
I think I hate my double-halo ring "upgrade"

Lovely or just Gawdy?

  • Definitely too big and gawdy!

    Votes: 78 75.7%
  • Large size but still lovely!

    Votes: 25 24.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Thanks Missy- and I do feel bad for OP that she currently is in the position of not loving her ring.
This thread surely reinforced that.
But I also can see this issue from both sides- having been a consumer, and seller of custom made products.
My advice to anyone looking to have a custom made piece of jewelry is to discuss specifics with the potential vendor before the sale is consummated.
A smart vendor will initiate these discussions, to reduce the risk of having dissatisfied clientele IMO.
Surely any seasoned PS member or reader would ask the right questions before buying.
But a lot of people discover PS too late.

Let's assume he the seller in this case had good intentions, because it seems to be a nicely made ring, regardless of style.
Playing the hypothetical game, let's say the seller really wants cctiny to be happy.

If doing that is going to end up not only costing all the profit made, but also coming up with a lot of money to make a new ring- and this option was not promised upfront- the buyer may have a very hard time getting the seller to do it for obvious reasons.
Not protecting against that type of loss could put a company out of business- especially considering the type of margins currently possible in the jewelry business- a fraction of what they were, percentage wise, 20 years ago.
As a buyer, I am very aware that an item I order made custom for me is generally not returnable.
The very clear point of this is to advise consumers to ask these questions before purchase. Get any money back- or design detail guarantee in writing.

cctiny, if you're still reading this- I really hope you get a good resolution to all this.
A lot of folks have been in your position- you'r not alone.
It doesn't matter what we think, it matters what YOU think. By the very fact that you are seeking out opinions means you think it's too big. We can't talk you off the ledge. Take the very good advice given above and get the ring reworked so that you LOVE it. Best wishes for much better result!
It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. If you think it's too big and feel uncomfortable, get it reset. Life is too short to wear jewelry that doesn't make you 100% happy!
cctiny|1392742744|3617815 said:
Thank you for making me feel better. So you know how crazy I feel because I thought for sure after wearing a ring I disliked for 8 yrs and finally having the money and approval to get it re-done, I would finally be happy. I think I took bad pics, too. Ironically, I think I like it more now. I think some of the posters are right when they say to just wear it and I will get used to it.

I found a very similar ring on Trumpet and Horn called the Bucksport and the proportions are similar, so I don't think my ring is sooo ridiculous.

Thanks for your input! I hope you love your ring when you get it!

OMG that's your ring exactly! Can we see a pic with your wedding band??
It does look great as a RHR. I would start saving up $$ for a new e-ring. Keep this awesome art deco beauty for your right hand. Your 10 year anni is coming up. Or a significant birthday? :Up_to_something:
If it's not the size you discussed with your jeweler you should talk to him about it. It's not your fault that whoever he hired to create it didn't follow directions or at least let you know that your design wasn't going to come out to your requested dimensions. No matter what we say, it's you that has to like it.
swingirl|1392802058|3618437 said:
If it's not the size you discussed with your jeweler you should talk to him about it. It's not your fault that whoever he hired to create it didn't follow directions or at least let you know that your design wasn't going to come out to your requested dimensions. No matter what we say, it's you that has to like it.

That's true - but she is inspiring me! I'm planning to up-bling as a result of this thread.
Personally, I prefer the ECs for the longer length, and not keen on the squarer Asschers.

To me, the double halo somewhat overwhelms the centre stone, and I would probably have chosen a single halo instead.

However, these are all personal preferences.

DK :))
I would swap out the centre stone (if that is easily done, not sure from the photos) for a yellow sapphire or some other coloured stone and maybe just go back to your original setting, or possibly a plain solitaire while you work out your next move. That way you still enjoy the ring, it would look awesome with a coloured stone!

I suspect the problem you are having with the double halo as an e-ring may have to do with the style of the halo, perhaps you need to drill down on double halo styles that you really enjoy. They can be more delicate, and less 'defined' than in this ring. Perhaps the strong edges of your ring, while lovely as a RHR stone, are not 'flowy' enough to appeal to you as an e-ring... just thoughts...

I think the idea of different sizes of melee for the each halo is appealing to me, some jewellery I've seen picks out one of the two in a coloured stone as well, which can be fun.

Hearts on Fire do a lot of really beautiful halo styles, you may get some ideas there. And of course the famous Tiffany soleste double halo would undoubtedly be a good reference for you, as you drill down on what you do and don't like about your ring.

Best of luck! Jewellery is meant to be fun, but alas being human we can fret a little tell me about it. I hope you feel better shortly and remember to enjoy the journey going forward. :)
Lara- I like the idea of swapping out the stone so that a new e ring can be made and use current setting for RHR!!!
perhaps someone with experience will chime in but if the centre stone is bezel set, swapping out might not be easy.
I voted in the poll but never posted. I just wanted to say that I personally love your ring. It might be too large or to art deco for some but I think it is beautiful! I actaully saved it to my favorites folder so I can reference it later! :appl:
Yes.. I had a setting made for 2.2K, it turns out the baguettes (mine) were chipped and cracked (yes this can I happen) the head was not totally level.. except for these great artisans like Mr. Canera, Mr. Wink, Mr. Kirsch etc I would not be looking to have a ring made at my local jeweler... this same jeweler that made my last setting also made a wedding band out of 1 carat of princess diamonds I brought in to them and told me they were going to make the wedding band one way and after 3 mos I called, they said they were having trouble getting the princesses' to line up and would get back to me..when they called me to inform me it was ready, the ring was totally different than what they told me they were going to do in the first place.. it was nice, they used almost all the baguettes (they said they wouldn't) and it's sleek, so I liked it, but I should have realized then..

the person who made my setting for my MRB was obviously a newbie. Live and learn. this time I'm buying somebody's else's custom setting that they didn't like, from a jeweler who owns the store, not just sales people (but I know most are fine) this is a husband/wife team and I spoke to both, it felt more comfortable.. they said the new setting was not used because she didn't like the baguettes after seeing it and had another made with melee.. I can almost believe this :? I have to say, the baguettes on the new setting are more glittery than my old ones but I don't have it yet since the setter/platinum guy was in Tucson for a show.. who can say, when I walk into a decent jewelry store I become as one on drugs.. I see bright lights, firecrackers, stars, rainbows.. and I marry in haste and then repent in leisure as my mom always said about me.

take care! and be aware I guess.


MC|1392761841|3618043 said:
Rockdiamond|1392760758|3618028 said:
To those who are suggesting that a return or refund is in order- you guys probably "shop" more than me. Is it common for sellers of custom made rings to offer a refund or exchange policy?

I guess we should ask the OP what the return/exchange policy is.

I've never returned a custom piece before, but admit that after reading so many posts of people being unhappy, I'm just thankful my pendant turned out okay. I don't think I'd personally ever had a custom piece made again :eek:
Wowza! I love that ring, I love the larger pointers in the halo b/c I like the original Deco style and not any of the lacy little halos that are popular now. I'd wear it and live happily ever after, but i am single and don't need a ring that goes with a wedding band. That said, I concur with the posts that say if you ware going for a wedding set look, pairing that ring with a wedding band won't work too great. I could see wearing that as a RHR, and wearing a really bold diamond wedding band on the left hand. My ex SIL did that. And my great aunt in NYC wore a big wedding band of emerald cuts. That may not suit your personality or lifestyle, though.

Michael Edgett at is a good bench jeweler and he also is a gem cutter who can custom-cut stones. Perhaps he could set a colored stone in that mounting should you decide it doesn't work as an e-ring. It's certainly a knockout setting, and it would look fantastic with a sapphire, ruby, or other strong-colored gemstone in it.
"My Name is Celia and I'm a PS addict!" This was my first post, I literally created a user name just so I can get unbiased honest opinions about my new ring. :) I have to say, I love how gracious and kind everyone has been. I can't believe a site like PS even exists! Its just a bunch of "jewel crazies" like myself. I wanted to stop coming back and reading all the replies, but I can't, its like Facebook. But maybe worst! :)

I've had so many thoughts the last 2 days. First and foremost, I can't believe I'm actually starting to really love my ring. There is so much backstory, I can't even begin in regards to the jeweler we used. We got a really good price for the setting (less than $3k), and there really is no point in trying to change the size. It was all verbal, I tried looking in email and text feeds and couldn't find anything that clarified that the face shouldn't be bigger than 12mm. Lesson learned in regards to custom work and not discovering PS sooner. I think if I called him, he wouldn't even reply at this point. Not because I changed my mind a lot during the process, but because he had my diamond for over 2 years. We had a baby and the ring had to be put on hold. BTw, is everyone rich on this website...seems like people re-set and buy multiple rings like its no big deal.:)

When I think of my ring, I think of people who get boob jobs. Typically, they are naturally small or flat-chested, and then they go too big in size. I think that's what happened to me. I will post a pic of my original halo. I felt like it was so small and un-special on my hand. Now my ring is ridiculous....but its special! I especially love looking at it in the mirror in the bathroom or when I'm holding my babies. It's big and sparkly! It's only when I go outside in daylight do I feel self-conscious. It looks really funny as I'm running errands in my Old Navy workout gear, too. Lol. But hopefully, as many posters have mentioned...I will get used to it with time.

Maybe one day it will be a RHR...but for now it's my "art-deco, on trend, big and beautiful" e-ring.

Workmanship is truly spectacular, especially for the price! It was influenced by Daniel K's empress, with the fine milgrain and bezeled center stone. I'm wondering if it will look better if I put the lines in on the corners like the "empress" halo?

Or should the (milgrained) line between the halos be more defined?

What do you think?
This was my setting from 2 years ago. I really disliked that it had a prong setting and the profile looked like a "top hat":)


I like your new setting a lot more than your old setting! Your new one has personality!!! Name it after someone who did
things in a big way like Marlyn ( Monroe) or Liz (Taylor), or some actress from the art deco period. Have fun with it!
I think you can expect to have all sorts of emotions about any setting as you wear it. I have had all kinds of feelings about different jewellery pieces I own, and usually those feelings resolve positively. Enjoy your ring!! :)
cctiny|1392832342|3618616 said:
"My Name is Celia and I'm a PS addict!" This was my first post, I literally created a user name just so I can get unbiased honest opinions about my new ring. :) I have to say, I love how gracious and kind everyone has been. I can't believe a site like PS even exists! Its just a bunch of "jewel crazies" like myself. I wanted to stop coming back and reading all the replies, but I can't, its like Facebook. But maybe worst! :)

I've had so many thoughts the last 2 days. First and foremost, I can't believe I'm actually starting to really love my ring. There is so much backstory, I can't even begin in regards to the jeweler we used. We got a really good price for the setting (less than $3k), and there really is no point in trying to change the size. It was all verbal, I tried looking in email and text feeds and couldn't find anything that clarified that the face shouldn't be bigger than 12mm. Lesson learned in regards to custom work and not discovering PS sooner. I think if I called him, he wouldn't even reply at this point. Not because I changed my mind a lot during the process, but because he had my diamond for over 2 years. We had a baby and the ring had to be put on hold. BTw, is everyone rich on this website...seems like people re-set and buy multiple rings like its no big deal.:)

When I think of my ring, I think of people who get boob jobs. Typically, they are naturally small or flat-chested, and then they go too big in size. I think that's what happened to me. I will post a pic of my original halo. I felt like it was so small and un-special on my hand. Now my ring is ridiculous....but its special! I especially love looking at it in the mirror in the bathroom or when I'm holding my babies. It's big and sparkly! It's only when I go outside in daylight do I feel self-conscious. It looks really funny as I'm running errands in my Old Navy workout gear, too. Lol. But hopefully, as many posters have mentioned...I will get used to it with time.

Maybe one day it will be a RHR...but for now it's my "art-deco, on trend, big and beautiful" e-ring.

Workmanship is truly spectacular, especially for the price! It was influenced by Daniel K's empress, with the fine milgrain and bezeled center stone. I'm wondering if it will look better if I put the lines in on the corners like the "empress" halo?

Or should the (milgrained) line between the halos be more defined?

What do you think?

Guess that I don't understand the boob job analogy :confused: I know lots of women who have had a breast augmentation procedure and not many of them went too big (most of them chose "norma"l sizes for their proportions). Anyway, I guess if you love your new ring, then that's great. Enjoy.
cctiny|1392832342|3618616 said:
Now my ring is ridiculous....but its special! I especially love looking at it in the mirror in the bathroom or when I'm holding my babies. It's big and sparkly! It's only when I go outside in daylight do I feel self-conscious. It looks really funny as I'm running errands in my Old Navy workout gear, too. Lol. But hopefully, as many posters have mentioned...I will get used to it with time.

Maybe one day it will be a RHR...but for now it's my "art-deco, on trend, big and beautiful" e-ring.

Workmanship is truly spectacular, especially for the price! It was influenced by Daniel K's empress, with the fine milgrain and bezeled center stone. I'm wondering if it will look better if I put the lines in on the corners like the "empress" halo?

Or should the (milgrained) line between the halos be more defined?

What do you think?

I'm glad you're growing to love your ring! It's obvious even from your pictures that the overall design and workmanship are fantastic - it's just not what one expects of an engagement ring. But guess what? Not every engagement ring has to fit in the standard engagement ring mold! Yours is more of a "coloring outside the lines" engagement ring - in a good way! And it's a celebration of eight years of marriage - why should it conform to E-ring norms?
I'm an addict too! after reading all the posts also I think your ring is in the cusp of the 'new' new! it's lovely.. one thing about PSers is we like change! look to me .. change constantly...

Again I'll say that your ring looks very well made, very well crafted and that is a huge plus! boob jobs! that is a great analogy.

one thing I have learned is, cut and quality are king.. I've had crap and have learned a lot here..

I will say if you 'empress' it will look even more art deco which is bitchin cool too.

it's really all about what you want.. what makes you happy.

congratulations on a gorgeous ring.


cctiny|1392832342|3618616 said:
"My Name is Celia and I'm a PS addict!" This was my first post, I literally created a user name just so I can get unbiased honest opinions about my new ring. :) I have to say, I love how gracious and kind everyone has been. I can't believe a site like PS even exists! Its just a bunch of "jewel crazies" like myself. I wanted to stop coming back and reading all the replies, but I can't, its like Facebook. But maybe worst! :)

I've had so many thoughts the last 2 days. First and foremost, I can't believe I'm actually starting to really love my ring. There is so much backstory, I can't even begin in regards to the jeweler we used. We got a really good price for the setting (less than $3k), and there really is no point in trying to change the size. It was all verbal, I tried looking in email and text feeds and couldn't find anything that clarified that the face shouldn't be bigger than 12mm. Lesson learned in regards to custom work and not discovering PS sooner. I think if I called him, he wouldn't even reply at this point. Not because I changed my mind a lot during the process, but because he had my diamond for over 2 years. We had a baby and the ring had to be put on hold. BTw, is everyone rich on this website...seems like people re-set and buy multiple rings like its no big deal.:)

When I think of my ring, I think of people who get boob jobs. Typically, they are naturally small or flat-chested, and then they go too big in size. I think that's what happened to me. I will post a pic of my original halo. I felt like it was so small and un-special on my hand. Now my ring is ridiculous....but its special! I especially love looking at it in the mirror in the bathroom or when I'm holding my babies. It's big and sparkly! It's only when I go outside in daylight do I feel self-conscious. It looks really funny as I'm running errands in my Old Navy workout gear, too. Lol. But hopefully, as many posters have mentioned...I will get used to it with time.

Maybe one day it will be a RHR...but for now it's my "art-deco, on trend, big and beautiful" e-ring.

Workmanship is truly spectacular, especially for the price! It was influenced by Daniel K's empress, with the fine milgrain and bezeled center stone. I'm wondering if it will look better if I put the lines in on the corners like the "empress" halo?

Or should the (milgrained) line between the halos be more defined?

What do you think?
Hi Everyone! So today will officially be 2 weeks that I've had the ring. I actually got the nerve to call the jeweler yesterday (thanks to all u Psers) and tell him that I was just so sad about the ring because it looked so funny as my e-ring. I told him that I thought I would wait for DSS to kick in, but somehow the ring seems to only get bigger! :) Anyways...he was very understanding and said that we would figure something out and to give it a few weeks!

This will be my very LAST chance to get my dream ring for the rest of my life! Please give me your input as to how it should be re-set.
Single halo? or double? Claw prong or milgrain bezel? What size should diamonds in the halo be? What proportions are ideal when center stone (asscher) measures 6.35x 6.32x3.97? I'd definitely like more finger coverage, bigger than 10mm, but no more than 12mm?

If I do single halo, what detail can I add to make it different from the thousands of halos I see everyday in my neighborhood? The asscher is not the best quality, I'm keeping it for sentimental reasons. Definitely lacks sparkle as many ECs do.

Should I have the pave set completely different with no milgrain edging?

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

diamonds in 1st halo measure 1.15
diamonds in 2nd halo (outer) measure 1.6
Would you ever want to turn it into a three stone ring?

What about a baguette halo? Little baguettes around the centre stone would look amazing - very deco and super chic. Not like your standard halo at all!!
Cctiny, I would start a new thread with this as it's an official new project and it's important you get the input of people with experience in these kinds of settings.
Maybe something like this??

misskittycat|1393134093|3621008 said:
Maybe something like this??

Many have loved that particular halo look but found out it is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive, as in upwards of 10k expensive due to the custom cutting, not very attainable at all. I honestly think the OP should find a setting already made that she can try on and have ordered for her stone, it seems that there are many a Bev K or Gabriel setting with antique vibes that would be below 3k.
Asscherhalo_lover|1393136583|3621018 said:
I honestly think the OP should find a setting already made that she can try on and have ordered for her stone, it seems that there are many a Bev K or Gabriel setting with antique vibes that would be below 3k.

I second this. Now OP has had two settings she doesn't like - I think OP should try on LOTS of rings, go to jewelry stores, costume jewelry stores, order CZ rings with similarly sized center stones but different settings, etc, before she makes a decision. If there are no backsies on this one, she needs to try on ALL the things before even thinking about deciding.