
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I am glad you are mostly good with Traveler’s. I looked in to having my ering insured with our homeowner’s policy but I wasn’t entirely convinced I’d get to “pick” a replacement diamond if I lost this one. I had great luck with Nationwide on both our old house and my parent’s house. We are with Farmer’s in our new house. That policy has a 1% value of your home as the deductible to replace the roof. That will be painful if we need a new roof some day but most insurance companies are doing that here now because of so many claims for hail damage. I’ve had Progressive for our auto insurance for about 15 years now. They have been good; now if Marty would quit getting speeding tickets. Did any of your showings result in an offer? How was the pumpkin carving yesterday?

We’ve had a quiet weekend. Marty got home late Friday. I went to our astronomy meeting, did laundry and went grocery shopping. I ran in to a friend of mine at the grocery store and she was saying she hates that weekly chore too so we decided we should meet for some mimosas then go shopping together. Ha!

Marty is playing golf and I have potatoes baking in the oven. Marty can grill us some steaks when he gets home.

Have a great week!
Marcy / Curby
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, no offers yet on either property... but hope springs eternal! The pumpkin carving went well, but the sports fans in the crowd had a definite influence on the outcome of the carving (as you can see in the picture!).

We did a good job of cleaning up on Saturday night (although the floor still needs to be mopped, which isn't helped by the fact that I broke the plastic thingy where the mop head attaches to the handle... ) and yesterday I did a showing at one of the listings and just lazed around. Not a very productive day!

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, your pumpkin turned out fabulous and how cute to add a cubs hat. I hope you get an offer soon. I imagine the housing market gets slow about now until the spring. Rats that your mop broke, I need to replace my swiffer, it’s broke too. That keeps us from frivolous things like cleaning our floors.

I enjoyed my first day without my old problem employee only get be crushed in my 3 pm meeting with my team leader. Now mind you she tends to exaggerate but she says 2 ladies in there are constantly complaining, being negative, saying they are treated like they are in first grade, they aren’t appreciated, they can’t do anything right, they hate me, etc. I know there is a ring leader in there who is full of the drama du jour. Since it’s “hearsay” I can’t really confront them but it’s just another issue or problem to face. I swear once you get more than 3 employees they won’t get along. As Dee Jay once told me people are generally micromanaged out of necessity. The joys of being a boss.

Marty is home for the week. Sweet.

We had cheese tortellini for supper, salad and toasted bread. Mm. I eat better when Marty is home.

Have a great week.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, there's always a drama queen in every workplace! If you heard the stories the CB tells about his office it would curl your toes!

Yesterday I was pretty good on the food front... until I powered down three glasses of wine... and three peanut butter cups to go with them... Oops!

It was crazy windy here yesterday and one of my clients called to say the wind ripped my metal For Sale sign down off their fence, so I have to go up tonight and reattach it. It's the listing that's right by Wrigley and the Cubs play tonight so I can only imagine what a cluster that's going to be, but I have to get it back up because I'm heading to NY of Thurs and the Cubs play tomorrow night too. Damn.

I made huge progress on my project yesterday, so that's good! Not on to Part II...
Dee Jay, you are so right about Drama Queens are everywhere. I am sure I could identify with the many assorted stories CB can tell about work. People, huh? Have you tried the white chocolate PB cups? If you haven't don't; I love them. I wanted some wine tonight but forgot to open the bottle. Too late now. Did you recover your sign okay? Crazy wind! Sounds like Wyoming. Yay for moving on to Part II of your big project. Have fun in NY. Are you going to the Diamond District?

Not much going on here. It is getting chilly and we got some rain. I saw quite a bit of very cool lightning coming home. That white 4 letter word snow is predicted above 10,000 feet. Noooooooo!

Marty made crispy baked potatoes, squash and London broil for supper. Mm.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I refuse to hear the S word come out of your mouth until at least mid-November! It's supposed to be 76 here today!!!

Last night I ran around like a mad woman, picking up my best friend from work, going up to Wrigleyville (literally two blocks from the ball park during the Cubs game!) to remount the sign on my client's fence that blew down in the crazy wind on Monday, stopped at another listing to refill the box with the fliers mounted on that fence, dropping off my car, and then going to dinner. Our service was super slow and we didn't get done until well after 10 o'clock. I couldn't even tell you the last time I ate that late. Ugh.

And this morning I have been up since 4 am for no good reason... I did get up early and clean up a little, and also do two loads of laundry, so I guess that's OK.

