
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!

Just assembling my eggplant lasagna now. Hope it is good! Day started out cool and low cloud gloomy. Now it is lovely! I should go for a ride but prolly won't . The week is supposed to cooperate weather wise, so I have opportunities.

@missy I enjoy those car shows. Ours here is in the Spring. And as for Fall, I am NOT READY! And those yellow trees are pissing me off. LOL. The mountains got another dump of snow--I saw the webcam. And I can see the white peaks from my window. Skiers will be happy!

@mrs-b @MamaBear hope you are both on the mend.

@marcy I hope you have a bit of a break from work. I picked up an extra 4 hours this week and it was good.

That's it. Low on the thrill o meter.


@missy good idea to get extra rims for replacement. That’s wonderful they are quality parts. These days it’s a good idea to keep extras on hand. My sister who is married to a farmer and they wait months to get replacement parts. I like the bangs. They look good on you. I toy with doing that again, but the hair really bugs my forehead. You put out a regular buffet for those kitties. I always love to see the car show pictures.

@canuk-gal I hope your pain is getting better and DH’s mouth is okay. Sounds like a rough week. Those palms are freaking scary. Before I lost a ton of weight and went on beta-blockers I was relieved to make it through the night sometimes. My heartbeat was usually over 100. Your ring is very pretty. I remember seeing it now. My Tiffany Etoile band is too big and I hate to have sizing beads put in it, well because it’s Tiffany’s. But I still have my original scattered diamond WF band that is similar and a smaller size, so I wear them together. They look good together and the Tiffany band won’t fall off. I hope your lasagna turns out well. I am trying to cut back a bit on hours of work. Once I start dreaming about work, I know I’m working too much. Our overnight temps are chilly these days too.

Yes’, it was 39 when I got up this morning. Nooooooo!

We went to Denver early afternoon Friday for a wedding reception. We should have left earlier, the traffic was NUTS. I am sure many of you are used to big city traffic, but I’m not. Especially now that I don’t venture out on my own too often. The reception was having Asian food which I am not anxious to eat 100 miles from home, so we ate at a steak house on the way. That worked out well timing wise. There were easily 200 people at the reception so it was a nice party for the newlyweds.

Saturday was chore and errand day. Marty got his electricity ran to where the observatory will be and smoothed over the dirt from the trench he dug last weekend. I did laundry and other house stuff.

We binged watch the first 7 episodes of Bad Monkey on Apple TV+. It was a pretty good series. I was tempted to pull out the scarf I need to finish for my niece, but decided to give my wrist more time to rest. It’s better, not right. I ordered some compression sleeves for my wrist and knees and I am kind of hesitant to try them.

Take care.
GM girls and happy marvelous Monday!

@canuk-gal I am not ready either! Too cold too fast. And the days are getting's dark before I am ready. Dark in the AM and and dark in the PM way too fast. Eggplant lasagna sounds so yummy!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE lasagna and I LOVE LOVE LOVE eggplant. Your family is very lucky to have you. Fingers crossed your weather cooperates all week. We have one last nice (or two last nice) days then rain comes. But rain never showed this past week as promised and we need it. Due to the high tides and full moon (King tide) roads were flooded all up and down the shore this past weekend both days. It was the craziest thing. We rode on the sidewalk when necessary and managed to avoid the water. Cops and firemen were all around. It was major flooding. Wish I had taken some photos. It was nuts. The car shows are always fun and I always dream of buying my dream car the MG but we know it is pretty to look at but not so pretty to drive due to it's electrical system that is poorly designed and badly manufactured. Don't drive it any further than you are willing to walk home LOL

