
Help picking a sparkling 2.5ct round solitaire

Thanks so much for that.

That's super helpful!! Honestly the both look fabulous to me. I do see what you mean about @Sue16 prongs/basket setting just a little bit lower.

I am not sure if this is worth me obsessing over any further or not but really appreciate the comparison!!

What do you think?

Will be on a long skinny size 4.25 finger

I think they look great.
Thanks so much for that.

That's super helpful!! Honestly the both look fabulous to me. I do see what you mean about @Sue16 prongs/basket setting just a little bit lower.

I am not sure if this is worth me obsessing over any further or not but really appreciate the comparison!!

What do you think?

Will be on a long skinny size 4.25 finger

you could ask the height measurement of your diamond (from inner shank to table) just to set your mind at ease?

Both iterations are beautiful. Lower set can sometimes be more comfortable. Slightly higher set allows for a more flush fit with wedding bands. I think with pieces like this there will always be small differences from one mount to another so I don’t think I’d be bothered that they are not identical. I think your ring looks very graceful and elegant, as does Sue’s, even though they are slightly different.
Stop obsessing. It’s beautiful. You’ve done a masterful job with this ring. You’re obsessing over minuscule things that I doubt you’ll even notice in person. Your job is done. Enjoy it.
On a size 4.25 finger, this going to be incredible!!! I’m so jealous! I’m a 5.25, lol! You must come back and post pics, she’s going to be over the moon!!! ❤️
Wait. I can never keep track of who I’m talking to in these threads. Are you going to wear this ring or is someone else? Because it’s not you wearing it there is no way in heck anyone else will notice any of these things you are taking about lol. She will just say “woweeeee”.
Wait. I can never keep track of who I’m talking to in these threads. Are you going to wear this ring or is someone else? Because it’s not you wearing it there is no way in heck anyone else will notice any of these things you are taking about lol. She will just say “woweeeee”.

Thanks all!

The ring is for my soon to be fiancé.

Sue16 was generous enough to post some side-to-sides of the settings. As she (and others here) have pointed out- I think the differences in the prongs etc are very insignificant. Mine are I think tabbed, and hers are more rounded

However it does seem that her setting is slightly lower than mine (mine is more "closed off" I think)

I am trying to decide if it is worth asking them to change/lower the setting slightly to more closely match hers. Or if it would make sense to just ask them to remove some of the basket as it comes off of the shoulder/shank?


At this point, I think you would need to talk to WF about what changes COULD be made to the setting. I would seriously doubt they would be willing to thin the prongs at the base of the ring due to integrity issues. When a diamond is set into a setting, small indents are made into the inside of the prongs. This is where the diamond is 'seated' in the setting. Lowering the diamond might require a new head to be made. I do think they might be able to shave off some of the outer portions of the prongs to make them lighter. However, I am not a jeweler and could not say which, if any of these things, would be possible. While the wearer of the ring sees the side view, most other people will be viewing the ring from the face down position. It is your ring though, and I am sure WF would be willing to accommodate you to the extent that they could without compromising the safety of the diamond. It seems most here are of the opinion that the ring is beautiful the way it is now. You still seem uncertain about it, so I think a conversation with WF would be your most prudent step now.
I definitely wouldn't try to remove any of the basket. I agree with @MissGotRocks that you need to talk to WF and see if they could possible shave the exterior top portion of the prongs a tiny bit. But please don't ask them to do anything that could risk this stone, which I'm sure they will not want to do, so please don't push them. It's beautiful as is. And again, these images are HUGE compared to real life.
I shrunk it down so that you can see, that in normal viewing size, you can barely see any difference.

you could ask the height measurement of your diamond (from inner shank to table) just to set your mind at ease?

Both iterations are beautiful. Lower set can sometimes be more comfortable. Slightly higher set allows for a more flush fit with wedding bands. I think with pieces like this there will always be small differences from one mount to another so I don’t think I’d be bothered that they are not identical. I think your ring looks very graceful and elegant, as does Sue’s, even though they are slightly different.

Thank you! I realize I am probably just being a weirdo-OCD person obsessing here. But do think it would make sense or even a good idea to ask them to remove a little of the basket at the bottom and/or lower it slightly? I attached an image below.

Again- I really appreciate everyone's help and patience.

I am going to discuss with them tomorrow- I realize we are already at an "A plus" and maybe I just need to accept how it currently is and not try to make it the "A plus plus" especially if you all here don't think these changes would be good ones! Who knows... maybe my soon to be fiance wouldn't want any of these changes etc.

She does work with her hands a decent amount although not anything very physical or strenuous


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I definitely wouldn't try to remove any of the basket. I agree with @MissGotRocks that you need to talk to WF and see if they could possible shave the exterior top portion of the prongs a tiny bit. But please don't ask them to do anything that could risk this stone, which I'm sure they will not want to do, so please don't push them. It's beautiful as is. And again, these images are HUGE compared to real life.
I shrunk it down so that you can see, that in normal viewing size, you can barely see any difference.


Thanks. That helps a lot. I just posted an image/photo below of what I am trying to articulate, but if you think removing some of that basket is a bad idea for the cosmetics or security of the diamond I really trust and value your opinion!

As you can tell... clearly I have no idea what I am talking about and just trying to make something perfect and micromanage a process which I obviously don't totally understand.
Thanks. That helps a lot. I just posted an image/photo below of what I am trying to articulate, but if you think removing some of that basket is a bad idea for the cosmetics or security of the diamond I really trust and value your opinion!

As you can tell... clearly I have no idea what I am talking about and just trying to make something perfect and micromanage a process which I obviously don't totally understand.
First of all it's not needed, cosmetically. I would not do it for that reason, but also because the thinner that is, the more likely that one good knock could damage the basket if it loses too much metal. And you say that your intended fiance works with her hands a lot, so that would also make me hesitate to weaken the basket. Again, a shrunken photo. But ask WF what they think if you are really stuck on this. They are the jewelry experts and should be able to tell you what they can or cannot do, while still keeping the integrity of the ring. And yes, you are being an OCD-person (your words, not mine =)2) but that's okay. Lots of folks on this forum are the same!
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I’m wondering if what you may be seeing in this highly magnified photo is reflection that is giving you the impression of thickness. I just took a zoomed in photo of mine from the same profile angle and I really think perhaps what you are seeing is reflection. I think in real life it won’t look like that. When you are comparing two ring photos side by side like this, there can be a vary slight difference in camera angle or slight ring tilt. I do think that the Vatche U113 head (and the area you are referencing) is standard and won’t be variable from head to head.
I’ll be interested to hear what WF says on the matter.
Thanks. That helps a lot. I just posted an image/photo below of what I am trying to articulate, but if you think removing some of that basket is a bad idea for the cosmetics or security of the diamond I really trust and value your opinion!

As you can tell... clearly I have no idea what I am talking about and just trying to make something perfect and micromanage a process which I obviously don't totally understand.
OK, OCD is not uncommon around these parts. It is very common in my world so I can definitely relate. I am the person that sees the flaws before the beauty and can be the queen of tweaking. I could tell you stories about my exploits that would make you feel very normal! However, let me throw this one out here for you to mull. I say this because there have been times I have won the tweaking battle only to be disappointed with the results. Let’s say they took some of the material out of those areas. Done by hand and by man so not a perfect science. Let’s say after it is done, they don’t all look completely the same. One seems a bit higher than the rest. Would you be satisfied or disappointed that you had pursued it? Material can’t be put back so now you would have to ask that the ‘off’ one be redone. In the process, a small nick is made which causes a rough place. Again, something overlooked but maybe a worse scenario than what you started with in the beginning. Fixing a problem but perhaps creating a bigger one. See what I mean? Just listen to what WF has to say and take your cues from them. I am sure that the ring can be sent to you and returned if you absolutely can’t live with it. A hassle to be sure but sometimes caution is the word of the day.
In terms of diamonds, I always feel that the most perfection is to be had in the stone. Once you have it in hand and see the light show in various environments, the tiny nuances of the setting fade away. It is always the diamond that is the star!
I’m wondering if what you may be seeing in this highly magnified photo is reflection that is giving you the impression of thickness. I just took a zoomed in photo of mine from the same profile angle and I really think perhaps what you are seeing is reflection. I think in real life it won’t look like that. When you are comparing two ring photos side by side like this, there can be a vary slight difference in camera angle or slight ring tilt. I do think that the Vatche U113 head (and the area you are referencing) is standard and won’t be variable from head to head.
I’ll be interested to hear what WF says on the matter.

Thanks! That is helpful. I'll report back
OK, OCD is not uncommon around these parts. It is very common in my world so I can definitely relate. I am the person that sees the flaws before the beauty and can be the queen of tweaking. I could tell you stories about my exploits that would make you feel very normal! However, let me throw this one out here for you to mull. I say this because there have been times I have won the tweaking battle only to be disappointed with the results. Let’s say they took some of the material out of those areas. Done by hand and by man so not a perfect science. Let’s say after it is done, they don’t all look completely the same. One seems a bit higher than the rest. Would you be satisfied or disappointed that you had pursued it? Material can’t be put back so now you would have to ask that the ‘off’ one be redone. In the process, a small nick is made which causes a rough place. Again, something overlooked but maybe a worse scenario than what you started with in the beginning. Fixing a problem but perhaps creating a bigger one. See what I mean? Just listen to what WF has to say and take your cues from them. I am sure that the ring can be sent to you and returned if you absolutely can’t live with it. A hassle to be sure but sometimes caution is the word of the day.
In terms of diamonds, I always feel that the most perfection is to be had in the stone. Once you have it in hand and see the light show in various environments, the tiny nuances of the setting fade away. It is always the diamond that is the star!

Thanks. As always, I really appreciate your counsel!
No I would not counsel that you try to mess with this beautiful ring. You would be opening a can of worms and as you have said repeatedly you are not a designer and you know nothing about jewelry. I suspect you are focusing on this ring because it feels controllable, whereas your anxiety is actually related to the upcoming proposal. Making this ring perfect (whatever that means to you) won’t ease that anxiety. It is gorgeous! Have it delivered and present it to its intended wearer who will adore it beyond measure. As is.
I will try to make this the last post on this topic!

They did a side by side of the "inspiration" and my ring.

They offered to shave off a bit of the "W" at the bottom to make it more match the inspiration.

They did say it would be a relatively easy/quick fix although like many of you have said ... There is no going back

I think I know what the group thinks here already... But does anyone mind just taking another quick second to look at the two?

I think the lighting is a touch different and I do see a subtle difference in the "W", but based on the feedback from you all... I'm not to make any changes unless you feel like I'm missing something here! Thanks again for taking a second (or 10th) look before I finalize it.


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Necessary, no but I do understand tweaking! If they are willing and it will make you feel better, go for it! The goal is no regrets so do what you need to do toward that end - no judgments!!
based on the feedback from you all... I'm not to make any changes unless you feel like I'm missing something here! Thanks again for taking a second (or 10th) look before I finalize it.
I don't think you are missing anything, and I think you've made the right decision not to make changes. As noted above, there are no guarantees on the "tweak" and there is also no going back. So I vote for sticking with the "known" vs. the "unknown". Especially since we are talking about minuscule differences.
Tough call. I wonder if this super slight difference would even be apparent in person.

I would be wary of messing with it. Shaving that section will change the proportions of the graceful swoop if the prongs. It won’t look identical to the inspiration because the ring size is different (it seems) and the diamond sizes slightly different. The prong lengths are actually quite similar already and tweaking it will make the prongs on your longer. I’m not sure it will look better than it does now! Could look great, could look like gollum hands! (Getting the graceful swoop of prongs just right is an art and I think the swoop looks lovely as is).

All told I vote to leave it alone, the proportions are lovely as is.
Hmmm, the inspiration picture is lovely! It’s such a tough decision… if you step back and look at the entire picture, the most expensive part of the ring is the diamond here…. Which I ADORE! The setting is pennies in the bucket- ok, maybe dollar bills, but you get the analogy here, lol!

I say, which ever picture your eyes naturally gravitate towards, go with it! But go in it knowing if it doesn’t turn out, you would be ok going custom with the inspiration pic. Worst case- you could always scrap it and go custom.

Marriage alone has a ton of very difficult decisions, with much more severe consequences… consider this practice! Lol!

I vote go for it, cause my eyes gravitate towards the inspiration pic.
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I still think it’s the lighting. Reflection. You can see the difference in the lighting between the two photos. Your shank and shoulders look darker in your photo too. I think it’s just a trick of the eye that makes the “w” part look thicker on your ring. WF is always so accommodating to make customers happy and I know it’s hard to unsee something once you’ve seen it, but I really think you should see it before you commit to shaving anything.
I still think it’s the lighting. Reflection. You can see the difference in the lighting between the two photos. Your shank and shoulders look darker in your photo too. I think it’s just a trick of the eye that makes the “w” part look thicker on your ring. WF is always so accommodating to make customers happy and I know it’s hard to unsee something once you’ve seen it, but I really think you should see it before you commit to shaving anything.

Thanks all. So much really good advice here. I'm going to just talk to WF and feel them out
Thanks all. So much really good advice here. I'm going to just talk to WF and feel them out

Ok, keep us posted and good luck in whatever way you choose. Still going to end up with a beautiful ring!
After all this if you disappear on us after the proposal and don’t come back with the story and pictures we will certainly get out the pitch forks and come after you! :lol-2:
After all this if you disappear on us after the proposal and don’t come back with the story and pictures we will certainly get out the pitch forks and come after you! :lol-2:

Well- I picked it up today from fedex.

After much deliberation- I decided not to make any changes and see it "as is"- knowing that WF said I had 30 days to do any mods.

Their master jeweler said they would be happy to make the accommodations I asked for but just requested I see it in person first.

All I can say is wow. It's pretty amazing. I am not sure what I was expecting but it just looks totally different than I anticipated. I know that doesn't make any sense. I am super happy with it. The stone is about the same size as I expected and I was able to squeeze it on my pinky finger... bairly. Won't try that again because I had to use dish soap to get it off lol.

I can't stop starring at it. Especially when its in good light or sun, it just sparkles like crazy. From the top and from the side. I didn't expect it to sparkle from the side but it does. My eye keeps jumping to these "cloudy" parts on the peripheral facet, but I am wondering if it is just an optical ellusion or something as I don't see it all the time and when I flip the ring around I see it in the same spot (towards the nail not the knuckle) so it seems weird that the "cloudy" area there didn't flip. Maybe I just need to try it in better light.

The actual ring/band looks a little bigger and bulkier than I expected but that being said it is a size 4 and I read here from some others that with such a small finger the ring can look a little wider at the shoulder/basket, but that is probably what is recommended and needed for security of a 2+ ct stone?

Overall, I'm still in shock. I'm really pleased with it but still getting used to it. Part of me wants to take it into a brick and morter Jared type of place and compare it to the ones in there lol.

Regardless, I can't say again how thankful I am to have found this community and the people here.

I am not going to make any modifications to the setting or anything else before I give it to her. Now... just have to figure out that part!


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It looks gorgeous and delicate in your pictures! And it looks very secure and made to last a lifetime. It is designed to look like the classic Tiffany setting. So those are just the proportions! It looks humongous.

I don't see anything like cloudiness in your pictures. But diamonds are dirt magnets. They will collect dust and especially oils from your fingers. If you or the person packing it handled the diamond at all, it can leave a film on the surface that you might see from some angles. Or as you said it could be a reflection, maybe of your hair. Diamonds are also mirrors! EDIT: it looks like smudges and reflections to me.

Very happy you are happy! When are you planning to propose? I suggest right now lol
YES!!!! Whiteflash diamonds are so beautiful…. So many congrats!!! I’m SOOO happy for both her and you that you found PS and trusted us to steer you in the right direction. She is going to be OVER THE MOON!!!
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