
Healthy Living Thread

A roast sounds so good, Marcy!

Hi Dee*Jay and deegee! Dee*Jay, A-ha moments are always good. It sounds like studying is going well.

Thanks for the well wishes. I feel horrible still but not quite the "ohmygodithinkimdying" feeling I had yesterday. I must have called my mom 4 times and just cried. I'm such a baby. It was a bit pathetic, actually. :cheeky: My husband brought home wonton soup for me, which was awesome. I have a slight fever, but we're going on a field trip today so I have to go to school. We'll be outside for most of the day, so I'm hoping the fresh air will be good.

I got a call for a 1st grade position in a district far away (an hour) from where we live. I applied...well, just because, but it's a bit far. Mostly back country roads to get there, too. I need to call the principal today and let her know whether I'm going to schedule the interview she wants to have. The good news is that my husband can work from home beginning next week, so we're not tied to this area or the seacoast. The bad news is that district is the complete opposite direction we are and/or want to be. Decisions, decisions.

Gotta run! Happy Friday!
Happy Saturday kids!

Marcy, I LOVE scalloped potatos, especially like you described... soft underneath and all crispy on top! :lickout:

Zoe, I can't believe you had to go on a field trip while you weren't feeling well! Hopefully the fresh air was good and the whole thing wasn't too miserable for you.

I have been studying like mad, only leaving the house to go to the gym (which I access through the underground parking garage from my building to that building so I'm not sure that counts!). Yesterday after I worked out I had a burger with a friend in the grille of the gym, but other than that I've pretty much just been noshing. Must get some real food today!

Oh, and I'm over the idea that I am probably dying (well, we're all dying, but you know what I mean). For the past few weeks, and especially in the past several days, my tailbone has been very sore. I looked up tailbone pain on the magic internet and between the Mayo Clinic site and webMD I self diagnosed into having some terrible form of cancer that would entail a long miserable treatment involving all sort of things being put where the sund don't shine, culminating in a horribly painful death. Um... NO. I switched to a different type of exercise bike a while ago and it seems to have been putting pressure on my tailbone. I figured that out yesteday when I climbed on up there and the lightbulb went off. Whew. So I'm gonna live! :appl: :rolleyes: :lol:

Ok, off to do some more practice tests!
Phew, I'm glad you're going to live, Dee*Jay! Isn't it funny how our brain works on overload to convince us that we're sick with something major?

Hi Marcy!

Our field trip (to the zoo!) was really fun, as it always is. I told myself if I could get through yesterday, I could reward myself by spending the next few days in bed. That's pretty much what I've done so far and it's been great. I've read a great book (Lucia, Lucia by Adriana Trigiani), taken a nap, snuggled with the cats, and watched Bones with my husband. We just ordered Chinese food and my husband's playing hockey before the Bruins game. I still feel crappy but I'll live. My voice is going. I told D. that this will be the best weekend for him because it will be so quiet. I'm trying not to talk much. He said he's in heaven so far. :bigsmile:

Tomorrow will be a repeat of today, and honestly, so will Monday, most likely. A very exciting life, I have!

Here's a question: would you take a job in an area you didn't want to work just to have something, or would you risk possibly being unemployed if nothing else came along after this potential opportunity? That's what I'm thinking about now and I have no idea what to do.
Hi. Happy Saturday!

Zoe, I hope napping and taking it easy this weekend gets your over your crud. You can always accept a job and back out later or quit when something comes along that is more in line with what or where you want to be. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Marty always enjoys when I can’t talk too.

Dee Jay, I am relieved to hear you were suffering from a bicycle seat syndrome rather than dying from some horrible disease. Isn’t it fun to check out your symptoms online? That is probably the health care process of the future. We’ll have apps on our phone where we put in our symptoms, some doctor or nurse will facetime us and we’ll be good to go.

