
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Curly those are adorable pics! We had ours Tuesday, and it was SO cute, but the printed pics are terrible! I've gained some already as well :( same happened with my first. My morning sickness is the kind of nausea that forces you to eat, womp womp.

Not much going on here. I have my GD test in 2 weeks, because I had it last time and it went undiagnosed (long story) and my son had complications from it. Not looking forward to it! Really waiting on our gender scan the 20th - I can't wait to find out!

Hope the rest of the JBPers are doing great and have fun weekend plans!

Hello lovely ladies.

Curly Sue, add me to the list of growing gals here. People are already touching my stomach at work and I want to scream "knock it off, you're just rubbing my lunch!" I can wake up in the morning and have just the tiniest of bumps but as soon as I eat something, BAM! My stomach juts out and I look closer to 7 months than 4. That's so cool that MaterniT21 gives you gender results so early. It was offered by my doc but since I'm 30, my insurance won't cover it and we've already payed $1,000 out of pocket for the NT scan. Congrats on your girl!

Mia, I can't believe your doctor did that! What a weird way to find out. I wonder how often that happens to people.

Fisher, congrats! Hope you're feeling well! Did you ever figure anything out in regards to the nub?

Miscka, I'll send you good vibes on your GD test! How far along are you? I haven't even talked to my doctor about scheduling it so I assume it's a little ways off for me.

AFM, I'm 16 weeks today. I was feeling pretty good (got my energy back, my appetite is really strong, etc) but I've had the runs for three days now (TMI, I know). I have a OB appt on Monday morning, so if I'm still suffering by then, I'm going to bring it up to him. I think it's just a virus going around at work and it should hopefully pass soon, but I also want to make sure it's not causing any issues to the bambino. I had taken today off work to go pumpkin carving with some friends and I'm stuck in bed all day with tea and crackers. The shallow side of me is glad to see my big bloated gut has reduced itself to just a little bump after spending so much time on the toilet the past few days.

Still not feeling terribly excited for this pregnancy. Hoping the anatomy scan will help that in week 20. My mother admitted that she wasn't really excited for all three of her pregnancies until she met us after labor. I think I just don't have that *squeeeeeee* gene when it comes to babies or pregnancy. I'm like Miranda from Sex and the City. Ugh, thinking about SATC makes me want a cocktail. :tongue:
Iowa Lizzy said:

When is your gender scan? Ours should be close!

I'm 13 weeks tomorrow. Normally though, GD is done around 25-28weeks. If I pass this one ill take it again then.
Gender scan is week 20 for me, so I'll know the week after Thanksgiving.

Ahhh, so you're doing the initial GD test twice. I've got until January before I'll likely have mine then.

Watched "The Business of Being Born" last night with DH. Really kinda makes me wish I'd looked more into local midwives instead of immediately going for an OB.
Iowa Lizzy said:

I love that movie. There's apparently another (more business f being born?) on Netflix.

I found out gender nov 20 so just a week ahead! We are doing elective ultrasound for it. Do you have a preference?

Hi, ladies! Hope everyone is doing well.

TG - I hope you have recovered from whatever had you down this weekend.

Miscka - Good luck with your upcoming GD test. At least you'll be able to catch it early this time if you have it again. Hoping you don't, though!

I am feeling good this week. Definitely feeling my energy come back, though I haven't been sleeping well for some reason. Not sure if that's pregnancy related or due to something else.

I've entered the very awkward phase of "is she just fat, or is she pregnant?" At this point, my regular clothes look and feel too tight, and while maternity pants are pretty comfy, maternity shirts look dumpy and too big. I hope the "oh, she's pregnant" phase arrives sooner rather than later!

Funny story - I shared the news with our executive assistant, and she said, "I was wondering about that, because I noticed you've really been eating lately." Hahahaha. I cracked up at that, mainly because it's so true. I used to bring healthy lunches every single day, and that went out the window shortly into the first trimester. Later on, she came up to me to apologize. She said that she realized how bad it sounded and that she didn't mean it like that. I told her not to sweat it!

I've started looking into daycare options, since I plan to return to work full-time. Ugh. I am not excited about this process. Going in for our first tour of a center tomorrow. Should be interesting, to say the last. If anyone has any tips, suggestions, or insights, my ears are wide open!

