's birthday and we're going to dinner with his mom, daughter, brothers, sisters, etc. Man, the Irish love to get a big group together and drink!

Over the weekend my office was moved down one floor so I'm settling in today. The IT guy has already been here twice and I'm afraid he's going to have to come back... good thing they like me!
Happy Tuesday kids!

The wind is blowing like mad today and my new office, which is on a corner, is really creaking. I know the building is *supposed* to move, ergo the creaking, but I hope I get used to it soon because this sound is really disconcerting, ha!

Last night dinner was OK (not great), but the important part was that the CB had a good time with his family. Tonight is our next-to-last Spanish class. Ole!
Happy Wednesday kids!

I'm sad to say I think fall is definitely here... I had to go back in the house and grab a scarf this morning for my walk to work. Damn.

Last night we successfully resisted stopping for pizza on the way to our class and I just ate the other half of my lunch around 4:30. Not sure how much better that was since it came from Habanero Grille, but I'm going to pretend it was a step up! This morning I have a painter working on fixing my wall so I can hang the rug up this weekend. My rug for under the bed is also ready to be picked up and I'll get to get that tonight or tomorrow. Woo hoo -- so close to being done!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I bet it was difficult to see the darkened moon with a lot of lights around you. I remember being at the observatory in Denver one time and I said something like "what time does it get dark down here?" and they looked at me weird and of course I know better; the sun has been set for a while it's just light pollution. How wonderful you found such a deal on a silk rug at the flea market. Did it come with fleas? Sorry, I couldn't resist. Dinner with CB's family sounds like a typical dinner with the family. Glad it was okay. I don't like moving and creaking buildings. Yes, fall is definitely here. Darn it. Yay for resisting pizza. I bet you are excited to almost being done with your place. I told Marty to watch for the Grub Hub commerical.

So where have I been this week? Good question. Tuesday I worked about an hour past normal, we ran out of supper when I got home and then got paged while we were eating. I ended up working until about 10:45. At that point in time I didn't know if what I was doing was right. Wednesday we tried again to do our date night then shopping and started with a fast food restaurant then spent way too much time and money at Sams Club. I stocked up on those domestic necessities like TP, paper towels, soap, napkins, cereal, etc. We bought a new shredder, I picked up a few new sweaters and we stopped and had a shake on the way home. When we got home I had to find places to stick all of those paper towels, TP and napkins. My last house was so small I couldn't buy in quantity. Tonight we are having supper with friends and then play a few games. It's been a really busy week.

Take care and those of you in or near the hurricane stay safe and warm.

Marcy / Curby
Hi Kids!

Rod, I hope you are feeling better and took it easy this weekend.

Deegee, how are you doing? Are you getting a lot of rain?

Dee Jay, we saw the Grub Hub commercial yesterday. Sweet.

We had a busy weekend. Marty is heading out of town again this week. We went to a wedding and reception yesterday; it was nice. The girl who cleans for us married one of Marty's golf buddies son so we knew both the bride and groom. I would say there were about 200 people there. Her extended family (cousins, aunts, etc.) cooked supper for all of the guests. It was pretty good. They had assorted fillings for tortillas, tamales, chicken and fresh fruit. Those poor ladies were worn out by the time dinner was through.

Today we went grocery shopping but not much else. Both of us are reading and watching football.

It was pretty chilly and wet here this weekend. I was eating Advil frequently. Getting old isn't for sissies.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, the wedding sounds nice but cooking for 200 people! No wonder those poor ladies were worn out at the end! And LOL on the commercial; a bunch of people have sent me messages lately about seeing it during football games or Saturday Night Live.

This weekend was a blur... On Saturday the CB and I walked over to an art fair with one of our neighbors. It was pretty much a bust. There weren't many participants and those that did participate as far as we could tell just put a sticker on the door about he art fair but didn't do anything else. Oh well, it was about a five mile walk altogether so a little exercise is always a good thing. Yesterday I went to the Container Store and got some stackable plastic file drawers to replace the crumbling plastic boxes that I've been hauling around for the past 11 yeas with my real estate client files, taxes, etc. It took me All Damn Day to clear out the old boxes and replace them with the new ones. I do have about 8" of paper I can shred, but I'm really not going to get much more in the new boxes (I probably have the equivalent of one empty box spread throughout the drawers, maybe less) so I don't know what I'm going to do in the longer term. Sooooooo much paper...

