
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Rod, I am sorry you had such a tough day. That really sucks about the construction defects and I am sure there were a lot of angry people about paying the $2000 but it will hopefully be money well spent. I know the complainers rarely do anything to help. Let's hear solutions, right? I remember Rod doesn't do snow - sadly where we live we don't have that option. Stupid snow.

Dee Jay, I don't believe Wyoming got the memo that spring is here. Spring arrives here about June 5. Ha! I hear you on screaming children outside your door. I LOVED being the only house on our block for almost 2 years now the street is loaded with kids. The sidewalk right now is in front of 3 houses so kids ride back on forth and then spin around in our driveway. Working till 9 in the lounge drinking wine isn't a bad thing. I could use some wine but I'll hold off until the weekend.

Our snow melted quite a bit today. Someone plowed the drift in the street by the time Marty went to the gym and then today sometime someone shoveled the spot in to our driveway (I think our shoveling service showed up finally) so I can drive myself to work tomorrow. :appl:

We had some cheese tortellini for supper and veggies. I'm still hungry. Rats.

Take care.
Hi Kids!

I got off work 2 hours early!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Have a great weekend and watch out for Easter Bunnies - they might be killer rabbits.

Hi Kids!

I spent my day in the kitchen and I have one more batch of dishes to go. I made homemade beef noodle soup and homemade cornbread. Then I made mini cheesecakes. It's just going to be us for Easter tomorrow but I thought cheesecake would be a good treat.

We had a little bit of snow but it's sunny now.

I hope you are having a great weekend and the Easter Bunny that shows up isn't nasty and ill tempered like the killer rabbits around here.

Happy Easter Ladies,

I slept till almost 10 this morning. I love love love sleeping in on the weekends. I know they say you can't make up lost sleep. But I think you can. Yes I do.

I steamed some shrimp with Old Bay and took them to my dad at the nursing home this afternoon. He was actually better today than he's been the last few weeks. He enjoyed the shrimp and the visit.

This evening we had our company BBQ at one of the owners houses way out in the country. He owns 31 acres in horse country with a huge (kind of odd) house and stables for 30+ horses. You couldn't give me the property (well I guess you could, but I'd sell it immediately as I'm just not a live in the country boy. The food and company was fun though, so it was a nice evening.

Tomorrow for Easter, we're making corned beef, cabbage and mashed potatoes. Should be yummy!

I hope you have a great Easter Sunday!
Happy Easter!

Rod, I am glad you got to sleep in yesterday. I have been sleeping in on weekends and love it. We have room darkening drapes and blackout liners on shades and it is so dark in there now I can sleep all day long. Sweet.

That is great your dad enjoyed the shrimp you made for him and your visit.

Your company BBQ sounds like a nice time. Good deal.

Enjoy your Easter dinner. The menu sounds great. We are having roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas and mini cheesecakes.

I am working on a stack of laundry almost as tall as me. That will be an all day project.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy

Hi Kids!

It's moving days at work. I am moving back to my old cube but they are making it a double wide. I'll be closer to my team and further from my annoying old employee so that's a win win in my book. I like changing cubes it gets me to clean things and throw away "stuff".

We are expecting another bad snowstorm starting late tomorrow night. Hopefully it's not a blizzard with 4 foot drifts again. Sadly it could be bad and there will be high wind gusts again. Glad Uber Marty is in town this week.

Have a great evening.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, I'm glad to hear your dad enjoyed the shrimp and visiting with you! It's been a while since we've gotten any kitty pics... nudge nudge... !

Curby, didn't you just change cubes not that long ago? Last July my team moved up to the floor above us and in September they moved us back to virtually where we were before. I didn't have a chance to accumulate much crap in those three months so it wasn't too bad a move.

This weekend was pandemonium! Will post more later but now they're coming to switch out my printer.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes I changed cubes in November and I am going back to the cube I was in starting last June. I did get my new cube all cleaned and set up today. That is funny we both moved back to where we were before. No 3 months doesn't allow you to accumulate much stuff. I threw out quite a bit of my little decorative stuff. I also told them to only give my one wall shelf; I have short arms so stuff at the back of my desk isn't in my way and it makes my cube seem larger. Sweet. Sorry you had a crazy weekend.

