
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Hello Preggos!

Baby Fisher is 10 weeks! :)

We saw the baby squirm on the ultrasound Monday. Talk about melting my heart! :)

Looking for Pave, who promised to join me. :)

Hi Everyone! Hi Fisher!
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow. Went yesterday for my NT scan. It's always exciting to see the babes. I was a bit confused because I thought my baby B wasn't moving but it turned out B was just not moving to the position the dr. wanted. She said they were moving plenty. I did not have a talkative doctor at all. When I asked her questions about the babies she just answered with a yes or no :(. She did not point out anything for me. Hopefully I'll get to see them in another scan with a more talkative scanner. Oh well.
I'm starting to feel less fatigue! Thank goddness. Just heartburn. Otherwise Im in good shape.
How's everybody else?

Super HUGE congratulations to you Fisher!! I have not been here for your journey, but from talking to some of the people that do know you better, I am so glad to have someone as strong as you to go thru this pregnancy with, and I know that your joy and excitement over every passing day is going to be a blessing in my pregnancy as well! I can't wait to get to know you better 8)

Pave- Glad everything looked good and the NT scan went well. My NT scan last time was bitter sweet. Very stiff and not lots of fun. Luckily the anatomy scan was a bit more "fun". Glad your fatigue is letting up!

I am 16w4d, and feeling great. Still able to work out 3 times a week, and hoping I can keep that up for a while! It really helps me feel good, a bit healthy, and active (which are all nice). Different outlook this time around :rodent:

We have our anatomy scan on the 25th, but are doing an elective gender scan on the 16th, just to make sure we know, in case baby bean isn't cooperative on the 25th. (We leave straight from our anatomy scan, to drive to spend the weekend with my family, so it is important to me that we know, and can share it with them while we are there on our visit).

Fisher, yay, congrats!!!!!!!

Pave, aww yay for the babies; sorry about the doctor! will you have a scan every 2 weeks?

Pupp, congrats!

congrats ladies!!!

Yeah Fisher! Great news!

At Dr. K's request, here's a pic of the baby at Monday's scan.

I turned the picture so the baby's head is up because it's easier to see the details that way. My parents still have no idea what I am pointing out, though. :)

You can see the face starting to show (baby is looking to the right) and the left arm is very visible.

Oh how I just love this sweet kiddo! :)


Thanks Skippy! Yeah it's pretty cool!

Meresal Glad you are feeling well and still getting to workout. I haven't exercised in months. Usually that wouldn't bother me but I'm quite worried about having enough stamina and strength for the pregnancy so Id like to do something! How exciting you will have your gender scan. I'm undecided if I want to know. I know it's more practical but I would love the thrill of a surprise.
Fisher I love your u/s pic. It never gets old! I cry everytime I see the babies. I'm not sure when my next u/s will be.

Where are the rest of you mommies? Hope everyone is well!!

OK... I will pop my head in here to say hello. So... hello, ladies! :wavey:

Pave, I'm so glad your NT results were good, but I'm sorry the doctor didn't have the best bedside manner. I am still so excited for you that you are having twins!!

Fisher, LOVE the u/s pic!! It must have been so wonderful to see the baby moving around!

Meresal, glad you are feeling well. You are inspiring me to fight my fatigue and commit to working out.

I have to say, it feels really weird posting here. I am 9w5d today. With that said, it's been almost 2 weeks since our u/s, and I'm anxious for another one so I know everything is OK with our little Jedi. I don't go back in for another two weeks for the NT scan, and I'm just hoping and praying little one is healthy and growing.

After about 10 days of feeling great, a lot of my sypmtoms came back again this week. I'm constantly starving but then I eat and feel nauseous. No vomiting though, so I'm thankful for that. Fatigue hits me hard mid-afternoon, and most nights I'm out cold by 7:30, which is nuts! I'm also super-weepy. I tend to have at least one burst of crying on my 45-minute drive to work each morning.

Just curious - has anyone else here been offered the MaterniT21 screening? It's pretty new, so I'm not sure if it's offered everywhere. It's a non-invasive screening for Trisomies 21, 18 and 13. It can also tell you the gender, if you elect to learn it. Basically, they analyze circulating fetal DNA in the mother's blood. It supposedly has a high accuracy rate - over 99%. I'm going in for that (and a meeting with a genetic counselor) next Wednesday. Results supposedly come in between 8-14 days after you give blood. Anyway... just wondering if I'm the only one doing that screening.
Re: Re:

fisherofmengirly|1349300583|3278844 said:
Hello Preggos!