The CB made meatloaf and scalloped potatoes for dinner while I was deep in the closet yesterday. It was fabulous!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I know cooking for 200 people would be a lot of work. They were getting nervous at the end of the line (we were among them) of running out of food. I think they might have because they didn't have much left when we went through. You had a busy weekend. The walk to the art fair sounds nice. Is it chilly and wet there too? Maybe it's coming your way. I bet you enjoyed getting some nice containers to move your documents in to for storage and CB's dinner sounds deliicious. I've been considering the same menu for the weekend as well.

The flooding in SC is awful!

Marty is headed to DC this week and Albuquerque next week. He went down and registered his new truck today and paid for plates. I am glad he went so I don't have to go. His temporary plates expire while he is gone next week.

My aches and pains are better today. The wet weather is easing up here.

Have a great day!
Marcy / Curby
Curby, I forgot to say that the way I positioned the file boxes (which are now all connected together) in my closet I can't get to the stuff way back in the triangular area deep under the stairs. Not a big deal... usually... but I remembered this morning there is something back there I meant to get out in the process and it totally slipped my mind. So now the poor CB is going to have to move at least one tower of files to get this thing out. Oops!
Hi! I've been missing lately. I have been recovering from yet another concussion, which involves resting and using my noggin as little as possible. I have also been slightly immobile due to plantar fasciitis in both feet for the past three weeks. Marcy-I'm thinking you have this? I'm probably wrong as I have had one too many whacks to my head and things are getting scrambled around in there! So that's what I have been up to...resting and keeping my feet propped up with ice on my heels. Fun! I did join weight watchers online and I'm doing really well so far. Mostly because my feet hurt too much to get up for snacks. Hey, there's a positive for sore feet!

I will go catch up on previous posts. Marcy-I wanted to say that I love your new band with your ering. Is it the same size as the one the jeweler destroyed when resizing? (Please tell me that's you...if not, my brain is even more scrambled than I thought.) Are you happy with the new band? It looks like it's a great size.

I'm off to read. Goodnight!
Hey Everyone,

Sorry for being MIA. For the past week, I've been sick. It started with a nasty stomach thing, followed by one of the worst colds I've had in a long long time. I was barely able to get up and get myself to work, and only made a couple hours once I go there. I slept almost all weekend and am feeling semi-human again.

Deegee, I'm sorry to hear about your health issues.

Marcy, thanks for thinking about me. Hows the birthday gift shopping coming along?

DeeJay, I had to laugh when you said you were in the closet! I'm sure you can guess why?! LOL

My new car came in last week. I can't get it until Charlie's car arrives, which will be sometime in the next week or two. I did get to sit in it and it's simply BEAUTIFUL!

I'm sure I've missed someone or something, but since I'm just now rejoining civilization, this is the best I can do.........
Well hellllllllllo Deegee and Rod!

Deegee, what on earth did you do to yourself, you poor thing! About the PF, the CB and I both had a bout last summer (the CB MUCH worse that I) and we got SofSoles inserts and they make ALL the difference in the world. The CB actually went to the podiatrist to get custom orthotics made and the doc said that the SofSoles are what people use who don't go the custom route, and the results are just as good. So, long story short, if you aren't using orthotics already maybe try those? They come in a low, neutral and high arch version and you can order them off Amazon so you don't even have to leave your house to get them. Be careful when ordering though because they come in men's and women's sizes and the CB accidentally got the women's size one time.

Rod, I bet you are just bursting to get your new car! It must be torture, knowing it's there and you can't have it yet. Argh! As for being in the closet, yeah, well, you know what I mean! ;-) I have often made the comment that the only thing that keeps me from being a lesbian is that women are So Damn Much Trouble. Well that, and the fact that I like men. But women really ARE a lot of trouble. And I can say that because I am one -- ha!
Hi Kids!

Deegee, I am so sorry to hear you have a concussion. Again! Did you fall? Being laid up with PF doesn’t sound like fun either. You poor thing. Big hugs coming your way. Yes, my new band from WF is very similar in size to the band that was sized down so far they ruined it. I do really like the new band but funny thing - I’ve been wearing my 5 pointer band most of the time again. I do wear all 4 bands but now the thicker bands are my favorite. I guess it’s all an excuse to buy new jewelry. Glad to hear WW online is working well for you. Keep resting and get better!

Rod, I am glad you got in a lot of sleep this weekend and are feeling slightly better. You’ve had a rough few weeks. How cool you got to set in your new car; I am sure it’s very pretty. I am anxious to see pictures. Get better! So far no news on the Snoopy watch. I guess they made 1097 of them (seems right) and the lady we’ve bought from in Denver is looking for one. I did find a Tom Everhart image in a desk clock on Amazon and bought it tonight. It won’t get here until next week but I can tell Marty I’ve got something coming for him. To him his birthday is just Wednesday.