I met a friend for lunch for her birthday. We had a margarita, tacos and they gave us free sopas since it was my friends birthday. Cheap lunch.

The snow storm is moving in already. It's raining right now. Boo.

Have a great evening.
DeeJay, kitties are great. They just celebrated their 1st birthday on the 27th. I went to post some pics Charlie's taken lately, but he insists on taking photos on his cell phone the wrong direction, so they're all off. I'll take some in the next couple days to post.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I don't have much decorative stuff in my office, just some small things that sit right in front of my monitor. No pics or anything up on my bulletin board walls. I do have a piece of real art in my office because one of the managing directors of my firm has an extensive art collection and so every office has something, plus there's a lot of art in our common areas. Some pieces are better than others... or maybe I just don't do a good job of appreciating everything!

Rod, I'd can't believe the kitties are a year old already! My--how time flies! Is the problem that Charlie takes the pictures upright and then they post sideways? That used to happen to me but now I take the pictures sideways and they post correctly. Go figure...?!

Last night the CB made flank steak on the grill with green beans and little red potatoes. It was delish! Today my office is really quiet because most people are out for spring break with their kids. I love weeks like this!
Yes, that's the issue. I keep telling Charlie Apple changed the orientation on photo's on the iPhone some time ago. I ask him to take pics sideway with the home button on the right. But he mostly takes them vertically, meaning they post sideways when I post them.

I'll just have to take some pics myself when I get a free moment (and they're posing nicely) and then post them here.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I think you are smart not to have a lot of personal stuff at work; it was make moving much easier. That is nice your building has some nice art. We like Tom Everhart and have quite a few of his prints so when they built a new Metlife building and filled it with lots of his art we both wanted to go work there. Snoopy everywhere!

I can never remember which way to hold my iPhone. Apparently Apple products will automatically display it correctly but post it on FB or PS it’s wrong.

Marty likes flank steak too. Your dinner sounds good.

Rod, I can’t believe the kitties are a year old already. Time does fly.

Too funny you just answered my question of how to hold the iPhone for pictures. Thanks!

We’ve probably had 6” of snow so far but so much of it melted it’s hard to tell. The main roads are really wet and slushy. East - west roads are snow packed and drifted. Naturally our driveway is drifted over. Uber Marty got me to work and picked me up. He said I shouldn’t call him that since I don’t pay him for taking me to work. The pleasure of my company should be enough, right?

Work was crazy busy today. I completely forgot my cube walls share walls with the cubes by mine. They worked on both sides today so I got more dust everywhere but it was easy to clean up.

Ha ha.

marcy|1459389692|4013495 said:

Sorry, but that's just wrong. Wrong, I'm telling you!

Yep, you take iPhone pics horizontally, with the home button to the right. When you do, you can post them on any forum and they'll post correctly.
Thanks Rod. I'll try to remember. I am pretty sure you were the one who told me that the first time.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, LOL on the pic of April shower and snow plowers!

Yesterday I reached a new low with being condo association president. I received a string of bitchy, and frankly flat out mean, messages from someone complaining they weren't getting any information on the roof and deck project. This came about four hours after the property manager sent out the latest updated on the project...??? We went back and forth for a bit and I kept asking what she wanted to know but she never posed any specific questions, she just said she wanted to know "everything." Well no, honey, that's not the way it works. She also has a misconception that everyone in the complex gets to vote on everything. Yeah, it doesn't work that way either. I was so pissed off over the whole thing I had the other two board members over to my house to talk about things, and I drank damn near a whole bottle of prosecco myself. ARGH. I also had a two hour long wide awake fantasy in the middle of the night that involved selling my unit. I swear, if someone came along right now and offered to buy it I would sign a contract so fast there would be sparks flying off the end of my pen. Double ARGH.

