
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Hi Gammy!

Oh my, I'd be hard pressed to keep from smacking that rude lady! :angryfire: She must have been having a pregnancy brain moment herself to have said something like that. Is there a chance she meant it in a good way and you look great? I'd bet on that! :wink2: I hope your bp is okay when you check it today!

Osu, my MS comes and goes...usually I wake up feeling fantastic but by the end of the day I'm green. I've "lost it" twice, but both times were after eating a big meal. I am trying to combat it now by small meals and not eating heavy foods. My list of "gross I'm going to throw up if I have to eat that" foods is ever expanding though. :knockout:

Can I just say...pregnancy is pretty challenging. I am convinced that hcg is directly linked to a chemical that makes me anxious. If I'm not worried about viability, I'm worried that I'm carrying multiples even though they said there was only one egg. It's ridiculous, I wish they'd see me today and just put me out of my misery! :rolleyes:

Gammy, I'm sorry your MS is back with a vengeance. I hope it leaves for good very soon! Thanks for the kind words, I hope I can be one of those lucky ladies with no symptoms, but for now it just makes me nervous. I think once I get confirmation that there is in fact a little bean in there, I'll feel much more comfortable.

Tammy!!! Your appointment is almost here! I'm sure there is only one in there, but how exciting if there are two!

Ltl, welcome and congratulations :) I've been reading your story, and I'm so excited that IVF worked for you, especially on the first time. Are you going to get your second beta tomorrow morning?

Emerald, are you looking forward to your appointment on Monday?

It looks like all of us have something coming up in the next few days, so that should keep this thread hopping!

Osu, twins would be insanity! :errrr: We have two older girls so having FOUR is a terrifying thought to me right now. :lol: Of course, I've already thought about how they would have a playmate like the older girls, and we'd make it work of course. Whatever is meant to be, will be! I'm just praying whatever happens, it's GOOD. I'm getting more nervous by the minute.

Osu922 - I am glad I am the only one with no real symptoms, I think most of my symptoms are the progesterone shots. When is your US?

gammygem - I am so sorry your MS is acting up. I am sure you are hoping the pregnancy will give you a temporary break. I agree that that women was probably a little envious. I go to yoga, and the owner is encouraging me to switch to prenatal. I am not sure how I feel about that so early.

Tammy - OK my beta and your US are on the same day. I will be thinking of you! I hope you sleep well tonight.

Pave - thanks for the stop by. I am thinking of you and your twins.

Tammy and Firecracker, just wanted you both to know that I'm thinking of you today and anxious to hear good news from both of you!

Hi girls,

I'm sitting in the re office, super nervous! I'll update soon, praying it's good news. I think I'm going to be sick! :eek:

Hi Tammy! Fingers crossed and can't wait to hear back from you. Hang in there. I always felt so sick/stressed for whatever u/s etc. it's really advice but I hope time goes quickly for you! I will be checking in!

We have ONE little bean with a hb of 100!!!

Yay Tammy! So glad you were able to see/hear the heartbeat! :love:

YAY Tammy! That's awesome news! I'm so happy you got to see the heartbeat! So when is your next appointment?

Ltl, I have an appointment on Tuesday, but I'm not sure if it will include an ultrasound, or just blood work, urine, and family history etc.

awesome news! congratulations!!!!!

Thank you ladies! 8)

Osu, my next u/s is in two weeks. If all looks good, they'll release me to the OB!

Tammy, that's wonderful news! That's a huge milestone! :appl:

Oh Tammy, I'm so, so happy for you! :D So much good news tody. Aren't you so glad the heart was already going strong, so you didn't have to wait to see it until next time?! I'm guessing you are due right around the time Everett will turn one! I'm so excited for you!

Hi ladies! Wow great news all around!

Ltl, I truly could not be more happy for you. Welcome welcome welcome. Can't wait to share being pregnant with you :wavey: :appl: :appl:

Tammy- congrats on seeing the teeny heart beat. That is such great news.