Dee Jay, poor CB - moving a tower of files will require skill and muscles - that would be my luck too having something I need that I can’t get to anymore. Rats. I will look in to SofSoles. I used Good Feet inserts for several years but they just don’t cut it for me anymore.

Marty made it to D.C. Poor guy won’t get to bed until about 12:30 to 1 am and has a meeting at 8 am in the morning.

I spent 30 minutes on the phone with our phone / internet provider tonight. They’ve been bought out 3 times and the new provider finally (after a year plus) has readable voicemail that is emailed to you. I signed up for it on our home phone and Marty’s office phone and it doesn’t work. I start getting calls and postcards - about did you make changes to your account online? So I call in tonight and they want the serial number off my butt before they’ll talk to me. Okay it’s off the router downstairs and the code on my bill neither of which I am going to go hunt down so they log in to my account and can’t see anything. After 15 minutes of that crap they tell me I am logging in to an old provider so go here, do this, blah blah blah and guess what - it takes me right back to where I’ve been logging in and where I signed up for the email notices for our voicemail. Argh! That was a waste of my time.

Marty apparently changed our password to Amazon so A) I can’t shop on Amazon - good thing he doesn’t know my password to Whiteflash and B) books won’t sync up across my devices because the password on my iPads is wrong. I told him nice he told me these things. I tried every password I can think of and can’t get in so they probably locked the account. I created a new account to buy the clock tonight.

I am yawning. I’d best get ready for bed.

Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I used to use Good Feet but like the SofSoles SOOOOOO much better! It will take a little while to get used to because I feel like the arch is a bit different, but the SolSoles have a little more cushion, which I really like. They don't last forever (and what does in this life?!) and the CB replaces his every six months or so. I have three or four pairs that I rotate so I don't need to replace mine as often... but I do... ha!

Last night the CB didn't feel too great so we hung out on the couches (translation: fell asleep on the couches and then had to drag ourselves to bed, which I HATE!). I woke up around 3 am to pee, ended up sending a long email to my client in response to one they had sent me while I was snoozing away on the couch earlier, and didn't sleep too well beyond that until the time I got up.

I'm also slightly freaked out because I've convinced myself I'm either (a) going blind, (b) have a brain tumor, or (c) something else equally as terrible yet to be determined. Twice in the past few months I've had a sharp (but super short lived -- like one second) pain behind my left eye and then for several days afterward the whole eye is tender if you close your eyelid and press a little, and it also kind of feels like when you wake up and your eye is a little crusty, but there is nothing there. All I can say is DON'T GOOGLE SH!T LIKE THIS! You will be scared WITLESS!!! Anyway, I have an appointment at an ophthalmologist on Friday. I haven't told anyone (not even the CB), except for my admin because she was around when I was making the appointment. The irony is, at 45, I don't even need reading glasses, and I've never even had my eyes checked -- ever. Ugh.

Today I have to go home at lunch and meet the owner of the company where the guy screwed up the fixing of my wall. I can't wait to get this truly fixed so I can hang up my rug, put my bed back, and get ON with my life! (And BTW, talk about first world problems!)
Happy Wednesday kids!

Last night the CB and I went to a casual Italian place for dinner and I had some so-so lasagna. We won't be rushing back there any time soon.

When I left this morning there were three painters busily sanding my bedroom wall.... again... fingers crossed!

So I've revised my self-diagnosis to a thyroid condition, LOL. I'm sure the doc's first words are going to be Step Away From The Computer!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thanks for the recommendation for SofSoles. I got new New Balance today; they seem big but now I can wear thicker socks for the winter. I hate to hear about your shooting pain and tender eye; that doesn't sound good. I do the self diagnosis online and agree it’s probably not a smart thing to do. You can imagine yourself in to all sorts of illnesses and diseases. Good luck at the ophthalmologist on Friday. Wow I can’t believe you’ve never had your eyes checked. I got glasses in second grade and needed them long before then. My mom told me when I put glasses on for the first time I was excited and said “I can see across the street”. I hope you get your bedroom put back together soon. That reminds me is that contractor faithfully paying you back?

