
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Re:

tammy77|1361420359|3386081 said:
Hi Bright!

Oh the crazy train is "fun"! Haha poor dh's. :oops: MS is such a funny thing. In week 5 I had pretty serious nausea, week 6 started tamping up but then *poof* no MS the last 2 days. I actually started freaking out about the loss of symptoms to the point of going to urgent care today (also had weird cramping). As it turns out, all is well with the baby. So you really never know what to expect symptom wise and they're not necessary to have a healthy bean! ;)) Just watch, tomorrow I'll be curled up in a ball cursing myself for looking a gift horse in the mouth! :lol:

I jinxed myself the last two days as I was feeling much better then...bam! This morning I feel pretty crappy again. I just keep reminding myself that if this baby is supposed to be here, he/she will be. It helps a little.

We are all due so close to eachother. 10/10 still for me. Feels like it is moving at a snails pace.

OSU- so excited for you!

Ps...I am eating bagels every morning. I haven't had a bagel in almost 15 years. In real life I would be totally judging myself. In pregnancy life I can't wait to have another one tomorrow. It's so messed up and I don't care. LOL.

Tammy, I'm one week postpartum and still on the crazy train! :lol: I think for me it had a lot to do with hormones (obviously!) and pregnancy post miscarriage and a pregnancy that was more difficult on me physically than my last. Now, the overwhelming feeling of responsibility that comes immediately following the birth of your baby along with lack of rest has me kind of crabby at times...less so than when I was pregnant though. I don't remember where I posted it but I was so nasty that DH had a sit down with me to tell me such (and he did NOT beat around the bush). I still think he was wrong for doing it but it was that bad that he felt like he had to say something. I guess the eye rolling behind my back wasn't getting him the relief he needed! :lol:

Pupp, that's part of what I'm afraid's never ending! :oops:

If I'm being honest, today isn't a good day for me emotionally. Don't get me wrong, I want this little one FOR SURE. I just...ugh. I feel awful and the "woe is me" thought process is in full swing. I don't know if it's just the first trimester, or the fact that I'm no spring chicken, or the progesterone supps, but I feel SO fat, lethargic and tired all the time. Add that to being emotionally "unstable" and it's a recipe for more than one meltdown for me.

DH is trying to be supportive, but I feel like he's so busy with his work (understandably, but still difficult for me) that I feel pretty alone. :(sad I think I had this misconception that he'd "coddle me" a bit at least because he knows I'm feeling so crummy. He does try but he works from 6am to 5:30pm and I rarely hear from him during his day (even when I send him important texts, like yesterday). We used to talk regularly at his old job but that's just not happening now. He needs to focus and I get that (he's up for a big promotion, which we need if I'm going to be a SAHM). I just miss him. ;( I also miss having his help more, just seems like we're slipping into this blase territory that I didn't sign up for. I don't know, it's complicated I guess. Just having a sad day. I'm sure it'll turn around. I think it would be infinitely easier if we weren't in a city where we don't have any friends or family (yet at least). Sorry for my little pity party. :oops:

Tammy I'm sorry you're feeling alone in this. I know what it's like to have an unavailable husband. Some days I'm lucky if he emails me back by the end of the day. I think things will look a lot better once you're feeling better. In the meantime, feel free to say what you need to say, I know all of us will "listen"

Emerald, I'm glad you had a great ultrasound and a short reprieve from your morning sickness.

Ltl, you were right, I did get an ultrasound, even better, I found out I get one at every visit! How are you feeling, any other food aversions lately?

AFM, I'm still excited about my ultrasound from Tuesday. My next appointment is March 26 which seems like forever away, I'm just hoping time passes quickly :)

I've been having moments of queasiness here and there, but for the most part, smooth sailing. It seems like it happens the most when I start to get hungry. I'm worried I'm going to be huge by the end of the first trimester if I keep eating every time I get queasy :roll:


I was very, very emotional at the start, too. I was sort of frustrated that my hubs didn't seem as in tune to our baby... I think it really does take time for men to see the pregnancy as a baby---- they feel very much on the outside at first and it's hard for them to connect. Once you have a bump, and he can feel the baby, it will be real! My hubs felt left out at the start and wasn't sure how to be there for me. I really think it is typical. I will be thinking of you and looking for less emotional days ahead. :)

Though it must be said, now I bawl over kids I see on the drive home playing t-ball, or Pampers commercials. Or songs, haha I'm a mess of happiness and some anxiety over what all being a mom will entail.

Hang in there, Mama!


Thank you so much for the non-judgmental reply. I was a little hesitant to be so honest about how I'm feeling, it's nice to know I'm not completely alone. Last night we had a good heart to heart and I'm happy to say that he took it so well. :)) He helped me around the house and put in so much effort to make last evening fun and relaxing. I love how little things like him playing practical jokes on our 8 year old and making the whole family laugh just melt my heart. :love:

I'm sad that he has to work this weekend, but they're usually shorter days so I plan to be a "bad mom" in the morning by letting them play on the computer so I can sleep in. :oops: Then I'll make breakfast, get some cleaning and laundry done. Before I know it, he'll be home! :bigsmile:


Thank you for chiming in!!! I love your perspective on life and reading your posts ALWAYS make me feel better. I get that mushy crying thing all the time too (well, except when I'm annoyed for no good reason, ha!). I can't wait to hold this little girl/guy, to nurse them, to see them grow and learn. I'm scared about life changes, but I've been focusing on remembering the girls when they were babies...what I loved, what I wish I could have done differently (and now can, if all goes well), etc.. As it turns out, once I allowed myself to dive head first into all my baby memories and dreams for this little one, I'm FAR more happy than I am worried or sad. I'm really, really excited to not have to leave the baby to go back to work. Never in a million years did I think I would ever be so lucky. *sigh* SO HAPPY! 8) So thank you again for helping me to put it into perspective.

Finally going to the dr in a few min (at my estimated 8 and 5.) Send me sticky bean thoughts, ladies... I am going to be furious if I've gone through all of this morning sickness and get bad news :cheeky:

Sending sticky dust your way Ice! I'm sure there's a cute little gummy bear with a beating heart in there!

Dust, ice!! I'm super excited for you :appl:

Oooh good luck, Ice! I'm sure with all that ms you have a healthy little baby in there! Hope you get an u/s and have a fabulous appt! :appl:

Quick question...has anyone gotten the MaterniT21 blood test? I think I might do it, but it looks like it's a $235 copay. I think it'd be worth it though because I wouldn't do an amnio (not comfortable with the risks), I can do the test at 10 weeks (so only 3 more weeks from now) and as a fun little bonus it can tell you if you're having a boy or a girl. Being of AMA when the baby's born, I'm sure I qualify for it too.

Now I just have to convince DH that it's a valuable test vs. just an NT scan. :Up_to_something:

My teeny baby and I appreciate the dust ladies... and all looks perfect! It is a squirmy little thing already. We didn't nickname #1 Jumper in utero for nothing :appl: HR was 166 and measuring 9 weeks (but I still stand by my 8 and 5 hehe.) So happy! And a little scared to relive those newborn days, but I am sure it will be great. Now my NT scan is only three weeks away & I even already scheduled my 18 week anatomy scan. Guess that is the upside to a late first appt. Due ~Sept 27 (29 by my est).

Little Jumper/O, who is now 26 months, believes the baby is a sister and plans to call her puppy. Ahh hahaha, love toddlers.

Ltl- How are you feeling? I am anxiously awaiting your ultrasound too. Residency finished last summer and now have my first grown-up job. Thus oral boards upcoming in 7.5 weeks. Eeeek. If I didn't feel so awful, I would be studying like crazy. Hope to get it together this weekend at my review course.

emeraldlover- HAHA, I totally feel you on the carbs. I avoid 99.9% of the time too, but somehow that is just about all I can stomach. Oh and fresh fruit! Oh the other thing that works wonders for me is sour foods... aka I eat lemons; yes really.

osu- congrats on the little beating heart! great news :appl:

Dani- Haha, I resisted scanning myself at work being that I didn't want anyone to see and was worried I would not be able to see anything transadbominally. But that is how the scanned me today and looked great. So now I can play with the ultrasound at work :bigsmile: And yes I am taking zofran. It mostly keeps me from actually vomiting, but I still feel terrible. Sigh.

Hi, Tammy. I did the MaterniT21 test, and I know someone else on here did it, too - I just can't remember who. If you do a search for it, you might find the post from the other person.

I got mine done right around 10 weeks, and it gave me a lot of peace of mind. I did end up paying the $235 (or whatever it was) to get it done, but I felt it was worth it. I will say that if ours had come back positive for anything, we would have gone ahead with an anmio anyway, and I believe that's what a lot of people are encouraged to do since MT21 is only a screening tool (it just seems to be more accurate than the others) - it's not actually diagnostic (even though MT21 only gives you a "positive" or a "negative" result).

