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Irishangel - sounds like our guys would get along. K loves 80s music and I think its annoying.

Fish - that present is nice! I love how you put it together for him and put your pics in it, very cute! Hope you two have a fabulous weekend! I am GOING to get some work done around this house! It has cooled down enough so I don''t have any excuses!
Hey miss Sparkles.

How are you?

Please tell me I''m insane to be thinking I''ll be engaged to my precious boy tomorrow. I know it''s just not possible, and yet, I keep thinking about it, hoping. I don''t want to be let down or think our anniversary stinks just because of something I totally know is coming. Soon.

Yay! It''s our anniversary! As soon as he gets here, I''m going to give him his present. I hope he gets here soon; there has been some nasty storms going through, and it''s slowed him up a good deal. Oh! He might even stay an extra day or two, since he''s off work for the summer and all!

Happy day!
Oh fish your anniversary isn''t ging to suck! That was just silly nonsense your friend was talking. I am sure Paul has done something special for you even if he can''t ask you to be his wife. And remember, he has done his darndest to do it ASAP and if it weren''t for those darned cars it probably would have already happened. Someone mentioned now you will just have two things to celebrate. My thoughts exactly!You just have more to look forward to after your anniversary is over. And hey if you wanna see some pretty zircon photos I just took with my macro - tulip button
- feature here is a link.

Have a happy weekend and just enjoy the time with him!
Hope you had a great anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, Jen and Paul!
Happy Anniversary! You''ll have to tell us how wonderful it was after Paul goes back home! I am sure you two are having a blast!
Okay, quick fast in a hurry *Paul''s changing out of his church clothes.* We had a GREAT anniversary. No engagement, but we had a wonderful climb up Hanging Rock, and we had a picnic afterwards. Lovely weather! And after that we went to a triple plex movie at the drive-in, but we were both tired by 1 am, so we left before MI3 started. He got me flowers *daisies, my favorite next to tulips* and had planned on making me dinner, but we decided on the drive-in instead. *He''s doing that tonight. Fajitas! Yummy!

Anyway, today after church we went out to lunch, and GUESS what? We were done and about to pay, and he''s used to me asking him if he needs help, since I''ve been so eager for him to be able to get my ring, and so before I said anything, he said, "I''ve got it, honey. The ring''s taken care of." I looked at him and gasped, because that''s the BIGGEST *hint* I''ve gotten!!

He insists he said, "I''ve got things taken care of." But I KNOW what he said, and the pink color he took on and the goofy smile he made proves it, too.

Yay! I''m gonna get engaged to my boy soon! I can''t wait! Whoo hoo!

Okay, we''re off to watch "Anne of Green Gables." Love that movie! Love it, love it!!!!
Happy anniversary! It''s so exciting to hear that it''s all coming along. I hope that it''s really soon!

I''ve been very very busy (more details here), but I''ll hopefully be able to be online a lot more in about 10 days. I hope that you have started a new, happy thread by the time I really get back.
Happy anniversary fisher! I''m glad you had a great time! And a big YAY for your ring being taken care of! Woohoo! That''s so exciting!
This is Hanging Rock. We climbed it. The trail to get to it is just under a mile and a half. I was getting a little frustrated with the incline, up until we turned the last curve and the "forest" cleared to see the pretty sight. Oh, I loved it.

And Paul gets to be here until tomorrow, too. I love that he''s on summer break.

The proposal probably won''t happen til a couple of weeks from now, because Paul doesn''t have the ring yet.

