
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Bean, I'm so sorry, I just realized that your lab has passed away. In my stupid haze of MS I had thought he was named Rip, and that's why I talked about how you could still train him if you wanted to.
Sorry to be insensitive.
Re: Re:

Haven|1342115038|3232886 said:
Bean, I'm so sorry, I just realized that your lab has passed away. In my stupid haze of MS I had thought he was named Rip, and that's why I talked about how you could still train him if you wanted to.
Sorry to be insensitive.

Oh Haven, it's ok! The advice is good for anyone! My parents just adopted a dog so I can always try it with her ;)

I hope your MS gets better :( I will send you PS dust for a WEEKS worth of being MS free =)

Hi lovely ladies, wow it's been such a long time since I checked in. More on the reasons below.

Haven, glad to hear you had at least one day of normalcy. Hopefully next week it will be 2 days (at least)! I can't believe you have a treadmill running dog, I have never heard of that before.

Pupp, congrats on hearing a hb. It is such an amazing feeling isn't it.

Mia, wow you have had an eventful few days but so happy to hear everything is ok.

Bean, I am so hearing you on the opposite of constipation. Oh and did someone say alternating between the two!

Indecisive, how are thing going with you? Any news symptoms?

Hi to our second tri mummas dandi, haven, fleur and prana :wavey: hope I'll be joining you on the flip side in a couple of weeks.

aFM, well I'm 10 weeks 2 days and feeling pretty normal except for the strang bathroom habits and the odd nausea/food aversion. I have had some family drama with DH and MIL over the last week which has put me under an enormous amount of stress. mIL expects us to leave our beautiful home and two wonderful well paying jobs in Sydney and the great life of breakfasts, coffee and restaurants not to mention Sydney harbor on our doorstep and move to middle of nowhere smack bang in small-town country Ireland to look after her and FIL until they die. This has been an issue ever since I met DH 7 years ago. The amount of pressure and guilt she puts on him is appalling. He is one of 6 children too. The thing is he keeps on leading her on and won't be a man and say no. This pressure resulted in her basically demanding an answer last weekend because they woul otherwise have to make other arrangements. Anyway I managed to convince DH not to make a decision (read to go) on the spot and over the last few days it has been swept under the carpet again.

So tonight he tells me he told her tonight about the baby. I am not sure whether he really has or not (there is a history there of keeping things from her such as not telling her about our wedding until the invitations had started arriving innurelad all the well me thinking everyone knew) and FILs response was has he had the baby or is he having the baby?

Anyway I guess it will all be out in the open in a couple of weeks when I start telling everyone and I'm sure that will find it's way back to Ireland

MLK--Yikes, I'm sorry about the family drama. Is your DH against moving back to Ireland to care for his parents, too, or is he unsure whether he wants to go or not? This is a BIG deal, I really hope you can sort it out soon. (Your description of your home life makes ME want to move!)

I'm glad to hear you aren't feeling too sick, that's great!

Bean--Thank you. ::)

How's everyone doing? I'm feeling like I'm having normal MS today, and not HG MS anymore, so that's good! I think we'll even go out for dinner tonight, which we haven't done in a while.

Can I share my first bump picture? I feel so huge, I can't believe it doesn't look ginormous! :love:

Haven, such a cute bump you definitely look preggo now and there's not a bit of fat anywhere to be seen! Thanks for chiming in about my MIL issues. dH doesn't want to go but feels like he has no choice, the guilt his mother has put on him is crazy he honestly believes that they will never speak to him again if he doesn't go. I think it's at least 50/50 now.
Re: Re:

mlk|1342325716|3234156 said:
Haven, such a cute bump you definitely look preggo now and there's not a bit of fat anywhere to be seen! Thanks for chiming in about my MIL issues. dH doesn't want to go but feels like he has no choice, the guilt his mother has put on him is crazy he honestly believes that they will never speak to him again if he doesn't go. I think it's at least 50/50 now.
Thanks, MLK! I feel gigantic, this cannot be a good sign.

Oy to your MIL issues. I know beliefs about caring for parents differ culture to culture, but moving to another country because he feels guilted into caring for them is so extreme. What about his other siblings? Do they all talk? I am so sorry you're facing this.

