
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids,

Deegee, well tell Matt if he seems some tall guy taking pictures with a Killer Rabbit it’s got to be Marty. Wouldn’t that be funny as heck? I have considered quitting more and more frequently. I worry I’d be really bored though. I could find another job with less hours and no employees. I hope the do come through with your raise but it’s hard to say these days. I hope things work out the way you want them to in the long run. How are you doing with the concussion? Congratulations on losing 2 pounds per week. That is awesome!

Dee Jay, the Killer Rabbit does get to see the sights. We are not heading to Arizona for Thanksgiving. I wish we were because I’d love to meet you and CB for lunch again. Maybe we’ll be going down next year. I was looking at Foot Smart online and see they sell Sof Soles. I think I’ll try some. CB made one of Marty’s favorite dishes for you last night. Sounds great. I hope you had a nice time catching up with an old friend tonight.

One of my cousins and his wife had triplets yesterday; 2 boys and a girl. She carried them 33 weeks so they are doing well. The boys are 4 pounds and the girl is 3.4 pounds. They flew them to the Children’s Hospital in Denver. A new generation to carry on my dad’s family name and also yesterday was my mom’s birthday. She would have been very excited.

It was raining pretty hard when I came home from work today. It is supposed to start snowing later tonight. Boo!

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Hey...........Work was just awful today. Nothing, I mean nothing went right. I even had a client call the wrong candidate for an interview after speaking with this candidate a week ago and rejecting him. Agggggghhhhhhh.

I am enjoying the new car a lot. I was cleaning the rear windshield and I noticed three teeny tiny chips in the glass. I called my dealer and they asked me to bring it over during my lunch break. They took one look and immediately ordered a replacement windshield. They said it would take a week or so for it come in, but I just didn't think it was right that a brand new car, and one this expensive should have come with a chipped rear windshield. I'm glad they agreed with me.

The first car we ordered for Charlie arrived at the dealership today. Charlie's going to at least go look at it tomorrow. The GLC isn't supposed to released now until November 21st.

Marcy. Snow?? I imagine that doesn't excite you, but since we had the hottest day ever for November today, at 92 degrees, some cooler weather would certain be welcome down here right now.
Happy Thursday kids!

Marcy, TRIPLETS??? Woah! That's A LOT of babies... all at one time!

Rod, Ugh... I'm sorry it was such a lousy day. As for your windshield, you paid for a brand new perfect car you should have a brand new perfect car!

Last night the CB and I had leftovers and sat outside for a bit because it was 70 degrees and we figure that isn't going to last much longer! This morning I woke up when the CB went to work but I fell back asleep... until the appliance people called me at 7:30 to tell me they'll be here this morning to replace my wine fridge...which has been sitting here unplugged since July. Keep in mind that fridge was the replacement for the original fridge that was just installed last November. What a PITA.

I should be cleaning right now... the floors are in desperate need of a good mopping!
Happy Friday kids!

This morning I SPRANG out of bed, put on some thumpin' music and got at it! My next chore involves dusting the top of the ductwork (don't worry, I've got a long pole, I won' be up on a ladder, ha ha!) and I'm finally going to get around to mopping the floor. I also have a ton of errands to run and a showing at one of my listings mid-day. Lookout world, here I come! :cheeky:
Hi Kids!

Rod, sorry work was so awful for you this week. Hopefully next week will be much better. I am glad they are going to replace your chipped windshield on your new car. Did Charlie come home with the car he ordered or are you waiting for the new car? I am sure either will be wonderful. 92 in November? Wow! That is warm.

Dee Jay, can you imagine taking care of 3 babies at once? I can handle some teddy bears but even 2 rabbits are more than I can take care of at one time. Did you get your wine frig replaced? Marty eyeballs them frequently but so far we haven’t bought one. You started the day with a vengeance! I need to dust off my vents around here; good idea. I hope your showing went well.

Marty got home about 8:30 last night. I have a 4-day weekend so kind of slept in this morning. I had a dentist appointment at 10 then planned on going to lunch with Marty and going grocery shopping. WRONG! I ended up heating us up leftovers that were in the freezer then went shopping by myself. Marty had to “work” like he works from home. Ha!

My sister in law is here for the weekend. She is a lot like Marty so it’ll be nice to have her visit us. We are having some friends over tomorrow night for pot luck and game night.

