Enerchi said:Well I'm going to jump in and say that I think those stones are just spectacular YT!! And I'm sooo excited to learn what it is that you are creating.......Its obviously going to be STUNNING based on those stones --- loving the colour and the square radiant shape!
You are so clever, YT!!![]()
YT|1360465678|3376471 said:Right side of my face is numb but at the same time feels like someone punched me. My eye is swollen and blotchy and itches. I don't know if its an allergic reaction. All I have eaten today was breakfast and a Fuji apple. Nothing new. I feel blah...
Dee*Jay said:YT|1360465678|3376471 said:Right side of my face is numb but at the same time feels like someone punched me. My eye is swollen and blotchy and itches. I don't know if its an allergic reaction. All I have eaten today was breakfast and a Fuji apple. Nothing new. I feel blah...
Not to overstate the obvious... but I'm thinking a little medical attention might be in order here...
Seriously, get your heinie off to an ER if your symptoms haven't subsided because if this is an allergic reaction it could turn anaphylactic!
(And then [a] I will miss you on here, and I'll never find out what' you've got brewing with those gorgeous yellow stones!)
YT|1360469807|3376506 said:Dee*Jay said:YT|1360465678|3376471 said:Right side of my face is numb but at the same time feels like someone punched me. My eye is swollen and blotchy and itches. I don't know if its an allergic reaction. All I have eaten today was breakfast and a Fuji apple. Nothing new. I feel blah...
Not to overstate the obvious... but I'm thinking a little medical attention might be in order here...
Seriously, get your heinie off to an ER if your symptoms haven't subsided because if this is an allergic reaction it could turn anaphylactic!
(And then [a] I will miss you on here, and I'll never find out what' you've got brewing with those gorgeous yellow stones!)
Oh Dee*Jay, thank you for thinking of me and missing me on PS. If I die from this, I will pass on those yellow diamonds to you. You may do as you wish to commemorate me.
My face feels better but my eye feels a little droopy.
Dee*Jay said:YT|1360469807|3376506 said:Dee*Jay said:YT|1360465678|3376471 said:Right side of my face is numb but at the same time feels like someone punched me. My eye is swollen and blotchy and itches. I don't know if its an allergic reaction. All I have eaten today was breakfast and a Fuji apple. Nothing new. I feel blah...
Not to overstate the obvious... but I'm thinking a little medical attention might be in order here...
Seriously, get your heinie off to an ER if your symptoms haven't subsided because if this is an allergic reaction it could turn anaphylactic!
(And then [a] I will miss you on here, and I'll never find out what' you've got brewing with those gorgeous yellow stones!)
Oh Dee*Jay, thank you for thinking of me and missing me on PS. If I die from this, I will pass on those yellow diamonds to you. You may do as you wish to commemorate me.
My face feels better but my eye feels a little droopy.
Did you touch anything you don't normally come in contact with? Like maybe pet a strange dog, or use a new household product?
YT|1360470335|3376509 said:Dee*Jay said:YT|1360469807|3376506 said:Dee*Jay said:YT|1360465678|3376471 said:Right side of my face is numb but at the same time feels like someone punched me. My eye is swollen and blotchy and itches. I don't know if its an allergic reaction. All I have eaten today was breakfast and a Fuji apple. Nothing new. I feel blah...
Not to overstate the obvious... but I'm thinking a little medical attention might be in order here...
Seriously, get your heinie off to an ER if your symptoms haven't subsided because if this is an allergic reaction it could turn anaphylactic!
(And then [a] I will miss you on here, and I'll never find out what' you've got brewing with those gorgeous yellow stones!)
Oh Dee*Jay, thank you for thinking of me and missing me on PS. If I die from this, I will pass on those yellow diamonds to you. You may do as you wish to commemorate me.
My face feels better but my eye feels a little droopy.
Did you touch anything you don't normally come in contact with? Like maybe pet a strange dog, or use a new household product?
I can't think of anything. I did everything I usually do. I didn't go anywhere. Didn't do anything new. Basically I was a lazy a$$ today.
I guess you and I won't be riding off into the sunset anytime soon. But, I want you to go. For the both of us.
Thanks! I'm ok now! I have no idea what that was tho! Never felt that way before! But I'm ok!isaku5 said:I don't want to sound bossy, but if my kids or grandkids had your symptoms, I'd tell them to get to a walk-in clinic NOW. In fact, for the grandgirls, I'd take them myself!!
