
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Welcome and CONGRATULATIONS F-D-L! I am so thrilled for you!!!!

We had a very short TTC journey, too, and sometimes I'm still SHOCKED to be here in this thread already. :o

monkeyprincess- Thank for the info. I don't know anything about my placenta yet but I do know I have a retroverted uterus. I bet that will make it harder to find the HB too. I will be 12 weeks just after my birthday so maybe I can get one as a birthday present!

pupmom- How are you feeling? Was your DH really excited on Father's Day?

Jgator- Thanks for the tips! DH always places his hand really low on my belly to "talk" to the baby. I will have to tell him he is on the right track.

Fleur-de-lis - Welcome!! I am so happy for you. How lucky that you are that fertile! I saw my little one's heartbeat last week and it is just the most amazing thing. How far along are you? Any symptoms? Wishing you a happy/healthy 9 months!

mlk, no hon I didn't, but do mention it at your appointment if you're concerned, but I'm sure that's all it is. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing!
YIPPEEEEEEEE, huge congrats f-d-l!!!! Welcome welcome welcome!!!!! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

Welcome and congratulations FDL!!!

On the topic of dopplers.. I used mine at ten weeks exactly and was surprised to actually hear the heartbeat that early. I had to look right above my pubic bone and press somewhat hard, but it was there, loud and clear. I also have a retroverted uterus. After I found it that time, though, I cannot not find it now. I know it's there so everytime (cougheverynightcough) I use it, I don't stop until I find that heartbeat. Last night it took me 10 minutes to find and it was making me so anxious. Marvin moves around a lot, one day on the left, the next on the right. I think I might be able to hear fetal movements as well, there's a lot of these weird knocking sounds and when I put the doppler in certain areas, if sounds as if something is scurrying away. I think I hear the placenta sometimes too, it sounds like wind blowing. I usually have to move the doppler around quite a bit, and sometimes it's only the difference of moving it 1/2 a centimeter whether I hear it or not.

Well 3 hours to go until my OB appointment and I'm so nervous I can't sleep. I really hope there's a sticky healthy bubba in there
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mlk|1340311307|3221279 said:
Well 3 hours to go until my OB appointment and I'm so nervous I can't sleep. I really hope there's a sticky healthy bubba in there
Thinking lots of good, healthy, sticky thoughts for you, mlk! Can't wait to hear how it went!

Thanks haven!

Welcome fleur, hope you have a sticky bean in there too. How far along are you?

Well just out of the OB wow he has the most amazing rooms, two middies and the biggest fandangled ultrasound machine. Well there is one baby in there, measuring 7w2d which Is exactly my calculations with a hb of 154. He said miscarriage risk is now 5%. I feel so relieved. Oh and I too have a retroverted uterus, which is what I thought I heard the us tech say when I had my Ovaries checked (but the report said it was anteverted) good thing I listened to my instincts and laid on my tummy after bding this time, I'm sure that's what did the trick!

And here is a pic...


MLK- Aw! The pic isn't working for me so I can't see your bubba, but congratulations!!!!!! :appl: It feels like you just got your BFP!

Hey is there a thread for like really just barely pregnant PSers??? I feel weird posting here or in TTC since AF isn't even late yet! I am 11DPO and 4DPBFP! It's just so early it doesn't feel real yet, but today I decided I will just proceed as if I am actually pregnant since the positive thoughts can't hurt. Since my LMP was way back on good old April 28th, my doc has been putting me through the ringer to get an EDD, but alas it is just too early. So I had blood drawn on Monday and again on Wednesday and an ultrasound on Wednesday too. The US was kind of sad because although I knew there was no chance anything would be there it still sucked to go home with no reassurance whatsoever that I am or will continue to be pregnant. My results said my endometrium was thick at 1.2 cm, but that can happen right before AF or during pregnancy. My HCG on Monday (8DPO) was 22 and on Wednesday (10DPO) it was 65 so although it is way low it did double. My progesterone was 7.1 on Monday and 11.7 on Wednesday. Anyone know if that is okay? Is progesterone supposed to double too? Anyhoodles, they want me to get tests every 48 hours until it gets up to 2000! So all the bonus early monitoring is not turning out to be as much fun as I thought but I think everything is okay for now. I also have to get another US next week but I think it will likely be too early still.

