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Haven|1342115038|3232886 said:Bean, I'm so sorry, I just realized that your lab has passed away. In my stupid haze of MS I had thought he was named Rip, and that's why I talked about how you could still train him if you wanted to.
Sorry to be insensitive.
Thanks, MLK! I feel gigantic, this cannot be a good sign.mlk|1342325716|3234156 said:Haven, such a cute bump you definitely look preggo now and there's not a bit of fat anywhere to be seen! Thanks for chiming in about my MIL issues. dH doesn't want to go but feels like he has no choice, the guilt his mother has put on him is crazy he honestly believes that they will never speak to him again if he doesn't go. I think it's at least 50/50 now.
indecisive|1342402038|3234523 said:Mia- I am sorry I didn't see this earlier! I have had to buy my progesterone out of pocket twice. The first time I did it I didn't even know they would reimburse me but luckily they will. I just got my last refill *knock on wood* and it is so stressful. I do recommend getting your refill when you still have 3-4 doses left to avoid the stress. Sometimes a pharmacy will have it right away and the next time you refill they tell you they don't carry it and will have to order it. Yeah, I have cried over progesterone quite a bit!
JGator said:Mia, not sure how far along you are, but I think you only have to take the progesterone until you are 12 or 13 weeks if that helps you see a light at the end of the tunnel. I have a stock of leftover progesterone/crinone that I never used. Not sure what to do with it! Too bad I couldn't help you out over the weekend. Too funny on your discussion with DH. I have always been pro-adoption, but now I am thinking we will only have the 1 as I'm on the older side of things. Maybe after I have this one, I'll re-evaluate how I feel about a number 2 - but adoption I think is definitely the way to go if I feel like I have enough energy for 2. I don't want to go through the TTC phase again - particularly even older than I am right now. Way too much stress and then worrying about the baby's genetic health. Also, I had a freak out night several weeks ago about the baby taking over my body - sort of an anxiety/panic attack. Fortunately, that has only happened once. Good luck to you and everyone else!
fleur-de-lis said:Mia, your conversation with your hubby had me cracking up too. You're at around 7-8ish weeks now, right? For what it's worth, I first noticed cracks in my resolve around then too. Like you, I was so appreciative that I was even having the first trimester issues because of all the lovely women I know who have struggled with infertility issues, but hot d(ar)n, when you're used to being (knock on wood) healthy and active, it's surprisingly shocking and hard-to-accept mentally just how, well, literally incapacitated you are compared to (1) your normal self, and (2) the women who seemed to breeze through their pregnancies. It feels almost histrionic, to feel so lightheaded when getting up to get a glass of water from the kitchen that you either: (1) need to grasp a wall for a second; or (2) ask your husband to get you a glass of water. (It's been sobering to realize that if I had been working in some of the places where I did in my 20s, I'd probably be fired by now for apparent laziness and/or calling in sick too often.) Stay strong, honey, and know you're not alone.
bean said:What is keeping all of the JBP ladies motivated on the future?
puppmom|1342540816|3235474 said:AFM, I’m still feeling pretty sick and DH is taking care of DS on his own…well, with the help of darling DD who is a HUGE help! I’ve been having bathroom issues just like everyone else and can barely stomach anything that would help things along. I took Milk of Magnesia twice over the weekend and…nothing. It had been SIX days so I called the doc who has me on Miralax 2x a day until I, uh, *go*. I just took my first dose this morning. The thing that stinks is my sense of smell and taste is so heightened that I could actually taste the Miralax in my OJ which I never noticed before. Yuck!
Speaking of, EVERY smell nauseates me. Even things that I used to think smelled good. I’m nauseated by the scent of my own soap and shampoo which I’m stuck with for a good portion of the day.
Not much else going on here besides feeling like poo. I’m too busy feeling sorry for myself to accomplish anything. DS’s birthday party is this weekend and I have done NOTHING! Again, thank goodness for DH and DD. I really have to get on the ball…and out of bed!![]()
mia1181|1342500382|3235258 said:bean said:What is keeping all of the JBP ladies motivated on the future?
For me it's about looking forward to my first appointment. It makes me feel so much better to be doing something even if it is going to get blood drawn. I have also been spending my time in bed starting a baby registry. I know it is way too early but I used to be a nanny so I already have a lot of things picked out....
bean|1342665072|3236430 said:Hi!
Mia, what is the progesterone for? I'm curious.
I hope everyone had a better day today-- Haven, pupp and mia! I was so sick last night I was in tears, but today was much better.
We had our first u/s! There is a baby with a heartbeat! 128bpm which is ok? I dunno, she said anything over 100 is what they wanted but didn't say what ideal was. Poor DH was getting VERY teary and very emotional seeing that little heart beatI've taken 2 naps today and I've had 5 rice crispy treats (pretty much the only thing I can eat). Oh, my scan put me at 6w6d and the doc/ said 7w0d today so pretty close!
I just have to say I'm relieved. I can stop saying things like, "IF there's a baby... IF there's a heartbeat."