
Job hunting

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Hi storm,

I really don''t have any good advice to give. i don''t know if you have any real interest in working with/for a jewewler but I did have the thought though that depending on where you live, there may be jewelers who need websites or someone to program, take photos etc. Especially in smaller towns were local traffic alone may not be enough to keep them afloat.

good luck storm..
Hi Strm,

I am sorry you are going through this. Just wanted to wish you good luck with your search!!!

ps- I do think Mrssalvo''s idea is very promising!
hi! i don''t have any great ideas but maybe if you got a job at some place like best buy or some other electronic/computer sales it may tide you over and give you some leads.

i am hoping and praying that something turns up for you.
Date: 6/10/2007 8:44:26 PM
Author: crown1
hi! i don''t have any great ideas but maybe if you got a job at some place like best buy or some other electronic/computer sales it may tide you over and give you some leads.

i am hoping and praying that something turns up for you.

Yeah, that''s a great idea crown1. Also, why is it too late to go to school? If you can''t find a job because of lack of paper I would imagine that''s your best option to fix that! You can still fill out your FAFSA form online for the 07-08 school year and find out if you qualify for a Pell grant. You can find out about loans from a particular school, too. Good luck and I hope some of these ideas posted end up helping you out!

I understand your position completely. I lost my chosen field, worked lots of temp jobs, had medical problems, etc for almost a decade before I was able to get a decent paying job again doing something I reasonably like to do.

I know all about being "overqualified" so the temp firms would not hire you - and I know about being really good with computers and having no "paper."

I know all about not making enough money - or living on pure credit - due to employability issues.

I know about bad asthma and how it affects your life, etc.

Yet - I was able to succeed in the long term and did pay off all the medical bills and other credit card debt from those years (in March of this year).

I''d like to tell you that the road you face is easy - it is not. But I have faith in you that you can do it.

I have several suggestions for you:

In the back of the "What color is my Parachute" book is an exercise to figure out who you really are and what you are best at. In my case it took me several months of effort to complete it - becasue it took me several months to really understand that I needed it (and then it really took about a week to complete it).

This, or an equivelent exercise is crutial: In my case it identified things that I had not thought about. Within a couple months I had a new job at better pay doing something I liked.

Last year I looked at the chart I put together about 8 years ago and was really interested that I hadn''t changed a bit in who I am and what I want.

Now if you are quicker on the uptake than I was - you could be applying for the right jobs for you in several weeks.

The other thing to do is to think about starting your own business in an area you are good at (as identified by the exercise). I did not say start your own business today - I just want you to think about it - and what kinds of things you''d like to do if you could with your own business. There may be more possibilities out there than you immagined.

I''d be willing to help as much as I can if you want my help.

Storm, I am so sorry you are having so much trouble. It has always been evident that you have an extremely bright mind - that coupled with all your trouble with your elbow over the months must be leaving you really frustrated due to lack of mental challenge/ability to do what you want. I am sorry that I don''t have any good leads for you, although one thought I had is that some people do consulting type work over the phone for do-dos like me who don''t know computers very well - you can call and they can ''talk you through it''. I bet you would be very good at that, and then it would not require you to type much since you are just visualizing the problem and telling the ''dodo'' what to do to fix it. Would that type of work maybe be an option? Of course maybe that has been outsourced too (and I am sure you are overqualified for it). Maybe the ''Geek Squad'' type of thing as an option just to have something to do?
I checked with best buy and a few other places they aren''t hiring until sept. when the college kids go back too school.

Perry you have given me a lot too think about and I have been thinking about it.
My biggest thing is that I''m good at a lot of things but not a master of them and I''m my own worst critic when it comes to skills.
Until I got into the field I considered myself a novice computer tech., then I found out how little most techs knew and it went from there.
I''m half way decent now at it after 8 years :}
Make a list of all your skills.
Study them
Make them your voice.
You have so much to offer
Don''t listen to the voice that says, I can''t
Listen to the voice that says, I CAN!!!

