
Need quick thoughts on 3.1 carat Old Mine

I’m just seeing this thread and love that you were able to see the ring in person with your partner. And I agree with @lavenderdragonfly23 - when you know, you know. I’m not going to offer advice on your budget, obviously, except it’s a significant jump in your original plan so clearly it’s something you will have to consider. But if you’re asking for my opinion (of which I have many and happily share whether it matters or not ), I think you’ve found her. The setting you love will looking amazing with it, the size is perfect for your finger, and any antique stone has so much personality and history that makes them unique and not cookie cutter.

Only you two can ultimately decide if she’s worth the splurge but if you’re asking that stranger on the internet (me, but I promise I’m nice and not a serial killer), then I say, if the real life version made you love it just as much, you have your answer. If you saw it and had any twinge of disappointment compared to your expectations, you might want to move on and find “the one.” After all, it took you two awhile to realize you were meant to be, so it only makes sense that the symbol of your commitment might take awhile to show themselves.
I just want to point out that J color diamonds do not look that tinted in other lighting. I can tell from those images that you are in an environment that basically is designed to make diamonds look crappy and brown lol. In most other lighting it will look very white.

I was going to say the same - just WEIRD! It looks Champagne! So if it’s a GIA J it’s not showing as such.

It’s a beautiful beautiful stone. I have to say though - in your commentary you don’t seem blown away. I remember your thread on your tourmaline and how you couldn’t get it out of your head and your love for it was so obvious. Perhaps it’s just the analysis part for the diamond…but anyway just something I observed.
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Oh!!! She’s perfect! ❤️

You mentioned the warmth…. a little bit in antique stones bring out the best qualities in them. I see the warmth, I also see the videos are all in an environment that will bring out the most of her warmth…. This is good! You’ve seen how warm she can possibly go. Most of the time this will not be the case! And the times she does go warm, she’s reminding you of her age, the hands who originally created her, and decades of history and memories she holds.

Antique hand cut diamonds are so incredibly special. They represent a lost art, one that cannot be replicated today. Modern diamonds are cookie cut, bigger the better. Whiter the better. With antique diamonds it’s not about the size or the color, but finding the one that moves your heart and being her next caretaker. It could be a 1ct or a 6ct, it could be an I/J or an M. How does your heart feel? Is she the one? Only you will be able to answer that question.

If it helps…. My dream diamond is a splurge, a dream. She’s absolutely gorgeous and my heart beats differently for her than any other I’ve had the pleasure of seeing. And she’s a K ❤️

If this one isn’t the one… know all of us love shopping and would be more than happy to help you keep looking! Lol!
The cut looks beautiful. But I am a little concerned about your comments on the tint. Did the tint bother you from the top or from the side?

My original e-ring is an F color. I have been able to compare her to a lot of old cuts and I have seen Ks and Ls and even my spready M color face up very white in comparison. I just wonder if this is a "warmer" J color.

Take a look at @missy's thread on her J color OEC:

Are you 100% set on an OMB versus a cushiony shaped OEC?
Awesome you got to see it in person
I think it’s absolutely lovely!

I also think facet pattern and performance and shape are quicker to evaluate and decide ‘that’s exactly I want’ -or- ‘that’s close enough to what I want’, than color.

Has the vendor given you a description of how they’d classify the j? I mean yellow leaning, brown leaning, or even a bit of olive?
Since you saw her M to compare, did she say how does that lean?

maybe this will help you evaluate color and help you decide on what you want/like vs what you don’t.

I can’t be the only one who knows a certain restaurant or two with unique lighting to avoid wearing one particular diamond in :lol: Some are super lucky that don’t have that issue.
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Thank you again everyone for the thoughts! It's very early where I am but obviously I had to check PS first thing this morning and read and reread all of the thoughts, as always.

