
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Friday kids!

Curby, rut ro for office politics. I hate stuff like that and *try* to avoid it, but sometimes you get sucked in no matter how hard you run in the other direction. And I think any day that three bosses in a row show up at your cube is a good day to ask for a raise!!!

Last night the CB and I went to the local police beat meeting. It was about six police, three other residents, and us. Not very exciting, and frankly I know more about what's going on in this community than they do based on the conversation we had, but I am going to make a point of going to these meetings so they become familiar with me in case I ever need them for anything related to the community association for which I'm on the board

This morning I have to drive out to the 'burbs, pick up my client, come back into the city and do a walk-through, go to his closing, and then either take him back to his new property to back to the 'burbs (yet to be determined). Forget being a realtor, lately I feel like an uber driver!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, rut ro is right about office politics. I needed some more seat covers today. Marty said I need to just ask what are you feeling so guilty about? I like your idea of asking for a raise.

Great idea to go to the Police Beat meeting. It doesn’t hurt to get to know some of your local policemen.

You had a busy day for sure being a Uber realtor. Yay for having a closing though.

We had bone-in ribeye steaks for supper. They were quite tasty. We ordered them from Kansas City Steaks. I didn’t eat many of the veggies Marty cooked with the steaks; I wanted every ounce of that steak I could get. I am pretty full.

Marty went to the range this afternoon. It was high 60’s here today. I was going to get the sunshine flu at lunch but I didn’t.

Have a great weekend.

Take care.
Hi Kids!

It's a lovely day in the neighborhood. Marty went to a Sketch in the Park Groupon today. Only he and the organizer showed up but he had fun.

We went out for lunch after he got home then he worked on the drawers for our cupboard and I did some things around the house and made cookies for a birthday party at work.

We had popcorn for supper. Seems like I've been in the kitchen most of the day.

I hope you are having a great weekend.
Hi Kids!

Marty is playing golf. I went to the grocery store and even shopped at the busy one. We will eat lunch at the golf course when Marty is done. I need cash and fuel when I go back out but today is basically going to be a lazy day.

I added Apple Pay to my phone this morning. I get out of the shower and I can't find my phone. I was walking around squinting trying to find my phone and made the loop twice (bedroom, bathroom, closet, utility room, kitchen and living room) but didn't see it. I finally called it and found it on the banister with 2 rabbits who had "claimed" it for themselves. Marty said they were excited to hear they could buy their own teddy bears with it now.

I rented "In the Heart of the Sea" this morning. It was a good movie but certainly not a happy feel good ending. I rented Peanuts last night; it was cute.

Have a great day.

Hello All,

Where to start? It's really been a couple months since I fully checked in. A couple difficult months, tbh.

I've had two cancer scares. One is OK (had to have a MRI on my Prostate which turned out fine) but that led to the second one, which is ongoing. The MRI for my prostate showed something in my hip bone. I've been through a few tests thus far with an Ortho and will have a final test in a week or so. Assuming it's clear, I'll be OK. If the next test shows a change from the last one, I'll have to have something more invasive. I just try to keep it at the back of my mind and believe there's nothing wrong.

Work as I mentioned has been a bear lately. It's just a difficult line of work to begin with, but it's been extra hard because there is a serious shortage ot technical talent in the US, which is only getting worse every day. Translation: The harder it is to find people, the more difficult it is to fill positions, which impacts my income.

My brother has had some health concerns of his own to deal with. And my father, who just turned 95 and is living in a nursing home near us, isn't doing very well.

On a bright note, it will be a year next month since we got married. And to celebrate, we're taking a short 5 day Royal Caribbean Cruise with my brother and SIL.

The kitties are fully grown now and doing wonderfully! Little Eri, who had such bad congestion issues throughout her kitten-hood has outgrown it and is in perfect health. They are the two most loving furry family members we could have ever hoped for.

Charlie is doing great in retirement. He thinks he'd like to find some part time job, but I must admit I'm jealous of him having the luxury of doing just about anything he wants when he wants.

I guess that should catch you up. I'm sorry for not reading through the many pages of posts I've missed. I'll try to better keep up going forward.