Well I had an exciting morning. Our security alarm went off at 4:30 am. Nothing like a screaming alarm to scare the crud out of you PLUS worrying someone broke in to your house. So I pick up the house phone and open our bedroom door and say “what the hell is going on out there?” I see and hear nothing. So I walk through our bathroom and closet to get to the security box and see it says “rear deck door” so I come through to the living room and can clearly see the back door is not open and no one is there so I turned off the alarm. I call the 800 number who was semi helpful until I didn’t understand her question about my pass code - once I said I don’t know what that is she won’t talk to me anymore. So I start going through our manuals and find our contract that lists the pass code is the code we use to disarm the system. D’oh! So I call back and all she really tells me is to call my provider today to get the sensor fixed. I checked the entire house myself, looked out the window, the gate wasn’t open and I am sure if someone ran they wouldn’t close the gate - but to be fair they could jump over the fence. Marty was not happy with me that I didn’t stay in the bedroom until they called me and walked me through things. Needless to say I didn’t go back to sleep. I stayed home and impatiently waited for a call back from the security system. I ended up having to go in to work today to clean off my desk because they are making me my double wide cube in the morning. I at least made chocolate chip cookies today; a friend of mine brought me lunch so I made some cookies for us. I at least sent a lot of them with her.

Have a great Thursday.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, that's crazy (and scary!) about the alarm! I'm glad it wasn't anything, but I think you should get a dog. A big mean take-no-prisoners sort of dog. Would you like me to ship The Demon by Fed Ex or UPS?!

So the doc said there's nothing wrong with me (woo hoo!) and it it's likely just sinus pressure behind my eye. If I really was dying I was going to be at the Porsche dealer this afternoon buying a new 911, but since I'm gonna live I just stopped at Nordstrom and got a couple of cashmere sweaters, ha ha!

Off to do some showings. One of my listings that I put on last week is getting some activity, but the other one hasn't had a single showing request. Ugh. I fear that one's going to languish (for all the reasons I told the client before we even went on the market, most importantly price) until Thanksgiving and then I'll put it off the market and relist after the Superbowl. There's no guarantee it will sell then either, but at least the market is more active at that time.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am sure Marty would be surprised if Demon greeted him at the door. :lol: I am delighted to hear you are going to live. I wondered if you were having sinus problems; I enjoy those annoyances more than I’d care to – stupid sinuses. I am glad you treated yourself to some new sweaters from Nordstrom but you should get another 911 as well. Good luck with your listings.

I didn’t sleep worth a darn last night – thinking and worrying about the alarm. I feel like it’s 2 am right now. The security guy came by tonight and replaced that sensor and changed the batteries in our motion detectors.

I didn’t have much to cook for supper so I microwaved one of those little microwave packages of bacon and made toast – my lettuce was nasty and I didn’t have tomatoes so I guess that made it a BT. I had one cookie for dessert.

I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. Woo hoo!

Hi Kids!

Marty got home about 7:30 last night. He’s napping on the deck right now.

Marty thinks my brakes are vibrating. Oh oh. I swear I haven't hit a curb. Sounds like I'll be making a visit to the Audi dealer.

We went out for breakfast, replaced the batteries in our smart keys and have been lazy every since. I finished a book and Marty cooked us burgers on the grill for lunch.

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, yes indeed, I'm sure Marty WOULD be surprised to be greeted by The Demon a the door -- ha!

Last weekend the CB and I went up to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. We stayed at the same B&B I've been at for the past 18 out of 19 years for Octoberfest weekend and the weather was just perfect. On Saturday we did a little shopping at the "downtown" sidewalk sale and then we got this year's giant pumpkin -- another 300 pounder! -- for my pumpkin carving party on Saturday. Sunday we went to a place that sells furniture and rugs and artsy stuff that the owner buys around the world direct from the people who make it, so they get more money that if they went through a middle man. I keep trying and trying and trying to buy a different rug for under the bed... but it's just not happening. We hung the Turkish prayer rug above the bed when we got home yesterday and it looks great, and really the rug under the bed now isn't bad at all, so maybe I should just give up on this search... The house is a real disaster at this point and needs a big dusting and mopping, but that certainly didn't happen last night!
This year's pumpkin!

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I think Demon is a bit more active and loud than the Killer Rabbits or Teddy Bears. It would be good for Marty to be shocked like that. You had a fun and busy weekend. I am glad to hear you like the rug on your wall. That is some pumpkin. I hope you post pictures after it gets carved. Very cool!

Marty is in Albuquerque this week. The weather here is amazingly nice for October; makes me worry about Mother Nature getting even with us sooner or later.

I am down to 4 more days of my problem employee. I am so excited.

I am trying to find an EC garnet ring. I have one that is EW but I have decided I don’t like that style anymore. The EC is pretty elongated so I don’t think I’d like it remounted in something else. I have some EC garnet studs and pendant and keep wanting to wear them but I don’t like the ring. That would be one of the cheapest pieces of jewelry I’ve bought in a while.

Marty goes out of town and Marcy goes shopping online. It works for me.

Deegee, I hope you are doing a lot better with your concussion.

Rod, have you got over your crud yet?

