
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Tuesday kids!

Marcy, LOL at being the "mean boss"--I just can't picture you in Mean Mode! You gotta do what you gotta do though, so I totally get it. I can only think of a handful of times where I really snapped at any of my employees and it's amazing how much attention they pay to that when you rarely do it!

Last night I started reading through the 100+ pages of Audit notes I took from the class... took a little nap... and then got in bed and read some more. YAWN. This whole thing is going to be the death of me!

It was so crazy windy here all night long. I have some chairs out on my balcony, which is right outside my bedroom window, and the long plastic tags on the chair cushions were flapping. It made me so nuts I had to close the window, which I never do, but the alternative was go actually go outside with a pair of scissors and cut the tags off, so closing the window at three in the morning seemed like the easier option. Tonight when I get home though, those SOB's are getting chopped off!
Hi All!

Marcy, I'm having a hard time picturing you as being a mean boss, too, but I'm glad you got your point across.

Dee*Jay, 100 pages of audit notes would put me to sleep, too. :bigsmile:

Today has been so-so, food wise. I had 2 apples with cinnamon and a few mini fresh mozzarella balls (boccicini?) for breakfast. It's an odd combo but I wanted to have some protein and that was what we had on hand. Then we had a meeting and people brought in breakfast, so I had a little piece of broccoli quiche, and 2 pieces of some type of egg, veggie, and bread dish. Lunch was a salad with some chicken salad on top. Snack was 18 mini cheddar rice cakes. We have leftover taco stuff for tonight, and instead of the shells, I may make taco salad.

I mailed off another application after work and then when I got home, I filled out an online app. for another district.

My husband is weird. :cheeky: This morning he told me about how awesome the Bruins game was last night and how he was sorry I had missed it. Later this afternoon, he said the same thing. This always happens -- I think he talks in his sleep; he tells me something (we have full conversations) and then never remembers later on. We're going to watch the season finale of Revenge tonight, I think.
Hi everyone.

Dee Jay, thanks for the vote of confidence. That is true I get their attention when I do kind of snap. I usually am pretty easy going. I hate when you hear some annoying noises outside from the wind. Our old house used to whistle in high winds (a frequent occurrence in Wyoming). Both the front door and the downspout by our spare bedroom screeched in the wind. One time when Marty was on a conference call someone asked him what that noise was. Did you get those tags cut off today? Sorry your notes are so boring. Maybe make them in to rhymes and sing them. :lol:

Zoe, I am glad to hear you don’t see me as a mean boss. I actually think I am too soft but I am sure some former employees would disagree. I also like to make taco salads out of leftover taco stuff or make a little plate of nachos. Good luck with your new applications. Marty forgets things too. I started sending him appointments for things in his calendar so he can’t say “you didn’t tell me”. I almost bought a magnetic calendar for our refrigerator this weekend but once you get used to seeing something all the time you just don’t see it anymore.

My team seemed fine at work today. I had 2 one-on-ones today and everything was fine. Tomorrow I have 3 meetings; one won’t be pleasant, one will be boring and one will be interesting to see what happens.

We had wheat toast and strawberries for breakfast. I had a sandwich for lunch. I made homemade pizza tonight. I put some of the precooked sausage pieces on Marty’s 2/3 of the pizza and some pieces of deli ham on my 1/3. I will take my second half to work for lunch tomorrow. We had an ice cream sandwich for dessert.

It was in the 80’s here today. Marty got in some golf even though it was raining.

Tomorrow is cleaning lady day so I am off to pick up a few things. Clean up for the cleaning lady. Too funny!

Laters, :wavey:
Hello! I'm reporting in to say I'm ashamed of myself with both food and exercise. Every morning I wake up thinking I'll do better, and I have completely messed up by the end of the day. I swear I can feel my rear getting wider. We did walk 3 miles this evening after cleaning out the garage, but I negated the good my walk did by drinking a bottle of bourbon beer afterwards. Argh. I don't know what is wrong with me. We have a painter working in the house this week to work on the areas we couldn't get to - the 2-story foyer, ceilings in a few rooms, and the kitchen. He did a fabulous job on the foyer today. Once he is finished painting, we're going to put the house up for sale with a carpet allowance. We'd like to replace the carpet, but don't want to do so until we move out and don't want to wait until we move out to put the house up for sale. So carpet allowance it is! And I think I have convinced Matt that hiring a moving company would be money well spent.

marcy-You've got to be hard-nosed sometimes. Poor Matt is finding that out! I'm like you in that I am mostly easy going, and when I bring something up my group generally knows I mean business. They're a great group though, so it doesn't happen often at all. I hope your back pain gets better quickly. I have a little step stool under my desk so I can prop my feet up during the day, and it seems to help keep my low back from swelling so much. See if putting your feet up helps at all. I have all kinds of PT exercises I can give you for back pain... Are your knees better? I'm feeling especially old and creaky lately!