Congrats mlk!! I am so happy you got to see your little one!! I can't see the picture either but I am sure he or she is just adorable! We have a lot of retroverted uteri on PS, don't we? I laid that way after baby dancing too.

Welcome Mia! Very glad to have more newbies! Funny, my lmp is the 28th of April too. I am glad your betas are going up like they are supposed to. They don't look for progesterone to double they just check the level. I know that progesterone can fluctuate a lot throughout the day. I never got my levels that early so I don't know how yours compare. Lots of sticky dust going your way!

YIPPPEE!! Oh mlk I'm so happy for you hon, you saw your precious bean!!!!!! Does it feel so much more real now?! I've been thinking about you all day!! Yay yay yay! :appl: :appl: :appl: I know you had a bit of a time choosing an OB, how do you like the one you've picked? Oh, and one more retroverted uterus here, same as my mum! :bigsmile:

Welcome welcome mia!! Sending tons of sticky dust your way!!!!!

YAAAAAAY MLK! What a wonderful visit! So excited for you!

Mia--I am SO thrilled for you! Sticky sticky sticky dust!!!! :appl:

Congrats MLK!

Mia, that's too bad that you are being overmonitored now just because of your LMP date. Definitely way too early to see anything on an ultrasound, so try not to be discouraged. Your betas sound just fine for that early, and hopefully you'll see them continue to rise steadily. Your progesterone is probably okay too for so early, and hopefully, it will keep going up a bit in the next few days (but it doesn't need to double). If not, you can ask about getting supplementation. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Congratulations MLK! I'm thrilled for you!

Welcome Mia! I'm sorry for all the uncertainty, but I'm really hoping that this is a nice sticky bean for you! It is very early, so I hope you can find some consolation in that.

Thanks Mia, Dandi, INdecisive, Haven, Monkey and Prana for your lovely well wishes. Not sure what happened to the pic cos it is showing up for me, maybe its the format of the picture?

I cannot keep on looking at the picture, it is so amazing I can even see lips (I think) at such an early stage.

Dandi, to answer your question, I think I am in good hands with the OB, he is youngish (in his 40's) and worked in Ireland for 2 years, even in the big town near where DH comes from and studied, so they had a great chat. He did seem like he wasn't fazed by what ifs, vaginal delivery/C-section, epidurals etc cos DH started asking about all of them and he said it was a long way off. HIs two midwives also seem lovely and I can call them whenever I need too. Oh and he also has a lactation consultant that I can see after the birth and she runs breastfeeding classes in addition to the hospital ones. He isn't cheap, but given the area I am in, and the demand for the two private hospitals in my area, he was one of the cheaper ones. I guess if the hospital is good enough for the packers and murdochs, it must be ok.

Mia, I don't know anything about progesterone levels, as mine never got tested, but I think your betas are good at 10dpo (I think that is when you had them drawn). For your reference, my beta was 215 at 14dpo but never got checked again. I remember you saying we were going to be cycle buddies, my LMP was April 26, and here we are together with Indecisive!

Hope all you lovely ladies are baking away well.

mlk- I can see the picture now. Your little one is adorable!!

Hey ladies!

I have a preggo story that I want to share with you:

So, yesterday was the first day in so long that I felt okay enough to leave the house. DH and I went to Target to get things to put in care packages for our niece and family friends' kids who are at summer camp right now. I was feeling mildly nauseous, but it was good to be out and about. Just as we're getting into the car, DH sees someone and says, "Is that Anna?" Turns out it's a woman he used to date, she's there with her husband. We have a nice chat in the parking lot. She's a triathlete, so you know, she's super fit and tan and just all around a nightmare for me to be facing when I barely made it out of the house that morning. And they're super nice of course, so I can't hate her. :cheeky:

We're talking and she says, "Oh, and we're expecting our third child now." :shock: I'm thinking, First of all, that is not fair. I never looked like that when I wasn't pregnant. And second, at least now DH can share that I'm pregnant too which will explain why I'm greasy and have a pooch in my belly. But what does he do? Nothing. He congratulates them and we say our goodbyes. We get in the car and I say, "Honey! Why didn't you tell them I'm pregnant, too?" He said he didn't eve think of telling them. :eek: So of course, I started to cry.

It's official. I am just not a good pregnant lady. I don't do pregnant well. I am so thrilled to be pregnant, but I really suck at it.

And I really want some sushi. And eggs benedict. And a bottle of red wine.

I thought this was a story that only my JBP ladies could appreciate. Laugh with me, because I'm going to cry if you don't. :cheeky:
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Haven|1340648437|3223341 said:
And I really want some sushi. And eggs benedict. And a bottle of red wine.

Ugh, don't you hate those people who look better pregnant than you ever could not pregnant? Makes me want to punch them.

BTW, I've had eggs benedict approximately 20 times since I've been preggo. We go out to breakfast almost Saturday and that's always what I get. I file it under the "I've never gotten sick from it before, so why would I now?" category. Just like lunch meat and frozen yogurt.

Haven, oh my goodness, I would've reacted the same way! And your DH sounds a lot like mine. At this point, it's obvious to anyone that I'm pregnant, but before, when I was only slightly showing and we would see his old friends or acquaintances, he would never tell anyone. Even if they gave him an opening like what is new with you guys, DH would "forget" to mention it. To me, it's the biggest thing we've ever gone through, and he "forgets" to mention it? Men! Ha. And don't feel bad, I don't "do" pregnancy very well either I've decided. For someone who wanted a baby so badly and tried for quite awhile to get pregnant, I sure whine and complain a lot!

That's it! DH and I are going to Walker Bros for lunch and I'm getting bacon and eggs benedict!

And yes, I hate those fabulous pregnant women. Unless their PSers, then I'll just be jealous of you. :cheeky: I am truly turning out to be a grumpy, greasy, wild-haired pregnant lady.
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monkeyprincess|1340649763|3223360 said:
Haven, oh my goodness, I would've reacted the same way! And your DH sounds a lot like mine. At this point, it's obvious to anyone that I'm pregnant, but before, when I was only slightly showing and we would see his old friends or acquaintances, he would never tell anyone. Even if they gave him an opening like what is new with you guys, DH would "forget" to mention it. To me, it's the biggest thing we've ever gone through, and he "forgets" to mention it? Men! Ha. And don't feel bad, I don't "do" pregnancy very well either I've decided. For someone who wanted a baby so badly and tried for quite awhile to get pregnant, I sure whine and complain a lot!
What is with these men? Yesterday's episode (which was really nothing, I know that, but I am blowing it out of proportion because I can) just reminded me that this pregnancy is completely uprooting my life, and just barely affecting DH's at the moment. I think *he* is the one who is just barely pregnant, not me!

I do feel bad about complaining, and I really only do it here in this thread, because I know how lucky we are to even be pregnant. And I've been plagued by daily paranoia that something has happened to the baby. I haven't been to the doctor in a couple weeks, and won't be going for another week and a half, so I'm just scared. For no good reason, of course.

We ran into a client of DH's at Target, too, one that DH has had for over a decade, so I've known him for eight years. Lovely man, was at our wedding. Did DH tell him I'm pregnant? NOPE. It's so strange, this pregnancy has taken over my life because I'm just so, so sick, yet for DH it's like business as usual. I keep telling him he gets to carry the next one. He thinks I'm joking.

Hey guys I promise I will be back later to post to each of you. I have been reading the thread but haven't had time to respond with all the nice things I want to say to you guys but right now I am freaking out a little and just need to tell someone.

So, Friday I had to get bloodwork done first thing in the morning so that my doctor could get the results in time to tell me how to move forward with monitoring this week. So like a good little girl I had it done at 8am and saw that it was marked STAT all over the paperwork, and I am assuming they did that to make sure they got the results right away. Also, like a good little girl, I waited until 2pm to call the doc to get the results when I hadn't heard from them. To my shock and disbelief I only got a message that the office was closed! :errrr: Okay, fine, I kept my mind off of it all weekend and didn't even POAS and called first thing this morning. Well first she told me they didn't have the results yet and that the doctor is out of the office for the day (I think she said emergency C-section?). But then she called back and said they have the results and that my HCG was okay at either 113 or 130 (now all of a sudden I am blanking on what she said and I didn't write it down), but I think it was 130 because my last draw was 65 and she didn't seem concerned with that. But she said that my progesterone went down from 11.7 to 9.something so I needed to get more blood drawn today. :(sad Is that really bad? Do progesterone levels fluctuate? I am finding all different information on a normal range including that 9-47 is average for first trimester. What do you guys think? I'm just worried because it is now 3 days after and it sounds like the doctor isn't even going to be in today. I'm wondering if I need to call back today and see if I can get the results and a progesterone supplement just in case. I am overreacting here?