Marty power washed the deck again but once again didn’t stain the deck. I am seeing a pattern here. He was bored and waiting for the sun to get on the other side of the house. We went to have lunch at the club then picked up flowers for our pots out front. Marty got the stuff to put them on a drip system. He didn’t quite finish them before he went to play golf so hopefully he’ll get it done in the morning or I’d best get out there and water our plants. I think I got sunburned because my arms are starting to turn red and they are kind of tingly. I am so pale I stay out of the sun or really slather on sunscreen. Rats.

I did laundry today but not much else since the plants took most of our time.

Take care.
Happy Sunday kids!

Zoe, do you actually have to live in this other area or is it feasible for you to still commute? I agree with Marcy about potentially taking the job and moving on if something better pops up. Plus, geography is (in my huble opinion) on of the best reasons to leave a postion after a short time and not have it held against you. Look at my 8 month stay in KC--I just told the new company that the KC location was not working for me and it was a prefectly legitimate reason to bolt after a short time.

Marcy, LOL on bicycle seat syndrome! Funny you should mention the app secenario; a friend of mine is associated with a local hospital and he said they are rolling out an ER app. I didn't get a lot of details, but I think it is targeted toward people with chronic conditions so that if they are on their way into the ER there will be preparation made for their arrival so they don't have to go through the whole lengthy admittance process. Brilliant!

So yesterday I had candy twice... They carry these Five Star Chocolate Bars at the gym right at the check out, and I'd never had one before my company's annual meeting a few weeks ago, but I tried one at the break there and OMG! I've resisted getting any at the gym but yesterday I looked up the calories and the one I like was 280 so I decided to forego real food for lunch and eat that instead. AND THEN last night I wanted more candy ( :confused: ) so the CB went to CVS and got me Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate Salted Carmel Squares... six of which I promptly snarfed down... :o The other three were just consumed in the course of finishing a practice test on audit procedures specific to government auditing...

Anyway, I had a hard workout at the gym today, and finished all of the practice tests and simulations when I got home, so now I am about to start them all over from the beginning. The CB and I are going to a BBQ at 4:00, but I only plan on staying a few hours and then coming back to do some more studying. I am so boring!!!
Hi everyone.

Dee Jay, the ER app really makes sense. It would help speed up check in and hopefully reduce the times people spend in ER. When my dad broke his hip they had him in ER for easily 6 hours. It is not like they weren't going to operate on him and fix his hip. He has great insurance why did he have to wait in ER for that long? Your chocolate sounds great.

Marty and I are in a food coma right now. We met some friends for supper at Foga de Chao and we are stuffed. It was wonderful though. My poor knees and feet are screaming at me though. Yesterday we walked the hardware store then planted our flowers. Today we did some shopping nd then walked many blocks going to and from supper. I need drugs. We just had some alka seltzer. Hopefully some Advil will ease the pain and I can sleep tonight.

I am very excited I gots new ruby ring today. I had a1/2 ct marquis ruby ring but it just wasn't my style anymore. Every time I've gone I to upgrade it I got something else. Today that is all I looked at. I ended up with a .76 ct ruby (emerald cut) and the ring has 4 diamonds .44ctw. We only looked at about 5 rubies but this one was very lively with great color. I am anxious to get it. The heart shape was small and pinkish. The round was way too expensive and not as saturated as the EC, the oval wasn't bad but lost and the larger EC was not transparent. Both of us quickly picked that stone and narrowed our choices down to 4 YG rings. We decided what we wanted in less 30 minutes - a record. That really finishes my suite of sapphires and rubies. Maybe I won't buy anymore jewelry. Bwhahahahahahahah.

Well. Marty is almost out so I'd best get ready for bed.

Take care
Marcy, your new ruby ring sounds really pretty! I've gotten the advice to take the job if it goes well and then back out if needed, but I don't think I could do that. It would definitely burn bridges.

Dee*Jay, how was the BBQ?

