AGBF|1456926215|3998410 said:momhappy|1456924287|3998395 said:AGBF|1456912779|3998339 said:momhappy|1456877976|3998145 said:and don't even get me started about Sanders.....
Actually, as a Sanders supporter, I'd like to. What has he done that renders him unfit for office? And, remember, we had Bush -The-Younger for eight years. (Also known as Stupid Head.) Who got us into Iraq for no reason, caused its implosion, and created ISIS and thus the migration from Syria to Europe...
He hasn't "done" anything yet and that's part of the problem actually. He has served in Congress for over two decades without having any major impact, which indicates that he lacks leadership skills. He lacks any sort of clarity when it comes to foreign policy/terrorism, which I find incredibly disturbing. Perhaps the biggest issue (for me) is his fiscal irresponsibility. Most of his ideas are focused on heavy spending and his supporters seem to be caught up in the ideological euphoria, while ignoring the political realities. He is pushing for massive change, but that change has zero chance of getting through Congress, so he'd either have to compromise (therefore giving up the "Sanders Revolution") or stick to his guns and possibly go down as one of the least effective presidents in US history. That's about it in a nutshell and just my .02 cents of course, so take it for what it's worth.
Fair enough. I will take it at face value for now. Even if it were true, it would make him by far the best candidate running for President today. Isn't that sad? I don't think it is true, but if it were, he would still be a prize compared to everyone else. Especially Trump. At least he protested racism back in 1963 and isn't courting former KKK members now. He doesn't call women "bimbos" and rate them with numbers. Hey, he's looking good to me!!! He even served a few decades in Congress after being a mayor! And, as of yet, no one has dug up a scandal on him.
As someone said about George W. Bush and his experience: he was briefly Governor of Texas then sobered up and said, "I think I'll become President". His IQ was as high as Bernie Sanders' kneecap, but somehow we survived him. Iraq and Syria, not so much.
But each person needs to decide what issue they feel are important when deciding which candidate to support. I agree with you that in terms of issues of race and/or sex (discrimination), Sanders certainly rates far better than Trump, but there are so many other issues that are critically important to me (like foreign policy, terrorism, the economy, etc.). I can not support a candidate based on a single issue, which means that I could not support/vote for them. As much as I don't like/support Trump, I don't see Clinton or Sanders as any sort of "prize" and I can not support either of them, which means that I couldn't vote for them either. In this case, I can't vote for a candidate as a vote against Trump - if that makes any sense?