Have a great weekend.
Marcy / Curby

P.S. I did hit a curb today yes at the post office mailing some things. :naughty:
Marcy, I went with Charlie during my lunch break and saw the car. We both really liked it. Of course we should as we optioned with about $18K in upgrades, so it's really luxe'd out. But no, we didn't get it as we're going to wait for the other car to come in later this month before we make a final decision. The other car would have already arrived, but thanks to VW and the fact they lied about emissions on all their diesel cars (it was just announced this week, it now includes Audi and Porsche as well), the EPA has been testing the GLC to an almost ridiculous level, delaying the release of these cars substantially. We likely won't have whichever of the two cars until Thanksgiving week now at the earliest.

Oh, and it was like the 5th day this week, we've broken 90 degrees. It's just wrong to have temperatures this hot in November. Fall has simply decided to skip Florida this year. Grrrrrrrrr.
Hi Kids!

Rod, either way Charlie will have a new car soon. :appl: Glad to hear you are enjoying warm weather for me. I can still see snow around here on roofs and shady areas. More of that 4 letter s word is in the forecast Tuesday.

We watched movies last night. I watched Pitch Perfect 2 because I heard it was pretty spot on about millennials. It was rather amusing.

Today we are busy making stuff for a party tonight. I guess there will be 11 of us for food and fun. We thought we'd do something while Marty's sister was here.

I got my garnet ring. It's pretty enough. I have an EW EC garnet ring but don't like the style anymore. Since I have a bracelet, pendant and earrings to match I wanted another ring I'd wear. Too funny it came with a little teddy bear which Marty found and said the rabbits got more snack food.

Have a great weekend.


Marcy, the ring is BEAUTIFUL! Wear it in the greatest of health and happiness!

The 4 letter word starting with S???? Won't you just send some cooler air our way? I'm not asking for much. But these 90+ degree days have to end.

We had dinner with my brother and SIL. I haven't said anything here, but he's been very ill over the last 4 weeks. He almost died after a simple procedure introduced ecoli bacteria into his blood and then after he got out of the hospital and came back to Tampa, he got a serious UTI. So serious he had to be hospitalized again and now he's required to stay home and a nurse comes every night to give an antibiotic drip directly into his heart. He was OK during dinner, but after the medicine was administered he said he wasn't feeling well.
Hi Kids!

Thank you Rod. This color of garnet reminds me of red wine. We are getting snow and wind starting tomorrow evening; I’ll gladly send some your way. I am glad your brother is recovering but it sounds like he is very lucky to be home already. That is very scary. How long will he need injections in to this heart? Hugs to all of you.

We had a nice but busy weekend. We did end up with 11 at the party. We had enough food to feed 30 people but there was a wide variety and plenty to eat. Everyone went home about 11. We were in the man cave and I thought most people had come upstairs already so I was asking my SIL and Marty to carry up glasses and dishes for me but everyone pitched in and everything up upstairs in no time. Sweet. I always have to stay up and clean up and do the dishes. There isn’t much I hate worse than dried up food or booze on dishes and a mess to clean up in the morning.

I got to bed about 1 that night so slept in yesterday. We didn’t eat much since we had so much to eat the night before. We ended up ordering in some pizza and my SIL left about 3.

I had today off as well. I caught up on some TV on our DVR, we went to lunch and the grocery store then were planning on going to see Spectre but Marty didn’t come up in time for the late matinee so I said we’d go this weekend.

Have a great evening and Tuesday.

Marcy / Curby
Happy Wednesday kids!

Rod, I'm so glad to hear your brother is doing better!!! And I know you aren't enjoying the super hot weather, but if you could spare just about 10 degrees we'd sure take it up this way!

Curby, I have learned my lesson and I stay up and clean the mess after parties now too. I remember one year after my x-mas party going to bed and the next morning getting half way down the stairs, looking at the absolute disaster in my living room, turning right around and going back to bed for a couple more hours because I just couldn't face it!

Last night we got pasta and homemade sauce from this little Italian grocery store by my house. It was surprisingly disappointing so tonight we're going to doctor up the leftovers with some other sauce that the CB bought and hope that it improves. I left at noon yesterday to go to the community association meeting and was home by thee. The CB was also home early because he had a walk though downtown at two so there was no point on going back to his office in the 'burbs. We ate dinner and were sitting around twiddling our thumbs by 6:15, LOL. I did some more x-mas shopping on line with the goal of going it into as few physical stores as humanly possible this year!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am with you. I can't face cleaning up a mess in the morning. Did doctoring up your sauce make the pasta better? There is a place in Fort Collins that has the best tasting sauce. I always get spaghetti when we go there. Isn't if funny how you look forward to getting home early then it makes the night seem so long? Good idea to do your Christmas shopping online. I do not want to go shopping on Black Friday. There isn't anything I want that bad.

