
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


F-D-L--Mmmm, Rice Krispies Treats. I made a batch of those at 2 AM earlier in the pregnancy. They were delightful.
Is the MaterniT21+ test different/more accurate than the testing they do from the NT scan, and then the blood test at 16 weeks?

Prana--I'll go to Ireland with you! It's my favorite place in the world!!!! (Well, Dingle is my favorite place I've ever visited. So far.)
You are so sweet, thank you.
My tummy gets bigger throughout the day, too. Every night I tell DH, "Come feel our food baby." :cheeky:

Bean--YAAAAAY for a great US!!!! That's so sweet about your teary DH.
I *still* say, "If this baby keeps growing" and DH is like, "Honey, you're pregnant for real now. Accept it." :cheeky: So, I know how you feel!

I'm so sorry you were so sick the other night. I cried into my cereal this morning, too. It was not a good day. DH was home between clients and he rubbed my back for a while, and then snapped me out of it by playing this game we like to play. It's kind of twisted, but we find it funny. We say, "What if the baby comes out looking/acting/talking/behaving like . . . " and then we name one of our close family member's quirks and do an impression. For example, my FIL has a terrible combover and he says a handful of words wrong, so DH says in his dad's voice, "What if the baby comes out with my dad's combover saying, Where's my mElk? Let's take a drive to O'HarA." It totally snapped me out of my sob fest, which was good. I know we're bad for making fun of family, but it's all light-hearted. ::)

How are you doing, Pupp, MLK, Mia, everyone? :wavey:

Mia--I'd love your list, too! I get very overwhelmed just thinking about baby stuff. I have no idea how we'll start. My aunt sent me a text asking if I wanted this long list of stuff from her babies, and the only thing I recognized was the stroller! I was like, "What are these things and why would I want them in my house?" :cheeky:
Re: Re:

puppmom|1342719495|3236690 said:
Bean, I had virtually the same results at my u/s. I was 7w0d based on LMP but measured 6w6d with a heart rate of 125bmp. It seemed low-ish to me but the tech said it was perfect.

Prana, :wavey: I'm glad to hear you're well! I'm on the fence about the doppler. Our next appt is at 10w1d and I'm afraid they won't be able to hear it and I'll freak out...then, have to wait until my 12 weeks u/s. When did you first catch the baby's heartbeat? I've heard some people say they can hear it during the 9th week with some models. That would be amazing!

FDL, :appl: to good results! I was caught off guard with the offer for extra testing when I had my first appointment. I forgot how old I was, I guess! :lol: I guess that blood test is new? Or maybe I just hadn't heard about it until my OB gave me a pamplet? Anywho, do you mind me asking what the cost was? We're considering it but aren't sure just yet. I *think* my OB said it would be about $250.
Hi Pupp! I took a chance at 10 weeks and I was actually able to find the heartbeat reaaly low in my pelvis and by pushing down with the doppler probe.

Haven I LOVE Dingle!! let's move!
Re: Re:

Prana|1342740640|3236906 said:
Haven I LOVE Dingle!! let's move!
I'm IN!!!!

We stayed at the amazing Greenmount house, and the owner was telling us how none of his children are interested in taking over the business so he may have to sell one day. I gave DH a look and he was all, "No. No, no, no, no, no, we are not buying a B&B in Ireland."

Had he said, "Okay, let's do it!" I'd be there right now. :cheeky:
Re: Re:

Haven|1342742225|3236917 said:
Prana|1342740640|3236906 said:
Haven I LOVE Dingle!! let's move!
I'm IN!!!!

We stayed at the amazing Greenmount house, and the owner was telling us how none of his children are interested in taking over the business so he may have to sell one day. I gave DH a look and he was all, "No. No, no, no, no, no, we are not buying a B&B in Ireland."

Had he said, "Okay, let's do it!" I'd be there right now. :cheeky:
Well then you and I will just have to take over Greenmount house ourselves.

Hi ladies, have been so tired this week I have not opened my laptop of a night to post, but have been reading away on my iphone.