Tomorrow I go to NY!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I don’t know if I can be S free until mid-November. The rain is so cold it gets right to your bones. I hate it when restaurants are that slow. I usually drink too much waiting for my meal. I hate to eat that late. Getting up at 4 am? That does not sound fun. Have fun in NY!

We had a nice time last night meeting some friends for dinner. Then we stopped and had a few drinks at the golf course to get our name in the drawing (3 for $500).

It was extremely foggy here this morning. Marty said he felt like a big ship was going to come out of the fog; I said that sounds like a scary movie. It rained a lot today as well. I bet we’d have over a foot of the S word on the ground if it was colder. I am really glad it’s not cold enough to freeze; it would be solid ice out there.

Hurray for tomorrow being Friday.

Take care.
Happy Sunday!

Dee Jay, are you having fun in NYC? I sure hope so!

Deegee, how are you feeling? I worry about your concussion.

Rod, Marty got an Apple watch yesterday. He likes it.

We had a busy weekend. Yesterday while shopping for groceries at about 11 am Marty says he wants to go look at an Apple watch. We didn't get on the road until after 12 but it was a lovely day to go to Denver. I swear EVERYONE was on the roads and in the stores; it was worse than Christmas shopping. We finally ate at Wendy's on the way down because all the restaurants we picked were crazy busy. We got to the mall about 2:45 and didn't leave until after 6 with at least 1/2 of that time waiting our turn at the Apple store. I actually didn't buy a darn thing. I had Tiffany's clean my band. They wouldn't clean my ering since it wasn't from them but agreed to check my prongs for me. However the lady helping me kept picking up my ering by the diamond. Really? You'd think someone working at Tiffany's would know better than that! Those dozens of tiny sparkle lights in the ceiling of Tiffany's really made my rings come to life. I browsed their display cases but didn't try anything on while I was there. I tried on fat or bypass solitaire rings at John Atenncio and almost bought a new Tumi handbag but decided to pass on that as well. I was considering a 4th gen iPad mini for work but the clincher on that was it wouldn't fit my current Tumi case so I said no thanks. Now I have more money for sapphires. Sweet.

Today we met my sister and her family for dinner about 50 miles away. It was a nice outing. My nephews 2 older boys are definitely teenagers now. They sat through the entire dinner with their headphones on and texting. The younger boy is way too interested in life and not missing anything. He kept the conversation going with the rest of us.

Have a great week.
Marcy / Curby
Hey Everyone.......Sorry for being MIA lately. Life's just been so busy and my brother been's seriously ill. We almost lost him (long story) but it looks like he's going to make it. So, I've been a bit preoccupied of late.

Charlie and I and the kittens (who are not looking much like kittens these days) are doing fine. Work has been a bear, with lot's of pressure and long hours, but I'm doing fine. The weather has finally gotten less hot. Not cool, but certainly the mid-90s heat we had from late May to just about a week ago, has gone away.

We still don't have our new cars. We have to wait for Charlie's car to arrive, which is now on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean from Germany and is supposed to hit the port this coming Thursday. Once it get's through what they call the VPC (Vehicle Processing Center) it's just a 5 hour truck trip to Tampa. We're hoping to get both cars the first week in November. As someone born without the patience gene, knowing my car has been here for almost a month now, has tested the little patience I have to begin with.

I do see everyone's posts and again, my apologies for not checking in as often. I hope you are all well and healthy.

Oh and Marcy, I'm glad to see Marty got the Apple Watch. I had thought I'd ask for one for Christmas, but then (and maybe don't tell Marty this) I read in an Apple Insider article not too long ago, that the next generation Apple Watch is going to include a Facetime camera. I think I'll wait for the 2n generation before I get one.

Hope you all had a nice weekend and the upcoming week is terrific!
Hi Kids!

Rod, I hate to hear about your brother. I hope he is getting better and stronger every day. That is scary you almost lost him. Life can sure change in an instant. Hugs to all of you. I bet the kitties are now cats but I know you are still enjoying them. I am not feeling bad for it cooling off there but then again I can't complain because that nasty 4 letter word snow remains elusive here so far. Ssh don't tell Mother Nature I said that. That is too bad work has been a bear lately, I feel like my day was spent talking to a brick wall. It pays the bills for us though, right? I can't wait to see your new cars and I am sure you are pretty anxious yourself. Marty did ask the guy at Apple if he knew when the next version of the Apple watch was coming out but of course they don't know. I am sure if the new version has something he really wants he'll end up getting it. Those things are a lot cheaper than his other watches. I can inherit his old one but I know I wouldn't wear it more than for a week. I am just not a watch person - something you and Marty don't understand, right?

