
Hi, I''m new here

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Oh! I thought maybe it was something really *deep,* but that works pretty well as a definition, doesn''t it?

Thanks IndieJones.
IF that stone is my stone, and I still *think* it is, is it going to absolutely wow me when I see it? I''m so excited. I really think he did it. it makes me so happy. Reality of it is still setting in, but I don''t think I''ll *get it* until well after it''s actually gleaming up at me.

Hmm. I wish I knew for sure. But I guess him trying to keep an element of surprise isn''t a bad thing. It''s pretty cute. I just wish I knew. I like to figure things out.

Guess what???

He KNOWS when he''s going to ask me! Tonight, his co-workers had a retirement party for one of the teachers and they were all asking him about his upcoming summer plans and about us, and all that, since he''ll be teaching at another school next year. Anyway, he told me, *I think without meaning to* that he revealed the DAY to them! He has a plan! A time of delivering the proposal! AND, he''s excited about it and was talking about it to his friends, and they all approved of his plans, too! Yay!

I offered him his favorite meal (pork chops, mashed potatoes, turnip greens, and garlic toast--nice combo, huh?
) in exchange for THAT info. He said, "no can do, babe."

Oh my flippin goodness! Now I''m ABSOLUTELY positive he got that diamond. Or at least mostly absolutely positive. Ack! Yay! Whoo Hoo buddy! I get to talk about marrying my boy without people looking at my left hand and asking where''s my ring, soon!!

He just sounded so happy, and eager, and like he''s got this secret and he''s so proud of it. I love him. To pieces. There''s such happiness and tenderness in his voice. Awww. I know I''ll be dreaming sweet stuff tonight now!!!

Aww fish that last post got me to smile, giggle actually - quite a big feat considering the night I just had. Well this morning was great I met with my supervisor the place is like my dream work setting! And are you ready for this.... I have my own office
The plaque on the door says "Student Hotel". Its pretty cute really! I have this huge L desk, a cabinet my own computer and phone system, and two chairs with a table for patients. I was so shocked I think I almost fell over! THere is no view but still!

So I am driving my mom''s car today because I really didn''t want to park my car in downtown in the not greatest neighborhood with easy access if you know what I mean. No biggie. Then tonight as I am leaving baseball with the kids, the battery just dies as I am trying to start the car. It was bizarre because the starter turned and just died. So one of the coaches looks at it for me and the clamp around the battery connection is broken. To start the thing he jams my garage key in between the clamp and the battery. So I have to do this again when I left for home tonight. Dropped the car off at the mechanic and walked home. The kids, especially Jojo who is 3, were misbehaved too. The oldest was having a rough day and then Joe decides to put her library book in the pool. So she was distraught and crying and cranky all night. And when she is upset she takes it out on others. Joe was so naughty I had to yell at him several times which I hate doing because I feel like I am being my father and that is just not a good thing! Seriously this kid was an angel at 2 and became the brattiest little 3 y/o ever to live! I love him to death but seriously!

So tomorrow I get to call around to find the best auto glass estimate. SOunds like a blast. And in a minute I have to go get my mom from work and tell her that her car is now broken as well. Just fabulous. Sorry for the rant but boy did I need it!

I am so happy for you fish! Oh and the cherries thing, is it only on their expert selection diamonds? Good question though!
ARGH on car issues! I''m sure they''ll work out without too much drama, though. :) Jojo is a cute nickname.

What is your internship doing, by the way? I don''t think I know. And if I did at one time, it''s totally left my mind right now. I''m not thinking very clearly about much of anything tonight.
Oh I love Jojo, sometimes we say Jomo too. Sooooo less generic than Joey of one which he is not! Its kinda funny because the other family I take care has a Charles, but we call him Chuck and not Charlie. So two less common nicknames.

My work is occupational therapy. This is at a county run psychosocial learning center with adults. Psych is probably my favorite area to work in but pediatrics is the other! I don''t think I could really choose between the two. But I feel like I have more knowledge and am more comfortable with all that goes on with psych. They just moved in to a brand new building and the place is just fabulous! Monday I am going back for the montly DBT (Dialectical behavioral therapy) orientation. She didn''t give me the student manual which I am dying to read but I guess we will go over that during my first couple of days. I start on the 12th so only another week and a half!

So I know you are a social worker for children, but what exactly do you do? I remember we had a social worker as a counselor in elementary school. But SW can also be case managers, works for child protection or the likes, etc etc. But it sounds like you really work with kids individually and get to know them?
Sounds like a fun internship, Sparkles.

Yeah, I love that I get to the point of having a *real* rapport with my kids. I''m a social worker for the county Mental Health Department, Children and Families Division. What I "do" is basically act as case manager, community support worker (mentor, visit schools, do home visits, provide in-home services--helping the family interact appropriately together, which is sometimes difficult when your child has a DSM-IV diagnosis... and most of the time, another member of the family does, too!, and we work on building structure and consequences in the home, I work with the parents on understanding where some of the behavior comes from, and ways to modify it, and I act as a resource for the family in being linked to other services to help them achieve their goals). Part of my job is working on actually making those goals, which is fun. It''s interesting to see what people''s goals are, and the motivations they have in reaching those goals. That alone teaches me about inner strength SO much! I''ve not been through a third of the stuff some of my nine year olds have, and yet, they manage to have the drive to get through the pain of having their parents stuff them in a facility rather than keep them at home. It''s awesome to see. I love my kids. Most the time. Other times, I take trips to school to ream them out for acting up and cutting a fool.

I needed to get my mind off the diamond thing, thanks. But guess what? Now it''s right back there again!
Sounds fabulous! The job that is. SOunds almost similar to the place I am at but for adults. Well K was pretty tired tonight but was a wonderful ear to all my ranting. I think I am off to bed. THankfully I have tomorrow off and can sleep in woo hoo!
Date: 5/31/2006 10:58:47 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Guess what???

He KNOWS when he''s going to ask me! Tonight, his co-workers had a retirement party for one of the teachers and they were all asking him about his upcoming summer plans and about us, and all that, since he''ll be teaching at another school next year. Anyway, he told me, *I think without meaning to* that he revealed the DAY to them! He has a plan! A time of delivering the proposal! AND, he''s excited about it and was talking about it to his friends, and they all approved of his plans, too! Yay!

I offered him his favorite meal (pork chops, mashed potatoes, turnip greens, and garlic toast--nice combo, huh?
) in exchange for THAT info. He said, ''no can do, babe.''

Oh my flippin goodness! Now I''m ABSOLUTELY positive he got that diamond. Or at least mostly absolutely positive. Ack! Yay! Whoo Hoo buddy! I get to talk about marrying my boy without people looking at my left hand and asking where''s my ring, soon!!

He just sounded so happy, and eager, and like he''s got this secret and he''s so proud of it. I love him. To pieces. There''s such happiness and tenderness in his voice. Awww. I know I''ll be dreaming sweet stuff tonight now!!!


I love it when they let it slip like that!! My BF did that too a couple of months ago, letting slip that he''d told his co-workers about his planS. It''s so wonderful that our boys are so excited they can''t stop talking about it!

I have a bit of good news... J may have found a better job!
The company he works for doesn''t offer him a very stable job because they depend on contracts and he''s been unemployed twice for about 5-6 months total in the last year and a half... He talked with someone on the phone yesterday and sent his resume. He''s hoping for a more permanent job and a better salary... I''m looking forward to details!
Yay Anchor! I hope it works out and ends up being a position he really enjoys!
So, today was my boy''s first day on summer break. He called me a few times during the day, and then again since I''ve been home. He says he''s been very busy all day, but that he can''t tell me what he''s been doing. So, *naturally* I wonder if he''s been working on something for me. He admitted he was, but says "I can''t say" whenever I ask if it''s something related to our engagement. What in the world could the boy be cooking up?

Heehee. He also told me that he''s spent part of his day collecting statistical data in order to figure out where each state is likely to be in population years down the road. He just loves that stuff. What a silly!

The fact that he gives me little "hintoids" and then leaves me hanging is incredibly fun for him. I''m hard to surprise, and he''s giving me just enough information to leave me guessing. He''s also loving every moment of it.
I was being silly tonight and asked him to just have the ring people mail it directly to me, to save him the trouble of having to be all cute and plan stuff. He wouldn''t agree. Can you imagine?
heehee! Too funny, Fishie
There you go scheming again
Sooner or later it''s going to be there on your finger
Well today was much much better than yesterday! Mostly because I had the day off and got to sleep until 11 hehe. There was also a celebration today for my grandfather who has done some amazing work in his life. He just resigned his position as the board chair at the city zoo here and he did some amazing things for the zoo and conservatory. Well the mayor anounced that June 1st will be a holiday to honor him from today forward. I was thoroughly impressed! The dinner was just fabulous and the artichoke dip was heveanly! It is always so wonderful to hear nice things about the people you know as ordinhary family members. I had all these questions about how wonderful it must have been to have him as a grandpa and bla bla bla. And K was being all goofy on the phone tonight which was wonderful. Its almost the weekend woo hoo!
Well this morning had some great news! I called around for price quotes to get my car repaired and found a deal. At first I was a bit put off because the first place couldn''t give me a quote until they talked to a dealer and said no one else would either because the price for my glass wasn''t in the computer system
! The second place I called said $700+. WHAT
! And suggested some place like an hour away, yeah right. But I eventually found a place that has a used piece in perfect condition that said for everything it would be $185. It won''t be fixed until Monday but that is my own fault waiting until today to make calls. Such is life. But I am so happy because that is a lot cheaper than the insurance estimate of $362 and really pretty affordable. I shouldn''t have to put it on the visa which is what I was concerned about really.

So fish what are your plans for the weekend with Paul? I think I might head up to school to go swimming
Sparkles -- glad to hear the window thing is looking up -- gosh, cars are a big pain in the butt, especially when it''s not your fault! I had to laugh, several years back my car was broken into and the radio was stolen -- but it had recently broken! Bad karma for those guys
Great news about your grandpa though!

Fish -- sounds like Paul''s workin'' on something special -- I love your "probably" stone -- absolutely gorgeous! Hopefully it all happens SOON!

Not much new here -- I''m not obsessing about the ring or the diamond, but also know that it will be getting built soon. I was hoping it had already been started, but I guess Memorial Day and some other things threw off the schedule. The way I feel about it at this point is that I will just feel better when it''s done and in the house, even if I don''t get it for a long time. I''m stressing about it being made like I want it (and there are several small details I am really dead-set on). This part of the wait feels like quicksand. Just sucking! Everything else has been kind of bad too, though. Not to be a downer, but I mentioned Matt''s Grandpa in another thread and he literally has days to live, if that. So M is feeling rather crappy and it''s just been a tough couple of days. Top it all off with the fact my mom is coming in from out of town tomorrow to stay til Wednesday -- I love her and we get along great, but I am just stressing about everything (house clean, plans, etc etc) So I gues I''d better get back to cleaning -- you ladies have a fabulous and ENGAGING weekend

Hi! It''s time for another weekend! Yes!!

Paul''s coming up here this time, and tomorrow is our anniversary! We''re planning on a picnic with our puppy to Hanging Rock, this amazing state park that has pretty trails and small waterfalls. It''ll be great. I''m trying really hard to remember that even IF that stone is mine, he only bought it last Friday, and probably by check and that I''d been told by Whiteflash that it takes 10 days to clear a check before they even begin work on a ring. Besides that, I think that if he''s called about getting my ring part yet, it was only thiis week and that it''d have to be sized before being sent to Whiteflash for the diamond to be set. So, it''s just not feasible that he has it for our anniversary. I know all that in my head, but in my heart, I''m still hopin! I''m hopeless.
So, I''ve been working on his present for our anniversary. Since he''s been so excited about getting more organized here lately, I got him this cute organizer/file holder/corkboard/picture frame that can sit on his desk. And, it spins! What''s more-- it came in a box and I made it! With a screwdriver and glue and everything!