Dee*Jay-Just thinking about your notes makes me sleepy. I'm not good at studying, which is why I only have 1/2 of a Masters Degree. I lost interest about halfway through the program. I can't believe you're having problems getting in to the dr with your ankle! That's not good. Although if you did break it several months ago, they'll yell at you for waiting so long to get in. I speak from experience there. I can't stand noise when I'm trying to sleep, but I doubt I would have climbed out to cut the tags in the middle of the night either.

Zoe-I'm so glad to hear your condo damage wasn't as bad as you thought. I have been kind of aggravated that we're finishing our painting and other projects just in time to put the house up for sale, and I'm not going to be the one enjoying all of the money spent. You probably feel that way about the condo! That's too funny your husband carries on a conversation in his sleep and doesn't remember it. Matt swears sometimes I ask him questions in my sleep. I think he's making it up.

Have a great day tomorrow!
Deegee, I am sure once your life settles down you will get back in to your food and exercise routine. I have faith in you! :wavey: I know exactly what you mean about putting money in your house even though you are going to sell it. Our lame real estate agent wanted us to buy some bark to put around the house and trees out front and even though that is fairly inexpensive we decided we'd already spent more on that house than we intended. We had carpet installed in 3 bedrooms after we moved out; it was so much easier that way. That is great you are having a painter finish up some things and definitely a good call to hire some movers. We sure appreciated them when we moved. Marty gets amused by my personnel issues; he had more than 80 employees before. My group is generally pretty good too. How is Matt doing with his job? I will try to prop up my feet at work. Thanks for the suggestion. My back and knees are both a little better but they continue to make sure I know they are there.

My poor mom feel this morning. My dad was out fishing. She was in the basement sorting out laundry and feel and hit her head. They have an electric chair to get up and down the stairs which terrifies me she'll miss getting on it and tumble down the stairs. She couldn't get up, she didn't have her cell phone on her so it took her about 30 minutes to scoot over to the rec room where she got a phone. 911 didn't work for her but I bet she didn't dial it right. She called a friend who called 911 for her. Poor thing. She is cut and bruised but didn't break anything. The EMT's wanted to take her to the hospital but she wouldn't go. I suggested she get one of those life alert things and maybe not try to do things like that when my dad is gone.

I am off to bed. Really!

Marcy, I hope your mom recovers from her bumps and bruises soon. Can the washer/dryer be installed upstairs instead?

Hi Deegee! I've been off with food and exercise as well (especially exercise). A carpet allowance sounds like a good idea.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Zoe, too funny about your husband telling you the same thing twice. I’m sure I do that to the poor CB, and also I tend to have the same conversations with him and with another friend of mine (recap of the day type stuff) so sometimes I’ll start to tell the CB something and I’ll say, “Wait, did I already tell you this?” And he’ll say, “No, you must have told Ward.” I’m senile, I swear!

Marcy, oh no, your poor mom! My grandmother is the same way. A couple of years ago the light burned out in the kitchen so instead of waiting for my brother to get home she climbed up on a chair, couldn’t reach it, and then climbed up on top of the kitchen table. One concussion and a broken tailbone later…

Deegee, don’t worry about falling off the wagon a bit, we all do it. As a matter of fact, I’m a bit off of it right now—HA! And I don’t know how the whole conversation unfolded in the doctor's office the other day, but somehow I got a call back with an appointment confirmation so I’m not complaining!

Last night I walked over to the west loop and did a showing and then stopped at the grocery store on the way home. I got a little over zealous because Lean Cuisines were on sale and my arms were tired by the time I made it back. Then I spent some time reading through my outline a bit more and went to bed. This was the first morning I have slept until 6:30 in a long time because I keep waking up super early. If only I could motivate myself to get out of bed and DO something when I wake up!
I hope all is well with everyone.

Marcy, how's your mom feeling today?

So today's song that I had in my head when I woke up at 3:30AM was Styx's "Babe." Totally random...I hate that song. I've had it in my head all day. And if you do too now, you're welcome!

Speaking of falling off the wagon, we just ordered pizza. Half pepperoni, half meat-lovers, if you're curious. I had yogurt and a few PB crackers for breakfast, and a salad for lunch. No snacks so far.

Not much else new going on here. My husband, D., finally got word today that as of tomorrow, he'll have a new boss. He'll be reporting to someone in their division office in VA. He's hoping that he'll be able to work from home at least part time, but I don't know if that will happen.

Have a good night!
Marcy-your poor mom! Is she okay? I'm so glad she didn't break anything but I bet she is really sore today. It seems like the day after is the bad day. I noticed today that the step stool I keep under my desk is actually tall enough that my legs are almost horizontal when I sit there. It really takes the pressure off of my low back and makes me sit up straighter. One of my coworkers sits on a balance ball all day, but for me that would be an accident waiting to happen. Matt isn't liking his job at all. His boss told him that he was concerned about him because his demeanor has changed. He's going out of town with the big boss tomorrow and I wonder if the subject will come up. I bet Marty rolls his eyes when you talk about personnel issues! Matt is now up to 67 people and is a "secondary manager" to another 25 people in various locations as far away as Houston. He gets more aggravated by the day! Has Marty gotten over his nasty respiratory infection?

Dee*Jay-I'm so glad you are getting into the doctor sooner. Hopefully they'll just stick one of those attractive boots on your foot for a short while and all will be okay. Your grandmother sounds like me. I have had 2 concussions and a boatload of broken bones. I'm forbidden by my entire family, my doctor, my boss and my coworkers to ever climb up on anything to do anything. I have this reputation...

Zoe-your pizza sounds really good. I don't know what my problem is but I feel like I'm always starving. I think I'm eating the wrong things (like junk) and I'm not feeling full so I snack. I need to get back into my fiber & protien thing. I can't believe how long it has taken for your husband to be officially notified about his boss situation. Is he happy about it? Having the option to work from home would be awesome sometimes. Matt is planning to work from home on Friday because we have a repairman coming Friday morning between 8-10. If I stay home that day, I'll have to use vacation.

I got absolutely nothing accomplished at work today. We had a board meeting from 10-2 and then I went to lunch afterwards, so both my morning and afternoon were shot. I had cottage cheese and blackberries for breakfast and dumplings, carrots and green beans from Cracker Barrel for lunch. We stopped by the grocery store on the way home and I bought a bunch of raw veggies and made myself a delicious salad for dinner. I made one for lunch tomorrow too. Well, break's over. I need to get back to cleaning and packing. Tomorrow is trash day and we have to take full advantage of our temporary extra trash container. Have a great evening!
Marty was busy today. The cleaning lady actually took the rabbits off the bears when she cleaned so he had to put them back. I sent her a text and thanked her for saving my bears.

Hi everyone.

Zoe, my parents house is pretty old; I don’t see where they’d have room upstairs for their washer and dryer. I think main floor living would be a good idea for them. Would that be a long commute for your husband to the new office? I hope he can work from home a lot if the office is far away.

Dee Jay, your poor grandmother. Ouch! Yay for stocking up on lean cuisine and sleeping in today.

Deegee, I sure hate to hear Matt is so unhappy with his job but he sure didn’t want it so I am not surprised. That is too bad because it is miserable to hate your job. I will definitely find something at work to prop up my feet. I have said the same thing about balance balls; I would kill myself on them. My day at work was about as productive as yours; stupid meetings kept me away from my desk a lot.

I haven’t talked to my mom yet but I bet she is very sore today. I was going to run over there after work but Marty got rained out at golf so I met him for a drink then we went to supper with some friends.

Well, take care!
I just talked to my mom. Her behind is a bit sore and she has a big bruise but is doing okay. That is good to hear.
Marcy, my husband works at a hospital (in IT) and although he may switch to a different office, it will be in the same hospital. Some of his responsibilities will change, and he'll now work with a different team but he doesn't have a completely new job with a different company. I wonder if he'll take business trips to the division offices or the hospitals under the corporation near there in VA once in a while. That could be cool. I was nervous when this whole thing was initially talked about and I told D. that I wasn't moving far away again. I was worried that if his boss and some (most?) of his teammates were in VA, there would be an expectation that we relocate down there. He said he'd only consider it if we could stay, and the higher-ups didn't have any problem with that. That's part of the reason he wants to work from home. If he's not going to be in the same location as everyone else anyway, does it matter where he does his work?