@marcy I loathe traffic. It is the bane of my existence. You might remember we actually missed an appointment (two appointments) with our internist despite leaving three hours in advance of the appointment. Cannot make this stuff up. Glad you made the wedding and glad you got to enjoy steak beforehand. Greg and I went to a wedding over twenty years ago and there was NO food. Not kidding. It was at a country club in Connecticut. Pretentious in every way and NO food. Plenty of alcohol. Might have been appetizers but I do not remember that. What I do remember is on the way home after 11PM we stopped at a diner to get food. Ridiculous. And the couple did not make it (no surprise there both narcissists) and Greg no longer speaks to the friend. He was/is an a**hole. I didn't even want to go to this wedding (2003) as it was the day after (or two days after) the huge blackout that affected the entire northeast and I was exhausted from the heat and going up and down more than a dozen flight of stairs many times during the blackout. But Greg insisted as it was his good friend. Good for nothing friend lol. I swear I can see right through people most of the time and this guy was bad news. But Greg is the kind of guy who sees the best in everyone til he does not. And he woke up fast with CG. But I digress. Glad the wedding you and Marty attended was good and it all worked out and I wish the couple a happy marriage. We get apple TV so I will check out the series you recommend thanks. Good that Marty got electricity run to his observatory and you got all your chores accomplished. 39 is too cold. Brrrrrr. When I went out to feed the kitties this AM it was pretty cold here too...probably in the 50s and yesterday was the purrrffect first day of autumn weather wise. Crisp, cool, dry and windy. Hope your wrist continues to improve and you are 100% recovered very soon Marcy. The compression sleeves should work. When I did whatever I did to my ankle I got compression brace and socks to put on it and it helped. Though I could've used tighter but I got the smallest size.

@Slickk happy Monday...hope your week goes well and all is good

@Austina hope you enjoyed the visit with your friends

@springerspaniel have a wonderful week

@mrs-b hope all is going as well as possible

@MamaBee how is Shatzie doing? How are you feeling? Hope you are both back to feeling well and no more Covid. Thinking of you and sending lots of healing vibes your way

Hello everyone else. Yesterday was another terrific cycling day and we have today and maybe tomorrow before the rain comes for the rest of the week. Last week no rain happened (despite being predicted) so hopefully we do get rain this week as we need it. Two doctor appointments for me tomorrow and Wednesday. And another very windy day today (probably going to wear my arc'teryx jacket today to cycle lol) so we will get a good workout cycling lol. Enjoy a marvelous Monday all. Be well. XOXO

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Hello lovelies

Just a quickie to say that I’ll catch up properly later. It’s our friends last day today and they’re busy getting themselves sorted out so we just had a few minutes. We’ll be sorry to see them go. We’ve had such fun. Haven’t stopped laughing the whole time we’ve been here.
Hello lovelies

We’re back from the airport, and I’ve washed and ironed the bedding, remade the bed, cleaned the bathroom and hoovered. I hate that it feels like they’ve never been here.

I’ll try to catch up!

@MamaBee, I hope you’re keeping on an even keel, with no more episodes. I went for just under 1.6 cts each, and they arrived last Thursday. They actually tried to deliver them on Wednesday, even though I told the vendor I wouldn’t be here. Anyway, they’re lovely, all thanks to Kim N, who found them for me. I can really see why people are giving up earth mined diamonds. I’m taking them to the man who did my bracelet later this week, to get them set.

@missy, I love the fringe on you, I still can’t get over how natural your ‘hair’ looks. The classic car shows look like fun, I very nearly bought one of those Jags years ago! Then I came to my senses and realised that we couldn’t really get a large dog in the back. Sorry your weather has turned cold, it’s still HOT here, although it’s going to be ‘cooler’ this week, if you consider high 80’s cool!!!

Low on the thrill-o-meter sounds good @canuk-gal. Sorry you’re experiencing pain, I hope you get some relief from it soon. Hope DH’s mouth isn’t causing him too much discomfort.

Good idea to give your wrist a rest from knitting @marcy, there’s still time to get it finished for the cold weather. I’m glad to hear you’re trying to cut back on the work hours - you work far too hard for a ‘retired’ person.

We had fun in Vegas, although I think it was somewhat of a culture shock to our friends. The weather here’s been lovely so we’ve spending a lot of time outside and in the pool.

We just got a call from our friends - she’s left her phone here, Oy, it’s going to cost a fortune to send it.

Lovely having them here, we’ve enjoyed every minute.
Hello lovelies

The house feels very empty and quiet without our friends.

Spent the morning trying to find a way to send T’s phone back without it costing an arm and a leg. Didn’t succeed, it cost $158 to send it via UPS, so we just bit the bullet and did it. She’d have a fit if she knew!

They got home safely, stopping to pick up their puss on the way, and everything was OK when they got back.

We’re having a lazy day, we’ll be in the pool later, it’s 89 degs here, slightly overcast, which suits us fine.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing OK.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!

We had a lovely ride today. A lady chatted me up at the half way point--I think she'd still be talking if I didn't wish her well on the rest of her day! :lol: Lovely gal. Did errands and will have leftover eggplant lasagna. I have a slow leak in my drivers side front tire. These are my summer tires and I knew they were at the end of their life. But I'll replace them next year. Winter tires are going on within the month. DH will do his as well.

@Austina isn't laughter the best medicine? Glad you had a good time with your friends. Sorry about the phone--she must feel bad. And as for the Vegas culture shock--I totally get it and have been going there my whole adult life!!! LOL

@missy I wore my NF Gortex shell today and while I needed it at he outset--by the time we got home I was too warm. But I'd rather be warm than the opposite. Having a bit of pelvic pain since I haven't ridden my bike in several days. Poops--was hoping it was gone.

@marcy that is good M was able to get the electricity in place. One job down, 500 hundred to go! LOL Keep up the good work.

LOL I forgot to hit the post button yesterday. So two posts in the same day!


WOW. It was 21C when I got up this AM. Crazy warm for this time of year! Had a great ride. DH golfed then brought home delish poky bowls for us to eat. Discount Tuesday! I'll take the rest to lunch at work tomorrow. Thats it!


@missy I know you deal with traffic way more than I do. I guess if I had to drive in it every day, I’d be more used to it. Now that I stay home all the time, I like it less. I remember you mentioning the wedding you went to where they didn’t have any food. The one we went to in May had very light snacks, poor Marty was starving. I get feeding people is pricey, but then don’t schedule your wedding / reception around a meal time. I am not surprised you can see right through people, I get a sense when someone is evil or something is off with them and I am usually right. I haven’t dug out those compression pieces yet, I need to try them. I am glad they helped you. I am kind of worried they could make things worse.

@Austina it sounds like you’ve had a fabulous time with your friends. Sweet. I am glad you like your new diamonds. I am being good at quitting at 8 hours and trying not to work - or work much - on weekends. I might try to knit a few rows this weekend. Oh no that your friend forgot her phone. To be honest, I am surprised it didn’t cost more to send the phone. How long will it take to get there? I’d sure get around quicker in the morning if I wasn’t reading things on my phone. Glad your weather has cooled off.

@canuk-gal too cute that lady was so chatty. Both my sisters are like that. I am only chatty after a few glasses of wine. It is time to change out tires. I do well with all season Michelins. We did get a note from the concrete guy they were planning on coming next week and were sending the 811 guys to mark utilities. Good luck with them showing up like they did last time. The concrete has to sets a while before Marty can do some things. He is getting nervous about cold weather moving in. Glad you are getting some end of season rides in and I hope your pain has subsided.

We get out 1/2 beef tomorrow. I’ve been trying to clean out our freezers and those little pints of ice cream do take up a lot of room. Ha Ha. I also just ordered another set of checks. When we moved I ordered the ones from our credit union. They are AWFUL. They tear up when you try and tear them off. I wrote a check for the 1/2 beef and it looks like some little kid tore it off.

We’ve had chilly nights and I keep thinking later in the day the AC isn’t working. I hear the fan kick on, but the temp on the thermostat never goes down. But it cools off and it isn’t bad. I was frying up some hamburger for Marty tonight and got hot so go look and it’s 81 in here. I turn the AC down and only feel air coming out of the vents. When Marty got home he checked things and found the compressor on the AC was loose. I’m betting the wind knocked that suck off. I updated an article for work today on hurricane Helene and it mentioned a hurricane has winds of 74 mph or more. I thought heck, we have hurricanes here all the time then.

I forgot to tell you (I think) about our flagpole. Marty put it all the way to the top (25 feet) and while my SIL was here I noticed this gold shiny thing on the ground. She goes and picks it up and it has a screw in it. It was off the top of the flagpole. The wind unscrewed it and blew it about 15 feet away. It also broke the solar light right under it. Some Marty screwed the top back on the pole, dropped the height two stops and got a solar light to shine up from the bottom. This weekend another crazy wind storm started to unscrew the pole and dropped it a section. It’s not like Marty is a weakling. Our flags are ripped up already too. I ordered some new ones that are for extreme wind. I hope they hold up better. Stupid wind.

Take care.