Your friend,

Hi Rod, I am sorry to hear about the cancer scare and something showing up on your hip bone. I hope the next test doesn't show any changes. Thinking of you.

That is too bad work is so challenging these days. A lot of the tech guys at my company are foreigners which is kind of sad if our schools aren't putting out students with that kind of knowledge.

Is your brother doing better? I know the last time we heard from you he was just getting around after surgery.

I hate to hear your dad isn't doing well. That is hard to see and deal with.

That is great the kitties are fully grown and doing well. It sounds like they continue to be a total delight to you and Charlie.

I am delighted Charlie is enjoying retirement. Ah to live a life of leisure.

To catch you up with me - not much new going on with me. I haven't hit any curbs lately, Marty is really slow at work so he is bored, I am reading and work is stressing me out but it doesn't do me any good to worry about things I can't control.

Rats. Marty has one of the drawers done for the cupboard and it doesn't fit around the hinges. Phooey.
Thanks Marcy. I have to just hope the shadow they see in my hip bone is nothing more than a shadow. I'll know soon enough.

I don't know whether to congratulate Marty on things being slow or not. Maybe he hasn't had to travel all over the globe lately?

My brother had been doing better and then he started feeling week lately, so they're running tests on his heart and something's not right, but they don't know what. Aren't I just a ray of sunshine?

Sounds like you're redoing the cabinets in your kitchen? If you are, I'm impressed. I wouldn't/couldn't tackle anything like that.

And yes, worrying about work doesn't make anything go better. Words I need to remember. Yes they are!
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, did you get that raise yet? :cheeky:

Rod, I'm sorry to hear about your and your brother's health issues and I hope everything gets resolved for the best very quickly! As for Charlie and his retirement... I'm very very jealous!

It's been a whirlwind couple of days. Closing on Friday, Saturday was jam packed with stuff around the house and then going to give some remodeling advice to a friend of mine, and yesterday was real estate real estate real estate. Left the house at 9:30 am and was still hard at it until 7:00 pm. Very productive day though so I'm not complaining.

Tonight after work I've got a final walk-through for a property that's closing tomorrow. I also have to search around my car and house because I seem to have misplaced the card key that gets me into the garage that I park in when I do drive to work (like today because I have to leave right from her to go to the walk-through). I really hope I haven't lost it for real... UGH!
Hi Kids!

Rod, I hope that is just a shadow on your hip too. When do you go back for another X-Ray? Marty has not traveled much at all and right now he is working only on one project. Sorry to hear your brother isn’t doing well and they are still trying to find out what is going on with him. Hopefully they can figure it out and get him feeling better. What a rough time for all of you. Sending PS dust your way.

Marty is changing out one of our cupboards from shelves to drawers. Our house plan had one set of cupboards with pull out drawers and we use it for our pans. I want the cupboard where I keep bowls to have the drawers as well. I of course got the number to call the people who installed our cupboards so we could have them do it but Marty wanted to make them. He does a really nice job on things but forgot to account for the hinges. He said he’ll have to cut the drawers apart, cut them down then put them back together. That will be next weekend’s project.

Did you see the movie Bridge of Spies? The Soviet spy kept saying “Would it help?” and I just loved that line. It is so appropriate.

Dee Jay, I did not get a raise yet. My boss’s boss stopped and visited with me today. It must be time to ask what do you feel so guilty about?

You have been busy with real estate lately. Yay Dee Jay!

Did you find the garage key card? That would suck to lose that.

Not much new here again. Work, supper, dishes and now I’m relaxing. Stupid wind!

Have a great day!
Marcy, I have an appointment with the Ortho next week. I need to check with them though. I remember the doctor said I should wait 3 months to come back and my appointment is only 2 months since I was there. I think the assistant may have made a mistake.

I'm impressed that Marty would take on a project like that. I certainly couldn't. I can paint and caulk and even maybe replace the flusher in a toilet, but that's about it for being handy.

No, I never saw that movie. I'll have to check it out sometime.

Deejay, it sure sounds like you've been busy. I think I read about you having to have the sinks all snaked in your condo. We have to have that done once a year. Why the architect designed each units kitchen sinks stacked on top of each other for 10 stories. All it takes is one sink to clog and they all clog. Dumb design if you ask me.

