
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Hello ladies!

I'm posting from my phone, otherwise I'd say "hello" and/or "welcome" to everyone individually here.

Just chugging along at 14 weeks. Time seems to be absolutely dragging these days. Nausea is gone but I'm getting up constantly to pee at night! Still waiting for that moment when I'll be truly excited for this baby. Some people have said it may not happen until the little one arrives. No one has said it flat out won't happen.

Pants are getting tighter. Was told by my doc that I need to eat more a few weeks ago. I used to consider coffee my breakfast and would just have a snack for lunch and binge at dinner. Bad habits! I'm now on the breakfast and lunch train and my waistline is paying the price. I need to start exercising more. Walking the dogs isn't cutting it.

Had the NT scan a few weeks ago. Doctor said the image looked good. They never called with the complete results and I keep forgetting to call them to find out. Is this pregnancy brain already!?

Well anyway, sorry for the mecentric post.

Sending good pregnancy vibes to all the lovely "just barely" ladies!!

I also have the Sonoline B Doppler. It cost me ~$60 with shipping. It gets great reviews because it is not only inexpensive but it can detect the heartbeat pretty early. I think I was about 7 weeks when I got it and after some searching I found the heartbeat! Some people say it causes more worry, but when I had a lot of bleeding in my first trimester I was so relieved to be able to check for the heartbeat before my 3 hour wait to see the baby in the emergency room. As I got more relaxed that this baby is here to stay I have used it less often, but it was also nice to use it to hear the baby moving before feeling it. I also used it to confirm that those flutters I was feeling were in fact the baby. Now that the baby moves all the time I need it less, but sometimes it makes me feel better when the baby hasn't moved in a while.

I do want to add that I read that in the third trimester if kick counts are low you should still call a doctor even if you can find a heartbeat at home. Apparently some women fail to get medical attention because they are falsely reassured by the Doppler when something is actually wrong and the baby isn't moving. But that's not until the third trimester when the baby is moving more predictably and the baby is big enough that mom feels every move.

Haven't posted in awhile. We had our anatomy scan two weeks ago at 18wks but had to go back this last Friday for a followup scan at 20wks because the brain ventricles were measuring borderline too large at the 18wk scan. Of course this made me worry and I scoured the internet for info. I felt relieved to read that in 97% of cases, the measurements go down and there is no issue. And that turned out to be the case for us at our 20wk scan. Baby girl looks very healthy and weighs about 1lb now.

I did go to the OB last week due to possible UTI and they found that my sugar level is slightly elevated so I think they will be giving me the 1 hour glucose test today at my regular monthly appt. I have been really watching my carbs since the appt last week. With my medical history and age, I am not completely suprised if I do get GD but just wasn't expecting it occurring this early.

We finally told family and friends after our 18wk scan so I am feeling a bit more like this is really happening! Plus I am now wearing maternity jeans and shirts - way more comfortable!

I think I will jump to the preggo thread since I am half way there at 20wks. Hope to see you all over there soon! Congrats to the new "just barely" preggo ps'ers!!

P.S. - re: Materniti21 - I would highly recommend it. It is non-invasive and has a high accuracy for determining Trisomy 21 and 18. Plus you can find out gender as early as 10wks!
Can I hop in here? I was around some with my son, who is now 19 months. I'm 11 weeks with our second! So Fisher I think we must have close due dates? Excited to chat with you ladies.

Pupp - how old is your son now?

Miscka|1350424185|3286572 said:
Can I hop in here? I was around some with my son, who is now 19 months. I'm 11 weeks with our second! So Fisher I think we must have close due dates? Excited to chat with you ladies.

Pupp - how old is your son now?

congrats :appl:

Congrats Mischka! How are you feeling? I'm just a couple of weeks ahead of you and Fisher. I have a three year old- I'm tired lol. How are you doing managing your toddler and your pregnancy? Talk to you later!

Can I come in here?

I'm 4w4d, so I'm still VERY newly pregnant. DH and I are so excited, but trying to remain cautiously optimistic because I'm very anxious, as I've heard so many stories on PS (as well as friends and family members of mine) who had early losses. I was planning on waiting to join here until I (hopefully) reach 6 weeks, but I have a question and was hoping maybe someone had some experience with this..

I had my betas tested this week at 15DPO and 18DPO. At 15DPO it was 487 and 18DPO it was a bit over 2000 (didn't get the exact number, but the nurse I spoke to said it was over 2000). Doubling time is around 34 hours. I'm not sure why this is making me nervous (I know it's a good thing that it's more than doubling every 48 hours!) but why would it be so high? All the "normal" numbers I see on different websites are much lower than those numbers...

My real OB/GYN is out until December, so I've been speaking to a nurse on the phone, and I think she thinks I'm crazy for worrying and I should just be happy the numbers are good! So why do I still feel nervous...? I've been feeling basically no symptoms other than some heartburn and being hungry all the time and I'm so scared something bad will happen. I thought finding out the betas would calm me down, but now I realize that was wishful thinking!! :knockout:

Hi to all the JBP ladies!! :wavey:
Welcome Lavender!

Unfortunately, I have no answers regarding your beta test. Everything you said sounded Greek to me! :-)

There's no such thing as too early to join! You're just as barely pregnant as I was when I joined. It's good to have a place to tell people (especially if you're keeping it a secret for awhile to the people around you).

I wish you good health and few icky symptoms in the upcoming weeks!

Hopefully someone can chime in to answer your questions.
Lavender_81 said:

Hi lavender!! Congrats on your BFP! My betas were similar w my son and were also high with this pregnancy. There's just a huge range! My midwife doesn't even tell the #s unless asked, for that reason. Try to relax and enjoy!! I know it's hard.

Lavender, congrats! No info to offer on betas since my office doesn't do them but I'm sure e everything's fine.

Miska, hi! DS is 27 mos so the boys will be 2.5 years apart. Congrats! How's your little one?

Lavender, maybe the betas are so high because it's twins!! :naughty: Try not to worry to much!

Miscka, congrats on number two! A lot of us with toddlers are also expecting again. My kids will be about 23 months apart. Welcome to the party! ;)
Re: Re:

mylittlepretties|1350331403|3285791 said:
P.S. - re: Materniti21 - I would highly recommend it. It is non-invasive and has a high accuracy for determining Trisomy 21 and 18. Plus you can find out gender as early as 10wks!

I had this test after an abnormal quad screen. Insurance wouldn't cover it, but Seqonom, the test manufacturer, offered to cover a large portion so that we only paid ~$500 out of pocket. Problem is, they still billed our insurance, who denied coverage but used our whole HRA to pay for the test, and we are STILL fighting with both companies to have that money reimbursed. Thousands of dollars. Just thought Id warn everyone!

ETA: The test itself was great, though. Quick and an invasive as any other blood draw. Much better than an amnio!

Welcome Miscka and Lavender! Nice to see this group growing!

Lavender, I am a major worrier, so I can relate to how you are feeling right now. But even if your betas are on the higher end, I would try to let it go for now. As Miscka said, there is a HUGE range, and everyone's different. My betas were on the higher end this time, and I was starting to think it might be twins. Nope! I have a singleton! So other than looking at whether they are increasing at the appropriate rates, it's hard to tell much from the actual numbers. I know that probably doesn't help you. Hopefully, you'll get some reassurance with an ultrasound soon.

How is everyone else doing? Pave, Fisher - I hope you are feeling well!

I have been MIA recently - work has been nuts, which was actually a nice distraction. I got my results from the MaterniT21 test last week, and I am relieved to report that the results were negative for Downs, T18 and T13. I cried when I got the voicemail with the results.

We also learned that we are having a GIRL!!!! I had convinced myself that we were having a boy, so it took me a few days to wrap my head around that news. So much for maternal instinct, huh? Ha. Now that I've processed it, I'm thrilled. DH thought it was a girl from the beginning, so he's excited, too.

Hopefully, I don't end up with a massive bill for M21 on my hands, like you did, PPM! Yikes!

We also had the NT scan on Friday (at 11w6d), and I believe the NT measurement was 1.9. So that was great news, too! And little girl looked so cute! She was really active - bouncing around, crossing her ankles, flailing her little arms around! So amazing.
Pupp - congrats on your boy news! I'm hoping to follow suit. I'm not sure if we overlapped last time, but I think our boys and we must be similar, I've found a lot of old posts of yours searching around here, mostly for sleep stuff ;)

Laila - hi!! Congrats! Mine will be 26 months if I go to my due date, which is unlikely since DS was almost 3 weeks early.

Pave - yay we are close in dates! I'm finding the preggo/SAHM to toddler combo tough, but I'm getting through. How are you feeling?

Curly - congrats on team pink!! I've heard so much about MT21 but its not offered here, which I am bummed about as it sounds like a good test.

Hi everyone else!! Nt much going on here. NY scan Tuesday, which I am excited about. Haven't seen the baby since about 8 weeks, I'm excited to see more than a blob! :)

Hi everyone,

We're doing good on this side of town. :) I still have a lot of morning (read: all day) sickness, but I count it as a blessing because it reminds me and reassures me that the sweet kiddo is growing right along. 13 weeks tomorrow! Yippppeee!

We had our NT scan Weds, all went great. Measurement was 1.25, which they said is excellent. I had blood work, but no results yet-- said they will do more on week 16 to complete the testing. I don't know that I understand that, since what I've read says they now only need to do one blood draw with the NT. Oh well, it's only one tube & I'm a pro with blood draws now. :)

Kiddo is measuring right on schedule for our due date, and was pretty sleepy during the scan. Eventually the baby woke up & rolled away from the screen. Haha. Baby decided to cooperate finally & we got good readings. The heartbeat is 167, and. *so* sweet to listen to. :) oh and let's talk about a precious little profile. Melt this mama's heart!! Elation. I am so in love with this tiny person!!

I hope everyone here is doing well & is enjoying the journey moe than worrying about the journey. It's going to be awesome & I look forward to seeing these sweet kiddos on the board grow in the coming months. :)

Does anyone know anything about the *angle of the dangle* theory? I've been trying to analyze the baby's *dan :bigsmile: gel* but it's pretty much greek to me. Hub's finds it funny that I'm trying to find clues, since I'm so set on having the baby's sex be a surprise. It's all in fun!

Pils, when do they think the insurance issues will be sorted out?

Has anyone added to the preggos in waiting thread? I'm going to go check it out.... :)

I don't think I ever congratulated you Fisher but HUGE congrats! I can't believe you are at 12 weeks already! The nub theory is really simple: From the side profile if the nub is horizontal- Girl!, perpendicular = Boy! It was correct for me! Post your pic!

Talking about gender and nubs makes me want to post what happened to me last week, so I will... I am still very much reeling from it. So I had my anatomy scan a while ago. Everything looked great and I told the U/S tech that we didn't want to know the sex and she said "okay, I won't even look then." Afterwards, a huge weight had been lifted and I knew we had passed the first big temptation to finding out the sex and I was just so relieved to have our little surprise to look forward to. So last Tuesday I had my OB appointment and she reviewed the anatomy scan info right in front of me and this is the conversation that occurred:

Doc- "So everything looks great, baby is looking healthy" :read:
Me- "Yep" :))
Doc- "So did they confirm that it's a boy?"
Me- "NO!!! It was supposed to be a surprise!!!!" :o
Doc- "Oh, my! I have it in my computer that it's a boy! But I swear I only type that after the parents tell me! It must be a mistake!" :eek:
Me- "So it's a boy? Weird, I was thinking girl..." :confused:
Doc- "It's not in my records anywhere..." :read: :confused: [shuffling through paper] "Well your surprise is NOT ruined... I can't find it written officially anywhere so it must be a mistake, it can still go either way."

I really wasn't mad because it really seemed like an honest mistake and I can take some of the blame because I forgot to tell her we didn't want to know. But then I felt like she might have been trying to cover up her mistake by saying she didn't have it written anywhere. I figured it was over because I couldn't forget what happened and I knew I'd start believing it was a boy. I needed a confirmation so I just went to one of those mall ultrasound places and ... it's a GIRL!
All of that was really just a simple error!

Anyway, I really didn't care what we got. I always wanted my first to be a boy but I also knew I'd always want a girl too. This surprise was supposed to be a win-win for me. But now I feel so sad that the surprise was ruined... :nono: It's funny because after she said boy I started to think about what life would be like with a boy and if I'd ever have a girl. Now that I know it's going to be a girl, I have the same feelings about whether I will have a boy. I just really needed to be surprised so I wouldn't be thinking like this. I am just so sad that I will never get that moment now.

I will post one, but the *nub* is hiding, I believe....

We got 8 pics, this is NOT the cutest for the profile, but if there is a nub in any of the pics, it's this one.

I will post the cute profile, too, because the wee one is *adorable* and I don't want to misrepresent!


Sweet baby's profile.

Love, to the max. :love:



That's too bad about the doc's flub! I can relate in a way. We have always said we wanted the baby (like way back when we started trying) to be a surprise & now we are getting A LOT of pressure to find out & tell my husband's parents. His mom is ill, and I understand her desire to know, I really do. I want to make her happy, but at the same time I want to enjoy the fun of wondering & guessing & having this wonderful surprise greet us at the time of the baby's birth. It is something I have dreamed of, prayed for, and looked forward to for many years.

I *know* on the big scale, it's not that big of a deal. We obviously will be thrilled with our child regardless of gender and regardless of how/when we find out.... but I just seem to keep hanging on to this dream. And, truth be told, I want to experience the joy of the surpise exactly like my mom did with my birth (not that it was an option to know back then)...

Ah, God will work it out just perfectly. I hope you are doing well & are enjoying the news of your darling little girl!

Wlecome to the newcomers. It's going to be fun learning more about one another as our tummy's expand. :) wishing you all well & joy in the baby-growing process!

AWW!! Baby Fisher is way, way cute!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:

Thanks, Dandi. I am pretty nuts about this kiddo already. :)

Fisher, do you think your in-laws could keep a secret? You could have the ultrasound tech write the gender down, and seal it in an envelope to give the in-laws. That way they would be the only ones to know in advance of the delivery.

Travel Goddess - We're planning on keeping it to ourselves until I (hopefully) pass the first trimester, so I totally agree with you that this is a great place to share some of this, especially now when I can't talk to any friends and family about it yet!

Miscka - It's good to hear my betas sound like they could be normal. I got the actual number from the second blood draw - it was 487 at 15DPO and 2104 at 18DPO! I tried to con my primary care doctor into doing another one yesterday because I want to make sure they're still rising, but he refused. ::)

Puppmom - thanks so much!!

Laila - Twins?? I have to admit that thought DID enter my mind.... I've said for years I think if my doctor said I was having twins I would just laugh, because I wouldn't know what else to do! Truthfully, as "quick" as this TTC process was, it still took a few months (I know we are very lucky it was only a few months, but those months I spent many nights crying and panicking that I would never be able to get pregnant or have a baby). Those months really made me realize what an amazing, precious gift every pregnancy and every baby is, so I think as much as I would be very nervous to have two babies at once, I would also be twice as excited!

CurlySue - Glad I'm not the only worrier here! It's so funny because I thought all I wanted to hear was that the number was doubling, but then when I heard how high it was, it just gave me new reasons to worry!! I've been trying not to think of it too much, because there isn't anything I can do about it now anyway! Happy to hear about your good MaterniT21 results - must be a huge relief!

Fisher - I've followed your journey for a long time now, and every single time you post it makes me smile so much! I can't believe you're 13 weeks already! Baby's profile is just *so* adorable!!

Mia - So sorry about your doctor's mistake :(( I would be upset too, but try not to get too down about it (although I definitely understand why it is upsetting). You're having a girl!!! A DAUGHTER! congrats!! :appl:

AFM, work has been busy, but pretty much all I can think about is this little life growing inside me! I'm 5 weeks, 2 days now, which is still so early. I spend about half my time being terrified something bad will happen and the other half being so excited and hopeful. I wish time would go by faster - it feels like it's DRAGGING! I have a dating ultrasound scheduled for 11/5 (I will be 7 weeks) and I'm praying nothing bad happens before then and I'm praying we hear a strong heartbeat. I was so impatient I just called to see if I could move it up to 11/2, but they said for my ultrasound they can only do it Saturdays and Mondays, so I had to leave it. I don't want to go next Monday because I worry 6 weeks might be too early to hear a HB and then I would just worry even more.

I'm still hungry all the time, but so many foods are just not interesting to me anymore. I started having little waves of nausea in the morning right after I wake up, but they're very tolerable and usually go away quickly. I know the real morning sickness will be much worse than this, so I'm trying to just appreciate this while I can! No other symptoms so far... Oh, I guess my only other symptoms is heart palpitations that happen pretty frequently. My doctor has me wearing a Holter monitor for 24 hours, so we'll see if that shows anything, but I doubt it.

DH has been so cute and so wonderful these last few weeks since we found out I'm pregnant. He was always loving and caring, but now it's like he just wants to do whatever he can to make this easier for me (even though I've said so many times already that I don't even feel pregnant!) It's so much fun having this little secret between the 2 of us and reading updates on Babycenter and talking about our little "sesame seed" (last week was a poppy seed)!

Hope everyone else is feeling good and babies are growing and growing!!! :))

It's funny because right after I posted I realized maybe I had one more story that could fall under the category of "hormonal pregnant woman", despite the fact that I don't *feel* pregnant.

Yesterday I was at work (right now I'm doing my last internship/fieldwork in order to finish my Masters' degree). So I'm working in a preschool for kids with disabilities, and I was in the middle of conducting a therapy session with one of the 3-year-old boys. He has several developmental delays and behavioral issues, but I've been treating him for a few weeks now and he's generally a cute kid who I enjoy working with even though he rarely follows my therapy plan (but then again, when do they ever at 3 years old??)

Anyway, in the middle of the session he got very agitated and threw a HORRIBLE tantrum. He head-butted me and knocked into my head really hard, to the point where it hurt so much I almost started crying. One of the physical therapists in the room ran over and took him because she saw I got hurt, but I kind of shook it off, tried to calm him down, and brought him back to his classroom because the session was over. As soon as I brought him to his room, I went to the bathroom, sat down in a stall, and literally sat there crying hysterically for 10 minutes. Why? I'm not really sure. This isn't the first time this has happened, and usually I handle those situations pretty well and I thought I was getting used to working with kids, but for some reason this whole thing hit me HARD and I began to doubt I'll make it through the rest of the internship, I was thinking how scared I was that one of the kids would kick me in the stomach the next few weeks and hurt the baby somehow, worried how I'll be able to do this when morning sickness kicks in, etc etc.

So I guess when I was sitting alone crying hysterically in the bathroom in the middle of the day, maybe I *was* a little more hormonal than usual :halo: But then I picked myself up, went to my next session, and continued feeling very *not* pregnant the rest of the day. :cheeky:


Are you the gator from the ttc thread? :) :)

I really need to go back & figure our how many of my friends have moved to parenthood for the first or second time while I was gone.....

My mother-in-law would ever intentionally share the news, but she is on some strong meds at times that make her loopy, so we can't assume she wouldn't be sharing the news. Ah. I don't know why this is such an emotional struggle for me. It will work out & a few months from now I will wonder why I even started to worry about it, I'm sure.

Is anyone else going to post pics of their sweet kiddos? :)

Hi, Fisher, I'm in the Preggos thread. We TTCed for a year, and had a MC at 10 weeks last October. We have been blessed with a rainbow baby, and I'm now 38.5 weeks pregnant and I'm scheduled to have a baby girl on Monday. I would likely not tell your MIL now then if you know she might not be able to keep your secret.

Happpy Friday!!

Checking in here at 12w6d. Feeling good, though I am sad to report I have gained 7 pounds already. I was holding steady at 4 pounds through 11 weeks, and then is just seemed like, BAM! 3 pounds appeared overnight. I could definitely stand to get my eating habits back under control - I have let myself go a little nuts lately. Having Halloween candy around the house has not helped!

We started spreading the news over the last week, and it has been so much fun! I also told folks at work, and they have all been so wonderful. My boss has already talked to me about he is open to being flexible with me after the baby arrives and after I return from maternity leave, which is pretty amazing. I don't want to assume I'll need the flexibility and I don't want him to assume I want to change anything about my role, but it is a relief to know he is open to that conversation if we need to have it.

Lavender, I totally hear you about always thinking about our little ones. There are times when I know I should be concentrating on something but I find myself daydreaming about the future or wondering if I woke up little girl when I coughed or something like that. It sounds like you are still feeling well - I hope that continues for you!

Fisher - Baby Fisher is a cutie!! I bet it is fun for you and your hubs to speculate on what "the nub" indicates.

Mia - I can't believe they told you the gender!! Gah! I am so sorry the surprise was ruined for you...but congrats on Team Pink!

In the spirit of sharing, here is our sweet little girl. You might be able to see that she has her ankles crossed in the top photo if you look up towards the right - I thought that was so cute!

