
Natural Sapphire Co CEO charged w/forging ct orders re PS & others

This is very confusing. He tried to get customers silenced by faking court-orders? Is that even possible unless somebody posts hate-speech or encourages violence?
Looks like Brilliant Earth is in a bit of trouble too. They have been stating Canada as an origin for diamonds that are not from there.
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Since the incident in 2011 TransPacific Software has grown 10X and now one of the biggest firms worldwide specialising in Gems and Jewellery e-commerce solutions. Currently, it is severing 200 clients in 18 countries.

Severing 200 clients seems a bit barbaric to me.
Looks like Brilliant Earth is in a bit of trouble too. They have been stating Canada as an origin for diamonds that are not from there.
This thread is clearly not about other vendors, it is about The Natural Sapphire Company. If your goal is to discuss other vendors, start your own thread on them, as right now, you come across as a spammer, particularly since you've only posted twice, and both were to draw attention away form the TNSC.
Gee, I'm getting more and more confused. Can somebody explain to us newbies what is going on here?
A simple search on Pricescope with the words NSC, Photoshop, and Customer Service will bring up a whole host of stories.
Yes, I did that and also read something on Facebook. So, I understand, the arrested CEO wanted Google not to show comments about his company on PS. For that, he forged court orders.
This means PS must have been very important for him. Hear, hear!

But what is about the 200 severed clients and the other company? is that off-topic?
There is the possibility that the poster is a troll / shrill due to the coincidental appearance, in an attempt to draw attention away from the original topic.
I have 3 posts now and this will be my 4th :lol:

Sorry for not staying on track here...I am not attempting to draw away attention from the original post. I just think it is important to bring it to the consumers attention when these large internet retailers are misleading them. Carry on
I have 3 posts now and this will be my 4th :lol:

Sorry for not staying on track here...I am not attempting to draw away attention from the original post. I just think it is important to bring it to the consumers attention when these large internet retailers are misleading them. Carry on
Because your post was about diamonds and not colored stones, best bet would be post that info in Rocky Talky.

Norman, yes PS gets a lot of jewelry and gem coverage so it would be important to NSC naturally. There were some wingdingers of threads back in the day. few of them may have gotten locked (not sure if they're even still available) But worth looking at if you do see them..

I've heard from a couple of people who (outside of pricescope) had gotten good service for them but with the good also comes the bad. Photoshopping in and of itself is not bad.Correcting for white balance, IMO, thats ok in my book, some cameras have bad sensors (which is another thread!!!) its bad when you're trying to deceive someone as to what you're selling though. Thats the main reason why they called to the floor. Its also a reason why I tell people to look at stones in their environments to get a sense of the stones. Photos can be faked.

This new thing with them well... Says a lot about the state of their company.
Norman, the part about "severing 200 customers" was a joke on a typo in Prashant Telang's post. He obviously meant to say that he was "serving" 200 customers. Which is a lot better than severing them!

(Prashant Telang, I think, is just trying to disclaim any current connection with NSC and definitely to disclaim any connection with Arnstein's skulduggery. If I understand correctly, his company came up in the charge because they were involved in the (legit) court order where Arnstein is said to have gotten the judge's signature from, and not because anyone thinks they did anything wrong.)
OK. thanks. I think I have now understood. What a mess!
Since the incident in 2011 TransPacific Software has grown 10X and now one of the biggest firms worldwide specialising in Gems and Jewellery e-commerce solutions. Currently, it is severing 200 clients in 18 countries.

There is a typo: servering = servicing
Thanks for clarification its a typo should be servicing

Norman, the part about "severing 200 customers" was a joke on a typo in Prashant Telang's post. He obviously meant to say that he was "serving" 200 customers. Which is a lot better than severing them!

(Prashant Telang, I think, is just trying to disclaim any current connection with NSC and definitely to disclaim any connection with Arnstein's skulduggery. If I understand correctly, his company came up in the charge because they were involved in the (legit) court order where Arnstein is said to have gotten the judge's signature from, and not because anyone thinks they did anything wrong.)
Norman, the part about "severing 200 customers" was a joke on a typo in Prashant Telang's post. He obviously meant to say that he was "serving" 200 customers. Which is a lot better than severing them!

(Prashant Telang, I think, is just trying to disclaim any current connection with NSC and definitely to disclaim any connection with Arnstein's skulduggery. If I understand correctly, his company came up in the charge because they were involved in the (legit) court order where Arnstein is said to have gotten the judge's signature from, and not because anyone thinks they did anything wrong.)

Indeed, I think he is only trying to sever himself from any perceived association with Arnstein.

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