I HATE HATE HATE daylight savings time. Did I say I hate it? I read that there are 18 states with pending legislation to end the stupid practice. We're not an agricultural society anymore and there just isn't any reason to do it.

Gotta go get ready for bed. We have our primary tomorrow and I'm going to vote on my way into work.
Hi Kids!

Rod, good idea to confirm the timing of your follow up appointment. No sense wasting your time and money then need to go back in a month.

Marty actually does really well at things around the house. He built his kitchenette downstairs and his island. He built a large poker table so I guess he is handy with things around the house. He likes to watch the shows about fixing up places too.

Wow that would stink to have 10 floors of sink plugged up.

I am with you on DST. I read somewhere that things like heart attacks go up during the time change. I saw on Facebook only the government can think it’s a good idea to cut off an hour at the beginning of the day, tack it on the end of the day and think it saves you time. Ha!

Dee Jay, any more closings this week?

Deegee, I hope you are doing well.

I stayed about 30 minutes after work today. Not only do I hate DST I hate March Madness.

Have a great evening.
Happy Wednesday kid!

Rod, the reason sinks are stacked on top of each other is so they can use the same piping. Otherwise every single sink would need it's only plumbing line and a riser in a 10 story building costs about $30K so it would be much more expensive to building something. (Yes, at this point I know WAY too much about plumbing!)

Curby, no more closings this week, my next two are on April 8 and April 18. I've only got one truly active buyer right now (but one other good lead) and then the two listings that I can't seem to give away at any price, so beyond that I better find some more clients!

Last night I went to dinner with some friends of mine from a previous job (one of which is the listing I now have under contract because she's moving to NY). The restaurant was good but not great. We had a really nice time though.

Today and tomorrow I must CRANK on a project. Having a second cup of coffee right now and gearing up!!!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, good point about why all the sinks would be on the same line of plumbing.

I hope you find some clients who love the properties that aren't moving. When my 66 mustang wasn't for sale I had people come up to me in parking lots asking to buy it. Then when I put it up for sale - no one was interested in it. I finally traded it on a new car.

It sounds like you had a nice time last night. My suppers have been dismal since Marty went on his paleo diet. I thought we were having breakfast for supper but Marty made some homemade turkey sausage then made breakfast burritos to freeze so he didn't cook supper. I got frozen lasagna. Maybe I'll lose weight with less tasty suppers. That would be a good thing.

Work lived up to it's name today. :lol:

Have a great evening.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I had a pair of earrings once that people would stop me in the street and offer to buy but when I did decide to sell them and listed with Grace... *crickets*... !!!

Yesterday was so windy again that I had to go to CVS and get Dramamine or else I was going to ralph right into my trash can. Blech. I felt better, but man that stuff knocked me out. I went home and took a nap on the couch for two hours and then I went to bed!

I didn't get as much done on my project yesterday as I wanted so today I am ON IT!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, tell me more about these earrings. They sound stunning. Isn't that the way it goes with crickets? I get that a lot from my employees too.

I am sorry the wind was blowing your building so much you had to take dramamine. Wow. Glad that helped but that it knocked you out. Good call to take a nap then right? I am sure your project will wait for you.

I am waiting for the afternoon reports to pull then I will be done for the day. Wow. Unusual for me.

I didn't meet my girl friend for lunch today since it was so icy this morning. Of course the roads were dry by noon. We are getting up to 8" of snow by tomorrow sometime. Boo.

I am going to have a cheeseburger tonight with an english muffin for my bun. It sounds tasty and warm.

I wore my tsavorite garnet ring today for St. Patricks day. They just put an additional light bulb over my desk. It's good for the diamonds and gemstones to sparkle.

Take care.
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, the earrings were pave crusted hoops, which were fine when I had longer hair, but with this super short pixie cut they seemed like diamond chandeliers hanging off my earlobes. Plus they were always bigger than I wanted (even though I searched for years to find some even that small). I had them listed with Grace for a while but eventually sold them through Circa for about 20% of what I paid (yowch!). But I knew I was never going to wear them again. I even found a pair I liked better than than those at a gem show for about 10% of what I paid for those hoops... and I don't think I've worn them more than 5 times in 10 years either! I get these ideas that I want something... and then I buy it... and well, you see how it goes...

Yesterday I made a lot of progress on my project. I wish I could go in today and continue but I have three showings and I'm supposed to go up with the roofers to look at some things, but they might have to reschedule based on a message I got from them last night so we'll see.

Just as I was finishing dinner (the CB made spaghetti) I got a text from a friend who I met in Truckee and he was in town for just one night so I went and met him for a drink (or three... ) and he hadn't eaten yet so I sat with him at a Peruvian restaurant and had a couple bites of what he ordered. It was really good and I'm definitely looking forward to going back!
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, that figures about trying to sell those earrings. I love dangles yet I wear studs 99% of them. My jewelry box is full of things I just "had" to have then I quickly lost interest and rarely wear them. I hate to admit it but Marty always told me to buy what I want not something that just caught my fancy or try to save money. I won't admit it to him but he is right.

Glad you made progress on your project. I hope your showings went well today and the "show you" things the roofers wanted to go over you with wasn't bad news.

Spaghetti sounds great. I am sure Marty would like trying that Peruvian restaurant. That is nice you got to catch up with a friend.

Since most of Marty's food wouldn't be something I like or can eat I should just have him cook that for me. I'd be starving but skinny!

It was super icy this morning so Marty took me in to work. It was the first time I used my step stool to get in the truck. Wow was that easy. It gets me half way to the step on the truck then stepping in to the truck from there is a small step. Sweet.

We have an astronomy meeting tonight. Marty is giving the program on the evolution of sun-like stars and focusing on planetary nebula. He is doing it as a question / answer presentation with lots of pictures. I was warned not to answer the questions.

Have a great weekend.
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I also have a closet full of clothes I just "had" to have too... some of which ultimately go to the Salvation Army with the price tag still attached...

Last night the CB and I went to dinner at a seafood restaurant that someone told us about and it was really good. This morning I got up early and did two showings at one of my listings and now I'm in my office. I can count on one hand the number of times I've come in in the past three years but I was super motivated to work on my project today. Of course now I'm so worn out all I want to do is put my head down on my desk and take a nap... Tomorrow I'm doing an open house and then taking a client out to seem some things, and then we're going to dinner with a friend of mine.

Busy busy busy!
Happy Saturday Ladies,

It's a rainy, dreary day in not so sunny Tampa, which was simply perfect for sleeping in this morning. I simply hate the first week of DST, so I was happily still asleep at 9:30 this morning. We wound up just watching Girls on TV, while we had breakfast and then Charlie gave me a haircut.

I'm typing as I sip a cup of coffee at Starbucks and am listening to music and catching up on some email I needed to catch up on. We're thinking of going for Chinese for dinner, but that could change to Thai.

Really not much to report since my last check in a couple days ago.

Hope you're all having a nice weekend!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it sounds like we both give in to impulse buying. I have the same problem in my closet as well. Did you get much done on your project or did you give in to the urge to nap? I hope your open house goes well. We went to a seafood restaurant today - I am sure yours was better since ours was Red Lobster. Have fun at dinner with friends today.

Rod, rats for a rainy day in Tampa. I am glad to hear you slept in. I am thinking of taking a nap right now - which I never do. However lack of sleep and a 9 oz. glass of wine makes a nap sound rather appealing. I am going to tell Marty you let Charlie give you a haircut. He won’t let me near him. It may have something to do with I always offer to use the weed whacker. Marty would be good with either Chinese or Thai for dinner. I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend. We know Dee Jay will be busy as usual.

We had our astronomy meeting last night. Marty’s question / answer presentation went well. Then a few of us went out to Perkins for a late night snack. I opted for a peach muffin.

I got to bed at my usual 11 pm but my mind wouldn’t shut off so I doubt I actually went to sleep until about 1 am. Sadly I got up at 6:30 since our cleaning lady was coming at 8. Yay for a clean house though.