Haven and Prana, I had no idea where dingle was and had a peek, looks lovely, definately different to where my in laws live, in the middle of a small (read nosy) town in the middle of the entire country. Regardless, thanks for all the support!

Bean, yay for a heartbeat and a sticky bean, it is such a relief when you get past that first hurdle.

Fleur, congrats on the great test results, now you can rest easy and really get down to all the fine details of planning and buying things.

Pupp, sorry to hear you are feeling so rotten, hope you will be able to enjoy your son's birthday nevertheless.

Mia, oh you have had such a rollercoaster ride, but at least you found a great dr out of it, will you have much more to do with him from now on?

Hi to anyone I missed :wavey:

Well on Wednesday I had an early pregnancy class at my hospital, which was kinda useless since the midwife basically answered all questions with well it may happen or may no, or yes or no, but you sould really ask your OB and go by his recommendation. I hope the antenatal classes will be much more useful. I am going to a 5 week course, starting at 29 weeks so I hope that is the best time to do them, otherwise Christmas is in the way.

I have my NT scan and blood test (not sure whether that is the triple screen?) on Friday, I am so worried baby won't be ok because I have been really lucky with the lack of symptoms and of course I am such a worrier.

I had to tell a partner at work yesterday, though not my official partner who I primarily work for. This other partner is basically winding down his practice and wants me to start taking over his clients, taking me to lunches with them etc. He took me downstairs for coffee yesterday and laid it all on the table, including all his son's work and several lucrative clients. He is such a nice guy and a gentlman, I felt so guilty I had to tell him. HIs reaction was wonderful (much better than my managing partner's will be) and started telling me that his daughter in law was pregnant with her second baby, had her first at my hospital and it was wonderful and they were so happy with it, so all in all a great outcome. He said we will ahve to work out a strategy for my leave etc so he can cover everything. Here in Aus our job is secure for 12 months, but usuallt unpaid (unless you work in the right place). There is a goverment payment of the minimum wage for a couple of months, but that is it. I guess I had originally planned to take off at least 6 months but probably the full year and then try to go back part time (if they would even let me), so now I don't know whether such a long time off is feasible.

Anyway, enough about me, enjoy your weekends!

Hey, ladies. Seems like all is well in the Just Barely Pregnant PSers world.

I had a scare (hopefully it was just a scare!) this weekend. I felt well when I woke on Saturday which was awesome because it was the day of DS's 2nd bday party. Then I began to worry that I still felt good in the late morning. Then, I REALLY started to worry when I started to spot...brown then pink. Ugh! I decided not to call the doc because I thought they would refer me to the ER. So here I am, symptoms disappeared and I'm spotting. I just wanted to enjoy the day so I set my mind to it and I did. It was PERFECT.

The worries quickly returned when our guests left. The spotting stopped in the evening and hasn't returned. Yesterday, I felt sicky-pants again and I've never been so happy to feel sick!

I called the doc and the nurse said she didn't think I needed to be seen. She said both things were "perfectly normal". Uh, really? I miscarried 10 months ago and I'm spotting. Don't think I need to be seen? I insisted on an appointment and I go in this afternoon. I don't know what they're going to do though. I don't think anything short of an ultrasound showing me a bean measuring on schedule with a strong heartbeat will reassure me.

Sorry for the me-centric post. I'll update you guys when I return from the doctor. I hope this appointment isn't pointless!

Pupp--I hope everything is okay! I'll be thinking of you today.

MLK--I was so worried about the NT scan too, but once it's done and if it comes back screen negative it's very reassuring. And you get to see your baby on the U/S! The NT was the first time our baby looked like an actual baby, so it was a really fun appointment.
Too bad your in-laws aren't in an idyllic location in Ireland. Would they be willing to move? Prana and I could handle it! :cheeky:

I'm very sick again today. I had a great day yesterday and felt really upbeat, and then I woke up terribly nauseous and retched for what felt like hours. I'm a bit deflated, and started to worry that I will be sick right up until the end. I'm very, very nervous about teaching while feeling this horrible, but I'm sure I'll just make do.

Pupp, it's perfectly right for you to insist on being seen and your doc's office should try to accommodate your worries. After all, you did have a miscarriage before. I'm sure if you talk to the nurses they'll understand. At the very least, I think a doppler will probably help put your mind at ease??? Lots of dust, and I'm SO GLAD you got to enjoy your Saturday. I can't believe young Master N (love the "Master" title, really need to bring that back) is TWO. YEARS. OLD!!!

Haven, OH NO!!! I can't believe you're still feeling green. Sending you lots of anti-M/S dust. You're past 16 wks by now right? Poor you!

Ok, I'm back. Saw the heartbeat on ultrasound. Phew! I honestly am still uneasy but there's not a whole lot I can do about that.

When I went in, she asked what had been going on and I explained. She took me to the u/s AFTER they had me give my urine sample. After poking around for bit, she said she couldn't see anything because my bladder was totally empty. (queue freakout!) She had me drink 32oz of water and wait for (an excruciating) 30 minutes. When we went in again, she still had trouble but finally saw the baby with a beating heart. The only downside was because the doc and not the u/s tech did the u/s, she couldn't give me any measurements or tell me the heart rate but said she was happy with what she saw. I go in next Wednesday and they should be able to hear the heartbeat so I'm hoping that'll settle my fears for good.

LC, lol on the "master"! MIL now calls him her "prince"! :lol: I can't believe he's 2 either. He's seriously the cutest thing! I'm kinda of missing him these days because I feel like crud in the evenings but soon enough I'll be able to chase him around again!

Haven, I'm sorry your body keeps playing tricks on you! I don't have any experience with HG (I just *feel* like I'm gonna yack but don't) but I hope things ease for good soon. When does school start?

Pupp--Yay for hearing the HB! I'm sorry you had to go through waiting 30 minutes for your bladder to fill up, I can't imagine how difficult that must have been. Gah.

Faculty return to campus on the 13th of August. (But that's an easy week because I really just have to make an appearance and answer any phone calls from students begging to get into my already full classes.) Classes begin on the 20th, so that's when I need to have my game face on. I am just hoping and praying that I can at least stop being sick all day by then. I think it will work out. It has to! I have no other option!

LC--I'm 19 weeks tomorrow! I must start feeling better soon, right? Tomorrow is the day . . . tomorrow is the day . . . :cheeky:

Oh, phooey! Summer break sure did go by quickly! Maybe it's school - school stops, you feel sick. School starts, you feel better. :bigsmile: Let's hope!

Haven, Hugs, you'll get through this. Hey, little baby. Give mama a break and let her enjoy the rest of the very fleeting Chicago summer. She'll feed you all sorts of yummy food. Oh I just remembered since you're in Chicago. Try acupuncture! My guess it can help with the nausea. If you want to do it on the cheap, there's a great community acupuncture place in Lincoln Square. It's sliding scale from $20-$40 per session.


I've lost 8lbs sine the 4th of July. :( normally I'd be all over that, but ugh. I don't understand how I'm losing so much weight when I only sleep and eat. And now I'm too tired to finish this post.

Hey guys! How's everyone doing? Sorry I haven't been around. I've been super down lately, tired and not feeling well. Just trying to stay afloat at work. Okay I'll save all my drama for the AFM part at the bottom!

Pupp Aw man girl sorry about your scare. As you know I had a bunch of days of very light brown and pink spotting which got me a bunch of ultrasounds and a lot of worrying. Although my doctor has been super (I'm starting to think overly) cautious, everywhere I have read says pink and brown are okay and it's only the red you want to worry about. I also have several friends who bled red blood and everything turned out fine! Why didn't they just do a transvaginal ultrasound on you instead of having you fill up your bladder? For some reason the place I go always has me do the full bladder one first and then I pee and they do the transvaginal. They can see a lot more with the transvaginal so I'm not sure why they even made do the regular one so early. Well I hope everything is better now and yay for only one more day before you get to hear the heartbeat!!! I've seen our little thing's heart a few times but haven't heard it yet!