Just to be clear, the cut and shape and proportion completely blew me away immediately and were beyond my expectations which were already high. I wanted an AVC or similar immediately when I first saw them maybe 20 years ago and any departure from that cushion-y shape diamond to an OEC or sapphire or lab or anything else has been due to budget or temporary excitement for someone else's ring. I have consistently really wanted something just like this since forever if I could wave a magic wand. I haven't tried every diamond on in the world but of the ones I have seen online and in person, this is it. And I was at Lang so I saw some good ones! The question is if it's enough 'it' to be be worth the huge extra expense. A lovely Montana sapphire in an EW setting might be a $15k completed ring and this would be $40k. That's so much money! The difference in price is what we were originally thinking of for the top end of the whole budget. I don't own a car and my partner has a Subaru with 150k miles on it, this is far and away the most we would have spent on anything. We still rent with housemates! Usually the biggest expense for us has been trips! I never imagined myself as a $40k ring person.

That all being said, he's not opposed to the idea and looking at the numbers it's completely doable for us. We talked about which way we would feel regret and he's leaving the decision up to me. I showed him some I&R and Grace 'comps' and he could immediately see the difference and understands the rarity and neither of us has any question at this point about the quality of the diamond or the price. We feel comfortable that she'll be a great buy for whoever is lucky enough to own her! The real question now is if that's us.
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@newtojewels recently my husband and I went through something similar in terms of financing things. You've got a few big expenses coming up if you want a house, wedding, car, kids etc. Sometimes upgrading isn't a bad thing.

Having one car between you, it's probably pretty important. I was only able to get my HG ring only when hubby was able to get a new car. We had an agreed budget for both but I took 65/35 :lol-2:
@newtojewels before you make a decision one way or the other maybe you should reach out to someone like 88 Jewels. She’s been proven twice to get PSers the best price on their dream stones. Like this one that she sourced for @maryjane04 :

Just take a look at what she can source for an OMC in 3 to 3.5 ct J/K range. There are lots of stones out there that we don’t have access to. I think this exercise will give broader you data points and could help you decide!
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The cut on this diamond is great.

I just want to reiterate that the color in those pictures is not what you will see 95% of the time.

I have owned and worn diamond ranging from F to L. Diamonds with more tint have this interesting characteristic where is a very particular lighting and environmental color they just really take it in and reflect the color back. Warm overhead lighting like in many jewelry stores does this (pretty sure on purpose to sell colourless diamonds lol). My KL stones look like dogwater (my sons term) in those environments.

But in my experience, in normal lighting and in 90% of other lighting, J is basically colourless. lol. I can see tint just fine. But the tint in a J is so negligible!

The other thing to be aware of is in antique diamonds there is basically no inventory less tinted than that. It’s all been recut into modern stuff over the centuries. And what is left is $$$.

I wish you had seen it outside, or in a store with cool lighting.

Regardless its amazing. But I also totally understand the finances. I am very cautious that way myself. It’s easy to blow a budget. And there will be another stone you will love if this isn’t it! My largest old cut is 1.89 and I am very happy with it. And I have large fingers. So if you decide to spend your money differently, that’s ok too! We will forgive you.
@newtojewels before you make a decision one way or the other maybe you should reach out to someone like 88 Jewels. She’s been proven twice to get PSers the best price on their dream stones. Like this one that she sourced for @maryjane04 :

Just take a look at what she can source for an OMC in 3 to 3.5 ct J/K range. There are lots of stones out there that we don’t have access to. I think this exercise will give broader you data points and could help you decide!

I'll reach out today!
@newtojewels recently my husband and I went through something similar in terms of financing things. You've got a few big expenses coming up if you want a house, wedding, car, kids etc. Sometimes upgrading isn't a bad thing.

Having one car between you, it's probably pretty important. I was only able to get my HG ring only when hubby was able to get a new car. We had an agreed budget for both but I took 65/35 :lol-2:

Luckily he has two cars! :lol: I'm hoping to go the rest of my life without needing one, but house and wedding are big upcoming expenses. We both think this won't actually involve any real sacrifice financially and it's more the idea of spending so much that's the concern.

I love that you got most of the budget! :evil2:
Luckily he has two cars! :lol: I'm hoping to go the rest of my life without needing one, but house and wedding are big upcoming expenses. We both think this won't actually involve any real sacrifice financially and it's more the idea of spending so much that's the concern.