Today is super quiet around my office. I plan on getting a lot of work done, LOL.
Welcome to my world DeeJay! No, really......welcome to it. 4 years I've been association president. I've taken them through a million $$ rebuild of the pool deck. Hired a new property management company who has done an incredible job of maintaining the building. Have put in better reserves for things we were never reserving $$ for. Am spearheading the million$$ lawsuit against the developer. Had the two towers repainted (without a special assessment), have their sinks snaked annually. Had the dryer vents cleaned out after 7 years of neglect. Have the windows and carpets cleaned on a regular basis. Had the hallways in every floor of both towers painted with scuff resistant paint. Had the garage levels painted and cleaned. And I still get angry letters and complaints from people. All who do NOTHING. NOTHING, I'm telling you.

The reality is, being a condo association president is the most thankless job on the planet, and you either quit, or get used to being vilified even when you are doing a great job. Which from what I've read, you are.

So yes, my dear, welcome to my world!
Hi Kids!

Rod, I bet you don’t see those snow plowers where you live. Wow you have done a TON of things for your association. People should really appreciate what you’ve accomplished. Yes it is a thankless job.

Dee Jay, see above in Rod’s comment but wow that really sucks. What a PITA for putting up with all of those headaches and complaints and no one appreciating everything you do. Glad you had a quiet day at the office.

We missed our HOA meeting tonight. I doubt I missed much though.

I drove myself to work today. It was pretty icy in the neighborhood and naturally there is a drift at the end of our driveway. I backed out of the garage and turned around in the driveway so I could just drive straight in to the street - that way I can pick the lowest spot in the snow drifts.

I had another really busy at work and I am glad we’ve only got one more day.

Have a great evening and wonderful Friday.

Happy Saturday kids!

Rod, I could have written the post you put up. Add a roof project in there and you and I are living in parallel universes! I swear, if someone offered me the right amount of money for this place I wouldn't walk, I would RUN to the bank with it.

Curby, thanks for sending the snow this way girlfriend... NOT! None of it is sticking, but it's blowing around like a mo fo. I walked over to my office and even though the temperature isn't too bad I was still half frozen when I got there from the wind.

I am not even going to work myself up going into how miserable this building is making me right now... Let me just say I am hoping to distract myself with the crazy busy real estate day planned for tomorrow, which I hope includes one of my clients finally writing an offer on something, and I also got word from another buyer I've been courting that they are ready to go and look at some things. Woo hoo! I will be like Annette Benning in "American Beauty" tomorrow morning bolting around chanting "I will sell this house today! I will sell this house today!"

The CB is on his way back (he had to change some locks out on his building today) and we're going to go in search of food. There's a good burger place that we can never get into but I'm going to suggest we give it a try since it will be an off time. I mean, who wants to eat at two in the afternoon but us, right?!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I didn’t send you my snow. Really. It’s still piled up on our lawn and in the street. Sorry to hear you are getting bad weather. But misery does love company. Just saying. (BTW Marty says I’m not hip enough to say Just Saying.) Walking to work in that cold and wind reminded me of a street sign I saw going to work Thursday morning. It had icicles hanging off it but they were curved to the left from the high winds. Too bad I was driving that would have been a great picture.

I hope you do sell lots of houses! That would be great. You will sell that house, you will sell that house.

I hate to hear how awful being president of your building association has turned out for you. I know you aren’t the type to run away but holy cow I hope you can get out of it.

Did you get in to the popular burger place this afternoon? We’ll try places at odd times and it usually works out for us.

Busy weekend. Last night we had pizza, drinks and played games with friends. Today was my cleaning lady day so I took off when she got here and had coffee break with my dad’s buddies. It was nice to catch up with them. We talked about 2.5 hours. Marty played golf. I came home and worked on the club newsletter and laundry. Marty and I went to supper and then wandered around Kohls for a while. We rented Sisters tonight. Don’t waste your money on it - it has its moments but it wasn’t great.

Marty’s new iPad got delivered today but I didn’t hear the doorbell so i just found the delivery notice on the door. Our doorbell is way down the hall in our “guest” wing side of the house and I have the TV a little loud playing oldies for the cleaning lady. She used to clean with her Grandma and that is what they always listened to while cleaning.

Have a great Sunday!
Hi Kids,

We were on the road by 9 am today. We went to a golf course in Colorado so Marty could practice at the range. I was going to set outside on the patio and read. I found a nice spot with my back to the sun and started reading and someone came on the patio to smoke and sat right by me up wind from me. Sigh. I went inside and sat in a nice "den" area and read for about an hour.

