
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Yay, Rissa! I'm glad you came over and posted in here!

Dried apricots, you say? I LOVE dried apricots, and I had no idea they would help me in this very serious time of need. Thank you! I'm adding them to DH's to buy list for tomorrow. :cheeky:

I can't wait to tell people at work that I'm preggo, too. I spent the last two weeks of the semester avoiding everyone because I was so exhausted and nauseous, so I hope they don't all think I'm just a jerk. One of our division secretaries actually popped into my office one day and asked if there was something going on. :eek: She was so sweet, but it was so early I couldn't tell her. (Oh, AND I didn't attend graduation, which is a huge no-no. But I was SOOOO sick that day, it was not going to happen.)

Aw shucks, thanks :bigsmile:

Yep dried apricots, super yummy and does the trick ;))

Tell me about it! One of my co-workers is also a very good friend for almost six years now and I swear she knew the second I suspected I was pregnant. She just smiled at me and kept asking, "so how's is going..." with a big smile on her face. I kept telling her she was crazy but when she wouldn't give it up :rolleyes: I had to tell her that I had a positive test but then a negative, so I thought I was but I don't think I am. She got all upset and teary eyed for me (she's a very emotional lady). It KILLED me to fib like that to her but she is the BIGGEST gossip and cannot keep a secret to save her life. I definitely don't want anyone at work to know yet because I'm up for a big promotion right now that would include paid vacation which I could really use come maternity leave and I don't want my being pregnant to influence the bosses decision. But what I think was even worse was the feeling of jinxing myself. Now I'm so so scared that come Monday's doctor's appointment they are going to tell me that there's nothing in my uterus and it's all because I told a white lie to my friend. :(sad So I have knocked on wood a thousand times and have said out loud (when I'm home) to the universe that I AM pregnant! Stick little bean STICK! :lol:

These are the crazy things going through my head constantly... :eek:

Please tell me it gets better because I'm tuckered out already :loopy:

Oh, Rissa, don't worry that you jinxed yourself! I think it's totally normal to become paranoid the moment you get that BFP, I know I did!

You're smart to tell your coworker that you aren't expecting, especially now that you're up for a promotion. I didn't even tell my own mother until after I reached 12 weeks because she can't keep anything to herself. That meant DH and I had to tell a lot of little white lies for many weeks. It was really tough at times, but totally worth it because we were able to keep our news private.

I'm sending you lots and lots of sticky dust!!!!

Thanks Haven, I actually feel a lot better suddenly, like a calm before a storm :bigsmile: ;))
Seriously though, it's nice to know I'm not alone in the little white lies.

Oh, honey, you are not alone. I flew on a plane with my mother at around 8 weeks, and then stayed with her in my sister's tiny little apartment in LA, and spent the ENTIRE weekend sick and exhausted. My dad was there too, but he stayed in a hotel. And neither one of them was the wiser. (And this is even after I ran off the plane and into the loo when we landed because I was so sick!)

Oh Haven :(( You are a trooper! :D

Hey guys, Thanks for the input on calling my doctor. I did call back and my here is the progression of my hormone levels:

8DPO: HCG- 22 P- 7.1
10DPO: HCG- 65 P- 11.7
12DPO: HCG- 130 P- 9.7
15DPO: HCG- 711 P- 6.8

So while HCG looks good, progesterone is plummeting. :(sad My doctor was not in the office and the nurse tried to get another doctor to help me but none of my doctor's partners were in and the one she asked told her I should wait to talk to my own doctor in the morning. I guess I could call urgent care but I am not having bleeding or other symptoms so I decided to just be as positive as possible and wait until the morning. Wish us luck guys!

Oh Mia :( Hang in there! I'm sure your doctor will know what's best but I would tell him that you would feel much more confidant if he would prescribe you a Progesterone Suppository. The good news is that your HCG levels are consistently getting higher :appl:
Everything will be okay, just take a deep breathe and get a good night sleep, everything will be better in the morning. :halo: HUGS HUGS HUGS and sticky dust.

Thanks Rissa I really am trying to relax! I am definitely taking the day off tomorrow to rest and focus on me and this little bean!

