
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Date: 5/26/2010 1:18:27 PM
Author: lilyfoot
dragonfly, this is their exact wording (with names removed):

''Groom'' and ''Bride'' are getting hitched. I know i know a bit soon, but you all know it was going to happen anyway. LOL NO I AM NOT PREGNANT. So you can come out for the ceremony at city hall, or you can meet us at the party after. Don''t feel pressured to buy us gifts, but they are highly appreciated! and BYOB for the after party.

Believe me, I''m all for casual weddings, etc. But I''m just not a fan of this wording, or using Facebook for invitations, lol.
Sadly, I''ve seen a few things along the same lines.

At the very least it''s....efficient. And doesn''t cost much!
Date: 5/26/2010 1:18:27 PM
Author: lilyfoot
dragonfly, this is their exact wording (with names removed):

''Groom'' and ''Bride'' are getting hitched. I know i know a bit soon, but you all know it was going to happen anyway. LOL NO I AM NOT PREGNANT. So you can come out for the ceremony at city hall, or you can meet us at the party after. Don''t feel pressured to buy us gifts, but they are highly appreciated! and BYOB for the after party.

Believe me, I''m all for casual weddings, etc. But I''m just not a fan of this wording, or using Facebook for invitations, lol.
I don''t think LOL should be used in a wedding invite. Or BYOB.
I had a wonderful day today, the first in quite sometime.

And, if that wasn''t enough I got the best hair cut I have ever had in She took off 5" and it is in schoolgirl style, meaning a straight across cut and I love it. DH thinks I look younger
. Gotta LOVE that.

Happy Wednesday to all.
Date: 5/26/2010 1:18:27 PM
Author: lilyfoot
dragonfly, this is their exact wording (with names removed):

''Groom'' and ''Bride'' are getting hitched. I know i know a bit soon, but you all know it was going to happen anyway. LOL NO I AM NOT PREGNANT. So you can come out for the ceremony at city hall, or you can meet us at the party after. Don''t feel pressured to buy us gifts, but they are highly appreciated! and BYOB for the after party.

Believe me, I''m all for casual weddings, etc. But I''m just not a fan of this wording, or using Facebook for invitations, lol.

how old are they?
I just found out that two of my friends eloped, and are keeping it from his family.
They are still going to have a regular ceremony
I feel like it was a manipulative move on the bride''s part to be able to live with him
and I really never have imagined them as a successful couple anyways
. I''m mad. I''m mad at her for being manipulative and for pushing the guy away from his mother. I''m mad at him for doing this to his family. I''m mad at him for making a bad choice as well. They don''t fit. They don''t fit at all. I''ve known him since we were five. I know him better than most people out there. Like the back of my hand. He''s not going to be happy in the long run. He''s not going to be happy at all. I''m mad. I''m also really hurt that neither of them told me.
Re: e-vites--I was invited to a wedding via the FB "event" application last month. It''s certainly not the way I would go about inviting friends and family to such an important occasion, but I am me and they are themselves, and I will happily attend.

Not only is it cost effective, it''s eco-friendly.

Re: eloping--Dragonfly, just the other day you were talking about the injustices of the world, and I believe you brought up the environment. Is it possible for you to look at the elopement of your friends as a positive thing since their "carbon footprint" contribution will be smaller without a large wedding?

Re: my random thought for the day--not really random, but I''m focusing on not getting nervous about a party we''re hosting on Sunday. We''re expecting 200+ guests over the course of the day and honestly things that huge just freak me out. I may hide periodically throughout the day.
Monarch - I would if they weren''t going to still have the ceremony...
Date: 5/26/2010 2:41:28 PM
Author: dragonfly411
Monarch - I would if they weren''t going to still have the ceremony...
Gotcha. Well, I''m sure you''re right that they aren''t really suited for each other, but maybe they just didn''t want to hear that (I''m sure you weren''t the first person they knew would disapprove besides their families.) You''re not in love with this guy, are you?
I''m teasing.
Date: 5/26/2010 2:07:44 PM
Author: dragonfly411

Date: 5/26/2010 1:18:27 PM
Author: lilyfoot
dragonfly, this is their exact wording (with names removed):

''Groom'' and ''Bride'' are getting hitched. I know i know a bit soon, but you all know it was going to happen anyway. LOL NO I AM NOT PREGNANT. So you can come out for the ceremony at city hall, or you can meet us at the party after. Don''t feel pressured to buy us gifts, but they are highly appreciated! and BYOB for the after party.

Believe me, I''m all for casual weddings, etc. But I''m just not a fan of this wording, or using Facebook for invitations, lol.

how old are they?
I''m not positive (they''re friends of a friend), but can''t be older than 25, I''d say. I could respect it a lot more if it was worded more appropriately for a wedding invitation.

Not to mention there are a few people that have commented "Are you sure this is what you want" "This is the dumbest idea you ever came up with", etc.

Eeeeek! I would DIE if somebody said that to me before we got married!
So I was blessed enough to get flowers from 3 different people last week for the big 2-8. I am having a hard time getting rid of them. I know, I know. Dying plants on desk=not so great....but do you know how empty my desk is going to look without now? LOL, I think I will keep them a little longer...there are still a few that look like they have some ''life'' left in them...or that is what I am telling myself...
Date: 5/26/2010 3:45:52 PM
Author: lilyfoot
Date: 5/26/2010 2:07:44 PM

Author: dragonfly411

Date: 5/26/2010 1:18:27 PM

Author: lilyfoot

dragonfly, this is their exact wording (with names removed):

''Groom'' and ''Bride'' are getting hitched. I know i know a bit soon, but you all know it was going to happen anyway. LOL NO I AM NOT PREGNANT. So you can come out for the ceremony at city hall, or you can meet us at the party after. Don''t feel pressured to buy us gifts, but they are highly appreciated! and BYOB for the after party.

Believe me, I''m all for casual weddings, etc. But I''m just not a fan of this wording, or using Facebook for invitations, lol.

how old are they?

I''m not positive (they''re friends of a friend), but can''t be older than 25, I''d say. I could respect it a lot more if it was worded more appropriately for a wedding invitation.

Not to mention there are a few people that have commented ''Are you sure this is what you want'' ''This is the dumbest idea you ever came up with'', etc.

Eeeeek! I would DIE if somebody said that to me before we got married!

What I want to say to my eloped friends.
bahahha my favorite part is the byob!!
Date: 5/26/2010 11:47:14 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I love my baby. Sometimes I want to take him out, snuggle with him and then put him back in.

YAY someone doesn''t think I''m creepy for that! I *heart* you Kama, you''re like the Canadian sister I never had.
Date: 5/26/2010 11:18:02 AM
Author: charbie
April: I am blaming you for the fact I am waiting at the DQ drive thru to get a dipped cone right now.
Hahaha!!! Was it good?!? I got a butterscotch one on Saturday. And then I decided I was out of control on Sunday and started doing WW again. I was a hot mess all last week though, I needed that cone!
Date: 5/26/2010 10:37:49 AM
Author: somethingshiny
I took JT to a store that had swimsuits on mannequins. He walked up to one and felt her up and then exclaimed, ''Now that is a woman!''
I just choked. Gotta love a boy!
Why does my nose always looks bigger right after I wake up?

I''m going to take a pair of calipers to it one of these days and find out for sure.
I''m trying to figure out how it''s possible for me to be drinking hot coffee in FL... esp considering that the heat bugs were singing at night last night.
Date: 5/26/2010 9:15:00 PM
Author: April20

Date: 5/26/2010 11:18:02 AM
Author: charbie
April: I am blaming you for the fact I am waiting at the DQ drive thru to get a dipped cone right now.
Hahaha!!! Was it good?!? I got a butterscotch one on Saturday. And then I decided I was out of control on Sunday and started doing WW again. I was a hot mess all last week though, I needed that cone!
SOOOOO good. and yes, after this weekend, i''m starting over with my dieting/life changes that need to happen. but not until after this weekend- it''s gonna be an alcohol-filled weekend!


I think I might drink myself silly somewhere along the lines this weekend.
HAPPY NEWS!!!! My DD was offered a job today with a really great firm!!!! YAY Ashley!!!!
Go Ashley! That''s great news Kaleigh !
Date: 5/27/2010 6:45:56 PM
Author: Zoe
Go Ashley! That''s great news Kaleigh !
Thanks Zoe, she''s out celebrating...hehe.
Date: 5/27/2010 8:19:58 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 5/27/2010 2:37:45 PM
Author: Kaleigh
HAPPY NEWS!!!! My DD was offered a job today with a really great firm!!!! YAY Ashley!!!!
Oh honey.. I am THRILLED!
Thanks sugar!!!
Congrats to Ashley, Kaleigh!!! That is WONDERFUL!

Today is moving day. Hmpfth. Lord, grant me patience.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!!!!
My hairdresser is fantastic. He comes to my house, and charges me next to nothing, and he is really, really good. And funny.

And he just moved to Australia

WHY, God, WHY?????????
Date: 5/28/2010 11:14:03 AM
Author: Porridge
My hairdresser is fantastic. He comes to my house, and charges me next to nothing, and he is really, really good. And funny.

And he just moved to Australia

WHY, God, WHY?????????

I hate losing a good hairdresser!! They''re so hard to find!! The same thing happened me about four years ago and it took me ages to find one I liked as much.

I''m going to see the SATC movie tonight. Can''t wait!!
Date: 5/28/2010 11:24:15 AM
Author: bee*
Date: 5/28/2010 11:14:03 AM

Author: Porridge

My hairdresser is fantastic. He comes to my house, and charges me next to nothing, and he is really, really good. And funny.

And he just moved to Australia

WHY, God, WHY?????????

I hate losing a good hairdresser!! They''re so hard to find!! The same thing happened me about four years ago and it took me ages to find one I liked as much.

I''m going to see the SATC movie tonight. Can''t wait!!
Gah, I know. My poor hair is going to suffer for months to come...maybe even years. Not to mention my bank account. Oh, the humanity...

I can''t wait to hear reviews!
Date: 5/27/2010 2:37:45 PM
Author: Kaleigh
HAPPY NEWS!!!! My DD was offered a job today with a really great firm!!!! YAY Ashley!!!!
congrats to Ashley!

Date: 5/28/2010 11:14:03 AM
Author: Porridge
My hairdresser is fantastic. He comes to my house, and charges me next to nothing, and he is really, really good. And funny.

And he just moved to Australia

WHY, God, WHY?????????

Dang it, I was going to ask if he could come to my house! But I am certainly not in Australia.

I finally got into my hair guy on Tuesday. He does not come to my house and he is NOT cheap. And he told me he also does the hair of the "Smoking is NOT allowed" lady in the Delta safety video. I think I was supposed to be impressed.
