
Now I really did it :((

Hello lovelies

Happy FriYay

Awww, I’m so sorry about JJ @missy, but take comfort that he had the best life with your parents. He was a handsome little boy and at least his passing was peaceful and saved your parents having to make a difficult decision. Ugh to your MacBook playing up, these things have built in obsolescence. It was incredibly hot and sticky here too yesterday, and no let up today. That ice cream looks like the perfect refresher. Sorry to hear about your reaction to the compression sock, but thank goodness it’s not painful.

We had a busy day yesterday, went out to do the shopping, quick lunch then Colin went for his Echo. Of course it took forever before he started throwing spikes, but she got a good reading. We got back and went in the pool, then Colin went out with C next door for dinner. When they got back, L asked me if I wanted to go for a walk, I didn’t really, but I knew she wanted to talk. Phew, by the time we got back it was 9pm, and I was absolutely dripping, so straight in the shower before bed.

L gave me the phone number of the guy who did the painting in our houses, and he’s coming on Wednesday to paint the fireplace the same colour as the island :lol: It’s way cheaper than having to buy a ladder big enough to get me up to the top to paint it.

Have a lovely weekend NIRDI’s, we’ve got some gardening to do, and will be FT our friends on Sunday. Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Caturday Saturday
Thinking of Shelley this AM as her celebration of life is taking place this afternoon. I had wanted to go but logistics made it impossible unfortunately. Keeping her and her family in my thoughts and prayers

Thank you so much @Austina and also thank you @Sunrises Sunsets and @springerspaniel and @canuk-gal for your kind comments and comforting words

@Austina I am glad Colin's echo went smoothly and hoping for the best possible results. Nice you got to enjoy some time with a friend and a walk despite the heat. I take at least two showers a day in this heat sometimes more. Good you were able to get the number of your painter and smart to hire someone and not do it yourself. Very smart. Enjoy a wonderful weekend and have a sweet FT on Sunday with your friends. It's amazing how we can communicate with loved ones so far away. Truly incredible.

Good morning @Slickk hope you stay cool and comfy this hot weekend

@canuk-gal hope cycling is in your weekend plans

@marcy hope the house stuff is going as smoothly as possible

@springerspaniel happy weekend

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well

Pepsi, Dr Pepper and Fresca greeted me this AM. I have not yet seen Shasta, Sasha or the others. Sometimes that happens but I do wonder where are they and hope all is OK. Greg set up a video camera upfront (we have one also on the side porch where the cats have access to the dry food feeder) as per my request and we captured some precious video of the kitties early AM. I don't remember how to add video here plus I am now using Greg's MacBook Pro as my air is being too temperamental and while both are apples they are different so I am just getting used to it. Here is a screenshot from the video

Pepsi and Fresca love each other so much and are always rubbing against each other with affection

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Dr Pepper, Pepsi, Fresca all waiting for me to feed them wet food early AM

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It was HOT yesterday and we cycled but it was HOT. We enjoyed cool ice cream and glad we went for it but man I am ready for some cooler weather. We had thunderstorms last night but thankfully not too bad. More predicted today and tomorrow and heat again for Monday.

Our sweet treat mid ride which we opted to enjoy inside where there was AC...sweet AC


And a sweet turtle near the end of our ride. He was booking it lol
We made sure he got safely off the road to the grass away from any bikes/people etc



Enjoy a lovely Caturday Saturday girls. Be well. XOXO


@missy I hate to hear about your ankle. Is it the one you broke? Yesterday my left foot started yelling at me. It’s better today. The shoes I generally wear are four years old. Time to get some new ones. I sure hate to hear about Greg’s test results. Ugh to more tests. Thanks for the pretty picture of Bubbalah. Darn your three-year-old computer is acting up. Marty did the same for me, order all sorts of upgrades for my last computer. I have to admit, it is nice. I think all electronics are like that anymore, they get outdated all too soon. And they probably make them that way so you will buy another one. I’m sorry to hear about JJ. How are your parents doing? I keep them in my thoughts. I love the videos and pictures of the kitties waiting to be fed.

