
Healthy Living Thread

A 2 second Flyby! Hi and bye! Much left to do to get packed for the cruise tomorrow. Looking forward to a real break. Will check in when we get back.

Have a great upcoming week!
Hi Kids!

Have a wonderful time on the cruise! Enjoy yourselves.

I tried to sleep in but neighborhood construction workers started making all sorts of noise about 7. Grr. I need to check our HOA "rules" and see what "noise" restrictions there are out there. I don't want to put up with that crap all summer. Boo. (Providing summer ever gets here).

Marty had a 9 am tee time. I dialed in to work 2 times already today. I am down to my last batch of clothes in the washing machine. I'm productive so far today.

Oh and I made a batch of peach muffins. I used my blueberry muffin recipe and put diced peaches in it.

Have a great way.
Curby / Marcy
Hi Kids!

Happy Sunday. Marty decided to stay home today and not play golf - I guess a friend of his is going to come over and watch the Masters so maybe we'll order in pizza.

Last night we watched the Hateful Eight. Typical Tarantino movie. Holy Cow! I got paged with a problem from work in the middle of the movie so I missed about 30 minutes of it.

I made popcorn for the movie - so that was basically our supper. We did have cottage cheese and fruit earlier though.

I still haven't made it to Sally's to pick up nail polish. I'll see how long the sale lasts since I'm not feeling motivated to go out today.

Have a great day. Enjoy what's left of the weekend.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I tried to buy nail polish on sale at Sally's but I only liked colors from brands that weren't on sale. Totally typical for me, LOL.

Friday I had a closing. Saturday was another busy real estate day; started with a 9:45 showing and ended about twelve hours later. Yesterday I did Open House 911 from 11:00 - 1:00 and I thought I was done for the day but then I had a deal come together at 10:52 last night which involved driving around getting stuff signed. This morning I had to drop a check off at another agent's office at 8 am and then come into my financial office. No wonder so many agents are such air heads, they're all sleep deprived!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, rats the polish you liked wasn’t on sale. What brands are not included? You did have a very busy few days dealing with real estate. That’s great another deal came together for you. Obviously I always think of our lame realtor and what you accomplished this weekend would take her all month and she’d forget half of it, lose half of it and do what she got accomplished wrong.

Poor Marty didn’t sleep last night he was very wasted when I got up. I thought he was at the gym so I disarm the alarm remotely and you hear this big beep, come to the kitchen and flip on the lights, get ice out of the door - make all sorts of noise. He’d moved to one of the other bedrooms sometime last night.

Work continues to live up to it’s name. I was short 2 employees today and of course one of them NEVER has their work done in time, then it’s some family emergency and everyone else has to do it for her. The other girl got picked for jury duty.

Marty made tacos for supper. They were so tasty I ate 3 of them instead of my usual 2. I have enough left for 3 lunches too. Sweet.

Have a great evening and Tuesday.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, some of the gel polishes weren't included in the sale but I didn't know that and when they all rang up at full price instead of 3 for 2 I asked what was going on. Of course by then I was just weary of the whole process and said whatever and paid for them.

Last night we went out to dinner with friends and then they came back to my house and hung out for a little while. Their 1-1/2 year old decided my coffee tables are a dance platform. It was pretty cute, but afterwards the CB said he was about having a heart attack the whole time that she was going to take a header right onto the floor. Oh well, everyone left unscathed and uninjured so I guess it was OK!

Today is the CB's daughter's birthday so after I do a showing at one of my listings we're going to dinner.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I will probably only buy basic nail polish so hopefully it's all on sale. I'd do the same thing you did, just pay for it anyway. I was in line at a Walgreens one time and some lady had picked up about 20 of those Russell Stover Easter eggs because there was a sign over them that said 99 cents. The cashier rings all of them up plus whatever else she was buying and they came out to something like $1.49 each and she wanted them ALL taken off her bill then. I almost said - I'll pay for them. 15 minutes later I wished I had - you know how that goes - they have to call over a manager - blah blah blah.