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, yes The Demon moves pretty fast, and he's smart too, which has proven to be a problem on more than one occasion, LOL.

Last night I did a showing at one of my client's listings and I'm really hopeful we may get a offer. Of course you never know, but fingers crossed on this one!

I'm still struggling with a rug to put under the bed (not to be confused with the rug I have hanging OVER he bed -- HA!). Curby, I'm not sure if you remember but last Christmas-ish we traded emails about one I was looking at on ebay. Well it's still listed... It's the same price (which is obviously more than I'm willing to pay or else I would have just bought the damn thing then, right? But I'm tempted to try the "make an offer" feature and see what happens. The listing is up for another 10 days or so so I probably wouldn't do that until around day 9. If you (or anyone) have any good advice on this process let me know!

Today for lunch I'm having left over meat and cheese from our appetizer reception we had here yesterday afternoon. I'm avoiding the crackers through so maybe I'll slip in a little chocolate mouse cup latter... :cheeky:
Happy Wednesday kids!

Last night I did another showing at my client's house, but no offers yet... I should have cleaned the house up a bit when I got home but I was far too tired. Got into bed and cruised ebay for an hour and fell right asleep.

Today it's a bit nippy out -- 48 for my walk to work!
Oh, Curby, I forgot to answer your question about the contractor paying me back. YES! Every month he makes his payment just like clockwork. Yesterday he called and said he set up a separate account at a local bank so he can transfer the money to me electronically and not have to meet me in person. Fine with me! So far one of the contractors is completely paid off and two others are in the process. But then I still have to find a way to track down the others and I have no idea how I'm going to do that... This is just the renovation that keeps on giving... Ugh!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I bet I could get Demon to keep those killer rabbits in line. Ha! I’ll cross my fingers for you that one of your listings gets an offer. I think it’s a great idea to make an offer on that rug that is listed on ebay. They can no more than say no. Hopefully our warm weather is moving your way. We were in the 70’s here again today. Sadly it is going to get chilly as over the next few days. I am delighted to hear that guy is paying you monthly payments. I had visions of you showing up in that “mustang” some day. Even better that he pays you electronically so you don’t have to deal with him in person.

I went out to supper both last night and tonight with some girl friends. It was fun. I ate too much but stopped at one drink; I was driving after all.

I am down to 2 more days left of my “favorite” employee. Woo hoo!!!

Of course at this point in time any day that doesn’t start with my security alarm doesn’t go off at 4:30 am is a GREAT day.

Have a great Thursday.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I FINALLY got a showing request on the second listing I put up a few weeks ago! The other one though, even though I've had showings, keeps coming up the bridesmaid and never the bride. Oh well, something will pop eventually.

I came into my office today to work on a big project and I also need to run a few errands here in the loop, not the least of which is to pick up my diamond studs from the jeweler because one of them was loose in the setting, which I noticed on Sunday, and since they are in three prong martinis if anything happens to that loose prong I'm minus a diamond. Not a conversation I want to have with the insurance company... again...!
Happy Thursday!

Dee Jay, good luck with the second showing. Hopefully someone will become interested in your bridesmaid listing too. That's a good thing you noticed your diamond was coming loose in your studs. I need to get my rings and earrings checked soon. Thanks for the reminder. I bet it's not fun explaining losing a diamond to an insurance company. Do you insure them with your regular insurance policies or through something like Jeweler's Mutual? I have my ering insured with them.

1 more day of my favorite employee. :appl: :appl: :appl:

I had my monthly supervisor class at our local college today so I worked until 9:30; went to school and got home about 4 pm. I baked myself a potato for supper. Marty wouldn't be amused with that for supper but it sounded good to me. I had a plate of raw veggies with it and then some slow churned ice cream.

Have a great Friday!

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I have a separate personal articles policy with Travelers (I've also got my homeowners', auto and personal umbrella with them). It's a bit pricey, but on the occasions where I've made a claim they did pay out without much hassle. That being said, I got a measly $5,000 from my homeowners' policy when the whole place flooded, so I'm less than in love with them over that...

Last night I spent a little time cleaning up the house (although you would never know it to look at the place!). Today I'm in my office for a bit and then I'm going to do that showing. I also got another showing request on Sunday for the other listing that's getting a fair amount of activity. And tomorrow of course is the Giant Pumpkin Carving In My Parking Lot!!! The CB and I went to Costco last night for chips and dips and other snacky stuff and I ordered subs from this local place a couple of blocks from me. Frankly, I probably got WAY too much food, but that's better than not enough. And one of my neighbors is bringing a TV down and we're going to live stream the Cubs game in the parking lot for all the fans in the crowd, LOL.