I love that you got most of the budget! :evil2:

Haha well if it makes you feel better and doesn't impact you financially, your future hubby can get a 40k car too :lol-2: (my hubby also has two cars so I guess I'm okay spending a little more, so now he's got two cars and I have two rings lol).
@newtojewels If you're already feeling unsure about the color, I'd advise caution. You may not fully understand your preferences until you’ve worn the diamond regularly and see it on your hand every day. In my case, I initially thought I wasn’t too concerned about color. After reading here that old-cut diamonds can appear whiter than they actually are, I tried on a few rings and convinced myself that the color wouldn’t bother me. I ended up choosing an I-color OEC with a beautiful flowery pattern. It seemed perfect at first, but over time, I started to really dislike its color. Once I noticed the tint, I couldn't stop seeing it. I even changed the setting multiple times, hoping it would help :roll2:... but eventually, I replaced it (downgraded in size) with a D-color 1.5 ct OEC diamond from Adam at OWD. I’ve never regretted that decision. Just something to think about...
@newtojewels Sending you a hug! It is a big decision, one I knew you would not take lightly. You are not an emotional buyer. Not to say there isn't emotion involved. You have a love and a passion for jewelry, obviously. On the other hand, you think everything through. Always. What you will wear with it, if you can return it if it isn't what you hoped it would be, if the price is a good one, if it has a meaningful and useful place in your collection.

It is a very honest and telling statement that you can say the other things, be it a sapphire, OEC, lab, are not your hearts desire. This is. Personally, I would rather have one big heart's desire piece than several smaller pieces that I do like a lot or even love. If you took your bling budget and wanted to use that towards say a car, would that make you and your partner feel better about getting this diamond? Only the 2 of you know that, as well it should be:)

I also know that now that you are done with your education and have begun your new career, some of the things you listed will change whether you get the diamond or not. It also speaks volume's to me that your partner went with you, looked at the comp's and could see the difference, that the finances were gone through, and that he is giving you the go ahead to make the decision. I don''t think he would do that without being sure himself.

All that being said, you will decide with your head and your heart. You will do what is best. I of course want you to have your heart's desire:) Most of all I want you to feel happy and at peace with your decision.
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I LOVE it!!!! I waited up just to see it, and it was more than worth it. If you LOVE it, which is all that matters, I hope you get it!!!! It is special, so special! Takes my breath away! It seems so you!!!! I can't stop smiling :)

I am glad you aren't going with the setting. I know the EW's is your dream setting. I also feel it will be fabulous for your partner to propose with a ring you have never seen, even if you have seen the diamond, it will be a new ring to you! That will be perfect and I think you will be thrilled for there to be an element of surprise!!!! For both of you!

I can't wait to hear what you and your partner decide. I hope it is soon! I'm like a kid at Christmas and have no patience for this kind of exciting news!!!! ;) The wait will be killing me lol!!! ;)
I think for an antique diamond a J is as low as I could go. Of course you may like something with no tint at all. It just seems with a little vanilla color, it makes it look so lovely. Like they fit together. Looking back at the photo's/ video on Insta, it does look more white to me, Dreamer_D know's way more than I do, so I would trust her on that with regard to the lighting in your photos.

One last thought on setting. You know me, I am anal so I would have to do the Margot. I know you, you are much more careful with your rings and right now have a lifestyle that works with that. Since this will be your forever ring, one that you will wear daily, I would just be sure you are positive you don't want the 8 prongs. I love the Willa and the Grace. I don't think you could go wrong with any of them:) If the girdle is very thin, I would at least think on it and perhaps ask someone who knows more than I do about what route is the safest.

When it comes to a diamond like that, it's not just about it being insured. It's about how long will it take you to find one as special as this one is.

No more multiquote? :(

You're so sweet to wait up for me <3 I will of course let everyone here know what we decide!

It was nice to be able to compare it to an F in close to the same size in the same lighting. The F was whiter but this J was soooooo much prettier and I care about the prettiness more than the whiteness.

If I get the diamond, I'll check with EW to see what she thinks about the girdle and best setting option. Apparently the Grace Cathedral is now going to be available for cushions and there's an 8 prong variation which would be lovely. I love the top view of the Margot but not the side. We're waiting on the quote for that Grace option but I think either that or the Willa would be beautiful and the Grace might be safer, like you said. I like both rose gold and platinum so there would be 4 options I would be thrilled with -- Willa or Grace, platinum or rose gold. Maybe I'll even put that conversation and decision on my partner so there's a little more surprise.