In the slots for the pictures, I put two of his favorite place we went in our first year *Niagara Falls* and two of my favorite place we went *Tybee Island.* I love it! I''ll have to take a picture and post for you guys to see. I''m addicted to posting ridiculous things here lately.

And now I''m sad, too, because I was talking to my friend tonight and she said she''s just convinced that we''ll be engaged this weekend. I explained to her that we won''t be, since I don''t *think* he has my ring yet. She said, "oh. I thought for sure. I''m sorry that your anniversary will suck now." What a lifter-upper, huh?

She''s going through a rough patch in her love life, so I try not to take anything she says to heart. Much.
You''re not hopeless girl! When the time comes it will be perfect...and happy anniversary!
Here''s his present:

Here''s another side view:

Fisher, what a bummer your friend said that about your anniversary! Some people speak without thinking
Anyways, that box is cute! Making gifts is fun. Happy anniversary to you and Paul!
Thanks, Sunkist!

I''m planning on giving it to him when he gets here, because I think it will be just a tad after midnight, which will officially be our anniversary. I''m not much for holding out on surprises. In case no one''s caught on to that yet.

She didn''t mean anything *mean* by it, but she''s said all along that she thought Paul''d wait til our anniversary to ask me. And yeah, she still thinks he will. I''m just scared to think along those lines because I don''t want to be let down. I also don''t want to make him feel bad, especially since I''m *fairly absolutely sure* that he''s working on things. For real, for real. Yay!
Fisher, I forgot to add...just because you may not get engaged on your anniversary doesn''t mean it''ll suck! Look at it this way: you celebrate your anniversary, then in the near future you celebrate again by getting ENGAGED!!!!!
Thank you, too, Irishangel. I''m antsy because I can''t help wondering if tomorrow will be *the* day, even though I know it''s not possible.
Whoo hoo! Two celebrations! I like that thought! More reasons to say, "hey this is the anniversary of such and such!" Nice idea!

Are you engaged or married yet, irishangel? I don''t know if I''ve read anything about you before.
Nah, not engaged or married yet. I found PS when I googled something (I can''t even remember what.) The love of my life moved to New Jersey at the end of February so we''ve been doing the long distance thing for the past few months, but I need to finish grad school and decide if I''m moving or he''s moving back home before we go down the marriage road. We''re the type of people that want to get engaged and be able to plan the wedding within a year, so getting engaged now would be pointless for us, although we both wish it could be now. =) I can''t wait! He already has a stone that''s been in his family for years (it''s about 1/2 carat) but he''s not sure if he wants to use it as my ering or keep it set in the necklace to pass down to our kids. There''s my little blurb I guess, but I''ll be around here for a while!

Aww, that''s cute that he''s thinking about his kids and the stone! I like that! How long until you''re done with grad school? How long distance are you? We''re long distance, too. I''m tired of that. That''s probably part of why I''m so antsy to post all over the place tonight; he''s on the way here and I don''t feel like scrapbooking because my mind''s really going nuts. I''m excited. And I''m thinking. Way too much!

How long have you two been dating? What about him *got you?*
We''ve been together for about a year and 3 months...He''s in Jersey I''m in Chicago so it''s a 2 hour plane ride, but it could be worse I guess. As of right now I probably won''t be done with my master''s until this time in 2008, so we''ve got a couple years. He is very cute in every way possible, and he makes me feel loved every single day. He''s funny, wants children, great family, Cubs fan, loves 80s music and 80s movies, we laugh all the time, respects me and supports my dreams, everything you''d want in a guy! That really doesn''t do him justice, but I don''t want to hijack this thread saying why my sweetie is the best guy in the entire world. ;) I have to run for the night, but I''ll be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful time with your boy and good luck!
Aww. That''s precious! You have a good night, too!

Happy weekend!!
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