Mia--I don't know anything about normal levels, but I wanted to say that I would call the office back and if someone answers, I'd demand the results. It's not okay for them to allow you to stress out about this information all day and wait for tomorrow, not when someone is there and can give you the information.

Big hugs. I hope you can get some answers soon.

Hey Mia, first of all, it's good news your betas are increasing. Second, try not to panic, but I do think it would be a good idea to see if you can get progesterone suppositories. Progesterone fluctuates, but yours has consistently been on the low side. There is some controversy whether progesterone supplementation does any good, but a lot of doctors/people are of the mind that it can't hurt and it might help. If nothing else, I think you would feel better knowing you were doing everything you could. So frustrating that you've had a slow response and your doctor is out, but maybe there is another doctor who could prescribe them if need be. Lots of dust headed your way!

Mia, I'm so sorry for all of your uncertainty. But I echo what the others said in that you should call your doctor and demand answers. There has to be someone there that can help you.

Haven-your story made me laugh. At the beginning of my pregnancy I felt great, but the past few weeks I just feel fat, bloated and gross. My uterus seems to be just moving upwards into my abdominal cavity instead of out, so my stomach is being pushed out from like 2 inches below my belly button to below my ribs. I just look fat! I haven't gained anything per se (my weight fluctuates, sometimes I'm 2-4 lbs up, sometimes I'm still pre-preg weight), so I don't know. My boobs have gone from a 32c, which I've been since highschool, to a 36B which is sort of weird. And my scrub tops are becoming uncomfortably tight in my boob region, plus my stomach is sticking out so much in a fat way, not a pregnant way. So I feel your pain. :(

Hope everyone is still doing OK. I have nothing else to report except bloat and feeling fat.

Hi Ladies, it's so awesome to see familiar faces on here, and congrats to all! So I have had two positive home pregnancy tests and two faint ones, but I also had several negatives. So I scheduled a doctor's appointment for July 2nd. But it's so early that I'm scared to even say to myself that I'm pregnant let alone tell anyone else in my life except for my husband, but he's a man and while he's supportive he just doesn't get the "girlie" emotions that I'm going through. So I decided to be brave and introduce myself in this JBP thread to have some ladies to talk to :)
Hopefully I'll be able to celebrate a week from now and really will be pregnant. Not sure of the exact date of my LMP (sometime in early May), but going from date of conception I'm fairly cetain I'm 6 weeks two days preggo (hopefully).
Anywho, I just have to share some recent happenings because they are just too funny to keep to myself.
I haven't had too many symptoms so far, very naseous but not puking, itchy boobs but not tender, and EXTREMLY exhausted :snore:
Anywho my mother and I went to see Brave on Saturday (super good movie by the way), well my mom went to get some popcorn and something to drink while the previews played. Well that trailer for the new Katie Perry movie came on, (don't dislike her but not a huge fan or anything) I have no plans on even going to see this movie, and I kid you not I started bawling!! Yes that's right, there by myself in the theater I started crying over Katy Perry's inspirational story. :cry:
Then yesterday I got food to go from my favorite local resturant. I got home and after I ate I realized that I completely forgot the green tea ice cream that I had ordered. So I called them and they sure enough they remembered me and said I could pick it up anytime. I grab my purse and get ready to head out when I realize my wallet is missing. So I called them again to see if anyone turned in a wallet. The lady on the other end say's yes, that's what I just told you, you left your ice cream and wallet :oops:
Apparently the myth of pregnancy brain is real becasue WOW :twirl:

Welcome RissaLou! :appl: I'm so happy for you!
Oh, you poor thing--you sound pregnant to me! Crying in the movie previews, forgetting your ice cream and your wallet. Welcome to the club, I say! I can't wait to hear that your doctor has confirmed it and you are official!

Prana--I feel the same way, like my uterus is moving up and not out! Well, my stomach is definitely not flat anymore. I have a pooch sticking out at the very bottom, but the WHOLE thing is sticking out, so I think I just look chunky and not pregnant. GAH! My boobs have not grown, but I'm convinced that it is because they have already reached capacity. I'm a 34DDD normally, and so help me, these puppies cannot get any bigger. It's hard enough to buy bras that don't look like emergency flotation devices already, I can't even imagine what I'd find if I got any bigger.

Today I actually started feeling a bit better and decided I wanted to leave the house again. DH was going to squeeze in a workout between clients so I put on my trusty all black workout outfit . . . and then I cried. I don't look pregnant, I just kind of look like a beer can with limbs! We went to the gym and I only walked on the treadmill, but I kept on rubbing my belly like I've seen other preggos do just to help send the message across that I AM PREGNANT, NOT CHUNKY! :cheeky: :cheeky:

BLURG. That's all I can say about these body changes. BLURG BLURG BLURG. I won't even go into the constipation. All I will say is that if anyone is still early enough that you haven't started experiencing it yet, PLEASE, start getting extra fiber in your diet now. I like Metamucil, and I can't tell you how much I wish I started taking it early on in the pregnancy.

I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and I've gained 3 lbs so far. I cannot even imagine how it's going to feel when I start really gaining weight. No, I'm not even going to try to imagine it, it will be here soon enough. (Heavens willing, of course! I hope everything continues along smoothly and I'm miserably huge in a couple months! :cheeky: )

Haven, you crack me up. Reading your posts is like reading my own. I started out at a 34DD or so and let me tell you, then can and will get bigger. I think I'm up to a 38F or G. Ridiculous.

For the constipation- I've been so lucky with this one, generally speaking. The only time it was terrible was when I was on Zofran (weeks 7-17). OMG. I found that eating massive quantities of grapes did the trick. I must not be prone to it because I haven't had it any other time, only when I was on those meds. Now I'm taking two medications that supposedly cause it (procardia for contractions and iron), and have had zero issue ::knocks on wood::

I used to do the same thing at the gym! Surely, if I rub my belly, people will know it's a baby and not fat, right? I mean people don't generally rub their belly fat, do they?

Rissa- Welcome! You definitely sound pregnant to me. The crying at the preview thing is hilarious. I've definitely had some of those moments! I've been watching the Olympic Trials and they make me cry as well. Sigh.

AMC--Say it ain't so! Oh, gawd. If these boobs get bigger I don't know how I'm going to find tops to wear. (By the way, I thought I was a 36D for years and years until I had a proper fitting earlier this year. That's when I got the bad news!)

Yes, the Zofran is so wonderful for MS, but so bad for my tummy. I actually bought prunes yesterday out of desperation. I wasn't even embarrassed to have those suckers in my cart, I was like, "BRING 'EM ON!" I've been eating so many grapes and apples and taking the Metamucil, something has got to give.

It does feel better to know I'm not alone! I felt so silly at the gym doing all that belly rubbing, especially after watching Jim Gaffigan's latest comedy show, Mr. Universe. He has this bit where he talks about how the only people who can get away with touching their abs are super fit people, and how everyone else just looks creepy. He's so funny, but I just watched that last night so it's all I could think of today--I was so the creepy woman rubbing her protruding belly fat!

Ah, well. I figure I'll be obviously pregnant soon enough. I can't believe I'm already showing a bit.

Well, I'm back to watching the Food Paradise episode I recorded on bacon. It's amazing. I've watched it on repeat a couple times. :cheeky: BIPPITY BOPPITY BACON!
Jim Gaffigan loves bacon, too:

OMG! Haven and amc80, thank you! thank you! thank you! It feels so great to talk to someone :) And OMG you two made me laugh SOOO much!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Let me just tell you, dried apricots do the trick for me :cheeky: as a matter of fact I had a hadful at luch today. The gals at work kept asking me if I was okay because of how often I had to run to the restroom. I can't wait until I can start spreading the news so people don't think I'm crazy or sick :roll: