
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Hi Gammygam, congratulations! I found out last monday, my last AF was in early November, so when I went to the doc with a cold they said 'OMG you're late!" and I was all "Um, no, just by like 2 days which is not abnormal for me..." but they were right!

I'm also petite (but only 5 ft!) and have the same thing going on, I'm already down to only 2 bras that fit without major spillage, I hope this doesn't keep up! I've also become hyper sensitive about my waistline, but luckily it's winter so maybe it's the bulky sweaters, or my imagination. Yeash, twins? When will you find out? I go back after the hols for a heartbeat/ultrasound visit.

Mercoledi, that's awesome! I'm so glad it sounds like we have the same symptoms (kinda) going on.

I'm also hyper sensitive about my ever expanding waistline. I have a work trip coming up and I'm a little worried people will notice.

Were you actively trying? We are newly married 2 months and a few days now. I was actively tracking but didn't actively chart after the wedding. I saw a temp dip and assumed it was my AF so didn't bother with protection. When I saw my temps continuously increase, I thought uh-oh but was really excited and got my bfp 11dpo lol.

I got my hcg and progesterone levels back today. My progesterone has been really low so I have to keep an eye on that but my hcg was 6300 which makes me go hmmm....

I've been MIA for a while; hope everyone is doing well.

Our family is working on recovering from losing my mother-in-law. She fought hard for 4 years. It's hard, but I do find peace in knowing she's no longer got a pain or tear ever again. And she's getting to snuggle our first baby, Miracle, too.

Pregnancy is going well-- 23 weeks now and the baby is doing great! Here's a pic from 22 weeks, 4 days: :bigsmile:


Hey, my kid flipped upside down! Let me try again with another pic.... We have a LOT!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


Congrats on the news!! Over half way!!!

Beautiful ultrasound fisher!!

I'm right at 8 weeks at the moment and I no longer fit into my regular clothes after eating. My ultrasound will be on the 22nd, I'm so excited!
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fisherofmengirly|1357138114|3345401 said:
I've been MIA for a while; hope everyone is doing well.

Our family is working on recovering from losing my mother-in-law. She fought hard for 4 years. It's hard, but I do find peace in knowing she's no longer got a pain or tear ever again. And she's getting to snuggle our first baby, Miracle, too.

Pregnancy is going well-- 23 weeks now and the baby is doing great! Here's a pic from 22 weeks, 4 days: :bigsmile:

Fisher - I know I haven't been around for a while, but something made me want to come back and check up on you, and I am SO INCREDIBLY happy to hear that you are carrying a little baby of your own! :appl: :bigsmile: :appl: Throughout all of my stuggles (minor though they were to your's), you were such an amazingly positive and faithfilled beacon of light. You are such a wonderul person and I am so glad that God has finally blessed you with this gift!

I did go back and read a bit, and I am sorry about your mother-in-law and her eventually succombing (sp) to her sickness. I have no doubt she will be looking over your baby and should you need to talk, please feel free to reach out to me. I know losing a parent during pregnancy is extremely difficult, but I would love to share with you the little wonders your baby can share with you. :saint:

I will definitely try to peek in more often and keep an eye on you two. Please do know that I will be thinking of you, Paul and the baby and can't wait to see some more great pictures!

Huge hug and congrats again! :bigsmile:

DC!! Good to see you-- I would love to talk sometime. I find myself at random times thinking about Martha and things I wish she would be able to experience with us. She sang beautifully and our kiddo won't get that blessing-- that was tonight's tears. However, we do have a lot of memories stored up to share with the baby and I pray that Grammy will be a loved and treasured person in our child's life, regardless of having met her.

Part of me really hopes the baby is a girl (gender is a surprise hidden in an envelope in the baby's room) so we can give her Grammy's middle name. Ah.

Martha was dear and I pray I'm as good a mother as she and my own mom have been to my hubs and me.

I hope mama hood is rocking for you, sweet lady! :bigsmile:

We had our first ultrasound yesterday! The little one was quite active through the whole thing kicking and grabbing away. I have to admit the pictures look like a blob haha but in person, it was really quite amazing to watch the baby move. :love:


Gammy- congrats! What a cute little bub. How far along are you?

Meet your newest member. I am 4 weeks and 2 days with number two. Got my BFP 5 days ago :appl: our first is a sweet little boy, 25 months old.
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icekid|1358899860|3362058 said:
Gammy- congrats! What a cute little bub. How far along are you?

Meet your newest member. I am 4 weeks and 2 days with number two. Got my BFP 5 days ago :appl: our first is a sweet little boy, 25 months old.

Congrats Icekid and happy birthday to Jumper!!! :appl:

Gammy and Fisher awww, great U/S's congrats!

Icekid, congratulations! I'm 10 weeks and 3 days! My due date is August 18th did you find our yours?

Skippy, thank you! I look forward to seeing you again at the gtg this year :)

This little one has me up at 3:30 am contemplating going to get some food! Luckily there are plenty of 24 hr places here.
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gammygam|1358939380|3362168 said:
Icekid, congratulations! I'm 10 weeks and 3 days! My due date is August 18th did you find our yours?

Skippy, thank you! I look forward to seeing you again at the gtg this year :)

This little one has me up at 3:30 am contemplating going to get some food! Luckily there are plenty of 24 hr places here.

me too!!! :appl: I will get to see your bump too, yay!

I'm ever so cautiously dipping my toes in over here. I'm probably going to hang out mostly in the TTC 6+ thread for a few more days until my betas come back, but I've been waiting to come over here for SO LONG that I can't wait to at least say hi. ::) I just got my first 'real' BFP tonight at 11DPO and had a lot of fun telling DH! I sure hope I get to stick around for a long while. :))

Quick question - for those of you that have a beta, did your doctor do a follow up to make sure you were doubling? My RE says that the doctor will decide based on what my numbers are. I guess it makes sense if my numbers are good, but I really want that reassurance that they're doubling appropriately!

Tammy, yes. Ask for Progesterone too. Here are my numbers. My RE wouldn't keep checking my beta after the 3rd visit.

DPO Beta Progesterone
13 92 36.4
16 319 49.4
20 1304 37.1
27 N/A 28.7
39 N/A 35.7

Hm I hadn't thought about progesterone check too. I didn't have a problem with it before, my temp is staying nice and high and no spotting. So I'm guessing she'll be resistant. I'll ask though! I wonder when they'll release to the ob and if I'll get an us from the re office at 6 wks. My ob doesn't usually see you until 8 wks apparently. That's an eternity!!!

Out of my BWW section to say squee!! Yay tammy! :wavey: :appl:

Tammy, I think I was released to the OB around 9 weeks. I had low progesterone with my first pregnancy which miscarried, and I did not on the 2nd, but I was paranoid. So, I would say get it checked because each pregnancy is different, and you really want to treat it if it's low. I checked my calendar, and I had an ultrasound at the RE at 6 weeks.

ETA, also get your TSH/thyroid checked.

Congratulations tammy!!

I too, got my BFP at 11 dpo! And I got tested immediately for my hcg and progesterone levels. I have PCOS and my doctor had told me that I would have plenty of difficulty getting pregnant. I was also seeing an acupuncturist that is able to order tests.

My progesterone was extremely low, almost to the point where it didn't register. Luckily my hcg kept doubling and tripling. I got a prescription for progesterone (not provera but something else more expensive, my insurance doesn't cover maternity so it was $130 out of pocket for 30 days of progesterone pills).

To give you an idea, my progesterone was barely a 7 the first time, stayed at 7 until I got the pills when it finally went up to 13. Still not in the fantastic range, but in the ok range. A word of warning, I don't know if it was the progesterone or what but I have the most awful morning sickness (think 7-10 times throwing up on average). In my first few weeks, I had the blood tests done on me twice a week to make sure that I was producing progesterone, they did consider me to be at risk for a miscarriage. Fortunately, I'm 11 weeks 3 days atm, so fingers crossed that I make it through, I'm on the home stretch of the first trimester!

Popping in from ???? I guess I belong in the TTC thread again as we just decided to start again.

I am so happy for you Tammy!!!!!!

Wow, I haven't popped in here for a while and the thread has changed so much - it used to be mostly those who had just got their BFPs up to about 12-13 weeks, but now it seems to go for much longer! Congratulations to you all. Tammy, I've been following your story on the TTC 6m+ thread and just wanted to wish you all the best, so exciting!

Yayayayayay, Tammy!!! I had posted on the 6+ months thread earlier, but my post got eaten. I am so happy for you!!! My fingers are crossed for a super sticky bean for you!

As for betas, I had two drawn, particularly due to the fact that I had a prior m/c. My first draw this time was at about 4.5 weeks, so it was really early. I went back for another draw maybe 3 or 4 days after that, which would have been around 5 weeks. After my dr. saw they were increasing appropriately, she actually gave me the option to do more, but I opted to just do the two based on how well they increased and went in for a fairly early u/s at 8 weeks. I think I put my initial numbers in the 6+ months thread back in August. I also had a progesterone check, though I had to request that, and I only did that on the first draw. Once that number looked good, I left it at that.

Hope that helps!

Tammy! I'm. So so so so behind on posting but just got supr excited that someone was congratulating you! What awesome news. Gonna back up and figure out story but I'm soooooooooo happy for you!

Posting on my phone with a band aid on my thumb so I'll come back to post more later. I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone! Also thanks for the progesterone tip, they ordered it for me and sent me a lab slip for a second draw. :wink2: I go in tomorrow at 7 and will have my first beta results by noon, so here's hoping and praying all is well!

Missy, I hope your ttc journey is short and healing. *hug*

Delurking to say EEEEEEEE!!!!! So happy for you tammy!!!!!! :appl:

Thank you everyone!!!! My phone is being mean, and ate a huge post I just tried to put over on the ttc 6+ thread so I'm keeping this brief. My phone may not survive another stunt like that. :tongue:

I had my first beta and progesterone draw about an hour ago. She said they take 4-6 hours. It's going to be a looooooong morning! I'll post an update soon. I'm crazy nervous! I also may have stopped for a frer after to see if I'm progressing still. I ran out of wondfos. Yes, I'd already ordered more. I need to find someone to donate a bunch of ttc stuff too if/when I get comfy with this little one sticking! ::)
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tammy77|1359650529|3368555 said:
Thank you everyone!!!! My phone is being mean, and ate a huge post I just tried to put over on the ttc 6+ thread so I'm keeping this brief. My phone may not survive another stunt like that. :tongue:

I had my first beta and progesterone draw about an hour ago. She said they take 4-6 hours. It's going to be a looooooong morning! I'll post an update soon. I'm crazy nervous! I also may have stopped for a frer after to see if I'm progressing still. I ran out of wondfos. Yes, I'd already ordered more. I need to find someone to donate a bunch of ttc stuff too if/when I get comfy with this little one sticking! ::)

To answer your earlier question, they should really do a check 48 hours later. The absolute number is important, but the doubling rate is just as important.

Thanks, Amc! Yes, I nagged them into doing a 48 hr check for my beta and progesterone too. This waiting is torture! I'm appeased (a bit) by the darker line on my FRER this morning though.

Cross posted from TTC 6+...

156 at 13DPO, I'm freaking out over here!! My progesterone was only 12.23 so they're starting me on prometrium. I'm trying not to worry about that, she said it's only a little low and it's mostly precautionary measures. Woohoo!

She scheduled my first us for 6w3d(?) on Monday, Feb 18th. If all looks good, they schedule one more two weeks later. After that I "graduate" to the regular OB. I'm pretty excited that they do all the u/s without me groveling. :rodent: