
Now I really did it :((

+ a billion. I am happy you found a great Dr. who could provide you a diagnosis and treatment for what can only be an uncommon malady. Get better!!!!!

How is the house stuff going? Have you sold anything?

Thank you @canuk-gal .. Yes..NMO is so rare doctors have never heard of it. I have to carry a card around that tells ER physicians how to treat me if I get an attack. It specifically tells them the dosage..and what to try if the first treatment doesn’t work. It says if they don’t act quickly I could lose my sight or become paralyzed. Fortunately the hospital that is educated about NMO is 17 minutes from my house. It’s basically just worrisome if I’m not in the area. Fun stuff..

We still have the other houses because we were trying to plow through my medical stuff. We’re going to head over to Maryland next week to try to get some things accomplished. I will pretty much point to stuff..:bigsmile:

@Austina I am so sorry to hear about your friend Karen. Big hugs to all of you. Have a nice visit with your friends from England, that had quite a time getting here. Glad you get such good service from Lexus.

@canuk-gal I am so glad the wasp didn’t sting you. It’s cooling off here too, our smoke varies from light to stay the heck inside. Some snow should help put fires out. Marty is getting cranky on building the observatory. No one gets back to him on bids, if they do it’s ridiculous. He rented a trencher today and will lay his electrical wire in it. But no one ever showed up to mark utility lines, he has to submit another request to get his electric then inspected that takes 5 days. No one has a phone number anymore, you have to submit things online and you never know if they got it.

@missy I hope your asthma has a mild autumn, mine sure kicks up from weeds in the fall. Yes, snickerdoodles are popular cookies. They’ll be easy dessert for their reception. I like the vote for Milton sign. That’s cute. Your assorted ice cream looks delicious. I picked up 6 pints of assorted flavors the other day since they were on sale. I started with the peanut butter cup first. I hope your sister is feeling better. That’s too bad about the rim breaking on the bike 20 miles from home. What a day for sure. Then to get stranded behind an accident and not make your appointment. Ugh.Good deal you got in the next day and I hope they went well. I like your new hairdo. I’ve been growing my hair longer.

@MamaBee, I am so sorry to hear about all your medical issues. Dealing with pain is so draining. I hope the new medicine helps. Big hugs to you. Sending you mega dust.

My sister-in-law was here for a few days. She got here this weekend and took off yesterday. I’ve been working and reading. Not much else though.

I did get our my “real” camera and got this smoky sunrise today.

Take care.

Sunrise Sep 13.jpg
Good morning and happy Caturday Saturday!
I am so sleepy! Greg got in not too late but I could not fall asleep.
I hope you all slept better.

@marcy wow gorgeous photo :kiss2:
So happy you enjoyed a wonderful visit with your SIL

@canuk-gal hope you are having a wonderful weekend

@MamaBee girl, you are so strong and brave and you rock. In all ways. Sending love and healing wishes every single day

@Slickk have a terrific weekend. The weeks are once again speeding by but one day at a time

@Austina I hope you are managing to have a good visit with your friends

@springerspaniel happy weekend

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well

It was a good day yesterday. Gorgeous cycling weather. Cycled 65 niles wohoo. Got my med delivered and found out the UPS driver knows me by name because he saw us cycling and stopped and told me he delivered my med on the porch. LOL. We were five minutes from home as I was tracking it on the map and we were headed home to get it but it was nice he knew me (more likely knew our tandem lol) and let me know. Put the med in the fridge and went out back cycling. Then got home and Greg gave me an injection in my stomach and then he got ready for the bachelor parry. Greg had a great time. It was at the NY Yacht Club. And the ferry got him there and back easy peasy. Purrrfect.


Today I hope it is a cycling day as I have not yet checked te weather. Got up late. Fed the feral cats and now getting ready to give Tommy his med.

Leaving you with our ice cream of the day yesterday. Enjoy a lovely Caturday Saturday lovely ladies XOXO

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And in honor of Caturday Saturday sweet Shasta from yesterday...she is a real beauty. Striking

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Close uo of her where you can see her face...she is gorgeous

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Happy Caturday Saturday!!!!

