
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


FDL, have you looked into Damages (a legal thriller series with Glenn Close and Ted Danson - not sure if it's on Netflix, but we just finished season 1on Blockbuster)? You will get hooked. Very different from Downton Abbey - which I LOVED. I cannot wait for the next Downton season to come out. I am going to figure out how to watch it when it's on in the UK - before we get it here.
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fleur-de-lis|1341942327|3231700 said:
Haven|1341851046|3231029 said:
F-D-L--I watched the entire first season of Downton Abbey on Netflix during my first trimester, too! And I L :love: VED it!
Hee hee, isn't it awesome? As we have similar tastes, any chance you have suggestions for other Instant View gems on Netflix?
I had some withdrawal when I finished Downton Abbey so I watched the four-part series The Buccaneers. I really liked it! (It's based on the unfinished Edith Wharton novel.) I love period pieces, obviously. :cheeky:

I tried to watch Upstairs/Downstairs on Netflix, but it was a bit slow and shabby compared to Downton Abbey. DA ruined me for Upstairs/Downstairs!

Thinking of you today, Pupp!

Puppmom - Good luck today! Hope the morning sickness eases up soon!

FDL and Haven - Have you seen Little Dorritt?

:wavey: I'll get down to business first. We saw a heartbeat! Kiddo measured 6w6d which is just one day off from my LMP/O date. Heart rate is 125. We couldn't see very well because I was too nervous to keep a full bladder. The tech was very nice about it. I know empty bladder complicates their job.

JGator, good point on the MS. I was actually kind of worried that there were twins in there because I didn't feel this sick with any of my other pregnancies. Surely, I'll be back hear fretting when I'm not sick. :roll:

FDL, I didn't take anything in my prior pregnancies. I remember getting a cold when I was pregnant with DS and I was afraid to use cough drops. It's amazing how desperate nausea can make you! I'm not familiar with Kaiser since I'm in the land of Blue Cross but I wish doctors were able to think more freely without having to worry so much about liability.

Haven, I think it's working! Tonight and early morning will be the true test because that's when it's at its worst. How do you take it? Every 8 hours? When you need it? Do you start feeling sick near the end of the 8 hours? I'm really worried about the poo issues but that's better than feeling like one false move and I'll toss my cookies!

LV, :wavey: thanks for thinking of me! I was so relieved to see a beating heart today. I know I'm not out of the woods yet but making it past the point of the last pregnancy feels like a milestone. The tech was so efficient and quick. She had us out of there in a flash. I didn't even have time to get sick to my stomach from nerves!
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puppmom|1341957114|3231881 said:
:wavey: I'll get down to business first. We saw a heartbeat!

:appl: :appl: :appl: Woo hoo, what great news! Congrats on passing the second major hurdle!
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Loves Vintage|1341944304|3231723 said:
FDL and Haven - Have you seen Little Dorritt?

No... but I just put it in my Instant Queue!

LV--I haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to watch it now! Thank you.

Pupp--Woohoo!!!! Great news!

I really hope the Zofran works for you. I took it every eight hours for weeks and weeks when I was most sick. I also take each Zofran with a Colace because the constipation can make me feel as desperate as the terrible MS. I knew it was working because even though I was still extremely nauseous, I wasn't throwing up, and I could keep some bland food down. I've gotten better the last two weeks and started taking it every 12 hours, and then just this weekend I started taking it just once a day in the morning.

Around week 10 (I think) I decided to try to take the Zofran only every other day because of the loo-related side effects, but I became so extremely ill when I did that that I stopped messing around and just tried to stay on top of it. My doctor told me it works best when taken regularly, which makes sense I suppose.

I'm really not a medicine person, and I was really hesitant about going on anything while pregnant, but I have to say that the Zofran has been a life saver. I really hope it works for you!!!!

So happy for you pupp!! :appl: :appl:

pupp- awesome news! I have been dreading my first u/s (about the same as you or 7w) and this has given me hope. I don't know why I am so paranoid... ugh... so nervous. I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! If everything goes right for me, we'll be due within a day of each other :wacko:

OK, so.. tmi... sorry... but is anyone have the opposite of constipation? I don't even want to eat anything! I still need to pick up iron, so I hope that'll help... but ugh I am miserable ;(
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bean|1341963297|3231958 said:
OK, so.. tmi... sorry... but is anyone have the opposite of constipation? I don't even want to eat anything! I still need to pick up iron, so I hope that'll help... but ugh I am miserable ;(

Give it a few days. You'll go to one extreme. Then the other. Then back again...
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bean|1341963297|3231958 said:
OK, so.. tmi... sorry... but is anyone have the opposite of constipation? I don't even want to eat anything! I still need to pick up iron, so I hope that'll help... but ugh I am miserable ;(
I've only had terrible constipation, but my dear friend suffered on the opposite end of the spectrum when she was pregnant. She started to keep a food diary to try to figure out if anything made it worse, and that helped her become more regular.

I just wanted to come in and share that I am having my first totally nausea-free moment since about week 7!!!! I've had ups and downs, and times when the nausea was mild, but oh my goodness this is the first time I have been totally nausea-free in over two months! YAAAAAAAAY! I really, really, really hope this lasts. I had a terrible headache all day, and I have heartburn whenever I eat, but I don't care! Both are better than the nausea. :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Congrats Pupp!

Yay to Haven for saying Adios to nausea!

Congrats Pupp!!

Haven, it's amazing. One day the nausea just lifts and goes away, just like that. BEST.DAY. EVER!!!!! :))
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bean|1341963297|3231958 said:
OK, so.. tmi... sorry... but is anyone have the opposite of constipation? I don't even want to eat anything! I still need to pick up iron, so I hope that'll help... but ugh I am miserable ;(

Poor thing :(sad Yup, I had the worst diarrhoea from about week 6 to 9, I'm hearing you on that one! That disappeared, and helloooooo constipation! Grrr. I'm 19 weeks now and all is well, but I'm wondering for how long!!!

mia Glad everything looked OK

FDL thanks for the listeria article. I saw it in the big girl's thread too. Scary stuff!
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Dani|1342006608|3232242 said:
Haven, it's amazing. One day the nausea just lifts and goes away, just like that. BEST.DAY. EVER!!!!! :))

Isn't it crazy how that happens? Seriously, best day ever. And I love how it's not gradual at's like all of a sudden the switch is just turned off. Congrats!

To continue the poo talk - for those of you with constipation, what worked for you? I was already constipated then started zofran yesterday and it's already making things worse. When I eat, it doesn't feel like it's moving past my upper stomach. The pressure from my bra and pants is killing me!
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puppmom|1342023410|3232382 said:
To continue the poo talk - for those of you with constipation, what worked for you? I was already constipated then started zofran yesterday and it's already making things worse. When I eat, it doesn't feel like it's moving past my upper stomach. The pressure from my bra and pants is killing me!

Grapes worked for a pound a day. I would think cherries would work equally well. Colace was a joke, it did nothing. Oh, prune juice worked well (like 16oz, ick), but not prunes. Then I threw up prune juice and couldn't go that route again.

What about a ton of watermelon? I know I CAN'T eat that... if that helps.

I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this :lol:
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bean|1342026524|3232404 said:
What about a ton of watermelon? I know I CAN'T eat that... if that helps.

I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this :lol:
I was JUST going to come into this thread to say "Eat watermelon if you're blocked up!"

I have been so blocked up for so long. I cut up half a watermelon last night. My pup Bailee loves watermelon too, so together we ate about a quarter of it. I finally found relief this morning, and my poor dog had her first accident in the house EVER this morning while she was running on the treadmill.

So, yeah. Watermelon seems to get things moving along.

I can't always stomach it, but Metamucil is really effective, too. I buy the big orange container with powder in it and mix it with ice cold water.
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puppmom|1342023410|3232382 said:
To continue the poo talk - for those of you with constipation, what worked for you? I was already constipated then started zofran yesterday and it's already making things worse. When I eat, it doesn't feel like it's moving past my upper stomach. The pressure from my bra and pants is killing me!

Pupp congrats on seeing that little heartbeat! I love how our due dates are just one day apart and our symptoms are similar! The constipation is just so uncomfortable too, I feel full all the time, even when I am starving! The only thing that worked for me was Miralax. Fruit, dried fruit, tons of water, watermelon, fiber bars, veggies... none of that worked for me. I think my case was really bad before I started miralax. It says on the container that it usually produces a BM after 1-3 days. I took it for three days before it worked but it really worked and I felt so much better. I didn't get diarrhea either, just a normal (um, large) BM. I am getting constipated again, so I will probably start taking it again tomorrow. The only side effect that I experienced was my stomach gurgling and growling. It didn't hurt or anything, but I share an office with another girl who doesn't know that I am pregnant so it was kind of embarrassing. When I was a nanny I worked with a girl who had chronic constipation and she takes miralax every day (but for normal people it says on the container not to take for more than 7 days, so don't do that). Anyway, her mother and I were not really happy with having her on a "drug" but her doctor assured us that miralax is more like a "super fiber" and totally safe. Your body doesn't get dependent on it like drug-drug laxatives. Since I have experience with it I was glad when my doctor recommended it to me, just make sure to check with yours just in case.

For constipation, try Kiwi fruit.
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Haven|1342027568|3232415 said:
and my poor dog had her first accident in the house EVER this morning while she was running on the treadmill.

You're definitely going to need to elaborate on this...(the treadmill part, not the poop part).
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amc80|1342034903|3232436 said:
Haven|1342027568|3232415 said:
and my poor dog had her first accident in the house EVER this morning while she was running on the treadmill.

You're definitely going to need to elaborate on this...(the treadmill part, not the poop part).

Yes, for the love of god, PLEASE do not elaborate on the poop-on-the-treadmill part. :knockout:
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fleur-de-lis|1342036637|3232457 said:
amc80|1342034903|3232436 said:
Haven|1342027568|3232415 said:
and my poor dog had her first accident in the house EVER this morning while she was running on the treadmill.

You're definitely going to need to elaborate on this...(the treadmill part, not the poop part).

Yes, for the love of god, PLEASE do not elaborate on the poop-on-the-treadmill part. :knockout:

HAHAHAHAHA! I missed this the first time! Exercise helps constipation too! Your dog is smart!

OH, I'm so sorry if I made anyone ill! Trust me, it made me quite sick. I should have put a warning on that post. So sorry. ::)

We bought a treadmill about a year after we adopted Bailee four years ago. It was a desperate attempt to wear her out, and it actually worked! She is SOOOO high energy, and since we live in Chicago we can only wear her out with outdoor activities for part of the year. We walk her multiple times a day, play ball in the yard, take her to the beach when the weather permits, do this run around the house and play hide-and-seek thing. We even put up a HIDEOUS(!!!!) above-ground pool in our yard so she can swim all summer. This dog has endless energy.

But the treadmill has been the best solution--she goes on it for 25 to 45 minutes every morning at a 2.5 incline and a 2.5 pace. She actually loves it, and whenever DH or I go on the treadmill ourselves she does this adorable thing where she stands next to the treadmill, looks straight ahead as if she's not paying any attention to us, but meekly places her front right paw up onto the belt in an attempt to get on. GAH, she's so stinkin' cute.

She's so well-behaved now that it's hard for me to believe that she wasn't always this way, but we had some dicey incidents that first year. She devoured books, reconfigured several pairs of heels, and once DH came home and found standing right in the middle of our dining room table--she just looked over at him like, "What?" SO . . . this treadmill is a godsend. (We have videos of her on the treadmill and in the pool, I wish I could share them!)

I was so pissed off about one incident that I wrote a fake newspaper story about it in an attempt to calm myself down. It worked, and I shared it on PS just for fun:

Oh Haven that is too cute! That's amazing that she understands the concept of a treadmill! I tried it with my Lab (rip) and he would sit and slide off... :errrr: How old is Bailee now?

Bean--DH spent a couple days training her to use the treadmill, so it wasn't an immediate thing at all. She never just sat on it, though! (Our cat Vince does that every morning--he flies into the room when he hears the beep of it turning on, takes his spot right in the front next to Bailee, and rides it until he plops off the end. It's like his own personal very short amusement park ride. Afterwards he just sits on the floor next to it and watches her. I think he's there for moral support, or maybe he thinks he's her personal trainer. :cheeky: )

Anyway . . . Bailee's going to be five in October. If you really want to train your dog to use the treadmill I think you can. DH has trained a couple friends' dogs for them. There are a lot of videos on YouTube showing people training their dogs, although some of them are a bit heavy-handed with the pups, most of them are pretty good.

AFM . . . yesterday was like my one day of respite from being sick, because I woke up this morning and promptly spent the next hour with my head in the toilet. :(sad I was just saying to DH that I would love *just one day* without all this nausea and sickness, so maybe someone granted that little prayer? I'm going to wish for one week next, and see what happens!