@Austina nice the rain is keeping your grass green this year. Good deal you are enjoying your pool. Good idea to have someone paint for you rather than buy a ladder. Thise things are pricey. Marty has easily spent more at Lowe’s on tools and ladders, etc. than I ever spent on jewelry. Maybe … I am glad Colin’s echo went smoothly.

@canuk-gal I did smile about picturing you carrying the watermelon. I have T-Rex arms and anything bulky is challenging for me. At least now I can carry something heavy.

It’s been another busy week. I’m loving having internet again and streaming services are back up and running. We continue to work on the house. It’s getting to where it’s mostly Marty chores. He’s hanging cameras and sensors everywhere today. We were going to buy a storm store and have it installed and the builder contacted me this week saying they decided to put storm doors on all their houses out here that face west. They even bought the one Marty was going to get. It got installed today. We picked up our utility vehicle this week and Marty bought a utility trailer. He moved our RV here today, we’ve been keeping it at a friend’s house. Last night we were among 36 people who went to the local melodrama for a friend’s birthday party. It was kind of fun. They even bought all of our tickets. It was their friend’s and his family. Such a crowd.

Take care.



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Good morning lovely ladies and happy Sunday. Shelley's husband sent a link to the celebration of life and it was lovely. The photos were beautiful. Shelley was truly a beautiful soul. May her memory forever be a blessing to all those who loved her

@marcy getting storm doors are a smart decision. We are hurricane ready (as ready as we can be that is which IMO is not ready enough) and just pray we never need to use what we have. We watched this show about storms and it was (to me) terrifying. Beautiful photos. My ankle feels better thanks for checking in about that. And yes, it is the ankle with the metal. I thought the metal was protruding out but Greg said no it was like that since the surgery. LOL see how observant I am? I agree electronics are made to breakdown within a few years, I saw the charge and I was SMH. Yay to having internet again and a new utility vehicle and trailer. I hope you had fun at your friend's birthday party the other night. Nice Marty put up cameras around the property. Greg added some to the front so we could check on the kitties eating the wet food. We had cameras on the side by the dry feeder since 2011 here. So it was nice to add cameras to other locations to get a more complete view of what is happening with the cats. I am glad you love your upgrades and hope I will too. I hope Greg can get everything transferred to the new computer when it comes because I do not know ANY passwords for which Greg is always admonishing me about. Write them down he says. I hate passwords. Unfortunately I know they are necessary in the world in which we live. LOL about your T Rex arms. I have the opposite problem. Our tandem cyclist fitter said I have freakishly long arms and legs LOL. That is the truth. And let's not forget about my big feet :lol:

@Slickk @canuk-gal @Austina @springerspaniel @mrs-b @MamaBee and everyone else Good morning. Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend

It was very hot yesterday again. Wash, rinse repeat. Thunderstorms were pretty intense from 4PM to midnight last night. Somehow miraculously we did not lose power. But we have more thunderstorms coming today so there's time lol

We went cycling yesterday and were very happy (I was at least) to get back home.
Ice cream was, as always delicious and cooling while we were eating it at least.


And Pepsi and Fresca were waiting for us when we returned. So sweet.


It's too hot for them and they are who I am most concerned about. They are eating much less due to the heat and I am throwing away the food after a few hours because I am worried about it spoiling in this heat. So let's just say I have been throwing away a lot of food but better safe than sorry.

Today the chance of thunderstorms is strong throughout the day and anyway Greg needs to do his 24 hour urine test so it's for the best. Last time he did this test he took it with him on the bike and I was not sure the efficacy wasn't affected though he did bring something to keep it cool. LOL cannot make this stuff up.

Enjoy a super Sunday lovely ladies. Be well. XOXO
Good morning lovely ladies. Busy day. And how did Monday get here so fast

We went cycling at 6 am to beat the heat but also because I’m expecting an important delivery between 1215 and 215. I hope it arrives and on time.

This evening I have our weekly/biweekly zoom with my dear friends

Hope everyone is doing well

Some photos from our early morning ride

First from last night. No editing

Beginning of our ride this morning








Enjoy a marvelous magnificent Monday XOXO
Getting my car serviced. They have this classic Porsche in the lobby. Very cool. IMG_0827.jpeg

NIRDI shout out!!!!

Got up early and it was coolish....went for a ride under broody skies and a bit of wind. Paths were heaving! As it turned out the clouds blew off and it is warm out. There is a thunderstorm alert tho... We've had a bit of rain, not much. Could use more.

Saw Twisters at a matinee yesterday--and really enjoyed it! I made watermelon and feta salad (mint and basil) and an iceberg wedge salad with tomatoes, bacon and blue cheese dressing. Both refreshing!

How is it Aug 5th? And the trees are turning yellow!!! Horrors!!!!

Hello lovelies

Welcome back to the land of the living @marcy :lol: Glad you got your internet sorted out, we were only without for a day when we moved her, and it seemed like torture :mrgreen: What fabulous sunsets you’re getting from your new house, are you feeling at home yet? How’s the box count, hopefully going down quickly?

I can’t remember if it was you who said you were looking forward to the new Planet of the Apes film @canuk-gal, but we saw it on Saturday. It was OK, but I still think the original with Charlton Heston was the best. Glad you got out early to ride, it’s really hotting up here.

Love the kitty pics @missy, and glad they all seem to be doing well. I’m not surprised that the heat could be affecting their appetite, I wish it would do the same for me!!!! Great wildlife photos, lovely to see them all looking so healthy. Hope your delivery arrives safely. We’ve just had to cancel a blender delivery because it’s now not going to be arriving for another 10 days or so, and we’ll be away.

We’re in to the high 90’s here, thank goodness for the pool. We got lucky yesterday morning, we had rain at 6am, so didn’t need to get up early to water at our allotted time. Had a great chat with our friends, and getting excited that they’ll be here in another 5 weeks.

Just got back from Costco, we didn’t need much, but still had an eye watering bill.

Going in the pool soon, splash splash!!!

Hello lovelies

Welcome back to the land of the living @marcy :lol: Glad you got your internet sorted out, we were only without for a day when we moved her, and it seemed like torture :mrgreen: What fabulous sunsets you’re getting from your new house, are you feeling at home yet? How’s the box count, hopefully going down quickly?

I can’t remember if it was you who said you were looking forward to the new Planet of the Apes film @canuk-gal, but we saw it on Saturday. It was OK, but I still think the original with Charlton Heston was the best. Glad you got out early to ride, it’s really hotting up here.

Love the kitty pics @missy, and glad they all seem to be doing well. I’m not surprised that the heat could be affecting their appetite, I wish it would do the same for me!!!! Great wildlife photos, lovely to see them all looking so healthy. Hope your delivery arrives safely. We’ve just had to cancel a blender delivery because it’s now not going to be arriving for another 10 days or so, and we’ll be away.

We’re in to the high 90’s here, thank goodness for the pool. We got lucky yesterday morning, we had rain at 6am, so didn’t need to get up early to water at our allotted time. Had a great chat with our friends, and getting excited that they’ll be here in another 5 weeks.

Just got back from Costco, we didn’t need much, but still had an eye watering bill.

Going in the pool soon, splash splash!!!


No, it wasn't me. I agree the original POTA is the best.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brutal thunderstorm blew through here last night--dropping golf ball sized hail in places. We came away unscathed but parts of the city hit hard and lots of damage including the airport!

GM girls and happy wonderful wet wet wet Wednesday

@canuk-gal I hate thunderstorms and we aer having the same type of weather. Brutal storms here and Debbie's effects have not even reached us yet. That is Friday into Saturday. I am glad you are OK and hope everyone is safe and sound. Ugh to the damage at the airport. Mother Nature is not pleased with us. Speaking of Mother Nature we rewatched the original Twister with Helen Hunt a week or so ago. I didn't love it. I think when we saw it in the movies though back all those years ago I did enjoy it more. I guess my taste has changed. Or it's just better in the theatre

@Austina glad you are staying cool in the pool. Our heat has broken (for now) and the highs are in the 70s today. But very rainy. Yesterday afternoon we had severe thunderstorms lasting all night. It was scary and the ferals stayed away. Poor babies. But this AM I saw Fresca, Dr Pepper and Pepsi. Have not yet seen the others but hopefully everyone is well. Haha yes, even when we don;t have a list we leave Costco in the triple digits with the first number starting at 3 or 4. Not kidding. My brother in law always used to joke "we're going broke saving money at Costco" :lol: MY delivery arrived safely thanks. It was my birth certificate. I can't get the original as it is stuck in the NYC safe and we do not have time to get a locksmith to meet us there. I have lots of stuff in that safe including my (expired) passport. How exciting your friends will be there in 5 weeks woohoo. And sorry about having to cancel the blender delivery due to the delay and you being away. Hopefully you can order it again when you get back home

@Slickk hope you are staying dry and comfortable. What a wet hot summer but still hopefully enjoying the summer because you deserve it

@marcy ooh la la. I love that classic car. My dream classic car is an MG. And my license would be MGOMG or OMGMG :lol:

Hi everyone else. We had a busy day yesterday. I went to the periodontist in the AM for him to look at something and all is OK TG. Then we came back and went cycling despite the rain threat. We got home from our ride at 2PM (early on purpose due to the weather) and it started thundering and lightning within 20 minutes of our getting home and lasted all night. It was a fierce storm and the kitties were hiding outdoors and indoors. Truth be told I wanted to hide too LOL. More thunderstorms today and really the rest of the week. Partly due to Debbie and partly due to our ever crappy weather. It's amazing we are cycling at all this summer LOL

However, we do need to run earrands today as we are out of produce so that is what we shall do. Costco. TJ and WF. Our usual run. Enjoy this wonderful Wednesday no matter what you do. XOXO

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GM girls and happy wonderful wet wet wet Wednesday

@canuk-gal I hate thunderstorms and we aer having the same type of weather. Brutal storms here and Debbie's effects have not even reached us yet. That is Friday into Saturday. I am glad you are OK and hope everyone is safe and sound. Ugh to the damage at the airport. Mother Nature is not pleased with us. Speaking of Mother Nature we rewatched the original Twister with Helen Hunt a week or so ago. I didn't love it. I think when we saw it in the movies though back all those years ago I did enjoy it more. I guess my taste has changed. Or it's just better in the theatre

@Austina glad you are staying cool in the pool. Our heat has broken (for now) and the highs are in the 70s today. But very rainy. Yesterday afternoon we had severe thunderstorms lasting all night. It was scary and the ferals stayed away. Poor babies. But this AM I saw Fresca, Dr Pepper and Pepsi. Have not yet seen the others but hopefully everyone is well. Haha yes, even when we don;t have a list we leave Costco in the triple digits with the first number starting at 3 or 4. Not kidding. My brother in law always used to joke "we're going broke saving money at Costco" :lol: MY delivery arrived safely thanks. It was my birth certificate. I can't get the original as it is stuck in the NYC safe and we do not have time to get a locksmith to meet us there. I have lots of stuff in that safe including my (expired) passport. How exciting your friends will be there in 5 weeks woohoo. And sorry about having to cancel the blender delivery due to the delay and you being away. Hopefully you can order it again when you get back home

@Slickk hope you are staying dry and comfortable. What a wet hot summer but still hopefully enjoying the summer because you deserve it

@marcy ooh la la. I love that classic car. My dream classic car is an MG. And my license would be MGOMG or OMGMG :lol:

Hi everyone else. We had a busy day yesterday. I went to the periodontist in the AM for him to look at something and all is OK TG. Then we came back and went cycling despite the rain threat. We got home from our ride at 2PM (early on purpose due to the weather) and it started thundering and lightning within 20 minutes of our getting home and lasted all night. It was a fierce storm and the kitties were hiding outdoors and indoors. Truth be told I wanted to hide too LOL. More thunderstorms today and really the rest of the week. Partly due to Debbie and partly due to our ever crappy weather. It's amazing we are cycling at all this summer LOL

However, we do need to run earrands today as we are out of produce so that is what we shall do. Costco. TJ and WF. Our usual run. Enjoy this wonderful Wednesday no matter what you do. XOXO

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OMG THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!! We had a beautiful rainbow Monday evening when i was walking my doggo but i didnt have my phone to take a picture !

Thank you for the jersey shore tips! We were actually in Lavalette, so not too far, but my husband parks the car and wont leave, LOL!! He has been going every year for about 10 years, and then I started going with them for the last 8! I have a love hate with it, we live in the basic area already, in a beach town, so why are we going there where I have to leave my dog at home?! But it forces us to spend all the time with family instead of doing our own things so thats good! I am also an avid bike rider and love riding my bike to seaside heights and beyond from where we are.

It's been brutally humid bike riding the last week or so and now it's cool and rainy! I cant wait for some in between weather!

I hope all of the East coasters stay dry and safe from Debby! **The storm, not the person

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow monsooning here. Sheets of rain. I did errands this AM and got home before the skies opened. I've made two salads (on a salad bandwagon) one Greek and one blueberry, peach and feta. Unfortunately the peaches are woody. Anyway.

@missy I hear ya on the groceries $$. I seem to be at the market daily (??) and everything just adds up. I liked the original Twister movie--cuz Bill Paxton was one of my fav actors. Stay warm and dry. How are your parents and the furry mobsters?

@marcy hope you are settling in.

@Austina where are you guys heading?

Thinking of ya'll.

Hello lovelies

Please send some of your rain our way @canuk-gal , we’d be very grateful. Things are starting to dry up and get crispy. You would think with all the peach growers around us, we’d get some decent peaches, but sadly no, all size and no taste. Your salads sound delish :lickout:

Glad there were no dental issues @missy, you definitely don’t need any more things to deal with. I hope you managed to get your shopping done without getting soaked. We consider anything less that a few hundred a good day when we leave Costco, and like you, we remind ourselves how much money we’re saving :lol:

I’m sure you’re gearing up to go back to school @Slickk, where on earth did the summer break go? I hope you get good students and as little stress as possible.

We spent a lot of time outside yesterday, then had to go and get some cash for the painter. Colin’s been spending time checking our tax returns before they’re submitted - looks like we’ve overpaid for last year.

Had the painter here today, they were very thorough in sheeting everywhere before they started. It’s the same guy who painted the house originally. Love the result, I chose a very matte finish instead of the semi gloss that it was originally painted in. Just got back from Trivia, we had fun, but didn’t do too well.

Colin’s got his nuclear stress test tomorrow, I’m not going, they’ve said expect to be there for at least 4 hours, and the traffic will be horrendous coming back.

We’re going to Colorado next week @canuk-gal, I need to check with Marcy if she and Marty are available to dinner.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@Austina no kidding about the peaches. We normally have beautiful bounty from BC, but with the fires last summer many orchards were hard hit so we don't have much pit fruit from there this season. That would be good to see M & M in Colorado! Post a picture of your new paint--if you are comfortable doing so. Apparently we overpaid on our taxes...and got a $12 cheque recently. WOOHOO

Had a nice ride this AM--clear blue skies. We have been enjoying the Olympics! Not much else to report. We have a family dinner out at a lovely French place this weekend to celebrate DS BD.

Good evening ladies! Happy terrific rainy Thursday from the Jersey Shore

@canuk-gal yay for having a good ride this AM and clear skies. We haven't had clear skies for a long while lol Glad you are enjoying the Olympics. Your family dinner this weekend in honor of your DS's bday sounds lovely. I adore French food. Ha thanks for asking about the furry mobsters...did I tell you Bobby has been drinking so much water lately? I have a vet appointment next week and I am concerned he has diabetes. When we ran labs last month (when they stopped eating) Bobby's blood sugar was elevated but my sister felt it was due to stress. However I now think it is due to diabetes. Oy. Never a dull moment. Seeing the local vet next week. Parents are the same. Thank you for asking

@Austina, ha yes, the same. Glad the painter is on the job and it is going well. Sorry about Trivia. I used to love playing trivia games but I am not the best at them. Good luck to Colin tomorrow on his nuclear stress test..I hope it goes very well. Ooh I hope @marcy can meet with you when you are in Colorado next week. Sounds like fun

@Inked !!! We cycle to Lavalette sometimes. It's a long ride but so much fun. As I type this I wonder if we are ever riding again. It is pouring here. And has been raining for so many days. OMG I LOVE your new ring!!!! GORGEOUS!!! And thank you for your enthusiasm over my resizing Bubbalah. It will be nice to wear her again. And yes. I cannot wait for some good cycling weather too

@Slickk where did summer go. So fast

Hello everyone else. It was a busy day. This AM I went to NJ DMV and got a real ID when renewing my driver's license. Greg ordered a new birth certificate for me and it arrived in time woohoo. The DMV workers were not very cheery though and I was glad to get out of there. I am apprehensive about the photo and wish I could have kept my old one. Oh well. Then I went home and did my workout and then it was still pouring so I decided to go to another local jeweler and see if they could resize Bubbalah and add sizing beads so I could wear her. And they did! He wouldn't size it as large as I wanted because he felt it would be too big so I went with his advice but I feel eventually it will have to be resized again due to my knuckles. He did say probably since that is what happens. He sees this all the time. But I am happy I can wear my ring again woohoo. And of course I had to make an impulse buy. Another Star of David. Made by the owner of the jewelry store himself. I love it and had to have it despite my beautiful blue Star of David that I wear all the time. Now I have two

Blurry selfie in car


Bit clearer


And lastly Bubbalah. On my finger again
And in honor of Shelley I wore my shark leggings today. She loved the shark leggings. We miss you Shelley


Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying August ❤️❤️❤️
Hello lovelies

Glad you got out to ride today @canuk-gal, and yum to a lovely meal out this weekend for DS’s b’day. How old will he be? I’m loving the strong dark colour amidst the sea of barely there grey :lol: Although you can’t see it, it’s the same colour of one of the stripes in the couches.


So glad you got Bubbalah resized so you can wear her again. A ring that lovely deserves to be seen. Your Star of David is very pretty. I’m sorry to hear about Bobby, what a worry for you. I’m :shock: at you wearing leggings, it’s so hot here, I’m barely wearing any clothes :lol:

The facet pattern on your ring is absolutely stunning @Inked :kiss2:

So, Colin got up really early so he could have breakfast before 7am. At 8am he got a call to say they had cancel the test today because the treadmill was kaput! We went and did our food shopping early before it got really hot. Spent a couple of hours in the pool this afternoon, it was glorious.

I’ve emailed @marcy, but totally understand if they’re too busy to meet up next week.

GM girls and happy FriYAY! One of Shelley's favorite days along with Caturday Saturday and I will forever think of her when I write those days.

@MamaBee such excellent news!!!! You made my day yesterday and I wanted you to know that. Girls, please continue keeping Joanne in your thoughts and prayers. NIRDI power!

@Austina I am sorry! I got the days mixed up. Good luck to Colin when he has the rescheduled nuclear stress test. That is unbelievable they don't have a backup treadmill. Even I have a backup lol. Though it is apart and probably wouldn't work so I guess I don't really have a. backup unless you count the Brooklyn treadmills of which I have three. :lol: So it was in the 60s here yesterday and rainy so I was quite comfortable with my shark leggings which are very lightweight anyway and I do wear in the summertime as well as all year round.

@Slickk happy FriYAY! Hope the weekend is wonderful and looks like the weather might improve fingers crossed.

@canuk-gal please wish your DS a very happy birthday from all of us. He's a Leo and so am I :)

@marcy how is the new house coming? Hope all is going as smoothly as possible. Have you met any of your neighbors yet? How far is the new house from your previous house? I don't remember as I am sure you already told us.

@mrs-b hope you are enjoying sunny California. We could use some sun right about now.

@springerspaniel happy almost weekend. Hope you are looking forward to a fun weekend.

Hey everyone else. Happy pre weekend!

So it's going to rain today probably and looking at the radar it is risky to ride plus 25 mph winds so we are sitting it out. Again. Not sure what we will do but we will find something fun hopefully. When the weather is inclement I feel antsy to get outside so it will likely be something outside despite the rain chance. As long as we are not cycling rain isn't too bad. It's only when we are 25 plus miles from home on the bike and it starts pouring that it is a miserable ride back lol

I finally (first time ever) wore one of my alternative hair pieces out yesterday. How many years did it take me to get the confidence to wear it out. LOL. And it wasn't too bad. I mean I probably won't wear them often yet until I really need to but in the meantime occasionally I will to get used to it. I am a slow learner when it comes to alternative hair. I will post a photo in a spoiler link because otherwise it's too much in your (my lol) face. The plus side of this is, unlike my hair, it doesn't frizz in the (100%) humidity.

Sorry for the serious expression. I don't know why I didn't smile lol and I only took one photo


Enjoy a fantastic FriYAY lovely ladies no matter what is on your agenda. And be well. XOXO
Hello lovelies

Wow, it looks fantastic @missy, I don’t know why you’ve been so reluctant to wear your nearly hair before. :D Send rain, it’s getting really hot here now and hasn’t rained for a week, with none in the forecast. I’m glad you’ve got good memories of Shelley, and it’s lovely to hear how happy things made her. Did you hear how her remembrance service went, I meant to ask the other day, I hope it was everything her friends and family wanted for her.

We went in the pool early today and it was lovely, so much so, when we came out, we sat under the shade for a while before coming in for lunch.

I’m so glad to hear that @MamaBee has at last had some good news, and long may it continue.

Have a great weekend :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Caturday Saturday

@Austina Shelley's dh sent me the link and it looked to be a lovely celebration of life. So many beautiful photos with Shelley's stunning smile shining brightly. She was absolutely an angel on this earth. Gone too soon. I think she would have loved the service and everyone wore pink to honor her as that was her favorite color. Thank you for the lovely compliment. There is a huge learning curve (for me at least lol) wearing alternative hair. I prefer headband wigs as those are easy to wear. But once you have the hang of it it's easier. And the added plus is it takes one minute to get your hair looking good lol. Glad you enjoyed the pool yesterday. Our weather is heating up again. I hope we can cycle far it's looking like a real possibility despite the winds. Yesterday it turned out not to be the rain but the winds that made cycling not a good idea. We went miniature golfing and it was fun.

Hello everyone else. @Slickk @canuk-gal @marcy @springerspaniel @MamaBee @mrs-b @Inked hope your weekend is off to a wonderful start. Yesterday we played miniature golf and it had been years. Greg beat me by two the past we have usually tied which was always fun. Oh well. Next time. The lighting in the miniature golf place is crazy lol

OK so since wearing Bubbalah for the past day I am in LOVE again. I cannot believe I waited so long to get her back on my finger

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And leaving you with a funny lighting miniature golf photo.

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One of my shorter head band options. Short and sassy...I used to wear my hair like this 39 years ago minus the headband
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Enjoy a wonderful Caturday Saturday girls. Be well. XOXO

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY BD Miss Missy! Hope your day rocks! And speaking of rocks--glad yours is back on your finger!!! LOL I had a dream last night that I was telling you to layer your two Star of David necklaces!!!

@Austina your paint job adds such a nice contrast! Good decision! Our DS turns 31. Glad the clinic contacted you before you were well oyw to the appt. What a drag that would have otherwise been.

Had a gorgeous meal out last night--and delish shrimp roll for lunch today! No wonder my clothes are tight!!!!! Did a bit of a jewellery pile on last night; if I don't it sits lonely..... LOL.

Crashing the NIRDIs to wish Missy a lovely birthday!!
Happy birthday @missy


I hope you had a day as fabulous as you are!! ❤️

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GM girls and happy big and small dog Sunday.

Thank you for the birthday wishes @Austina @OboeGal @canuk-gal @Slickk @marcy and everyone else who reached out. Much appreciated. As some of you know we cycled my birthday years in miles plus 2 for good measure (and good luck). It was a very lovely enjoyable day and I am grateful for all the good things and dear people in my life. Who are fewer in number now but greater in quality and for that I am truly appreciative.

@canuk-gal happy 31st to your DS! What a great age. Your meal sounds yummy. And girl, bling it on! XOXO

@OboeGal thank you! So sweet of you and I so appreciate your good wishes. Hope all is going well with you and you are enjoying a wonderful summer (((hugs)))

@Slickk thank you! Every year a bit more challenging as we cycle the birthday miles plus some lol. Greg's birthday in October will really test our abilities haha (((hugs)))

@Austina I think the color scheme is beautiful. Classic and elegant like you XOXO

Hello everyone else. August is going fast. Just like May, June and July. Sloooooow down!!!!

Today is another cycling day and looking forward to it. Enjoy a super Sunday lovely ladies XOXO

Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me (so embarrassing lol) and the ice cream was scrumptious
Somehow they managed to keep the candle going (despite the wind) til I made a wish

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Have a great day all!!!
Hi @missy happy belated birthday! So sorry I missed sending you the message yesterday.
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