I bet the toddler was quit entertaining last night. Glad she didn't go flying.

Have fun at dinner tonight.

I worked till about 7 tonight. We had an insanely busy day. I am the last in line to send out my portion of updates and I didn't get to them until after 4 and they take me about 30-45 minutes. Then my team left and 2 of them didn't have their stuff done through Sunday. :wall: :wall: :wall: It took me about 75 minutes to get their stuff done. It will save the team about 4 hours tomorrow not having to take care of those things.

Marty is in Vegas. He is there through next Thursday. Marcy is left with an entire WWW of places to shop. Look out!

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
I forgot to tell you I locked up Marty's phone this morning. He left it on the nightstand and the alarm kept going off. I tapped the screen once for snooze but then I hit the home button a few times. He opens it with his thumbprint so he was locked out and he couldn't remember his numeric code. Luckily when he got out of the shower he remembered his code and was able to get in the phone. I was allowed to live another day. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I have two phones, one for work and one personal and I unlock both of them with the 4 digit code because apparently my thumb is not good enough (both phones fail to recognize my thumb most of the time!). I do tend to put the wrong code in the wrong phone on a frequent basis and it used to freak me out but not I'm so used to it if one doesn't work I just put in the other one. And yes, I am one of Those People that has different codes and passwords for things. But poor Marty -- the panic that must have gone through his head when he thought he was locked out of his phone -- UGH!

Last night I did a showing at one of my listings and then we went to dinner for the CB's daughter's birthday. I also got a delivery of some boxes I ordered from Ikea to put in the small "booze bookcase" outside the kitchen because the top of that has become my dumping ground and I can't take it any more. Real estate files, unopened mail, keys keys and more keys, etc. From now on it's all going in a box. I may not be any better organized but at least it will look better!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, what a pain for you to carry two phones. My phone and iPads rarely recognize my thumb or fingerprints either. Both of our companies reimburse us part of our cell phone fees so that works out well. Marty's company changes roaming codes on their access so Marty can't stick to the same number and he has an awful memory.

Good idea to keep you dumping grounds in a box. Our old house that was our small kitchen table and seriously we'd have to clean it off to eat there. We usually ate in the living room. If we had company the stack went in the laundry basket.

This house we come in through the garage and there is a laundry room there that we bought a dresser for; that is where everything gets dumped now. We share the top but trust me there are time even my purse won't fit there because Marty's stuff is encroaching on my side. I am a LOT better than I was at the last house.

Boy I had a rough day. I had to go buy my food, clean my food, cook my food and then do the dishes. After all of that I headed back out to get gas in my car. I know I could get some on my way to work but I know me - I won't get around in time to have the time.

2 more days! BTW we could be getting a very big snowstorm from Friday night through Monday. Temperatures are going to be around freezing so hopefully it mostly melts. Some models are predicting up to 20 inches.

Hi Kids!

My day can be summed up by my new Snoopy wallet and nail polish. SWEET!!!!

We could still have up to 20" of snow. Ugh.

Have a great evening and Friday. Then it's the weekend.



Happy Friday kids!

Curby, the Snoopy wallet is awesome!!! And I like all of your nail polish colors. It's about time to redo my nails, but I'm trying to eek a few more days out. When is the alleged snow supposed to start...?

Yesterday I had grand plans that involved cleaning the whole house. Welllllll... I got as far as scrubbing the shower floor and then moved on to other things. I do plan on finishing the bathroom today and doing some reorganizing of the booze bookcase wit the baskets I ordered. If those things happen I'll consider it a success, LOL. I also have an inspection that starts at 4:00 today and then I'm meeting a client at a new champagne bar near me after that. The CB will have to fend for himself this evening.

Tomorrow is pretty open but Sunday will be another busy real estate day.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the alleged snow started last night. Right now it's just cloudy. Most of what snow we had last night melted on the roads and you can see some of it on the grass. Time will tell. Naturally it's icy out there.