We don't have to move to the area where these schools are but if we don't, I'm looking at an hour's commute (or a bit longer) one way, on mostly back roads. In the winter, especially, this isn't ideal. We live in the central part of our state. This job is on the left, I mean, west. We'd prefer to either stay where we are or move to the right, uh, east, closer to the seacoast (if I find a job there). Since this job is in the opposite direction of where we want to be (and the schools are really small -- more likely to be riffed in the future), I don't think it's the best fit. I'll go on the interview for the experience but turn them down if a position is offered to me. That sounds crazy though. We really need the money, I have no idea what the unemployment benefit situation would be, and hey, it's a job. This is driving me insane. I was never good at change.

After spending 3 days in bed doing nothing but sleeping and watching movies, I think I'm finally on the upside of whatever this is. I still don't feel well but I've definitely felt a lot worse. I have zero energy though and my voice isn't great.
Hi everyone!

Zoe, I am sorry to hear you aren't well yet. What a miserable week for you. I hope you get better.

We didn't get home until about 10:30 last night. We ended up stopping at a Car Toys and bought some new speakers, amp and subwoofer for the trucklet and had them install them. They said 4 to 6 hours - it was more like 8 to 9 hours. We called my sister and she and my BIL came to pick us up for a while. We went to their house, then took them to supper and they dropped us back at Car Toys. Marty was not real happy with how the new system sounded after spending that much $$. We tweaked things today and is much happier. I felt bad because he wanted to order the pieces from Crutchfield and install it himself. I talked him in to picking out something he can listen too and to pay for the installation. I am glad he is happier with it tonight.

Work was busy. I am shifting work loads and schedules and no one is happy but we'll see how it all works out.

I did my grocery shopping after work, cooked supper, cleaned fruits and veggies, did dishes, got some cards and papers ready to mail and did a batch of laundry tonight. I am tired! :bigsmile:

Here are a few pictures of the ruby and the ring with the ruby setting in the mounting. I am anxious to get it later this week.

Take care. I am not proof reading this so pardon any typos.





Happy Wednesday kids!

Zoe, I'm glad you're starting to feel better. The job situation is a tough one... Hopefully you will get an offer in an area you want to live in and it will all become moot!

Marcy, your new ruby is really lovely and I like the setting a lot. The killer rabbit is too funny on the wine bottle!

Deegee, hope you're doing well with the move!

So I took the first part of the exam yesterday... I really have NO IDEA how I did... Honestly, I don't have a good feeling about this and I will really have to reevaluate if I want to keep going with the rest of it if I didn't pass. The worst part is grades won't be available for a while so I have to start studying for the next one before the grades are even posted for this one.
Ladies-this maddness must stop! Friday was jeans day, and I had to lie down in the floor of my closet to get my jeans buttoned and zipped. I nearly ruptured a kidney avoiding the restroom all day for fear of having to lie down in the restroom floor. I finally decided to put on my long cardigan sweater and if I couldn't get them zipped, I'd hide it with my sweater until I got back in my office and shut the door. How pathetic! I refuse to buy bigger pants, so I have no choice but do better. I've done really well with food this week, and grudgingly cut back on my evening beverages. I have to work exercise back into the day if I can find the time and energy. Our air conditioning unit completely died and it is 90+ outside. The house is an'd think I would melt some pounds off. We have to get it replaced before we put the house up for sale. Another home improvement someone else will enjoy! I had salad and watermelon for dinner, which tasted really good in this heat.

Dee*Jay-That stinks it takes so long to get your results. I remember Matt getting impatient after he took the PE exam and it took forever to get the results. We have a girl in our office who is taking actuarial exams every so many months. I think she's the same way as you - has to study for the next one before she gets the results from the one she just took. No fun.

Zoe-I definitely understand your dilemma about the job location. I'm a big wimp and would probably take whatever I could find. That's not necessarily the smart thing to do. Good idea to go on the interview for the experience. When I got my first teaching job, I remember being hired at the end of July due to the in-district transfers. It was July before they actually figured out what was still available! I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel a little better.