Baby Fisher is 10 weeks! :)

We saw the baby squirm on the ultrasound Monday. Talk about melting my heart! :)


This is such wonderful news! All the blessings!


Fisher, 10 weeks already? Wow!

Pave, congrats! Hope to catch you on the flip-side...if I ever drag my buns over to the big girl thread!

Hi Curly! Good to see you here and I felt the same way about posting here. I have had an u/s every week since I saw the heartbeat. I sort of had an excuse but really my nerves could only go about a week before I would just freak out and the u/s are only about 30 bucks here so I thought why not if it keeps me sane. Now I am starting to feel a bit better especially cause I can feel little kicks although I haven't felt them for a while which freaks me out but that is beside the point, lol. Much better if they could just knock me out for 9m and wake me when the kids are here haha.
Regarding that test I totally wanted it and planned on getting it. My nurse from the u.s said she thinks its about 800 bucks. Im not sure if it's covered, hopefully it is for you. I found the website of the co who does it in San Jose, Ca (my home town). I believe it's brand name is Harmony. There is a decent website if you google it. Long story short its not for twins or multiples :(. I'm not doing amnio because I just don't think its worth the risk for twins ( i heard your risk of m/c is double since you have two pokes). I'm so glad you can get it! It will give you peace of mind.
Be back later to re-read and say hi to others.

Thanks for the congrats; it's so amazing to know our baby is growing. I think about the kid all the time. Not sure what I thought about before the baby (probably about what it would be like to have a healthy baby growing!).

Pupp, yes we jumped ahead a little. It makes sense to me, because our betas were so high. I was probably closer to 5 weeks preggo when I finally tested (rather than a day late). Then the sac was shaped funny at the first scan & the tech had a hard time measuring the baby. They said I'm on target for the due date based on LMP, so I guess I ovulated like an average person this cycle! So, that moved us from May 10 to April 30. And now I'm 10 weeks, just like that. I had been praying the baby would *catch* up where I thought it should be (about 3-4 days) and instead he/she jumped over a week and a half. :) Like I said, the baby was hiding at the first scan.... little trickster!

We go back in 2 weeks for the NT scan & a dr visit. What happens at the 12 week dr visit? Do they look at your business every time, or just talk? I've never found a book that gives a good breakdown of what happens at each dr visit. Makes me curious!

Fisher- Your little baby is so cute! I am strange but I think seeing the little traces of a tail are so cute, although it is something I am glad they grow out of! At my 12 week appointment I did get my third u/s (on the belly not trans-vaginal), urine sample, blood work, and talked to the doctor about what screening I wanted to do. They did talk to me about what conditions would cause me to terminate the pregnancy so prepare yourself that they may ask you that. Some offices will do a nt test during the u/s to check the risk of down syndrome. Also, my doctor's office gave me a packet with things to avoid, when to call them, and what to expect at each appointment. Good luck! I know your little one has a lot of people sending good thoughts and wishes!

Fisher, in my experience, I got a pelvic exam at my first appointment (and a pap if I was due for one) then no business checking until the very end. Thank goodness! The 10-12 week appointment usually just involves weight, BP, doppler and question answering. The NT scan will be so much fun! Baby will look like a baby. It really is so amazing how much happens in that very short period.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
FISHER!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A JOYOUS TIME FOR YOU AND PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your baby is BEAUTIFUL! It's such a miracle to see your little bean so strong and healthy... and growing in love and faith along with you guys. So overwhelmed with happiness for you. Have been praying for this day for a long time... and wow, it's here. Amazing!!!!!!! Your journey is proof of everything I have faith in. SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, so many other beautiful mamas here - haven't had time to read in yet but I saw Meresal is pregnant! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
:appl: Pupp, too? WOW!!!!!!! So awesome!!!!

Squee! Hope to join you ladies here soon. We've been waiting a very long time - nursing delayed my period for flipping 18-19 months. Gah! :cheeky: Now that M is 21 months, I have my first regular cycle and I have never been so happy to see AF again in my life!

CONGRATULATIONS, LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you all!

Babies Babies Babies!!!!!! Squee! :love:

Congratulations all you mommas to be!

I am a long time PSer, but have chosen a new user name because I am nervous talking about such a new pregnancy and wanted a little anonymity if it doesn't work out. I have had 3 previous early pregnancy losses-so time will tell!

I am 6 days past my period and have had 3 positive(a bit over the top-I know!) HPT over this time.

I am so torn as to how long to wait to go see my Midwife, I would like the first visit to be a productive and positive one-so am thinking about waiting until around 6.5wks so we have a larger chance of seeing a heartbeat.

But am thinking seeing my Betas might make me feel a bit better about it all also. Any advice, I feel like I keep going in circles???

Mommy2Be, welcome. I think with your previous losses you should go in for a beta and also check your thyroid levels and progesterone. I had a MC at 10 weeks last October, and I am now 36 weeks pregnant. I have been taking Synthroid for my thyroid as my levels are high for pregnancy without the medication. Ideally your TSH/thyroid should be below 2.5 while you are pregnant. If your progesterone and/or thyroid are not at ideal levels, you can start medication now that may help prevent another miscarriage early on. Good luck to you!

Fisher, I'm so excited for you making it to 10 weeks - that is a major milestone. I think you could have an internal or external ultrasound at 12 weeks plus a bunch of blood work. You should call and ask, but they don't look down there again till the very end (around 36-37 weeks they check the cervix) once they can pick up things externally on your stomach. It is nice to not have to undress - but just pull your pants down a little for them to get to your stomach area for the ultrasounds and heart beat/doppler readings.

Thanks JGator!

My Midwife is out for 2weeks, so I guess I will be waiting it out at this point as there was no offer to see anyone else any sooner. My TSH is 1.1 and they keep telling me WNL.

Congratulations to Pavelover, Fishermengirls, and CurlySue! Meresal, looking forward to seeing you on the "Big Girl Thread" when you're ready-- glad to hear things are progressing well!

CurlySue, I did the MaterniT21 test and am SOOOOO glad we did. It's a pretty cool technological development-- who knew that 6% of all genetic material floating around in the mother's plasma during pregnancy would be baby DNA/RNA?-- and I felt very lucky that the test became available to the public right when I was in the position because, to tell the truth, I hated seeing the risk stats for amnio. (If you want a little more info, I posted detailed information around page 148 in this thread in response to another poster.)

Thanks so much for chiming in on M21, FDL. I went back to your old post, and everything you posted jives with what I've read so far. At first, I couldn't believe a test like this was available, but when you learn more about how it works, it makes total sense! So cool! I'm actually going in tomorrow morning to meet with a GC and give my blood sample. You're in CA, right? Do you remember how long it took for you to get your results? I've heard varying answers, and I'm wondering if b/c I am in IL if it will take longer. I'm excited to take the test, but I have a feeling I'm going to be *very* antsy while I wait for the results.

M2B, sorry I'm chiming in late, but... I had one loss prior to this pregnancy. Due to that, my doctor suggested I go in for Betas, and then based on those results, we set a date for my first appointment accordingly. She wanted to get me in earlier than with my first pregnancy, but not so early that there was a risk we might not see a heartbeat, thus causing more stress. So we ended up going in right around 8 weeks. Obviously, if your midwife is out for two weeks, I guess that makes your decision easier, but I just thought I'd share my experience. I hope you are feeling well!

:wavey: to everyone else!

Just wanting to say hello to all of the new ladies! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: Hello!!! Welcome :wavey:

Just came on to see your photo now Fisher - beautiful baby. Can't wait to see the next shots. It's astounding what huge changes there are between 10-12 weeks. Now it's a gummy bear, then it's a little tiny person, with a nasal bone, limbs and all, and will be kicking and bouncing around in there like crazy. So so so happy for you!

Thank you BLISS!! I would absolutely LOVE to see you around here very shortly!! :love:

Oh, and edited to say thanks to Fleur! I made the move :appl:

Congrats to all the jbp ladies!!!! So happy for you all!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Especially want to say congrats to Fisher!!!! I'm so so thrilled for you!!!! Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy!!!! :appl:

Yay Fisher!!!! Congrats to you. Thrilled for you both..... :appl: :appl:

And congrats to all the other lovely ladies. :wavey:

Thanks, all! I'm *still* so excited & in awe of this experience. I love it! My pants are tight. Wo 11 weeks & tight pants already. Grow baby, grow! :)

I am thinking of getting a doppler- anyone have any suggestions? :)

I haven't heard of that speecial new test, but we will be doing the NT soon!!

Hope all is well with everyone. Wheat Thins are my thing to keep the pukies away. I have them stashed all over... haha. :)

Fisher, I think most of us who have dopplers have the sonoline B. Best $50 I've spent! I :love: listening to the baby at home.

only 50 bucks? score! and its a doppler, not a speaker? yay!

I also have the sonoline b... love it! but don't use it too much ;)

I just checked my receipt and it actually cost $60 with shipping but obviously still totally worth it. I don't use it a tin either but at least weekly and it has relieved my concerns many times for sure.