Knowing it''s *really* going to happen is GOOD, but it also makes me want it *more!!*

Oh fish that is so unbelievable how exciting! I am so happy for you two! Congrats girl! I had an ok weelkend. Some really bad things happened and some really good. THe good being that one of my cousins just graduated from high school and at her open house today my aunt asked me about my boy. And I was completely shocked because back in the winter my mom wanted to keep it hush hush because of the distance and my grandma approving or something. But she told my grandma and my aunt and they were asking about him and it was so exciting to get to talk about him! And he has been just fabulous this past week or so what with my mood swings and all
. Tomorrow I have another orientation of sorts for my internship and my car will get fixed. Hopefully this weekend will be put behind me and I can plan for my friends wedding this coming weekend. Her bachlorette party was last night and she ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. It was really scary but she is doing ok now. Will you all say a little prayer for her please? It was quite the ordeal and she has a lot to do with it being the last week. Thanks everyone and have a fabulous Monday!
Argh, I believe my boy is enjoying playing with my head about the upcoming life changing event in our lives. Here's a conversation we had from his brother's house, before he left to play a baseball game:

Paul: Hi from my brother's.
me: hey!
me: When is the game?
Paul: 8:30
Paul: I'm just working on something special. That's why I came online.
Paul: :-)
me: something special?
Paul: Yeah
Paul: special for you?
Paul: not for me.
me: me??
me: special for who?
Paul: hmm, well.
Paul: she has a nickname.
me: flippidydoodah?
Paul: Her nickname is two words. The first word starts with "S" and the second word starts with "B".
me: that's me!! that's me!!
Paul: ;-)
Paul: Hey, baby...
me: well i'll leave you to your something special then. flip and i are gonna go walking.
Paul: I've got to go.
me: me too, yo.
Paul: Talk to you when I've found out if I'm able to play.
me: have fun. be safe.
Paul: bye
me: bye bye

*Now, I know he just logged on in order to tell me he was doing something special, for me, just to get my wheels spinning, more than they already are. For all he says he dislikes my trying to figure things out, he sure does lay down a lot of teasing comments!*
Does anyone know if Wink''s back from his Vegas trip yet?
Howdy Fisher! I know this may be so frustrating a time for you, but it''s so nice to see you are excited about this. I know there will be a collective PS scream when the time comes! The joy awaits!


I am having fun with it, when I''m not going nuts wanting it so badly! What I''m wondering is what he''s had to do online, tonight. Maybe he made it up, to keep me guessing. I don''t know. Part of me *wishes* that he was looking at the collage from Whiteflash they send. But I don''t even know if they have the ring part there yet. I dont'' know much of anything about the real timeframe. Paul says it will be not this week, but the next, or maybe even the next. That seems like SUCH a long time to me though, being that it''s not a custom ring or anything. I hope he''s just trying to throw me off so he can surprise me. I don''t know. I''m excited. I want the man I love to have the title *finance.* I''m so dang tired, but I can''t seem to sleep I''m so wired about the moment that''s ALMOST upon us.

I just can''t wait.
Trust me, about 30 hours ago I was exactly where you were. Think of it as the excitement bomb that will explode soon for a good way.

My prediction is that you will actually achieve a marvelous calm during and after...I''m calling it my love serenity bubble.

Ok, I''m not calling it that. That sounds stupid. But you know what I mean.

We are all so wrapped up in your love story right just makes all of ours so sweet as well!

Awww, that''s so sweet to say! Thanks!

I actually was reading another thread on here and it was suggested that another girl who''s going all but nuts about this stuff write her boyfriend a letter to give him the day they get engaged. I LOVE that idea. And today at work, while missing my boy and secretly wondering how I could get some more info on his plans, I thought about that, and decided to start one. I love the idea. I''m having so much fun writing it, mentioning the excitement and the anticipation and the joy of having a man like him for all my life. It really has been fun. I know it''ll be one of those things he jokes about with *his boys* but will really cherish for forever. He likes to act like he''s non-emotional, but he has such a precious spirit!

More and more I keep seeing him looking over at me for no reason, with the glazed over "I love you so much" face. I adore it. He''s so good to me. And I am absolutely loving the moment we''re in, but I''m also *eagerly* awaiting the next phase.

He says he doesn''t believe I dream about the proposal and all that; but this weekend he saw otherwise. I was dreaming on Saturday night that I''d lost my ring and I couldn''t find it. I loved looking at it so much, and I felt so close to Paul just by looking at it, and then I looked down and it was gone. I woke up with a start and shrieked a little, or gasped, I''m not sure, since I was sleeping at the time. Anyway, he heard me and woke up, too. He was all worried and asked what was wrong, and I still thought it was real. So I told him, all sad and dejected. He patted me on the head, said he''d not asked yet, it was okay and I''d only dreamed it. Then he chuckled and went back to sleep.