Haven Aw that sucks that you still have HG. I don't really know what to say because I am pretty much bed ridden with my mild nausea. Hang in there! I'm sure it's very rare for it to continue for the whole pregnancy. Are there any other meds you could try?

FDL and Haven- I'm sorry I really don't have a list. That is why I am trying to start early because I am trying to remember so much. I was a nanny about 3 years ago so there are some new products out now that I want to check out and compare. The biggest thing to remember is that you don't really need much for babies! They make you feel like you need all these special gadgets but my bosses had so much crap that we never used. I'm super practical and I don't want a lot of stuff laying around that I'm not using. Another thing to remember is that every baby is different. Your baby might hate swings and bouncy seats or she might not be able to live without them. I really recommend borrowing those big pieces of equipment from friends to try out. If people want to buy them for you you can always sell or return them but I would register for other things first.

Some things I loved:
Video baby monitor- Nothing worse than having to stand at the baby's door wondering if he is asleep or just quiet. I love being able to know the moment they fall asleep and wake up.
White noise maker- Very calming and makes you less worried that every thing you do will wake up the baby.
Snap and Go stroller- Get this along with your main stroller. So much easier to take around on errands, etc.
"Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" book- I used this to sleep train. It's very pro "cry it out" but it gives other options for parents who have a hard time with CIO. My little girl was sleeping through the night at 3-4 months if I recall correctly and actually never really cried much because we used the methods so early.
Stokke Tripp Trapp Chair- I haven't decided if we will get this because it is so expensive but I love love loved that you could use it as a high chair and then a toddler chair and adults can sit in it too. I'm not a fan of plastic chairs and these chairs are perfect for when they get too big for the high chair but too small for an adult chair.
Glider and foot stool- As a nanny feeding expressed breast milk or formula I loved lounging with the baby on a cushy glider, but I know a lot of moms who just nurse on the couch or bed. I think we'll get a glider anyway because they are so nice to cuddle and read books too!
Crib Sheet Protector- This is a waterproof sheet that is soft on top with loops that you snap around the crib bars to hold it in place. That way, if baby leaks on the bed you don't have to change the whole sheet, just the cover. These made my life so much easier!

I will let you know if I think of anything else but another great resource is the book "Baby Bargains" that comes out every couple of years with great lists of things you need or could live without, reviews, and the cheapest ways to get them. I haven't decided if I will buy the latest edition or if I will just pay the $20 to join their site for a year to gain access to all the info (or for $25, you could do both).

Bean I was put on progesterone because when I was tested for pregnancy dating they felt my progesterone was a little low. It's kind of controversial because there really is no proof that it actually can save a pregnancy or whether it just delays the inevitable (it's the hormone that prevents you from getting your period during the 2ww). I think everything will be just fine with my pregnancy though because my HCG doubled well and none of my 5 (yes 5!) ultrasounds so far have shown any cause for concern. I can't wait to get to the second trimester to be sure though!

AFM, I can't eat anything, but yet I have gained some weight because what I eat is higher calories and I never poo anymore! My morning sickness has improved though and now I only feel sick if I am driving (which I do a lot for work) or if I haven't eaten. Have any early of you JBPPsers told work yet? I had to tell my bosses at 7 weeks because I was on pelvic rest and didn't want to work directly with our clients (I am a behavior analyst but sometimes we help our with behavior therapy) in case I had to be active and run or had to restrain an aggressive child. So then I felt weird that my bosses knew but not some of my friends around the office. Then yesterday my boss was standing in my office doorway asking about my morning sickness so I had to tell some people around the office who may have heard anyway because I didn't want them to feel left out. So now 50% of my office knows and I am just 8 weeks 4 days! Not how I planned this to go! So should I just tell everyone? I think I am already past my comfort zone as far as who will know if I miscarry so I am wondering if I just need to put it out there. I used to think it would be kind of tacky and unprofessional to tell everyone before the end of the first trimester but now that I am the pregnant one, I hate that it is an awkward elephant in the room, especially since I feel like crap all the time and no one knows why!

I just got my Doppler in the mail and found the heartbeat at 8w5d!!!!!!! It took a little while to find it but I finally did! Very cool! DH has a phobia about heartbeats and he even came in for a listen. Poor guy, I don't think he is going to deal well with the delivery of this baby since he is weirded out by anything having to do with blood, hearts, or fetuses but he is really trying!

Pupp, sorry to hear about your scare, especially during your son's birthday, hope everything is ok with bubs now and you can put your mind at ease.

Haven, thanks for the reassurance about the NT scan. I can only imagine what a relief it must be to get it out of the way. Oh and no, my inlaws refuse to move, which is why they are expecting me to move from my home instead. If only they would move into a suitable single level low maintenance house (rather than a huge two story house on a farm) then I wouldn't be in this position. ON that, Is it horrible for me to say that I don't believe DH told his parents about the baby. If he did, wouldn't you think his mother would want to call me and say congratulations? I can't believe you are still feeling so bad, I hope it ends soon.

Mia, yay for the doppler and finding a heartbeat. I wish I had one of those! Aargh for the bad MS though.

Bean, hopefully your MS will be shortlived and you will be putting weight on like the rest of us soon.

Hi to everyone else.

AFM, NT scan tomorrow morning, I am absolutely freaking out. I am alternating between there not being a heartbeat vs a severe abnormality. Oh I can'r wait for tomorrow to be over.

Sorry I have been so MIA. I have just been so tired!!

mlk- I know how you feel. I have a scan today and I am so worried too! I wonder if the whole pregnancy will be like this or if I will calm down when I can feel the baby and see my belly grow. I am sorry about all the issues with your in laws. Farms are hard to manage when you are young let alone as you grow older.

mia- Yeah, I don't know how you can tell what your real weight is when you are constipated. Ugh, not fun! I loves the list of things to buy. Keep them coming as you remember. I feel so overwhelmed when I try to think about what I will need to buy. I don't have advice on telling the office because I am still unsure right now. It is awkward though because one of my coworkers suspects it and it does feel like the elephant in the room. So glad you got to hear the hb. Which doppler did you get?

bean- sorry you are so tired. I wouldn't worry too much about the weight loss at this point. The babies demands are very small and your body will make sure they baby is taken care of before it takes care of you even. Feel better!

haven- I am so sorry you are still sick. That is just not fair! I hope the doctors get a plan together to make you more comfortable when you start class. I can't believe how far along you are. Almost halfway there!

pup- sorry about your scare but I am glad you got to see that little hb on the u/s. That is so reassuring.

Prana- hope you are doing well!

AFM- I have an appointment today and I am pretty nervous. If things go well I will at least tell some people at work but I might just break down and tell everyone. I work in a very small office so I don't want things to go around without me telling people. We shall see, I just want to see a healthy baby!! This is the first appointment DH is not able to come to so I am a little sad about that but nothing will matter if little one is healthy. If this scan goes well I might think about sorting through what to buy and/or register for. Has anyone started that sort of planning?

Hope everyone including the babies are doing great!

MLK and Indecisive, good luck today! I'll be thinking of you.

Pupp and Mia Hurray for heartbeats!!! Mia you are brave! I purposely didn't try to find it that early because I knew I'd probably not find it and get annoyed/panic, or I'd not be able to find it for a while afterward and freak out. I thought hearing mine at 10 weeks was a feat! I'm happy for both of you ladies!!

Mia, as far as everything else, I'm really sorry that you aren't feeling good, and that you've had to tell people before you felt ready. In four weeks you will be out of the first trimester, and those 4 weeks will be here and gone before you know it. Hopefully you have a better next few weeks.

MLK Good luck with your scan. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Indecisive hope your scan went well!

MLK- Good luck on the NT scan!!!! I'm sure everything will be great!

Indecisive- Is yours an NT scan as well or just a regular peek at the baby? Either way good luck! I am so envious that you guys are getting to see your babies today! I obviously can't handle the waiting, hence the doppler! My doppler is the Sonoline B. I am glad I found it because I was going to rent one for around $20 a month (or more if you want the one with a screen that tells you the baby's heart rate). Mine was only $56, and I just knew it would work early because I saw a lot of videos on youtube of women who used this same brand. If anyone is interested I think I have a code for 5% off from the place I ordered it from and they have free shipping too.

Prana- I know I was taking a huge risk but I really wanted to try because I saw some women who found theirs sooner with the same doppler and my first appointment is still not for another two weeks! I am so impatient! This early it does take a TON of patience to find it and it really took me a while to figure out even where to look. It was very frustrating. I think maybe 15 minutes total but it felt like forever. But now at least I know where to look and it only takes me a minute or two to find. I don't want to use it too much though because even though it is supposed to be safe, I think there is too much unknown. Thanks for the encouragement on making it through the first trimester without everyone on the planet knowing. I think I can do it!

Thanks everyone for your luck, I can use it, hardly slept a wink last night. Scan is in 2.5 hours.

Indecisive, I'm probably too late but good luck! Let us know how it goes!

More later, need to drag myself out of bed and make some sort of effort to look presentable!

Thanks for the well wishes!! Mia, it was just an ultrasound, not a nt scan. I would have to go to a different place for that test so we decided to pass on it. mlk, I know everything will go wonderfully!! I am so excited you get to see your little one!

I have just had the best day and I can't stop smiling. The baby was rolling around and moving his or her little fingers. The u/s technician said her guess is girl but it is not official until it is official. Little one is actually still measuring ahead so I must have ovulated earlier than I thought I did. They were showing 13 weeks or 12 weeks 5 days with the measurements but she didn't think it was a big enough difference to change the due date. I did end up telling my office and everyone was so excited. I will try to post a picture tomorrow!

Yay Indecisive! And a girl. I have very strong boy vibes but am on team green. Great that your work took it well. I have to tell mine next week!

Well all went well, baby measuring right on 12w2d. Hb of 156. Nuchal fold was 1.45mm and they saw a nasal bone. He was jumping around kicking his legs and drinking the amniotic fluid. One bad thing is I have an anterior placenta oh of course and a still retroverted uterus. So pics didn't come out that well.

Risk if downs was 1:2500. Other trisomies were 1:28000 and 1:78000 so I guess all is good!

Well, I am officially dipping my toes in the water here... 6w5d. Hellooooooo ladies :)


mlk- I am so happy for you!! Those are great numbers! It was funny, I had been thinking boy too but I don't have good intuition with that sort of thing. It is hard not to say "she" now because it isn't official. The wives tale is that a hb over 150 means girl. My little one has a hb of 161 so we will see. Yours seems like it is on the edge so maybe your baby is on the same page about keeping you on team green!

mersal- I was wondering when you were going to come over after your bfp! Welcome and I am so happy you got to see your little bean. I love when you can see the little wisp of tail, I think it is so cute for some reason. Congrats!

I am still so excited after yesterday. I think it was that this was the first time I have seen the baby moving around and it is so amazing to think I am with him or her all the time. Here are the pics from yesterday. I couldn't pick so I am posting 2. Sorry for clogging the thread!


Mlk, congratulations on great NT scan results!

If you dont mind me asking, did you have to do some kind of a bloodwork to go with your NT scan results?

I was talking to my doctor yesterday, and he said that the way genetic screening is done is that you get NT scan + blood work at 11-13 weeks, and those results are combined with another blood test at 16 weeks and you get your odds at 18 weeks.
I'm very worried about my crazy high HCG levels (I'm at 10 weeks now) and obviously I'd like to get the results sooner rather than later, and I'm wondering if there's a test my Dr didnt tell me about since you got the results back at week 12...

Lexie, the nt scan coupled with the blood tests is referred to as the "triple" screen or "sequential" screen. So day 1, you get the u/s and initial blood work then about 4 weeks later, you get the follow up blood work. I don't want to speak for MLK but I think the risks quoted to her by her doctor are based specifically on the u/s measurements.

There are a few us here at a similar point in pregnancy as you so hopefully we can help each other along the way. Good luck!

Thanks a lot for your answer puppmom! I've always been a worrier, but pregnancy has taken my anxiety level through the roof :nono: