
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy actually the TS was fierce, dumped a lot of rain and downed one of our big trees. Luckily it didn't hit anything. Tree people were punctual with its removal. We did not lose power but parts of the city did. I didn't read anywhere that there was hail.

@marcy hope your wrist eases up. I am happy you a enjoying your new house. We are looking for our DS.

Not much going on here. Made chicken soup an prepping for beef bourginoine. SO much work! My hands are sore from chopping! No cycling today--too windy and brisk.

Happy Saturday Caturday

It’s marginally cooler here, not much, but we’ll take it!

Are you thinking of moving @canuk-gal, or just having a nosey? Yum, your food sounds delicious, funnily enough I made soup on Thursday while Colin was at his appt., not because it’s soup weather, but just for something to do! We had a thunderstorm yesterday, but it yielded nothing but noise, and we could really do with some rain.

Yay to another unexpected meal out @marcy, I like your style! :mrgreen: I hope the astronomy meeting went well. I’m sorry your wrist is playing up, especially as I know you enjoy knitting so much. Can you get an adjustable desk so that you can get it at exactly the right position for you?

The thought of working out is anathema to me in this heat @missy, that, and the fact I’m just too lazy :lol: I do admire your dedication in keeping at it every day. How are the kitties doing, and of course your dear parents? I hope they’re coping, do they still have a carer coming in frequently?

Sending positive vibes @MamaBee, and hoping you’ll be back soon.

The summer holiday has whizzed by @Slickk, good luck with your new school intake, I hope they behave for you.

Thanks for the good wishes for Colin, we should get the results on Monday.

Lazy weekend for us (aren’t they all?), keeping cool and staying out of the fierce sun.

GM girls! Happy marvelous Monday. Sorry quick post and run. Busy day. I’ll try coming back this evening

@canuk-gal oh glad the TS are over. Hope this is a wonderful week xo

@Austina thank you. Yes parents have someone coming daily. But I am worried and not hopeful for their future. I won’t bring everyone down here. Ty for asking. And cycling and working out in general keeps me sane. Truly. I’m on my treadmill now cooling off. I do the treadmill daily. Hope Colin’s results are perfect

@Slickk my niece left for her freshman year at college this morning. She’s excited. I am nervous. Good luck this week to you

Hi everyone else. Heading to my gastro appointment this morning then hopefully cycling then this evening labs for Bobby to reevaluate his low platelets. It’s a busy week and today is just the first day of this long week. Enjoy a marvelous Monday all

This photo popped up into my feed a few minutes ago. Exactly 7 years ago they threw me a retirement party. I still chat with my dear friend in this photo. Among other colleagues


And our ice cream the past two days. For @mrs-b and everyone else who loves ice cream yum



@missy sweet picture from your retirement party. It doesn’t seem like that was 7 years ago. I am glad to hear your parents have someone coming in every day. I keep them in my thoughts. I hope your appointment today and Bobby’s tests come out okay.

@Austina keeping good thoughts for Colin’s test results on Monday. Nice to have a bit cooler weather. We get those storms too that blow through here, they. Make a lot of noise, blow things around and we don’t get any rain. It’s clear tonight. Marty is setting up one of his scopes on his future observatory sight. Summer has whizzed by. I can’t believe it’s almost September.

@canuk-gal I am glad the tree that got knocked down didn’t cause any damage. That is scary. We sure have stronger winds at TBE than in town. It makes me nervous sometimes. I am not looking forward to when Marty has to travel again. Have fun looking at houses with your DS. We always enjoy going to open houses. I hope your hands feel better from chopping up things.

@Austina and @canuk-gal homemade soup sounds good.

Prime let me down and didn’t get me my gel wrist pads for the keyboard and mouse, but a folded up fleece helped. My wrist isn’t much better, and actually got worse again after lifting. Bummer. I did work 8 hours today on the computer before lifting. Tomorrow I’ll try and use the mouse with my left hand. Marty could cut off the bottom of my desk, but I’d sure had to have him do that.