Mia Hang in there. I hope you can get some definitive answers today. You must be a nervous wreck! I'll be thinking of you!

RissaWelcome!! Sorry you cried for Katy Perry! ;)) I hope you get some definitive answers soon too.

Haven I live on a huge hill, and I've started walking up it 5 times (about 1.5 miles up and down, so nothing great, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something). I've taken to holding my stomach as cars drive by or people are outside so they don't just think I'm fat. haha. One person I work with who knows I'm pregnant told me she could see my belly getting a little bigger ;( I wouldn't care if it was a cute little bump, but it's seriously just gross right now.

And only 3 lbs is good! I'm hoping I can keep a nice even weight gain through all this.

You're gonna be moving on to the big girl thread soon. :appl: I'll miss you! But I'll be right behind you!

And on the topic of constipation (again), I was in agony last night! I've been taking colace every day to help with the issue. But I think I had another uterus growth spurt last night, and on top of that I was having some painful gas, and I needed to go! But it just wouldn't happen. The pain woke me up and as I was walking to the bathroom I actually doubled over! I've found that prune juice does the trick for a quick evacuation, but it can be a violent evacuation. I'm pretty sure my uterus is resting against my colon and not my bladder. I never got that pregnancy urge to pee, and I drink 2Liters of water a day.

And I was using my doppler last night and I heard some big changes in the heartbeat! Maybe it was just the position Marvin was in, but that heart was loud and strong! And it sounded different too, like more thumpy less whooshy. Does that make sense?

I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow! almost outta the first trimester. I told our family members that they can tell whoever they want after 13 weeks. So only one more week of hush hush. I'm actually really excited to be at this point. It will make it feel more real. I just hope people don't post comments all over my facebook wall. I'm not one to announce it that way, and I just don't want people to find out that way. I'll have to tell work then too, so I can start planning my maternity leave :bigsmile:

Mia Hang in there. I hope you can get some definitive answers today. You must be a nervous wreck! I'll be thinking of you!

RissaWelcome!! Sorry you cried for Katy Perry! ;)) I hope you get some definitive answers soon too.

Haven I live on a huge hill, and I've started walking up it 5 times (about 1.5 miles up and down, so nothing great, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something). I've taken to holding my stomach as cars drive by or people are outside so they don't just think I'm fat. haha. One person I work with who knows I'm pregnant told me she could see my belly getting a little bigger ;( I wouldn't care if it was a cute little bump, but it's seriously just gross right now.

And only 3 lbs is good! I'm hoping I can keep a nice even weight gain through all this.

You're gonna be moving on to the big girl thread soon. :appl: I'll miss you! But I'll be right behind you!

And on the topic of constipation (again), I was in agony last night! I've been taking colace every day to help with the issue. But I think I had another uterus growth spurt last night, and on top of that I was having some painful gas, and I needed to go! But it just wouldn't happen. The pain woke me up and as I was walking to the bathroom I actually doubled over! I've found that prune juice does the trick for a quick evacuation, but it can be a violent evacuation. I'm pretty sure my uterus is resting against my colon and not my bladder. I never got that pregnancy urge to pee, and I drink 2Liters of water a day.

And I was using my doppler last night and I heard some big changes in the heartbeat! Maybe it was just the position Marvin was in, but that heart was loud and strong! And it sounded different too, like more thumpy less whooshy. Does that make sense?

I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow! almost outta the first trimester. I told our family members that they can tell whoever they want after 13 weeks. So only one more week of hush hush. I'm actually really excited to be at this point. It will make it feel more real. I just hope people don't post comments all over my facebook wall. I'm not one to announce it that way, and I just don't want people to find out that way. I'll have to tell work then too, so I can start planning my maternity leave :bigsmile:
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Mia, try not to stress. Your betas look great, and you will be able to talk to your doctor soon. Hopefully, you can get those progesterone levels up a little higher and everything will be fine. Lots of sticky dust headed your way!

Rissa, good luck to you. And you are so patient. I don't think there's any way possible I could wait another week if I were you to see a doctor. But this is coming from somebody who went through about 50 HPTs after my first positive one. I'm surprised they won't just let you come in for the blood testing now. Anyway, good luck to you!
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RissaLou|1340686008|3223692 said:
Oh Haven :(( You are a trooper! :D
No, no--not a trooper, I'm a liar! A little white liar! That weekend was filled with little white lies. Oh, I gave up coffee. (We are serious coffee addicts in my family.) I'm just exhausted from grading all those final essays. You guys go on without me, I'm going to stay here and relax. I must have the flu. It was ridiculous, and I still cannot believe my parents didn't figure it out. :rolleyes:

And MP is right, you really are patient! I peed on about 12 sticks after my first BFP. Thankfully I bought a pack of Wondfos, those things are cheap!

Prana--That's so exciting about the HB changes! Little Marvin is getting bigger!!

Gotta love those people who feel it's okay to comment on our bodies now that we're pregnant. :nono: You're so funny holding your belly up and down the hill, I would do the same thing! I feel my stomach is looking gross right now, too--more middle-aged man beer belly than adorable baby bump.

I'm scared to move on to the big girl thread! Those ladies are REALLY pregnant! :cheeky:

I am so feeling your pain with the constipation. I'm not going to lie, I've cried in the loo a couple times. I've never had any sorts of digestion issues before in my life, so this is a terrible new experience for me. I read The Girfriend's Guide to Pregnancy (which terrified me, by the way,) and I've been scared of getting hemorrhoids since I read it. Hence the crying. (DH just said yesterday that he thinks I've cried more in the last two months than I have in my entire life. I think he's right! I'm not usually a crier.)

Mia--How are you doing, hon? Sticky sticky sticky dust and hugs to you!

AFM, yesterday was my first day off of Zofran in weeks. I felt okay all day, but woke up terribly nauseous this morning. I still haven't taken more Zofran, I really want to get off of it so my digestion can get back to normal. But GAH! I'm so sick of being sick.

I'm also plagued by constant worry that something has happened to the baby. My next appt isn't until next Friday, and while I know it's irrational to worry so much, I'm worried. DH keeps telling me I wouldn't be so sick if everything was going well, but I don't believe that. I might order a doppler today, I've resisted because I'll probably end up using it eighteen times a day, but it would be really handy right about now.

15 weeks today!
(MS, go away! I'm 15 weeks along today! Baby Haven doesn't want to play!!!!)

Haven, as I've done in the past, I'm popping in to say please feel free to move to the big girls thread. 15 weeks is definitely not "barely pregnant" and we'd love to have all of you ladies there.
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mayerling|1340730835|3223881 said:
Haven, as I've done in the past, I'm popping in to say please feel free to move to the big girls thread. 15 weeks is definitely not "barely pregnant" and we'd love to have all of you ladies there.
Thank you, Mayerling. You're right.
I think I feel like I'm still early on in the pregnancy because my MS is so terrible. I'll make my way over there soon!
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Haven|1340732611|3223911 said:
mayerling|1340730835|3223881 said:
Haven, as I've done in the past, I'm popping in to say please feel free to move to the big girls thread. 15 weeks is definitely not "barely pregnant" and we'd love to have all of you ladies there.
Thank you, Mayerling. You're right.
I think I feel like I'm still early on in the pregnancy because my MS is so terrible. I'll make my way over there soon!


Oh, and I woke up one day at about 16 weeks and the m/s was completely gone. So there is some hope for you :)

OMG! This morning has been such a sh*t show! They still haven't called me and I have called twice already this morning! Doctor had surgery this morning so I completely understand she has babies to deliver and other priorities. Then they said she has all her clients who have appointments to see, again I understand because I hate having to wait forever when I've made an appointment. The last time I called (20 minutes ago) they said she was taking a patient to a room and then would be calling me back. I wasn't nervous but all this waiting is making me crazytown. On the plus side, I really like the practice and everyone has been so nice to me. I appreciate all the early monitoring I am getting and that no one has been annoyed with my calls! Okay deep breaths... patience....

Mia--Grrrr, you're being very patient. I hope you hear from your doctor very soon!

AMC--Oh please oh please let this MS go away within the next few weeks. I'm so glad to hear it just disappeared for you!

Okay finally! I have the prescription for prometrium and start it tonight. Blood tomorrow again and I already had an ultrasound scheduled. Continue with blood every 48 hours and ultrasound next week again. They said again that my HCG looks great and that's more important because there wouldn't be anything we could do about that. Nothing new but I feel better and can't wait to get that supplement in there tonight! I have the day off! What should I do to relax? I think a hot bath is out. What about exercising? Would you guys risk that?
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mia1181|1340737905|3223963 said:
Okay finally! I have the prescription for prometrium and start it tonight. Blood tomorrow again and I already had an ultrasound scheduled. Continue with blood every 48 hours and ultrasound next week again. They said again that my HCG looks great and that's more important because there wouldn't be anything we could do about that. Nothing new but I feel better and can't wait to get that supplement in there tonight! I have the day off! What should I do to relax? I think a hot bath is out. What about exercising? Would you guys risk that?
:appl: Great news!

I think you can exercise. I exercised regularly until my MS got the better of me. I usually do free weights, but DH insisted I switch to weight machines so there wasn't any risk of dropping a weight on my stomach or anything. (NOT like I've ever done anything like that before . . . ) I hate cardio in general, so I used pregnancy as an excuse to do cardio lite--brisk walks on the treadmill, or the elliptical machine. I'm so happy to have a reason to avoid the awful stair machine (the one that looks like real, rotating stairs) until December. I hate that thing!

My favorite way to relax is to watch a favorite movie with my dogs and eat stove top popcorn. Sounds like that might be too sedentary for you, though!
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mia1181|1340737905|3223963 said:
Okay finally! I have the prescription for prometrium and start it tonight. Blood tomorrow again and I already had an ultrasound scheduled. Continue with blood every 48 hours and ultrasound next week again. They said again that my HCG looks great and that's more important because there wouldn't be anything we could do about that. Nothing new but I feel better and can't wait to get that supplement in there tonight! I have the day off! What should I do to relax? I think a hot bath is out. What about exercising? Would you guys risk that?

Yay Mia, that's great! It does sounds like everything else is going just fine, so hopefully a little progesterone support will help get your levels up and put your mind at ease. Light exercise should be fine so long as the doctor didn't say there was a reason not to. I've switched to walking since getting pregnant because it is nice and easy on my body and keeps my heartrate from going too high,and it relaxes me when I'm worried or stressed. Continued dust to you!

Mia, I'm sure your progesterone level will go right up after you take the Prometrium. Within days - not weeks.

Thanks Haven, Indecisive, DandiAndi, Prana, and MLK for the warm welcome!

First trimester is certainly a trip, isn't it? I'm currently in week 12, and it's been interesting to see the evolution of symptoms. I felt just a little "off" (slightly lightheaded upon getting up, some queasiness, lower than normal energy and some mild abdominal aches) between weeks 5 and 8 and was thinking I might be one of the lucky ones when it came to morning sickness, and then BAM! Week 9 hit like a mack truck. Between weeks 9 to 10.5, I've felt like a third-rate frat pledge, with what seems like a fortnight-long hangover: being awake at 3 AM, asleep at 10 AM, WAY too familiar with the curves of the porcelain features in my home, and eating only microwavable food when I have to fend for myself. Fortunately, my darling man has really stepped up to the plate-- he's had baby rabies and looking forward to this day for years!-- and has been cooking breakfast for me to eat in bed each morning before he heads off to work and preparing a basic meal for dinner nearly every night. He's a winner, that one, and I feel such good fortune to have him....

Prana and Haven
, I think the "Oh my, I don't look pregnant, I just look FAT!" is a universal phase. We who are posting here now are just the unfortunate ones who get to do it at the height of bikini season! It seems all the upcoming social gatherings the next few weeks involve bathing suits-- birthday pool parties, Fourth of July pool parties, get togethers at the beach... it's strange to be in this interstitial period, without even a self-tanning cream to create the optical illusion of sleekness. Have either of you had to buy new (larger) clothes yet? Have you been to specialty maternity stores yet?

Mia, those are some good HGC results! I think the progesterone issues are more common than we realize, but keep up calling your OB/GYN's office. Those first few weeks are so nerve racking, so I'll be sending some PS Dust for stickiness being sent your way!

