
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Travel Goddess-

Ok, your post really makes me laugh because I found out in a similar way. I had been drinking margaritas the day before and just felt sick. I took and test expecting to see one line and then when I saw 2... I made DH go to Walgreens and get more! I took them (all positive) and had a complete meltdown. Bawling my eyes out. I also got pregnant because I stopped my BC due to severe cramping etc but was going to start it again after my next period. Ha! DH and I had also discussed waiting for kids until NEXT YEAR so we could move first.

It's really funny how life just has different plans for us. I obviously don't have any children yet, but I have been told that it just changes when they are your own children. They are not as annoying because they are so darn cute.

I don't think you sound like a jerk, just keeping it real =) How many weeks does this make you then? 5 or 6 weeks?

One more post (it's easier for me to keep track of when I break it up)

My dreams have been insane. Very very real and very bizzare. Last night had something to do with DH being a jerk. I woke up crying and kicked him super hard.. I was so mad! Oh and then I realized it was just a dream :halo: I slept so much yesterday after not sleeping at all Sunday night. I was worried about the house inspection. When I got home at noon I slept until 4pm and then 5-7pm and then 10pm-6am this morning. I needed it! I feel like a million bucks right now! Woohoo! :D I hope this lasts until at least noon!
Thanks for the kind words, Bean!

It still hasn't sunk in. I think I'm only around 4 or 5 weeks. I have my first ultrasound at the end of August. Hopefully seeing that blurry gray image will help to make it more real. It's funny, I've been reading the "Calling all pregnant PSers" thread for years and I thought I was an expert on pregnancy just by reading that but I'm realizing I know absolutely nothing.

I'm praying to the universe that I don't get terribly sick during my pregnancy. I'm a massage therapist and running out of the room to throw up sounds like a sure-fire way to irritate a client.

Jgator, thanks for the post. I'm glad you understand. Sometimes, I feel like I'm a little off my rocker for worrying so much! My NT scan is tomorrow and I'm beyond nervous. I've been kind of grumpy for the past few days and I think it's my nerves. If all goes well tomorrow, it's time to let this cat out of the bag. My belly is on the loose! :lol:

TravelGoddess, welcome! I didn't find your post insensitive at all. I think this should be a safe place to post how we really feel...which seems to change day to day. :lol: I hope you're able to avoid nausea. I have a desk job and can *mail it in* every now and then but that doesn't sound like an option for you!

Bean, I'm glad to hear you're taking care of yourself! It definitely helps. I've been feeling a little better lately and am finding that I don't feel so hot if I push it too much. It has felt good to stay awake past 7 though!

Haven, I know you're in the big girl thread now but I sure do hope you're feeling better these days!

How's everyone else?

AFM, NT scan tomorrow! I am SO.FREAKING.NERVOUS! We're supposed to get some pretty nasty storms here tomorrow as well so driving to the diagnostics center will be even more unpleasant. I don't know why but storms raise my stress level. If all goes well, we'll start to tell people. My belly is seriously obnoxious. I'm getting some second looks at work. I think it's mostly bloat...and the fact that this is my fourth pregnancy. I had a *flat* stomach after DS but it was still squishy so I think it's just gives out with the slightest pressure.

Gotta go, my no diaper changing streak is about to end. I'm hope alone with DS for a good chunk of today. Oh well, it was great while it lasted!

Pupp, sending lots of good thoughts your way for tomorrow! I was pretty nervous before my NT scan too, so I know how you feel. I think it just comes with the territory when you've had a prior loss or struggled with fertility. I'm sure everything will be just great though, and yay, you'll get to see your sweet little baby again! Hope you are feeling better and that everything goes smoothly from here on out!

I had an appt yesterday. Doc couldn't find a heartbeat.. so he grabbed the US and there it was :) By the time he was back with the machine, I had already decided I had lost the baby and life had other plans for me. Thankfully, not true. I was so cranky and exhausted and sick yesterday so that played a part in my mood!

After the quick US showing the adorable lil beating heart- my pee results came back. I thought I might've had an UTI but nope! Just severely dehydrated. I ended up stayed for 3 hours total.. I got two bags of IV fluids and a liquid shot of zofran. WOW! That was heaven!I felt completely relaxed and very chill afterwards :))

I have another transvag US next friday so the doctor made an appt for me to come in early and see a doctor to see if I'm still dehydrated. If so, more fluids! He also wanted me to come in Monday or Tuesday for fluids but I promised I would try drinking more water now that I have a prescription for zofran. I just hope this works. I could barely get out of bed last week much less take care of myself and I'm getting SO sick (hah) of this. I want to enter the "exciting" part of pregnancy.. not just be forever stuck in the "am I dying?" part.

p.s. I also just made myself a box of Kraft Spirls Mac & Cheese... yummmmm! Nothing compares :lol:

Pupp- I know what storm anxiety is like! Is the NT the NST stress test? Or am I missing something? Either way, good luck and I hope the storms are not too bad :!:

pup- Good luck with your NT scan!! I always get nervous before my ultrasounds so I just wanted to let you know I was thinking good thoughts for you. I am sure everything will be perfect. I love how they really start looking like a little human then too :love: .

bean- Sorry you had a scare! Not fun! I am glad you got to see your little one's hb and everything is OK. I am also glad you are being treated for dehydration. Poor thing, you must have been feeling so bad. A NT scan is basically a u/s that screens for down syndrome markers. Here is a little more info

TravelGoddess- Welcome! Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy :))

AFM- I am just about 15 weeks now. I am feeling really good except for sore nipples and headaches. I am not showing yet and I don't feel any movement so I have to keep reminding myself that I am pregnant. I can't wait to feel movement!!

Puppmom, good luck today at your NT scan.

Has anyone experienced vomitting from taking the zofran? I immediately started throwing up my 7am snack (fruit popsicle over 4 hrs ago) as soon as it finished dissolving :( ughhhhhh why was it MINT FLAVORED?

Bean, no vomiting from the Zofran but it did get to point where it started making me nauseous. It's so gross!

....u/s is in a little over an hour. I'm drinking my water and feeling a little queasy with nerves. Thanks for all of the well wishes!
Re: Re:

puppmom|1344615498|3249175 said:
Bean, no vomiting from the Zofran but it did get to point where it started making me nauseous. It's so gross!

....u/s is in a little over an hour. I'm drinking my water and feeling a little queasy with nerves. Thanks for all of the well wishes!

Good luck pupp!!! I'm thinking about you and your little bean!! :wavey:

Good luck, puppmom! I hope you get great results at your NT scan!

:wavey: everyone!

What a relief it was to see a wiggly baby on ultrasound today! :love: Tech said everything looked great but, of course, we'll get the official report from our doc soon.

Thanks for all of your positive thoughts. You made up for my negative attitude! I'm going to try to be more positive going forward. I'm feeling better physically so I think I'm off to a good start! I'll catch up with you guys next week. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Pupp, that is so exciting, congrats!!!

Great news Puppmom! I'm sure it's a big relief. I understand about all the anxiety leading up to the tests. Hang in there :)

Great to hear Pupp!

Thanks everyone for the well wishes! DH and I went out to dinner after to celebrate/decompress. I was so wound up that I needed some down time. Thankfully, DD was happy to watch DS for us since we made our plans on the fly.

We decided after the scan that it was time to tell people. I told my best friend because our kiddies had a playdate on Saturday and it is OBVIOUS that I'm pregnant. I'll have to load a pic when I'm home. I've been so nervous to tell anyone else for some reason. DH is getting irritated that I'm putting off telling my family. I have my nephew's birthday party in less than two weeks so I have to say something before then. I haven't really told anyone else because I feel like my parents/siblings shouldn't be the last to know! I'm getting lots of second glances at work. I forgot how awkward that is!

I hope everyone is well!

Pupp, wonderful news about your NT scan. Now I hope you can relax and feel a little more confident about the pregnancy and starting sharing the exciting news with everyone.

Yesterday morning DH was telling me about things I said to him the night before... things that totally didn't make sense ("Make sure there isn't a Jacob in the bathroom")! I was laughing really hard and the next minute I was bawling my eyes out. He says, "What are you doing? laughing? crying?" I yelled, "I don't know!" It was so weird! I just got so overwhelmed with emotion that I cried off and on for the next hour for no reason. I would stop and immediately start crying my eyes out the next. :eek: Still waiting for the "happiest time of my life" part to kick in!

How is everyone doing? It's been so quiet in here.

Yay Pupp for your NT scan!!! Luckily I'm distracted by what they will find with my uterus so I haven't really allowed myself to worry about the baby. I'm sure I'll be a wreck that day though! I really hope you are able to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy with as little worries as possible!

Bean- So I am thinking of starting a list of all the weird things that trigger the knot in my throat and the urge to burst out in tears. I can usually fight it away but it is crazy how I will have a random thought and then I just feel overcome with a need to cry. It's so weird because I am not a crier at all!

AFM, I am showing! To myself. Only. :loopy: So this morning I wake up and I was on my back and I put my hand on my stomach (between my ribs and belly button) and it's like a huge dip! So I'm like "wait, if there is a dip there must be a... bump!" I reach down and below my belly button is this big hard mound! Now obviously this situation is exaggerated because I for once was not constipated or bloated and my stomach was empty and my bladder was full. Thereby causing a flat upper abdomen and a mound where my uterus is. But even after I peed I can still see that my lower belly is sticking out and it is firm uterus. I tried to take a million pictures but you really can't see it in a picture. No one else will ever notice it but I know that my uterus is finally over my pelvic bone. Anyway I know it will be forever before anyone else will be able to tell but it makes me feel better to finally see a little difference.