All weekend when it was clear I never got up at about 5 to see the planets Mars, Venus and Jupiter all clustered together in the sky. So I get up this morning and it's CLOUDY. Rats. I'll try tomorrow. Sadly we started the day with chilly rain but it was near 60 when I came home.

Marty made soft shell tacos for supper. I ate 2 and I am still full. I was hungry though and usually eat 2 hard shell tacos. Bad idea I guess.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Marcy / Curby

P.S. I did manage to get through the drive up at the post office today without any curbing incident. :appl:
Hi Kids!

It's windy and chilly today but still pretty nice for late October. I made Marty buy me lunch today. :bigsmile: I did run over a curb but couldn't see any thing "new" on my wheels or tires. Ssh. Don't tell on me.

Have a great day.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, my trip out east was good but I was happy to come back yesterday! I helped my friend a lot, but it wore me out. We ate and drank and ate and drank but I somehow only came home 2 lbs heavier so I was glad to see that on the scale this morning.

Rod, I can't believe you still don't have the cars! The patience gene in my family was lost many generations ago so I know exactly how you feel!

I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning, probably because I was away from around 3 to 5... WTF. I had a crazy vivid dreams too. Hopefully tonight will be more restful!

I've got a TON of work to do. Strangely enough I'm kind of looking forward to it. I always feel a perverse sense of accomplishment when I make a large To Do list and then get to cross stuff off, ha ha.

The CB's niece is getting married on Friday. I thought the ceremony was a 6 pm but it's actually at 3 and the reception is at 6. Huh? Who gets married at 3 in the afternoon on a Friday?! Oh well, it is what it is. I think I'll bring my dress and change here and have the CB just pick me up and we can go straight to the Church. The good news is the reception is about a mile from my house so we can drop the car off and Uber it over there.
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I am glad you were able to help your friend get a lot done on your visit. Doesn't it wear you out to have vivid dreams? I hope you sleep better tonight. It does feel great to cross off completed items on a big list. I hope you got a lot accomplished already. We've been to quite a few Friday weddings; from what I understand a lot of places are cheaper to rent on off days. Sometimes the places are just so hard to get in you pick an alternate day. Have a great time at the wedding.

We were busy again at work today. My new employee seems to be doing great and everyone is helping train her so I am optimistic things will continue to go well.

Marty and I went out for supper. There is a sports bar near us that makes great little pizza. They aren't greasy at all so we each had a little pizza and have lunch for tomorrow now.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I have been to several Friday weddings lately and the prices must be better. You can't blame a young couple of trying to save a buck, especially when the outcome is the same!

Last night the CB made these awesome chicken breasts stuffed with cheese, spinach and sun dried tomatoes. It was delicious, and we have left overs for tonight.

Once again I was wide awake in the middle of the night, this time fueled by the infuriating email I got from the roofing contractor who now can't make it back to the building until end of November/beginning of December. He was certainly available to pick up his big fat down payment check when it was ready though -- ARGH.
Rod – I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. How scary! Is this the one that just recently got married? I don’t know how you’ve waited knowing your car is ready. I wouldn’t have been able to go see it and then leave the lot without it! Yours is the C class, right? I saw where they are redesigning the GLK to make it less boxy, renaming it GLC and it is based on the C-class sedan. That might be more what I’m looking for.

Marcy-So which band do you wear the most? I know my thinner bands look letter with my ring, but I like my channel band so much. I guess the solution is to get a bigger center diamond in my ering, huh? Glad to hear your problem employee is no longer your problem, but now you have to deal with drama queens. It’s always something! Is Marty still traveling a lot? Matt is on a project where he’ll have to travel to Virginia every other week. It’s not far, but it’s still every other week away from home.

Dee*Jay-I hope you had a fabulous time in New York. I work with 2 people who commute to WV from Manhattan every 2 weeks. I’m sure we’re a real culture shock for them! I remember now that you had PF. Good grief, you walk everywhere! How did you manage?