I think some insurance companies might cover more of the cost, so you could probably call to find out if you are concerned about the cost.

PS - I just noticed icekid's post while I was typing mind... congrats on the wonderful u/s!

Icekid - so glad you got in for your US and that your little bean is doing well. You didn't get in that late. My doctor scheduled me for 7+3 weeks, so we are only a week off. Now hopefully you can focus on your boards if the fatigue lets off a little. I am sure you are excited to be done with residency.

Tammy - I don't really know much about that test, so I can't advise you (sorry!). It sounds like your mood is doing better, and I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

osu - so glad they did and US, and that you will get to see your little one every visit. It sounds like you have classic pregnancy nausea, it is typically worse on an empty stomach. Are there any small snacks you could keep around to help keep your stomach in check without overeating?

emeraldlover - I hope your MS is doing ok, are you still craving the bagels?

I hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM - the fatigue seems to be making its entrance. I was doing well yesterday, but today I have been laying around, and only been able to get up to do some cooking and light housework. Work is going to be interesting tomorrow. I have some slight nausea when my stomach is empty, but that is about it for the MS. I think the food aversions are starting to kick in. I have still been liking the super healthy foods I have been eating, but most meats except chicken breasts have not been appealing. So I have been eatings lots of beans, and just prepped a quinoa salad for lunch. No real cravings yet.

Ltl...yes, but I had to put a control mechanism around that. My skin stated to break out I think because of all the carbs so I backed off and went to eggs or yogurt and granola. The downside is that my MS is worse when I don't have the carbs. IDk...I'm still just trying to roll with it. I haven't gained any weight at almost 8 weeks which I guess is a good thing. Its probably mostly due to the rest of the day when I'm trying to stick to soup and fruit as the MS gets a little worse as the day goes along. Oranges and soup are about the only things I can get down.

I know everything was good on my first scan but I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about but last Monday I was 6weeks 4 days and the bean measured 6 weeks with a heartbeat of 120. At first I was ok with it but I don't like measuring behind from the beginning in part because of what happened last time. I got a pretty early bfp on a short cycle so I don't know how I could be 4 days off. I guess its possible its only one or two but the thought still makes me nervous. I don't have another scan until March 11th because I am on vacation next week. I can't control the outcome either way but I am tossing around the idea of trying to get a scan this Friday just to make sure everything is on track. What do you guys think I should do? Am I worring for nothing?

Emeraldlover, just thought I'd let you know that I had a similar experience in my pregnancy, and I now have a healthy 4 month old. I'm sure I discussed my experience ad nauseum on this thread exactly one year ago. I had a trigger shot and an IUI so I knew for certain when I conceived, but at my first ultrasound at about 6 weeks 6 days (I think), they said the baby was measuring 6w2d or maybe 6w3d, and the heartrate was only 109 (I think). I was panicked and read a bunch of websites that made me even more nervous, but when I went in for my second ultrasound during the 9th week, the baby was measuring spot on and continued to be right on throughout the pregnancy. I think that the early measuring is not as precise as we like to think it is, and if the tech is off by the tiniest of margins, it makes a big difference that early on. I completely understand your worry, and it is impossible not to be anxious, but I just wanted to let you know that I had the same experience with a wonderful outcome, and I really hope it is the same for you.

Yes Emeraldlover I agree with MP. I don't remember how my measuring went but I know I am always beyond anxious about everything- even now at 32 weeks I sometimes get caught up in it....I had u/s weekly at first with this pregnancy because its so cheap in Manila and you can see a dr. In the mall for trans v u/s. it was reassuring for me but I'm not sure the same is possible here? Just sending good vibes to you. It's super hard if you have prior experiences that didn't go well. I think many of us here can relate to that. Keep doing what you are doing though. I say eat carbs. Your hormones more than food might be responsible for your skin anyway. Hugs!

Hi Girls!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mondays are SO HARD! :errrr: It took every ounce of self control not to call off this morning. Emerald, I tend to agree with MP about the skin issues, unless carbs are a known trigger for you. I thought my face loved pregnancy until the middle of week it's a wreck. :knockout: Oh and the measurement thing I completely agree with too. The explanation I got about being off on u/s measurements is most always because the tech just measured it differently. Even being off by one mm (teeeny tiny, and easy to do) can make days worth of difference. Heck my RE just took a wild guess at where the baby was to give us some kind of measurements when I was 6w0d. He was far more interested in the hb and so was I. :bigsmile: Also, a hr of 120 is very good for where you're at. Mine was 100 at my 6w u/s and it apparently goes up about 3 bpm per day once it starts beating. So I'd use the nice strong hr as more of an indication of a healthy little one than the measurement because it's not subjective. Ugh I hope that makes sense, I'm rambling. :oops: Regarding trying to get in for an ultrasound, I'd do it before your vacation if you think it'll help you relax and enjoy your trip. There's nothing worse than feeling like you wasted a rare vacation by worrying needlessly!

Does anyone else have ms in the middle of the night moreso than during the day? It woke me up last night and was so intense that I started to worry about food poisoning! Nothing happened though other than feeling super nauseated though, so I'm pretty sure it had to be ms. I'm also more tired this morning than I have been in a while, but that might be because I really overdid things this weekend. Our daughters share a room and had loft beds, but my older DD was sick of hers being so tall that she'd hit her head on the ceiling. So the weekend was spent finding new homes for the lofts, breaking them down (DH helped, of course) and then setting up their new bed system. They settled on a twin over full bunk and so far they seem to love it! My older DD wanted a bigger bed and my younger one wanted to be on the top bunk. It's rare to get a win-win with the girls, so I'm a happy momma! :bigsmile:

I'm 7w3d today and on Friday I have my 8w0d ultrasound at the RE. If all goes well, it'll be my last appointment with them! I've managed to banish the bad thoughts and just fully embrace the pregnancy. I realized that I'd been guarding my emotions and being superstitious to a fault about really jumping into everything. So on Friday night I bought some maternity clothes on ebay (why not, I'm only going to wear them for 5-6 months out of my life, right?). I've also been thinking more about the layout of the baby's room (and calling it the baby's room, vs the spare bedroom/guest bedroom like before). I love it and I'm SO happy to just revel in being pregnant. I need to enjoy this pregnancy because it's the last one I'll ever have! :)) So please kick me if I slip back into worry wart mode, k? :tongue:

tammy, oh dear, I thought I was the only one who experienced middle of the night ms. Sometimes, I'd go to sleep or wake up and the room would be spinning like I had been drinking. I don't recall ever throwing up in the middle of the night except twice, its just more uncomfortable than anything. Shutting my eyes always seemed to help. Let's hope that it was a one time thing for you!

em1, ooooh you poor thing. You sound just like me about trying to force down healthy foods, craving carbs and not liking meat. Seriously, just give in at least a little. My skin was broken out for 2-3 weeks but once I hit the end of the first trimester, it cleared right up to the point where DH and friends remarked that I have glowing skin. Not sure I really believe them, but I'm just glad the breakouts are over for a little while.

I'm glad you had a nice strong hb, and fwiw, I kept on being told by everyone around me that if you have lots of ms, you have a nice strong healthy pregnancy!

ltl, lucky you to love the healthy foods you have been eating!

AFM, I had to cancel my bday plans. I was sick all day (yay MS! :angryfire: ) and my DH was out of town. So I sat around with the woe is me feeling and went to bed and slept for 14 hours. It's crazy that during my first trimester, I slept terribly, I think because of the ms. Now, I'm supposed to have all this energy and all I do is sleeeeep.

Hi girls!

Happy Friday! :bigsmile: How's everyone holding up? It's quiet around here.

I've been feeling very sorry for myself lately, but am trying to pull out of my grumpy funk! I think ms is in full swing, or close to it. At night I just toss and turn, nearly dry heaving my way through the night. I'm sure it'll pass soon though and hopefully it means that the baby's doing well. We have my (hopefully) last appt with my RE today at 3:30 for my 8 wk ultrasound. I'm a train wreck but trying to keep busy. I actually think the nerves are manifesting themselves as aggravations towards my dh, and I feel like poo about that. :(sad So yeah, here's hoping for a good appt and a less grumpy girl! :lol:

Thinking of you today Tammy. Hope you have a great ultrasound.

Thank you for the well wishes. :) we had a great appointment! Baby's heartbeat was 166 and we got to hear it two times. The nurse was so awesome, she found it again so we could record it with dh's phone. I cried the entire time we could hear it and had the biggest smile on my face. I think it was really special for DH too, very cute! Super happy, just the grounding experience that I needed. :love:

That's great news Tammy! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

So you're officially released to your regular ob now? Will you set up an appointment for 4 weeks from now? Did you decide if you were going to do the MaterniT21 test? I had never heard about that before you had posted about it earlier. I would be curious to do it just to know the gender!