I really thought it was real, and I was panic stricken. I''ve made him promise we''ll get insurance as soon as possible. He says with me, he''d not dream of otherwise. *I''m forgetful at times.*
Okay, I''m thinking I''m finally tired enough to actually fall asleep, rather than just lie there and think about things and try to figure out the impossible to figure out.

Sweet dreams!
Oh fish you crack me up! Seriously. For the first week or so when you have the ring you wont be able to fall asleep because you''ll be staring at your rock all night lol. My K texted me last night at 2am to tell me he loves me. I just love when he does silly little things like that! I was being awfully goofy last night singing to him.

......Wow I totally lost my train of thought here. Guess I''ll have to come back and post later if I ever figure out what I was going to say.

......Oh yeah
Sheeshta brain fart! The whole dreaming thing. Hehehe. I quickly learned that I talk/scream in my sleep upon staying at his place. APparently I screamed out "NOOOOOOOO" in the middle of the night. Upon him waking me, I was dreaming that my mother was African-American and was telling me I wasn''t a worthy daughter
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It wasn''t the last of my verbal dreams. I think he got used to it after a couple of nights but occassionally when I am loud he wakes up. Its so silly because all along I was just afraid I snored.
Oh well, he does hehee. As much as I can''t stand when my mother snores, his is cute and I sleep just fine hearing it.Isn''t that funny, the things your body ignores or gets used to for love!
I''m in a fully grumped up mood tonight.
What''s up?
Hey darling -- is anything wrong?
I''m just at the breaking point. I can''t hardly stand this. I miss him SO much when he''s gone. I want to be with him all the time. He says I worry too much, and that it''s pointless, needless, and that it hurts his heart, that it''s not fair to him, that it reflects me not trusting him. I *do* trust him, but I''m going nuts. He says saying the *breaking point thing* is ridiculous, because I know he''s taking care of things, that there''s no reason to be thinking that way. He says I just want it this weekend and it''s not possible and that leads to my being frustrated and upset, without reason, since he can''t do anything about it.

My dad''s planning on coming to my Grandpa''s house this weekend. I only see him a couple of times a year, and when I called Paul about it, he sounded all dejected and stuff. And that''s not like him. And it hurt my feelings. I know that it''s frustrating that my dad just comes up out of the woodwork out of nowhere, but I can''t do anything about that. We''d planned on having a counseling session this weekend, in Atlanta, but that won''t be happening if my dad''s coming to town. Even though he said for me to go on, I feel bad not being available when my dad''s here, since I do see him so rarely.

I don''t get why he reacted that way. Now he''s upset that I''m sad. I can''t fake it. I am an emotional person, I can''t hide that. I wouldn''t want to.

And I feel really bad and guilty and stuff because I feel like with my dad being here, it will prolong the proposal. And that''s just an *awful* thing to say, feel, in regard to my dear daddy. Argh!!
I''m sorry you''re feeling like this, sweetie! Enjoy your time with your daddy, I''m sure Paul isn''t upset about that! *big hugs*
I guess I just get bothered when things don''t go like I think they will and when I don''t get reactions I think I''ll get. I don''t know. I know everything will be fine. My family''s in Cali, I''m in NC. Paul and I are planning on visiting in July, but we''ve not set any definite plans yet. My dad gets wild hairs every now and then to come and take care of my grandpa''s house, which he inherited a while back. Anyway, I am glad my dad''s coming. I''ve not seen him since late Jan. I miss him and my mom, brother and precious neices and nephew.

Paul made mention *or at least I gather from what he''s sort of said* that he would prefer to ask me in Georgia, and I know that''s part of what has made me more *grry* than I need to be about the whole thing. I don''t want to put off this moment in our lives any longer. I also think it''s cute that my dad will be here to talk to in person regarding *the talk* about blessings for our future.