Marcy-your new ring is going to be really pretty! You make my puny rhr collection of 2 seem really, really sad. Love the killer rabbit and the wine bottle! Have you & Marty put the RV up for sale? Our neighbors went camping over the weekend and their ginormo RV is in their driveway being cleaned/aired out. I'm not sure where it goes when they're not using it. Are there RV storage lots? We stained our deck last weekend. It was no fun, so I can understand Marty putting it off!

Have a great evening!
Deegee, I've definitely had the same feeling. It sounds like a good idea to cut back on wine at night. Wine isn't my thing (I rarely drink) but if you replaced it with something like oh, cake, cookies, or ice cream, I'd totally be with you. It's HARD to give up (or cut back on) things you really love. Good luck!

Dee*Jay, it must be a relief to have part of the CPA exam over with. :appl:

Marcy, I love your new ring!

I really should stop posting altogether because all I seem to post is bad news of some sort. I really do try to be a glass half full kind of person but you wouldn't know it! Aside from job and condo stuff, our vet wants us to bring in one of our cats because he thinks he might have a thyroid problem. Henry's been scavenging like crazy, getting into everything and wreaking havoc in the kitchen. He scarfs down his food like it's his last meal, and then he goes after his sister's. He's also losing weight I think, which is why the vet is somewhat concerned. Poor Henry. He's had a rough time of over the years and this is just one more thing.

It was 90* today, bright and sunny, and it will be that way through the weekend. I have a baby shower to go to on Saturday and then no plans for Sunday yet.

Have a good Friday!
Hello all!

Zoe-my cat Queso had the thyroid issue and was on medication for many years to control it. I think he was on methimazole, and we had to get it at a regular pharmacy. They made it into a liquid and flavored it like tuna, and I squirted a dose on his food two or three times a day. Poor little guy was always hungry. Have fun at your baby shower!

Dee*Jay-did you ever find renters for your other apartment? I'm dreading the two house payment thing.

Marcy-did you get your ring?

It was in the mid-90's today, and the house was a stuffy 85 when I got home. Lily and I sat on the porch for a while, and the cats have stayed put on the ceramic tile in the bathroom. We're all lethargic this evening. Matt is at a conference this week, lucky guy. He has air conditioning. We got the quote today for the new unit and it wasn't as horrible as we thought, so Matt told them to proceed as quickly as possible. I had half of a roast beef sandwich from Arby's for dinner along with a slice of watermelon. Lunch was a kashi meal and breakfast was an egg beater with a slice of ham. I'm trying to get the eating thing back in control. Tomorrow is jeans day again. I can't pass up a jeans day...wish me luck in finding a pair in my closet that I can get buttoned!! Have a great day!
Deegee, I meant to ask yesterday how Matt's doing? Is he feeling any better about his job or does he have his eyes open for other opportunities elsewhere?
Hi Kids! Happy Friday.

Dee Jee, how awful to be left in limbo about your test results. That does make it difficult to motivate yourself to go study for the next part. Of course I am 100% confident you passed the first test so if my vote of confidence counts for anything . . . :wavey: Is you BSS all better? I sat on an uncomfortable wicker chair at lunch today and thought great now I’ll get WCS.

Deegee, your jeans sorry made me chuckle not because I am laughing at you but because I’ve so been there myself. I am sure your food and exercise habits will fall back in to place as soon as you get moved and settled. I am trying to cut back on wine except for the weekend. It is tough to spend money on a house you are going to sell but getting a decent estimate hopefully makes it a bit easier. We have the RV on Craig’s list and in the local newspaper. Marty is getting a lot of girlie photos sent to the email address he used responding to that ad. Nice, huh? They do have RV storage lots but we have it parked at a friend’s house who lives out in the country. I hope your 2 house payments don’t last for too long. I sure hope to get rid of our RV payment soon. Marty is out of town for at least 2 weeks and I am planning on going there for supper on my way home from work one day. I usually get the Arby’s junior but I might try the sliders this time and keep ½ for lunch.