When I hope my nail polish will last more than a day or two I use my light pinks. They can be all chipped off and not look bad.

Hey you made progress on cleaning. The great thing about that is there is not hurry to get things cleaned. They patiently wait for you.

A champagne bar sounds delightful. Good luck with your real estate day tomorrow.

Marty went to a closing night mixer last night with PBS - said they had bad food and cheap booze so a few of them headed off somewhere else and he had too much to drink. He said he was paying for it this morning. I told him hey you had fun until you woke up. It's near 90 there so I am not feeling bad for him.

The astronomy meeting went well last night. About 12 people showed up and asked a lot of follow up questions to my program on massive stars.

My cleaning lady is here this morning. Since our driveway and sidewalks are really icy I had her pull in to the garage. After she leaves I am going to turn my car around so it's facing out. If I have a big drift there on Monday it'll be easier to just drive through it. Our street looks amazingly open - there is only one construction dumpster a few houses to the north and no other construction vehicles on the street. It looks HUGE. Maybe the drifts won't be as bad but we are kind of the high spot so it's hard to say.

I think I'll cook a little steak and potato for lunch with raw veggies then have popcorn for supper. I'll rent a movie so hopefully the power stays on since this is really wet snow.

Have a great weekend.

Hi Kids!

The worst part about all this snow is my satellite dish wasn't working this morning. That's pretty rough! Yea for stuff on the DVR.

I slept in until about 8. What a treat. I am making homemade soup today. It looks like the Sun is trying to come out so maybe this icy world will start to melt a little bit.

Marty was bragging that he sat on his deck in Vegas last night at 11 pm. I responded "blah, blah, blah".

I hope you are having a fabulous weekend.

We're home from the cruise, which was simply wonderful. Wonderfully relaxing. Perfect weather, warm but never too hot. Never a cloud in the sky. We spent a day in Key West, shopping and eating. We of course ate ate ate ate ate ate, drank, drank, ate, drank, ate and drank some more on the two days at sea. And we spent a day in Cozumel on Playa Mia Beach Club. We took a little Catamaran out, went down a 200 foot water slide (thought I was going to be thrown from it, wouldn't do that again), ate and drank there and just relaxed in the clear and warm Caribbean waters.

Today is actually our official wedding anniversary! To celebrate we went to the Sunday Brunch at the Grand Hyatt on Tampa Bay, which puts on one of the absolute best Sunday buffet's you could have. It's been a great week celebrating our anniversary for sure.

Marcy, hasn't winter figured out it's not winter anymore out there? Geesh, I so could not live there. No I could not!

Hope you are all doing well.

Can't say I'm excited to be going back to work tomorrow........... ;(
Happy Anniversary Rod and Charlie! :wavey: :appl:

Your cruise and adventures sounds fabulous. Too funny about the water slide. I think I'd be screaming like a little girl I am sure. Glad to hear you went out for a nice buffet today. Yum!

Summer will show up here June 5 - I won't bet you any money on that though.

Thanks Marcy! June 5th, eh? Not sure how you deal with winter 9 months out of the year.......
Rod, maybe that explains my drinking problem. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Kids,

Marty signed up with a trainer at his local gym who sent him his "diet" plan today. It's only 2048 calories and he has to eat 6 times a day including lots of egg whites. I suggested he get Egg Beaters. It sounds like an awful plan. Marty wants to lose weight, get stronger and I think bulk up his arms - not sure on that. I don't see how he'll maintain this traveling or playing golf. He sent me a text he was going out with some guys from his old job tonight and I asked - whats for supper - egg whites and scotch? He didn't think I was funny.

I wanted to smack my employees today. My team leader continues to disappoint and not do things according to procedures so I am removing her from that position and will make her a department coordinator. I think it might help the other members of the team realize she isn't a boss and can't reprimand them and they don't work for her. I found the new girl she trained today using a print out instead of a source document and about had little cows. She said that is how she was taught and the team leader who taught her of course says it's easier. OMG! Once again she just does things she thinks works.