Deegee, that's really too bad that Matt's demeanor has changed for the worse. I have no idea if this is feasible, but could he leave the company, even without a new job lined up? Take a class, enroll in a degree or certification program, start a side business...something else? Something that would make him happier? If he's having a hard time functioning and/or if he's not the same (happy) person, the stress could cause a whole lot of health issues. I'd usually suggest to stick it out until a better opportunity came up but at some point, being completely miserable just isn't worth it.
Happy Thursday kids!

Marcy, I’m glad you mom isn’t too bad off, but these things are always so scary. I had one of the Indian *inspired* Lean Cuisines last night… Um… NO. It smelled great in the microwave, but in reality it was pretty terrible. Terrible even for LC—and that’s TERRIBLE! Oh well, maybe some of the others will be better.

Zoe, it totally makes sense for you hubby to be able to work from home if everyone else in his department is somewhere else. Companies are sometimes goofy about that sort of thing though, unfortunately. LOL about the song in your head; I can’t even think of the last time I heard that on the radio!

Deegee, I thought for one BRIEF second about getting a balance ball to sit on, but I just KNOW that would be an absolute disaster… I’m sorry Matt is so unhappy, but hopefully he can have a talk with the big boss and improve his situation.

So last night I finished reading through my notes and went to bed early. Boy, anyone who’s an insomniac should just study for the CPA exam! Tonight I have to go to a charity thing after work, and then I have to move my cars because they’re power washing and restriping the garage. What a PITA. I will put the Lexus on another floor, but I’ll likely have to put Billy Ray in valet parking at my friend’s garage several blocks away. Oh well, far better than being splattered with yellow paint!

I normally wouldn’t work today but we did corporate website photos and they were adamant I be on the site. I hate that sort of thing—I do not photograph well!

Are any of you doing the Vegas GTG BTW?
Hi. :wavey:

Zoe, that is wonderful your husband can work from home with his job. Marty found it kind of weird at first. I was very nervous when Marty started this job and would be working from home. It sounds like your husband will be changing things up a little and I am sure he’ll get to travel some to division offices. Marty likes to go to the US home office sometimes just to put his face out there.

Dee Jay, sorry to hear your LC was awful. A bad LC is usually pretty nasty. Good plan to move Billy Ray somewhere safe and away from yellow paint. Our entire town is a construction zone lately. Most N/S roads have detours. I would love to go to the Vegas GTG; the door prizes look amazing and how fun to see / meet people. Have fun for me and take lots of pictures.

Work was uneventful. No meetings. Woo hoo! Marty went to the range and was having a drink. I told him to bring home something for us to eat but it’s 8:30 and he’s still not here. I am about to make a grilled cheese sandwich.

Take care.
Marcy, if you mean working from home as in not having to move down to VA, yes, that's awesome. He's not sure if his new boss will allow him to work from our condo though. The corporation that owns the hospital is kind of weird about allowing employees to do that. In the past (with his most recent boss), it was a "If one person does it, we'd have to let everyone do it" type of thing. D. does understand the whole face-time thing, too, so he'd be fine if he could go to the office 2 or 3 days per week and work here at home the other days. We'll see what happens.

I've never been to the large PS GTGs. It would be fun to meet so many people I've "known" for years.

Okay, gotta run. Have a good Friday!

Plans this weekend? We have nothing planned and it might stay that way. Usually I like to go out and do something on Saturday and then have a lazy day on Sunday. We'll see.

Oh, real quick, I read the minutes from the most recent school board meeting at the school I interviewed at 2 weeks ago. There was mention of a person being nominated from another school in the district, but not "mine." So although I'm disappointed that I haven't heard anything yet, it might just be because they haven't made a decision yet. It kind of goes in waves, too. People seem to be hired in the late spring (in May) and then not again until over the summer. So there's still time to find something, although I'd like it to be sooner rather than later (especially if get a job in a different region about an hour or so away because that would require us to move).
Marty says huh funny they both still hear the music in stereo.

Cut pic, Marcy!

I'm so bummed. I got a letter in the mail today that said I didn't get the job I interviewed for 2 weeks ago. I thought I did really well. It's too late now, but I think I'm going to call the principal on Monday and ask him what, if anything, I could do differently going forward. I taught this particular grade for 3 years, so I do have experience at that grade level (and I've taught the next grade up for 7 years). I know it doesn't help to do this, but I'm going to be thinking about this all weekend, wondering what I did "wrong."

I did have a 15 minute phone interview today with the principal at a nearby school. This position's for a higher grade than I've taught (although I have worked with kids that age, teaching intervention programs). There were many, many applicants, so I feel lucky to even get a phone interview. I may or may not get a face to face interview with the committee. It all depends on how well I did during the phone call.
Zoe, I'm so so sorry you received bad news about the job you interviewed for a few weeks ago, but it's such a positive sign that you were selected for a phone interview for the job today! I'm sure you did famously and they will be calling you for a second interview!

Marcy, cute pic! What are they listening to?

So my ankle isn't broken... any more. Actually it was a bone--TWO bones to be exact--in my foot, not my ankle, but they are apparently on the way to being healed. The bad news is short of rebreaking them to set them properly I may be stuck with this in the long run. I'm going to power down some anti-inflamatory for 14 days and ice it every day, but he said it pretty much is what it is at this point. There's a possiblity it will improve over the next six months, but once I hit the one year mark, well, there you go. I have to feet though, which is more than some people can say, so I'm good!

I took the audit study guide with me to read while I waited in the doctor's office and when he came into the exam room he said, "Oh the CPA exam, that's the hardest professional certification--it's even harder than the medical boards. How many times have you taken it so far?" ACK!!! Way to inspire confidence there buddy--NOT!!!

So I put the My Fitness Pal ap on my phone. Geez... I'm down to only having enough calories left today for wine--and not MUCH wine at that! The CB is going to make Indian tonight with some sort of sauce (I think he said it's called Simmering Sauce--that must be a brand?) and chicken and veggies.

Ok, back to the books until he gets here!
Hi everyone!

Zoe, thanks for clarifying that for me about your husband’s job. Our company formed some teams about 5 years ago to improve things for everyone at work. One of their findings was that sometimes it is okay to work from home but the few times I have done it I get the feeling my boss wasn’t pleased. I am sorry to hear you didn’t get the 2nd job. I don’t think it would hurt to ask for feedback of what you can do to improve your chances. That is wonderful news that you got a phone interview for another job. Good luck with landing a second interview.

Dee Jay, since Marty’s killer rabbit is always trying to “eat” my bears they are listening to Elmer Fudd singing “kill the wabbit”. :bigsmile: Sorry to hear your foot is broke but glad to hear it is healing. I had a stress fracture in my right foot that didn’t get medical attention so it healed on it’s own. It gives me fits; it is pretty strong but gets sore and achy. It was talking to me earlier today. I am sure you will ace your CPA exam. You are certainly studying hard to prepare for it.

I took today off. Woo hoo. 3 day weekend. We went to the Honda dealer to get the accessories we ordered put on the trucklet. The dealer is about 45 minutes away so we borrowed a car and went out for breakfast. After we ate we wandered around a great little book store they have in that town and then picked up our trucklet to come home. Marty worked for a few hours then we went out for lunch. I ordered a bloody mary but it was too spicy for me so I didn’t finish it.

We have a meeting tonight so we’ll skip supper and have a snack after the meeting with our friends.

Marty is heading to the UK in a few weeks. He’ll be gone 2 weeks for that trip. I hope they get our sod put in before he goes.

Take care. :wavey:
Hi everyone!

Marty is cleaning out our RV. We did have a mouse. EW! He threw out a lot of stuff and is packing home more stuff than I ever wanted to see. I am washing blankets and coats before he brings them in to the house. The games are going to the basement. We have to go back and clean in a while. I sure hope we can sell it; that will be nice to get rid of the payment.

We had breakfast about 8:30 so I am getting pretty hungry right now. I hate to cook something since I don't know when he'll be back for round 3.

I hope you are having a great weekend.

Deegee, are you packing? I remember it so well.