Zoe, I am screwed either way since I want both sweets and wine at night. Moderation, huh? Your poor cat. I hope everything is okay. How is the condo coming along? You guys got hot there pretty quickly. Are the 90’s a usual temperature range for most of the summer there? We were in the 70’s to 80’s for a while but now we have nasty wind dropping us back in the 50’s to 60’s. Marty has not been able to get the deck stained yet. We hit 90’s to 100’s for a few weeks in July or August. Have fun at the baby shower.

I am starting my weekend early. Sweet. I stayed home today since my ruby ring was being delivered today. Right now we are waiting for a furniture delivery. We bought 2 queen mattresses for our guest bedrooms and a cabinet for our utility room about a month ago. They “Said” they had both mattresses in stock but wanted to bring them when our cabinet came in. So now they called earlier today and “Said” their inventory was inaccurate and they only have 1 mattress. Sigh. Anyway they are bringing us what they have right now.

We’ve had a couple of busy days (hence where I’ve been). My birthday was yesterday but it seems to have turned in to a birthday week. I guess it’s nice to be popular, huh? :lol: Last night Marty and I had supper at Olive Garden then we met some friends at the golf course club and played cards against humanity until they were ready to close the door (which being a private club is about 10:30). My parents are taking us out for supper tomorrow night then my foodathon celebration should be over.

My new ring looks great. Rubies are sure hard to photograph but I did start a thread on it. My real birthday present was a Tom Everhart lithograph of Snoopy. I love it! We have an art nook at the end of the hallway that goes to our bedroom. We hung it there. I attached a picture of it.

Well, take care! Have a great weekend.

The weekend's here!

I don't think I'm going to the baby shower I'm supposed to go to tomorrow. I feel much better but just to be on the safe side, I think I'll stay home.

Well, it's official, D. LOVES working from home. We need to go out this weekend, maybe tonight, and look for a desk and chair for him. The guest room is really tiny and there's already a double bed in there, so I'm not sure what will fit. I suggested that he use the dining room as his office (we never use the d.r. table and we'd save $), but he doesn't want to. Our place is somewhat open concept, so if I'm in the living room watching TV or listening to music, he'll be distracted. This way, he can shut the door if needed and he won't be bothered.

So you know the interview I went on the other night? The one that's in the opposite direction of where I'd prefer working? Well, the principal called me this morning and said very complimentary things. (I was surprised because I didn't leave with warm, fuzzy feelings.) He invited me to go back next week and teach a lesson for 30 minutes while the interview committee (7 people) observes. They want to see the candidates in action before making a decision. It makes sense but it's totally nerve-racking. The person whose class I'll be teaching is going to call me with the details. I don't know what they'll want to see -- language arts or math, most likely. Ack! I have a feeling I'll be spending most of the weekend preparing. I've never had to audition for a job before. Oh, my stomach hurts already.
Marcy, I'm confused -- I thought you and Marty had sold the RV. He's going away for 2 weeks? Do you like having some time to yourself or do you hate it when he leaves on long trips? Happy birthday! Cute Snoopy pic!

I'd say the usual summer temps here in NE are somewhere in the 80s-low 90s range. It's still a bit early for the temp to be in the 90s.
Zoe, good idea to stay home from the baby shower since you aren't feeling too well. I really watch being around pregnant or older people if I am sick; I would feel awful giving them something. That is great your husband likes to work at home. Marty quickly found out he did not like being in or near the living room when I was home; it was too distracting for him. Our old house had his office right by the living room so no matter what I was doing in the living room he could hear me. He said he felt having a specific place to go to in the house was better. This morning he came walking through the bathroom wearing his slippers, a t-shirt and boxer shorts and said "working from home - no shoes or pants required." What a flake! Of course then he put on jeans. Marty likes working at home but really misses seeing people. How exciting and scary to actually do a teaching session for your second interview. It honestly makes sense. What grade level is the position? At least they give you time to prepare rather than just throw you in front of the kids. I am very excited to hear you were invited back for another interview. We only cleaned out our RV, sadly we have not sold it yet. Hopefully that won't take too long. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I don't like it when Marty is gone but we have a security system so that helps me be less nervous. I do like time to myself since the house stays cleaner and I can run the remote but I sure miss him when he is gone. When he is overseas (which he will be this time) we can't talk on FaceTime. It always makes me very happy and anxious to see him when he gets home. I think the weather here has been weird this year too. Enjoy your nice weather. :wavey:
Laughing at Marty's comment about attire when working form home. D. would say the same thing. He's kind of a loner -- he never really feels the need for a lot of interaction with co-workers. They'd go out for lunch and chat, but there were plenty of times when D. kept more to himself, ate at his desk, and didn't socialize as much. I need to see people and have face to face conversations, so if I was in a different field and had the opportunity to work from home, I don't think I'd opt to do it. Maybe once a week, if that, but I like chatting and getting to know others too much. I'd go crazy being alone all day with no one to talk to but the cats.

The position is 1st grade, although I'll be "auditioning" in a 2nd grade class. That puts me somewhat at ease because I teach 2nd now and have for 7 years.

Having D. work from home will kind of cramp my style :cheeky: because I'm used to having "me" time after school and during the summer. I'll get used to it though.
Zoe, Marty is very much a loner too. When he started working from home one of our nieces sent him a joke about loss of social skills over time when you work from home. It was pretty funny. 4 day weekends almost drive me crazy; I am ready to go back to work after that. After golf season I have to adjust to having Marty home all the time especially knowing I need to fix dinner right after work all the time. :bigsmile: That is awesome you are already very experienced with teaching second graders. I will be anxious to hear what they want you to do that day.
Hi. I think my week long everyone wants to go out to eat and drink is over. Sweet. My parents took us to lunch and I ate the second half of my lunch for supper. Marty has golf early tomorrow so we will have a quick lunch before we head to the airport. I am stopping at good feet on the way home. I need some foam inserts and will probably get a new pair of shoes.

I had to do some work from home today. I did laundry and picked off dead flowers in our pots. I think the wind is dying down and the temps will be warming up so hopefully they will perk up this week. We get our sod and 3 trees sometime this week. I'll have a yard. :appl:

I need to get some groceries but since I don't think I need them before Marty leaves I will stop on my way home tomorrow.

I hope you are having a great weekend.

Take care.
Hi. We got Marty to DIA. Dee Jay, he was in your city on his layover. :wavey:

My car started whining "need oil" about 15 minutes before the airport so I stopped by my sisters house and my nephew put some oil in for me. I stopped at the store when I got to town. I picked up the house when I got home and have been watching TV. I need to do the dishes and wipe down the countertops. I won't sleep well until Marty lands which will be about 4 am my time.

I took one of my teddies and a killer rabbit with me to amuse myself on the way home. :lol:

Take care.
Just a quick fly by to let you ladies know I made it through the Vegas weekend alive--albeit a few pounds heavier! Will post more later once I settle in. :wavey:
Hi everyone!

Dee Jay, I looked through the Hangout thread on the LV GTG - it looks like everyone had a great time. Did you win anything?

Deegee, how is moving / packing going?

Zoe, are you feeling better this week?

Hi Sharon and Skippy :wavey:

Marty made it to the UK okay. He was pretty tired so hopefully he'll get a decent night sleep before going to work on their Tuesday.

We had a wind / rain storm blow in about 6 tonight. I stayed about an hour late today and it started to rain really hard when I was coming home. Luckily it didn't hail.

I had leftovers for supper. I think I'll make a homemade pizza for supper tomorrow; then I'll have some leftover for lunch too.

Take care.
Good morning!

Dee*Jay, I've been looking at the LV pics and it looked like everyone had a great time.

Marcy, yes, I do feel better, thanks for asking.

I have my audition tomorrow and I'm getting a bit nervous. I'll be spending much more time in the car getting to and from this school than I'll be actually teaching. The distance is a huge factor that I need to think about before accepting the job if it's offered to me. It's an hour away, middle of nowhere, on winding back roads pretty much the whole way. A big part of me thinks I'd be crazy for turning it down because it's a great school in a great district, and a grade level I love. I could potentially be passing this up without having anything but subbing to fall back on. It's definitely scary to think about. We'll see what happens.

We've been on the phone and in contact via e-mail with the plumber, the property manager, and our tenant. The property manager is getting more involved this time around and that's good. I feel like we're finally getting somewhere. The bad news though is that the leak isn't in an obvious place like near the sinks, dishwasher, or washing machine, and it's not a simple fix. We don't even know if the kitchen floor and bathroom ceiling are one huge problem or two separate ones. There's talk of ripping up the floor in the kitchen, part of the living room, and checking the sub floor, and also checking the pipes throughout the lower level of the building. I feel bad for our tenant for dealing with all of this, but we're dealing with everything as quick as we can. It takes time though, especially if part of the problem is with the structure of the building (pipes, etc.).

We also had the appliance guy over yesterday to check the dryer. The drum needs to be replaced. We looked into just replacing the dyer but of course they don't make the same one anymore or even one that's compatible with the washing machine. They're a stackable unit. So if we replace one, we need to replace both, and that's way more money than we'd like to shell out. So for now, the dryer will be fixed.

Got to run to work. Have a good day!
Happy Tuesday kids!

Zoe, good luck today -- you'll do great!!! And I know what you mean about having to weigh the commute vs. the job. How many subbing assignments do you think you would get a week if that's the route you went? And do you get paid differently for subbing than being a regular teacher?

Deegee, how goes the packing? No, the KC apartment isn't rented yet, and these two payments are killing me! Oh well, at least no one's going hungry because of it. About your jeans; back in high school we wore our jeans so tight we HAD to lie down to zip them. Can you imagine doing that now ON PURPOSE?!?

Marcy, I didn't win anything at the GTG, but that's OK becuase the people who did win are really happy! And darling Skippy got the Blue Nile earrings--I was SO THRILLED for her!!! Homemade pizza sounds marvelous! The more casual restaurant at my gym has what they call "spa pizza" with a really thin crust, spinach, mushrooms, onions, sauce and low fat mozarella (sp?). I (of course) and pepperoni and it's delish!

So I made myself go to the gym last night and I did a new arm machine... now I can't turn my head or lift my left arm. Super... I spilled a bunch of advil this morning on the kitchen floor... and I just left them there. Sad, but true. Thank god I don't have The Demon and Oscar with me or I would have been down on my hands and knees picking them up!
Hi Kids! :wavey:

I drove home through hail and rain but had a lovely rainbow from our house. I instantly got out my camera.

Dee Jay, those tight of jeans just hurt! I like comfort clothes these days. I saw Skippy won a nice pair of earrings. She deserves them. It looked like a lot of fun. Marty sounds agreeable to going sometime. Sweet. The spa pizza sounds good. I have my pizza baking now. I used low fat cheese and the deli thin ham pieces. I kind of scrunch them up and they don't get all fried / dried out that way. I didn't have pineapple which I wanted to add. I hope you are feeling better tonight. When I bought my parents one of those grabbers after my dad broke his hip I liked it so much I got one for myself. Marty laughs at me when I use it.

Zoe, I am glad you are feeling better. Good luck with your audition tomorrow. Glad to hear the property manager is helping out with the condo. I hope it will be an easy fix. Repairs can be such a hassle. Rats that your dryer needs work too. I know when our dishwasher went bad in our old house it was about the same price to get a new one as to replace the motor. I am sending mega PS dust your way tomorrow.

I had lots of meetings at work today and worked on new schedules for my employees. The day zipped by.

Have a great evening.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Marcy, I love the rainbow pic! It's so cool to see the whole thing! Is that area between you and the rainbow going to be houses some day?

I am happy to report I can lift my left arm today, but now my right one is sore. Just a regular worked-out-too-hard muscle sore, but still.

So the results of my audit exam will be posted as early as Friday, but the state still has even RECEIVED my last transcript, let alone processed it, so I am sitting around twiddling my thumbs in angst and frustration. ARGH.
Thanks Dee*Jay! My "audition" went well, I think, but it's so hard to tell. I taught a math lesson for 30 minutes and the kids were great. There were 6 other adults in the room observing me, so it was a bit nerve-racking. It wasn't too bad though -- I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be. I'll find out by the end of the week. If I end up subbing for different districts next year, I could probably work pretty regularly (I'm assuming anyway, but I've never done it). If you're a day to day sub (you're called when needed somewhere), I think you get paid a flat rate. If you're a long-term sub for months at a time, I think you're paid a teacher's salary. The specific amount you get is usually figured out by the years of experience you have and what level of education you have. I'm going to look into unemployment benefits, too, just in case.

Very cool rainbow, Marcy! I'd love it if there were sapphires at the end, too. :bigsmile:

Hi Deegee! I hope you're doing well.
Hi everyone! We have GRASS!! :appl: :appl: :appl: And 3 Trees. Sweet.

Dee Jay, I was very excited that my little point and shoot was able to get the entire rainbow. Sadly they will build houses there some day but only 2 more rows. They don’t know yet if they will be twin homes or single homes. That made me want to join the home owners association board. That area was cited for a grade school but then the school backed out after we bought our lot. They asked for this section too. We have a green way behind out house and the ground is lower so I may not loose my view but it will certainly change. ;( Glad to hear your left arm can move today, sorry to hear your right one is offering up sympathy pains. Feel better! I hope your test results are posted Friday.

Zoe, I am glad you have a good feeling about your audition today. Finding a pot of gold with sapphires in it would be awesome. I would play with it for hours.

I was very bored at work today. It made for a long day.

I stopped to visit my parents after work. Today is their 65th anniversary. How cool is that? I took them a card and some Russell Stover’s gumdrops. They love those things.

After I left their house I picked up some new tennis shoes, had ½ of a burger for supper then picked up a few Velcro rollers. My new hairdo is shorter and it cut off most of my perm so I thought I’d try to give it some body by using rollers in the morning. I have absolutely no skill with a curling iron. :lol:

When I got home the landscaping company was here putting in our sod. It looks so nice to have green grass. The weeds had started to grow but he said they tilled the soil first to get rid of them. They got our sprinklers running and I guess they have to come on twice a day for 2 weeks. My water bill will be pricey.

Have a great evening.

Happy Thursday kids!

Zoe, I'm glad your audition went well! I would be a wreck if there were a bunch of adults observing me so kudos to you for doing a bang-up job!

Marcy, so there area behind you was supposed to be a school but now it will be houses... Do I have that right? honestly, I'd take houses over a school any day, but I am probably the wronG person to ask! And that's a great photo!

This morning I had a hard time motivating to get out of bed and didn't make it to the gym until about 8:30. Then I went to CVS and bought a bunch of Lean Cuisines and also picked up a couple of Asian noodle bowl things. I had one when I got home at it was pretty grim so I'm hoping the other two are better... (And yes, I "grocery shop at CVS... :rolleyes: )

The scale has me at 131.8--totally not acceptable! I've decided 130 is my LIMIT (although I'm happy at 125 and happiER at 120), so now totally on the wagon. I remember in one of the Rabbit books (maybe Rabit Redeaux?) if the protagonist's wife would get on the scale and it said anything over 100 lbs she would eat only carrots and celery until she got back to 100. I don't have quite THAT level of discipline, but I'm keeping track of cals until I get this back where it belongs!

So the state has processed my last transcript and now it's just a matter of scores being posted. The official release date is June 10 (Monday) but the blogs say the scores sometimes get released the business day before, so tomorrow. ACK!!!