I had meetings scheduled with her and another employee today and I cancelled them because I know I would have bit their heads off.

I was so cold last night when I went to bed I was shivering. I cranked on my electric mattress pad and then pulled the cotton blanket from Marty's side on top of me so it was doubled over. I never woke up hot either.

My little car plowed right through the 1" of snow and ice at the end of our driveway this morning. Darn.

I bought a kids meal for supper as I didn't feel an intense desire to cook or do dishes.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Rod, merry belated anniversary to you an Charlie!!! It sounds like you had a wonderful time on the cruise and I bet the kitties were very happy to see you when you got home!

Curby, LOL on scotch and egg whites for dinner! I confess to many meals of popcorn and prosecco. As for your employee that's being demoted, is she going to cause some headaches for you because of that? Ugh.

The past several days have been a blur! Thursday I spent some time on the roof (of course!). Friday I had an inspection for one of my clients and then I went to dinner with another client that I haven't seen in about five years. Saturday the CB and I fixed a little plumbing issue for one investor client's tenants and then we had a nice lunch. Sunday I did my open house and then went to dinner with a bunch of friends. And yesterday I had a closing. So that's pretty much what I've been up to!

We're supposed to get some rain this week.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, popcorn is a good supper. I usually prefer Coke with popcorn then a piece of chocolate. I don't know how my employee will react to changing her title - I sure gave her heck today for not following procedures. She kept arguing with me and I just kept saying you aren't following a very clear policy and I'll write you up if you do it again. I reminded her I have told her repeatedly not to teach new employees anything other than official processes. I didn't venture down the path of changing her title today I was going to get Marty's input before I talk to her about that.

You have been very busy but that's a good thing. Yea for another closing.

We had a lovely rain shower this evening. I am hoping it won't turn in to snow later though.

I ended up working about 2 hours last night before going to bed. I am not checking my email tonight. Ha!

I stopped at the mall and had a burger at a Five Guys tonight. The amount of fries they give you for a small fries is obscene. The lighting for diamonds in there is fabulous though. I have on my Tiffany band today and it looked great along with the little diamonds in my ering. :bigsmile:

Have a great evening and Wednesday.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I might be the only person who doesn't like Five Guys... Their burgers don't thrill me and their fries are not nearly crispy enough. But everyone else seems to like them so I'm sure the problem is mine and not theirs!

Last night I walked home and the CB grilled flank steak for tacos. Dinner was delish! I finished some 500 page library book that I kept reading only because I was thinking the whole time This HAS To Get Better... Well it didn't No tragedy, but disappointing. Today I have to walk over to Macy's at lunch and return some sweaters I bought on-line. Why do I even bother doing that??? Later I might go to happy hour with my best friend, but the weather looks iffy so we'll see.
Hi Kids.

Dee Jay, I think Five Guys fries are greasy and soggy. The burgers are better than drive thru but not by much. I miss my cook.

Your flank steak tacos sound great. I'll give that recommendation to Marty. Good idea CB.

I hate that when I keep reading a book because I think it will get better. Oh well I guess reading any book isn't a total waste of them.

Sorry to hear your sweaters didn't work out for you but Macy's isn't a pain to return things to so that's good.

I hope you get a chance to go to Happy Hour today. That sounds like fun.

I had my work done by 3 today. Wow. That's a first in 2 months. Now I am bored.

Have a great evening.


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Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, the problem with returning stuff at Macy's is that I take back $35 worth of stuff and walk out with $85 worth! I got a wild colored paisley cardigan yesterday (the 70s called, they want their sweater back!) and a black and white jacket that has these huge black buttons and a mandarin collar. I have the sweater on today.

Yesterday after work I went to happy hour with my best friend. We had a bunch of appetizers and dessert and drank some prosecco. It was marvelous! I woke up in the middle of the night and spent some time fretting about the condo association and some work project for a bit. I think I finally fell back asleep for a bit between when the CB left for work and when my alarm went off. Ugh.