MLK Oh dear sorry to hear about your DH and MIL drama. My best advice to you is to get yourself and DH on the same page. You need to be a united front with your MIL. My MIL is not really bad at all but she does give DH the occasional guilt trip. There are some things that I know DH would rather just appease her with for example every time she comes to visit or we go home she insists that he go to church with her. I think it is ridiculous! He is not 12 years old anymore! I used to tease him because I know it's the last thing he wants to do with her, but you know, he doesn't mind doing it and it makes her happy so whatever I stay out of it. But big issues are a different story. We talk at length about those issues and he has had to put his foot down and tell her no if necessary. I know it's not fun for him but over the years it has gotten easier and easier. My husband used to do things like yours where he would lead his mom on by agreeing to things when I wasn't around and then all of a sudden I would have to come in as the bad guy and put my foot down. What I have found helps is to explain to your DH how bad it makes you look when really he is the one who is afraid to be honest. It's simply unfair to to put all the blame on you. In your case it really seems like your DH is conflicted. I think the two of you need to sit down and make a decision together. This is both of your decision to make because you are married and especially because there is a baby on the way. Once you guys decide for sure what you will do you need to sit her down and explain to her your reasons for staying or the conditions of your going. Do you guys have family where you are now? We live on the other side of the US from all of our family and now that we are expecting the thought have having them nearby sounds much more appealing. My MIL can get on my nerves but she is saying she wants to be here when the baby comes and I am actually excited about that. Anyway, I'll be thinking of you guys and hoping you come to an agreement soon!

Haven Aw what a cute little bump you have there! I am so jealous you got a 4 week "before" picture. I wanted to but didn't get around to it and since I ended up on bed rest/pelvic rest, can't exercise, and am severely constipated and bloated, my stomach already looks huge and I'm kinda bummed that I won't have that skinny before shot. I love the idea of getting a treadmill for our dog! He requires a lot of exercise too. In fact, since we have to move out of our one bedroom apartment, I want to find a place with a backyard for our Werm! Finding a place with a backyard means it will likely be a house without all of the amenities we are used to in an apartment complex so we will probably have to get a treadmill too!

AFM, ugh! I just finished a cry session and I am really coming to terms with the whole pregnancy is not really what you expect it to be thing. I was feeling great last Monday after seeing the little Woodstock's heartbeat again (I've determined that's what it looks like on the ultrasound, I want to make a photoshop picture to prove it). But I forgot to ask my doc about the pelvic rest. So Friday I call again to get the okay and not only do they still want me to remain on pelvic rest, but they want me to go in for yet another ultrasound on Monday. So I wasn't worried but of course now I am! I have had some light pink spotting here and there but nothing major and it seems EVERYONE I know who has been pregnant had some too. No red blood and cramps are now few and far between and still mild when I do feel them. They even called me "high risk" which was upsetting even though I know they are just being careful. They did say if this next ultrasound looks good, I will probably be okay to go off pelvic rest so I think it will be okay. I'm just glad I was able to schedule and ultrasound for Monday on such short notice. I just want to exercise a little! I just know it will make my morning sickness better and help with my constipation! I had a very easy triathlon planned in 2 weeks but now I don't know if I'll be able to do that or if they give refunds.

So the reason I was just crying (typing this has made me calm down) is that I ran out of my progesterone prescription yesterday and we didn't get to the pharmacy in time, so I missed a dose last night. Oh well, we figured it wouldn't be a big deal and DH just went to go and pick it up and sure enough they don't have the new refill from my doctor from after she increased it to twice daily. So now I am upset that I may have to go until tomorrow to get it! Does anyone know if this is really bad? I am worried that I am going to have withdrawal bleeding or something... I called the on call doctor and I am waiting for a call back....

I am seriously not a worrier and I am the most optimistic person there is but this is starting to wear on me. I also was telling my mom about my pelvic rest yesterday and she was worried but then she started telling me I need to get all my "woman parts" checked because she thinks it is strange that I miss periods (this pregnancy was concieved on CD45). I tried to assure her that many doctors have told me that it is normal to skip a period every now and then and they would only be worried if I had trouble conceiving, which I didn't because this was our first cycle trying. I also told her that everything looked great on the ultrasounds and they said I had textbook anatomy. But she's convinced something is wrong with me. As if I didn't have enough to worry about! I'm just so frustrated because I feel like I am the only one trying to stay positive.

At least my DH is been amazeballs during this whole ordeal. He has never once questioned whether I am just being dramatic (which is how I feel sometimes) or if I really do feel lousy. He has been totally understanding of my irrational food aversions and has no probably taking over cooking,cleaning and taking care of our dog. I have kind of a funny story to share with you about how caring he has been:

So the background is that I have always wanted to adopt. I have really never had a desire to be pregnant. Not that I wouldn't enjoy it but I wouldn't miss it if we adopted instead. A few years ago we discussed adoption at length and although DH was on board with skipping conception and adopting instead, he was really concerned about the expense. So we agreed that at the first sign of infertility we would adopt or if we had an increase in income. Well so here I am pregnant and happy although I do still see us adopting one day and this happens:

