
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Re:

bobbin|1340798169|3224309 said:
Oh, and AMC - I read somewhere that areolas become darker so that baby has a target to look for when latching on! Not sure if that is true or not though.

In that case, baby should have no trouble finding them...from space.

Buttons That is some pretty cool info. Nature really is incredible, it seems to know exactly what to do.

Mia Glad you got the supposetories! Keep us posted!

F-D-L We are due around the same time! I hit 12 weeks today. One more week til I'm out of the 1st trimester!! Glad your husband is so supportive. Mine's pretty good as well, but he doesn't seem to fully understand what I'm going through. I was telling him about my cravings the other day, and he told me I was making him sick :lol: It did involve a lot of hotdogs and fair foods. :lol:

I have bought a few new clothing items. I wear dresses year round, I only own one pair of pants. Those pants have not been worn in about a month now. So my wadrobe hasn't changed too much. I've been leaving the more fitted dresses on the hangers for the past few weeks in favor of the more flowy variety, but once I pop I'll go back to wearing the fitted ones so I can show off my bump before it gets too obnoxious.

My dog was super clingy when I first got pregnant, and super protective. He went back to normal and now he's sort of clingy again. I think he knows something is happening. He met our best friends newborn the other day and he was just over the moon for that baby. He wanted to check him out so bad and give him kisses and sniff his wee-wee, but my dog is 95lb and very invasive, so we had to constantly be redirecting him.

Glad to hear everyone else's boobs are huge. :wacko:

All of these huge boob stories are terrifying me! :cheeky:

So, my little experiment going off of Zofran didn't work. I stopped taking it for two days in the hopes that my digestive system would start working normally again, and . . . I've thrown up twice already today. Blerg.

Prana--Your pup sounds like he's going to be a wonderful big brother!
Re: Re:

amc80|1340811604|3224408 said:
bobbin|1340798169|3224309 said:
Oh, and AMC - I read somewhere that areolas become darker so that baby has a target to look for when latching on! Not sure if that is true or not though.

In that case, baby should have no trouble finding them...from space.

Re: Re:

Prana|1340815193|3224441 said:
My dog was super clingy when I first got pregnant, and super protective. He went back to normal and now he's sort of clingy again. I think he knows something is happening. He met our best friends newborn the other day and he was just over the moon for that baby. He wanted to check him out so bad and give him kisses and sniff his wee-wee, but my dog is 95lb and very invasive, so we had to constantly be redirecting him.

Your pup is 95 pounds? Your child is TOTALLY going to try and ride that dog like a horse someday! What breed is he?

My brother and I each tried riding the family dog when we were toddlers. Alas, the dog was a 5 pound black poodle. For some reason, he never liked kids. :wacko:

Somebody at work just informed me that I've gained weight.

I told him I was pregnant.
Re: Re:

fleur-de-lis|1340824279|3224561 said:
Prana|1340815193|3224441 said:
My dog was super clingy when I first got pregnant, and super protective. He went back to normal and now he's sort of clingy again. I think he knows something is happening. He met our best friends newborn the other day and he was just over the moon for that baby. He wanted to check him out so bad and give him kisses and sniff his wee-wee, but my dog is 95lb and very invasive, so we had to constantly be redirecting him.

Your pup is 95 pounds? Your child is TOTALLY going to try and ride that dog like a horse someday! What breed is he?

My brother and I each tried riding the family dog when we were toddlers. Alas, the dog was a 5 pound black poodle. For some reason, he never liked kids. :wacko:
He's an American Bulldog. I try to ride him too.

My nieces actually like to dress him up like a show pony. They decorate him with flowers and drape blankets on him and have him walk around. He loves it. He walks with his head high in the air like he knows he's hot stuff. He loves kids.

Prana--BLURG to your coworker. Who tells people they've gained weight? That's insane. I *just* watched the Atlantic City SATC episode, the one where a chubby guy tells Miranda to get her "fat ass" out of the seat at the blackjack table, and then the girls tell him Miranda just had a baby, so what's his excuse?!
I'd love to have the opportunity to use that line on someone. :cheeky:
There's a thread in hangout about people we don't like, if you need to do some venting! :Up_to_something:

I LOVE American Bulldogs. I think I remember your pup, have you posted pictures before? My Bailee is a Pit/Bulldog/whotheheckknows mix. Love that pup like none other.