Margot with a Peruzzi:

The cut on this diamond is great.

I just want to reiterate that the color in those pictures is not what you will see 95% of the time.

I have owned and worn diamond ranging from F to L. Diamonds with more tint have this interesting characteristic where is a very particular lighting and environmental color they just really take it in and reflect the color back. Warm overhead lighting like in many jewelry stores does this (pretty sure on purpose to sell colourless diamonds lol). My KL stones look like dogwater (my sons term) in those environments.

But in my experience, in normal lighting and in 90% of other lighting, J is basically colourless. lol. I can see tint just fine. But the tint in a J is so negligible!

The other thing to be aware of is in antique diamonds there is basically no inventory less tinted than that. It’s all been recut into modern stuff over the centuries. And what is left is $$$.

I wish you had seen it outside, or in a store with cool lighting.

Regardless its amazing. But I also totally understand the finances. I am very cautious that way myself. It’s easy to blow a budget. And there will be another stone you will love if this isn’t it! My largest old cut is 1.89 and I am very happy with it. And I have large fingers. So if you decide to spend your money differently, that’s ok too! We will forgive you.

I just heard back from ML that she thinks this was worst case scenario lighting and that she feels that it faces up white for a J in most lighting. And I know that finding a 2.5+ carat G that's well-cut is just not going to happen at a budget I can afford, something's gotta give! And I would rather it be color over clarity, size, and especially cut. I've always loved the cushion outline but haven't often liked the cushion faceting. This stone has both and that's what makes it feel super special.

Thank you again for all of the detailed advice and thoughts, I really appreciate it.
@newtojewels If you're already feeling unsure about the color, I'd advise caution. You may not fully understand your preferences until you’ve worn the diamond regularly and see it on your hand every day. In my case, I initially thought I wasn’t too concerned about color. After reading here that old-cut diamonds can appear whiter than they actually are, I tried on a few rings and convinced myself that the color wouldn’t bother me. I ended up choosing an I-color OEC with a beautiful flowery pattern. It seemed perfect at first, but over time, I started to really dislike its color. Once I noticed the tint, I couldn't stop seeing it. I even changed the setting multiple times, hoping it would help :roll2:... but eventually, I replaced it (downgraded in size) with a D-color 1.5 ct OEC diamond from Adam at OWD. I’ve never regretted that decision. Just something to think about...

Thank you for the thoughts, as always! I tagged you because I really admire your pieces and thought process. It's so important to just get what you really want the first time around but of course it's hard to know in advance, like you said. I'm so glad you finally have that D you're thrilled with! But also your hands are much smaller than mine :lol: I'm definitely thinking about it, it would feel awful to spend so much and not feel only joy every time I see it.
Best of luck with your decision!! The 3.1 looks amazing but I wanted to echo the advice by someone upthread (sorry the forum isn’t cooperating for me to scroll and find who said this) that you need to be confident that you 100% love the colour before you go ahead and buy! I’ve unfortunately been burned :wall: I saw a pair of beautiful OECs that I bought (studs) but they were OP coloured and over time the colour bothered me so much I couldn’t make myself wear them! When I first bought them I was mostly ok with the colour except for super specific lighting conditions but the creeping dislike sort of grew on me and I ended up having to sell them :cry:

So I would definitely urge you to take your time and make sure you’re happy with the colour - personally J is a very different beast to OP and I think it likely would be white enough, J is white to my eyes - but you don’t want to be in a position where you feel like you made the wrong call!

But if you do go with the stone - I think it’s lovely!! Nice size on your hand and of course all the settings you’re considering are beautiful!!
I wanted to comment on your observations.

Regarding color. Over time I’ve realized that color, size and cut matter to me.

If you are bothered by the color of this stone, you should attempt to see it again in different lighting. Don’t assume it will look like your preferred color sometimes. It might not. OTOH, like DreamerD says, that LED lighting you saw it in might be distorting the color. LED directly overhead usually turns stones dark, incandescent can turn stones deep champagne/yellow, and wall color impacts color too.

Color is really important to me, I know what I like. For a ring you will wear every day, don’t settle on a color you don’t find attractive.

I know you can find another great cut in that size. The question is for how much and when. But they are out there.

I personally understand wanting to stay within a reasonable cost. $40k sunk into one piece might not be what you feel comfortable with. I wouldn’t spend what you aren’t comfortable with until you’ve seen a comparison, tbh. I wouldn’t say this if you adored the color of this stone.

So I have some ideas. They have to do with vendors who price well, have access to great pieces/sources, and who have a practical side.

@lulu_ma has recommended 88star, I agree. Other vendors who are awesome and know what you are talking about are xothebijoux, gildedlane, and sincityfinds. These would be for authentic antiques. I don’t know if they can source larger diamonds but you should check. They all have a long track record selling great antique pieces but being down to earth.

Last, parksfinegroup does list authentic looking large diamonds (I’m guessing they are real antique). Alex also has a cutting source that’s excellent for modern old cuts. You could check with him to see if he can find you a great antique style lab diamond in a higher color. He’s not really a custom sourcer, doesn’t have patience for it, priced well, so maybe also just keep an eye on his listings. And finally, if you loved the AVC, Distinctive Gem (Jonathan) does many more antique styles, Jonathan “gets” antique cutting but also cuts for light return, and I’m assuming he could work with you on sourcing a high color lab diamond in antique cut. Modern cutting is starting to perfect antique style cuts. If you need to find the right color and size for your budget, I’d consider that option.

IMO “buy once” after you educate yourself thoroughly by seeing various diamonds. Grymera recommended buying an assortment from Chris CZ (decent cut old cuts) and living with various sizes and colors of CZs. Grymera also recommended a ShanAdams antique cut CZ, they are excellent and you can buy a high color large size, see her on insta/Etsy, while you wait for the right diamond to come along. This is great advice imo.

RealReal and EBay sometimes have things that fall into your lap so check those places too. And ask for help from the community to source/find.

These are just my opinions, YMMV.

Good luck!
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Dolly found a pretty option. Less perfectly faceted but 2.9 carat J/SI1, she says eye clean at 6", and a much more palatable price (~$22k versus ~$34k) -- but obviously still too much to spend without it feeling truly perfect. I'm wondering what everyone here thinks of this option. My gut reaction is that it's very pretty but I like the cut of the 3.1 better. Easy to say when it costs 50% more, though! I liked the 2.9 better than the more traditional old mine in the last video but if that's calling anyone it's also a J and it's 3.7 carats. Dolly says the 2.9 is fine for a prong setting and that the girdle has a little wear but is overall good.


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Dolly found a pretty option. Less perfectly faceted but 2.9 carat J/SI1, she says eye clean at 6", and a much more palatable price (~$22k versus ~$34k) -- but obviously still too much to spend without it feeling truly perfect. I'm wondering what everyone here thinks of this option. My gut reaction is that it's very pretty but I like the cut of the 3.1 better. Easy to say when it costs 50% more, though! I liked the 2.9 better than the more traditional old mine in the last video but if that's calling anyone it's also a J and it's 3.7 carats. Dolly says the 2.9 is fine for a prong setting and that the girdle has a little wear but is overall good.


This is pretty but I am still loving the ML one. It grabs me when I see it. I think it's the cut and shape.
This is pretty but I am still loving the ML one. It grabs me when I see it. I think it's the cut and shape.

That's my feeling too. Like if someone gave me the Dolly one I would obviously be happy but the ML one is just wow. The question is if that extra wow is enough for me to spend the extra....

If only the wow one were $22k!
That's my feeling too. Like if someone gave me the Dolly one I would obviously be happy but the ML one is just wow. The question is if that extra wow is enough for me to spend the extra....

If only the wow one were $22k!

I totally understand. I have bought and sold so many because they were almost perfect to my eye. Ultimately it would be in my head and I would be on the search again. I hope one speaks to you and you just know. If I see anything pop up I will link it.
That's my feeling too. Like if someone gave me the Dolly one I would obviously be happy but the ML one is just wow. The question is if that extra wow is enough for me to spend the extra....

If only the wow one were $22k!

Is the Dolly stone a final sale? I do like the ML better, but 50% better...?

The one advantage that Dolly's stone has is the fluoro. It is going look white in a lot of environments.
Is the Dolly stone a final sale? I do like the ML better, but 50% better...?

The one advantage that Dolly's stone has is the fluoro. It is going look white in a lot of environments.

Dolly would be returnable, so we could maybe swing buying that and taking it to see next to the ML one..... hopefully in better lighting!
Dolly would be returnable, so we could maybe swing buying that and taking it to see next to the ML one..... hopefully in better lighting!
Oh it would be great to compare the two. And they are almost identical in face-up size, too!

Hopefully 88 can give you a couple of other options as well.
Oh it would be great to compare the two. And they are almost identical in face-up size, too!

Hopefully 88 can give you a couple of other options as well.

88 reached back out to me and said she'll have some options tomorrow.

I might be watching this videos on loop next to each other:

No more multiquote? :(

You're so sweet to wait up for me <3 I will of course let everyone here know what we decide!

It was nice to be able to compare it to an F in close to the same size in the same lighting. The F was whiter but this J was soooooo much prettier and I care about the prettiness more than the whiteness.

If I get the diamond, I'll check with EW to see what she thinks about the girdle and best setting option. Apparently the Grace Cathedral is now going to be available for cushions and there's an 8 prong variation which would be lovely. I love the top view of the Margot but not the side. We're waiting on the quote for that Grace option but I think either that or the Willa would be beautiful and the Grace might be safer, like you said. I like both rose gold and platinum so there would be 4 options I would be thrilled with -- Willa or Grace, platinum or rose gold. Maybe I'll even put that conversation and decision on my partner so there's a little more surprise.

Margot with a Peruzzi:


No more multiquote! ;)

I like the Grace the most from the side too.I agree, a little bit more surprise will be wonderful!

Margo with the Perruzi! Yes Please!!!! Gorgeous!!!!

Are you concerned with the color of the J? I feel like perhaps people think you are...I don't think you are.

I agree, while Dolly's diamond is lovely, it doesn't make my heart beat fast! Your partner has said it's doable. I honestly don't think he would say that if it weren't true. Whatever you do, do not settle! Let me ask you this, if you were to reach out to purchase the J and you were told that it was gone, how would you feel?
No more multiquote! ;)

I like the Grace the most from the side too.I agree, a little bit more surprise will be wonderful!

Margo with the Perruzi! Yes Please!!!! Gorgeous!!!!

Are you concerned with the color of the J? I feel like perhaps people think you are...I don't think you are.

I agree, while Dolly's diamond is lovely, it doesn't make my heart beat fast! Your partner has said it's doable. I honestly don't think he would say that if it weren't true. Whatever you do, do not settle! Let me ask you this, if you were to reach out to purchase the J and you were told that it was gone, how would you feel?

I think the J in that lighting is my limit -- all of my other diamond jewelry is H and whiter and I could definitely see the tint. I didn't mind it, but it was there and looked vanilla. I didn't mind the K OEC I saw in normal day lighting, though. I think it's very reasonable to trust @Dreamer_D when she says that there's something funky with the J-K-L range in some store lighting and I also know that some diamond cuts just absorb more of the surrounding color. I think people are worried about me experiencing DTS -- Diamond Tinting Syndrome, the cousin of DSS! and just want to make sure I'm thinking this through carefully.

And that's a great question about how I would feel if the 3.1 is gone. I think if Dolly's sold tonight I wouldn't be upset, and I would be upset about the ML and that's telling. She said there was another couple seriously considering it. I expect we'll make the decision in the next day or two. I obviously haven't been researching like crazy but I have been watching JbG and Lang for years and obviously they get high-quality pieces and none has grabbed me like this diamond. My only hesitation is the price and the timing
Sooooo are you ready to buy your diamond now even if it’s not the 3.1? Because I’m not sure of the reason the look at comps unless you are. Because I feel very confident that if you want a 22k stone you will find one you adore, when you are ready. To me the question of the 3.1 is sort of independent of other options because a) the other options are not true comps being smaller and cheaper and b) there will be other diamonds in the future on your original timeline. The only reason to move things forward is for this 3.1, which I guess I’d consider on its own merits not in relation to (not really) comps.