Hi JBPs! I hope everyone is doing well! It's been quiet here, maybe with the storm and Halloween and just general busy life :cheeky:

Little bit of a selfish post here, so I apologize in advance and I promise I will be less self-centered in the future!! I went for my first "dating" ultrasound yesterday. I had a complete crying meltdown before the doctor and sonographer came in (they come in together), because I was so terrified they wouldn't see anything or there would be no heartbeat (they keep telling me I'm 8 weeks based on LMP, but i know when I ovulated and based on my ovulation date yesterday should've been 7 weeks - so I knew there definitely *should* be a heartbeat by then). So the doctor comes in and sees DH holding my hand and comforting me and trying to get me to breathe and stop crying, and the doctor says: "Is everything ok??" Me: "I don't know, I'm just really scared" Doctor: "Have you had any previous bad experiences?" Me: "No" Doctor: "Have you had any bleeding?" Me: "No" Doctor: "Do you have any concrete reason to believe there is something wrong?" Me: "No" Doctor: "Oh. Ok. I see. So you have no real reason to worry but you're just chronically anxious? It's going to be a long 9 months...."

At least he got me to laugh. He was REALLY nice throughout the whole thing and asked me like 100 times if I had any questions. Then they started the ultrasound (it was transvaginal, which I expected and knew I would have because it's so early - when do they start the regular belly US?)

There is a baby in me. And it was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Until I saw the heartbeat flutter... and heard it. And then THAT was the cutest thing I've ever seen. DH was in awe that we could see and hear it, and I of course then start crying even MORE and the doctor asks why so I said, "No, now they're happy tears!!!"

Doctor says baby is measuring a few days behind, which made me panic, so I asked what it's measuring and he said "7 weeks, 3 days instead of 8 weeks" - I'm like OKKKK well I've said so many times I ovulated a week late and only expect myself to be 7 weeks, so I'm good with that :halo: Heartbeat was 157. We got a picture and I spent the rest of the night crying happy tears.

But then this morning I woke up and I went to work and I realized I'm spotting. So I spent about 10 minutes crying (again) in the bathroom panicking and thinking about that beautiful little heartbeat praying this isn't the start of a miscarriage. I called my doctor's office and they said as long as the spotting stays light and pink, it likely could be from the transvaginal US, but if it gets worse to call back or go to the ER. I feel so many mixed emotions I don't even know what to think right now. I was so so happy after the US and this morning, and then I saw the spotting and my heart just dropped...

I hope everyone is doing well and feeling good, and sorry again for the me-centric post! :wavey:

Lavender_81 said:

Hi Lavender!!! What a great first us you had! I was that nervous with my first, my dr also thought I was nuts! So glad your LO was right on track.

The spotting - I know many many more women who had spotting in early pregnancy than didn't. I did with my first. I'm sure it's fine! Take it easy and enjoy your beautiful pics :) really is such a special time.

AFM, 14 weeks! Had my glucose test today and heard the heartbeat. 2 weeks till gender! Hope everyone else is doing well!!

Miscka - DH just told me that Netflix suggested the sequal to "Business." I might have to watch that this weekend. My OB said he actually agrees with 70% of that documentary. He definitely suggested I get a doula if I want to try to do it without intervention. No preference on the gender for us. I always thought I wanted a girl, but my mother and I have a very strained relationship these days and I'm thinking I'd get along better with a boy! Do you have a preference? Also, how was the glucose test? When do you get results?

Curly Sue - How was the daycare visit? I hear you on "in between" maternity and regular clothes. Sometimes it just depends on the day for me. I was wearing regular jeans all day (with a rubber band through the buttonhole) and finally waved the white flag and crawled into yoga pants.

Lavender - How are you doing? Did the spotting stop? Come back and let us know please. Sending sticky vibes your way!

AFM, I was feeling pretty great and now I'm thinking I caught some icky throat/chest/sinus thing my husband has had all week. My throat went from a little irritated this morning to full-on crazy scratchy by this afternoon. I'm normally very healthy and rarely get sick, so this twice in one month thing is a bummer. I get so pissed at sick people that try to continue with life as usual and don't let heir bodies heal (ie: my husband) so I'm taking it easy the next couple days and hoping the rest cures me so I'm not stuck with this for awhile.