Gammy- i feel your morning sickness pain. I feellike I have been hit by a truck all day long. No fun at all. And whomever said the MS will be goneafter the first tri is evil. Definitely not true with my first.

osu- congrats and welcome!

as for me, still trucking along with my all day sickness and ridiculous first tri exhaustion. I have been collapsing on the couch nightly at 730 for the past week. Unfortunately that did not work out for me last night, as I was on call and did not get home until 11 pm. So today I feel extra wonderful :rolleyes: still waiting for my first dr appointment. I keep calling in case of cancellations, but as it stands my appt still is not until next friday afternoon at which point I will be almost 9 weeks. It would not be a big deal except that a few hours later I have to get on a plane for a four day review course for my oral board examination. It would be awful to have a not good ultrasound and then run out of town. There does not seem to be a way to avoid it though. Hoping for the best though, of course! I keep contemplating scanning myself at work, but I am no OB so maybe not the best idea especially at this early stage.

icekid, oh girl, I totally hear you on the exhaustion and the all day sickness! Please make sure you take care of yourself when you go out of town. For me, the nausea gets much worse when I have to be in a car or even much worse, airplane.

tammy, yay for great news! How exciting!

ltl, you should totally switch over whenever you feel comfortable! Yoga has really helped me with the round ligament pain.

osu, if you are one of the lucky ladies, I'll just glare at your from over here with jealousy haha. Kidding! :Up_to_something:

Meanwhile, some days like today, I'm starving ALL day but nothing sounds good because I feel like I'm going to barf all over everything. We (or rather I) have been meeting with home security companies to try and figure out which one is the best. It's crazy that DH has lived here for 5 years and I've lived here for 1, and we haven't felt the need to get a home security system until we got pregnant. Go figure. :eek:

gammygam - I really hope your food aversions go away soon! I hope you made some headway with the security system.

icekid - I am so excited to be going through this with you too! We have some "catching up" to do. I am guessing you are done with residency or close? Have you had any new jewelry projects? I finally have the budget to set my pink spinel, I just have not had the time to figure out what I want to do yet.

Tammy - once again, so excited you got to hear the heart beat.

osu922 - I am surprised you may not get an ultrasound. Many academic places are doing them on every pregnant woman now as that is when the dating is most accurate. Regardless, I hope you are doing well.

Emerald - Good luck with your apt on Monday!

AFM - I posted in the TTC >6mo, my second beta was good, so I am thrilled about that. My first US is in just under 3 weeks, and I will be 7+3 on the day it is scheduled. I think I had my first food aversion today. I cooked some wild salmon and ate 2 oz of it, and than could not eat more. The after taste is still killing me. I bought some new clothes, I hope it was not premature, but between the hormones bloating me, and being forced to stop my running and power yoga, my clothes are not fitting me. I got some long tee shirts and a dress that can go over leggings, as well as some relaxed fit yoga pants. I would have liked to wait until US, but oh well.

Tammy and LTL, Im so THRILLED for you!!!

Icekid, congrats!!! You are better than me, I scanned myself pretty much EVERYDAY until I felt fetal movement! I know, Im crazy!!! Dont you have any OB friends? At 9 wks, you should be able to see a fh with an abdominal scan, especially if you are thin (I know you are). Ha, Im such an enabler!!! :devil: ;))
Its a good sign that youre nauseous though....I know it sucks, I suffered with it horribly from week 6-16. UGH! Take care of yourself...Can you get some Zofran?

Hi Guys!

Tammy, so great that you saw the heartbeat...awesome!! I have my scan in a few hours and I'm excited. I'm 6 weeks 4 days. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous given what happen last time but it does feel different. I have been suffering with horrible all day sickness for about a week now. I feel as though I have tried everything and I am going to try and tough it out but I have to travel to Houston for work this week so we will see how that goes.

Normally I am big on limiting my carbs and simple sugars but right now about the only thing I can stomach is ginerale and crackers. I tried rice crackers for a few days but now even the thought of them makes me sick to my stomach now. I got some preggie pops from toys r us and they seem to help but I am telling you that sugar is doing a number on my teath and its only been a few days. I am hoping that I find something soon that calms my stomach. Any suggestions you guys have I'll take. I think I would try just about anything to not feel like this every second of the day. Oh, and I went to accupuncture on Saturday and right after I left I had to have DH pull the car over so I could vomit on the side of the road. Oh, this is so awesome.

Emeraldlover I'm sorry you are having a hard time with morning sickness. Ginger tea is a popular option you could try. My cambodian auntie makes like a rice porridge with actual pieces of ginger (i know this may sound unappealing now) and I swear I feel better after I eat it. maybe any asian type restaurant may make something similar if you ask them? For the ginger tea you just peel some ginger, boil it in water and drink it. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Thanks, Pave! I am going to give that a try. We got to see/hear the heartbeat this morning. Of course it is still early but 120bpm made me feel much better. One milestone down, lets hope it keeps going. I don't go back until March 11th. I hope I can keep my mind at ease when I am on vacaiton the whole week before.

Off too make some ginger tea...

Congrats on your great scan, EM1!! Im so happy for you! As far as the nausea, I can SO RELATE, since I suffered horribly with it from week 6 till week 16. Never vomited, just constant nausea that was so debilitating. What helped me was eating small meals every 2 hours (carbs), citrus (lemon candy and lemon gum really helped me) and also lemon Italian ices. You can also get a prescription for Zofran if its really debilitating- it will definitely help. Good luck! :))

I wish I had time for a longer post (it's been so long since I posted here) but I'm 23 weeks now and reading all the comments about morning sickness made me want to share some things that helped for me. Obviously it's different for everyone, but maybe this can help someone... my morning sickness was never TOO awful (with the exception of a couple hellish days where I threw up 7-8 times) but other than that it was mostly just nausea and strong food aversions. Looking back I was definitely feeling pretty sick for a while, but I think I expected it to be worse so maybe that's why I feel like it wasn't so bad!

For me, acupuncture helped immensely. I had been going for migraines for several months before I got pregnant, and once the morning sickness started to kick in, she began treating me right away and I really do believe it helped. The MS was definitely worse on the weeks I wasn't able to make my appointment. Also, as I'm sure most people have heard, eating crackers (saltines) first thing in the morning (before even lifting my head off the pillow) and laying there for about 20 minutes munching slowly on crackers helped me be able to get out of bed. I took Vitamin B6 3x a day (25mg each time) and I definitely think that helped me as well. I know there's B6 in the Preggie Pops and I think that's why they seem to help some people also. I also wore Sea Bands pretty much all the time, but truthfully I don't think they actually helped that much (only seemed to work for mild nausea).

Also - eat what your body is craving! I started off trying to eat so healthy (which, obviously, is a good idea) but once the sickness kicked in I pretty much lived on carbs whenever I could get something down. Once you start feeling better (and you WILL eventually!) then you can focus on the nutrition and balanced meals, but when you feel sick, eat whatever you think will keep the nausea away!

Good luck to all the new preggies and I'm so happy for all of you!!!

Also one more thing I just thought of - when I was first pregnant, my symptoms came and went by the day. Some days I felt like I wasn't even pregnant and then I would panic that something bad happened and I was "losing" my symptoms. Then the next day I would throw up 8 times and be miserable and wish I could feel good again. I would spend half my day feeling up my own boobs hoping they were sore because what did it mean if they weren't as sore as yesterday??? Turns out, it meant absolutely nothing. I wish I had just enjoyed the days I felt 'good' instead of over-analyzing and worrying that it meant something bad! Just try to remember that at this stage, symptoms really do come and go, and it isn't always a bad sign ;)) I do know it's easier said than done (even now that my baby is kicking, I still panic when a day goes by and I don't feel anything, so I definitely know it's easier to give advice than to take it yourself - even now I should probably take my own advice!) but try to enjoy this time and if you're not feeling well, just know it WILL get better soon!!! :appl:

Lavender, I'm so glad acupuncture helped you! I was going to acupuncture for PCOS/fertility and then we had to be out of town for over two months due to FIL having stage 4 kidney cancer/the holidays/honeymoon. I think if I was able to access acupuncture during those two months, my MS wouldn't have been so terrible.

I will say my advice to future ladies dealing with MS is try not to be so hard on yourself especially re: nutrition and diet. I had a really clean diet before getting pregnant. We were eating Paleo/primal and I tried so hard to continue to eat healthily with copious amounts of ginger pills/tea/candy and B6. Nothing worked! And honestly, I just made myself more miserable trying to force down food I didn't want to eat and avoiding juices/sugary drinks which really seem to help. Now I can't even look at ginger candy or tea and at this point in time, I just let myself eat whatever I want. (Mcdonald's hashbrowns today)

em1, yay for the heartbeat and I'm totally sorry about your MS too. I totally know how it feels. When I brush my teeth, I usually barf right after and combined with the copious amounts of sugar I've been eating, well, I know that isn't good for my teeth either! Some of my friends told me that dentists always know when a female is pregnant just by looking at her teeth. Isn't that crazy?

In other news, I'm turning 30 this weekend (ack!). If you had asked me 2 1/2 years ago if I'd be married and pregnant at 30 I'd never have believed it!

Lavender, thank you for checking in and for the tips! I've read all over the web that symptoms come and go, but it always helps to hear it from someone you "know"!

GG, I am right there with you on the nutrition thing. It stinks to want all these carbs and that being even slightly hungry sends you into a nauseated tailspin. :knockout:

I'm trucking away over here at 6w4d. It's hard to believe that I've known for three weeks already. Time has been crawling, but in retrospect it's going by so fast. I'm over halfway through the first trimester, woohoo! My next sono is scheduled for the afternoon on Friday, March 1st. If all goes well, I'll "graduate" to my regular ob. I can't wait to be considered normal (bwhahahaha, I'm FAR from normal... :wacko:). I will miss the sono at every appt perk though! Can't wait to see our little baby actually looking like a BABY! :bigsmile:

MS and fatigue are kicking my arse big time. I have literally no motivation and sleep approximately 10 hours a day. Pre-pregnancy I slept 6-7 and did just fine. As a side note, I'd pay a serious amount of money for a grilled cheese for lunch..oh my word, it sounds amazing! :lol:

ETA: OH! Um, has anyone else been hit by the crazy train? :oops: My emotions are so embarrassing!! Poor DH is going to hate me by the time I deliver. :| One minute I'm fine, the next I'm SUPER grumpy for no good reason, then I'm weepy (though he generally doesn't see this step because he's gotten as far away from me as possible by this point). Sigh...yeah, bring on the 2nd trimester, please!!

There's a baby in my belly :D

Due date is 10/13 with a heart rate of 117!!!!!!! We actually got to hear the heart beat, so amazing!

Woohoo!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

congrats OSU! so exciting!

Osu922 - So excited for you!!!!! Our due dates are going to be really close.

Tammy - I was crazy this weekend, I am sane now. My husband told me all his friends warned him...I am sorry about the MS and fatigue, and hope it passes. At least you know your little one is make sure there are enough to support its growth.

gammygam - I am sorry if my last post to you was confusing. I didn't realize that MS meant morning sickness, I of course see MS and see multiple sclerosis. I feel really dumb now, and am sorry I mis-understood your post. Have a happy 30th Birthday.

Emeraldlover1 - I hope your MS is getting a little better, and I am glad you saw a heart beat.

AFM - I am still feeling pretty good. I had one bad headache on Sunday that went into Monday, and a little nausea in the morning, but that is it. The cramps are getting better. It sounds like the fun may start in the next week or two listening to you all, but for now, I am enjoying the fact I am doing OK. I have been eating very healthy over the last few weeks, trying to pack as many nutrients as possible while I still feel good. I have 2 weeks and 1 day until the US. I know it is going to be a long wait.

Hi Bright!

Oh the crazy train is "fun"! Haha poor dh's. :oops: MS is such a funny thing. In week 5 I had pretty serious nausea, week 6 started tamping up but then *poof* no MS the last 2 days. I actually started freaking out about the loss of symptoms to the point of going to urgent care today (also had weird cramping). As it turns out, all is well with the baby. So you really never know what to expect symptom wise and they're not necessary to have a healthy bean! ;)) Just watch, tomorrow I'll be curled up in a ball cursing myself for looking a gift horse in the mouth! :lol: