
Need quick thoughts on 3.1 carat Old Mine

Sooooo are you ready to buy your diamond now even if it’s not the 3.1? Because I’m not sure of the reason the look at comps unless you are. Because I feel very confident that if you want a 22k stone you will find one you adore, when you are ready. To me the question of the 3.1 is sort of independent of other options because a) the other options are not true comps being smaller and cheaper and b) there will be other diamonds in the future on your original timeline. The only reason to move things forward is for this 3.1, which I guess I’d consider on its own merits not in relation to (not really) comps.
Yes, that's a good point. I think the question was if there was anything else I would like as much as the 3.1 with a more concerted effort in searching. I think it's probably the 3.1 or nothing, like you said.
So- having had a myriad of diamonds ranging from F to O/P ... I will say if color bothers you now, it will continue to bother you later. And I'm the queen of waffling between colors and sizes.

Is it because the J with the faceting and size is more appealing to you? Would you be sad if you bought it and another 3 carat ish OMC comes up 2 k more than the J right after?

Maybe give it a week or two to think about and see if it's still on your mind may be telling.
I wonder if ML would allow you to take the 3.1 home for the weekend.

Having the opportunity to look at a larger diamond in various light environments is important, IMO, before committing for a lifetime. In my experience, body color can shift dramatically in various environments.
I wonder if ML would allow you to take the 3.1 home for the weekend.

Having the opportunity to look at a larger diamond in various light environments is important, IMO, before committing for a lifetime. In my experience, body color can shift dramatically in various environments.

I LOVE this idea!!!!
Sooooo are you ready to buy your diamond now even if it’s not the 3.1? Because I’m not sure of the reason the look at comps unless you are. Because I feel very confident that if you want a 22k stone you will find one you adore, when you are ready. To me the question of the 3.1 is sort of independent of other options because a) the other options are not true comps being smaller and cheaper and b) there will be other diamonds in the future on your original timeline. The only reason to move things forward is for this 3.1, which I guess I’d consider on its own merits not in relation to (not really) comps.

@Dreamer_D but the shopping is half the fun!

But, seriously, my thought process is a bit different. Based on what @newtojewels has said, I'm not 100% convinced that she *would* find a $22k stone that she adores.

I shopped A LOT for my upgrade. I wanted to know the market inside and out before I made my final purchase. Knowing all the comps gave me the confidence to buy my HG without hesitation (also the largest non-car/house purchase I have ever made:geek2:).

I really think it would be useful to see the 3.1 stone next to another J color. When I was shopping for my M color, I saw an L color OEC that faced up a lot darker than my stone. I was actually shocked that GIA didn't denote a brown modifier on that stone.

Also, the Dolly stone actually faces up slightly longer than the 3.1 (9.54 x 8.39 x 5.67 vs. 9.38 x 8.47 x 5.76).

NTJ if you do your due diligence now then you will never have to wonder if you let "the one" get away.
Good point @lulu_ma ! I have never (will never ) make a diamond purchase this large so your perspective is valid.
I agree with @lulu_ma about understanding the market and knowing the comparisons.

I was looking for an upgrade stone for two years and knew roughly what the pricing of it was. But because I wanted an even bigger stone it would have been more $$$$. Having the knowledge and recognising a good deal for a stone that hits all the parameters you've set means that even if it were slightly out of budget you'd make it work. If I didn't do all that research I would have settled for something smaller/less expensive.
If you can buy the Dolly stone and have it in hand to compare to the ML stone, I think that would be the best way forward!!

It’s extremely difficult to compare videos of stones imo. Lighting conditions, camera quality, angles etc all can make or break a stone.

I do believe in getting EXACTLY what you want, but a 10k difference is a 10k difference, and I’d like to be 100% certain before committing to the more expensive stone FWIW.
@newtojewels you’ve already received great advice from everyone else so I’ll just add my 2c. From your posts, I gather you & FF (future fiancé) are relatively young(er) and earlier on in your careers/life together.

One way I look at bigger purchases is through the lens of my “older self.” When I do this, I realize that in 3/5/7 years, the extra $ spent becomes insignificant as career/earnings/investments advance.

I spend so much time researching a potential acquisition/project that when I make the decision to go for it, it *seems* quite sudden/impulsive. However, it is anything but. When you recognize that something ticks all of your boxes (jewelry, real estate, business venture, whatever), you can act fairly quickly.

If it sings to you/makes you happy and you *feel* it’s the one - go for it! I believe in 5 years (or less) you’ll probably look back and wonder why you even sweated the decision.

That being said, enjoy the process- your perfect diamond is out there. And if you stay on PS, it most likely won’t be your last ;))
@newtojewels you’ve already received great advice from everyone else so I’ll just add my 2c. From your posts, I gather you & FF (future fiancé) are relatively young(er) and earlier on in your careers/life together.

One way I look at bigger purchases is through the lens of my “older self.” When I do this, I realize that in 3/5/7 years, the extra $ spent becomes insignificant as career/earnings/investments advance.

I spend so much time researching a potential acquisition/project that when I make the decision to go for it, it *seems* quite sudden/impulsive. However, it is anything but. When you recognize that something ticks all of your boxes (jewelry, real estate, business venture, whatever), you can act fairly quickly.

If it sings to you/makes you happy and you *feel* it’s the one - go for it! I believe in 5 years (or less) you’ll probably look back and wonder why you even sweated the decision.

That being said, enjoy the process- your perfect diamond is out there. And if you stay on PS, it most likely won’t be your last ;))

Yes, all of this!
You're having this false dichotomy that it's this stone or something worse. There are wonderful, wonderful options out there, and if you're still not set on cut, something amazing could be located. This ring has been posted for over a year, and is partially why I said 4ct is possible over 40k.

I also slightly disagree with @Eli22 -- I don't think there's anything wrong with picking something more modest early in your marriage and having the dream ring be a 10, 20 year upgrade piece. 40k is a LOT of money. It would be a downpayment in many parts of the country. While I will likely be downvoted off of Pricescope island for suggesting it, I also think this could be an excellent case for a lab diamond. You could get any size you want, any color you want, with an Erika setting for under $10k (this is assuming brilliants are on the table, a AVC would be more).

If you're considering the oval, that's so different than an old cut. I think the options are lovely but I still recommend getting lots of loose czs, closing the laptop, and coming back to the decision in 6 months. You have a lovely vine ring to get engaged with now while you decide.
You're having this false dichotomy that it's this stone or something worse. There are wonderful, wonderful options out there, and if you're still not set on cut, something amazing could be located. This ring has been posted for over a year, and is partially why I said 4ct is possible over 40k.

I also slightly disagree with @Eli22 -- I don't think there's anything wrong with picking something more modest early in your marriage and having the dream ring be a 10, 20 year upgrade piece. 40k is a LOT of money. It would be a downpayment in many parts of the country. While I will likely be downvoted off of Pricescope island for suggesting it, I also think this could be an excellent case for a lab diamond. You could get any size you want, any color you want, with an Erika setting for under $10k (this is assuming brilliants are on the table, a AVC would be more).

If you're considering the oval, that's so different than an old cut. I think the options are lovely but I still recommend getting lots of loose czs, closing the laptop, and coming back to the decision in 6 months. You have a lovely vine ring to get engaged with now while you decide.

Ditto. I agree on everything.
I'd like to add that, obviously, you can get engaged/married also without an engagement ring (and even without a wedding band): committment is not about a useless - although beautiful- piece of carbon...owning a house and, possibly, being debt free are the best conditions to get happily engaged/married at ANY age.
You're having this false dichotomy that it's this stone or something worse. There are wonderful, wonderful options out there, and if you're still not set on cut, something amazing could be located. This ring has been posted for over a year, and is partially why I said 4ct is possible over 40k.

I also slightly disagree with @Eli22 -- I don't think there's anything wrong with picking something more modest early in your marriage and having the dream ring be a 10, 20 year upgrade piece. 40k is a LOT of money. It would be a downpayment in many parts of the country. While I will likely be downvoted off of Pricescope island for suggesting it, I also think this could be an excellent case for a lab diamond. You could get any size you want, any color you want, with an Erika setting for under $10k (this is assuming brilliants are on the table, a AVC would be more).

If you're considering the oval, that's so different than an old cut. I think the options are lovely but I still recommend getting lots of loose czs, closing the laptop, and coming back to the decision in 6 months. You have a lovely vine ring to get engaged with now while you decide.

It's entirely possible to get engaged without a ring, but if someone prefers a natural diamond and wants to get it right from the start to avoid upgrading later, that's fine too. That's what the OP mentioned at the beginning of the thread. Sure, it's a significant amount of money, but we only live once… and this forum is about jewellery after all, so everyone should do what feels right for them.
One way I look at bigger purchases is through the lens of my “older self.” When I do this, I realize that in 3/5/7 years, the extra $ spent becomes insignificant as career/earnings/investments advance.
my husband always quotes a work colleague who says “you can always earn more money!” Lol

This sentiment can be hard to grasp if you grew up poor or financially insecure. I struggle with it! But if you are financially secure as an adult, it does ring true.

Sometimes trying to save or get a deal can be “penny wise and pound foolish” , especially over time as you say, which is one of my favourite phrases on this topic that I think expresses a similar sentiment.
It's entirely possible to get engaged without a ring, but if someone prefers a natural diamond and wants to get it right from the start to avoid upgrading later, that's fine too. That's what the OP mentioned at the beginning of the thread. Sure, it's a significant amount of money, but we only live once… and this forum is about jewellery after all, so everyone should do what feels right for them.

The dynamics @Grymera described may also feel different for someone getting engaged at 23 versus someone getting engaged at 32!
It's entirely possible to get engaged without a ring, but if someone prefers a natural diamond and wants to get it right from the start to avoid upgrading later, that's fine too. That's what the OP mentioned at the beginning of the thread. Sure, it's a significant amount of money, but we only live once… and this forum is about jewellery after all, so everyone should do what feels right for them.

Of course, people should do what feels right for them!
I love love jewellery but my heart sinks when I see people getting into debt/difficult economical position because they bought what they couldn't easily afford.
I was suggesting caution because:
- the 3.01 ct old mine cut diamond is not the only beautiful diamond on the earth: it takes patience and knowledge, but there plenty beautiful diamonds on the market;
- since the OP doesn't own a house and her fiancee probably needs a new car, IMHO it's better not to spend 40k on a ring;
- if she loves the aesthetics of 3ct carat diamond on her finger but she can't afford, she can opt for a lab grown diamond;
- if she doesn't want lab grown, she can opt for a smaller carat : down the road she can upgrade by selling the small carat or by mounting it as a pendant;
- if she doesn't want to upgrade, she can buy a nice wedding band and wait untill she can easily afford her dream engagement ring.
PS can be dangerous for some people because they are easily lead to believe that members own only big gorgeous natural diamonds and that should be the norm for everyone, also for people that can't finacially waste money on something useless.
I just want to say that A LOT of successful people rent in the greater SF area. That’s a market where it doesn’t necessarily make sense to buy…
Of course, people should do what feels right for them!
I love love jewellery but my heart sinks when I see people getting into debt/difficult economical position because they bought what they couldn't easily afford.
I was suggesting caution because:
- the 3.01 ct old mine cut diamond is not the only beautiful diamond on the earth: it takes patience and knowledge, but there plenty beautiful diamonds on the market;
- since the OP doesn't own a house and her fiancee probably needs a new car, IMHO it's better not to spend 40k on a ring;
- if she loves the aesthetics of 3ct carat diamond on her finger but she can't afford, she can opt for a lab grown diamond;
- if she doesn't want lab grown, she can opt for a smaller carat : down the road she can upgrade by selling the small carat or by mounting it as a pendant;
- if she doesn't want to upgrade, she can buy a nice wedding band and wait untill she can easily afford her dream engagement ring.
PS can be dangerous for some people because they are easily lead to believe that members own only big gorgeous natural diamonds and that should be the norm for everyone, also for people that can't finacially waste money on something useless.

I understand your point, but the original question was specifically about whether this natural diamond is worth it, not about comparing it to buying a car, putting a down payment on a house, or opting for a lab-grown diamond. Everyone has different priorities and desires, and that’s perfectly okay.
Thank you for all of the thoughts!

First, I want to say that I really appreciate the financial concern. It's great to have a community that loves jewelry so much and also reminds people that there are beautiful options at every price and that people can always upgrade :) Just to be 100% clear, we're in our 30's rather than 20's and this is not a going-into-debt purchase for us. I'm in my first job out of grad school so this kind of spending ability is new to me but my salary is likely to increase from here. He immigrated to the US as a kid so had the financial instability growing up that @Dreamer_D mentioned. But the ML ring would be a little under a month of gross salary currently and we have the savings to retire now if we moved to a cheaper CoL area (like @lulu_ma says, the SF area is just a different beast!). So it's more the principle of the spending, really, which I think is an issue I often see here, on the place people discuss purses, and a little on Reddit. We went through the numbers and can do it without sacrifices, it's just a lot more than feels reasonable to me considering that it costs 1 year of my grad student income, hence my caution.

So we can go back to discussing jewelry! I think the question really comes down to how much the nicer version is really 'worth' to me and is the ML option the nicest one I can find for me if I make a concerted search rather than the passive looking I had been doing. Because obviously there will always be bigger and better and whiter out there! I definitely think the ML is nicer than the Dolly, I really prefer the shape and the facet pattern and they are both J's though of course J is a range. The ML will be eye-clean no matter what at a VS1, the Dolly has a few freckles that may drive me crazy later. The Dolly in the Willa setting could maybe square up the oval to make it more like the shape I prefer, though, so if the Dolly version in an EW setting hits 90+% of the joy of the ML diamond, then is that extra 10% of joy worth the $11k difference?

What I'm hearing from people isn't really concern that the ML diamond is great -- we all agree on that! And we all think the price isn't the deal of the century but is reasonable, and that's all I really want.

Hopefully I am answering everyone below:

@LightBright, ML has a 3 day return period but the website says there is a 10% restocking fee which is obviously significant in this case. Maybe there would be a way to avoid that if we pick up in person rather than shipping and pay by wire rather than CC. I just sent her a message to ask and also to see a photo and video of this J next to another I-J-K in similar lighting. I don't mind a restocking fee for the hassle but $3400 is too much!

@Grymera and @purplesilk I wish a lab diamond would do the trick! There's a beatiful one at Park in an H color, 3.5 carats, elongated cushion-y shape. I love how it looks but when I think about actually owning it for my engagement ring it just doesn't do the trick. I have the little Tiffany Victoria ring he gave me as a graduation gift and that feels more right than a lab stone for me personally, so I do know I have the option to do nothing!

@newdiamondworld Thank you for the support! Now I'm just wondering what you think about this girdle, lol. Your earrings were one of my color comparisons for the 3.1 J in the super unflattering lighting and they looked perfect! That was my first diamond purchase and it felt SO huge at the time but now I never think about the price and just about how much I love them.

@Eli22 thank you for the thoughts on this! We were already trying to imagine how this will feel in a few years with the different potential outcomes so your comment really resonated with me. What if there's a tech crash and our incomes fall through the floor in 6 months? What if my career grows from this first job so the price difference feels completely irrelevant and I wish I had just gotten what I wanted from the beginning? Maybe we should be looking at even higher budgets! :lol: :evil2:

@lulu_ma and @maryjane04 @AllAboardTheBlingTrain yes, I'm glad to at least be doing some comparison shopping that goes beyond looking at what JbG and OWD have listed on the website. I'm supposed to let Dolly know by Thursday and 88 Star and Alara (the vendor for the setting) are supposed to get back to me today. Between that and my casual shopping over many years without being grabbed by a particular stone, I think I'll be able to make the decision.

and @lavenderdragonfly23 and @peppermintpatty I just love all of your support and warmth throughout this process. Thank you!
@newdiamondworld Thank you for the support! Now I'm just wondering what you think about this girdle, lol. Your earrings were one of my color comparisons for the 3.1 J in the super unflattering lighting and they looked perfect! That was my first diamond purchase and it felt SO huge at the time but now I never think about the price and just about how much I love them.

Does that diamond give you butterflies? If it does, then you already have your answer. But if it doesn’t bring that kind of excitement, the extra cost might not be worth it.

As for the stone and its color—it’s large, beautifully cut, and very rare. You’re not just wearing a diamond; you’re carrying a piece of history. History isn’t perfect, but it’s valuable because of the stories it tells. When I was in Normandy this summer, I saw ancient cathedrals with World War II damage that were never repaired. Their imperfections made them even more special because of everything they’ve endured. If you think about your diamond in the same way, its uniqueness only makes it more precious.
The larger the stone, the more visible the color becomes. So with a diamond of that size, you might notice some color even in an H-grade stone. If you love the diamond and can embrace the color, you could see it as a feature that adds uniqueness to the stone. But if you’re not completely in love with it, keep looking.

As for the girdle, I think 8 prongs should be fine. Unless you’re really hard on the ring, it should last. After all, it’s survived for over 100 years already.
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my husband always quotes a work colleague who says “you can always earn more money!” Lol

This sentiment can be hard to grasp if you grew up poor or financially insecure. I struggle with it! But if you are financially secure as an adult, it does ring true.

Sometimes trying to save or get a deal can be “penny wise and pound foolish” , especially over time as you say, which is one of my favourite phrases on this topic that I think expresses a similar sentiment.
I understand your point, but the original question was specifically about whether this natural diamond is worth it, not about comparing it to buying a car, putting a down payment on a house, or opting for a lab-grown diamond. Everyone has different priorities and desires, and that’s perfectly okay.

1)The diamond is over the OP's budget and the OP isn't in love with the stone because she's not happy with the color, so it's not worth 40k.
2)I simply expressed my opinion.
Of course everyone has different priorities and desires, but the economical position is central when spending on frivolous things.
3)I don't favour lab grown diamonds, I really prefer natural stones but spending 40k on a diamond that the OP doesn't love is IMO a bigger waste of money then spending 2k on a lab grown diamond in a temporary ring.
4) @newtojewels: I got wrong about your economic situation: I'm really happy you're wealthy!!!

Dreamer so glad the emojis are back! :lol:

@newtojewels I honestly think seeing the 3.1 again-ideally with a comparison stone and in a different lighting environment-will give you the clarity you need.

Of course, in my dreams someone finds you a 3.99 ct K with fluoro that you love for the same price!
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Given what you’ve told us I think the 3.1 carat is a great choice. But I hope they allow you to take her home for a few days. If not, does Langs have a back patio for you to safely try her out in outside light?

The Dolly diamond might bother you if you start to notice the tiny inclusions. This is actually good for you to admit. You also state that the shape isn’t your ideal cushion shape (I get it, it’s highly subjective). And you mention maybe the setting can hide it. I don’t think that would suit you in the end, IMO.

So honestly, it sounds like the 3.1 is what you were looking for, and that’s great. Waiting for others to compare it with, which fit your cut, shape and other preferences, might take a year or likely more.

Now to figure out if the color suits your taste. I think it will be very chameleon like and you will enjoy that. FYI even D color diamonds can pick up the tint of walls or golden outdoor light. If you want to check out your diamond’s “fire” eg all colors of the rainbow, look at the diamond under partially obstructed natural light like through open shutters or an under a leafy tree.

I can really envision your antique diamond choice in an Erika Winters setting. Given all the information you’ve given us, the outcome will likely be stunningly perfect!
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As a serial “upgrader” who loves to bargain hunt I can say with experience, I wasted SO MUCH MONEY buying pieces of jewelry that were pretty close to what I wanted, but ultimately didn’t make my heart sing as much as the actual thing would have. If you have the means and the patience, get the perfect stone the first time! Even if that means it takes a while.
@newtojewels is there a way for you to buy that Dolly stone to compare with the ML stone and then return it? You say that it hits 90% but I'm not entirely confident that it does. Probably more like 70%. And that probably includes the excitement and emotions that come from getting engaged. I don't get that feeling that you're in love with the stone even though it's much cheaper. If the ML is in the realm of possibility and even if it was a little more - I would buy what I love (but totally worth negotiating on pricing lol).
As a serial “upgrader” who loves to bargain hunt I can say with experience, I wasted SO MUCH MONEY buying pieces of jewelry that were pretty close to what I wanted, but ultimately didn’t make my heart sing as much as the actual thing would have. If you have the means and the patience, get the perfect stone the first time! Even if that means it takes a while.

I feel this on many, many levels!
Does that diamond give you butterflies? If it does, then you already have your answer. But if it doesn’t bring that kind of excitement, the extra cost might not be worth it.

As for the stone and its color—it’s large, beautifully cut, and very rare. You’re not just wearing a diamond; you’re carrying a piece of history. History isn’t perfect, but it’s valuable because of the stories it tells. When I was in Normandy this summer, I saw ancient cathedrals with World War II damage that were never repaired. Their imperfections made them even more special because of everything they’ve endured. If you think about your diamond in the same way, its uniqueness only makes it more precious.
The larger the stone, the more visible the color becomes. So with a diamond of that size, you might notice some color even in an H-grade stone. If you love the diamond and can embrace the color, you could see it as a feature that adds uniqueness to the stone. But if you’re not completely in love with it, keep looking.

As for the girdle, I think 8 prongs should be fine. Unless you’re really hard on the ring, it should last. After all, it’s survived for over 100 years already.

Butterflies is a strong word and I don't think I'm a butterflies person. Again, I did see it and immediately go OMG which is as much butterflies as I think I'm maybe capable of getting.

I love the way you think of history. ML says the diamond came from a Georgian ring, so late 1700's. Incredible to think of what it has 'seen'! I know I would feel really honored to be the next caretaker.

That must have been very moving to see those cathedrals on your trip. Of course the magnitude is much less, but I'm always a bit moved by the empty frames from the stolen paintings at the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum:



1)The diamond is over the OP's budget and the OP isn't in love with the stone because she's not happy with the color, so it's not worth 40k.
2)I simply expressed my opinion.
Of course everyone has different priorities and desires, but the economical position is central when spending on frivolous things.
3)I don't favour lab grown diamonds, I really prefer natural stones but spending 40k on a diamond that the OP doesn't love is IMO a bigger waste of money then spending 2k on a lab grown diamond in a temporary ring.
4) @newtojewels: I got wrong about your economic situation: I'm really happy you're wealthy!!!

I'm glad you expressed your opinion! It's important to think about these things and it's important to have the reminder for posters that, in the end, it's just a ring. And you're absolutely right to consider the magnitude of the regret. It's one thing to make a mistake on a small purchase and another entirely at this magnitude.

Dreamer so glad the emojis are back! :lol:

@newtojewels I honestly think seeing the 3.1 again-ideally with a comparison stone and in a different lighting environment-will give you the clarity you need.

Of course, in my dreams someone finds you a 3.99 ct K with fluoro that you love for the same price!

I did get a couple of comparison videos from ML. Here she is on the index finger compared to an F and an M with SBF. I get the feeling that this is a lower J, but just look at that cut compared to the others :kiss2: And like @newdiamondworld said, I may need to go up to a G-H to feel like it's really white at this size and I am certainly not spending that kind of money at this point in my life if I could even find something in a cut I love at this size and such a high color.


Given what you’ve told us I think the 3.1 carat is a great choice. But I hope they allow you to take her home for a few days. If not, does Langs have a back patio for you to safely try her out in outside light?

The Dolly diamond might bother you if you start to notice the tiny inclusions. This is actually good for you to admit. You also state that the shape isn’t your ideal cushion shape (I get it, it’s highly subjective). And you mention maybe the setting can hide it. I don’t think that would suit you in the end, IMO.

So honestly, it sounds like the 3.1 is what you were looking for, and that’s great. Waiting for others to compare it with, which fit your cut, shape and other preferences, might take a year or likely more.

Now to figure out if the color suits your taste. I think it will be very chameleon like and you will enjoy that. FYI even D color diamonds can pick up the tint of walls or golden outdoor light. If you want to check out your diamond’s “fire” eg all colors of the rainbow, look at the diamond under partially obstructed natural light like through open shutters or an under a leafy tree.

I can really envision your antique diamond choice in an Erika Winters setting. Given all the information you’ve given us, the outcome will likely be stunningly perfect!

I met ML at her friend's store. I probably should have asked to just go outside but I didn't really know the protocol around this! We should be able to go visit again soon and would pick up in person at least so I could always back out at the last minute. But because timing is never good, we're both traveling starting this weekend and his family is visiting right now for the first time in years. Why doesn't life go on hold while jewelry shopping?!?

I do think it will be an absolutely stunning ring. If I don't get it, whoever does should live out my dreams for me.

As a serial “upgrader” who loves to bargain hunt I can say with experience, I wasted SO MUCH MONEY buying pieces of jewelry that were pretty close to what I wanted, but ultimately didn’t make my heart sing as much as the actual thing would have. If you have the means and the patience, get the perfect stone the first time! Even if that means it takes a while.

I've made this mistake on much smaller magnitudes and can absolutely see the trap. Buy once, cry once! I know this would 100% be the case for me if I tried to skip out on the Erika Winters setting so that's a sunk cost for any solitaire ring.

@newtojewels is there a way for you to buy that Dolly stone to compare with the ML stone and then return it? You say that it hits 90% but I'm not entirely confident that it does. Probably more like 70%. And that probably includes the excitement and emotions that come from getting engaged. I don't get that feeling that you're in love with the stone even though it's much cheaper. If the ML is in the realm of possibility and even if it was a little more - I would buy what I love (but totally worth negotiating on pricing lol).

I may have been missing an "if" in my post! It's not that that stone definitely does hit 90%, it's that if it hits 90% I would need to think about what the extra 10% is worth. I'm guessing it will not, like you said, but it seemed worth considering in case it does.

I'm working on seeing what we can do to see the Dolly stone in person and to see the ML one again in more lighting.....


I feel this on many, many levels!

Ahhhhh! Side note not to derail, The Gardner is where I got engaged!