On the other hand, if it were I/me with those symptoms, I'd probably take an allergy pill hoping it would go away. If nothing happened or if it got worse, I'd be off to a clinic or, worst case scenario, I'd call 911 losing precious time for an effective intervention. Not too smart, right?
Ohhhh no!! Dust to you and your poor kids!! You guys are both in your own kind of hell! I'm sorry your kids are sick and I'm sorry you haven't been getting any sleep! I hope that your kids' poop becomes solid again!Sarahbear621 said:I have a 1 year old and a 2 year home sick the last 3 days with a HORRIBLE version of a stomach flu (plus ear infection on the 2 year old). I have been vomited on at least every other hour for the last 3 days, spent 8 hrs in the ER on Friday, haven’t slept more than 2.5 consecutive hours since Thursday night and all I want is for both kids to have solid poop again (can I say that on PS?). This is my idea of what the apocalypse is like. Please send dust for my babies to get better so I can remember that I love them? Oh and to just throw salt on an open wound DH is away for the next 21 days for work.![]()
ok vent over....i'm off to sit in my corner like a good mom and do 11 loads of laundry.![]()
Well here's hoping our dust solidifies your toddler's poop!!Sarahbear621 said:You know I hit a low point when I go online and ask my fellow PSers for dust on having a toddler poop solid. I'm not even ashamed to say it.![]()
Sarahbear621|1360553820|3377197 said:You know I hit a low point when I go online and ask my fellow PSers for dust on having a toddler poop solid. I'm not even ashamed to say it.![]()
YT|1360521183|3376795 said:Thanks! I'm ok now! I have no idea what that was tho! Never felt that way before! But I'm ok!isaku5 said:I don't want to sound bossy, but if my kids or grandkids had your symptoms, I'd tell them to get to a walk-in clinic NOW. In fact, for the grandgirls, I'd take them myself!!
On the other hand, if it were I/me with those symptoms, I'd probably take an allergy pill hoping it would go away. If nothing happened or if it got worse, I'd be off to a clinic or, worst case scenario, I'd call 911 losing precious time for an effective intervention. Not too smart, right?![]()
Omg thank heavens it's turned out alright.justginger|1360677359|3378228 said:A power line came down directly across the street from my house tonight. In a tinderbox of a nature reserve. After weeks of no rain and 3 consecutive days of 105+ degrees. Needless to say, there was a fire.
It was frightening. My mind was racing as to how I could evacuate all of my animals in one car (DH was at band practice).
Thankfully my neighbors were on it quick-smart. A couple of older guys checked out where the line fell, then the rest started using buckets and watering cans, and even wet blankets, to contain the fire. The fire fighters were on the scene in less than 10 minutes and finished it off.
Now it's still 85 degrees at 10pm, with no hope of getting power back anytime soon. Very thankful this is how it played out though.
Tanzigrrl|1360715824|3378735 said:MY HOUSE FINALLY SOLD!!!! After 7 months on the market (5 months of paying 2 mortgages), we are free of it. I'm so overjoyed and delighted!!!!
Oh good lord no!! Hot. I'm so so very sorry for this family tragedy....my prayers are with this girl and your family.hawaiianorangetree|1360725587|3378866 said:My mum's ex's (who was like a second dad to me growing up) daughter was in a car rollover on Saturday morning. Her partner who was driving was killed and she will be a quadriplegic for the rest of her life. They don't even know if she will be able to breathe without a respirator. It's so sad! Life as you know it can change in an instant.
hawaiianorangetree|1360725587|3378866 said:My mum's ex's (who was like a second dad to me growing up) daughter was in a car rollover on Saturday morning. Her partner who was driving was killed and she will be a quadriplegic for the rest of her life. They don't even know if she will be able to breathe without a respirator. It's so sad! Life as you know it can change in an instant.
Oh no! What an awful event. Prayers for you and your family.hawaiianorangetree said:My mum's ex's (who was like a second dad to me growing up) daughter was in a car rollover on Saturday morning. Her partner who was driving was killed and she will be a quadriplegic for the rest of her life. They don't even know if she will be able to breathe without a respirator. It's so sad! Life as you know it can change in an instant.