Marcy :wavey:
Hi. I spent my weekend washing dishes, clothes, blankets, etc. out of our RV. Marty has it mostly cleaned out. Our generator won't stay running so we'll need to get that fixed. He wasn't able to get the central vac to work since the generator wouldn't stay running. We have it at a friend's house in the country so couldn't get an extension cord to it to use a regular vacuum. I have a ton of nice, warm blankets now that fit our king size bed. Woo hoo! Of course I won't need them for about 4 to 5 months. Then I'll wash them again but there is no way I am putting away a blanket before I wash it. OCD? Yes! :bigsmile:

It looks like some places are getting smacked today with tornados and bad thunder storms I hope all of you are safe from the storms.

Marty met a friend of his for BF today so I had an English muffin. We had steak, baked potatoes and asparagus for lunch. I made us sundaes with slow churned ice cream and hopefully we are done with food for the day. We eat at weird hours on the weekend.

We had a lot of wind here today with temps in the 60's. Marty power washed our deck yesterday to stain it but then the trailer took longer then expected and now we have rain in the forecast. I bet he'll be cleaning it again before he stains it. I wish he'd get bug spray around the house soon; I've seen for too many spiders in here already. I am a little sissy girl about bugs.

I hope all of you had a great and healthy weekend.

Happy Sunday kids!

Marcy, it sounds like you guys have made a ton of progress on the RV. And I'm with you on washing the blankets. I washed everything before/after the KC adventure too. The CB thinks I'm crazy, but people like you and me--we get it! ;))

I had hard workouts yesterday and today. I'm actually a little sore tonight. Yesterday was not good in terms of studying, but I was very productive today. BUT I logged on to the grade site this morning and my graded is posted as "unsatisfactory" for this last class, so I need to find out what is going on with that. I emailed the professor, but I haven't heard back yet. I'm sure it's some sort of administrative snafu, but seriously, this is NOT stress I need right now!

Anyway, off to an early bed soon. Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Hi everyone!

Dee Jay, I hope we can get the RV sold soon. Yes, I completely get washing blankets before I take care of them and then when I get them out again. I hope you got your grade straightened out. Yay for getting in some great workouts this weekend.

I had a new employee start today. I had a few meetings and worked on procedures. Aw, things to keep busy during the slow season.

I made cheese raviolis, garlic bread and raw veggies for supper. We had some little brownie pieces and fresh strawberries for dessert.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Marcy, are you and your team able to take advantage of the slow season to get things done? In finance, there are cyclical busier times (first quarter especially, as you can imagine) and we always plan big projects for summer thinking we will be slower (but sometimes we aren't!).

So the grade snafu got fixed, and they never really told me what was wrong, but to be honest I don't really care! I'm in crazy study mode--actually more like crazy multiple question mode, because that is the best way to study for me. It's so frustrating though becuase I'll get to a topic and think, "thank god, at least this is one I GET!"... and then I'll miss a ton of questions. ARGH.

OK, back into the file room to keep working on my project today. I've given myself two really bad paper cuts from manilla files digging through the drawers. It looks like someone slit their wrists and bled to death in the Compliance Records Room, LOL!
Dee*Jay, I'm glad your ankle isn't broken and I'm glad your grade was fixed.

Marcy, I'm glad you and Marty were able to unload the RV to someone.

Not much new here so I've kept pretty quiet. I have a doctor's appt. today and I'm curious to see what my weight will be. I've stuck with eating well for the most part but have become a total slacker in the exercise dept. At first I didn't really have time and then I just got lazy about it. I'd say it was stress but I do know that stress is supposed to decrease the more you work out. I don't know what my problem is.

I woke up at 4:00AM to thunder. It's supposed to be in the low 80s but a dreary day. It matches my mood.

I've been on the phone with the insurance company, a plumber, and a contractor to deal with the kitchen floor in our rental condo. My uncle was going to do the work but he backed out because of other commitments. The damage is getting worse and worse every day, it appears. On Sunday, our tenant went to wipe a spot off the floor and brown sludge (as she called it) seeped up through the laminate planks. We have no idea what's going on, so the plumber will do a leak detection soon. I'm just waiting to hear from our tenant when he'll be by. Once the leak's taken care of, we'll replace the rusty valve behind the washer/dryer and replace the floor. I think we need to replace the dryer because it's making rust stains on our tenants clothes. I don't know how or why that's happening because it's not an old machine. Maybe smaller, stackable units don't hold up as well and need to be replaced more often. Not sure.

Oh, I talked to the principal of the school I wanted to work at and he said the committee ended up choosing someone who wanted to transfer from within district. He said I had done "wonderfully" and there wasn't anything I could have said or done differently during my interview. That makes me feel better. At least I know it wasn't me, if that makes sense.