I’ve had so much going on lately with work and mom and everything… I’m about to lose it. I’ve had some short-term memory and vision issues from my concussion, but those seem to be clearing up. The headaches are still pretty intense though. This is my 4th documented concussion, so it’s taking a little longer to recover. I actually did crack at work, and told both the director and deputy director that I will quit at the end of the year if I don’t get a raise. They actually took me seriously (In 15 years, I’ve never given an ultimatum) and requested one for me, but it has to be approved by the governor so I’m not holding my breath. I have been trying not to work more than 45 hours a week lately because I’m absolutely exhausted and burned out. Wow – I’m seriously a Debbie Downer! Sorry about that. On the bright side, I’m doing well on Weight Watchers and am back down a size. And tomorrow is Friday!!!! Have a wonderful day!
Hey, another quick flyby.......

Good news for my brother. He's finished the medicine and the doctor let him and my SIL fly back here yesterday. He's very tired, but he wanted to come back to Tampa to recuperate. I'm looking forward to giving him a HUGE hug when we get together this weekend.

Work continues to be a bear, but it is what it is.

DeeJay, yes, it's amazing how vendors will show up to get a check, but then disappear soon after.

Hi Marcy, I think I remember reading you curbed another wheel? Sorry to hear that.

Deegee, yes mine is a C300 Sport. And yes, they have discontinued the GLK and it's being replaced by the GLC. The GLC won't be out until November/December. We actually went with the GLA Sport 4Matic, fully optioned. The GLA is their smaller SUV, which should be a perfect size for Charlie. It finally arrived at the port today and now it has to go through the VPC (Vehicle Processing Center), then it gets trucked to Tampa. The VPC is about 5 hours from here. They say this process can take anywhere from 5 days to two weeks, so we still don't know when we'll be picking up the cars.

I hope everyone's doing well and I'll check in again very soon. Promise!
Hi Kids! The gang’s all here.

Dee Jay, I don’t blame couples for trying to save money on weddings. They cost a fortune anymore. CB’s chicken dish sounds delicious. It figures the contractor has time to pick up his deposit but can’t work on the building / roof until later. You know when it’s cold and windy and they’ll have to postpone the work until well later. Grr.

Deegee, I can’t say I like one band better than the other. I think the channel set band I have like yours is my favorite for sparkle. I like the Etoile best for comfort because it’s a really hefty band. I think getting a larger diamond to go with the larger band sounds very reasonable to me. I think once you get more than 2 employees you are always going to have problems; just some are worse to deal with than others. I think Marty will be going to DC a lot with one of his current projects. Glad to hear Virginia isn’t far for Matt to travel but that is too bad he is gone every other week. I hate to hear you are still trying to recover from your concussion and I hate to hear it’s your 4th one. You certainly have had a lot to deal with this year you deserve to crack! Vent away here. I am glad you asked for a raise and if they are smart they will give it to you. I think 45 hours a week is plenty. Take it easy! Congratulations for doing so well on WW. Sweet.

Rod, I am glad your brother is on the road to recovery and gets to come back home to recuperate. I hate to hear work is a bear for you. I’ll be looking forward to new car pictures. I bet you and Charlie are excited.

I must be commiserating with Dee Jay because I woke up at 4 and couldn’t go back to sleep. My right knee is talking to me a lot and loudly. Grr. I tried to do some quad stretches last night which I think made it worse. That first step is scary then I can walk.

I was really busy at work so the day zipped by and woo hoo tomorrow is Friday.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Happy Friday kids!

Deegee, Hello!!!!! Your fourth concussions... Yikes. And you SERIOUSLY deserve a raise! My PF is doing well since I've been religious about using the Sofsoles inserts and I really don't have any of that pain now. I do occasionally get a bit overzealous and end up with some knee pain, but I am pretty good at managing that too, so overall I'm OK.

Rod, I'm glad to hear your brother is doing better. Hopefully the vehicle people will be fast and efficient about processing Charlie's car and you'll be zipping around town sooner rather than later!

Curby, last night we had the leftover chicken with green beans... but as a *surprise* the CB also bought a little mini chocolate cake at the deli for dessert. Of course I had to eat some of it just because he went to the trouble of getting it.

I'm only in the office for a little while today and then I have to head home to get ready for the wedding. I'm glad it's today because it's sunny and warm(er) but tomorrow is going to be crappy so it's nice they got the better day.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, of course you have to eat some chocolate cake that the CB picked up for you. How was the wedding?

We had a busy weekend. Marty went out with the guys Friday night so I was the DD. They were ready to go home about midnight. While I was home Friday night waiting to hear from them I made up our club newsletter and started working on a program for our November meeting. Yesterday I did laundry and washed all of our bedding. Today I am finishing laundry and cleaning the bedding in one of our guest rooms. Marty’s sister will be here for 3 days this weekend.