I'm attaching a pic from last Saturday which was exactly 17 weeks. So far I'm up 5 pounds and it seems to be mostly in my stomach so I can still wear most of my regular pants (with a bella band or rubber band around the button). I can definitely feel the barnacle moving around. It feels like popcorn popping or like someone is flicking me from inside. So weird (and honestly, a little creepy).

Happy baking, ladies!


Hi, ladies! Hope everyone is doing well!

TG: You look beautiful!! How cool that you are feeling movement already! I keep hoping I'll feel it soon, but I know it's early. Plus, I have an anterior placenta, which I'm told may mean it'll be longer before I feel something. You must have your gender u/s soon, right?

Our daycare visit was just OK. Both DH and I were a bit disappointed by the place, though the kids seemed very happy and the location was perfect. It just seemed run down, and the outdoor space wasn't great. I've had to take a break on scheduling visits, since I travelled for work all last week and am travelling again this coming week. I was able to get on a local email listserv and got some recommendations for places through that, which I think I'll start contacting right after Thanksgiving.

Lavender: How are you doing? Did the bleeding stop? I have heard it's really common for there to be spotting after a vaginal u/s, so I'm hoping that's all it was. Thinking of you!

Miscka: What's new with you? I'm thinking you probably had your GD test by now. Hope it went well!

Pave, Fisher, others... you still around? Let us know how you're doing!

As for me... not much is new. I'm 15w1d and anxious for our next appointment (it's a week from tomorrow) just to hear the heartbeat again so I have confirmation that little girl is doing OK. I've considered getting a doppler, but I am not sure I can trust myself with it, so I'm holding off for now. Other than that, I am feeling great, though I still get fatigued fairly easily.

As I mentioned above, I'm travelling a ton for work. Between now and Christmas, I think there are only two weeks that I won't be packing a bag. It's extra tiring, but it helps time fly by. So I guess that's a positive!

TG, you look great!

16 weeks 4 days over on this end. Had our 16 week scan Friday. Talk about a *fast* appointment! Highlight was hearing the kiddo's heartbeat, which I recorded on my phone & have been listening to over & over again. :) HB is 160, smooth & steady & getting LOUD. Yay, grow kiddo, grow!

Feeling better-- ms has slowed down, thank the Lord!

We have gotten the crib & dresser & hutch, and are planning on finding an unfinished bookshelf to stain to match.... fun! :) We are working on the second coat of paint in the nursery. Kind of earlier than we thought we would be going but my M-I-L is very, very ill now & wanted to see the room as completed as we could get it. She & F-I-L furnished the room for us, which is an incredible gift & blessing. Mrtha wanted to be sure the baby will have a lasting memory of Grammy. Needless to say, it's been a lot of fun and a lot of emotion & sadness, too. We hope & pray she will bounce back. If we have a daughter baking at the moment, she will have her Grammy's middle name. H) And I pray, she also has her Grammy's gentle spirit and humble heart.

Flutters-- I keep trying to feel them when I'm lying flat, which I read is the best time to do so this early on. Thought I felt something one day this week, but who knows. :) It felt like tiny bubbles low on the left side of my abdomen. It's so exciting to be growing this sweet child. The bump is coming now & it's awesome to have *proof* that the baby is in there, growing & thriving.

I hope all is well for everyone here. Sorry for the gap in time since I last posted... we've been at the in-law's a lot lately & it's just a very emotional ride right now. On a plus side, Grammy is verymuch looking forward to meeting Miracle if she passes-- had a dream a beutiful little bitty girl was waiting for her in Heaven. Sweet, sweet. Still, we want Grammy to stick around & meet this baby, too.
Re: Re:

fisherofmengirly|1353200520|3309058 said:
TG, you look great!

16 weeks 4 days over on this end. Had our 16 week scan Friday. Talk about a *fast* appointment! Highlight was hearing the kiddo's heartbeat, which I recorded on my phone & have been listening to over & over again. :) HB is 160, smooth & steady & getting LOUD. Yay, grow kiddo, grow!

Feeling better-- ms has slowed down, thank the Lord!

We have gotten the crib & dresser & hutch, and are planning on finding an unfinished bookshelf to stain to match.... fun! :) We are working on the second coat of paint in the nursery. Kind of earlier than we thought we would be going but my M-I-L is very, very ill now & wanted to see the room as completed as we could get it. She & F-I-L furnished the room for us, which is an incredible gift & blessing. Mrtha wanted to be sure the baby will have a lasting memory of Grammy. Needless to say, it's been a lot of fun and a lot of emotion & sadness, too. We hope & pray she will bounce back. If we have a daughter baking at the moment, she will have her Grammy's middle name. H) And I pray, she also has her Grammy's gentle spirit and humble heart.

Flutters-- I keep trying to feel them when I'm lying flat, which I read is the best time to do so this early on. Thought I felt something one day this week, but who knows. :) It felt like tiny bubbles low on the left side of my abdomen. It's so exciting to be growing this sweet child. The bump is coming now & it's awesome to have *proof* that the baby is in there, growing & thriving.

I hope all is well for everyone here. Sorry for the gap in time since I last posted... we've been at the in-law's a lot lately & it's just a very emotional ride right now. On a plus side, Grammy is verymuch looking forward to meeting Miracle if she passes-- had a dream a beutiful little bitty girl was waiting for her in Heaven. Sweet, sweet. Still, we want Grammy to stick around & meet this baby, too.

So nice to hear your update, Fisher! I confess I checked a few times last week to see how things were progressing for glad to hear all is well and baby is baking nicely. It must be so exciting to see the bump grow! Are you in maternity clothes yet? If not, it'll probably be soon. It's going to be even more exciting when you start feeling the baby move! :)) Do you and Paul have any first names picked out? I like the idea of honouring your Granma the way you said. It sounds like the other plans and preparations are going well!
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fisherofmengirly|1353200520|3309058 said:
TG, you look great!

16 weeks 4 days over on this end. Had our 16 week scan Friday. Talk about a *fast* appointment! Highlight was hearing the kiddo's heartbeat, which I recorded on my phone & have been listening to over & over again. :) HB is 160, smooth & steady & getting LOUD. Yay, grow kiddo, grow!

Feeling better-- ms has slowed down, thank the Lord!

We have gotten the crib & dresser & hutch, and are planning on finding an unfinished bookshelf to stain to match.... fun! :) We are working on the second coat of paint in the nursery. Kind of earlier than we thought we would be going but my M-I-L is very, very ill now & wanted to see the room as completed as we could get it. She & F-I-L furnished the room for us, which is an incredible gift & blessing. Mrtha wanted to be sure the baby will have a lasting memory of Grammy. Needless to say, it's been a lot of fun and a lot of emotion & sadness, too. We hope & pray she will bounce back. If we have a daughter baking at the moment, she will have her Grammy's middle name. H) And I pray, she also has her Grammy's gentle spirit and humble heart.

Flutters-- I keep trying to feel them when I'm lying flat, which I read is the best time to do so this early on. Thought I felt something one day this week, but who knows. :) It felt like tiny bubbles low on the left side of my abdomen. It's so exciting to be growing this sweet child. The bump is coming now & it's awesome to have *proof* that the baby is in there, growing & thriving.

I hope all is well for everyone here. Sorry for the gap in time since I last posted... we've been at the in-law's a lot lately & it's just a very emotional ride right now. On a plus side, Grammy is verymuch looking forward to meeting Miracle if she passes-- had a dream a beutiful little bitty girl was waiting for her in Heaven. Sweet, sweet. Still, we want Grammy to stick around & meet this baby, too.

So nice to hear your update, Fisher! I confess I checked a few times last week to see how things were progressing for glad to hear all is well and baby is baking nicely. It must be so exciting to see the bump grow! Are you in maternity clothes yet? If not, it'll probably be soon. It's going to be even more exciting when you start feeling the baby move! :)) Do you and Paul have any first names picked out? I like the idea of honouring your Granma the way you said. It sounds like the other plans and preparations are going well!


Hello, friend! I've been in maternity pants since week 14, not because regular wouldn't fit, but because they weren't comfortable anymore. :) And partly because I wanted to wear them- had a few pairs I'd been waiting years to wear. :) Maternity tops are still wayyyyyyy too big, but one day soon, I bet! :)

If our baby is a girl, we know her name-- Calista (Callie) Jane. Martha's middle name is Jane. We chose this name back when we were engaged. Boy name-- well, that's more of a debate at the moment. :) We'll find a great one (actually, I think we've already found it... just working on waiting for the hubs to agree).

I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving. There's *always* reason to be thankful! :)

Fisher, love your name choice! If we had a girl, we loved Callie Jane and Nora Jane. Of course, we're have another boy so we won't ever be using either. :bigsmile:

When I was pregnant with DS, DH eventually came around to my favorite name choice. He initially put it on the list just to humor me then, a few months later, he said it was his favorite too!

Fisher, so sorry to hear about your MIL. :(( Does she have cancer? I'm praying for her and hoping she will get to spend lots of time with her new grandchild on the way.

Fisher-. So sorry to hear about your MIL :(. We are having a girl and we also chose the middle name Jane. She's kind of named after me but I think it's just the perfect middle name!
Re: Re:

fisherofmengirly|1353521524|3312190 said:

Hello, friend! I've been in maternity pants since week 14, not because regular wouldn't fit, but because they weren't comfortable anymore. :) And partly because I wanted to wear them- had a few pairs I'd been waiting years to wear. :) Maternity tops are still wayyyyyyy too big, but one day soon, I bet! :)

If our baby is a girl, we know her name-- Calista (Callie) Jane. Martha's middle name is Jane. We chose this name back when we were engaged. Boy name-- well, that's more of a debate at the moment. :) We'll find a great one (actually, I think we've already found it... just working on waiting for the hubs to agree).

I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving. There's *always* reason to be thankful! :)

That's a beautiful name choice, Fisher. :))

Fisher, love the name Callie! That was on our list too! Great as a child and an adult!
Just had our anatomy scan. Everything looks great. I have a low-lying placenta but that should hopefully correct itself before I'm due.

Found out we're on TEAM PINK.



Sorry! I didn't realize the picture didn't upload from my phone. Here's our "Team Pink" announcement for facebook.


Congrats on Team Pink, TG!! I love the picture - you look absolutely wonderful.

Were you at all surprised by the news, or did you have any sort of feeling that it was a girl?

Random question - are the boots you are wearing in that picture Born boots? I think I have the same exact pair - they are my favorites!
Re: Re:

CurlySue|1354199370|3318226 said:
Congrats on Team Pink, TG!! I love the picture - you look absolutely wonderful.

Were you at all surprised by the news, or did you have any sort of feeling that it was a girl?

Random question - are the boots you are wearing in that picture Born boots? I think I have the same exact pair - they are my favorites!

Hey CS! Thanks for the compliment!

I kinda thought deep down that it was a girl though over the past few weeks I was really beginning to hope for a boy (and I had three dreams that it was a boy). I knew that's what DH wanted. I could tell he was disappointed when they announced that it was a girl. I just said "dude, you supplied that extra X chromosome. No one to blame but yourself here." He got over it pretty quickly and is now looking forward to being wrapped around her finger in the future.

And yes! Those are indeed Born boots. Nordstrom Rack on sale. Since they don't have a maternity section, the shoes and accessories are about the only things I can buy there now.

It's been a LONG time. Sorry about the break. I had to finish a class and get ready for trip to U.S., then jet lag, another trip etc. I'm in one place for a while now and I'm pretty far along in my pregnancy so hopefully can post more.
I'm 20 weeks 4 days. Starting to feel a lot more movement but still not on a "regular" basis. It sure is nice, though :)
I had my anatomy scan and the dr. Was very happy with the babes. They are 13 and 14 oz already! I am huge, lol. I would say I look at least 7 mos. people are pretty shocked when they see me and say so. It doesn't do a lot for me when it happens, lol but I'm trying to take it in stride. So relieved with the good report, plus fetal echo is done too and good results there.

TG cute photos! Congrats on team pink. Very exciting. I'm glad your dh got on board quickly. I'm sure he will love it. I have no feeling on gender whatsoever. I wish I was more intuitive. I saw pics of babies yesterday 3d and to me one looked more like dh and one looked more like a girl, lol. Who knows. Oh I also have a low lying placenta. Hopefully it won't be an issue.

Fisher hi, hope all is well. I love your name choice! So excited for you. I have no idea on names. Did you have your big u/s yet? I know you are right behind me, right? Hope your MIL is doing ok and that you are all taking care of yourself too. It's so stressful when a family member is ill. Give us an update when you have time.