It''s all about selling yourself, so go ahead and brag, tell them why they should hire you and what you can do for them!!! I know you have it within you!! You just need some encouragement!!!
Hey Storm,

I don''t know your particular circumstances so forgive me if I miss the mark on this. If your injury was work-related, you may qualify for free retraining programs through worker''s compensation. In Oregon, when someone loses a job due to an employment-related injury, s/he can become eligible for retraining that includes on-the-job training and placement through the state. Worker''s comp pays full salary or a portion of it for placement so employers get a free trial service. If that doesn''t apply to you, you might consider hooking up with an outplacement consultant who would assess your skills and assist with resume writing and job placement. These professionals usually are intimately familiar with the local job market. I hired such a consultant during a downsizing of my organization this winter and she was outstanding at finding jobs for terminated employees in our community which has very limited employment options. The rates these people charge vary by geographic area and by services rendered so it may be an affordable option for you.

Best wishes.
strm, I just wanted to wish you good luck with your job search. It''s no fun being in that predicament and I''m sorry you are going through this.
Date: 6/11/2007 10:36:21 PM
Author: strmrdr
I checked with best buy and a few other places they aren''t hiring until sept. when the college kids go back too school.

Perry you have given me a lot too think about and I have been thinking about it.
My biggest thing is that I''m good at a lot of things but not a master of them and I''m my own worst critic when it comes to skills.
Until I got into the field I considered myself a novice computer tech., then I found out how little most techs knew and it went from there.
I''m half way decent now at it after 8 years :}
Strm, did you just call and ask the question or actually go into the BB and fill out an app? Just curious...because I was in big box retail for a long time and I know that stores such as BB do appreciate someone actually coming in and taking the time to fill out an app and hand it to the floor mgr. working that day. I know BB probably isn''t your ideal job setting, but it''s worth a try going into a store with a resume in hand and filling out their app in person and asking to speak to the operations mgr. (=HR on a store level.) I would definitely suggest trying again. I can''t tell you how many times people just called my last store and asked for the HR person, and said, "are you hiring?" to which the answer was always, "no." To my old company, if you weren''t willing to put in the time and effort to make an appearance it meant you weren''t really interested. I don''t mean to sound harsh at all, just wanted to share as a former hiring mgr. at a big box retailer, and I know that there is a lot of that same mentality out there no matter what company you''re looking at. Please, try again! You have so much to offer and would be such an asset to a BB or similar, circuit city comes to mind, as well as other tech stores.

And I haven''t read through your thread in its entirety but I would say if you took the time and trouble to make up some bus. cards you could have a nice little side income. DH and I consider ourselves pretty tech savvy, but always end up needing someone to come and clean house as far as our PC...the last guy who came we paid $90/hr for 2 hrs and then recommended him to Dh''s parents who used him also, so right there in one month he got paid $90/hr for just 4 hrs! Not too shabby, and he didn''t have to do anything really physical that you couldn''t do besides checking out whether our cables were connected properly underneath/troubleshooting.
Too answer a couple questions...
Went into BB and talked to the manager of the dept.

It was work related but the jerk I was working for didn''t have workers comp insurance and paid about $1500 out of almost $100000 total so far of it, then when it came down to needing surgery on it closed shop and declared bankruptcy.
If Id filed suit I couldn''t get anything at that point and the hospital wouldn''t have done the surgery so they processed it as none work related so I would qualify for help and not have too pay a $10k down payment.
I could have got some classes paid for by unemployment but was getting my arm fixed instead. Not sure if I''m still eligible for that after it ran out or not.

I do some consulting work and comp. repair for people but its not enough to live on and cant do some of it, its pretty much like the consulting jobs if I could do one could do the other.

Thanks for the advise and encouragement everyone :}
this is driving me nuts.
Date: 6/12/2007 12:51:54 AM
Author: strmrdr
Too answer a couple questions...
Went into BB and talked to the manager of the dept.

It was work related but the jerk I was working for didn''t have workers comp insurance and paid about $1500 out of almost $100000 total so far of it, then when it came down to needing surgery on it closed shop and declared bankruptcy.
If Id filed suit I couldn''t get anything at that point and the hospital wouldn''t have done the surgery so they processed it as none work related so I would qualify for help and not have too pay a $10k down payment.
I could have got some classes paid for by unemployment but was getting my arm fixed instead. Not sure if I''m still eligible for that after it ran out or not.

I do some consulting work and comp. repair for people but its not enough to live on and cant do some of it, its pretty much like the consulting jobs if I could do one could do the other.

Thanks for the advise and encouragement everyone :}
this is driving me nuts.
I''m highlighting this sentence for obvious need to check it out and find out about this, storm!

What state are you in, WI? Do they have Circuit Cities, Radio Shaks, etc? Do they have Kohl''s? I''d try to secure any type of register job within those comps if it were possible, just to earn a buck or two, while you explored side jobs as a consultant...sorry if I''m getting too nosy. Seriously just trying to help.

I gathered from one of your posts when you pulled an article from the Columbian newspaper that you are in my neck of the woods.. (the Columbian not being a particularly large, well known publication to those unfamiliar with "the couve"

I am a former telecom chickie. I was in Marketing, but I do know that our HQ had a NOC in it & required many techs to run it. Skills & education sets ran the gamut. Have you checked Lucent (office off Airport way...or used to have one), Integra (lloyd center district) lots of hiring going on there...

I don''t remember seeing your education listed on here, and I know you don''t have your MSCE, but you appear mature & very possibly capable of managing other techs. Since you can no longer "do" as a result of your injury, could you possibly lead instead?

The reason I suggest going with a larger company that is not retail based is because they will generally pay for your schooling, so you can get MSCE certified while working or (like me) get your bachelor''s degree on their dime. (if you already have that, then many will pay for your master''s as well).

Good luck Storm...its an ICKY job market if you live where I do. I lived through getting laid off 6 weeks before my wedding & then a looong, unproductive job search for quite some time after that. Its tough.

Hey, there''s always panhandling on the airport on ramp! Just kidding....but I hear they pull in some decent dough.

Try expanding your search to small companies that aren''t related to computers. Everyone needs an IT guy. (or gal...) Small companies get hobbled hardest when their networks go poopoo on them. You might be just the guy the local Appliance store chain needs...see where I''m going?

Also, if temp agencies are telling you that you are overqualified, try a headhunter instead. MRI, ummm...argh...freakin'' pregnant brain, I can''t even remember the name of one I used. Often times the employer will front the fees...can''t hurt to look into it.

Good luck!

Diverrgirl has some really great advice, storm! Are you willing to relocate, that is my question?
Date: 6/12/2007 1:27:50 AM
Author: monarch64
Diverrgirl has some really great advice, storm! Are you willing to relocate, that is my question?
Im in Northern IL near WI ,, cant relocate, Chicago area is out (cant handle the drive 2 hours each way, with no traffic 4-6 with trafic.).
Date: 6/12/2007 2:14:42 AM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 6/12/2007 1:27:50 AM
Author: monarch64
Diverrgirl has some really great advice, storm! Are you willing to relocate, that is my question?
Im in Northern IL near WI ,, cant relocate, Chicago area is out (cant handle the drive 2 hours each way, with no traffic 4-6 with trafic.). of luck to you strm...I wish there were something more I could do.

Sorry about the injury.... and how your state handles it. All to common of a story. Not that it matters - but in Wisconsin Workers Comp pays regardless if the employer paid their Workers Comp on the employees. The State goes after the employer and appropriate top managers with both civil and criminal charges as appropriate if they had not paid for workers comp.

Back to your situation: I found that even though I had a certain set of skills - that I also had to identify who I really was and what I wanted before I could identify the right kind of employment for myself. That''s when I was able to identify the right kind of places and jobs to apply for; which was somewhat different than what I had previously thought I wanted to do.

Think of it this way. You need to be able to sight in yourself. Instead of just shooting a gun (for the sake of shooting a gun) - you need to know what target to aim at and that your gun is sighted in. i.e.; instead of jobhunting just to get a job. Jobhunt to get the right kind of job and have your scope set to focus in on the kind of jobs that are right for you.

At the same time I tried several concepts as side businesses and learned that I have a lot to learn - and needed to work on myself: immagine if you will a partially color blind guy selling skin care and cosmetics to gals... what a riot...

In the end I gave my cosmetics kit to my sister in law. She has done a lot better with it.

Then I plugged into a independent business mentoring group - and have been learning things that I needed to know since (and most of them are not taught in schools). Now I know how to actually make money on my side business and know if done right that it can be scaled up to a full time position.

Hang in there.

wow Perry you are hitting target.
To be honest I'm tired of the computer biz it has stopped being fun so any job I get in it is for the $.
That's why I got out of armed security and hvac before that.

Finding a job in my other 2 interests is next to impossible in my area.
Photography and gemstones/diamonds.
So dunno.....

edit: thinking about it its kinda funny I spent ~8 years in hvac, ~8 years in security and ~8 years in computers, so whats the next 8 years.....
strm--I''m sorry to hear that you are having such trouble finding a position. Have you considered having someone look at your resume? Sometimes it takes an outsider who is an "expert" at resume writing to make the changes needed to get noticed. Most of the services aren''t too expensive. They might be able to repackage your skills in a way you never considered that will help you get interviews to get a new job.

Have you considered teaching computer classes? I don''t have the proper certs either and I''m a sort- IT person...more marketing than IT, but I found I could make extra money teaching classes for Excel, Word, Access etc. If you know web, there would probably be things you could teach there.

Have you thought about sales? My husband owns a Nextel store and we are constantly looking for people to sell business to business. The main push is on the data side which is very techy now. You might contact some of the telecoms if you are willing to consider a commission job.
in hiring, this is what i am looking for: what you can do and what you have to offer plus a positive attitude. i would accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. if you don''t have a degree (paper) it will not be listed on the application or resume so no need to go into that unless asked. i would be honest but not make a lot of the injury. i don''t think that will make you more employable.

if i understand the situation correctly, you posted that by the end of the month you would be having trouble. if this is correct you need immediate employment. i would take anything to get that until i could do better. have you looked into dispatch positions? they will require minimal physical work until your injury is healed. as much as i would dislike it i would consider telemarketing if i was up against the wall. most of those companies offer a sign on bonus. you mentioned you had done armed security in the past, how about just walking around security at a hospital or perhaps at a plant gate?

desperate times require desperate measures and you can work for a better job once the pressure is off. good luck!


ps i know you probably know all of this. i just had your situation on my mind and this is what i thought of.
Storm, I don''t have time to respond right now, but I will get back to you ASAP. My husband was out of work for 5 months and it is HARD! You have my empathy.

My husband got a job with the fed govt and likes it very well. No lifting, etc. but it''s computers....

I''ll try to get back to this thread later today.

Prayers are with you.
Hey, Storm, I''m back. Telemarketing is very hot where I am, and you can pretty much pick your hours. That way you could still go on interviews during certain business hours.

Everytime we call Pizza Hut they are looking for customer service reps. ALWAYS. I had a friend do it for a while and she said it''s pretty cush, but it does get old listening to people gripe about their pizza, but it didn''t pay too bad and she got to work the hours she wanted.

The cell phone providers around here are always hiring and they have really good benefits, as well as decent pay (not high pay, but, hey, not bad). My husband didn''t go that route because we have become addicted to a higher salary. Two kids, house payment, etc., but a single guy could do quite well on this kind of pay and there is room for advancement in some cases. Plus they offer medical, 401K, and FREE SERVICE -- you and Wifey2B could call each other all the time.

Check out credit card companies, insurance, etc. for customer service. You may even be able to work from home. I know Pizza Hut has people who take orders from their home and put the orders in over the internet.

Please keep posting and let us know how it''s going.
Date: 6/12/2007 8:26:02 AM
Author: strmrdr
wow Perry you are hitting target.
To be honest I''m tired of the computer biz it has stopped being fun so any job I get in it is for the $.
That''s why I got out of armed security and hvac before that.

Finding a job in my other 2 interests is next to impossible in my area.
Photography and gemstones/diamonds.
So dunno.....

edit: thinking about it its kinda funny I spent ~8 years in hvac, ~8 years in security and ~8 years in computers, so whats the next 8 years.....

Well, Storm. Here''s a case as an example.

Take James Allen. He is a guy who had only computer skills. He knew next to nothing about diamonds, but created the Dirt Cheap website, which he now has become a part of the diamond selling industry.

He worked on small margins, underpricing many of the dealers, and gradually he developed the business to where it is now.

If you like jewelry photography and since you know computers, it seems like you''d enjoy doing something "similar". Maybe start on ebay. Talk to guys like Wiink, Jonanthan, Gary, and maybe even Paul. You already have a "relationship" with some of them, and its possible that they will help you with getting merchandise to offer for sale. GOG - in that he has a store, probably has a lot of pieces that are in his inventory that haven''t moved, and possbily he''d provide the info so you could either create your own website, or create one on ebay and get a pay pal account so you can get payments. DIAgem appears to be a dealer,who has diamonds, and maybe he would like someone to help him sell them? Maybe chat with Garry Holloway, to see if he would like a US presence, to help sell the inventory that he has.

The advantage of this is that you could still do this, while taking on a job to generate some cash flow, and be building something of your own, while still getting some necessary cash flow, from whatever job you could get.Maybe even talk with ICEMAN, not sure how far he is from you, but he is in Modine ( or maybe it''s Moline), IL.

All of us started at various stages of life, planning on fulfilling what our dream would be, and unless we were born with a silver or platinum spoon, started out simply and built up to what our goals were. Back in the late 70''s I had a boring job, and wanted to be involved with jewelry and diamonds. I learned to polish jewelery ( by the seat of my pants) and opened a little booth in a flea market polsining rings for $ 1.00 a piece. I bought a small polishing machine, and an ultrasonic. I would polish 200-300 rings on a Fri & Sat, with a rent of $ 40.00 per week for the booth. (Back in the late 70''s $200-$300 was good pay for 2 days of work). Meanwhile I did my schooling at GIA. Then as I got known, people started bringing me their jewelry repair work, and I bought a jewelry case, and started displaying jewelry in it. In two years I grew and moved into a real store. There wasn''t an internet then, so getting known wasn''t as easy as it is now.

I sense you are in a bit of a "rut" with all the disappointments with the "system". It''s only to be expected, but now is the time for you to get some V-8 and put what smarts and talents you have to use.

Contact me, if you have any questions, as it probably isn''t the best thing, to make personal suggestions publically. I will try to help. Somehow there should be a niche you can fill that would be enjoyable for you, and generate some income too.

Date: 6/11/2007 11:51:07 PM
Author: monarch64

And I haven''t read through your thread in its entirety but I would say if you took the time and trouble to make up some bus. cards you could have a nice little side income. DH and I consider ourselves pretty tech savvy, but always end up needing someone to come and clean house as far as our PC...the last guy who came we paid $90/hr for 2 hrs and then recommended him to Dh''s parents who used him also, so right there in one month he got paid $90/hr for just 4 hrs! Not too shabby, and he didn''t have to do anything really physical that you couldn''t do besides checking out whether our cables were connected properly underneath/troubleshooting.
I have been doing some of that, its how iv kept my head above water so far.
Problem is there is a ton of people doing it now and its driving prices down too the point its hard to make a profit on home users and businesses are mostly locked in to the bigger consulting firms.
Biggest problem is getting paid iv had one client thats been jerking me around on a $100 bill for over 2 weeks which is why my cell phone is off right now because I was counting on it too pay it off.
Its good money when I can get the jobs.
Interesting ideas RD thank you! a reach..when you pulled that article from the Columbian (old post, can''t remember now) I thought, ahhh, another Pacific NW-ester. But no, you are just a good geek.

If you are close to Naperville, IL try International Truck & Engine. They are a GREAT company to work for (DH did for 10 years--of course he was here..remote) ugh, they are SO BEHIND THE TIMES as far as IT goes, you could help out a lot. Good bennies...good pay...interesting. HQ is nice.

Are you close to Racine, WI???? Case New Holland (manf. of construction & ag equipment...owned by Fiat in Italy--lots of opps) has their HQ in Racine.

Just trying to pull some ideas out of my head...I have lots of family in Chicago, so I''m familiar with the surrounding areas & some companies.


Good luck & sending good job vibes your way.

I love Rock Doc''s idea and think you would do awesome!!!!! Or see if you could work for Abrazias in a similar position to John at WF; I bet you would do awesome!!!
Date: 6/12/2007 8:47:16 AM
Author: IslandDreams
strm--I''m sorry to hear that you are having such trouble finding a position. Have you considered having someone look at your resume? Sometimes it takes an outsider who is an ''expert'' at resume writing to make the changes needed to get noticed. Most of the services aren''t too expensive. They might be able to repackage your skills in a way you never considered that will help you get interviews to get a new job.

Have you considered teaching computer classes? I don''t have the proper certs either and I''m a sort- IT person...more marketing than IT, but I found I could make extra money teaching classes for Excel, Word, Access etc. If you know web, there would probably be things you could teach there.

Have you thought about sales? My husband owns a Nextel store and we are constantly looking for people to sell business to business. The main push is on the data side which is very techy now. You might contact some of the telecoms if you are willing to consider a commission job.
Island Dreams has a good point...after I got laid off my marketing job in telecom, I went back to B2B sales with AT&T (then Cingular, now AT&T Wireless again...) and my previous experience (understanding networks since I managed the Frame, VPN, & ATM products prior) was higher tech than most of the sales folks--so it was a definite edge.

I made insane money at AT&T... And I was just a *good* salesperson...hit my quota but not the superstar. I also had a salary (not huge, but enough to live on) and the best benefits ever. Never paid a DIME for health insurance or medical costs. Usually if you work for the Wireless companies direct in their Business to Business group, you get salary + commission, tuition assistance & corporate bennies. If you work for a Agent (Island Dreams--are you guys a Nextel agent?) you can make more $$ but its usually 100% commission. So its just what you are more comfortable with.

Sales can suck if you don''t have a thick skin (I don''t...I ultimately burned out) but if you are motivated, can cold call, network, and well as understand how wireless solutions can integrate with the in-house network (I assume you know more than most on that) you will do great.

Or you could indulge your all day long. :-)

Just brain storming, I hate it when people are having job issues...

Ok, I''m done now.

Date: 6/12/2007 8:26:02 AM
Author: strmrdr
wow Perry you are hitting target.
To be honest I'm tired of the computer biz it has stopped being fun so any job I get in it is for the $.
That's why I got out of armed security and hvac before that.

Finding a job in my other 2 interests is next to impossible in my area.
Photography and gemstones/diamonds.
So dunno.....

edit: thinking about it its kinda funny I spent ~8 years in hvac, ~8 years in security and ~8 years in computers, so whats the next 8 years.....
I'm just glad my experience can help.

I would not worry right now about finding a job in your two other interest. What I found was that I did not know the full extent of what I was interested in until I have completed the "What Color is your Parachute" exercise. It both expanded my horizon and told me what to cut out as options.

The other thing I learned was that once I knew what I could do well - and things to look at that matched my personal interest; that my attitude went way up. Most employers will hire on just a good attitude if you show you the basic skills and interest in their business.

Oh, I also found jobs in my area that could really use me that I had not seen before. I think you will find the same.

Something to keep in mind:

You were designed for great accomplishments...
You were engineered for success...
You were endowed, by your creator, with the thought of success...

All you need to do if find that area for you to succeed in; and note that I don't think we were all designed to have a job either... (but a job, at times, can provide base income while you develop other options).

I see a lot of success ahead for you; because I know you've got the gumption to get up and do something instead of sitting on your behind.

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