
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Mia I hope your friends were all excited for you! I'm glad you got a few good laughs out of them. I do have a doppler. Best thing ever. Gives me peace of mind every night that everything is still OK.

As for prenatals, I think I'm the only person alive who takes vitamins and suffers horrible HORRIBLE acne as a side effect. I went from prescription prenatals to regular store prenatals with no issues. I finally was able to link my acne to the prenatals (after a lot of time and money spent thinking it was other things, but that's another story for another day), and switched to a Flinstone complete and DHA. My skin's been significantly better and my MD says that Flinstone completes are fine. My mom even mentioned to me (not that she is recommending, nor am I) that when she was pregnant, prenatals weren't a thing, and babies have been being born perfectly fine. So just as long as you are getting what you need through a vitamin of sorts and a healthy diet, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Congrats on your 5K!

MLK Nice stroller! DH and I were looking at some of the bugaboo strollers as well, but we ended up deciding on the lime green Phil and Teds Explorer (with the doubles insert). Those bugaboo's are so nice though...and if you can get a deal on it? Grab it woman! I bought a couple of tops from Motherhood the other day and I could tell the staff in the store were interested in what I was doing there as I wasn't really showing yet. I just needed some tops to hide my thickening stomach.

Don't worry about the lack of symptoms too much. Mine sort of came and went too (and yes, I worried), but they come back, sometimes with a vengeance. Your nightmares must not be helping, and they are probably scaring you a lot. I have a lot of vivid, life associated dreams, but I have yet to have any of our baby or being pregnant really. I'm kind of surprised by it.

And if my DH did that I probably would have told him to move back in with his mother. :evil: Sometimes husbands can be such dopes.

Indecisive Glad your US was good in that you got to see the heartbeat. Yeah those cultures are nasty feeling. I had to have a pap smear at my last appt and I wanted to jump out the window.

AFM:not much new to report. It's funny, the whole first trimester I never had that pregnant urge to pee, and I think this could be attributed to a retroverted uterus (instead of being on my bladder, it just went up into my abdominal cavity), but now its starting to move forward and rest on my bladder, if that makes any sense. So now, all the sudden, I'm always needing to pee when this should be a thing of the past. That's my biggest news.

On a side note, it's really hot and disgusting outside, and I'm happy I'm not hugely pregnant yet. I feel bad for all the mom's to be who are carrying around all that extra weight in this heat and buggy humidity. :knockout:

Indecisive, sorry about the confusion but so happy to hear your bean is looking great!

What are you guys doing for morning sickness? I feel terrible. ;(

...I still feel kind of silly posting here without having the u/s confirmation that everything is progressing nicely. I kind of regret waiting until 7 weeks for the u/s now. Tuesday can't get here soon enough!

MLK Aw that's such a cute stroller! If it were up to me I would be shopping now too! Just like yours, my DH is definitely the more cautious and practical one so he is keeping from going complete bonkers! He's also not letting me tell everyone on the planet, which I think is a good thing!

AMC Oh I am glad you are taking the same ones and look at how well you and the baby are doing! I haven't talked to my doc yet but at least I know they are okay for now. You are right about the iron though. Before getting pregnant my regular doctor told me to take an iron supplement because although my iron wasn't too low, she likes to see it higher. She told me to only take it during AF though. I figured I would wait until my first appointment to see if I need extra iron because I am already so constipated, I don't want to chance it.

Haven Yeah I think as long as you are getting the right vitamins, it doesn't really matter the form. Too bad I never really liked flintstones vitamins, but these tummies are! Yummy! They are like candy. I'm sure flinstones have more in them though.

Indecisive what kind of cultures did they do? Like a pap smear? Not looking forward to the tests and all the blood they take! I'm glad you understand how I am feeling. Like I am super happy to be able to give myself that extra progesterone, but it takes away all the peace of mind you get from pregnancy symptoms since I don't know what is from what. The 5k was okay since I have doing a lot of 5k, 10k, and triathlon races the past few months. I definitely felt a bit more out of breath on this one though and last night I was more out of breath when swimming laps. I have a triathlon on July 28th that I am hoping I am feeling good enough for.