After that we met my sister and her family for a Japanese shrimp dinner. It's a fund raiser each year for their local Japanese church. They order me take out from an Italian place.

After lunch my sister and BIL followed us about 30 miles north of there to a gem and mineral show. It was okay. They had a black light display with about 40-50 rocks with florescence. That was pretty cool. Only 2 vendors had faceted gemstones and 1 had about 40 diamonds. Of those 3 places the only nice thing I saw was a cushion cut red spinel. But I told myself "must save money for my sapphire upgrades".

After the gem show we went to the outlet mall. Marty had supper, my BIL had a bowl of soup and a salad and my sister and I had gelato.

Now it's 6:19 and it's the first time since i got off work Friday I have nothing to do and no place to go. Sweet.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, no... we didn't eat at the trendy burger place on Saturday... we went there, walked inside, the music was WAS too loud (and rap at that) and the host gave us attitude, so I turned around and walked out. Then we tried to go to a Mexican place next door but after we got inside and sat down at the bar they told us they were closed. So even though there were fifty people there eating they close between two and five to prep for dinner. Then we went to a third place where we had a great experience but the food was only OK. Whatever. First world problems!

Yesterday was twelve solid hours of real estate. I left the house at 9:30 am and got home after 9:30 pm. Whew. There was more to be done at that point, but fortunately it was all computer related and didn't involve driving around any more, so that was OK. Today I'm at my office -- it's very relaxing, LOL!
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, that is too bad the burger place was loud and full of attitude. I'd leave too. Then the Mexican restaurant saying they were closed even though they still had a crowd. WTH? Darn it the third place wasn't the charm either. You are right though small potatoes in the overall scheme of things.

You did have a very busy day of real estate yesterday. Hopefully that means lots of closings in your future.

Yay for a relaxing day at the office. I am glad one of us had that.

My day at work was hectic and busy. Marty asked me 3 times what I wanted for supper and all my answers were some kind of alcohol. He quit asking.

Speaking of Marty being a Brat. He sent me a text saying he was hovering because they returned his iPad. I bit hook, line and sinker. He’s drawing on the iPad with the Apple pen right now. It’s pretty cool. I used it briefly.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, the CB doesn't even bother to ask me what I want for dinner because he already knows the answer is booze! Food with the booze is fine too, but not absolutely necessary. :cheeky:

I was ridiculous productive at work today. If only I could bottle that and trot it out even just one full day a week like this I would be a real dynamo in the office.

Finishing up some laundry now, then to bed early.
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, at least CB knows what beverage you want with your food.

Yay for being very productive at work today. You are obviously the super dynamo of the office. I have no doubt.

I'm about ready to take a blender in to work along with the ingredients for margaritas. :lol: This was basically my day :wall: :angryfire: :wall:

It's super windy here but there isn't any snow in our forecast tomorrow. A snow free Wednesday morning. SWEET.

I should do my nails tonight but I am honestly thinking of going to bed early and going in about an hour early tomorrow.

Have a great day tomorrow.
Hey......tough day. Our boss went nuclear, and it wasn't fair for any of us. Made me want to just walk out. Then I saw the governor of Mississippi signed another heinous anti-LGBT law today. This is the second week in a row a state has signed into law anti-LGBT legislation, both bad, but the one in Mississippi is the worst. If Charlie and I were to walk into a restaurant there the owners could make us leave because we insult their deeply religious convictions. And it's 100% legal. When did it become OK to enact laws to discriminate directly against the LGBT community? Makes me feel maybe we don't belong in the US anymore?

On a good note, Saturday we're leaving for our cruise to celebrate our wedding, the wedding that evidently ruined the moral fabric of America. Didn't you know the day we got married, we devalued every heterosexual marriage in America.

Sorry for the rant, but it just depresses me.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I did my nails on Monday night even though I wasn't in the mood because I figured I wouldn't have a chance any other evening in the near future. I've gotten two OPI colors lately that once they were on did not resemble the sample AT ALL. One of them was supposed to be a dark brown and dried to be hooker red. The other is a pale pink color and it was supposed to be super sheer (similar to a lilac that I got at the same time that is quite marvelous!) but it's pretty solid. I had to put on three coats so it didn't look streaky. Damn.

Rod, if it's any consolation many of the heterosexual marriages in this country probably didn't have much value to begin with!!! I am sorry though to hear about both the stupidity in Mississippi and with your boss going postal. I fully understand the desire to walk out, really I do. Your upcoming cruise though will be wonderful and will take your mind off of all this "stuff" going on!

Last night the CB made quesadillas with some left over rotisserie chicken and we used salsa he made last weekend. It was good! Then we had the last of the chocolate cake that was in the fridge. I keep saying NO MORE and he keeps buying it... UGH.

Every day around this time I say to myself, well, haven't blown the diet yet (keep in mind it's about 10:30 here) but then the lunch wagon rolls in... !
Hi Kids!

Rod, sorry to hear you had a tough day. That is pretty poor your boss went off at work. My last job was run by a man with a very explosive temper. It was a photo lab / camera shop and there were times he knocked over racks of customer film, threw cameras or lens on the floor and broke doors. If he knew he could intimidate you he’d go after you because he could. I don’t get the anti LGBT legislation either. Have a fabulous time on your cruise. Where are you going on the cruise?

Dee Jay, I chucked at the polish that turned hooker red. I tried a bottle of Essie and the sample shows a soft pink but definitely colored but 2 coats on me look like a clear polish with a hint of pink. I need to go to Sally’s and pick up some new polish. I am painting my nails again tonight. Chocolate cake sounds good. We are down to 3 chocolate chip cookies left in the freezer but hey they’ve last me over a month now. Marty is definitely making me healthier and less food for dinner and I’m hungry so hopefully that will end up with a positive result.

Work was slightly better today. Yippee!!! I went in about 7:30 and got some work done before everyone showed up.

We had breakfast for supper tonight. We are meeting some friends for supper tomorrow night.

I did a batch of laundry tonight. I had nothing else to do since the internet was down for over 2 hours.

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, you inspired me to do some laundry last night too. Probably a good thing since the CB was out of jeans... and underwear... and pretty much everything else!

I did a showing at one of my listings and then stopped at Costco on the way home and got a Sonic Care toothbrush. I bought one for my dad for Christmas and he's been raving about it so since I had to go and get some Dom as a closing gift for a client tomorrow I threw that in the cart too. The problem though with just "throwing stuff in the cart" at Costco is that soon you're at $300+ !

It's another crappy weather day here. When exactly does spring arrive in Chicago?!?
Hi Kids!

The Weekend is here. :appl: :appl: :appl:

Dee Jay, I am glad I inspired you to do laundry. CB might have had to go buy new jeans and underwear. I should work on that tonight so I can be "free" this weekend. :appl:

I like your closing gift for a client. That would make my day. As for the Sonic Care. I had one once. I hope you have better luck with it than I did. My dentist recommended I use one so I bought it at the dentist office. About 5 days later I had some of the most intense tooth pain I've ever had. It didn't improve so I had the dentist X-ray me - nothing. I go to my allergy doctor - my sinuses are usual for me (they are never fine). I had quit using the Sonic Care because my teeth hurt so bad so I just gradually get better. Once I the pain stops I start using the Sonic Care again. Same thing happens again with the same follow up (doctor and dentist visits). Again I quit using the Sonic Care and I get better. So I try the Sonic Care again - I mean after all they aren't cheap. This time it took about 3 days before I wanted to put my head in a vice to get the pain to stop. That Sonic Care went in the trash. Marty gave me lots of crap about it too because he said he would have used it. He has one now too. Strange stories from Curbyland.

Sorry to hear your weather was crappy - has it warmed up yet? We are in the 50's and 60's with rain coming Sunday.

Not much planned for the weekend. I have to dial in and do some work in the morning. Sally Hanson has buy 2 get 1 free polish sale so I am going to hit that this weekend. I have a $5 off if you spend $25 - I'm going to be rolling in the dough after saving all the money.

Marty has tee times both days this weekend. He found out who got that job he applied for today. It's someone that already lives in Atlanta. He doesn't know if he'll be good at the job or not. Time will tell.

Have a great weekend. :wavey: