
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


That's great Tammy! Fingers crossed the progesterone doesn't make you sick! And yes that's a little low but nothing to really worry about. My OB was happy when I hit 14 on the tests.

Thanks, Gammygam! So far so good on the progesterone not making me sick. I'm sleepy, but that's pretty normal for me. I am pretty crampy off and on though and had a tiny bit of spotting last night so I've spent multiple hours trying to google whether it's the "okay" kind or the "bad" kind.

Hope everyone is doing well and happy Friday!

Beta was 400, doubling time of 36 hours! Looks like you guys are stuck with me for a while. :wink2:

Congrats, Tammy! That is great news. I love following along the TTCers who have been in it for the long haul.

I think I am due around Sept 29, making me 6 weeks tomorrow. The queasies are SO here. I was with a patient yesterday morning and truly thought it was all coming up. Fortunately it did not happen. phew. No doctor appointment for me, though, for a few more weeks. My new office likes to see people around 7 weeks/do dating scan but my work schedule is so awful. I'll be pushing 9 weeks by then! Oh well. Life as a doctor...

Here's hoping we continue the bfp trend!

Can I join? I had a misscarrige in Nov. that ended with a d&c around 10 weeks. We waited two months and I got a BFP again a week ago at 10dpo. I am hoping this one works out much better this time around. My HCG was 229 at 14dpo or 3 weeks 6 days. I went in on Friday for another draw but I won't get the test results till Monday. I am cautious but hopefull. It feels much different this time around. Anyway, I would love some support through the process.

Congrats to all recent mommas to be!

Hi there,

Congrats to Tammy, Icekid, gammygam!
Really excited for you guys.

Emerald lover1- sticky thoughts sending your way!

I recently found this thread and also the TTC 6+.

Tammy, i saw your post on TTC6+, Thank you for your kind words ....maybe one day i will post something on TTC 6+. I didnt realise how much it affected me until i tried to write something for that thread. I couldn't... so here is the next best thing....

I am now happy to say that we have made it through the first trimester with our second. It has been long journeys for our first and second; with the second being more difficult... but we are now here.

We are at 13 weeks and we are due on 1st August.

Really happy and excited!!!!

I posted a response over on the other board, but congratulations again!! :D

Ice! Congrats! I'm so happy for you and little jumper. Here's to a healthy pregnancy!

Just coming over to say hi.... :wavey:

I got my BFP at 3 weeks 3 days, and I'm now 4 weeks 2 days, with an EDD of 10/14 (courtesy of Fertility Friend). I have my first appointment on Feb 19, but no sonogram . :( Just a family history, blood work, etc. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this one is so very sticky!

Yay osu!! I'm so happy you're over here!

As for me, I'm now in my 13th week. I had my first ob visit yesterday and we loved him! He delivers 99% of his patients and also is the only doctor in our area to do water births. Also, his prices plus the hospital was much less than the other places we have checked out. My little one is now 2.25 inches!

Fingers crossed, the morning sickness seems to have dissipated. I'm still a bit queasy but not throwing up every waking hour.

I hope all you ladies are doing well! :wavey: :appl:

Welcome, ice and oso! Gammy, you're on your way to graduating to the big girl's thread (no pun intended!!!). So happy to hear that you had a great u/s. I think I'd go nuts if I had to wait until 13wks for my first appt/us. :eek: I have my first appt w/a sono on Feb 19th. I'll be 6w0d so I keep telling myself that I definitely won't see the hb yet...but of course I'm hoping and praying that I do so I can relax a bit more.

Gammy I'm sorry to hear that you had bad m/s! I am a day shy of 5wks so I know I'm not even to the stage where it's likely to kick in, but I could seriously do without the throwing up part. :knockout: So far all I really have is a desperate need for a nap daily, an early bedtime and really annoyed (giant) boobs. :lol:

Hope everyone is doing well today!

Gammy - YAY for finding an OB you love. Hopefully your MS is on it's way out!

Tammy - I'm so jealous of your sonogram, maybe I can convince my dr. to do a scan, just one little scan.....

Question for all preggos...

When did you share your exciting news? I'm having a tough time keeping this secret between my husband and me, but I don't want to share the news too soon. I would love to tell my parents, but my mom can't keep a secret for anything, and I would essentially be telling everyone if I tell her. I'm sure I'll break down at some point before 12 weeks. I'm just curious what everyone's time frames were.

We shared at 12 weeks.

We have a few problems and we waited for the 12 wk mark. It was hard to keep a lid on it. But glad that we did wait the 12 weeks.
I was 'banned' to tell, even on PS, due to the problems that we had. That is why we waited.

After taking 16 months to conceive, we were too excited to bother keeping it a secret. Basically we told anyone that would find out anyhow if something happened. Good luck and have fun telling!! :)

Tammy, actually I had a midwife before so I was seen by someone before the 12 week mark. My first US showed a pretty large fibroid that was actually causing the baby to be off center so she had to refer me to an OB. I'm just glad that he was so highly recommended by everyone!

Also, don't worry about napping daily, I didn't really the first trimester (because I was so sick) so I'm making up for it now! My boobs were the first thing to inflate too. I was so miserable and unfortunately many of my clothes don't fit anymore thanks to the inflation. I'm one of those gals that was more than well endowed. 5'1 38D regularly, I swelled up to a 40E :rolleyes: Anyway, that caused me to get into maternity clothes sooner than usual.

Osu, we made the mistake of telling my MIL immediately. She couldn't keep quiet, so when you do share with a few people make sure you trust them or that you won't mind them telling the news before you're really ready to share. I did a FB announcement with a little pic of a gummy bear around 11 weeks.

Honestly, I would have had to share anyway, there was no hiding that MS!

greg, I'm so glad you are over that 12 week mark as well!

Anyway, onto a better topic: What kind of cravings are you guys getting? Today I just had to have fried chicken and fries from Raising Cane's. I also really really crave all Asian food.

Hi Ladies!

I actually haven't had any real cravings yet, just some aversions. Starting to loathe yogurt. :knockout: I *think* m/s is starting to creep in though. This morning I just could NOT settle my stomach, felt just "blah" like I was coming down with something. It gradually lifted though and I feel fine now. :))

As a side note, I snuck in one more beta last night at 20 DPO and it was 3,999. :eek: Okay, I guess I can stop peeing on sticks, yeah? :oops: :lol: The doubling time is roughly 38 hours. I promised myself that I'd truly stop freaking out if I got strong numbers back, and that's what I'm going to do!

DH and I went window shopping last night at car seats, strollers, etc. when we were at Target and it was SO neat. I teared up at one point because I never thought we'd get to this point. Just so darn happy. :love:

Hope everyone's having a fantastic FRIDAY and an equally good weekend to come.

tammy, I do think you can stop testing now :appl: since you're on the progesterone, I think if you are like me, they will do one last blood draw in a couple of weeks or less. At that point mine came back at like 60,000 or something like that.

That's so funny about the yogurt, I happen to love all dairy but I've pretty much cut out meat in meat forms if that makes sense. So fried chicken fingers are great because they are breaded but I can't stand meat by itself. That's really great for trying to stay healthy let me tell ya haha.

Also, is this your first? It's my first too and I totally hear you on going to stores and looking at baby stuff. What really did it for me was trading in DH's amazing jaguar convertible for a sensible babymobile. Haha that really made the waterworks come. The car salespeople were terrified.

Today was a pretty awful day for me, the MS hit like a ton of bricks but at least I had a few days off from it. I'll be happy if I only have a bad day every 3 days but I'll be much happier when its completely gone.


Actually, this will be my 3rd, his 1st but my other two are 8 & 10 so it's been long enough to consider this starting over!

I'll be back, arg!

I just wanted to sneak in here real quick to say: Tammy, I've followed your posts for awhile now and I am over the moon happy for you! :appl: That is all. ;))

Aww thank you Monnie! What, you don't want to join us? :Up_to_something: Teehee!

OSU - I had to tell my mom this time because she is getting married a few weeks before my due data in a different state. I am actually suprised how well she's kept it a secret. So, maybe she will suprise you if you want to tell her.

AFM, I got beta's done at 14 and 16 DPO which went from 229 - 980 so, it looks like this one is doing really well. First sonogram on the 19th as well. I will be 6 weeks 4 days. YAY.
Re: Re:

tammy77|1360514658|3376722 said:
Aww thank you Monnie! What, you don't want to join us? :Up_to_something: Teehee!

Ha! I definitely want to, we're just not trying again yet. We've talked about TTC starting this summer, though, and that's not far away. :sun:

Woohoo! ::) Good luck when you do start TTC! It has a funny way of sneaking up on you faster once you start talking about it. :tongue:

How's everyone doing today?

I've spent the morning obsessing, per the norm. :rolleyes: Today it's about why I haven't been nauseated because I was a couple of times this weekend, and why my bb's aren't nearly as sore as they were last week. Even peed on another wondfo - which was a little lighter than the control line. Queue panic mode until I used another one w/a more diluted sample and it was clearly darker than the control line this time. Phew, that bought me about 30 minutes of reassurance...

Friday can't get here soon enough! :lol:

It's too quiet around here! How are all of our jbp ladies faring this week? Anyone have an upcoming appt or stories about sharing their news?

Gammy, you'll be pleased to find out that The cravings and aversions have kicked in! :lol: sadly, I'm craving things like nilla wafers and crackers, and cantaloupe smells like horrific fishy grossness. :knockout: it's interesting, that's for sure.

Anyone doing something special for v day tomorrow? I'm getting something small for DH but not telling yet in case he checks in on the thread. :tongue: suffice to say though that I'm excited about it! We usually don't do anything much but since we haven't been away in ages and the baby coming is going to keep us busy for a while (yay. In a good way!) we booked a hotel in sf! We can't go until the weekend because we work and our older girls go to their bio fathers house on Saturday. It's okay though, gives us something to look forward to! :bigsmile:

Has anyone else noticed that their brain just sucks these days? Just reading my own post makes me cringe and work is SO hard to stay focused on. :oops:

It IS quiet over here. Still no symptoms for me. I'm hoping that's normal at 5 weeks 2 days. Sometimes reading about everyone's symptoms makes me nervous, and it's best for me to step away :) I did take another wondfo today, and it made me smile seeing the test line as dark as the control line!

I still haven't told anyone yet, but I think I will after my first appointment next week. I'm hoping to feel a little more secure about everything after my appointment on Tuesday.

Tammy, your appointment is coming up! I'm looking forward to reading all about it.

Hey Tammy and everyone else,

I guess I can finally come over here and say hi. I found an IVF calculator, and I am 4+1 weeks today based on my retrieval date with a due date of Oct 22nd. I am still waiting for my second beta to make sure it is doubling.

Other than VERY mild nausea, and some cramps (round ligament pain?), not much in the way of symptoms yet.

Congrats to all the jbps! I was about to update since Tammy said its so quiet here but then I realized I'm far from jbp, lol. 31 weeks tomorrow! Keep up the good work ladies and try to relax :).

Welcome, Ltl! :D I have to say that the cramps and lack of breakout really were my only "sign" at 4 wks. They weren't af like, but lower and to the sides too. Sounds like we're both normal! :rodent:

I'm so excited that we're over here together! ::)

Pave, you're too funny! :lol: it's okay, you can still update us if you'd like. It gives us something to look forward to! Hehe

Hope everyone has a great day! Oh and if anyone has a time machine to warp to tomorrow at 9:30am, I'd pay big money to use it!

Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been lurking but the past week hasn't been easy. MS reared its ugly head again, I had a good day yesterday and went to prenatal yoga where a pregnant lady said "Really?!?!" When I told her I was 14 weeks at the snack bar. Gosh, the nerve!!! My feelings were so hurt :angryfire: I had just consumed 4 cups of water, as far as weight gain, I've only gained 3-4 lbs and my OB says that's fine, although I've read I'm supposed to be gaining 1-2 lbs a week. So I'm not sure if I'm behind on the weight gain?

Anyhow, I'm feeling pretty dizzy today so I'm headed to the drugstore to check my bp just in case.

Tammy, how funny about the cantaloupe!! It's one of the fruits I crave. My weird aversion is cooking with butter. I love butter but the smell when DH cooks with it sends me running. Poor guy made beautiful homemade French toast thinking I'd enjoy it.

Ltl, welcome!! So exciting you're here I was reading your story in the other thread.

Osu, isn't it funny that pregnant women stress when they don't have symptoms? I totally freaked out the first time that the MS gave me a break. Please don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine and you might be one of the ladies I'm completely envious of with a total glowing amazing pregnancy!

Forgot to add, weeeee! I'm excited for you Tammy, please update us tomorrow!