Prana. Wow acne from prenatals? Eek! At least you figured it out, I don't think most people would even consider them as a possibility. I have pretty bad cystic acne. It doesn't cover my face or anything, but I get these really deep hard bumps under my skin. I had an OBGYN once who told me it was my hormones and that I would likely have clear skin when I got pregnant. Knock on wood, but so far he has been right! I do agree with you that people make a big fuss about prenatals and what you eat can be more important. Last night I made pasta with a purée of carrot tops, radish leaves, cilantro, spinach, lemon juice and some olive oil (I joined a CSA, can you tell?). I bet there were TONS of vitamins in it and it was so good!

AFM, ultrasound today at 11:30! Very very very nervous that there is a yolk or fetus in there and really hoping we see a heartbeat although at about 6 weeks, 1 day, it may be too early.

Mia, good luck!

Oh, and on the prenatals. I took flinstones and/or gummy vites plus DHA with all of my pregnancies. I can't handle the iron in prenatals. My doc recommended that combo and it worked well. I think they test your iron at the same time they do the glucose test and mine was fine.

Pupp I have no idea what to do about morning sickness! What I want to do is quit my job and crawl in bed. It really came on strong today when I was drinking water for my ultrasound and afterwards we went for ramen and I thought eating would make it better but it didn't. It's just constant for me!

Well I can't believe how much the little gummy bear has grown since last week! This time we could see it and the heartbeat right away from the regular pelvic ultrasound. 109bpm and measuring right where I thought it would. I finally have a due date of February 28th which is consistent with my O date and early implantation. One bummer was the u/s tech was not very friendly which was kind of lame. She didn't even tell us everything looks okay, so now I am worried about that!


Mia--Look at your little bean grow! So exciting! And you have an official due date, awesome! I'm so sorry your MS is bad. BLECH. I know how you feel. I'm also seriously constipated, and all I can say is that I hope yours gets better soon. I just keep on taking colace with the Zofran, and eating foods that are supposed to get things going.
And you ran a 5K? I'm impressed--you go, mama!

Prana--I was just telling DH how grateful I am that I'm not hugely pregnant in this heat. It's stifling!
I've been getting up to pee about four times a night lately, it's crazy. And disruptive!

Indecisive--That happened to my good friend, too--her original EDD was off by two or three weeks. It's exciting once the baby starts looking like a baby on the US, exciting but surreal!

MLK--I love your new pram! It's adorable. Boo to your DH, though, I hope he's come around.

Mia & Pupp--I'm sorry you're feeling sick. I know how terrible it is. The Zofran has been helping me throw up less, which is great. But for other remedies, I LOVE Brach's Lemon Drops. Sucking on them settles my nausea a bit, so I've gone through quite a lot of them. I know this one isn't great, but drinking an ice cold Coca Cola has helped me out, too. (I read about this one on the MS thread here in FWW.) I also have an obsession with drinking milk, and for some reason a cold glass of milk helps me in the mornings. But I'm guessing this is only good for someone who drinks milk normally. (I go through a gallon or two a week. :eek: ) Medium sharp cheddar was helping me earlier on in the pregnancy, especially in the mornings when the thought of eating anything made me ill. I've also had some luck with pickles, another food I've always been obsessed with, and take out salad from our local sushi place with the carrot ginger dressing. Sometimes chewing on ice helps, too.

I switched from CVS prenatals to Flintstones twice a day, and I think that helped. I also realized that lying down makes my nausea worse, so I do not recline at all. I wore sea bands for a while during weeks 7 and 8, and I swore they helped me at first. Now, though, they don't really make a difference. But it was worth the relief I had for a while! I'd love to hear what's helping everyone else.

I saw a Dr. Phil show about women with HG, and I while I have it, mine is on the lesser end of the spectrum. I wouldn't call it mild, but I feel so lucky that I'm not as ill as some of the women on the show.