@Austina I am so sorry to hear about your friend Karen. Big hugs to all of you. Have a nice visit with your friends from England, that had quite a time getting here. Glad you get such good service from Lexus.

@canuk-gal I am so glad the wasp didn’t sting you. It’s cooling off here too, our smoke varies from light to stay the heck inside. Some snow should help put fires out. Marty is getting cranky on building the observatory. No one gets back to him on bids, if they do it’s ridiculous. He rented a trencher today and will lay his electrical wire in it. But no one ever showed up to mark utility lines, he has to submit another request to get his electric then inspected that takes 5 days. No one has a phone number anymore, you have to submit things online and you never know if they got it.

@missy I hope your asthma has a mild autumn, mine sure kicks up from weeds in the fall. Yes, snickerdoodles are popular cookies. They’ll be easy dessert for their reception. I like the vote for Milton sign. That’s cute. Your assorted ice cream looks delicious. I picked up 6 pints of assorted flavors the other day since they were on sale. I started with the peanut butter cup first. I hope your sister is feeling better. That’s too bad about the rim breaking on the bike 20 miles from home. What a day for sure. Then to get stranded behind an accident and not make your appointment. Ugh.Good deal you got in the next day and I hope they went well. I like your new hairdo. I’ve been growing my hair longer.

@MamaBee, I am so sorry to hear about all your medical issues. Dealing with pain is so draining. I hope the new medicine helps. Big hugs to you. Sending you mega dust.

My sister-in-law was here for a few days. She got here this weekend and took off yesterday. I’ve been working and reading. Not much else though.

I did get our my “real” camera and got this smoky sunrise today.

Take care.

Sunrise Sep 13.jpg

Thank you @marcy..❤️
That’s so frustrating that people aren’t getting back to Marty. I don’t think anyone answers the phone anymore. I find that across the board. Everything has to be done online. If you have a question about anything that’s on a form..forget about reaching anyone..It’s maddening.
Hello lovelies

Honestly, this lab just goes from bad to worse @missy, they never seem to get anything right. Looks like you had the perfect day yesterday, great photos.

Soooo, I did a thing today, I decided I wanted some large studs so I asked for help on the MMD thread. I’m not going to buy anymore expensive jewellery, so these will be perfect.

I’ll have them set locally by the guy who did my bracelet.

Off to Trivia later, hope you’re all doing well and staying safe.

How exciting you want large studs! What size do you want for each ear? I got myself small MMD studs…1.50 ctw…75 each..for when I want to go low key. I’m very happy with them. The people on the MMD board helped me find a pair.I had them set by David Klass. The settings cost more than the diamonds! The diamonds are crystal clear and perfect. I should have gone with a standard setting because although the setting is can’t see it once its on my ear. My natural diamond studs are 1.51 and 1.53. They’re a good size for me..No one wears anything big here. My mom is gone now..:cry:but she always wanted honkers..I bought her a pair of CZs. They must have been three carats each. She wore them to bingo at the senior center. :lol-2:
Good morning and happy Caturday Saturday!
I am so sleepy! Greg got in not too late but I could not fall asleep.
I hope you all slept better.

@marcy wow gorgeous photo :kiss2:
So happy you enjoyed a wonderful visit with your SIL

@canuk-gal hope you are having a wonderful weekend

@MamaBee girl, you are so strong and brave and you rock. In all ways. Sending love and healing wishes every single day

@Slickk have a terrific weekend. The weeks are once again speeding by but one day at a time

@Austina I hope you are managing to have a good visit with your friends

@springerspaniel happy weekend

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well

It was a good day yesterday. Gorgeous cycling weather. Cycled 65 niles wohoo. Got my med delivered and found out the UPS driver knows me by name because he saw us cycling and stopped and told me he delivered my med on the porch. LOL. We were five minutes from home as I was tracking it on the map and we were headed home to get it but it was nice he knew me (more likely knew our tandem lol) and let me know. Put the med in the fridge and went out back cycling. Then got home and Greg gave me an injection in my stomach and then he got ready for the bachelor parry. Greg had a great time. It was at the NY Yacht Club. And the ferry got him there and back easy peasy. Purrrfect.