I got up way early today and got on the road by 7:05. The roads were icy but we didn't get much snow. It was mostly melted by the time I came home.

I am going to be trained to do some schedules for my boss's department. I am rather nervous about it but I will enjoy learning something new.

We did window food for supper. My cook forgot to start our supper. Like he was "working" or something.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, how ridiculous that Marty was "working" and didn't make dinner! The CB is very good about not "working" too late so he's always got something on the table when I get home. He's very well trained!

This morning it was pretty icy out. I wore my light down coat with the hood to try to save my hair from the wind, but I'm not sure it really worked... Last night we had a crazy storm! The CB and I were outside and saw a bolt of lightening hit the Sears Tower that send sparks flying that we could see a mile and a half away! A tree in the grassy area in front of my building either blew down or was struck by lightening, not sure which, so I had to call the property manager about that this morning. I decided to come to work today because I might take an extra day off next week, and I'm not coming in at all the week of Thanksgiving.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, we are lucky our guys cook supper for us; we’ll keep them anyway. It sounds like our winter-like weather moved your way. That would have been scary and cool to see lightning strike the Sears tower. Hopefully it didn’t hurt anything. Our old house got hit by lightning. It was about 2 am; the lightning hit our utility pole then traveled to the house. Every light and piece of electronics in the house turned on. I screamed like a little girl. It sure fried a lot of things in the house. I am starting to regret not making plans to go to Arizona for Thanksgiving. Maybe next year so we can meet for lunch or dinner again.

Today was my last supervisor class at the local community college. I zipped through my reports before 9:30, gave part of a presentation to 3 other departments from 10 - 11, picked up a sandwich at Subway and made it to class before 11:30. We got out of class about 2:45 so I stopped for gas on the way home and have been working on laundry.

My chef Marty cooked a delicious dinner. He made homemade BBQ sauce then baked ribs in the oven all afternoon. He made cole slaw and picked up soft buns at the store and made honey butter for them. I ate so much I had to take an alka seltzer.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

Hi Kids!

I had a busy and lazy weekend. We went to see Spectre yesterday at a matinee time. Holy cow, the price of movies have gone up a lot in a year. We bought a date pack popcorn and 2 sodas. They handed Marty a cup so large I couldn’t put my hand around it so I quickly asked for a small size drink for me. We didn’t eat 1/2 of the popcorn. I think going with 2 small popcorns and soda would have been a smarter call but how can you pass up your husband saying “let’s get the date pack”?

Marty played golf both days this weekend. Not bad for the middle of November.

I had Marty pick up take out from Olive garden on his way home from the golf course. I swear they gave us enough salad to feed 10 people.

I got my Thanksgiving cards ready to send to family, a card to send a friend of mine and a donation to our local medical center. They do a remembrance tree that you can fill out a cardboard dove with a note and they hang it on a big tree at the mall. I send in one in memory of my parents.

Have a great evening and Monday.

Marcy / Curby
I am such a blonde. I am working on planning things for the family Christmas and saw something in a catalog about “crackers” that you pull open and get little racing reindeer. The picture has 2 tubes and 2 reindeer so I ordered 3 of them. It came to $110 with shipping. Marty is like “what?”. The description says it comes with 6 crackers so I basically ordered 18 of those little suckers. Oh well, I can give some to our friend’s kids and my grownup nieces and nephews can enjoy them as well. Too funny.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, LOL on the blonde moment. My friend that's now in NY and I bought a package of those cracker things about five years ago and we always remember them some time mid-January. Why on earth we can't put them in the box with the x-mas paper or something like that so we would actually see them before the holiday is beyond me...

So on Friday I did some x-mas shopping "reconnaissance"... which turned out to be a mistake in some instances. The stores were completely empty and I went around to all the place I generally shop to see what they had so I could make a list and do the actual shopping on Saturday. Well come Saturday morning at 10 am every store in Chicago was an utter mob scene and I sorely regretted no just buying the damn stuff the day before. I also made a trip to Costco yesterday on my way home from my open house and got what I thought was all the kids' gifts I needed... and then I remembered my brother's kids this morning. Duh! So I'll be going back... Other than that though I'm really pretty much done. I've also done a good job this year to getting rid of a bunch of stuff that I've been stockpiling from previous years; i.e., "Oh, that's so cute! I think I'll buy 10 of them!" And then the years roll by and they just get moved in and out of the giant tub of extra gifts and put back away. No more! I'm am determined to offload a bunch of this stuff this year if it kills me! I won't be able to get rid of all of it, but I'm definitely going to make a dent.