I also tend to have a bad habit of letting my dad guilt-trip me into things, if you know what I mean. So then I feel bad for saying we have counseling planned, even though he says to go on and do it. With my dad, he comes and goes on a whim, and there''s no promise that he''ll be around longer than one weekend. Last time he came, he stayed for all of January, but that''s not typical for him.

Anyway, it''s just a lot to take in, I guess. Sounds like I can''t deal with anything, but I''m just in this heightened state of emotion right now. It''s pretty insane, really. I know I can control things better than I do, too. Like I said, argh.

I just really want to make sure everyone''s happy. I don''t want Paul to have to use one of his "back up plans" and I don''t want to put things off any more either, and I don''t want to tell my dad I''m skipping to Atlanta while he''s here.

Haha, I guess if this is the biggest of my problems, I''m a lucky girl.
Hey Fisher, I suffer from this too ~ mypurposeinlifeistomakeeveryonehappyism. Seriously. But what I''ve learned (after all of my friends and family repeatedly telling me) is that if you take care of everyone else, who will take care of you? If you want to see your dad, you should see your dad. Especially if you don''t see him often and never know when you will. The guilt trip is an evil thing, but if you need this relationship with your father you need to deal with it you know? (Unless it goes way too far, but I''m sure you know where that line is.) As far as wanting to get engaged in that of particular significance to you guys? If it is, and your dad visiting causes a conflict, why not take another weekend trip? Roll with the punches you know? I miss M ALL THE TIME and I feel lucky that we''re able to have one weekend a month together, but if I had my way we wouldn''t have to plan visits obviously. Just make sure Paul knows you get really down sometimes because you love him so much and he''s a huge part of your life. M and I have that kind of talk quite often, and it brings us even closer because we always say with everything that''s working against us (the negative stigmas that LD relationships never work) we love each other enough and have the strength to beat the odds and focus on how great it''ll be when we jump through all the hoops and can plan our insane wedding. No joke. It will be insane. =) I''m sorry, I''m not sure what my point is but stay strong and we gotta work through these little things...they''re a great testament to the obstacles that will surely come in the future. The way you deal with disagreements or conflicts will make or break a relationship. Keep your head up girl everything will be absolutely fine!

P.S. This is exactly why I don''t want to have any clue when the proposal is coming...I''d be absolutely nutty!
Sorry you are having a not so great day. Keep your chin up girl!!! You have a guy who really loves you, and the two of you will soon be planning your future together --- in a real and concrete way. I know that the waiting is hard --- my BF first brought up ring about 18 months ago. I have come to understand that we just have to let those boys do things in their own time. Getting this right is really important to Paul and to all guys who have found their life partner. They only plan to do this once in their lives, and they want to show their girl how important she is. Still, this is frustrating as h*ll and makes me crazy on pretty much a daily basis. You two will be engaged and planning the move and the wedding before you know it --- just enjoy this anticipation as much as you can!!!

BTW I totally love the letter idea. I have always wanted to do something for my BF for the engagement, since he has put so much time and money into this --- but he won't let me buy him anything because I pay for all my school myself (whereas his parents pay for his). I am going to get to work on a letter for him this weekend!!!
This could be totally off base here. But prehaps P is unhappy about you putting your father first? Think of it this way, what if his mother came to his town with no warning not to visit him but to do something else, yet he canceled on you to spend time with her. While family is important, and being close to your family is a desirable trait (I love that about my bf), P will be your primary family after you marry. You''ll be leaving your family and starting a new one with P, and he''ll come first. And you canceled a pre-marital counseling session no less!
Do you see what I mean?
Wow this is a tough little problem. On the one hand I can totally see Indie''s point on the other I can see the exact oposite. That Paul should understand its your dad and you never see him and bla bla bla. I am not sure exactly where you are from Atlanta and how long a trip it would have to be but..... what if you spent most of the weekend with your dad but still went to Atlanta for the counseling session? Is that possible? It sounds like it might be a good compromise if you are able to do it. I am a little confused about the whole wanting the engagement in Georgia. If you aren''t planning to go out to CA until July and he said its within the next 3 weeks, whats the problem?
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