We ate out yesterday and I made homemade soup for lunch today.

Marty throws his rolled up socks at my bears all the time. I always try to throw them back and hit a rabbit but I usually miss. Well yesterday I hit one squarely on the face and it fell off the couch. So for the next few hours I heard how I killed his rabbit. He finally “shocked” it back to life with his iPad cord. So it’s been staring at me all day since I killed it yesterday. What a drama king I am married to, huh?

At work on Friday I came back from lunch and found my 2 works bears shoved in a plastic pumpkin. My employees said they stole the pumpkin from them to eat the candy and got stuck in there looking for more candy.

Poor teddies!

Take care,
Hey everyone.........I hope you had a good weekend. Mine had an unusual (but good) turn. Friday afternoon, the manager of the Mercedes (who takes really good care of us after all these years) called and asked if I'd come in on Saturday and pick up my car. This was not the way he had originally wanted this to happen. But people kept seeing my car (which was optioned nice than any of the others in its class) and people kept trying to buy it or say they'd wait until they had one in as nice.

And it turns out it's unlikely the car we ordered for Charlie is going to be the deal we hoped, so we're going up to a brand new model called the GLC that will be released in the next couple weeks. They have one with the color and options we'd want and it's already made just waiting at the port for them to be trucked to their dealers.

So here are a couple pics of the new car:

Very nice looking car Rod. I am sure you'll find Charlie a nice GLC in a few weeks. Enjoy running your sweet ride up and down some beach road. Very cool. :appl:
Thanks Marcy! Actually, Charlie's new GLC is already made and sitting in Brunswick, GA. Because the GLC is a completely new model (it replaces the GLK) Mercedes is holding literally thousands of them at what are called Vehicle Processing Centers around the country and they won't release them. The guess is they're hoping to get rid of more GLK's before they release the GLC. Now, we just wait till Mercedes releases them. And when that will be is only known by them.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, LOL on the work bears inside the pumpkin. Did you get any trick-or-treaters?

Rod, that's one good looking car! And poor Charlie having to wait even more...

The wedding on Friday was good and the reception was really lovely. Even the food was nice because the event space is owned by one of Chicago's premier steakhouses. Saturday it was rainy and miserable. I showed one of my listings, got a new vehicle sticker (in Chicago they make you buy a sticker for your car; it's yet another big money grab here... ), and we went to dinner at a friend's house. I wore my tiger striped pajamas. Yesterday I did an open house at another one of my listings and we went out with another friend to our favorite Italian place. Today the diet is back on in full force, ha ha!
Hi Kids!

Rod, that is kind of crazy they are just holding those cars instead of getting them out there to sell. You are probably right they are trying to clear the other vehicles first. Are you loving your new car so far?

Dee Jay, we had about 40 trick or treaters. I turned our porch light off at 8. We were getting older kids by then and lots of drive bys dropping their kids off; there is actually 3 houses in a row here now and we all had our porch lights on. Now I have to get rid of the rest of our candy. If my cleaning lady doesn’t want my giant bag of candy I’ll drop it off at the Hospice down the road from us. I bet dinner was delicious at the wedding since it was at one of the premier steakhouses there. That’s great you wore tiger striped pajamas. Sweet. Are the car stickers pricey? Is that in addition to license plates? We pay taxes on the value of the car that then goes down every year but my car and the new truck both start at about $1200. At least it’s something I can list on my taxes.

I have had a runny nose all day and been sneezing. Rats. I think I’m getting a cold.

Work was busy. I had a meeting with my boss and he said I am doing a good job and he kept asking me if I am doing okay. I think he is still concerned I’ll quit. His best employee on his team is leaving on the 20th so he is pretty stressed.

That white 4-letter word is in our forecast for Wednesday and Thursday. Boo.

Marty should be landing in DC any time now. He will be home Thursday night. His sister is coming to visit us this weekend. We invited some friends over for game night Saturday.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

Marcy / Curby
Marcy, I'm really enjoying the car a lot. It's filled with so much tech though. And even though I'm a techie at heart, it's a lot to learn. A lot! Charlie's car will eventually find its way here. Hard to know it's just 4.5 hours from us and there's nothing we can do to see it.

I'm sorry you've got the sniffles. I've had a cough all day and think I'm also catching a slight cold. Chicken noodle soup. That's what we need!

Going to bed now. Hope you get some rest and feel better.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, the city sticker is about a hundred bucks and it is in addition to the plate registration sticker (which I think is also about a hundred bucks a year). When I was in Kansas City I was slapped with the miserable reality of paying a luxury tax (I think they called it something else, but that's essentially what it was) on my cars. For my 2004 SUV it wasn't too bad for but Billy Ray it was quite a bit of $$$!

Rod, the tech in cars now is amazing! I swear you practically need a degree in computer engineering to drive the thing and god forbid you want to use your navigation system or program your garage door opener into the thing!

I was really good with food yesterday... but there was some wine there at the end! It was pretty nice so my neighbors and I sat out on the veranda and had cocktails, but it did cool off around 8:30 and that drove us inside.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, since Wyoming doesn't have any state taxes they collect some money on property taxes. Billy Ray was worth that luxury tax in Kansas. :bigsmile: New cars certainly almost need an engineering and IT degree to operate. But they are fun toys. Your evening with the neighbors sounds great. It does cool off quickly at night now. Yes, that 4 letter "S" word is still in the forecast for tomorrow night.

Rod, I am delighted you are enjoying your car. I have forgot more about what my car does than I remember. Every time I have to figure something out I dig out the owners manual. At least the time gets set by GPS so I don't have to figure that out anymore. I will go find a picture of what Charlie's car will look like. I hope you feel better and the sniffles have gone away. Have some chicken soup for me.

Busy day for me at work. My team has messed up a ton of updates this week so that kept me busy. My cleaning lady came today so I'll have a clean house until Thursday night. Sure I miss Marty but there won't be any shoes to trip over, socks to pick up, dirty dishes in the sink, crumbs on the floor or the counters.

I bought a mini personal pizza for supper so have the other half for lunch tomorrow. I gave my cleaning lady my unopened bag of Halloween candy. I decided I'd best not give away what's left in the bowl before asking Marty what he wants. Luckily most of it I don't like except those darned PB cups.

Have a great evening and Wednesday.
Marcy / Curby
Marty and Killer seeing the sights

Rod-beautiful car!!! Enjoy it! Too bad about Charlie's wait though. I have zero patience and that would drive me up a wall. We stopped by the Lexus dealer over the weekend, and they had 17-2015 RX350's on the lot, but not a single redesigned 2016 version. They're holding them somewhere until they sell some of those 2015's, I bet. I haven't seen a GLC in person, only pics. I can't wait for them to start showing up!

Marcy- Matt is only about 2.5 hours away from DC. It sounds like he's going to be spending quite a lot of time there in the next few months. Boo! Killer rabbit sure gets around. I hope your cold never materialized. Have you thought about quitting work? I have been letting it be known that I may not be there past December 31. Plus I have enough vacation days and comp time that I could work only one more week and take the rest of the year off and not be back at all. That sounds pretty darn good! I'll wait to see what happens with the governor signing off on my raise, but I'm not hanging in forever.

Dee*Jay- I bought some super beautiful Danskos clogs for my PF. So stylin' that I have been wearing longer paints to hide my feet. I have since bought a few pairs of Dansko boots which look so much better than the clogs. They do seem to be helping, but it's taking for freaking ever! And I budget every night (weight watcher points) for wine. Sometimes my wine points equal or exceed my food points for the day.

Today was busy with meetings pretty much non-stop all day. I worked 11 hours yesterday and 10 today, so there goes my plan to work less. I got on the scale over the weekend and am tickled that I have lost weight at a rate of 2 pounds per week, without being able to exercise because of my bashed noggin and my achy feet. Yay! I've got to get to bed...early meeting in the morning. Have a wonderful day!
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, the killer rabbit is getting quite the tour! And saving half of a personal pizza for the next day... wow sister, hats off to you! For me the first half of a pizza is like an appetizer to the second half, ha ha! BTW, are you going to Phoenix this year for T-giving?

Deegee, I never tried Dansko but I know lots of people love them. I'm sorry it's taking so long though! When I started using the Sofsoles I was "better" in a few days (or maybe it was a week) and the CB had the same fast reaction. I hope the Gov approves your raise!!!

Last night the CB made chicken tikka masala. I had a bit more bread than I should have because it was so good sopping up the sauce, but I was pretty good otherwise yesterday. Tonight I'm going to dinner with an old friend of mine so who knows what that will bring, LOL.