They moved our shade install date to September 5. I figured they would since it was scheduled on Labor Day.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy terrific Tuesday

Darn your wrist still hurting @marcy and I am hoping Amazon comes through today for you. It's always the deliveries we need the fastest that get held up in my experience. My appointment was a bust. The gastro wasn't on the schedule and the staff apologized as they've no clue why I was given that appointment. I insisted they put me on next week with Greg so they acquiesced and we are both on his schedule at the same time now next week. First appointment. What a waste of our energy and time though. Bobby's appointment went well thanks for asking and hopefully the results will be OK...the vet said he would call this evening. Hope your shade install goes smoothly next week. I cannot believe we are almost in September

@Slickk hope you are enjoying these last few (I don't remember when you start) days of freedom and when school does start may it go smoothly

@canuk-gal hope all is well by you. We had TS and torrential rains last night and it seems part of our county is now out of power...ours held up so far.

@Austina hope you get good news soon about Colin's test results and that you are having a good week

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well. We enjoyed cycling yesterday and Bobby's appointment went well. We should be getting the results in this evening. Have a great day all. XOXO

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When we got home from the vet appointment Pepsi (and Fresca in the background) was like where did you go and feed me again despite lots of food being in the feeder. She likes to see me put more plates of wet food down and so I did LOL

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Hi ladies -

So I've been MIA for a while now, I realize. I did tell Missy and MamaBee a while back - and am now sharing it more universally - I had a nasty fall 2.5 weeks ago and smashed up my face, banged up my arm, and broke, as it turns out, 3 ribs. I tripped up some concrete stairs and caught my left foot under a cement pot plant, my right foot under a cement stair, and fell, full weight/full force onto concrete. It. Was. Brutal. I'm still in LA, and am hoping to be able to fly home on Friday. I mean - seriously??

I'm still grieving over Shelley, and have exchanged calls with her husband, but also her parents, and Tim and I have been invited down to see them all in late October, which we'll do. My heart is still so sore for her.

We're in the process of closing up our townhouse in Pasadena and I'll be moving out on Thursday. It's been such a difficult process, given all the injuries, but we're pretty much done at this point. Very sad, but I'll be pleased to be living at only one address.

While I've been in Cali over the last 5 weeks, we've had our general contractor put in a new bedroom/bathroom out in Boston, slicing off part of our basement. It's *really* pretty and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Also very pleased I wasn't there while it was being done.

It's our 40th anniversary on Sunday and we're not doing anything. Maybe later - way too exhausted and banged up at the moment.

I hope all of you are well.

Hi ladies -

So I've been MIA for a while now, I realize. I did tell Missy and MamaBee a while back - and am now sharing it more universally - I had a nasty fall 2.5 weeks ago and smashed up my face, banged up my arm, and broke, as it turns out, 3 ribs. I tripped up some concrete stairs and caught my left foot under a cement pot plant, my right foot under a cement stair, and fell, full weight/full force onto concrete. It. Was. Brutal. I'm still in LA, and am hoping to be able to fly home on Friday. I mean - seriously??

I'm still grieving over Shelley, and have exchanged calls with her husband, but also her parents, and Tim and I have been invited down to see them all in late October, which we'll do. My heart is still so sore for her.

We're in the process of closing up our townhouse in Pasadena and I'll be moving out on Thursday. It's been such a difficult process, given all the injuries, but we're pretty much done at this point. Very sad, but I'll be pleased to be living at only one address.

While I've been in Cali over the last 5 weeks, we've had our general contractor put in a new bedroom/bathroom out in Boston, slicing off part of our basement. It's *really* pretty and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Also very pleased I wasn't there while it was being done.

It's our 40th anniversary on Sunday and we're not doing anything. Maybe later - way too exhausted and banged up at the moment.

I hope all of you are well.


Lovely to hear from you--but SO SORRY about your fall. Hope you are on the mend. What a way to remember your last stay there. Safe travels.
Hello lovelies

Oh no @mrs-b, I’m so sorry to hear about your fall, it sounds extremely nasty. Sadly these things are so easily done, but what havoc it’s wreaked on you. You sound really banged up and must be feeling really sore and fed up. I’m glad that at least the renovations at home have gone smoothly and have turned out well. Good luck with finishing up the packing, and safe travels home on Friday.

Oh my @missy, Pepsi is such a little beauty, and looks in such good condition. The ferals have certainly got you well trained :mrgreen: I can’t believe it’s already been 7 years since you retired :-o I’m glad your parents are hanging in there, it must be so hard for them. Glad you’re getting out on the bike and eating plenty of ice cream!

Ugh sorry to hear your wrist is causing more issues @marcy, I’m sorry to say we don’t heal as well as we age, and it’s not unheard for previous breaks to let you know they’re not happy. Phooey to them not installing the blinds for another week, but hopefully it’ll be worth the wait and will be perfect once they are.

Thanks all for asking about Colin’s results. The cardiologist was happy with all the results, and wants him to continue on the BP meds, he thinks they’re helping to suppress the extra beats, and said they’re quite benign, so not concerned with him taking them. He said unless Colin starts getting the pain and palpitations again, he’ll see him in 12 months.

The weather here has cooled down to a glorious 88 degs, I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but it feels cool :lol:

We went out to get some more edging bricks, as we’re (ME) going to put them around the septic lids. It’ll make it easier to mow around and not have to worry about damaging them. We only got half the quantity today, as we didn’t want to overload the car, so will probably go out tomorrow to get the rest.

Colin had a teleconsult this morning as he got a bite on his hand, and it’s swelled up so much, and itching like fury. Looks like an elephant hand!

During the night and early this morning, we had much needed rain, hallelujah, as the grass has been getting really dry.

Stay safe and well lovely NIRDIs.

Good morning girls and happy Wonderful Wednesday

@Slickk thinking of you sweet friend and ooooh la la SWOON!!!! Wear in good health and bling joy XOXO

@Austina haha well a dry 88 degrees F can feel very lovely indeed...enjoy. Today our weather is going to be steaming hot. Summer's last hurrah if you will

@mrs-b glad you are on the mend. Very scary and thank goodness you were not injured more severely. It's been a surreal year. We have lost too many friends and I keep thinking of sweet Shelley. I hope seeing her parents brings them comfort. And you too. Sending you healing vibes and lots of love across the miles. Safe trip home

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying the last weeks of summer XOXO

@springerspaniel hope you have a terrific labor day holiday weekend (((hugs)))

@marcy what are your holiday plans? How is your wrist feeling?

We had a lovely cycling day yesterday and the weather was terrific. Today is HOT but then tomorrow in the 60s. Crazy weather. Cannot make its mind up lol

@mrs-b hope the ice cream pics have been sending you some cheer

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Have a wonderful Wednesday girls XOXO
Oops forgot to add one thing. For @Daisys and Diamonds this is for you.

Bruce Springsteen sighting at Sea Bright beach near us...we cycle past it every single day
Sorry it's so blurry

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@mrs-b I've been thinking about you and was hoping things were settling down a little, but obviously not, although I am so impressed that you still maintain that @mrs-b positive attitude, which is probably what helps you get through these rougher times. Sending you love from the East Coast and positive vibes for healing quickly. Rib fractures are so painful--I have no idea how you are packing for the move.

NIRDI shout out!!!

WOW brutal weather, heavy rain, wind and cold! Heat kicked in this AM......DH drove me to work, but I walked home. Had my rain gear on LOL. The mountains had SNOW!!!!!!!! Busy day at the end, here I thought I'd finish early but NOPE 1/2 late!!!!
DS has a scratchy throat, but fever gone. Stuff going around!!!

That's about it--I'm pooped. I never sleep well the night before work.


@missy sorry your appointment was a bust. That is too cute the kitties were waiting to be fed. That’s so true, the things you need delivered don’t show up on time. I have them now. Glad you’re having nice weather. We had now in Wyoming already, not locally, but it;s coming our way.

@mrs-b I am so sorry for your fall. How awful and it sounds like you really got hurt and banged up. I hope you feel better each day. Good luck on your trip home. I hope you liike your new bedroom.

@Austina I am so glad Colin’s test results came back good and he doesn’t need to go back for a yearly check. I hate to hear his hand is swollen, those bites can be nasty. I hope that gets better soon. Too funny 88 feels cold to you. We are heading in to cooler days and definitely cooler nights. Good idea on protecting the septic lids. I am rather nervous about a well and septic system. It should be okay, just something different.

@canuk-gal sorry for the brutal weather and walking home in it. We’re starting the four seasons a day here. There was now in the NW part of the state already and a giant fire that keeps growing on the NE side. It needs the snow.

My wrist / thumb joint is somewhat better but still complaining. I not much else new here.

It’s almost ready to pound in to the ground.


What a difference a day makes. Actually the sunset last night was stunning--broody weather blew off and it was like the sea parted....such a vista...showing the newly painted mountain tops! But we got a good rain, but the blue skies and nice weather shows for another week.

DH had cortisone shots in his foot--no issues. I didn't ride but did errands and walked. Tested out my new Mizuno runners--all good! (I will retire my oldest pair). Picked up takeout.

@marcy your place is shaping up!!!!
@Slickk hope you get into the swing of things safely! Saw lots of kiddies back to school today!!!
@missy stay safe and cycle on!
@Austina good news on Colin getting a positive check from the Cardiologist. How are your plants?

Hi all! Sorry I’ve been MIA. Kept very busy this summer with hubby around and lots of home projects. Back to work this week and see the kiddos next.

@missy congratulations on hitting your milestone on the bike. Very impressive indeed. Love your ice cream and nature pics! Hope M&D, and kitties are doing well! You’re so kind to continue to shelter and generously feed the animals in your neighborhood! Sending lots of ((hugs))

Sheesh @mrs-b I’m so sorry to hear about your fall. I’ve had a couple falls down our stairs and had a concussion and still have a dent in my leg. Scary indeed. I can’t step off that first step without thinking about it. I hope you’re healing and not working too hard getting packed up and moved. Safe trip back east! Sounds like a lot of nice improvements at the house. I’m so sorry you’re suffering such grief over losing your dear friend, S. The stronger the bond, the greater the loss. Please be well!

@Austina phew has it cooled off yet? I can’t believe how warm your pool gets. I would have loved that here in NY. We used to heat our pool to that temp, (not cheap). I remember when friends of ours moved to Texas when I was a kid, they told me they had to put ice cubes in their pool to cool it off! I never forgot that story. So nice you had a dinner with @marcy ! Hope all is well!

@marcy congratulations on your new home. How exciting for you! Snow already? Say it ain’t so! Love your new sign!!

@MamaBee think of you often and hope you are finding relief with your treatments. Wishing you and your family well!!

@canuk-gal your description of last night was so descriptive I felt like I was there, written like an writer. Sounds delightful. We’ve cooled off here and I love it. Hope your DH’s foot is still feeling good and that he gets relief from it!! Glad you’ve been getting a lot of riding in!

@springerspaniel hope all is well!!

I had a busy summer and a recent bling delivery…I had commissioned it quite a few months ago, but it took so long I was having such doubts. Alas, thankfully, I love it more than I expected. I’m quite enjoying the one large-and-in-charge ring. Haha. So easy and comfortable to wear. And it feels so me. Also haven’t worn much YG since, well … quite some time. :lol:
Here it is.

I’ll also include a Bear pic because he’s too cute and I love him so much!


PS I’m also going to be a Nana in November to a little boy! :dance:
Wish me luck next week as this new school year begins…
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Hello lovelies

Great to hear from you @Slickk, and wow, what a stunner! So glad it turned out exactly as you hoped. Mazeltov on your forthcoming grandson, I bet you can’t wait to meet him. This week is cooler, ‘only’ high 80’s :lol: but the pool is sitting around 88-90 which feels great. Love the photo of Bear :kiss2:

The sign looks great @marcy, we keep talking about getting a sign as the small Vitex we planted is a triffid and covering up our house number. Glad your hand and wrist is marginally better, but wish it’d stop complaining for good.

The plants are hanging on, and we did get some rain yesterday @canuk, but the grass is looking parched. Glad that things went well for your DH and your weather has perked up a bit.

Hoping everything is OK with you @missy.

Another busy day, did the food shopping and went in the pool, had to get more stones for the septic tanks.

How is it Friday again tomorrow?

Good morning girls and happy FriYAY!!! And happy Labor Day (how did you get here so fast!!!) weekend

First a BIG GOOD LUCK to our dear @MamaBee today on her maintenance infusion.
We are all thinking good thoughts for you sweet friend XOXO

@Slickk SWOON!!!!! And Bear is such a LOVE. Thank you for sharing photos here and big hugs to you, Wear your stunning new ring in good health and blingy joy dear friend XOXO

@marcy glad your wrist is feeling better and I hope it is 100% better very soon..happy holiday weekend in your beautiful new house

@canuk-gal thank you...we are enjoying cycling and hope you are too (((hugs)))

@Austina sorry yesterday got away from me...enjoy a terrific holiday weekend ((((hugs))))

Busy day yesterday. Went to the local vet with Oliver and Gracie and they both need dental work (Gracie's teeth are a mess and most are missing...she came to us with bad teeth and very bad breath and it's our fault entirely as we completely forgot about it). He said we could do nothing and let the bad tooth eventually fall out as it is not causing her any discomfort but no. I want to take care of it. And she also has some sort of dermatitis on her nose. We mistakenly thought it was scarring from play fighting with Oliver but turns out it is more serious. He wants us to see a vet derm to evaluate it more thoroughly but before we do that we are bringing her to my sister for an eval. My sister is also willing to do the dental (despite the distance as I trust her most). For Oliver and Gracie's dental. I have to schedule an appointment when her office opens today. It will be an all day affair due to the distance but also the fact that they have to go under anesthesia so it will take hours to do it all. Plus (and this is where I was very confused) the local vet does not give them that combo vaccine FVRCP once they are past 2 yo. But from my reading and also speaking to my sister they can get it because it is airborne so we are not taking any chances and she will give both Oliver and Gracie the vaccine. Tommy and Bobby are too old but Gracie and Oliver should get it at least once every few years but Debbie prefers at least every two years. Her boss does it every year. So interesting how our local vet doesn't think it is important. I absolutely do because these diseases have no cure and are preventable with the vaccine. Now the rabies vaccine no thank you. They have all be vaccinated twice and they are purely indoor cats no chance of getting out so no need for that vaccine which can cause issues anyway.

LOL sorry for the tangent. After the vet appointment yesterday we went cycling and it was a great day.
Visited with our friend on the way home.
N took an impromptu photo of me kissing Jenny LOL
She is in the middle of renovations so that is why the house looks a bit empty. It is looking great though and she is almost done

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And as always I am sharing our ice cream with you

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Today we hope to go cycling. The rain is supposed to clear by mid morning so hope that happens. Greg did lab work this AM at Quest.
Have a great friYAY all..May it be sweet and joyous and peaceful XOXO
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@MamaBee 's infusion went well!!!

We had a good day yesterday and enjoyed cycling, furry friends and ice cream. The purrrrfect day.

Wishing you all a happy Caturday Saturday...leaving you with Sasha hanging out on top of the car. When we cycled up to the house that is where he was and where he stayed LOL. Not afraid of us :)

As we rode up the driveway he was looking at us as if to say did I give you permission to come onto the (his) property lol

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Cat stretch when he got bored of us

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And finally our delicious treat mid cycle

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May your Caturday Saturday be sweet and sassy
Hello lovelies

I don’t know where the last couple of days have gone. We just been busy sorting out our garden project, still not quite done, as another trip to Home Depot on the cards for more stones.

Oh my goodness @missy, it’s one thing after another with the kitties, I hope you get their teeth sorted out. Hopefully the weather co-operated so you could get out and cycle. Love the photo of Sasha sitting on the car :mrgreen:

We got invited over to our lovely Colombian neighbours today, they had lots of family visiting, and we have such a good time. We’ve come home absolutely stuffed.

Hope you’re all having a great weekend. :wavey:
GM girls and happy Labor Day weekend Sunday!

@Austina the entire year is flying by faster than ever but that is a result of the years being a smaller percentage of our years on earth. So that means every year coming will go faster than the years before...oy to the vey LOL. Thank you. We have an appointment in September and my sister will evaluate and do dental on Gracie and see if Oliver truly needs work. And she will give them the vaccine the other vet did not deem necessary because doing my due diligence I realize it is necessary. Glad you enjoyed a lovely visit with your neighbors.

@Slickk how is your weekend going? Hoping this school year goes as well as possible

Hello everyone else. We had another great cycling day yesterday. Chance of rain but we stayed dry. Today is another rain threat but we are heading out anyway hoping for the best. l always say if we wait for purrrffect weather we would never cycle lol

Leaving you with our sweet treat from yesterday....yummmm

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May your Sunday be sweet XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!1

Hot day--30C Rode early. Parks and fun places absolutely packed for the long weekend. Picked up pizza--to hot to cook. Looked at two properties today--both nice! One would be great for my DS and the other great for us! LOL

@missy those silly cats. On your roof????? LOL
@Austina nice to have a dinner out! Neighbors family visiting from out of the Country?
@marcy cute sign!


@canuk-gal isn’t it nice to have a stunning sunset? I never tire of sunrises or sunsets. I can see that picture perfect sky and scene you described. I sure hope those cortisone shots help you DH’s foot. Nice to find two properties you like. Are you and DH considering moving too?

@Slickk your ring is stunning. I love it. I’ve been on a band kick lately and wear them as often as i wear my diamond ring. I like anything that sparkles. And Bear is looking as cute as ever. At least we didn’t get the snow here - YET. Fun for the soon arrival of your grandson.

@Austina darn that the VItex is covering up is covering up your house number. Those numbers are vital for those all important deliveries. Nice to have dinner with the neighbors.

@missy oh no the poor kitties needing dental work. That’s bad enough for us knowing what and why we have to do that. LOL to Sasha allowing you to come on his property. Probably because he wants that food to continue magically appearing.

We had a very busy weekend. Marty had a BBQ for his gym. It was supposed to start at 2 but one guy showed up at noon. I’d just finished baking a batch of snickerdoodles for it and there he was. Once people started showing up at 2, the house was full. We probably had about 2 dozen people here. Some inside, some out. Marty grilled burgers and everyone brought something. It was fun. I have met some of his clients, but not all of them. After everyone left, we settled in for a movie and popcorn.

Today my sister and nephew came to visit. She is selling so many doll clothes, she is running out of the stickers and cards I print for her. She is stocked up for a while now and she wanted to see our new house. My nephew helped Marty pick out lumber for the observatory. I guess more of it is bad than good, so they were gone for hours.

My wrist is slightly better but still yells at me sometimes and may trigger some colorful metaphors.

I am doing another livestream tomorrow. How do I get myself in to these messes?

Take care.



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Good morning lovely ladies and happy Labor Day Monday to all who celebrate.

@canuk-gal stay cool and yummmmm to pizza. Wow nice finding two beautiful properties. I do not remember...are you looking to move? Or just looking for your DS? Hahaha yes these cats are silly for sure. Now every morning there are personalties I must deal with in order to make sure all the kitties get fed. One cannot make this stuff up. Fresca and Pepsi won't eat if Shasta is there and Sasha won't eat if they are eating but if Sasha is eating first Pepsi, Shasta and Fresca won't eat. So now I have to put wet food on the porch in addition to in the feeder so all the cats can eat at the same time without disturbing each other. This AM was ridiculous as little Shasta was eating in the feeder with five plates of wet food there and Fresca and Pepsi were eating on the porch on one side and Sasha was eating from a plate on the other side of the porch. Feeding them in the AM now takes 20 minutes. Greg takes care of our kitties feeding but I usually do the pilling since Tommy is so skittish and prefers me to do the pilling. The entire process taking care of the cats in the AM is a long one and by the time I get my coffee I am exhausted lol. All worth it don't get me wrong but man it's a lot for first thing in the AM when it is pitch black outside too. And I got two mosquito bites last Thursday (likely from being out in the dark but I was fully covered) that swelled up and turned black and blue. I did not hit my arm. It was a direct result from the mosquito bite. How do I know this? Because it is not the first time this happened to weird! Anyone else get black and blue after a mosquito bite?

sorry the photo does not do it justice. Looks much worse in person. Only I can get a black and blue from a mosquito. Only me lol\
It is much worse looking in person. It's hard doing a selfie on your elbow lol

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@marcy sounds like the BBQ was a success, sweet. And a movie and popcorn sounds perfect after the BBQ. And LOL getting yourself into messes. We are similar in many ways LOL. Sorry about that :lol: Nice your sister and nephew visited. And did someone say snickerdoodle.... yummmmmm. I hope your wrist is all better very soon and am sorry it is still bothering you but glad to hear it is a bit least it is moving in the right direction. I now injure myself doing absolutely nothing so I feel your pain. Literally. And I do not bounce back as quickly as in the past. I LOVE the photo you took of TBE. With the light. Wow, Reminds me of a Hopper or Cardinal painting. BEAUTIFUL

@Slickk hope your holiday weekend is going well and you are having a lot of fun

@Austina hope you are enjoying a lovely holiday weekend

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well.
We enjoyed a nice long cycling day yesterday complete with furry babies, ice cream and nice weather. Today more of the same. We got a few sprinkles during the ride but nothing significant. Today the shore will be much more crowded because 1. It is Labor Day Monday last hurrah before everyone leaves the shore and 2. it is sunny with perfect weather 70s and dry. So I am prepared for crowds. The last two days were overcast and it was purrrrfect because there were no crowds here. People get scared when it is cloudy with a chance of rain lol. Better for us they stay away so it was a purrrfect past two days. Today will be another story crowd wise but we are prepared. And after today bye bye to everyone who does not live here. Bye :wavey:

We had a few furry visitors while cycling yesterday...first up this sweet little doe. I hate seeing here on this trail because we have so over developed the land and they have nowhere to go. Makes me cry


And a super sweet squirrel who kept us company as we enjoyed the ice-cream yesterday...Greg found a piece of bread and gave it to her and she enjoyed the feast as we were enjoying our ice cream. :love:






She was inches away from us. Sweet baby!!!!
Enjoy a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. Be well.

NIRDI shout out!!!

Another 30C day--and DH is out golfing. Very busy, he could only get a later tee time, so he out in the midday heat. I rode early and it was marvellous. All the friendlies were out and cute pooches. I love constantly smiling and good mornings. Unfortunately I saw something I could have lived without--an elderly fella peeing by a tree. Got a view that wasn't on my bingo card:-o:eek-2: Had some rum raisin ice cream--so many big lovely raisins!

@missy those kitties are fussy! A regular Peyton Place! Sorry about the bites--I noticed a lot of mosquitos today. And wasps. What an adorable squirrell!
@Austina with two days of rain--our lawns have improved. Flowers look decent also.
@marcy your BBQ sounded fun! Good turn out!

Hope our lovelies are on the mend.


@missy that is too cute how the cats will or won't eat with each other. I am so sorry you get such a bad reaction to mosquito bites. I get huge, itchy welts from them. Ugh. I thought my wrist was better, but I can't leave well enough alone, I just HAVE TO lightly rub my finger along that nerve that hurts so bad. And it flared it up again for the entire day. Marty called me a well deserved name. :lol: Glad you had some nice rides (and ice cream) this weekend. Yes, the crowds will die down now. I had to say "Seymour" when I saw the squirrel pictures. My dad used to battle the squirrels at home and their mountain cabin. They ALWAYS ate his bird seed and he sure tried to keep them out of it. So, anytime I saw a squirrel when he was around, I told him Seymour was looking for him.

@canuk-gal you do see some unwanted sights on your outings. How is your DH's foot doing? Especially after golf?

We labored today even though it was a U.S. holiday. I was on a livestream about Saturn and i think it went well. I didn't watch it again. Poor Marty got pinged for a trouble shooting issue at about 10 p.m. last night so got to bed at 2 a.m. He worked on cutting boards for his observatory. I ended up working most of the day.

We went to Olive Garden for supper. I wanted wine - er I mean something different - so ordered 3 appetizers and a salad. I at a few bites of each appetizer, brought some home for lunch tomorrow and Marty ate the rest as his second entree. I told him for once my meal cost more than his.

I sent my 2-year-old grand nephew a stuffed Snoopy and got a video of him opening it. That made my day. Aunt and Uncle M&M were his favorite relatives for the day.

We had a big storm blow through. We had some antelope hanging out here during lunch. I finally got some critter shots.

Take care.