Haven I know I look fat, so it partly didn't bother me, and I know that I haven't gained much, if any at all and I'm almost out of the first trimester.

That being said though, and even though I know I'm pregnant, it is incredibly damaging for people to make comments like that. I did have a severe eating disorder from the time I was about 11 to the time I was about 25. I've gotten control over it somewhat, but it never goes away and I have an incredibly unhealthy relationship with food and body image. So even though I've been really healthy so far, with only the occasional splurge, I'm still not handling the changes that well. I know I should feel fine because my weight is stable, but my body looks so different already, and it's not in that good cute pregnant way. I hope I feel better about myself once I actually start to look pregnant. I wish I carried pregnancy like Gisele and my limbs were waifish and all I had was just a baby bump lol. My arms are bloated, my boobs are bigger which makes everything tighter, my stomach just looks fat. I'm a muscularly curvy person to begin with, and this is all making me feel like a disgusting person.

I would never comment on someone's body or changes that I noticed because there is usually a reason behind that change that people might not be comfortable divulging. I don't know where some people learned social skills, but a lot of people just don't have any.

Sorry for the continued posts about this stuff, but I'm very sensitive to it.

And I have posted pics of my boy! He's the love of our lives (right now) and he makes me so incredibly happy. He's so good.


ETA: Here's our moon and stars. I love him so much, I can't imagine the love I'm going to have for our child. :)) And I changed the photo.
Re: Re:

Prana|1340831352|3224641 said:

ETA: Here's our moon and stars. I love him so much, I can't imagine the love I'm going to have for our child. :)) And I changed the photo.

Good god, that's one handsome dog!
Re: Re:

Prana|1340827373|3224594 said:
Somebody at work just informed me that I've gained weight.

I told him I was pregnant.

And there's your answer right there. (Was it the old, married hermit, or the young, never-has-a-longterm-girlfriend guy? The socially clueless ones tend to fall into ones of those archetypes.)

What a jerk.

Prana--Yes! I remember your gorgeous boy! He really is handsome. I showed his picture to DH the last time I saw it, he's so good-looking!

I know what you mean about the love you have for your pup. I cannot tell you how much I love our furbabies. Sometimes DH and I talk about how it's going to be hard to love a baby more. (My best friend has a one-year-old son and a Viszla. She still calls her pup her "first born". She also tells me that I'll have no idea how much I can love someone until we have our baby, so she's not a horrible mama or anything!)

As for your coworker, I don't care if you grow an extra head overnight and you choose to adorn your new neck in a huge, frilly Elizabethan collar--nobody has any right to make any comment about your body. Period.

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with an eating disorder, and I can't imagine how difficult the changes you're going through must be. I never suffered from any image disorders, and I am having a terrible time coping with my changing body. I can't tell you how many times I've put clothes on after a shower, looked in the mirror, and burst into tears.

I still haven't come up with a satisfying response to rude comments like that, but I'm working on it. I'm thinking mouth open utter surprise and clutching my pearls might get the point across. Here's how it goes in my head:

Jerky Person: "Haven, are you sure there aren't twins in there??"
Jerky Person: "Ahh--"
Haven: "What a thing to say!"

And then I will walk away, hair flipping down the hall. :cheeky:

I'm sure the reality will be very different, but it feels good to think about how I *could* react.

Thanks for the pup comments.

Haven, thanks for the laugh. I'm smart enough to not let it really get to me, and I do have a thick skin, but I still don't like it.

I need to start wearing pearls.

Is that you in that picture? You're so pretty!

Prana, of course you don't like it! I'm mad FOR you. One of the biggest adjustments for me being pregnant is going to be handling the way people feel like they can comment on or ask about things that *I* think are inappropriate. DH and I are just so, so private IRL, that I have a hard time with questions that seem invasive in any way. I'll keep practicing that look.
Maybe they should give out a strand of pearls at everyone's first U/S. :cheeky:

That's an old picture of me, I think it's three years old actually. Yikes! (And thanks for being so sweet!) It's the only picture I have where I look somewhat shocked. :cheeky: I was down in Champaign for my sister's college graduation. We had a lot of fun that night, and ended up taking ridiculous pictures into the wee hours of morning.

Prana- I can't believe that guy said that to you. What a tool! I am not looking forward to unsolicited comments about my body/pregnancy/parenting but it seems to happen a lot. I really don't understand why people think these topics are appropriate pregnancy or not. My BIL is notorious for these type of comments and once he tried to compliment me by telling me I looked skinny and I told him I don't appreciate him critiquing my body even it was to compliment me. Your pooch is so cute I just want to hug him!

FDL- Welcome! But you won't be here long at 12 weeks already! Congratulations! My dog is a super dog (he has super powers like jumping onto the kitchen counter and opening drawers, cupboards, and doors :rolleyes: ) But he seems oblivious to my pregnancy and doesn't really act differently. He did chew up a pregnancy test so maybe that's how he feels about this whole thing!

MLK- How have you been? So crazy that we started our cycle so close and it took me so long to get over here! Having such a long cycle was so annoying, but now I am just glad I didn't have to wait for another cycle to try. Plus, the extra monitoring I have received because of my long cycle has given me a lot of peace of mind. Seems like everything is going well so far! It's so weird that before I couldn't see your bubba but now I can. Cute!

Haven- How the heck are you already 15 weeks??? I love your response to rude comments. I'm terrified that someone will try to touch my stomach! I just cringe at the thought of it and have no idea how I would react. I have some friends who say it doesn't bother them but I can't imagine myself ever feeling okay with that.

Puppmom- What's up?! How have you been? What's your due date? Mine is still unknown I guess...

Oh and I had my ultrasound yesterday! See pic below! It was hilarious! The nice lady who did it really prepared me before that it was too early and we surely wouldn't see anything and then BAM! as soon as she put the transvaginal U/S in, there it was! DH didn't get to go because he was swamped at work and I didn't think it was likely we'd see anything, but we have another next week. She said the sac measured 34 days (4 weeks, 6 days?) and that was really all the information I was given. I still haven't received my blood results from yesterday or the official ultrasound report because I guess my doctor's office does not like to call me. Oh well, I have been feeling so much better about this so I am trying not to obsess.

So far no symptoms really. Nipples are more swollen than sore, but I am super constipated! I just ate like 10 dried apricots so hopefully something gives soon here. I am guessing the constipation could be a side effect of the prometrium because my pregnancy book said that progesterone slows down metabolism and your intestines.

Telling people- I HATE keeping secrets! I told all of my very close friends and my SIL. For some reason I haven't felt ready to tell my sisters because one is currently pregnant and I am a little nervous about the "steal my thunder" thing, and I don't know if the other sister will be able to keep it a secret from the rest of my family. DH and I are going back and forth between telling our parents after the heartbeat (miscarriage rate goes to less than 5%) or after the first trimester. I just think if anything we'd like the support if we were to lose the pregnancy.


Hi ladies, wow it has been such a long time since I posted. I have just been so exhausted this week, my neck is all out which means that I am not sleeping on top of my exhaustion, so although I have been reading, I have just not been up to posting.

Mia, great to hear things are moving along for you and you are making progress with your docs. Great that they were able to see something on the ultrasound, when I was able to see something, it made it so much more real, like I wasn't imagining it. DH was telling the OB that he thought I had just had a big feed of potatoes (he's irish)!

Prana, I have never seen a dog like that, it looks so much like a boxer (which breed I have grown up with). I can't believe anyone would comment on another person's weight, I bet he got the shock of his life with your response. Why can't people just keep their big fat mouths shut.

Haven, you look so young in that photo, you obviously have wonderful genes that you will passing on to your baby.

Dandi, not sure if you are still checking in, but hi aif you are. Hope the Melbourne weather is not too cold for you! How is the srping cleaning/getting room ready for baby going?

Indecisive, any other symptoms yet? Hope MS has held off so far.

Pupp, what is happening with you? Have you seen a doc yet?

Fleur, wow 12 weeks you will be in the big girls thread in no time.

AFM, 8w4d and no actual morning sickness but I am no longer starving and am not really feeling like eating at times. I guess I ahve what you can call a little sick feeling in my tummy but nothing more than that. I ahve had hot chips 3 days in a row for lunch as that is all I feel like at the moment. So bad I know, but at least I am eating something, right? Well on the topic of boobs, I had to go bra shopping yesterday. I thought I had gone from a C to a D, but one bra I brought was a D and it is almost too small now. Good thing was it was end of financial year sales, so most bras I brought were reduced from $50-70 to $20-25. I also brought two maternity work skirts which were half price in anticipation of needing them in a couple of months. The sales were too hard to walk past.

Also, the pram/stroller I want has a limited edition colour which is the only thing DH and I can agree on. It is reduced by $200 dollars at the moment and the shop only has 4 more available. It would take 6-8 weeks to come in. What would you do? I know it is way too early to be thinking of it, but I just really want that exact one.

I have my formal intake for the hospital and tour on Tuesday night, and kind of excited about it but anxious at the same time. They will also give me details of the prenatal classes and I assume book me in for those.

Mia--How exciting to see your little bean in the ultrasound! And I hope all the nasty symptoms stay far away for you! How are you feeling now? Things are moving along nicely!

MLK--Welcome back, lady! Your so sweet, but I WAS young in that photo, 28 I think. ;( I'm 31 now, which doesn't seem like that much older, but man do I FEEL old at the moment.
I'm so glad to hear you aren't very sick. And hot chips sound delicious!
Did you end up buying the pram? If you know it's what you want, I would totally buy it now.

How are all our other JBP ladies doing?

I'm doing better today. I went to my book club meeting last night and made it through the entire thing, and then today I spent most of the day out of the house. I'm really hoping things are going to get better and better every day, sickness wise. It felt so good to just be normal today.

Oh, and my bump is sticking out. I definitely don't think I look for sure pregnant yet, but I do look for sure bigger. It's very strange, but exciting.

Haven, I am the same age as you and know exactly what you mean about feeling like you have aged over the years. I feel I have aged so much in the last 4 years that I feel like an old hag now, although I have had a lot of emotional stress over the last 4 years, so I think I am jaded more than anything. I didn't buy the pram yet. I think the sale is on until 27 July, which is the day of my NT scan, so I am thinking of trying my luck and seeing if they still have the one available that day. It is an Australia wide department store, so even if the Sydney CBD store doesn't have it, they may be able to locate it in another. I think that is as much risk as I am going to take at this stage. Only 3.5 weeks to go! I hope no one else likes green!

Well I hate sounding like a hypochondriac, but has anyone else felt pains in their groin/panty line? I had this pain one day last week in my left and it went away overnight, but now have it today in my right side. I don't know if it is round ligament pain, although I didn't think that started until the second tri. It is fine if I am still, but if I get up from sitting, walk, especially down stairs, or try to clamp my legs shut, it hurts. I am pretty sure I haven't pulled a muscle from any exertion, especially since I had the same thing on the other side last week. Any thoughts?

Hi mlk! Thanks for asking after me, I'm going great! The spring cleaning is trucking along, we're in full steam ahead mode now! :bigsmile: Oh the weather here, it's a classic Victorian winter, freezing cold with tons of rain! I have a nasty cold at the moment so have a couple of days off work, and am very happy to be curled up inside cuddling my dogs, while alot of activity goes on around me. Which pram are you hoping to get??
Haven, how cool you have a bump!! :appl: Some days I really pop and other days, I swear it retracts and I don't look pregnant! :shock:
mia, yay for you! Things are going along very nicely, yippee!!! :appl: :appl: Hope you're feeling fit and strong!
Hello to Prana, indecisive, fleur and pupp, I hope you're all well! :wavey: :wavey:

Sorry I haven't been checking in much ladies, I've not had much of a chance to get to a computer, I've been so busy! I'm nearly 18 weeks and can feel flutters already!! :love: :love: DH's face lights up every time I tell him, and he lays his hands and ear to my tummy in the hope he'll detect something. Not just yet! He can't wait to feel the baby move. I refer to the baby and 'he', whereas he insists it's 'she'! I guess one of us will be right :bigsmile: I'm not showing too much just yet, although in the evenings when I get bloated I look full term! :o I was fitted for some maternity bras yesterday, oh they are heaven!!!!! We have our 20 week scan in two weeks, and other than that are just enjoying picking away at baby planning. I bought 25 modern cloth nappies in a heap of different colours last week, they are SO cute! Mum and dad absolutely spun out when I showed them, they are a far cry from the triangles of cloth and huge safety pins used when we were babies! I think mum is a bit envious of them :Up_to_something: I'm still fitting into all my regular clothes with the exception of needing my Bella Band to keep my jeans up, so far so good! Tomorrow I'm having lunch with one of my closest friends who is 30 weeks with her second baby, it's so fun to share the journey with a close friend who's also preggy!

Much love to everyone!!!

17 weeks 4 days
Re: Re:

mlk|1341217245|3227182 said:
Well I hate sounding like a hypochondriac, but has anyone else felt pains in their groin/panty line? I had this pain one day last week in my left and it went away overnight, but now have it today in my right side. I don't know if it is round ligament pain, although I didn't think that started until the second tri. It is fine if I am still, but if I get up from sitting, walk, especially down stairs, or try to clamp my legs shut, it hurts. I am pretty sure I haven't pulled a muscle from any exertion, especially since I had the same thing on the other side last week. Any thoughts?

It's round ligament pain. Mine started around 10 weeks. The key is that it hurts when you're moving from one position to another. The first time mine really hurt was when we had been in the car for two hours. I stood up and immediately was hunched back over. OMG it is a shocking sort of pain. The good news (at least for me) is it basically went away at some point (towards the 3rd trimester? can't remember). The bad news is it was replaced with what I call crotch pain...which is actually your pubic bone separating and feels like someone is hammering a nail into your pubic bone. Pregnancy is so beautiful! :)

Hi, guys. Sorry I posted my BFP and ran. Things have been hectic and we were away on vacation last week.

I had my first doctor’s appointment yesterday. It went well. We just chatted about the usual prenatal stuff plus some extra testing if I choose since I’m of advanced maternal age. Sheesh, way to make someone who is only 34 feel OLD! The doc offered an ultrasound as early as today but I opted to wait a week. I’ll be 7 weeks then and the results should be definitive one way or the other. One of the worst parts of my miscarriage was getting that first u/s where things didn’t seem on track then having to wait another week to be sure.

Up until this point, I’ve been pretty relaxed but I’m feeling anxious today. I think it’s because I’m six weeks today and a little heart should start beating in there now. Also, this morning MIL said she was excited to find a place to donate all of DS’s infant things (from her house) and they’re picking it up on Friday. I called DH freaking out. I kind of feel like it’s bad karma to give away baby things when you’re pregnant. Of course MIL doesn’t even know I’m pregnant. Ugh, I know these things don’t truly affect the outcome but, in the back of mind, I felt like it was a bad omen.

Sorry for the me-centric post, I barely have a moment to spare after being off from work for a week. I’ll pop back in later.
I hope everyone is well!

ETA - I hope the above doesn't make me sound totally cray-cray. :bigsmile:

Hi MLladies! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. My husband and I and some friends went to the UCI Mountain Biking World Cup over the weekend. It was awesome. I got to hike (run) all over the mountain , and I really felt great.

Let me try to catch up...

Mia I hear ya on the comments. I don't know why people think that a pregnant woman is public territory for comments and touching. And questions and advice.

And congratulations on your US! What a cute little blob. You must be relieved! :appl: I found that for constipation, brocolli works really well. I actually had to start taking colace every day to help me out a little. If you're really bad, a glass of prune juice can provide an emergency evacuation-best done in the privacy of your own home :shock: :lol:

Mlk They're not a very common breed of dog. When I have him in a crowd, people are always baffled. Most people just assume he's a massive pitbull or a mix. Boxers are great. My brother has two.

I went up a lot in bra size. I actually really filled out all over on top :? I hope it's just water retention.

In terms of the pram you want, I would just get it. You know it's the one you want. And even if something happens, (which it won't), you will have kids regardless so it will get used regardless. When my DH and I were in Scotland, there were so many cute baby things I wanted. I finally let myself cave and buy a few things because I knew that we would have babies eventually. I don't think that you are jinxing yourself in any way.

And I had all sorts of abdominal pain, like stomach pain/cramps around 7-10 weeks. Everything is stretching and moving around in there, so I would say that what you are feeling is normal.

haven Congrats on the bump! This is big news!

DandiAndi Thanks for checking in! Glad you are well!

PUppmom SOrry you're feeling anxious. Hopefully this next week flies for you so you can see what's happening in there. Your MIL is going to be bummed out about getting rid of all that stuff!

AFM: I'm in the second trimester as of today!! Woo Hoo! I'm very happy about this. The first trimester was really pretty easy on me, so I have nothing to complain about, but this is a major milestone and I feel like I don't have as much worrying to do. I have a doctor's appointment coming up in the next couple of weeks, but I don't have an US until the gender weeks. We are going team green though, and I really hope that the US tech and Dr's don't spill the beans.

We told some friends and extended family our news. Everyone was thrilled, happy, blown away, excited, you name it! It was nice to have all the happiness, but I'm not much of a sharer or attention hog, so I felt weird about breaking the news. I also feel sort of sad that it's not our little secret anymore, but announcing it made it feel more legit.

I've started to poke around in the big girls thread a bit, I'll probably start to head over there soon. I feel like second trimester is a good time since I'm most definitely pregnant now. :bigsmile:

And I'm pretty sure I felt some fluttering going on last night. I know it's early, but I think I really felt the baby. The heartbeat is getting a lot stronger, and it's been a pretty solid 170-176. Never more, never less. When I put the doppler on my stomach, the baby definitely moves away. And I'm able to hear lots of little swishes and knocks. I'd love to know exactly what they are and what is going on in there.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Hello again! I went MIA planning a birthday for my mom and then we had the crazy storm/power outage issues. I overdid it and I am just now recovering.

Prana- Congrats on your second trimester! So exciting. That is great that you are feeling flutters too. That must be so amazing.

pupmom- I think 7 weeks will be a good time to see your baby. Early pregnancy is so stressful no sense in adding to it. It might be late but maybe you could volunteer to drop of the baby stuff and then hide it? My best friend is starting to give me her baby things and it makes it feel real and exciting and I am so grateful but it also makes me nervous. I hate feeling like things that I do or don't do can jinx things!

amc- Ugh, round ligament pain sounds like no fun!

Andi- I am so happy you are feeling the baby! I can't wait for that. We are planning on cloth diapers too. I can't wait to get some. It is funny when you tell people and they think you are talking about cloth diapers from 20 years ago.

mlk- I would be so tempted to buy the pram on sale too. I haven't even let myself look at anything because I would be so tempted. I have been too tired to post lately too. Sorry about the pain. I hope you feel better soon!

Haven- Happy Anniversary! And next year you will have a little one to celebrate with! I am glad your ms is going away and you are getting a bump.

mia- How are you feeling? I am on a different progesterone supplement but I am having similar issues. Apricots sound so good though so I will have to get some. Glad your u/s went well.

fdl- I don't think my dog has notices but she is not very observant. I don't think she would be happy if she knew because she loves being an only child. That is a sweet story about your pup though!

Afm, I have a DRs appointment tomorrow. I will be having an u/s as well and I am very excited but also pretty nervous. I am just so worried about the little one already! DH is coming with me so he will be trying to keep me calm. I still haven't had nausea per se but I have had a few bouts of dry heaves and food aversions. I also feel so bloated! It is all worth it for my baby though! I hope everyone is feeling good and babies are growing away!

Happy 4th of July to the Americans here!!!

MLK- You are so right that seeing something, even a tiny black hole made it feel so much more real! I can't wait to see more though! I am also struggling to not buy anything for the baby yet because I keep seeing awesome sales! I am just trying to put it off though because I don't want to get my hopes up because it is still very early. I love the idea of getting the Pram after the NT scan, maybe I will set a similar start date for purchases.

Haven- I'm glad you are feeling better! You have a bump already? That is awesome!

Dandi- 17 weeks and feeling flutters!?! What are you doing here? Get over to the big girls thread! Seriously though, yay for feeling flutters, that must be so exciting!

Puppman- Thanks for checking in! You don't sound cray-cray at all. I'm feeling the same type of anxiety that something could go wrong. As for your MIL donating DS's things, I'm not a superstitious at all but I felt anxious for you just reading about it because I keep thinking "Wait! There is another baby coming that could use that stuff!" I love indecisive's idea to intercept the loot and hide it! It would also make for a fun way to tell her! It must be so frustrating to not be able to tell her. Make sure to update us on how the ultrasound goes!

Prana- Thanks for the comment on my "cute" blob! I sent out a pic to some close friends in a group text and it was so hilarious reading their reactions! My favorite response was "Okay, I am a guy and I am gay, so what am I looking at? Are these your lady parts?" The responses to him from my other friends trying to explain it all to him were also very funny! See my complaints below about constipation. Nothing really works for me! Congrats on 2nd trimester and the flutter action! Why are you ladies still hanging out here?! :wink2: Do you have a doppler? I'm thinking that I may be type that will want one.

Indecisive- Thanks for asking how I am feeling. I'm doing pretty good! See below about my symptoms and side effects though. Yay for your ultrasound tomorrow! Good luck! Isn't it amazing how we become so worried? I am definitely not a worrier but I have been pure nerves since the BFP! Your symptoms are a great sign that everything will be just fine!

AFM, well a couple of random things happened yesterday. #1, the pharmacy called me to tell me that the prescription my doctor called in is not covered under my insurance. Okay, but I didn't know my doctor called in any prescription! So I ask what it is and she says it is a prenatal vitamin that will cost $80 out of pocket! :eek: I just told her I will have to check with my doc first to make sure it is necessary. So what kind of prenatal do you guys take? I just take a target brand gummy prenatal because I hate pills and they taste like candy. But of course when you compare them to the pills they don't have everything. They do have DHA and 800 mcg of Folic Acid and I eat a pretty balanced diet (love my fruits and veggies). So what do you think? Of course I will ask my doctor for more info on what she was prescribing but $80 is a lot! Then #2, I also got an email from my doctor about my ultrasound and bloodwork. Of course she didn't say which bloodwork or if she has even looked at Friday's but she said that US and HCG looked good but Progesterone is still a little on the low side. It was 13.9 on Wednesday which was only a day after I started it (up from 6.8 on Monday) but I don't know what Friday's was or if she was referring to Friday's. Either way, she wanted me to use the suppositories twice per day now, which I am happy to do.

So, yesterday morning I got the email before leaving for work so I decided to just insert the pill and work from my bed for an hour. WHOA! :o Holy Side- Effects Batman! I felt super dizzy and nauseous within a half an hour! I googled side effects and not only are these common side effects from prometrium but all the "symptoms" of my pregnancy that I have been feeling are also side effects (sore nipples, constipation, tired all the time). I am kind of bummed because I ended up feeling pretty lousy all day yesterday and I wish I could attribute it to a normal pregnancy, but it's just side effects. I know obviously that pregnancy symptoms are obviously caused by progesterone so there could be some overlap, but my body really isn't making enough progesterone on its own. I guess I just don't like that I don't have any signs to tell me that everything is going to be okay. Even the fact that I haven't had any bleeding could be attributed to the progesterone. Okay enough ranting for me. I did stop peeing on sticks and taking my temps though. I have 2 tests left but I know that even if I miscarried it would show positive for a while. I also am having another U/S on Friday and we will hopefully see a yolk this time or maybe even a fetal pole or heartbeat! Just need to keep positive!

Constipation- Oh Em Gee! It has been so bad! I used to say "oh I'm constipated!" all the time (to my husband and close friends, yes I am a joy to be around!) but I NEVER REALLY KNEW what true constipation was all about. It is so horrible and uncomfortable! I feel full all the time even when I am starving and NOTHING worked! Apricots, peaches, pears, broccoli, fiber bars, drinking TONS of water, nothing! So I picked up some Miralax and it took 3 days of doses and all of the above foods to finally work! I also ran a 5k today and I think that may have had a big part in helping things to move. Anyway, I think [hope] I have it under control now and I am feeling a little better.

amc, thanks for chiming in about the round ligament pain. I that was probably it too, as it pretty much went away overnight again. You are always so helpful towards us newbies!

Mia, if it was up to me only, I probably would've started buying things immediately, but DH is a lot more cautious, indecisive and oh did I say tight than I am. I grew up in a household where my father liked shopping and would come home with gifts for my mother all the time and I can only imagine he went over the top when they found out they were having me, so DH's tightness is very foreign to me. Oh and I hear you on the constipation, although my seems to swing from sever constipation to severe the other way! How annoying not getting a straight answer from your doc, hopefully you are able to get some assurance soon.

Indecisive, good luck at your appointment tomorrow. If you get a pic, make sure you post it, I am only a couple of days behind you and would love to see what bubba looks like at this stage!

Prana, yay for getting out of the first tri. Oh and thanks for the reassurance I am not completely made wanting to buy things now. When I brought some bras on sale the other day, one of them was a maternity bra and the woman in the shop said oh this is a maternity bra and looked at me like I was made. All I could say back to her was I know!

Pupp, glad to hear everything is going well. 7 weeks is a great time to see bub, you will definately hear a HB then.

Dandi, saw your post on the preggo thread and I can see a difference in your pic, but you are so toned, you are going to have one cute basketball bump. I on the other hand don't have a completely flat belly, so hate to think what I am going to like like by the time 17 weeks comes around. Oh the pram is the bugaboo cameleon in jade green, it is so pretty and green for ireland! I'll see if I can post a pic.

Hi to anyone else I missed :wavey:

AFM, the round ligament pain has gone away and no more symptoms for the last few days, even my food aversions have taken a back seat for a few days. I hope that does not mean things aren't going well. I keep on having nightmares that I am having a miscarriage, or that the baby is born and later dies. Is anyone else having these kind of nightmares? Oh and DH and I seem to be having so many arguments lately, I guess I am tired and hormonal and see that he is a little lazy/selfish and it just irritates me. Like today, I was really late home from work cos of the rain and as soon as I walked in the door he went downstairs for an hour long bath. Didn't ask me if it was ok, if I needed help or nothing and I had to sort out dinner and then it was on the table when he got back upstairs. He said that is what he did before we got married, so what is the problem now! ARRRRGH men whose mothers babied them....

Re: Re:

mia1181|1341453832|3228755 said:
So what kind of prenatal do you guys take? I just take a target brand gummy prenatal because I hate pills and they taste like candy. But of course when you compare them to the pills they don't have everything. They do have DHA and 800 mcg of Folic Acid and I eat a pretty balanced diet (love my fruits and veggies). So what do you think?

That's what I take and my doctor was fine with them. The folic acid is the important thing at this point. The one thing they are missing is iron, so keep an eye on that. I'm sure your doc will test your levels at some point. I ended up having to go on an iron supplement at around 26 weeks. I was just retested and my levels haven't gone up at all, so now I'm taking two iron pills a night.

I was taking CVS prenatals, but since I've been so terribly sick I switched to taking two Flinstones w/iron chewables a day. They have everything but the zinc in them, so I just have to make sure to eat food with enough zinc for the week from my diet.

My doctor said that sometimes people can't stomach the binding product they use in pills meant to be swallowed whole, so the chewables might be an improvement. I don't know if they're helping with my MS, but I was obsessed wtih Flintstones vitamins as a kid, so I'm loving them!

Well I had my appointment yesterday but it looks like someone made a mistake as to the timing. They had me marked as coming in for an 11 week appointment but I am only 9 weeks. They only did a super quick u/s so the pictures don't really look like anything but I did see that little one is bigger and heart is still beating! They also did cultures and that really hurt!! I guess I may have too low a pain threshold to go drug free for my labor. I also talked to my doctor about my cervix and he agreed that it did sit low but it was not thin and felt normal. He said it was OK to DTD but I worry about my cervix being right there. Does anyone have a low cervix as well?

mia- Those side effects do not sound fun! I know how you feel though. My DH thinks that if I don't have bleeding and cramps that everything is fine but progesterone keeps anything from showing. We are doing everything we can for the babies though. Your progesterone was actually higher than mine so I think your little one is getting what he or she needs. My mom is obsessed with vitamins so I am on a fancy prenatal from the health food store. If yours has the folic acid and you are eating a balanced diet I think you are fine. I am super impressed at the 5k. I am so hot when I am outside i don't like walking to my car!

mlk- I was disappointed when the pictures didn't look like anything because I couldn't post them for you! The baby is bigger and still has a big head. I go in the 26th to check my cyst so hopefully I will have a better picture then. I love the stroller. That is so exciting. I am sorry your DH isn't as understanding as he should be. I think they don't really realize what is going on until you are showing. Maybe you could get him a pregnancy book geared towards men?