I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving already. Curby, it's not too late! You can still book a ticket! :cheeky:
Happy Tuesday kids!

Last night I did a showing at one of my listings, stopped at Costco and got the remaining gifts for the kids, and did some searches for a new client that was referred to me yesterday (the son of someone I used to work with at a financial firm back in the early 90s). The CB and I had rotisserie chicken for dinner and some scalloped potatoes that we got frozen at Costco. They were actually pretty good!

Today I am continuing the training program that I need to finish by the end of the year... one-on-one, a different employee every hour on the hour all day long... Ack!
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I do the same thing - I pick up gifts to use "later" and then they never get used. At least we are thinking of people right? I am glad you have so much of your shopping done already. We don't exchange many gifts anymore. My family is going to do a white elephant exchange this year. My in-laws get a check, and we have gag gifts for some friends. Marty got them a Gordon Ramsey cookbook in Romanian. They gave us a "hand" onetime a beatup, chipped wooden hand so Marty is going to paint them a 4 x 4 foot picture of it. I hate to see what they'll get us to get even. It is definitely not too late to get a ticket to Arizona but I finally gave in and told my sister and niece we'd be in Denver for Thanksgiving. I think I'd get way too bummed out to stay home that day. Chicken and scalloped potatoes sound great. Your training program sounds interesting. I told my boss yesterday I have decided my employees are performing at the best they ever will and I guess mediocre is better than training brand new people. They are doing better without the pooh stirrer but they either don't have the skill, mindset or desire to excel.

Our snow storm / blizzard brought wind, some snow and lots of ice. Marty had to be to DIA by 9 for an 11 am flight. He left here at 6 am. It was bad to the state line then dry until he took the toll road to the airport. His flight was delayed, he got on another flight but will miss his connecting flight. Poor guy will probably get to bed about 1 to 2 am tomorrow morning Florida time. Long day for him.

Since I was awake mostly from 3:15 (thanks to Marty's chirping phone or iPad) I came to work about 30 minutes early to avoid the traffic. It was very icy around town but the sun has been out so it should be fine going home tonight.

I have to work on my astronomy program tonight. I have notes printed out but need to practice. Now that I don't teach all the time I can't recite that stuff in my sleep.

Have a great day.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I used to train every single new rep that came through a certain bank affiliated broker dealer training program in a three state territory. If you put that manual in my hand right now I swear I could still do the session without blinking an eye! "I am Dee Jay and it is my job to help you do your job within the bounds of the Federal Securities Laws, exchange mandates, and the firm's policies and procedures..."!!! As for spending on x-mas... I always go into November thinking I'm in pretty good shape, and then I rack up another $2,000-$3,000 in gift charges. WTF?

Last night the CB picked me up and we went to one of my listings to do a showing, and then we stopped for dinner at a BBQ place that someone told me last week was great. Well, it was OK, but definitely not great by any means. We certainly ate it though, ha ha!

Today I continue down the training path and I've got a showing at a different listing tonight. Tomorrow the appliance people are coming to "diagnose" what's wrong with the latest wine fridge. No matter what I set it at the temperature is 48 degrees. While I'm waiting for all that to happen I'm going to get the x-mas wrapping, etc., out and get started on that process. Oh how I love to wrap gifts!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I can easily believe you could go through that training session in your sleep. I bet you were a fun trainer. Christmas shopping is fun so it’s easy to spend more than you intend. When Marty and I used to buy gifts for all of our families I did the same thing. I’d shop all year long then get in the holiday shopping spirit in December and buy more. I used to keep a spreadsheet tracking how much I spent then decided I don’t think I want to know. I sent my in-laws a check. I usually buy my employees gift cards. We swap gifts with a few friends and that’s about it. My family is doing an white elephant exchange this year. I better keep an eye on what Marty is doing for that; he’ll wrap up one of my bears. I hope they get your wine frig fixed. Did I tell you I found some water damage in our den? We call the roofer on Monday but he was too busy to come out. He was supposed to call me this week but I haven’t heard from him yet.

We had wind gusts here today over 80 mph. I saw online there was quite a bit damage in town from it. I decided not to put our trashcan out because it was so bad. We had a short but intense snow storm about 3 today; you couldn’t see across the street because of the wind. My yard and front porch are sheets of ice. Didn’t I say that Mother Nature was going to get even with us for a nice fall?

Marty on the other hand had supper at a restaurant on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale.

Off to work on my astronomy presentation for Friday.

Happy Thursday kid!

Curby, it was crazy windy here yesterday too. I walked to work (which proved to be a mistake, but by the time I decided that I was in to deep to do anything about it! I could feel my office building moving all day and these big metal decorative things on the corners kept clanking in the wind. Ah, the joy of living in Chicago!

Last night I got all the wrapping, boxes, etc., out and my house is sheer X-mas pandemonium right now... Ack. I'm sure when the guy gets here to look at he wine fridge he's going to be appalled at the condition of the place... Frankly *I* am kind of appalled myself, ha ha, but this is one of those tasks that has to get worse before it gets better!
Just to give you a sense of what's going on here... and you can't even see the disaster going on on and around the dining room table on the other side of the room!

Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I love to wrap Christmas gifts. If I lived there I would come help and bring libations with me. I used to stick jingle bells in all my gifts. My nieces apparently saved them all; my sister said when she cleaned out their rooms she found tons of them. It sounds like life in the Windy city is much like life in Windy Wyoming. I will have to post the picture we have in front of our weather bureau here you’ll like it. I love when the windy moves the building. We have a horrible whistle at our old house - it was either the front door or one of the down spouts. When Marty was working from home there people would ask him “what is that noise?”

My house cleaner is pregnant; I feel bad having a pregnant lady do my housework. She said her sister, cousin or aunt have agreed to take over cleaning our house for her when she decides she should quit for a while.

Marty will be home tomorrow. At least he won’t have to deal with snow or ice in Florida. He said he is in a really wealthily area. They have multi million dollar homes, with yacht parking. Their yachts are larger than our house. Maybe we’ll move there after we win the lotto.

Today was my dad’s birthday. My mom’s was a few weeks ago. I watched Wheel of Fortune for my dad tonight. It was his favorite show - he called it Vanna.

Have a great evening and Friday. I am being a slacker and not going to work tomorrow.

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, when I worked in the Sears Tower the building would sway so badly that water would slosh out of toilets! I understand *why* buildings are designed to flex (better than the other option, which is cracking in half!) but it's still disconcerting to me when I can actually feel it!

Last night the CB brought home fried chicken... and chocolate cake... rut ro!

I'm still on my wrapping mission. I ordered ten Waterford ornaments online that still haven't arrived (Fed Ex say by end of day tomorrow) but beyond that I should be pretty much done by tonight. I hesitate to put all the wrapping stuff away though because something always pops up later and then I've go to dig it back out.

Right now I'm eating frozen meal by Amy's, which I would a four pack of (2 of 2 different kind) at Costco. The one I had yesterday was so bad I'm going to throw the second one of that version out. This one is marginally better... but not by much!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I remember you said that about the Sears tower. I would imagine some people kind of get motion sickness from that. My SIL worked at a building in Seattle that was about 100 stories or something silly like that. I don't remember the number for sure but it seemed massive to me. They had to take 2 elevators to get up to her floor. She said she could feel motion there. Ooh Waterford ornaments sound pretty. I ordered a Lenox Teddy Bear ornament. I couldn't resist. I will avoid picking up any Amy's frozen meals. Marty eats Jimmy Dean breakfast entrees quite a bit but we generally don't buy many frozen entrees. I used to eat quite a few Lean Cuisine but I swear they have chicken broth in every stinking on of them; I always get sick like I just ate chicken.

I had a very lazy day. I slept in until 8 and decided against running errands due to the snow and wind and ice. Marty got home about 3:30. Getting in to our neighborhood was so bad he had to use 4WD. He never complains about the roads and said they were horrid. We had our astronomy meeting tonight but decided to cancel since it was so icy.

I made homemade soup and corn bread for supper. We rented Man From Uncle tonight. It was okay not great.

Have a great weekend. Stay safe and warm.
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, when I was in the Sears Tower I had to take a escalator to an elevator to another elevator... and I was only on 51!

So yesterday I wrapped the rest of the gifts (with the exception of one thing that hasn't arrived yet), but that was pretty much my major accomplishment. The CB made short ribs with potatoes, onions and carrots in the crockpot, which was marvelous. While we were eating one of the neighbors texted me that a key was broken off in the lock to the pedestrian gate so I emailed the property manager and put up a note telling people to go through the mail room, which is the same key. We went to be early but I woke up about 5:30 this morning to pee and checked my phone (which is a BAD habit that I need to get out of!) and there were several messages from other people who were locked out during the night. Apparently there is no broken key, the lock is just frozen solid, as is the lock for the mail room, even though I was able to get in that way several hours before. And the icing on the cake is that the intercom buttons were frozen too, so people couldn't even call their cell phones and buzz themselves in. Needless to say I got up, threw on some clothes and went and checked the intercom and all the locks (yep, frozen solid!) and put up a new different note along with propping the pedestrian gate open with an orange cone. When I came back in side the CB (who slept through everything but my reentry to the condo, was like, Um, WTF is going on? So I explained the whole thing and then he went out and got some deicer and got all the locks working. Did I mention this all happened at 5:30 in the damn morning? I'm a little tired right now, but we have to go to a Christening for the neighbors' baby. That's a whole different trauma/drama -- I ordered a piggy bank from Tiffany's that was supposed to be delivered by Friday. Well as of last night at 5:30 nothing had come so I called the store and they had no record of my order at all, however I could see the charge on my credit card. I had to bolt over there when they opened today at noon to get the bank, and let me tell you, Michigan Avenue is A ROYAL TOURIST MESS right now. Happy Holidays... ho ho fvcking ho!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, you and CB got up quite early today. That was very nice of CB to go get some deicer that early and get everything working at your building again. They'll never remove you as president if you give everyone good service like that. You must have had wet and blowing snow. Sounds familiar. My car window freezes shut like that and I have to roll down my window to use a badge that opens the gate at work. It's always fun. I am glad ou were able to get another piggy bank from Tiffany's but what a hassle. When are you heading south? My FB had a picture from a year ago of a Killer Rabbit and my little bear "Snacks" on the dash of our rental car heading to my SIL's house. You know the SUV we used to hit that lady in California while we were eating lunch with you and CB in Mesa. :lol:

We got to the grocery store a little after 9. They were definitely busy. I made cheesecake for Thanksgiving this afternoon but made little ones in muffin size. I got 20 which works well because I would say that is about how many pieces of cheesecake my full cheesecake should be cut in; otherwise it is a lot of cheesecake. They are supposed to set up in the frig for 3 to 4 hours but that means we can't try one until after 8 pm today. I think we'll try one after 7. The few I couldn't get in my container are "samples" right?

Marty made himself chicken Marsala for lunch / dinner and made me a burger. We both had baked potatoes and some veggies.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Take care.
Dee Jay, are you close to the place that had the fire on the 20th floor? What was scary!
Hey all!

I keep apologizing for going MIA, but it really has been so busy lately. Not much to report, but I'll give it a shot:

    • Brother is doing much better - YAY!
      The new car is terrific, though they did have to replace the rear windshield (there were 3 little nics in the glass and the right rear bumper had a paint defect they fixed nicely. Otherwise the car is just great.
      Charlies new car is still vacationing at the port in Georgia, with no delivery date yet. We did get to see one in person, and it's going to be great.
      Work: It's simply a bear, but I'm doing well.
      Kittens: Are getting so big. Emi is just a love. Eri is simply an odd duck. Her newest passion is swatting all the water out of their water bowl.
      Weather: We're finally getting a dose of cool. Tomorrows high is supposed to be in the mid-60's. Given we've had high 80s and even 90s, this will be a nice break. I'll be able to wear a long sleeve shirt to work tomorrow. Woo Hoo
      We're having Thanksgiving dinner at my brothers house. I'm cooking though as they're not exactly great cooks.
Otherwise, we're both good and I hope you're all looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving with those who mean the most to you.
Hi Kids! Happy Monday.

Rod, I am relieved to hear your brother is doing much better. I was concerned. I am delighted you are enjoying your new car and Charlie's car will be in your possession soon. Put some big red bows on them, huh? I am with you in work being a bear. I am still very happy to be rid of my #1 PITA. I am sure Emi and Eri are cat sized by now. Too funny they have such different personalities. 60 degrees? I'd be thrilled! Enjoy your cooler weather. Thanksgiving sounds like a nice time.

I returned to work today and since we are going through a week every day this short week it was a busy day. My boss is on vacation and I guess was supposed to ask me to attend some of his meetings. He never relayed that info to me so my old boss went to the meetings today. I don't mind either way.

We had some cherry pie filling and whipped cream on our little muffin cheesecakes tonight. :lickout: It's going to be a brawl tomorrow night who gets the one more that is left. Ha!

Have a great week.
Marcy / Curby