
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Bright, MP, avia, AHL, ckrickett, Bella, Laila, Dandi, and NEL - thank you all so much for your amazing support and well wishes. It has meant the world to me particularly since no one else knows about this pregnancy yet (except my boss). I want to shout it from the roof tops. DH says it's still sinking in - I think he was so worried he's having a hard time breathing a sigh of relief. So, hopefully, this weekend we'll share the news with our parents and siblings over the phone. We want to get K a Big Sister t-shirt and have her wear it on video chat with her grandparents on my husband's side. My mom doesn't do video chat so we may email her the picture and then call her. We'll see! I'm starting to think about room themes and stuff like that which didn't cross my mind before! Much better than genetic research. Today I am 18 weeks! 21 to go as they said they will schedule a c-section a week prior to the due date.

Yayyy JGator!!! Just saw the update and I'm so so happy for you!!! Enjoy sharing the news and I hope the next few months will be peaceful and uneventful - you definitely deserve some calm after all of this worry!! :love:

Congratulations, JG!!! I'm so happy for you, what a relief!! You and baby boy are in my prayers!!

JGator- huge congrats on your amino results! Such excellent news.

AHL: I'm so happy you saw a HB!

Thanks April20! It was the greatest relief of my life, I just hope it continues!

AHL, yippee for a hb!!! So excited for you!! :appl:
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DandiAndi|1433071505|3883231 said:
AHL, yippee for a hb!!! So excited for you!! :appl:

Thanks! Next scan in 10 days I can't wait!

AHL - only 9 days till your scan!

We told our parents over the weekend. I found K a t-shirt at Carters that says Big Sister. We had her wear it during her video chat with my in laws- they thought it said Easter at first, but got it with a lot of hinting from us. They are thrilled and connected dots on why I wouldn't drink wine while they were here. Then, for my mom, I emailed a picture of K in the t-shirt and she asked - why is she wearing a Big Sister t-shirt?! And, today she wore the t-shirt again to announce to her nanny. We also told K yesterday - she seemed pretty disinterested. So, I don't think she totally gets it just yet. So, the cat is out of the bag. My mom is in shock - was not expecting us to have more than 1. My MIL now more than ever wants to move near us! We also booked a vacation to New Orleans for end of this month. Hope we're not crazy me being pregnant and taking our 2 year old! But, we love the food there, and we'll figure out some kid friendly stuff to do and DH can gamble while K takes her daily nap with me in the hotel room!


a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e! K is seriously so cute!

Thrilled that the news is out and you can enjoy the rest of this pregnancy! hope that the trip to NOLA is fabulous and full of naps, fun, and awesome food!

Congrats, JGator, very happy for you that you are finally able to celebrate, announce and make plans. It took Ev awhile to catch on, but he seems to understand a lot more about the babies coming now. He knows they have a room and cribs, and I showed him his old baby clothes when I washing them and putting them in the dresser. I'm sure she'll catch on, as much as a 2.5 year old can. I think you should join the other thread now :)

Congrats on announcing Jgator! Enjoy the big girl thread!

Should I worry about this? I have had a headache all morning. I ve had loads of them in the last months, and wouldn't at all worry about it, but I have a faint rash on my legs and arms. It looks like a shaving rash, but its not. I m a little freaked out. I should just relax, right? Skin changes are part of pregnancy?!

I would call the Dr. Anything with a rash to me is worry some.

Mousey, you can take tylenol for headache and benadryl lotion or pills (will make you sleepy) for rash. I had a lot of itchiness in first trimester. I would say both of your symptoms are likely hormonal changes.

Thanks both! Just had a DR appointment. She was lovely. Said it was my skin reacting to hormone changes. I have to clam down! This is such a rollercoaster. My BFF had a missed miscarriage and found out during her 12 week scan. Mine is next week, and I think its freaking me out. Just can't wait to have nxt Wednesday over with!

I'm glad it's just hormonal. I give you credit for being able to wait this long for a scan. I have no patience LOL. I'm starting to get anxious about scan number two next week and keep on having to distract myself.

I know. I am so sick of the wait. A colleague told me today that the NHS used to refuse to do 12 week scans and she had to wait till 20 weeks. Seems ridiculous. Roll on Wednesday - for both our sakes.

Hi ladies! Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar...on Thursday evening (7 weeks and 2 days) I was at work, and was scrubbed for a 6 hour case in the OR. I felt a tad woozy at one point but figured I was just really hungry. After the case I went to the ladies' room, and had a substantial, bright red bleed, which scared the living bajeezus out of me. Thankfully we have an emergency department 3 floors down! I went to my boss fighting back tears and told her what happened, and that I needed to go to EMD. Long story short, I was seen by a dr and had a scan, and to my immense relief, saw a wiggly little bean with a heart rate of 160. I was so relieved I burst into tears, I was so sure I would be seeing nothing. On the upside I go to see the little monkey before my scheduled 10 week scan :bigsmile: Has anyone had something similar? I sincerely hope the answer is no, I think I'm just looking for reassurance that our baby has a great chance! Other than all that I'm constantly nauseous, which I never had with DS. And I am so bloated it's ridiculous, a couple of friends have already guessed I'm pregnant because of the round state of my tummy, and I'm not even 8 weeks yet :knockout:

Hope you're all well!

I've been posting on the b u m p and there have been plenty of ladies who have been bleeding on and off and so far no actual problems. Sometimes they have a clot or an HSC but often it's just random bleeding. Many women have had some bleeding after internal exams and intercourse since the cervix can be so sensitive. You did the right thing though, if you're worried get checked. I'm so glad you got to see your little bean! I saw mine early on at 6+3 and get a more detailed look this Wednesday at 8+4, I'm so hoping for continued good news!
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DandiAndi|1433671748|3886165 said:
Hi ladies! Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar...on Thursday evening (7 weeks and 2 days) I was at work, and was scrubbed for a 6 hour case in the OR. I felt a tad woozy at one point but figured I was just really hungry. After the case I went to the ladies' room, and had a substantial, bright red bleed, which scared the living bajeezus out of me. Thankfully we have an emergency department 3 floors down! I went to my boss fighting back tears and told her what happened, and that I needed to go to EMD. Long story short, I was seen by a dr and had a scan, and to my immense relief, saw a wiggly little bean with a heart rate of 160. I was so relieved I burst into tears, I was so sure I would be seeing nothing. On the upside I go to see the little monkey before my scheduled 10 week scan :bigsmile: Has anyone had something similar? I sincerely hope the answer is no, I think I'm just looking for reassurance that our baby has a great chance! Other than all that I'm constantly nauseous, which I never had with DS. And I am so bloated it's ridiculous, a couple of friends have already guessed I'm pregnant because of the round state of my tummy, and I'm not even 8 weeks yet :knockout:

Hope you're all well!

I did have quite a substantial bleed when I was pregnant. Good thing is what caused it would have been detected on an ultrasound as mine was a blood clot against my placenta. So if they looked and didn't see anything, then that's awesome. I remember calling my doctor and they said not to even go to the hospital unless I bled enough to fill a sanity pad within 2 hours (or something) . my point is, must not be a huge concern if they didn't even want to check people out unless it was a lot.

With my first, I had some bleeding but it was after intercourse.

Thanks for sharing your experiences AHL and Niel, I'm most reassured now!

AHL I'm so jealous you get to see your bean again so soon, fingers and toes crossed things continue well for you! My next scan isn't for 3 weeks yet, boo.

Scan done. So Happy! Heart beat and everything where it is meant to be. I cried so much I could hardly talk.

Also, I drank way too much water, so I was asked to empty half my bladder, which was nigh on impossible.

How was yours Asscher?

Yay, Mousey! Great news!!!!

AHL, waiting for your update!

I still have a few hours before my appointment. Trying not to be anxious but it's not really wring especially as I'm about to leave work and head there in about 10 min. I'll update tonight!

I was the same. It will be fine. Sending you positive thoughts.

All done! I saw my little gummy bear right away and knew it was good! The HB was 178 and I'm measuring right on for what I'm supposed to be! Yay! We got to see the HB for a little while and hear it, DH was crying this time :)

Yay Mousey I'm so glad we both had great days! Any pics of your little bub?

NT scan scheduled for July 6th! I'm so glad we get another look in not too much time. Before that I have the glucose test on June 22nd so plenty to keep me busy!


AHL, cute gummy! I'm glad you can go back for another look in less than 1 month. Congrats!!!

Thanks Jgator! I bet you're super excited for the anatomy scan! I can't wait to see your pics!

Yay AHL! The little gummy is so cute! And you will be amazed how much more "baby" like he/she will look at the NT scan. It's amazing how fast they change at this stage. When is your official EDD?

Thanks April20! Official due date stayed the same as I calculated, January 16, 2016! It works out great for me, I get to stay home and hibernate during the worst part of the winter!