AFM, I went to the doctor for my 16-week appointment today and heard the heartbeat, 144 bpm. I was so relieved because it's been a full month since I heard it or saw an US, so I was nervous something might have happened. We could hear the baby moving around too, it was crazy. My blood pressure was 110/60, which is a relief. It is usually pretty low, 90/60, and I had this fear that it would become a dangerous thing while I was pregnant.

I'm still sick. I threw up this morning and, like a baby, just slumped down and started crying and had myself a nice little pity party. I'm usually good about feeling lucky to be pregnant at all, and that everything is progressing well so far. I watched an episode of A Baby Story where the couple underwent 17 fertility treatments to have their daughter, so I tell myself to be grateful and suck it up! But seriously, when is it going to stop!? Tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow is the day! That's what I say to myself every night.

This week has been better, though. I'm not nearly as incapacitated by the MS, and I'm eating more normal food. So, I think it really is the beginning of the end. I can feel it! Woohoo!

Question: For those of you that take a separate DHA supplement, which brand do you take? I'm told I should take one that comes from algae and not fish, but I'm having a hard time finding one.

Congrats Mia! You must feel so relieved!

Pupp, I know what you mean. I waited until almost 10 wks for our first U/S. Dude it took SOOOOO LOOOONG for it to get here... Sorry to hear about m/s. I have no ideas to help. Did you have any nausea with N?

Haven, near the prenatals they have a specific DHA supplement for pregnant women. It's pretty expensive but there usually is a store brand. Thanks for the pointers. I actually had a craving for ice the last few days so maybe that was nature's way of settling my stomach. I'm currently recovering from a nasty cold and all of this excess mucus isn't helping!

Mia, :appl: :appl: Sorry for the grumpy tech. That happened to us once with N. I remember the woman's name and I specifically requested not to have her again. Carol - she sucked. If all goes well with me, we're due two days apart!

LC, :wavey: I don't remember nausea being this bad with N. Then again, I wasn't chasing around a toddler and could rest whenever I wanted. I called the doc today and their protocol for nausea without vomiting is the B6/unisom combo. I'm going to hit up the CVS tonight. You waited until 10 weeks to see your bub? Man, that must have been torture! Waiting till 7 is pretty tough for me.

Haven Uf! I can't believe you're still feeling so sick! I'm really sorry!! ;(

Were you the one who had sort of a ginger aversion? I would suggest peeling some ginger root, boiling it in water, straining it and drinking it. It's really good (if you like ginger) and it was helping me a lot. Also, I bought some fever tree ginger ale and ginger beer...ingredients were literally carbontated water, ginger and cane sugar (NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!) and those helped. If you can't find that brand, look for a brand of ginger ale that is made from real ingredients and not chemicals. Our grocery store sells Regata ginger ale that is low on the ingredient list and made with cane sugar as well.

I just buy DHA tablets from the grocery store or pharmacy. I think the fish ones state on the bottle that they are made from fish products.

Congratulations on 16 weeks and hearing the heartbeat! I really hope that this sickness goes away soon! Did you Dr. have anything to say?

Thanks, Prana! It really is getting better. DH said I looked comatose for about seven weeks straight (week 8 to 14) but I've looked more alive the last few weeks. :cheeky:

I'll try the ginger tea. Thank you! I do have an aversion to ginger, but I LOVE the carrot ginger dressing you get at sushi places, so I don't hate all ginger. I'll look for the fever tree brand items, too. We have a ton of groceries in the area, someone must have it.

My doctor didn't have any new ideas about the MS, he just told me to keep taking the Zofran and hoping that it will get better soon. He said some women suffer from HG the entire pregnancy, so I'm really, really, really hoping I'm going to be one of the lucky ones who gets better sooner. He did tell me I looked much better today compared to a month ago, which is true, because a month ago I was green and could barely make it through the appointment. So, I really think I might be experiencing normal MS now, compared to the horrible HG I was experiencing two weeks ago.

I had gained 2 pounds at 12 weeks, and today I weighed in another 3 pounds heavier, so that's comforting, too. I don't think I'm too far off as far as recommended weight gain is concerned, so that's really good. I lost some weight at ten weeks, and that made me nervous.

Hey guys, well I am on bed rest until Monday :(sad :(sad :(sad

Nothing major, but I have had some moderate cramping on my right side all day and some light brown spotting. I called the on call doctor and he asked about my ultrasound and of course I really had no information because the tech was so unfriendly. He said he'd be most concerned about an ectopic but he thought they would have told me right away if that was the case, so his recommendation was bed rest and to call my doctor on Monday. So here I am, bored, in bed, and not really tired because I took a nice long nap earlier today! I'm hoping the spotting was just from the transvaginal ultrasound yesterday, and the cramps could be normal even though they are a little worse than my usual PMS cramps.

Oh no Mia! I hope everything is OK. You must be terrified!

The spotting could very well be from the transvaginal US.

I'll keep you in my thoughts!

Thanks Prana, I'm feeling okay. Just trying not to get too worried. Of course I'm just in shock that I went from going paddle boarding yesterday (although we only made it like 45 minutes before I was getting too nauseous and tired) to complete actual bedrest. I don't think the paddleboarding caused it because I started cramping before but now of course I'm worried that it made it worse. It's not really a strenuous or fast activity but it's kind of an ab workout. Then I also ran a 5k race on Wednesday so it's really hard right now to not to sit here wonder if I caused this. This is pretty mild exercising compared to my norm and all doctor approved activities, but still, the what ifs! I'm also just wondering if this pregnancy was just too good to be true. We got pregnant so quickly even with my irregular cycles and the fact that I ovulated on CD45. What if something was wrong with the egg from such a late ovulation? Also my progesterone was low from day one, not the best sign... Lastly, I'm kind of feeling like we jinxed ourselves by telling our families on Friday after the heartbeat. I know im being a little irrational but these are the negative thoughts that I find floating through my head. At least google has provided me with lots of success stories from early pregnancy bed rest! Today we were going to check out this cute little modern baby furniture and gear store that is connected to a cute little cafe for lunch. Super bummed that we can't go now! Oh well, going to plan my day with Netflix and Hulu plus instead!

Mia, I'd be feeling the same way as you, but don't be hard on yourself. The activities that you are doing would not cause any of this, especially if it's not out of the norm for you.

My Doctor told me that AF like cramps can be normal during pregnancy. I've also heard that cramping around the time you would be getting AF can be something people experience as well.

Again, the spotting could very well be from the TV US.

Does your doc plan on having you come in this week at all to check you out? I would request an appointment if not.

Hang in there!

Hi Ladies!

I'm 5w4d (roughly)
I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 18th and boy is time going slowly! I am just so very paranoid to see *something*.

I got all of my blood results back. Everything looked good except the low hemoglobin and slightly elevated WBC. I am supposed to start taking iron now. I didn't want to tell anyone about what is going on but my husband is such a blabber mouth. We told a few people (parents, BFF) but more than what I'm comfortable. To add to the stress, since this was a bit of a surprise, we have to move. Like now. So, we have met with a realtor and have started on the process of selling our condo so we can buy a house in the suburbs. All of this change is making me so nervous. Luckily both the realtor and designer loved our place so we don't have much to work on. I don't know... I'm not good with change...

Question- has anyone else had the feeling that they just DON'T want to eat? Like, tummy might growl once, but you don't feel hungry? The strange thing is that while I don't have many cravings I just don't care about chocolate (and I'm like a chocolate addict). I've actually been wanting root beer floats and cottage cheese :lol:

Anyhoo, I hope the weekend is treating everyone well! I will have to catch up later.

mia- fingers crossed that it's from the tv ultrasound, use the time to catch up on some sleep any maybe some Words with Friends ;)
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mia1181|1341762294|3230511 said:
Thanks Prana, I'm feeling okay. Just trying not to get too worried. Of course I'm just in shock that I went from going paddle boarding yesterday (although we only made it like 45 minutes before I was getting too nauseous and tired) to complete actual bedrest. I don't think the paddleboarding caused it because I started cramping before but now of course I'm worried that it made it worse. It's not really a strenuous or fast activity but it's kind of an ab workout. Then I also ran a 5k race on Wednesday so it's really hard right now to not to sit here wonder if I caused this. This is pretty mild exercising compared to my norm and all doctor approved activities, but still, the what ifs! I'm also just wondering if this pregnancy was just too good to be true. We got pregnant so quickly even with my irregular cycles and the fact that I ovulated on CD45. What if something was wrong with the egg from such a late ovulation? Also my progesterone was low from day one, not the best sign... Lastly, I'm kind of feeling like we jinxed ourselves by telling our families on Friday after the heartbeat. I know im being a little irrational but these are the negative thoughts that I find floating through my head. At least google has provided me with lots of success stories from early pregnancy bed rest! Today we were going to check out this cute little modern baby furniture and gear store that is connected to a cute little cafe for lunch. Super bummed that we can't go now! Oh well, going to plan my day with Netflix and Hulu plus instead!

Sending thoughts and prayers for stickiness your way, my dear girl.

BTW, Netflix has the first season of Downton Abbey available on instant; I found the pacing, costumes, and soft british accents went pretty darn well with first trimester horizontal time. What have you found to keep you semi-entertained so far, Mia?

I "celebrated" the passage into 14 weeks by vomiting yesterday, and then again today after a week's hiatus. Darn it. Where is the second trimester energy that everyone has been promising me was just around the corner?????

Congratulations, Bean, and welcome! :wavey:
fleur-de-lis said:
I "celebrated" the passage into 14 weeks by vomiting yesterday, and then again today after a week's hiatus. Darn it. Where is the second trimester energy that everyone has been promising me was just around the corner?????

Hahahaha it's a myth!! At least it was for me. Just when I got over the ms around 16 weeks, I started having trouble sleeping. The first tri may be filled with nausea, but at least I slept well. Don't even get me started on the 3rd trimester energy levels...

Mia--Sending you lots of sticky dust. How are you feeling after your weekend of rest?

F-D-L--I watched the entire first season of Downton Abbey on Netflix during my first trimester, too! And I L :love: VED it!

AMC--You are not kidding! I still have MS, but now that I'm in the second trimester I also have terrible heartburn, headaches, and sleeping trouble. Oh, the evil myth of the "wonderful" second trimester!

Bean--I've been struggling with eating this whole pregnancy. I feel so full all the time, but then I get nauseous which I'm pretty sure it means I need to eat. But every one in a while I'll get a huge craving so I'll eat a bit more than my usual small meal, and then I feel worse afterward. I keep telling DH I feel like I have a Chipotle hangover whenever that happens. (I don't know about anyone else, but it doesn't matter how much Chipotle I eat, I always feel terrible after!.)
The best thing I did was found some food I can eat even if I don't feel like it. For me, it's mashed potatoes and ice cold glasses of milk. I can always eat either of those.

Mia, sending sticky dust your way! I have a very sensitive cervix and spot when there's any action in the area...including last week after my first prenatal pelvic exam.

AFM, I'm still feeling pretty crummy. I laid in bed most of the weekend. The unisom/B6 combo knocked me out! There is no way I can take that during the day. DH is ticked at me for going to work today but I think this might just be something I have to learn to deal with. I called the doctor's office to let them know my experience but haven't heard back from yet. He keeps saying that the doctor needs to "fix this" if they did this to me. I think part of him feels bad for me and part of him is worried about taking care of DS on his own indefinitely. DS already has no use for me. He cries for daddy whenever he leaves and when I try to help him he says, "No, Daddy help!" Geez, one weekend of poor parenting and the kid doesn't need me!

Hey guys thanks for all the sticky dust! I will post more tomorrow. I am typing from my phone because I was so nervous today when I went for another ultrasound that I left my ipad there! I didn't even notice it was missing until hours later when they called me!

Anyway, the heartbeat was still there and I had a much nicer technician this time who said everything looks perfect. So no explanation for the bleeding, which has stopped. Cramping is still there but not bad. Heartbeat is 120bpm now, so baby is getting stronger and is measuring exactly three days older than three days ago! Ha! Hopefully ultrasounds are done for a while! Thanks again guys I think your dusty worked!
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mia1181|1341896521|3231449 said:
Hey guys thanks for all the sticky dust! I will post more tomorrow. I am typing from my phone because I was so nervous today when I went for another ultrasound that I left my ipad there! I didn't even notice it was missing until hours later when they called me!

Anyway, the heartbeat was still there and I had a much nicer technician this time who said everything looks perfect. So no explanation for the bleeding, which has stopped. Cramping is still there but not bad. Heartbeat is 120bpm now, so baby is getting stronger and is measuring exactly three days older than three days ago! Ha! Hopefully ultrasounds are done for a while! Thanks again guys I think your dusty worked!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Great news, Mia!!!!

F-D-L--Thank you for the heads up, that is scary. My college's cafeteria had a listeria outbreak in their hard-boiled eggs at the end of the spring semester. It really freaks me out whenever I see these things.

Pupp--I'm sorry you're feeling so crummy. Would you consider taking Zofran? It's really helped me a lot.
The Unisom/B6 knocked me out, too. I slept better than ever when I was taking it, but it didn't help with my M/S.

Mia, I'm so glad things are still plugging away with you!

Haven, my doc actually prescribed Zofran this morning. I was a HOT MESS last night. I was sitting in my living room crying like a baby while DH and DS were sleeping in our bed. I broke down and took the B6/unisom just to knock me out. It worked and I slept from 12-5. I had to call out of work today though because things picked up where they left off when I got off the couch. Anyway, I took the Zofran and the nausea is more subtle now. I think it might take me a bit to figure out how much I need. It said take 1 or 2 every 8 hours. If I take 2, will it last longer? I only took 1 and was wondering if I could take another in 4-6hrs if I start feeling bad again? I'm also worried about constipation because I'm already constipated. Doc said to take Colace but, if I judge by past experience, that ain't gonna cut it. I'll seriously just be thrilled not to be so nauseous anymore. my viability scan is at 4:30 today and I'm so nervous! Wish me luck!
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puppmom|1341937890|3231653 said:
Mia, I'm so glad things are still plugging away with you!

Haven, my doc actually prescribed Zofran this morning. I was a HOT MESS last night. I was sitting in my living room crying like a baby while DH and DS were sleeping in our bed. I broke down and took the B6/unisom just to knock me out. It worked and I slept from 12-5. I had to call out of work today though because things picked up where they left off when I got off the couch. Anyway, I took the Zofran and the nausea is more subtle now. I think it might take me a bit to figure out how much I need. It said take 1 or 2 every 8 hours. If I take 2, will it last longer? I only took 1 and was wondering if I could take another in 4-6hrs if I start feeling bad again? I'm also worried about constipation because I'm already constipated. Doc said to take Colace but, if I judge by past experience, that ain't gonna cut it. I'll seriously just be thrilled not to be so nauseous anymore. my viability scan is at 4:30 today and I'm so nervous! Wish me luck!

Good luck good luck good luck Puppmom!!

So sorry to hear you've been a hot mess recently, Puppmom. I've been trying to avoid all chems altogether other than prenatals, and boy, what fun it's been. :roll: I'm jealous of those of you with docs who play loose and fast with the scrips; being in good health before this, I was unfamiliar with how paranoid Kaiser is about potential lawsuits and it's a multi-tiered set of hurdles of non-doctors saying "no" to get to someone (like a doctor) who has the authorization to say "yes" to take even OTC meds (like Unisom or Colace). For the entirety of my first trimester, if I wake before morning-- say, to have a drink of water or use the restroom at 3 A.M.-- I cannot for the life of me fall back asleep.

The beauty of a sunrise is SEVERELY overrated.
Re: Re:

Haven|1341851046|3231029 said:
F-D-L--I watched the entire first season of Downton Abbey on Netflix during my first trimester, too! And I L :love: VED it!

Hee hee, isn't it awesome? As we have similar tastes, any chance you have suggestions for other Instant View gems on Netflix?

Puppmom, good luck today. Think of the MS as a good sign! Hope you start feeling better now that you are on the Zofran.