Bean and Mia, get used to it! I swear, I've been an emotional nutcase during this pregnancy, and I'm normally a very rational person. I get choked up over the silliest things or get upset over things that would not have fazed me at all before. I used to think pregnant women were making it up, but there is definitely something to those crazy hormones!

Add me to the list too. I teared up on the way home from work listening to song lyrics on the radio :oops:

How much have you guys been buying for the baby? So far I have only bought things on sale and I don't have much. I have 3 onsies from our alma mater (OK not on sale but they were too cute), 12 cloth diapers, a diaper sprayer, and a diaper bag. I am thinking about getting an ergo carrier as well since they are on sale for 33% off. From friends I have gotten a bopy, a moby wrap, a sleeper/hat/blanket set, a pack and play, and more clothes when we know the gender. I feel strange buying things when I don't really look or feel that pregnant but you have to start sometime, right?

Honestly, one outfit. We are moving in two months so I don't want more stuff to pack! Hehe it's so tempting though.

I have my NT scan tomorrow (11w2d). I didn't even realize it until I googled when people usually get NT scans. I just got a call reminding me of my appointment and they confirmed NT scan.

I think I need maternity pants. I can still fit into my regular jeans but it looks like I'm smuggling a loaf of bread in my bloated gut. Oh my jeez. I look ridiculous. Maybe I will wear sweat pants and yoga pants for the next 6 months :bigsmile:

I haven't bought anything yet for the baby. We are going to move into a house soon so the less stuff we have to move, the better. Also, I just think it's a little too early for me. Until I'm out of the first trimester, I don't want to have a bunch of baby things around in case something were to happen. I'm not superstitious about it but I think it's not really real to me yet and I don't want to get my hopes up. We aren't going to find out the sex of the baby either so I don't know that we will be buying any clothes before birth either. I dont really like most unisex baby clothing. I did start registering though because there are bunch of things that I know that I want and I would like to do it gradually.

Bean, good luck at your scan today!

I haven't bought anything either but this is our third. Not that we don't need anything, just in no rush...we already have enough crap! We will find out the gender and that will determine whether or not we need to buy certain things. The big things will be reused from DS regardless of whether this kid is a boy or girl but clothing etc. will be replaced as needed.

Oh yeah I wanted to tell you guys about the vivid dream I had this morning. I know the books say preggos have crazy dreams but I am kind of skeptical. I don't think it is anything hormonal, I just think when you are excited about something and thinking about it all the time it is bound to appear in your dreams.

Well early this morning I woke from a fantastic dream about giving birth to a baby. It was so real and lifelike I woke up not believing it didn't really happen! So in my dream I was taking a nap on my couch when I woke up to find that I had just given birth to my baby. I reached down and brought it to my chest and was like "Oh, hi baby." So then I get up and I'm like I should call my doctor but of course I didn't know the number so we were looking through like ten phone books to find it. Seriously! Who has a phonebook anymore let alone ten? And I just remember being so afraid because I didn't know how to breastfeed so I didn't know if I should put it on my boob or not, and I didn't know how to cut the cord if I should before delivering the placenta. So I was walking around for like an hour with the baby and the cord not cut! And then I thought we should just drive to the hospital but I was afraid to put the baby in the carseat with the umbilical cord intact. Right before waking up I was joking to my husband in my dream saying "well I got the delivery I always wanted!" because I do always joke that I want to be the woman who goes to the bathroom to find that the baby is crowning! Because that to me sounds like a quick easy delivery! Anyway I woke up partially relieved and partially disappointed that it wasn't real. It felt so real! I wanted to go back to sleep to remind my dream-self that my doctor's number is in my cellphone, on speed dial! Or to tell myself to just call an ambulance

I used to have dreams all the time but for the past two or three years I stopped (or I stopped remembering my dreams when I woke up) so it is so weird to have such an emotional dream now. I am less skeptical and I am thinking hormones are involved here.

So tell me about your dreams? Are you ladies having them yet? Did any of you non-FTMs have them with previous babies? Did they make you consider things you haven't before? I want to research how to cut the cord just in case it's something I need to know now! ;))

Mia my dreams are CRAZY realistic but make no sense.

Last night I dreamt about zombies and pink diamonds... :lol: Neither of which have been on my mind!

Mia, your dream cracked me up! Sounds like something I would dream - especially the phone book part. I have had a lot more vivid, often scary dreams. Not necessarily about having the baby yet. Mostly random things with work people in them. But, definitely very vivid and very intense, scary! 28 weeks over here and I am not dreaming about the baby yet - maybe I am in denial.