Have a good Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday!

I had my doctor's appt. this afternoon and it went well. The nurse took my temp and asked how I was feeling. I said that I felt fine but my throat hurt. She laughed and rolled her eyes and said "now you tell me. I asked because you have a fever." It's a low grade fever, but as I sat there, I began to feel worse. The nurse did a strep test but the rapid test came back negative. They sent it out though so it could still come back positive. I don't think it will though.

I'm home now and I feel really crappy. My throat's killing me and it feels gunky, I'm sniffly, and I feel like I'm getting sick. How weird. Talk about the power of suggestion! I had felt perfectly fine 10 minutes before. It was one of those, "oh now that you mention it..." kind of situations.

Dee Jay, I am glad they got your grade straightened out. Yes, we have plans for our slow time – training, procedures, redesigning our daily tasks and chores. Rats for getting some bad paper cuts. Good luck with your studies.

Zoe, I am so sorry to hear conditions at your condo are getting worse. I hope they fix it out and the insurance covers most of the expense. That is good to hear you had such positive input from the principal at that school. We were just cleaning out the RV to get it ready to sell. Wish us luck with that. I am sure we will take a beating on it but I just want to get rid of it. I hope you feel better soon and definitely hope you don’t have strep.

Last night we went to visit my parents then all went out to supper. My dad helped Marty move the bed frames from our garage to our RV. We got home about 10.

Work was okay today. Only ½ of us were there but we got everything done. I went to lunch with a friend today. After work I picked up a few things and made a sandwich when I got home. Marty didn’t get home from golf until about 8. I picked up stuff to clean our screen door and sliding glass doors. I can see out of them now. Sweet.

I think I’ll leave a roast cooking in the crock pot tomorrow. I can bake some potatoes when I get home and then supper will be ready when Marty is done with golf.

Take care. :wavey:
Happy Thursday kids!

Zoe, I'm sorry to hear you're sick! The timing is ironic though. Take it easy and rest up.

Marcy, a crockpot roast sounds wonderful right now! So far today I've had instant coffee, tuna salad from the deli at the gym with baked lays, and a couple of chicken fingers that left in the oven way to long...

Deegee, hope your packing is going well!

I am in the long home stretch of studying for my audit exam on Tuesday--yikes! I had two significant "AHA!" moment yesterday though, so that was really encouraging. In the time between now and the test I have allowed myself four trips to the gym and one two hours vist to a BBQ on Sunday. I got up at 6:30 this morning and typed up a two pager of important notes and took it with me to work out. 20 mins on the gauntlet, 20 minutes on the bike, 20 mins on the ellipitical and VOILA! I know the standard auditor's repot off by heart! If I had been thinking I would have done this all along. An hour several times a week with information that you want to learn in front of you is a good chunk of time. If I pass, I will have to attribute my being a CPA to all the hours at the gym from here on out--HA!

OK, back to the books!
Happy Thursday. That long holiday weekend is in sight. Sweet.

Dee Jay, great idea to take notes with you to the gym to study while working out. That would make both of those tasks go by more quickly. You will pass your test. I have faith in you. Rats that you overcooked your chicken. Our roast beef was quite tasty. I made a batch of scalloped potatoes to go with it. I baked them uncovered on the convection setting and they turned out great - crispy on top and soft otherwise. I noticed Marty had more than one serving.

Work was quite busy today so the day zipped by. We get off at 3 tomorrow so I will make sure my work is done early so I can get out of there by then.

I met Marty for lunch today. We had a pizza and he brought most of it home so we have some leftovers for lunch or supper now. Golf season changes our menu and meal times so we like having some quick and easy things around here.

It was cold, rainy and foggy here today and very windy. I noticed a shingle flapping in the wind when I came home so I sent an email off for warranty work. They said we'd be getting our landscaping soon too. Sweet. I'll have something green in my yard. I don't know if we'll get our flowers planted before Marty has to go on the road again. I want him to set up a drip system for them. It sounds like he'll be gone most of June. I need to have him show me how to turn on our new grill. I can have steaks, burgers and margaritas on the deck without him.

Deegee, how is packing coming along? When do you close on your new house?

Zoe, I hope you are feeling better.

Sharon, is it warming up where you live?

Take care.