Today I hope it is a cycling day as I have not yet checked te weather. Got up late. Fed the feral cats and now getting ready to give Tommy his med.

Leaving you with our ice cream of the day yesterday. Enjoy a lovely Caturday Saturday lovely ladies XOXO

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And in honor of Caturday Saturday sweet Shasta from yesterday...she is a real beauty. Striking

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Close uo of her where you can see her face...she is gorgeous

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Happy Caturday Saturday!!!!

Good morning sweet @missy I just read your post while I was sitting with S. When i saw Greg’s photo I told S Greg is a cutie! He laughed! I showed him the photo..Greg is a snappy dresser!
Wow! I can’t believe you guys cycled 65 miles!
That’s like olympian level cycling in my opinion..
Again..Thank you for being my friend through good times and bad. Your texts while I was waiting for my first infusion..feeling like a sitting duck..made me smile when I didn’t feel like smiling. ❤️
GM girls just a quick post and run as I have spent my time trying to correct falsehoods in the HRT thread. Lesson of the day. Do not be ruled by fear. Let knowledge give you strength and power and allow you to advocate for your good health and well being.


@MamaBee I love CM...have fun!!!!! We have not been there for years and it is time for a visit. LOVE that bungalow too. Enjoy!!!!

And thank you for being my friend :kiss2: Love you XOXO

Hello everyone else @Slickk @canuk-gal @springerspaniel @mrs-b @marcy @Austina and everyone else. Enjoy a super Sunday lovely ladies

Some photos from the ferry taken by our friend the artist who went with Greg to the bachelor party

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and finally our sweet treat during cycling yesterday

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May your Sunday be sweet and special ((((Hugs))))
Good morning girls..We’re heading back to Va today from Cape May..We stayed four days. I wasn’t comfortable being so far away from home..four hours..Since we couldn’t go to England we thought we could do smaller trips for David. We will stop in Pa which is fifteen minutes out of the way. We need to get fall and winter clothes.
I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday..xo

@missy great shot of Greg and company at the bachelor’s party. Nice Greg and his friend took the ferry there an back. Gorgeous pictures of the city. Greg looks sharp. Glad you got more miles in as well.

@MamaBee you are so right places just want you to contact them online and no one gets back to you. See below what happened because of that. I hope you are doing better and the trip to VA went well.

We had a hectic weekend. Marty rented a trencher to trench out a 24” deep trench for electrical lines to his observatory location. That 811 call before you did NEVER got back to him. Most of it is away from the house, but the power box we had put on the outside of the house to run lines to the observatory is right over the sewer line to the septic tank. So Marty dug that part by hand and had trouble so a friend suggested use your power washer. It was a mess, but got it down to 24 inches. Marty decides since he doesn’t see the sewer pipe, it’s safe and used the trencher to even it out. He broke the sewer pipe right in half. I called the warranty guy on our house and said I know this isn’t your problem but who can we contact. He gave me their excavator and I called him. They guy came out right away and said it was an easy fix but all their equipment was on other jobs. He said he’d come fix it today..

So we booked a hotel room and ventured off for the night. There was a crowd by our room making noise until after midnight. We needed up with a queen bed with Marty’s 6’4” takes up about 3/4 of that. And beds are so tall anymore with high mattresses, I could barely get in the bed. It was too hard for my achy body. But hey, it had working plumbing. The guy showed up this morning and got the sewer pipe patched. He wasn’t even going to charge us, but we gave him a nice tip for helping us.

After plumbing was working again, I got laundry done and finished a book.

Take care.
Good morning girls! Happy marvelous Monday!

@marcy wow, what a hectic day indeed. Ugh sorry about the sewer line but relieved you got someone to come relatively quickly. Sorry about the unpleasant uncomfortable hotel stay. So glad the plumbing is working again and you got laundry done and finished reading your book. I could picture being squashed in the queen bed lol and glad that is over. Thanks for the kind words about Greg. \

@MamaBee I love Cape May and we want to head down there again soon maybe. It's not that far from us (a few hours) and it is such a quaint town. Like another world. It's good you can stop in PA to get the clothes you need for the upcoming cooler weather. I cannot believe winter is on the way. But the good news is spring will be here soon enough lol

@Slickk happy Monday..hope you have a great week

@canuk-gal hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend

Hello everyone else. We had another beautiful cycling day yesterday and reached 6500 miles on the bike. Woohoo. Today one last day before the rain comes and we have a busy few weeks ahead. Glad we had wonderful weather for the past four weeks or so and can't complain. Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies XOXO

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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Absolutely stunning weather today. 21C and no wind and not a cloud in the big blue sky. I have some pelvic pain and think it might be related to cycling and my seat. Road to the bike shop--but it was closed (hours not updated on website) No matter it is close to us and we had a SB yummy cold brew and a bite, then rode on. We'll go tomorrow and see if an adjustment is possible. If not I might have to stop cycling for this year. It's OK, we have exercise equipment here and I renewed my gym membership and I can always walk instead of riding. Also, I've been wearing my small but mighty Tiffany soli with my large and in charge Asscher eternity ring. Been a while, but I love the look--will carry on!

@missy glad Greg enjoyed the party. And yes Shasta is one gorgeous cat! What happened to your frame--did Greg's repair do the trick?

@marcy what an ordeal. Glad the pipe got fixed quickly--but holy hanna.

@MamaBee stay on the mend! Hope you enjoyed your respite.

@Slickk hope your school year is looking promising.


@missy woo hoo to 6500 miles. That is so amazing. Sorry the rain is coming, hopefully there’s some clear spots to get in some more miles. Mmm ice cream.

@canuk-gal I hope your pelvic pain improves, that can’t be pleasant. Glad you had such lovely weather today. Your Tiffany sol and and band sounds lovely. I’d love to see a picture.

I had a rough night. My BP pills are beta-blockers for a rapid heartbeat and I forgot to take them yesterday since we stayed in a hotel. About 4 a.m. I had a rapid heartbeat attack that scared the crap out of me. I finally got back to sleep and slept until 8. I didn’t figure out what triggered it until I got up, but took my pill right away and was better by noon. My heartbeat was at 101 when I took the pill. I’d hate to think what it was at 4 a.m. I’ll try not to do that again. It’s related to my thyroid issues.

The plumbing is still working. Sweet.

Here’s tonight’s almost Super Harvest Moon.

Take care,

The Almost Super Harvest Moon 2.jpeg
GM girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!

@marcy wow!! LOVE that photo. Beautiful almost super harvest moon :kiss2:
Darn about your rapid heartbeat...that is very scary. I am so sorry your night was rough because of that but relieved once you took your meds all was good. Sending you many healing vibes and gentle hugs

@canuk-gal oh no to pelvic pain and I wouldn't be surprised if it was related to cycling. Right now my butt is very sore. From cycling. But I digress. Back to pelvic pain. I had that issue years ago and went though hundreds of seats only to figure out it was related to my lack of estradiol. Not saying that is your issue at all and for all I know you are on BHRT. But just sharing my experience in case it can be helpful to you

Thank you for asking about the bike fix. The rim was destroyed beyond repair so not fixable but Greg built an entirely new wheel that night when we finally got home (thanks to Nora!!!! last Monday) so there was no interruption in cycling for the next day. And he ordered super quality expensive rims from England that we are still waiting for...just cleared customs. So he is going to attempt to build an indestructible wheel. He thought that was what we had before...indestructible but nope. The biggest issue I think are our rough roads. Very rough and it beats up the bike. But thank goodness Greg is super handy. Otherwise no way could we ride this behemoth lol

@Slickk happy Tuesday sweet friend...hope your week is going well

@MamaBee hope your ride home went smoothly

@Austina hope all is well and you are enjoying your visit with your friends

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well. Another great cycling day yesterday and maybe one more day today..not sure as I have not checked weather yet. But tomorrow we drive to Great Neck with Oliver and Gracie for dental work (rain is predicted the rest of the week also which makes riding a moot point) and well just hope it won't be a tough drive. Because it's a long drive under the best of circumstances

Tonight I have the weekly zoom with my dear girlfriends and looking forward to it.
Have a great day lovely ladies. Whatever you do. Make it fun

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