I stepped away from a food-related FB group to cut down on social media time when it started to get b!tchy with some posters commenting about other people's posts being too personal and should have been posted in their own FB pages instead, etc. etc...
I went back to have a look today, to find the group had been closed since late January 2023 due to too much aggro and negativity, and the admins decided enough was enough.
Good job there were sufficient breadcrumbs that pointed to a new group being started by some of the contributors of the old group.
However, some of the contributors whose posts I liked did not join the new group.
Why can't people just ignore posts they do not like and move on???!!!
I‘m not going to complain about getting older…My goal is to get as old as my mom at 97....BUT when am I going to stop having trouble with my teeth!
I was told I need gum graft surgery on 18 teeth! I swear it’s from brushing my teeth too much..Anyway…I have to have it done to fourteen teeth on the top and four on the bottom. My surgeries are starting on May 17..The top one will be done all at once. It will hurt like hell..![]()
I'm going to be a grandmother. Bah humbug.
Boy that seems like a lot of teeth at once. I had some grafts done. They wanted to do 4 at once. I told them I only wanted them to do two at a time. It costs more that way, but I think it was much easier. Can they break it down so that they only do one side of the top at a time? You have to be able to eat.
I fear this is in my future as well, as I have a few spots where the gum has receded significantly.She said no..The top has to be done together. The bottom four will be at a separate time..Any suggestions on what to eat would be appreciated. I don’t want to just eat ice cream!
I fear this is in my future as well, as I have a few spots where the gum has receded significantly.
I'm assuming that as long as it is soft or liquid it is okay to eat? If so, yogurt smoothies with fruit, Ensure Nutrition shakes, pudding, creamed soups, scrambled eggs(?) with added shredded cheese melted in. I'm sure they will give you a list of foods to eat/avoid.
She said no..The top has to be done together. The bottom four will be at a separate time..Any suggestions on what to eat would be appreciated. I don’t want to just eat ice cream!
She said no..The top has to be done together. The bottom four will be at a separate time..Any suggestions on what to eat would be appreciated. I don’t want to just eat ice cream!
I'm going to be a grandmother. Bah humbug.
Is one of the kitties pregnant?!
This weekend is had the hardest craving for hot. like really hot. Like, hotter than jalepenos, which just could not scratch the itch.
Don't ever eat a cheese stuffed ghost pepper and not expect to pay for it.
Lesson learned because it was 3am and my guts was on fire... (it was good tho)
Did you ask why? I'm curious as to the necessity from a medical/dental standpoint (I'm not a dentist). Or could it be an insurance issue? I assume they are taking the tissue for the graft from the roof of your mouth, is that so? That's part that will be the most troubling. Or are they doing a different type? I've had two processes. One the typical way where they take the tissue from the roof of the mouth and then use that for the grafts. Several years before I had a different technique where they kind of take the tissue from below the tooth and put little slices in it to stretch it up. That required some kind of special spinning of my blood and also some kind of other "tissue" to be put beneath the gums. I had 8 teeth done at once that time and it did take some recovery time. And I've had to have the same teeth redone which was when I had the traditional way. Just curious which way they are doing and if that accounts for why they need to be done all at once.
.She lifts the gum up and slides the tissue graft underneath. I’ve had the bottom of my bottom gums grafted a long time ago
That sounds delicious and terrible all at once! I used a couple in a Jamaican dish once and it was delicious. Definitely felt it going all the way through though
Carolina reapers are delicious that way too. I tried to grow habanadas and sweet reapers last year. Not going to get a chance this year, but hoping to try again with better success after addressing the garden soil.
Our older son was complaining his leg hurt this morning, he is 16 and started playing ultimate frisbee this spring. I told him to go to the school health center since they did his sports physical, maybe they could have a look.
“No, I don’t trust them, they told me at 118lbs that my weight was a little high”
Guys, he is taller than me, at least by two inches, I calculate his BMI at around 19 which is nowhere near overweight! It makes me a little sick that they put this idea in his head, they lament about the mental wellness of kids these days and then they put this garbage in their head
Edited to add this picture, not the best, this was a few weeks ago at a tournament, does this look like a kid with a weight problem?
It's amazing how things we hear as kids affect us our whole lives. No wonder we all have anxieties about our appearances.
As teens, we girls had fashion mags to crush our self esteem.
I hope you can lift your son's confidence and reassure him that he's fine.
Our older son was complaining his leg hurt this morning, he is 16 and started playing ultimate frisbee this spring. I told him to go to the school health center since they did his sports physical, maybe they could have a look.
“No, I don’t trust them, they told me at 118lbs that my weight was a little high”
Guys, he is taller than me, at least by two inches, I calculate his BMI at around 19 which is nowhere near overweight! It makes me a little sick that they put this idea in his head, they lament about the mental wellness of kids these days and then they put this garbage in their head
Edited to add this picture, not the best, this was a few weeks ago at a tournament, does this look like a kid with a weight problem?
He looks thin to me. Definitely not over weight. I wonder what they think he should weigh and where they get their figures.
OK so now (for me at least) there is something new...when one goes to see a physician for an office visit in the hospital where their office is there is now a "Hospital fee". That I had no clue to ask about (because I never experienced it before or even heard of it) so I did not know til I received a bill for 525$. That was after I paid my copay to my physician. This is a separate bill from the hospital. Ridiculous IMO
So my DH paid because he takes the easier path and while he tried disputing it he gave up and paid. I found out about it (after he paid) and we are getting the money back from the bank (he paid direct transfer). I made him call the bank (saturday) and now I am contesting the bill with the hospital.
Highway robbery!
Totally. Ludicrous. It’s a shame because I like this rheumatologist and now I just won’t see him. He’s been my family’s (mom’s) rheumatologist for three decades. All of a sudden a facility fee at the hospital. It is highway robbery
I hope you tell the doctor why he is losing a patient. I doubt you will be the only one. I've never heard of this fee, and I sure hope it isn't common. Many doctors have their offices inside hospitals or at least hospital complexes. Particularly at teaching hospitals. Did the hospital fee explain what services of theirs that you supposedly used? Or is walking in the door and using their electricity enough? It's ridiculous.
Since I moved states, I had to find all new doctors. One of the pediatrician's offices I looked up was located in a pretty dingy building but had good reviews. When I went to talk to the office manager about what they need, she also told me they are instituting a $300 yearly fee for all families. She said it will help them provide better service. I was shocked. I would somehow understand if this was a high-end new facility with all the bells and gadgets but it was nowhere near that. I'm not necessarily blaming the doctors though. Insurance companies are out to make a profit and please the shareholders hence the ever-continuing cycle of less coverage, higher copays and lower payments to doctors. I'm glad they disclosed this fee and I'll keep an eye out in the future for any undisclosed facility fees anywhere else we may go.Unfortunately it’s becoming common. Two of my friends in different states have been hit with this. Both unable to successfully fight it tho one got it reduced to 350$. Crazy. It’s just for being in their facility. That’s it.
I will have my mom tell my rheumatologist as I think her insurance covers the exorbitant “facility fee”. My insurance does not. In fact I thought mine did partially pay but I was mistaken. They refused to pay any of it. Which means from here on in I will be making sure any of my physicians in a hospital based setting do not have that facility fee. If they do I guess I’ll have to move on and find different physicians. It’s sucks but I won’t be hostage to this ludicrous fee. Which is to help them pay for their beautiful new facilities. Or renovations. Healthcare in the USA has gone down the tubes. Very sad![]()