Sing along: Oh give me a home, where the antelope roam ...
Oh give me a home _.jpg
Good morning lovely ladies ♥️
Just got back from quest to run labs. Soon cycling but first treadmill

@marcy I’m sorry you’re experiencing so much pain and I’m sending you bucketloads of healing vibes dear friend. Lol Seymour. Love it. I named her Samantha Adelaide Sassy. Lol. I’m sorry you also experience reactions from mosquitoe bites. Hope you’re having a terrific week. XO

@canuk-gal yasss perfect (purrrrrfect) description. Greg says I spoil them but their lives are hard being outdoors so yes I do whatever I can to make their lives easier. We love them that’s the truth. I hope you have a wonderful week XO

@Slickk girl, they will feel the wrath of karma. Of that I am sure. Hope your week goes smoothly
Thinking of you especially now HUGS

@MamaBee big hugs and lots of love

Hello everyone else. Hope y’all had a wonderful holiday weekend and Monday
May you have a week as sweet and genuine as you ♥️♥️
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Hello lovelies

You do see some sights on your outings @canuk-gal! I can’t imagine anyone would want to some an old guy taking a leak - yuk! How’s the house hunting going? Is this for you? Rum & Raisin is one of Colin’s favourite too - but then he never says no to anything sweet :mrgreen:

Sorry to hear your wrist is still playing up @marcy, it’s the gift that keeps on giving! That was sweet to be able to see your little nephew opening his Snoopy, I bet he loved it. Glad you ate out, I’m always tempted to have a few starters instead of a main, but have never done it. Ugh to Marty getting called out and getting to bed so late.

Hope you’re continuing to do well @MamaBee and feeling better by the day.

The same goes to you @mrs-b, I hope you got back home without too much discomfort and are relaxing and recuperating.

I hope the new term proves to be a good one @Slick with no difficult students causing you stress and aggravation.

I hope Greg’s tests come back A OK @missy, and glad you’re enjoying cycling. The weather here is humid, temperatures aren’t too bad, but yuk! Thanks for the great photos, great close up of Squirrel Nutkins!

We’ve just been busy finishing up our little garden project, been to Home Depot AGAIN for more rocks, I’m sure the ground is swallowing them up as we lay them.

Not much else going on here, we’ve had a fair amount of rain which is great, just hope it clears up this week because our friends arrive next week, and we want to be able to enjoy the pool with them.

Good morning lovely ladies and happy wonderful Wednesday

@Austina Greg's results came in days ago but this morning I had to remind him to look lol. The PTH went down so that is good but still higher than it should be. And, I did labs yesterday and they left stuff out!!! Only 5 labs and she left out one and switched one for a different test. I cannot make this stuff up. UGH. This AM I will call Quest and hope they can add on the two tests but she did not take a lot of blood. My fault though I did point out the test she needed to do and still she ran the incorrect one. Unfortunately this is the quality of employees they have and it is an epidemic. Not just there. Sigh. Our weather has been great. Dry, cool, sunny. And today it continues yay. Hope you are enjoying better weather and all is going well. Happy September

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying more cycling and all is going smoothly

@Slickk thinking of you and sending you many good vibes. My niece started classes yesterday and I sure hope the nonsense doesn't extend to her college. Madness. Insanity. And everyone will pay a very steep price in the near future. And while I watch in horror I also take some satisfaction in knowing eventually people will get what they deserve

@springerspaniel I hope your September is off to a wonderful start

@marcy hope you are enjoying your beautiful new house and all work tasks are going well

@MamaBee more hugs and healing vibes and looking forward to seeing you soon

We enjoyed a fantastic day yesterday.Furry babies and human friends, cycling and ice cream despite the fact Jimmy closed the ice cream shoppe for the day. He texted us and told us to use our key and take ice cream and LOL so we did. Jimmy gave us the key to his store years ago when we first met him just about two months after we met him. Who does that? We are the only ones besides him and his sons who have the key. It is an honor and a privilege and I appreciate his trust. Today is another lovely cycling day but Greg has a work call midafternoon so we have to get home a bit earlier than we had been getting home.

Opening up the shoppe

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Greg did a decent pour on the ice cream. Not too much. Not too little :)

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Our furry friends

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And J swooning in Greg's arms as always lol


Almost home and saw this sweet baby

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Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies XOXO
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