At lunch I'm going to walk over to my real estate office to pick up a commission check and when I do that I always come back past the gym that has a good deli so I'll have tuna salad and potato chips for lunch. Yum. It's the little things!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that is too funny that returning items to Macy's costs you more money. I am glad you found a nice sweater and jacket. Too funny about the 70's clothes making a come back. Who knew? We should have saved our clothes from then.

Your evening out sounds great. I am glad you had a great time.

Woo hoo to a commission check! More $$ to shop with.

Marty is almost here. I love the stalking app.

Have a great evening. Tomorrow is Friday.
Hi Kids!

We had a lovely day in Wyoming. It was in the 70's and breezy but not hold on to your had windy.

Work wasn't too bad and I left on time.

My cook was home today so I didn't have to cook my supper. Woo hoo!

I am shopping online for Men's bands - Marty's wedding ring is so big it fell off him in the swimming pool. Sweet. WF has a Simon G band that looks like a golf ball which he says is "cool" but he thinks it's too much money.

I have an eye appointment in the morning. Then I am stopping by Dillards to check out Coach tote bags and small satchel. If I think I would like either style I might order the Snoopy versions of them online.

Have a great weekend.
Hi Kids!

We stayed up until after midnight watching a movie and then I heard sirens about 6:15 and never really went back to sleep.

Marty went to the range early and I went to the eye doctor. I picked out new glasses - they are Tiffany. Sweet. Their computers were down so they couldn’t process the order and come up with the price so I’ll have to go back and pay next week after they call me.

Marty played golf today with some friends of ours. I got the huge stack of laundry done that was in Marty’s suitcase. At least a lot of it is heading to the dry cleaners.

Have a great evening and Sunday.
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I can't wait to see your new glasses! Do they come in a the signature blue box?!

Today the CB made breakfast and then he went off and did some work for one of his tenants and I got a bunch of keys made at Home Depot and did a couple of showings. We had lunch at City Winery around 2 (I think there are a couple of them so maybe you've been to one?) and I made the mistake of slamming down two allergy pills with a glass of wine. Needless to say I came home and took a lonnnng nap! After that I just did a little cleaning up and laundry. The excitement here is out of control at Casa DJ! Now we're eating chips and salsa and trying to decide if there's any more real food in our future of if this is it for the night...
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I had Tiffany glasses about 4 to 5 years ago and they came in a Tiffany bag, Tiffany blue eye glass case and a really nice Tiffany blue lens cloth. It looks like their inventory has been significantly reduced for Tiffany eye wear so hopefully I still get those "goodies". I don't know why I went in there thinking I'm getting Tiffany again but I just did. Must be PS influence.

The excitement at Casa DJ is right up there with the non-stop craziness at Casa M&M. We watched movies most of last night and Marty is packing right now for his vacation golfing trip.

LOL to a few drinks mixing with allergy meds resulted in a long nap. Anything with chlor-trimeton puts me out for about 8 hours and I often can't sleep it off. I suggested Marty take one when he couldn't sleep - it buzzed him. Oops. I generally don't take any kind of allergy pills they make me a major sensitive cry baby. My SIL thinks it so funny she wants to see that. Marty told her - no you don't.

Chips and salsa or popcorn is often our non-meal meal. I might have popcorn for supper tonight. Food selection here is very limited and I am way sick of window food.

I guess we are getting rain off and on today. It's like spring.

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, just like you and Marty have different reactions to the meds, the CB and I are like that with cold medicine. It'll be zonked out and it's be like he took speed! Isn't it funny how different people have such different responses to things?

Yesterday I did my open house and then we went to lunch at a place nearby. I left my Am Ex there and had to go back later to get it. Oops. The CB made dinner on the grill, but way too much food! Little bacon wrapped filets, scallops, veggie skewers and corn on the cobb. I didn't even eat everything but I was stuffed!

Tomorrow night is our condo board meeting and I just fired off a bunch of stuff to the property manager so I can get the agenda together. What a PITA...