Fabulous news Tammy! Enjoy this wonderful time! Pictures? :D

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Tammy! Meant to wish you good luck but didn't get back in time . How wonderful to read your good news! I'm not sure when I stopped crying at hearing things were ok...I get so many u/s and checks these days... Such a special time for you and your family! Enjoy it!

Osu, yeah as long as they offer the test I definitely want it. Idc if I have to pay $235, I want to have more assurance that we don't have to worry about the more common chromosomal issues, and we can't wait to find out the baby's sex!

MP, thank you lady!! I'll post a pic when we get home tonight. :) I have a video but boo, can't post it. I love that sound, have listened to it many times already!

Pave, thank you! I do wonder when I'll stop getting all mushy and teary when I hear it. I suspect it'll be a while! 8) I need to work on figuring out if I'm really firing my old ob and need to get a new one, or just sticking it out. I love the doctors, just loathe the crummy staff. So that's on my list of things to do on Monday!

Tammy - so glad you hear that your second US went so well!!!!! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Gammygam - I am sorry you are feeling so sick, I really hope things turn around for you soon.

AFM - Yesterday, the morning sickness transitioned from being "in the background" to the foreground. Still just have nausea, but it is stronger. The "super healthy food diet" stopped mid last week. I figure, I got at least a month of healthy eating in. Now my diet is full of simple carbs. I am trying to eat something every 3 hours and that is really helping too. I had a rough week at work, so I was super tired yesterday. I did manage to go for a walk, which actually helped with the nausea. I am glad I have some symptoms though, because I have not had any testing for over 2 weeks.

My US is on Thrusday morning. I am really excited and anxious about it!

Hello Ladies!

Ltl, I'm sorry that the ms has shown up in full force! It's a good sign though, as you know. ::) I am SO excited for your ultrasound on Thursday, I hope you can update us ASAP after. :bigsmile: I absolutely hear you on the simple carbs issue. I've told my DH that I shouldn't go to the grocery store alone anymore or I'll come back with nothing other than different types of crackers and flavored seltzer water. :lol: Well and cookies, darn those Girl Scouts and their thin mints. :oops:

How's everyone else doing these days? It seems like time is flying by. I'm happy to say that the psycho version of Tammy has been under control for a while, lol. Truthfully, I've felt so much more "me" since my ultrasound on Friday. Seeing and hearing the baby just set me straight. :love: It's nice to have my DH back a bit more too. I turn 36 in about 2 weeks and while I'm soooo not excited about it, I do hope that we do something nice. I know next year for my birthday I'll be busy! ::) So we're trying to take advantage of the free weekends we get now when the girls go to their bio father's house. Even though I can't drink, I think we might go up to Napa. I can still enjoy my favorite treat at this bakery that has amazing things. :Up_to_something: and the weather is so nice.

Oh! I'll also have to share when my earrings are done. DH is having some aquas and amethysts set for me for my birthday by DanielM. It's been a while since I've had a sparkly so I'm super excited! The aquas are going into lever back settings and the amethysts are being paired with some little diamonds in a dangling setting. Sadly, it'll be a while since they didn't get sent out sooner, but I will share when they come in. :))

I also think that ms is so fickle and unpredictable, but I hope it's on the downward slope by then too! I have noticed that my energy is a tiny bit better, so yay for that!! We took a walk yesterday and the fresh air was amazing. Sleep is SO helpful, seriously. On nights when I only get 5-6 hrs I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Last night I went to bed at 8:15 and today I feel pretty fantastic.

Anyhow that's enough rambling from me. I hope everyone's having a good week so far and feeling better!
Re: Re:

LtlFirecracker|1362339078|3395274 said:
My US is on Thrusday morning. I am really excited and anxious about it!

Ltl, I hope you don't think it's weird and stalker-y, but I'm SOOOOOO excited to see if you're having twins!! :halo:

Darn Kunzite I misread the post and thought LTL was for sure having twins...guess we still have to wait!
How's life? Any new tips? I'm collecting 2nd hand bby equipment and starting to nest like mad. I'm 33 and 4 days. Feet getting puffy. Otherwise things have been pretty good (knock wood)...