Me: "Ugh! It's like constant nausea, dizziness, discomfort and fatigue! I'm so miserable" :sick:
DH: "Well, I guess you got what you wanted!" :))
Me: "What did I want?" :confused:
DH: "To be pregnant!" :))
Me: "When did I ever say that? I wanted a BABY, not to be pregnant!" :nono:
DH: "What do you mean you didnt want to be pregnant?" :confused:
Me: "I've never had a desire to be pregnant! Remember? We talked about this! I'm not the type to feel like I missed out if I didn't get to carry my baby. That's why we considered adoption! But you said it was too expensive... " :confused:
DH: "Oh so are you saying It's my fault we didn't adopt?" :nono:
Me: "No! We BOTH agreed! You had valid points! I didn't want to start out with a baby in debt either! Oh well it's too late to discuss this now. This thing has set up shop in me and is doing awesome! I love you goodnight!" :praise:

We go to bed. The next morning I am in the bathroom getting ready for work and DH comes barging in the bathroom with a proclamation:

DH: "We will adopt our second child!!!! Okay? So you never have to be pregnant again! Okay? It's just this one time and we can get through it and I promise you never have to do it again!" [gives me a huge hug] :appl:

Hahahahahahaha! I'm still cracking up when I think of this exchange! First off he really thinks I am suffering, I definitely am, but it's not THAT bad! And then secondly, the poor thing really has changed his mind on adoption but feels like it's too late! He really feels guilty about this! Hmmm... I need to start using this to my advantage! :Up_to_something:

On call doctor called me back and woooo drama! I love him though, so far I am getting to know the other doctors that may deliver my baby if mine couldn't and they are all awesome!

So the on call doctor is livid that the pharmacy didn't offer to let us buy a couple of pills out of pocket to get us through to Monday! I am angry too because I didn't even know that was an option and I cried for nothing. So he called the pharmacy directly to tell them they should have given us that as an option. They weren't happy about that and called me back to complain about the doctor and tell me they were just trying to save me money and they didn't know what it was for. I told them as a practice they should probably ask because they never know how urgent it might be. The on call doctor said it would have been $9 for two pills which would have been well worth it and would have saved me a lot of grief and worry. Well DH is now on his way back to get the full refill which the on call doc called in anyway and now we know that we at least have paying out of pocket as an option in the future. I feel better and I am honestly in love :love: with this on call doctor! That is exactly what you want in a doctor! Someone who is going to advocate for you! What a bad ass!

Mia--Your conversation with your husband has me laughing. At least he came around, right?

I'm sorry to hear about all the uncertainty with the pelvic rest and the high risk designation and the progesterone--I can only imagine how anxious it must be making you. I hope your next appointment brings you some reassurance! I'm thinking your right--this baby has set up shop in your tummy and he/she is just going to keep on growing no matter what, so that's good news!

I hear you on being uncomfortable and just plain blech while pregnant. I have said more than once to DH that I can't believe how much I SUCK at being pregnant. This last week has finally brought me some relief, but the HG really kicked my growing arse there for a while. I'm so grateful that we were able to conceive without intervention, and so quickly, but I had no idea I would be so physically ill for so long. I think it's totally normal to have a whole variety of thoughts about being pregnant. Sometimes I feel awful when I'm really sick and wishing I would just feel better, because I know there are women who would kill to be pregnant at all, but that doesn't mean I'm ungrateful just because I'm ill and want it to stop. I think it's totally natural. I've never experienced being violently ill 24 hours a day for weeks and weeks on end, and honestly, I hope that my future pregnancies don't go the same way. It is not easy. And I think it's totally okay for any pregnant woman to feel whatever it is she feels when she's going through whatever hardship the pregnancy is bringing her.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: Cry on, friend!

ETA: I just read your update--awesome doctor!

Thanks Haven and I totally agree that sometimes I feel super lucky and feel bad complaining. Mostly I feel like a total whimp for not being able to tolerate morning sickness when I know many women like you have had it so much worse, and many women would love to have a chance to even get morning sickness. I guess it's about realizing that this isn't at all what I thought it would be and just learning to deal with it! I know parenthood isn't going to be what I expected either! I'm so glad you are feeling better though! I did read in one of the books that most women have less morning sickness their second time around, so we both have a chance at being better at this thing next time!

Mia- I am sorry I didn't see this earlier! I have had to buy my progesterone out of pocket twice. The first time I did it I didn't even know they would reimburse me but luckily they will. I just got my last refill *knock on wood* and it is so stressful. I do recommend getting your refill when you still have 3-4 doses left to avoid the stress. Sometimes a pharmacy will have it right away and the next time you refill they tell you they don't carry it and will have to order it. Yeah, I have cried over progesterone quite a bit!

Haven- You are such a beautiful pregnant lady with an adorable bump! My dog and I share watermelon too, but I have lucked out that she hasn't had any accidents, treadmill related or otherwise.

mlk- Sorry about the drama with your MIL. I wouldn't want to move if I were you either. I hope your DH is able to get on the same page and communicate with her. You don't need the stress!

I just wanted to write a woe-is-me post.

It's after 3am and I can't sleep because I feel like total crud. I had been taking melatonin but was switched to the generic Unisom or something? I've taken it 3 times now and it makes me groggy and extremely crabby the next day. I feel like cr@p but feel like if I complain I will be jinxing myself :( My head is throbbing and I think I have heartburn. I just feel like crying. I am almost 7 weeks (so not that far) and I already feel THIS BAD? My bad mood is leeching into my husband now too. He was in a low mood yesterday and I KNOW it's because I am difficult. I feel so bad about it- he has enough stress.

What is keeping all of the JBP ladies motivated on the future?

Mia, not sure how far along you are, but I think you only have to take the progesterone until you are 12 or 13 weeks if that helps you see a light at the end of the tunnel. I have a stock of leftover progesterone/crinone that I never used. Not sure what to do with it! Too bad I couldn't help you out over the weekend. Too funny on your discussion with DH. I have always been pro-adoption, but now I am thinking we will only have the 1 as I'm on the older side of things. Maybe after I have this one, I'll re-evaluate how I feel about a number 2 - but adoption I think is definitely the way to go if I feel like I have enough energy for 2. I don't want to go through the TTC phase again - particularly even older than I am right now. Way too much stress and then worrying about the baby's genetic health. Also, I had a freak out night several weeks ago about the baby taking over my body - sort of an anxiety/panic attack. Fortunately, that has only happened once. Good luck to you and everyone else!

Mia, if you get in a pinch again with the Crinone, would it be possible to get a sample from your doc's office? I had to do that once to tide myself over when the pharmacy messed up my order.

Hi to everyone else!

Hi, fellow BPPS'ers, I hope you all had a great weekend!

First, Haven, you are crazy beautiful! I'm now beginning to think you've been making up all the gastrointestinal discomfort you've been having, because you look like the picture of radiant pregnancy health. (How is it that your long locks look so lush, and mine looks like the dried out straw hair of the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz?)

I love when people post their weekly baby bump photos, and was inspired to try and do my own. H O W E V E R . . . how have I lived in this home of mine for so many years and never noticed that the reflected images in all of the large mirrors in my home make such terrible backgrounds? The master bath has an enormous w2w mirror, and in every angle there's a freakin' toilet in the background. Pas chic. The full-length in the master bedroom features the bed in the background (How have I never noticed that until now? :naughty: ), so, once again, not really appropriate for internet postings. Lastly, our place has a ginormous mirror in the dining room portion of the great room, but I'm pretty embarrassed by the hot mess of baby books, saltine crackers, water bottles, and Tums littering pretty much every surface these last couple of months. Haven, your background looks pleasantly normal-- you're lucky!

For the rest of you who are taking progression photos, how are you managing them? Tripod and timer? Waiting until your husband comes home?

Mia, your conversation with your hubby had me cracking up too. You're at around 7-8ish weeks now, right? For what it's worth, I first noticed cracks in my resolve around then too. Like you, I was so appreciative that I was even having the first trimester issues because of all the lovely women I know who have struggled with infertility issues, but hot d(ar)n, when you're used to being (knock on wood) healthy and active, it's surprisingly shocking and hard-to-accept mentally just how, well, literally incapacitated you are compared to (1) your normal self, and (2) the women who seemed to breeze through their pregnancies. It feels almost histrionic, to feel so lightheaded when getting up to get a glass of water from the kitchen that you either: (1) need to grasp a wall for a second; or (2) ask your husband to get you a glass of water. (It's been sobering to realize that if I had been working in some of the places where I did in my 20s, I'd probably be fired by now for apparent laziness and/or calling in sick too often.) Stay strong, honey, and know you're not alone.

Bean, I credit the biggest part of what I wrote in my last paragraph to sudden onset sleep problems in my first trimester. Nobody warned me about them. Are you going to sleep at a normal time, but awaking 4 hours later (to drink water or use the restroom) to find you are not falling back asleep? For me, it started in week 6, and it's only been in the last week that I've at least occasionally been able to sleep through the night again (week 14). Hang in there, darlin'!

Gator and Brightspot, just want to say hi!

MLK, man oh man, I feel for you with the pressure your in-laws are placing on your husband! From what you describe and what I know about the Irish economy these days, your thoughts about embracing the good things you have going on in Australia seem pretty rational to me. But it's never as easy as that, is it? After all, in happy marriages, the unhappiness of your spouse certainly can't be overlooked despite the illogicality... it's no wonder why in-law relationships can be hard to navigate even in the most content of families.

As for me, this weekend was a disappointment after a week of gradually improving energy levels. We had plans to dash down to the family beach house and explore San Diego and environs, get in some SUP, shopping, mexican food, and beach time for my pup, but out of nowhere I awoke Friday morning feeling like I had been run over by a Mac truck. After struggling over the course of 2-3 hours to pack my small duffle bag and cosmetic case-- a task that should have taken 15 minutes-- when the dear boy suggested postponing the trip for another weekend when I was feeling better, I feebly protested I'd be alright two or three times before I finally acknowledged (both to him and to myself) how truly bone-tired I was.

You guys are so sweet. I definitely don't feel like I'm looking good, so your comments are cheering me up. I just feel bloaty and irritable. BLECH! I do feel a lot better today with the MS, though--I was sick for a bit this morning, but the nausea was so mild that I didn't take a Zofran, and I still haven't! NO ZOFRAN FOR ME TODAY!!!!

F-D-L--If I took a macro shot of my hair that would make you feel much better. :cheeky: I cut my own hair and I've been embarrassingly lazy for so long, so it is just grown out of control. It's pretty dry, my new camera must be very forgiving.

I hear you on finding a good place to take bump shots. I took those pictures in our bathroom, which is the ONLY place in our house that has a half-way decent background.

I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling so crummy. I would have stayed home, too. I really hope that was an isolated incident for you!

Bean--I'm so sorry you're feeling so bad! I think I started to feel terrible around week 7, too. It is so hard to keep your spirits upbeat when you're sick, so do not feel bad about bringing down your hubby. All you need to worry about is getting yourself through each day, okay? When I was really sick I just kept telling myself, "Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow I will wake up and feel better." It wasn't exactly a long view of anything, but it did come true eventually!

I also mooched food rubs from my husband every night. I think he hates giving them to me, but ever since childhood my favorite thing in the world has been to have someone lightly run his hands over my feet, it really relaxes me. I'd just put my feet in DH's lap and give a pout, and he'd relent. It really did make me feel better. OH, and it didn't happen often but whenever I had a strange craving I'd give in to it. I figured that when I'm having trouble keeping food down it's best to eat whatever I'm craving when the craving hits.


Indecisive--My poor little lady has loved watermelon her entire life! I'm just going to make sure I don't give her too much at a time from now on.

I hope everyone is doing well!
Re: Re:

indecisive|1342402038|3234523 said:
Mia- I am sorry I didn't see this earlier! I have had to buy my progesterone out of pocket twice. The first time I did it I didn't even know they would reimburse me but luckily they will. I just got my last refill *knock on wood* and it is so stressful. I do recommend getting your refill when you still have 3-4 doses left to avoid the stress. Sometimes a pharmacy will have it right away and the next time you refill they tell you they don't carry it and will have to order it. Yeah, I have cried over progesterone quite a bit!

Hey where we're you when I needed you Indecisive! ;)) Yeah now I feel silly about the whole thing but it is scary not knowing how crucial the progesterone is to keeping this pregnancy. Lesson learned doe! I will make sure I get my refill early next time, it's definitely not worth risking.

JGator said:
Mia, not sure how far along you are, but I think you only have to take the progesterone until you are 12 or 13 weeks if that helps you see a light at the end of the tunnel. I have a stock of leftover progesterone/crinone that I never used. Not sure what to do with it! Too bad I couldn't help you out over the weekend. Too funny on your discussion with DH. I have always been pro-adoption, but now I am thinking we will only have the 1 as I'm on the older side of things. Maybe after I have this one, I'll re-evaluate how I feel about a number 2 - but adoption I think is definitely the way to go if I feel like I have enough energy for 2. I don't want to go through the TTC phase again - particularly even older than I am right now. Way too much stress and then worrying about the baby's genetic health. Also, I had a freak out night several weeks ago about the baby taking over my body - sort of an anxiety/panic attack. Fortunately, that has only happened once. Good luck to you and everyone else!

And where were you JGator?! I really could have used the suppository hookup! Funny, I almost started calling a couple of friends that I know were on it in the past to see if they had any leftovers laying around! I'm so glad it's worked out now! Yeah that adoption conversation came out of nowhere! I was kind of surprised my DH was so serious about it. I know it is not an easier route per say because it comes with bunch of other worries but it really is something I've always dreamed of doing. The only thing I am worried about is if we have a genetic child and an adopted will they resent each other or think the other is the favorite? I know siblings will resent or compete with each other no matter what, I just would want to make sure we were doing the right things to make sure all of our children felt loved. Sorry about your panic attack. I have been a bit sad feeling like I miss my old self and everything I used to love to do. I just know it's going to be worth it so I will try my best to keep plugging along!

Bright! I think I always put an ! after I type your name because I am always happy to hear from you. I'm checking up on you all the time on the other thread and cheering you on big time! Unfortunely the doctor's office was closed but the on call doc gave me a big phat stash of the good stuff, so I'm good for a while (trying to act like I am cool and have the hookups!). I think I am also going to switch to a 24 hour pharmacy just in case.

fleur-de-lis said:
Mia, your conversation with your hubby had me cracking up too. You're at around 7-8ish weeks now, right? For what it's worth, I first noticed cracks in my resolve around then too. Like you, I was so appreciative that I was even having the first trimester issues because of all the lovely women I know who have struggled with infertility issues, but hot d(ar)n, when you're used to being (knock on wood) healthy and active, it's surprisingly shocking and hard-to-accept mentally just how, well, literally incapacitated you are compared to (1) your normal self, and (2) the women who seemed to breeze through their pregnancies. It feels almost histrionic, to feel so lightheaded when getting up to get a glass of water from the kitchen that you either: (1) need to grasp a wall for a second; or (2) ask your husband to get you a glass of water. (It's been sobering to realize that if I had been working in some of the places where I did in my 20s, I'd probably be fired by now for apparent laziness and/or calling in sick too often.) Stay strong, honey, and know you're not alone.

FDL Oh Mah Gaw! You sound just like me about taking belly pics! I am waaay too picky about the lighting and background, etc. that I just haven't done it! I have a budding photographer friend who has been on my butt about it though so I might have her stop by this weekend. But then I need to figure out what to wear! Plus I'd probably have to at least dry my hair instead of putting it in a ponytail when wet. I am so glad I can come here to complain because the rest of my day is really about me trying to act like every thing is fine when all I want is to quit my job and just go back to bed! Your post above really explained exactly how I am feeling right now. I really am not sitting here feeling sorry for myself or anything but I am struggling managing my life while feeling so tired and sick all the time. Our weekends are also very similar except my DH really wants to go to Palm Springs and I can't even get out of bed! Anyway hope your feeling better and getting some rest!

bean said:
What is keeping all of the JBP ladies motivated on the future?

For me it's about looking forward to my first appointment. It makes me feel so much better to be doing something even if it is going to get blood drawn. I have also been spending my time in bed starting a baby registry. I know it is way too early but I used to be a nanny so I already have a lot of things picked out. We are looking for a new apartment so looking at places online or planning the nursery has given me something to look forward to. I just keep trying to think about all the fun parts about pregnancy and really trying to get excited for them. Hope you get some sleep!

AFM, had ultrasound #5 today and I was a nervous wreck! DH couldn't come so I made a friend from work come. I was so stressed out because the screen that you can see was broken and I couldn't see anything when the tech started. After about a minute of being patient and waiting for her to tell me anything I finally asked if there was still a heartbeat and her response was "well I haven't even looked yet." Ah! What the heck! But there it was and it is now up to 150bpm. Then she took a million measurements of all my parts including doing this thing where the sound comes on and she "listened" to my ovaries. Not sure what that was all about and I haven't had time to google but they've never done that before. She also looked at some things in color. Then I had to do the usual waiting for her to show everything to the radiologist but she told me to get dressed which was a good sign. After a long wait she gave me a very fuzzy picture of the baby, and told me I was done. I asked if everything was okay and she said "well yeah, but your doctor will have to review the previous ones before that can be determined" and then I asked what the baby measured because she never told me. She had to go back and look it up and it was 7 weeks 3 days which is one day behind what I was expecting (I'm sure not a big deal though). So of course I haven't heard from my doc yet but now of course I'm back to worrying. I know they really aren't supposed to tell you anything but it is so nice when you get a girl who is gushing "oh everything looks great! just perfect!" So I know I should wait but tomorrow I will have to call the doctor again to get an answer. The fun part was my friend who was just So happy to see the baby and the heartbeat. It was really cool to share that with her and it reminded me of how cool and amazing this all is!

Mia, sorry for all of the uncertainty and worry but YAY that you saw your bean again! And with a nice strong heart beat! :appl:

Bean, to be honest, I'm struggling to stay motivated. I'm SO drained and it almost feels like I have the flu. I hate feeling like I'm missing out on life. I feel like I should make some sort of countdown to the end of the first trimester. I need a visual to see how close I am to feeling a little better.

FDL, DH and I took progression pics with DS. We always did them on Saturday the SAME.EXACT.SPOT. He was so freaking picky. In the end it was nice because he made a progression movie that ended with me holding DS. That last shot - oh man, I made him take it like 50 times. Of course I was trying to suck in my stomach, conceal what remained with my teeny baby and smile all at the same time. :lol:

Haven, you look gorgeous. Unfortunately, my current bloat is making me look 6 months pregnant. I'm looking forward to it being replaced with a *real* belly that I don't have to make efforts to conceal.

Kunzite, :wavey: . Thanks for popping in! I know you're busy with those kiddos and I hope all is well!

MLK, I'm sorry you're having trouble with MIL. DH is very eager to please his parents as well but on a much smaller scale. Honestly, they don't ask for much so we're very fortunate. Actually, I think we need them more than they need us at the moment! Your lifestyle sounds enviable so I hope that you get to keep it just the way it is! Plus 1 of course. :bigsmile:

AFM, I’m still feeling pretty sick and DH is taking care of DS on his own…well, with the help of darling DD who is a HUGE help! I’ve been having bathroom issues just like everyone else and can barely stomach anything that would help things along. I took Milk of Magnesia twice over the weekend and…nothing. It had been SIX days so I called the doc who has me on Miralax 2x a day until I, uh, *go*. I just took my first dose this morning. The thing that stinks is my sense of smell and taste is so heightened that I could actually taste the Miralax in my OJ which I never noticed before. Yuck!

Speaking of, EVERY smell nauseates me. Even things that I used to think smelled good. I’m nauseated by the scent of my own soap and shampoo which I’m stuck with for a good portion of the day.

Not much else going on here besides feeling like poo. I’m too busy feeling sorry for myself to accomplish anything. DS’s birthday party is this weekend and I have done NOTHING! Again, thank goodness for DH and DD. I really have to get on the ball…and out of bed! :lol:

Pupp--Oh man, I'm sorry you're feeling sick. I can't imagine having a little one around AND feeling horrible. Kudos to you and your DH, who sounds awesome!

Mia--Sheesh, the tech could have at least been a bit warmer. I hope you get reassurance that everything is okay soon!

So, I've been so very constipated that I broke down and cried to the BM gods yesterday. And then I remembered that when I worked at my sleepover camp back in college we used to have a little joke about how we'd brew our morning coffee, and then there'd be a line outside the loo ten minutes later. So . . . even though I haven't been drinking coffee since I got pregnant I figured why not give it a shot.

Seriously, it was like a miracle. I don't know if it's a universal thing, but ladies, if you're suffering, maybe a little cup of coffee might do you some good.

Other than that, I had an awesome day yesterday. I barely felt sick, so I didn't take a zofran. And then I woke up this morning REALLY sick, and I've been cursing myself ever since. How many times will I have to suffer through this little experiment before I figure it out: Stop zofran one day, very sick the next. It's like I can't learn.
Re: Re:

puppmom|1342540816|3235474 said:
AFM, I’m still feeling pretty sick and DH is taking care of DS on his own…well, with the help of darling DD who is a HUGE help! I’ve been having bathroom issues just like everyone else and can barely stomach anything that would help things along. I took Milk of Magnesia twice over the weekend and…nothing. It had been SIX days so I called the doc who has me on Miralax 2x a day until I, uh, *go*. I just took my first dose this morning. The thing that stinks is my sense of smell and taste is so heightened that I could actually taste the Miralax in my OJ which I never noticed before. Yuck!

Speaking of, EVERY smell nauseates me. Even things that I used to think smelled good. I’m nauseated by the scent of my own soap and shampoo which I’m stuck with for a good portion of the day.

Not much else going on here besides feeling like poo. I’m too busy feeling sorry for myself to accomplish anything. DS’s birthday party is this weekend and I have done NOTHING! Again, thank goodness for DH and DD. I really have to get on the ball…and out of bed! :lol:

Pupp when is your due date again? We are really close, right? Sorry but it makes me feel a little better than we are feeling the same because you are not on progesterone (right?) and I have been kind of worried that I just feel this way as a side effect of the drug rather than true pregnancy symptoms. So your feeling like garbage is making me feel a little better! Ha! No actually, I wouldn't wish this on anyone! I am glad you are on miralax now hopefully it does the trick! it did work for me, kinda, until I stopped taking it because I can taste it or the texture of it and now I have an aversion to all of the foods I used to mix it in (juice, yogurt). I also have an aversion to any foods that are good for digestion so it has gotten really bad. I had to force myself to eat fruit yesterday. Are mashed potatoes or spaghetti good for constipation? No? Oh, because they are all that I can stomach these days! :nono: Anyway it is great that your DH and DD have been good helpers! Hope you are feeling better soon! We are more than halfway through the first trimester! We can do this!

Mia, I'm technically due 2/26 and 8 weeks today. If you go by the u/s though, I'm 7 weeks 6 days and due 2/27. Either way, within a few days of you.
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mia1181|1342500382|3235258 said:
bean said:
What is keeping all of the JBP ladies motivated on the future?

For me it's about looking forward to my first appointment. It makes me feel so much better to be doing something even if it is going to get blood drawn. I have also been spending my time in bed starting a baby registry. I know it is way too early but I used to be a nanny so I already have a lot of things picked out....

Hey Mia, any chance you would be willing to share your expertise and list, because as a FTM I could really use some help separating the wheat from the chaff!


Mia, what is the progesterone for? I'm curious.

I hope everyone had a better day today-- Haven, pupp and mia! I was so sick last night I was in tears, but today was much better.

We had our first u/s! There is a baby with a heartbeat! 128bpm which is ok? I dunno, she said anything over 100 is what they wanted but didn't say what ideal was. Poor DH was getting VERY teary and very emotional seeing that little heart beat 8) I've taken 2 naps today and I've had 5 rice crispy treats (pretty much the only thing I can eat). Oh, my scan put me at 6w6d and the doc/ said 7w0d today so pretty close!

I just have to say I'm relieved. I can stop saying things like, "IF there's a baby... IF there's a heartbeat."

Bean Yay for a heartbeat and a bean!!!! So happy for you!

MLK I will go to Ireland and take care of your DH's parents! :cheeky: Seriously your life sounds awesome where you're at now. I don't blame you for not wanting to give that up. However, I dream of living in a small village in Ireland with nothing but sheep and cows. Haha, but I'm sure after a few months I'd be going crazy! In all seriousness though, your DH needs to lay down the law so that he's not leading them on I'm sure you have discussed this with him, and hopefully you can let his parents know that it's not going to happen.

Haven I've said it once and now I'm going to say it again...You are stunning! Your hair is beautiful and you look awesome! You DO NOT look huge at all! You seriously look great!

Mia Your husbands response to your conversation is hilarious. Sorry about your progesterone fiasco. Hopefully it's all sorted out now.

Pupp I hear you on the bloating! I wake up in the morning looking fine, but as the day goes on and I eat, by the end of the day I look like I'm 7 months pregnant! It's extremely uncomfortable! Sorry you're not feeling well!

sorry if I missed anyone. I've been sort of absent from PS for several days.

AFM I'm 15 weeks pregnant now! 5 more weeks and I'll be halfway through. Unbelievable! Sometimes I worry that something is wrong because I really am not feeling much of anything. I do get round ligament pain from time to time, but that's really it. My doppler is helping me stay relaxed. I listen to the heartbeat everynight, count it out for a full minute, then am able to rest easy.

Funny about the bump pictures too...I always thought I'd be the type to get really into it and take really cute bump pictures but nope. For some reason I always forget and it becomes a chore of sorts. I've taken them every week, but they are terrible! Not cute at all. Oh well at least they are all there. Except for week 12 because I completely forgot that week.

I just received the results back for the MaterniT21+ test, and the baby is NEGATIVE for Downs, T18 and T13!!!!!!! :D

Just can't stop smilin'. What a huge relief, and boy am I glad we sought out and paid out of pocket for the test. No invasive amnio. Woo hoo!

Bean, I had virtually the same results at my u/s. I was 7w0d based on LMP but measured 6w6d with a heart rate of 125bmp. It seemed low-ish to me but the tech said it was perfect.

Prana, :wavey: I'm glad to hear you're well! I'm on the fence about the doppler. Our next appt is at 10w1d and I'm afraid they won't be able to hear it and I'll freak out...then, have to wait until my 12 weeks u/s. When did you first catch the baby's heartbeat? I've heard some people say they can hear it during the 9th week with some models. That would be amazing!

FDL, :appl: to good results! I was caught off guard with the offer for extra testing when I had my first appointment. I forgot how old I was, I guess! :lol: I guess that blood test is new? Or maybe I just hadn't heard about it until my OB gave me a pamplet? Anywho, do you mind me asking what the cost was? We're considering it but aren't sure just yet. I *think* my OB said it would be about $250.
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bean|1342665072|3236430 said:

Mia, what is the progesterone for? I'm curious.

I hope everyone had a better day today-- Haven, pupp and mia! I was so sick last night I was in tears, but today was much better.

We had our first u/s! There is a baby with a heartbeat! 128bpm which is ok? I dunno, she said anything over 100 is what they wanted but didn't say what ideal was. Poor DH was getting VERY teary and very emotional seeing that little heart beat 8) I've taken 2 naps today and I've had 5 rice crispy treats (pretty much the only thing I can eat). Oh, my scan put me at 6w6d and the doc/ said 7w0d today so pretty close!

I just have to say I'm relieved. I can stop saying things like, "IF there's a baby... IF there's a heartbeat."

Hee hee, I was the exact same way before we saw the confirmation heartbeat. Congratulations Bean!!!

As for the heartbeat, it was my layperson understanding that ANY heartbeat is the hurdle on that first ultrasound; there's a typical(ish) projection of between 90-110 bpm at around 7 weeks, it jumps up to 150-175 bpm around week 9, and then decreases to 120-160 bpm by week 12.

However, it is perfectly normal to have a test be outside those ranges. If the baby is resting, the heartbeat will be lower; if you ate a meal within the last hour or two it will be higher; if it was a sugar or carb-laden meal, it might be a bit higher still. When I asked the helpful midwife at my last ultrasound during week 13, she said anything over 100 and under 170 is A-OK at that stage.

Oh and one other thing..... YUM RICE CRISPY TREATS! :lickout: