
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

I just got an iPad and I want to see if I can post on it.

ETA - woo hoo, it worked!!!
For the record, I'd like to be paid for time spent putting my classroom back together and gettings ready for the beginning of the year. I hate not getting paid for working full time. Vent over.
I made brownies last night in a 13x9 pan. Three girlfriends came over and I now have two brownies left..

Oink, oink!!! I guess we liked them??
mmm brownies.....

I'm out at noon today but I have nothing to do with my afternoon. Any suggestions?
make brownies
make cake
make cupcakes
make cookies

:naughty: :Up_to_something:
I baked cookies last night from the same cookbook that had the recipe for the best brownies I've ever had. The cookies are rather lackluster compared to the brownies. It's disappointing. I mean, it's hard to screw up a chocolate chip cookie (other than the pan I kind of burned). But really, I was expecting more.
To everyone looking for engagement stones/settings/rings: SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE!!!!!

To everyone planning a wedding: SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE!!!!

To everyone fighting with their SO: SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE!!!!

To myself while I ponder the direction of my life: SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE!!!!!

Shitty, shitty month. This is a shitty, shitty month.

Not only did BF and I break up, but my parents had to put our dog down this morning.

I'm ready for August to be over.
Princess - I'm sorry :((

I agree, but I've decided it's the whole year.
I'm sorry Princess! :((
Princesss -- I'm really sorry to hear about your dog! ;(
Thanks, ladies.
Sorry to hear that Princess.
I'm so sorry princess. You didn't need more to deal with.
Why must it rain every.single.time I move??
Princess, I'm sorry. I hope September will be better for you.
April - it's ok, it rained on me too all weekend while I was trying to move.
(At the risk of offending them and incurring their wrath) The moving gods are fickle buttheads. It's always rainy or so hot you can't take two steps without breaking a sweat when I've moved.
I'm so sorry about everything, Princess. :blackeye: You're due for some great news, some great changes in your life. *Hugs*
E B said:
I'm so sorry about everything, Princess. :blackeye: You're due for some great news, some great changes in your life. *Hugs*

Thanks EB (and everybody, really). It has been a rough month, but on the plus side I have gotten to spend some great time with my family, and I have a few more days with them before they leave for Dubai. There is a really exciting opportunity opening up at work and I put my name in to be considered, and it would be everything I've wanted for a while - living abroad again, being closer to family, lots of new places to explore, and a really challenging project to work on - but even if it doesn't work out, I've got great friends here and could get my own apartment and settle into single girl life. There's honestly nowhere to go but up right now, so I'm going to call that my silver lining.

(Also, I did a little bit of retail therapy this weekend and bought the most amazing - and terrifyingly priced - jeans I've ever worn in my life. But I could afford it and they made me feel slim and sexy and fun and happy so I bought them. I have to go get them hemmed tomorrow so that I can wear them on Friday, but I absolutely cannot wait to wear them.)
ooo princess - working and living abroad? Do share!

I'm trying VERY hard to do all positive posts today... but I will say in a chipper way (sing song voice) I think I'm getting an ear infection.

I have a fun story to share quickly. Our horse pastures are divided into two, right down the middle. At one point, the barn sits on the dividing fence line, with the tack room as the center spot, and two stalls on each side of the tack room (thus on each side of the fence). There is a connecting gate to each side of the doorway of the tackroom and then a gate in the back that we leave open for the horses to go back and forth. My sister's horses have stalls on one side, and mine on the other. Well our pear tree is on the side with my two horses. Every day when they go out, they go straight to the pear tree to find the fallen pears (which is why my preserves have to wait yet another year). Well, my sister's horses have discovered that there are pears over there in the morning too, and that if they go out and go around to the back gate, they are going to miss out on the pears. So they have now decided to shove their way through the connector gates while I"m trying to maneuver through, so that they can go to the pears before I get to let my horses out. :rolleyes: Hogs.
DF, I'm trying not to get my hopes up, so I don't to give too many details because I get super excited when I think about it, but it'd be a 9-12 month project in Europe. Not only would it be awesome to be in Europe, but the project sounds SUPER interesting and I really think it is going to lead to great things in the company. So it'd be a project I want to work on in a country I'd love to live in (with a climate I don't like, but not everything can be perfect). I want it so badly.

But, I can't get my hopes up. Even if I don't get it, I have great friends and a great community and lots of fun/interesting/challenging things here. So it's good either way.
Princesss-crossing my fingers for you! Things will get easier, hoping it just happens a lot sooner for you!
Princess - I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you. If I guess the country do I get a cookie?
Only if you get it on the first try.

And thanks, Fiery. I really appreciate the support.
That's POOP :saint:
Princesss -- what a great opportunity! So exciting! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Will the sun ever come out here? It's been n the high 60s-low 70s and cloudy/rainy. This is NOT summer weather. :(sad I love a good rainy day, but we've had days of this and it's getting old.
I'm taking notes for bio, even though I'm sleepy.