Curly sue Hi. Hope you are feeling well. Did you end up getting a Doppler? I got one and its been pretty good for me. Since I have two I can't really be sure what/who I'm listening to but it still calms me down somehow. With one I think it would be easy to get that reassurance. Although once you are feeling movement that should help too.

Lavender I'm sure hoping you are ok after your spotting. That is so scary and I can totally relate to the overall anxiety thing too. Glad your dr. Can make you laugh. Let us know how you are when you can.
Well my son is awake so I will sign off. Sorry if I missed anyone. Take care.

Hi everyone! So sorry i haven't posted in a while. Life has been busy and after that episode of spotting after my 7 wk US spent 4 weeks being terrified something bad had happened and something was wrong with the baby. It was hard for me to focus on anything else and I was scared to come back in here without any news because it reminded me how nervous I was. I have been staying updated on all of you though - so happy to see everyone growing healthy babes!

pavelover - Thanks so much for asking about me. Happy to hear your babies are doing well! It must be so cool to feel the movements - I can't wait for that feeling of little flutters and kicks!

TG - You look so cute pregnant! Congrats on team pink! Very cute announcement with the ribbon. I think my husband would also be a little disappointed at first if he found out it was a girl (he says he doesn't care, but I know he wants a boy first) but once they see those babies they'll be wrapped around their little teeny fingers :love:

Fisher - I get so excited when I see updates from you! I am very sorry to hear about your MIL though. It's so hard when family members are sick, but I hope she is doing a bit better. You sound like a wonderful daughter-in-law.

CurlySue - I'm also wondering if you got a doppler. I am so anxious all the time and almost feel like I can't talk about this or be happy about this because I always worry that something has gone wrong and I just don't know it yet. I see an US, feel ecstatically happy, and then the next day begin worrying again that something is wrong and it's another 4 weeks until I can have the chance to hear the heartbeat again. Are there any risks associated with using a doppler on your own or using it too often? I can't decide if it's a good thing for me to get or a bad thing because i would want to use it way too often and if I couldn't find a heartbeat i would panic even more! So just wondering if you ended up getting one and if you would recommend it...

AFM, I spent 4 weeks worrying every single day since the spotting. And then I was working with a kid who had a tantrum and kicked me in the stomach so I was terrified about that. Doctor said if there was no bleeding I shouldn't worry so I tried to put it out of my mind. We still hadn't told anyone (other than my acupuncturist) and we went this week for my 12 week ultrasound and NT scan. Baby was laying there resting with a heartbeat of 178!! The US tech asked me to cough and pressed down on my stomach to try to get the baby to move - and it started jumping and kicking and waving its little tiny arms around!! :love: It was the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life! DH was in awe of it - he said he had no idea it could do that and move and look like a real baby this early! We are so in love already. I'm still so scared of something going wrong... We got pictures and left the appointment and went to tell my mom. She has wanted this so badly for SO LONG and she had NO idea it was coming. We put the sonogram in a picture frame that said "little grandbaby" with this adorable little poem in it and we told her it was an early Hanukkah present - she was shocked and so happy - I don't think I've ever seen her that happy EVER. The next night we told my in-laws with a picture frame that said "Guess who's going to be grandparents!" and they were also so surprised and thrilled. We're telling my father and stepmom this weekend and then we may start telling friends next week.

I really thought I was 11 weeks (I know I am based on ovulation) but they said they're keeping my due date as June 17, making me 12 weeks because baby is measuring 11 weeks 5 days anyway so they're leaving the due date. So I guess I'm 12 weeks? Crazy.

I'm feeling pretty good, a little residual nausea, but overall not nearly as bad as I expected. I feel like it'll come back though, so not getting my hopes up that it's over just yet. I have a terrible cold now and can't take anything for it (other than a little tylenol when I had a slight fever the other night) so just hoping it goes away soon..

Hope everyone is doing well and feeling good!!! :appl:


Pave, Lavender - so great to hear from you two!

Pave - I am glad to hear your twins are doing well. Sounds like you have been extremely busy! When you say you have a low-lying placenta, is that the same thing as placenta previa or slightly different?

Lavender - I was really happy to see your post and read that things are going well with your baby. Love the u/s pic - so cute! Like you, I *loved* my NT scan. Seeing the baby bounce around was truly amazing, and I know my DH felt more bonded to the baby after that scan. Sounds like it was a similar experience for you guys, too. How fun that you have started telling people!

TG - I cracked up when I read your response to your DH about having himself to blame for team pink. I think my DH was a little sad that he won't have a boy (we are likely going to be one-and-done), but he felt it was a girl all along. And the thing is that he is AWESOME with all his nieces. I just know that he'll be wrapped around her little finger in no time... and I just think there's something really special about father-daughter relationships.

Fisher - I hope you are well and that your MIL is doing OK.

AFM - I'll be 19 weeks on Saturday which absolutely amazes me. Time seems like it's flying by! Last appointment was around 16 weeks, and it was super-quick. Chatted with the doc, listened to the heartbeat, and gave blood for the AFP screening (normal - yay!). Next appointment is our anatomy scan, and that's scheduled for a week from Monday.

To answer the doppler question - no, I never got one. I was really concerned that I'd get one and *not* be able to find a heartbeat, which would freak me out completely. So I just stayed patient realizing that sooner or later, I would start to feel movement and would have more reassurance that everything is OK. I guess the other thing, for me, was realizing that there will *always* be something that I can worry about through pregnancy and then after the baby is born. So I'm working on my own thought processes, trying to stay positive, and focusing only on what I can control. Some days I'm better at that than others. :))

We had some sad news in our family. My great aunt, who was very much like a grandmother to me, passed away on Friday at the age of 92. Even though she was 92, it was still very unexpected as she had been in fantastic health. I think we all expected her to live forever. Anyway, I'm now thinking of honoring her in some way as we name our baby girl. Her name was Mary, and because she was Armenian, I am thinking of Maryam (the Armenian version of Mary) for a middle name. We'll see. I am not sure DH is on board with that yet.

I am pretty sure I started feeling movement on Saturday. I know a lot of people describe it as flutters or bubbles, but I have been feeling what I would describe as strong twitches, brief spasms, or pokes in my lower abdomen occasionally. I've felt them mainly when I've been at home or driving to work in the morning. Not totally confident that it's movement, but unlike what I had been feeling before, I know this is not just gas. :bigsmile:

A week from tomorrow, I have daycare-tour-a-palooza scheduled. After visiting one place several weeks ago, I decided just to take one day off from work and visit a slew of them to see what I like/don't like. I'm scheduled to see 6 in one day! So by the end of next week, we should have a good sense of whether we'll be planning to do a daycare center or whether we need to investigate in-home daycare or a nanny. Looking forward to getting more direction in that area.

Do any of you need to find a pediatrician yet? My OB's office told me I should try to get that figured out by 24 weeks so that I can pre-register at my hospital. Seems early to me, but maybe that's normal?? Anyway - that's the *next* thing on the list to get figured out.

OK - looks like I wrote a novel here, so I think I should wrap this up...

Hope everyone continues to feel well and bake away!

Hi there :wavey:

I just found out I'm at 6 weeks and was wondering if there are any other super-early preggos around on PS these days. It's kind of awkward to be taking on something so life changing and not really able to talk about it with most people!

Congrats Mercoledi! Very exciting time for you. I'm sorry there's not much going on over here but welcome anyway! How ae you feeling? I think there's one fairly early preggo from ttc- cant remember who it is right now. I'm 22 weeks soon to be 23 but I haven't moved yet.

I hope the rest of you ladies are feeling well with good reports? Fill us in when you have time.

Hi, thanks for the welcome!

I know I'm super early, I went to the doctor with a wicked cold and uncontrollable crying, and left having founding out I was just barely pregnant! While this was for sure on purpose, it's still pretty intimidating, I *just* changed jobs and DH is working hard at advancing his career just now. This will be our first, and looks like it will require some pretty substantial lifestyle changes.

It's great to read everyone's stories, thanks so much for sharing!

Hello there!

I'm also 6 weeks! (We think because my last AF was mid Oct but I tracked with opk).

What an exciting time for us!

I've been a bit depressed about clothes etc, I'm 5"1 and petite but with big boobs. I usually wear a 38D but since getting my BFP I've swelled up to a 40E! Stomach is also super swollen after I eat too so I just kinda said oh well, I'll start wearing maternity clothes.
DH is wondering if it may be twins, although I've also been told babies in his family are huge.

Mercoledi, when did you find out? Congratulations!