RissaLou, congratulations and welcome! It's so surreal during the first few weeks, isn't it?

AMC80, girl, if DF heard you talking about your bra changes like that he'd have a heart attack and slump onto the keyboard. Was there a certain week you "blossomed"? (I keep waiting for it to happen, but my big jump has been from a 34C to... a 34C. Where are the **** star boobs they promise in all the books??!?)

Prana, you're doing a really effective job promoting home dopplers. It's like the "Jewel Jet" craze here a few years back, but for the FH&H set!
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fleur-de-lis|1340750176|3224063 said:
AMC80, girl, if DF heard you talking about your bra changes like that he'd have a heart attack and slump onto the keyboard. Was there a certain week you "blossomed"? (I keep waiting for it to happen, but my big jump has been from a 34C to... a 34C. Where are the **** star boobs they promise in all the books??!?)

I'm trying to was pretty early on, I'd say throughout the first trimester there was some pretty constant growth. I honestly don't think they've grown much since then...but I'm sure that's about the change as the ol' milk chambers start to fill (or whatever they do). Aside from that, they just look totally different. I wouldn't even recognize them if shown a picture. I am a fairly white person, but have yellow based skin rather than pink...and I tan really easily...but it goes back to white really quickly as well. Anyway, my nips and areolas used to be a soft pink and are now REALLY dark. I don't know if it's just me, or the way my skin pigmentation is or what...but it's crazy. So that's another fun think to look out for!

F-D-L--I'm so happy to hear your husband is taking excellent care of you! That must help things a bit, right? How are you feeling now?

As for being in this phase during swimsuit season, I suppose the fact that I feel too sick to leave the house is my saving grace, there!

I bought some maternity clothes a week and a half ago, I think. I was just too uncomfortable in my pants, and I felt like I was wearing muumuus in the few flowy dresses I own, so I asked DH to go maternity clothes shopping with me. We went to the Gap, which had a small section but some great sales, and Macy's. Macy's has a great maternity department. The brands were Pea in the Pod, which was pricey but cute, and Motherhood Maternity. I bought a few items, all on sale.

My favorite purchase is a pair of gray cargo-type maternity pants. They're really cute, and just the type of pants I wear in the summer, and they really don't look like maternity pants. I also bought a long cotton dress, some tanks and tees, and a great pair of black dress pants for the fall. I feel so much better now that I have some comfortable clothes. I was really struggling in the few loose items I owned pre-pregnancy.
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fleur-de-lis|1340750176|3224063 said:
AMC80, girl, if DF heard you talking about your bra changes like that he'd have a heart attack and slump onto the keyboard. Was there a certain week you "blossomed"? (I keep waiting for it to happen, but my big jump has been from a 34C to... a 34C. Where are the **** star boobs they promise in all the books??!?)

For what it's worth, I started off at 34 barely B, and nothing happened for the longest time. But around week 16 or so, they started to grow a bit to a full B. I thought that might be it for me, but from about weeks 21-24, they just took off! And I'm now about a 36C or more. I realize that's nothing compared to Haven and AMC, but for me, it's shocking and I feel a bit **** starish! DH is not complaining.

So I have a strange question for you all: have any of your pets' made any changes or behaved differently since you've become pregnant?

For example, I have an older little fluffy dog who is the apple of my eye. Though he was always active and preferred to be running around and playing for the majority of his life, when he turned 12 he suddenly turned into a lap dog. When we all sit to relax and watch TV after dinner (and lucky me, I somehow wound up with the chaise portion of the sectional, yay!), the little guy had taken to wanting to be brought up, where he would promptly turn three times and stretch out on my legs with his head on my knees. In the last two months, however, he's taken a completely different tack and now rests facing me, on my abdomen, with his head/ear pressed against my uterus. The timing is so strange!
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fleur-de-lis|1340755493|3224107 said:
So I have a strange question for you all: have any of your pets' made any changes or behaved differently since you've become pregnant?

For example, I have an older little fluffy dog who is the apple of my eye. Though he was always active and preferred to be running around and playing for the majority of his life, when he turned 12 he suddenly turned into a lap dog. When we all sit to relax and watch TV after dinner (and lucky me, I somehow wound up with the chaise portion of the sectional, yay!), the little guy had taken to wanting to be brought up, where he would promptly turn three times and stretch out on my legs with his head on my knees. In the last two months, however, he's taken a completely different tack and now rests facing me, on my abdomen, with his head/ear pressed against my uterus. The timing is so strange!
I've heard of animals behaving differently when their owner is pregnant!

We have three cats and two dogs, and they all kind of follow me around and drape themselves all over me all the time. My Pit Bull mix has always been really protective of me when I'm alone in the house, but I think she's even more alert now that I'm pregnant. The one big noticeable change is that one of our cats, Vince, now cuddles up with me every single night when I go to bed. They all sleep in the bed with us, anyway, but Vince never cuddled up with me before. It's really sweet. I don't know if it's just a coincidence or not, but I'll take the cuddles either way!

I came back to this thread to share what I hope is a breakthrough in my nausea situation. I know everyone says that ginger aids nausea, the problem is the only form of ginger I like is ginger ale. (Or so I thought!) And I got sick of all that carbonation really quickly. But tonight I realized that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the carrot ginger dressing that comes with salads at most sushi places. DH was going to make some for me, but he bailed out and just went to our local sushi place, instead. He brought home a big salad with a ton of ginger dressing and I swear it really, really helped. I felt so much better that I ate a salmon roll, too. (Naughty, I know, but we trust this place.)

Anyway, if you are not a ginger fan, try the ginger dressing from your local sushi place. I really think it helped! (And it is so delicious. I could eat spoonfuls of it.) I tried the candied ginger from Whole Foods but YEEHAW! Is it spicy. I couldn't eat it.
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amc80|1340751347|3224074 said:
fleur-de-lis|1340750176|3224063 said:
AMC80, girl, if DF heard you talking about your bra changes like that he'd have a heart attack and slump onto the keyboard. Was there a certain week you "blossomed"? (I keep waiting for it to happen, but my big jump has been from a 34C to... a 34C. Where are the **** star boobs they promise in all the books??!?)

I'm trying to was pretty early on, I'd say throughout the first trimester there was some pretty constant growth. I honestly don't think they've grown much since then...but I'm sure that's about the change as the ol' milk chambers start to fill (or whatever they do). Aside from that, they just look totally different. I wouldn't even recognize them if shown a picture. I am a fairly white person, but have yellow based skin rather than pink...and I tan really easily...but it goes back to white really quickly as well. Anyway, my nips and areolas used to be a soft pink and are now REALLY dark. I don't know if it's just me, or the way my skin pigmentation is or what...but it's crazy. So that's another fun think to look out for!

My boobs went from a DD to an E by 14 weeks and then stayed pretty consistent for the rest of the pregnancy. When my milk came in after DD was born, I went up to a GG!!! :o

Oh, and AMC - I read somewhere that areolas become darker so that baby has a target to look for when latching on! Not sure if that is true or not though.
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bobbin|1340798169|3224309 said:
My boobs went from a DD to an E by 14 weeks and then stayed pretty consistent for the rest of the pregnancy. When my milk came in after DD was born, I went up to a GG!!! :o

Oh, and AMC - I read somewhere that areolas become darker so that baby has a target to look for when latching on! Not sure if that is true or not though.

I was a 32E before getting pregnant... which was grand, not too large and in proportion for the rest of me. By 16 weeks I was a 32FF. I went back last week at 27 weeks as I needed to get a more moulded bra with some more coverage (it was out of stock in my size when I went in initially), and yeah. 34GG. And the girl told me to expect another growth spurt at about 8 months!

bobbin I heard that too, from our ante-natal instructor. She told us that babies can't see colour very well, they see high contrast best (like black and white stripes), hence the darkening of the area around the nipple so they focus on it. She also said that colostrum smells exactly like amniotic fluid apparently so the babies are drawn to the nipples as its a familiar smell, and that the crawling action newborn babies do with their feet straight after birth actually stimulates Mom's uterus to contract and release the placenta. Isn't nature amazing?!?