We went out for breakfast then came home and waited until the cleaning lady was finished. Then we went to the mall and sadly I spent hours watching Marty try and clothes. Not my idea of fun but I amused myself by giving smart comments. We bought Marty 2 new sports coats. He has lost enough weight and inches his suits and dress shirts are very large on him. He is going to Las Vegas next month for 2 conventions and needed something that fits him better. Darn it. I was contemplating when to make my new sapphire upgrade trip but no having clothes to look good for work seems to be a more logical way to spend money.

Then we went out for lunch and I was starving so my 9 oz. glass of wine certainly got my attention.

Marty is going out with the guys tonight so I’ll pick him up when they are done. I think I’ll have some popcorn for supper and watch Sisters.

Only in Wyoming on our way home this afternoon we saw a sheriff’s car with it’s lights on off to the side of the road. We get up with him and he has a red car pulled over - it’s empty and there is a 1/2 bottle of some cheap gallon bottle of wine on it’s roof. We could see it from our bedroom when we got home and we saw the tow truck show up. I was highly amused by it all. Someone is spending the night in jail. I tried to get pictures of it because you could see the wine on top of the car but I couldn’t get the camera up to the window close enough in that direction. Rats.

Take care.
Hi Kids!

I was Uber Marcy at about 1 am this morning. I ended up taking Marty’s friends home from the bar too. I tried to stay up but gave up about midnight then didn’t really fall asleep while I was waiting to hear from Marty.

We got to bed last night after 2 so we slept until about 8:30. My motivation level isn’t registering very high today. I am working on laundry and we cooked lunch but haven’t done much else. We are going to the grocery store once the movie Marty is watching is over.

Marty made himself a garden salad and put some grilled chicken on top. I made myself a raw veggies plate, and had a grilled burger and some mashed potatoes.

Take care.
I can't remember the last time I stayed up till 2 AM? It's no wonder your motivation meter was low today!

We did wind up going for Chinese last night. We have the most amazing place not far from our house. It's not inexpensive, but the food is simply wonderful.

Today we went with my brother and SIL to the jewelry store for all of our rings 6 month check up. We're supposed to take them in every 6 months for a check up to make sure everything is well and the bonus is they clean and polish them to brand new. Of course they marvel at my ring. I wear it every day, but I'm so uber careful, they're are no scratches. My watches don't get scratches either. I knew there were some micro-scratches, but when I got my ring back, it was perfect.

We had lunch and a new place that we'd read about, which had only been open about 6 months. Everything they make is made on premise, with locally sourced and grown ingredients. We had a pizza appetizer for the table, with whole mushrooms and house made pepperoni, which was amazing and I had Chicken and waffles which was fantastic. Charlie and the brother and SIL had Benedict type dishes as it was Sunday brunch, but everything was just outstanding. We'll definitely go back for dinner sometime.

Ugh to the start of a new work week. Just two week until we take a 5 day cruise to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary! YAY!

Hope you all had a great weekend and the upcoming week is good!
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, your story about the car pulled over and the bottle on top is priceless!

Rod, we have a Chinese place near us that we used to like a lot...but I think we just ate there too many times. Now we never go.

Yesterday I did an open house and then took a client around to see some things. The unit they like the best has a offer on it (that's what happens when you wait to long in this market!) and now if they want it they are going to have to pony up a lot more for it. Ugh. WHY can't people listen to me?! Anyway, it is what it is.

I'm still cranking away on my never ending project...
Hi Kids!

Rod, I sure don’t stay up much past midnight anymore. It’s hard on this old lady. I am glad you have a great Chinese place near where you live. Marty would be glad to join you and Charlie there. I am not surprised you take good care of your jewelry. I usually get asked “do you wear this?” The new restaurant that uses locally grown and produced food sounds really good. I think those kind of places do go the extra mile to make things really special. Have a wonderful time on your cruise. That is awesome you are celebrating your 1st year wedding anniversary already.

Dee Jay, I am still chuckling at the 1/2 full bottle of wine on that car. I will be watching the local police reports to see if I can get any more information. People should listen to you more! I’ll tell them or maybe put it on your business cards. I hate those never ending projects.

Marty made tacos for supper. Now that he is eating less there is plenty left for supper again tomorrow night. And sweet that means less dishes for me.

We have 3 snow storms moving in or through over the next 8-10 days. Weird it’s like springtime in the Rockies around here.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, your weather sounds pretty miserable... yuck. We (I think) have crossed over into spring, but we do typically get one more good snow after Easter.

Last night I stayed at the office until 9:30 and I would have kept going but I got to file that needed a password and when I put it in what I thought it was it said no... I was so afraid of locking the file forever somehow if I tried too many bad options that I decided to wait until this morning so I could ask the person who set up the file to be sure. I was off by one capital letter. Oops.

And I slept on the couch last night, which is what I just always do at the first hint of back pain because it keeps me from rolling around. I feel SO much better today, but I'm going to couch it for a few more nights to be sure.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope our snow storms don't come your way. Tomorrow we are expecting 5-8 inches. It was near 60 today and it will start with rain tonight so you know that 3 letter word "ice" will be prevalent in the morning.

Rats you stayed to work late on your project last night and couldn't get a file open. That would be my luck too.

I hope your back doesn't start giving you problems. That's great the couch can help keep it from getting worse. I never can sleep well on the couch or in a recliner. I'll try the recliner when I had a bad cold and I am coughing a lot.

We had left over tacos for supper tonight. Easy dishes. Woo hoo!

I suggested Marty run for the board of our HOA. He laughed at me.

Take care.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, if Marty DIDN'T laugh at you for asking if he wanted to be on the HOA board I'd have to wonder what's wrong with him! Seriously, it is a full time and thankless job. I swear, if there was anyone else in the complex willing to do it that I thought was even half-way competent I'd had it over to them like yesterday!

Last night I was here 'til about 7:00, so an improvement over the night before... I had left over meatloaf when I got home and pretty much went to bed (couch!). I think I'm almost better, but I'm going to camp out there a few more nights.

I volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters and I just found out my "little" sister isn't in school today so she won't be coming to the session this evening. We don't get much time with these kids and they rarely miss meeting with us, so I hope everything's OK.
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I hear you on how much work running something can be. It is so hard to find someone who will put in the time and effort and once they find you they don't want to let you go. President Dee Jay for life!

Yay for leaving work a bit earlier last night. I hope the couch continues to help your back. BTW meatloaf sounds delicious.

That's great you guys are a Big Sister / Big Brother. I hope you can catch up with your little sister soon. What do you usually take her to do?

We had 14.1 inches of snow. It was blizzard conditions all day. Holy snow drifts. Here is the one that is right in front of our house. Marty had trouble getting out to pick me up and getting back in when we got home.

This is looking out our front window. Note the drift starting in front of the truck - easily 4 feet high and it runs down the middle of the street, across our driveway and well past us. We can't go either direction.

We hire a service to shovel for us and our neighbor keeps shoveling our sidewalk and most of our driveway. Marty went out and shoveled to our front door. I wish the neighbor would quit because I worry our service will just stop coming by and then I'll need them to dig me out. Oh well.

Marty took me to work this morning and I had him pick me up at 2:30. We had london broil cooked in the crock pot for supper with baked potatoes.

Have a great evening.

Tough Tough Tough day. Had a board meeting tonight and I had to impose a $2K/home special assessment to help defray legal expenses in our ongoing lawsuit against the developer for construction defects. Some pretty angry people, but most were very supportive. Why is it the angriest and loudest complainers only show up for meetings when money is involved, but do nothing to help except complain.

DeeJay, I'm sure you can relate. Being the association President is the worst job one can have and I've had this one for 4 years straight.

Marcy, no no no no, on that snow. No No No!
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I absolutely refuse to even look at that pic you posted! Did Wyoming not get the memo that is The End Of March already?!?

Rod, I have fantasies about (a) buying a single family home (but I really don't like the noise of children playing and I actually ended up moving out of my townhouse because of all the squealing rug rats outside my front door so I can't imagine it would be any better in a single family neighborhood), or (b) buying a unit in a building SO big (like 500 condos) that it would all just get taken care of my the on-site management company and I would vow to never never never even GO to a condo meeting!

Last night I was here until about 9:00, but the last few hours were spend up in our lounge drinking wine with three of the finance guys... :cheeky: