
Now I really did it :((


Jan 3, 2013
Great to see you @MamaBee :wavey: I will keep you in my prayers that you get the relief you deserve. Good luck with the transfusions. I had a few PICC lines that I had to do at home. Wishing you much strength and sending ((hugs))
RIP @bling_dream19 (Shelley) a life well lived but way too short.
Sending ((hugs)) and ❤️ to all NIRDIs. Hold your loved ones close …


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy friYAY. That was one of Shelley's favorite days. FriYAY and Caturday Saturday and I will forever think of her when I write those words.

@MamaBee you have been through a challenging journey and through it all you have remained strong and unwavering and you are going to beat this. TG for early diagnosis (and for you keeping your head and telling the doctor about your hiccups. And tg for the physician who went above and beyond for you. If not for him the diagnosis might have been delayed. And you are getting the best treatment and we are all keeping you in our thoughts and sending so many healing wishes your way. All our love to you

Honestly @missy, I didn’t even know Shelley IRL and I just feel so upset she’s gone, she was always such a positive influence on PS. Despite the horrors she must’ve been going through, she took the time to wish me happy birthday a few weeks ago. I’m sorry that Greg is facing more surgery for his HPT, and good luck for his cardio visit today. You took the words right out of my mouth about our PS friendship.

Shelley was a class act. She always put others before herself and she was always upbeat no matter what she was going through. I feel such a deep sadness since finding out she is gone. I am finding it difficult to reconcile it all in my head and my heart. And thank you. I feel so fortunate to have met you lovely women and to call you friends.

We’re just having a quick lunch before we go for Colin’s appt., hoping the Cardiologist will be able to sort things out. This aging lark is a b*gga, and I don’t even want to think about life without him.

How did the appointment go? I get it 100%. I feel the same. With all the devastating news recently and the loss of numerous friends it's impossible not to think dark thoughts, MY friend who lost her DH months ago who was only in his 50s is on my mind especially when our DHs have medical appointments for concerning health issues. I hope Colin's appointment went very well. Sending so many healing wishes his way


NIRDI shout out!!!!

Lot of news and PS sadness in the air. Hope peeps are taking care and looking after each other.

kind regards--Sharon

Amen Sharon. Amen. Remember to hug all your loved ones if you can and if you are not in person make sure to tell them you love them. I read a long time ago we only regret the things we did not do/say. I know Shelley knew we all loved her but I wish I could have said a proper goodbye. I am so sad. She was such a beautiful person. I am keeping you in my thoughts too Sharon because I know the loss of your dear friend not that long ago is weighing heavily on your mind and heart. Sending you love and light and good wishes

Sending ((hugs)) and ❤️ to all NIRDIs. Hold your loved ones close …

Hugs to you dear friend. Lots of love and gentle hugs and wishing only good things for all the NIRDIs. XOXO

@mrs-b sending you so much love and healing thoughts. I hope somehow you are still enjoying your time in California. Compartmentalizing is a great talent and I am working hard at it right now. We went cycling yesterday and I took a photo just for you even thought truth be told I was so not in the mood for taking this photo. Shelley loved ice cream and we had talked about meeting at the ice cream shoppe to enjoy together. Last time we had ice cream together was 2019. I think she and Tom were engaged at that time and not yet married but a bit foggy on the details. Anyway, this is for you. And Shelley.

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With a heavy heart I will wish you all a wonderful FriYAY. This is the first post where I am not tagging Shelley to say good morning. She read every post she could. She loved reading about our lives. Rest in peace dear friend. You were one of my favorite people and I am not a people person. I will hold you in my heart forever. Beautiful soul.

Love you girls. Take care of yourselves and hug your loved ones. Be well.
Enjoy every minute and make the most of each day. XOXO


Sep 26, 2011
GM girls and happy friYAY. That was one of Shelley's favorite days. FriYAY and Caturday Saturday and I will forever think of her when I write those words.

@MamaBee you have been through a challenging journey and through it all you have remained strong and unwavering and you are going to beat this. TG for early diagnosis (and for you keeping your head and telling the doctor about your hiccups. And tg for the physician who went above and beyond for you. If not for him the diagnosis might have been delayed. And you are getting the best treatment and we are all keeping you in our thoughts and sending so many healing wishes your way. All our love to you

Shelley was a class act. She always put others before herself and she was always upbeat no matter what she was going through. I feel such a deep sadness since finding out she is gone. I am finding it difficult to reconcile it all in my head and my heart. And thank you. I feel so fortunate to have met you lovely women and to call you friends.

How did the appointment go? I get it 100%. I feel the same. With all the devastating news recently and the loss of numerous friends it's impossible not to think dark thoughts, MY friend who lost her DH months ago who was only in his 50s is on my mind especially when our DHs have medical appointments for concerning health issues. I hope Colin's appointment went very well. Sending so many healing wishes his way

Amen Sharon. Amen. Remember to hug all your loved ones if you can and if you are not in person make sure to tell them you love them. I read a long time ago we only regret the things we did not do/say. I know Shelley knew we all loved her but I wish I could have said a proper goodbye. I am so sad. She was such a beautiful person. I am keeping you in my thoughts too Sharon because I know the loss of your dear friend not that long ago is weighing heavily on your mind and heart. Sending you love and light and good wishes

Hugs to you dear friend. Lots of love and gentle hugs and wishing only good things for all the NIRDIs. XOXO

@mrs-b sending you so much love and healing thoughts. I hope somehow you are still enjoying your time in California. Compartmentalizing is a great talent and I am working hard at it right now. We went cycling yesterday and I took a photo just for you even thought truth be told I was so not in the mood for taking this photo. Shelley loved ice cream and we had talked about meeting at the ice cream shoppe to enjoy together. Last time we had ice cream together was 2019. I think she and Tom were engaged at that time and not yet married but a bit foggy on the details. Anyway, this is for you. And Shelley.

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With a heavy heart I will wish you all a wonderful FriYAY. This is the first post where I am not tagging Shelley to say good morning. She read every post she could. She loved reading about our lives. Rest in peace dear friend. You were one of my favorite people and I am not a people person. I will hold you in my heart forever. Beautiful soul.

Love you girls. Take care of yourselves and hug your loved ones. Be well.
Enjoy every minute and make the most of each day. XOXO

Love you too @missy!


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!

@missy thank you for the lovely post. I know we all appreciate your thoughtful words. I really feel blessed to have great friends on this forum--we all truly care about each other--and that isn't a small thing.

xoxoxo Sharon


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Thank you for your kind words @missy, I feel exactly the same about all the lovely NIRDIs, those of you I’ve already met, and those of you I’ve yet to meet.

How did Greg’s appt go, I hope you managed to get the meds sorted out? How’re your dear parents doing, I hope they’re doing well and coping with their situation.

It was a bit overwhelming yesterday, although I did like the cardiologist and he was calm which was reassuring.

Basically he said he was very surprised that the PCP prescribed BP meds, because in his opinion, he really doesn’t need them, and they’re potentially adding to the problem. They did some tests, and ordered others, but he described the problem as being with the plumbing and electrics! Colin’s wearing a monitor for 3 days, and has to record each episode he’s having. He hadn’t told me he was getting pains in his chest, although they’re not radiating pain. He’s got an Echo booked for Thursday, then the following week he’s got the stress test with nuclear something. It’s quite a way away, and they’ve said be prepared to be there for 4 hours. A week after that, we go to the Cardio for the follow up, and hopefully what the treatment will be. I *think* he said when there’s a spike, it’s telling his heart something, and then it’s missing a beat. Honestly, I’ve been in a bit of daze so I’m not 100% sure about anything.

A very quiet weekend on the books for us, I hope you all have a peaceful weekend, take care all.



Feb 27, 2007

@mrs-b the buyers were going to walk because the listing had $5000 toward closing but they were paying cash, and their closing costs were only $4200. Our realtor and their realtor rewrote the contract so they’d still get the $5000. Sounds like it’s a good time to be in California during a remodel project. I am so sorry about Shelley.

@missy I hate to hear about Greg’s diagnosis. I sure hated to hear about Shelley. Such a loss. I am glad your endocrinologist is nice, but that stinks his office makes so many mistakes. And boo to your allergist messing up your prescription. I am ready for easy and smooth days, but they remain elusive. Any day I wake up, I’m ahead of the game. Glad you’re still getting out for a ride and ice cream.

@canuk-gal I’m so sorry about your friend and ugh to not sleeping well. Many of us seem to be suffering from that.

@Austina LOL to play8ing hunt the Marty. I had to do it again, but this time I went to the right door. He has addressed the issue so he can’t lock himself out. He is very much a creature of habit and if he’s not in a routine yet … I hope your shoulder continues to improve all the time. I hate to hear about Colin’s heartbeat. That is so scary. I hope he is doing better.

@MamaBee I hate to hear you are still in so much pain. Keeping you in my thoughts. I hope the infusions help.

We’re getting the house kind of put together. I still can’t find anything. They’ve run the internet lines to the house, no word yet when they’ll come install the modem in the house. I’ve been running errands and arranging assorted things. I’m looking forward to getting everything done.

I knocked a glass of red wine out of my hand and got it on the couch, loveseat, floor, WALL (it’s stained) and sure wasnt’ happy with myself. I guess I the house is pre-disastered.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls. It's Caturday Saturday. Shelley loved this day. I don't know if it's OK to share this but her husband asked in lieu of flowers a donation may be made to St Jude's research hospital in her honor. My apologies if this is not OK.

@canuk-gal thank you for your beautiful and kind words. You are so right. It is a huge deal having friends who we know love and care about us and truly want the best for us. I feel so lucky and yes blessed to have you as my friend. We might have never met in person (yet) but it does not matter. We are no less friends than those who live near each other. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and get to enjoy cycling and whatever other activities you want to do. May the weather cooperate

@Austina I am glad they are taking good care of Colin. Those are the right steps. Greg had a nuclear stress test last year (1 year ago?) and it wasn't bad. Make sure Colin drinks plenty of water the day before, day of and day after to flush the dye out of his system. Praying for a good outcome and may whatever he has be innocuous. Greg had his CT scan yesterday and we shall see what is going on. Thank you for asking about his cardiology appointment this past Thursday and his statin was changed. He was experiencing adverse effects from the first statin he was prescribed. We shall see how this goes. I am very nervous as next week is Greg's appointment with the parathyroid surgeon. I am not looking forward to another surgery and hope everything goes as smoothly as possible. We shall see what the surgeon says. I am certain he will want Greg to undergo further testing before scheduling the surgery. Best wishes to Colin and please let us know how it is going.

@marcy wow I wrote you a whole long post and it got erased. Stupid computers. LOL. I am sorry things are still chaotic but soon you will be resting in the luxury of your beautiful new home complete with internet. dishwasher and all else you need. And if any feral cats should show up I am here to help :)
And LOL to the house being predisastered. Unfortunately that didn't work for us and I still spill things all the time :lol: but hopefully your predisatering helps ;-)

@MamaBee I hope your eye ache turns out to be nothing serious and that your appointment goes very well next week. You remain in my thoughts and prayers, Every single day.

@springerspaniel I really feel so much love for you girls. My heart is full. It is in pieces right now due to Shelley's death but it is still full of love for all the sweet NIRDIs. It is amazing how we can hold so many feelings in the same heart. Love, pain, sadness and joy. Conflicting feelings all at the same time. It's a marvel isn't it

@Slickk I hope you have a wonderful weekend. And thank you for everything. Your friendship and support and love. I value it all. I need the summer to slow down a bit if possible and may each day be filled with more joy than heartache for us all. One day at a time. One hour at a time when necessary. Have a great Caturday Saturday

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well.

We enjoyed a nice ride and it was the most gorgeous cycling weather. Dry and in the 70s most of the day. Sweet. Rain is predicted all next week- MTWThF of next week and then another heat wave. Oh joy. But one day at a time.

Yesterday when we got home from cycling Pepsi was on our front door porch. She rarely hangs out there. I knew immediately something was wrong. Fresca was with her. Finally she moved and I saw she was limping. My heart went into my throat. Here we go again. I felt helpless and my brain started churning. What can we do. Long story short after once again speaking to my sister and a friend who is an animal rescue person we decided to take the wait and see approach. She was still eating and otherwise seemed ok. But it was a big limp. I tried getting close to her but no. She was not having any of it. UGH. This AM she was in her usual position waiting for food. I do not see an obvious limp this AM but it is darkish here still and she only took a few steps in my view so not 100% sure. Once again I am asking for prayers for Pepsi. Thank you.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Enjoy and be well. XOXO

This if for @mrs-b and everyone else who loves ice cream

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And in honor of Caturday Saturday and because I asked you to keep Pepsi in your prayers. Here is my sweet girl Pepsi. She is a LOVE. But she will not let me get close enough to her to inspect her leg/paw. Cats can be so stubborn.

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May your Caturday Saturday be purrrfectly wonderful in every way XOXO


Jun 8, 2008
Happy big and small dog Sunday lovely ladies.
We had a nice cycling day yesterday. Complete with furry babies, ice cream and friends. Sharing a few photos of our day.

One white Swan and three beige swans...I have never seen a beige swan. Almost like a light brown. Anyone familiar with this kind of swan?

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For small and big dog Sunday our sweet J
Swooning in Greg's arms LOL

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And finally our sweet treat for hitting 4,000 miles yesterday...for this season so far

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May you enjoy a sweet Sunday lovely ladies XOXO


Jun 8, 2008
And Pepsi is AOK. Nor limping this morning woohoo. Please let her stay well. May all the ferals remain healthy ♥️



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I’m glad you were able to get out and have a lovely ride @missy, our weather has been really strange this month, lots of rain, which is great, and cooler temps. The signets are usually brown until they become adults and turn all white. That’s great news that Pepsi isn’t limping anymore, she’s such a pretty kitty.

I decided to paint our island yesterday, all this pale grey is a bit sterile, so it’s now charcoal :lol: I’m thinking of repainting the fireplace the same colour, but not yet, maybe next year.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are having a great weekend, thinking of you all, @MamaBee, @marcy @Slick @canuk-gal :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies ♥️

@Austina that sounds so pretty. I love the charcoal color. Thank you for caring about the kitties

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well.

As promised here is the ICPOTD for @mrs-b


Enjoy a sweet Monday XOXO


Sep 26, 2011
One white Swan and three beige swans...I have never seen a beige swan. Almost like a light brown. Anyone familiar with this kind of swan?

@Austina you are an incredible font of information! These are most likely cygnets.

Hi to all the NIRDIs! My presentation in Switzerland went well, and thank goodness my little travel burst is over for a while. I presented a poster in Baltimore, then went directly to Switzerland to give a talk, then went directly to San Francisco to attend a conference. WTF was I thinking?


Feb 24, 2017
Happy Monday lovelies

:lol: I’m a mine of useless information @springerspaniel . We often saw lots of swans when we used to take Dottie to Virginia Water. Did you know that all swans in the UK belong to the Monarch, and are protected? You must be exhausted from all that travelling and time changes, so glad your presentation went well. How are the pupsters doing? (And you of course!)

Back to ice cream weather here @missy, we’re still working our way through a large tub of Crème Brûlée flavour - it’s lovely :lickout:

Went in the pool this morning, haven’t been able to go in because of Colin’s monitor, but the 3 days are up. After that we went to the PO to send the monitor and log off.

Going to be lazy for the rest of the day :mrgreen:

Have a good one lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

Busy day. Funeral today--really a lovely sermon and tribute. Packed! Anyway, I am tired so I'll cut this short.

NIRDI shout out!



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy Tuesday

@Austina forgive me, I was a bit out of it yesterday AM and missed what you wrote about the swans. Thank you! This city girl knows nothing lol. The cygnet swans are so beautiful. Speaking of beautiful we had Egrets in our backyard yesterday morning. I'll share a quick pic. I was on the treadmill so the photo isn't the best. Yup. It's ice cream weather here too. And lots of thunderstorms predicted for the week into the weekend with heatwave number 4 coming our way Thursday into the weekend I believe. Hello summer. Glad you were able to get back into the pool yesterday and glad Colin's monitoring info is complete. Good luck. Hope you enjoyed a lazy day yesterday

@canuk-gal I am sorry. I know it had to be a challenging day. Sending comforting thoughts and best wishes

@springerspaniel yay, so happy your presentation went well and hope the rest of your trip was lovely despite being hectic and a lot of travel. You got a lot accomplished and should be proud of yourself

@Slickk big hugs and lots of good wishes. Hope your Tuesday goes very smoothly

@marcy hope you are finding everything you need and each day is easier in the new house and you are loving living there

@mrs-b hope you are enjoying sunny LA...thinking of you

@MamaBee fingers and toes crossed for you

Hello everyone else. We have the appointment with the surgeon this afternoon. I am nervous. But one day at a time. Have a good day girls. Leaving you with a few photos from yesterday

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Have a sweet Tuesday lovely ladies XOXO


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRD’s!

I read everything, but need to get to bed.

We have the main floor of TBE pretty much set up. I can’t find a thing. The basement is coming along. Marty set up my gym down there so I can lift again. We re getting there. And enjoying the view.

Our monthly allotment of hotspot data ran out on both of us yesterday. That was painful trying to work. The internet guy showed up today. I wanted to hug him.

Here is today’s sunset. I’m loving the view here.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy wonderful Wednesday

@marcy gorgeous sunset and gorgeous view. So happy you are happy. And LOL on not being able to find a thing. We haven't moved for a very long time so what's my excuse :lol: Sweet Marty is setting up your gym. I love being able to workout at home. Unfortunately two days ago I don't know what the heck happened and I somehow injured my ankle. Just sitting on the couch with Greg watching a movie Monday night. LOL cannot make this stuff up. I did do the treadmill yesterday despite the ankle pain and fortunately it didn't get worse but it's not better either. Today we cannot cycle due to thundershowers so I am going to attempt the treadmill. Wish me luck. Aging is not for the faint hearted. We not only injure ourselves in our sleep but just sitting down and watching movies too...LOL and OMG Glad the internet guy showed up yesterday in the nick of time too. I have hugged workmen etc before :lol:

@canuk-gal thinking of you

@Slickk hope you are having a lovely week

@springerspaniel hope you are relaxing and enjoying peace and quiet after your hectic work trip and having a good week

@Austina hope you are enjoying the pool and some decent weather

@MamaBee my fingers are crossed for your infusions to be fully covered. D*** insurance companies :angryfire::wall::x2

Hello everyone else. We saw the surgeon yesterday. It was a long day.
We were in the waiting room for over 90 minutes

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But at least they apologized and offered us snacks and water. LOL. The surgeon is always running behind but it's hard to be mad at him. Though if Greg's HPT is back it is most likely because he didn't remove the entire parathyroid in 2021 so in that case I am aggravated but we do not know for sure yet if it is (it probably is) and if it is that same gland as we do have a total of four. So there is a chance it is one of the others. But most likely it is that gland he only removed half of in 2021.

He is having Greg do more tests (as I anticipated) so we won't know anything for a while as the tests are a bit involved. Today thunderstorms but we need to get fresh produce and other food items so we will be busy today. The rest of the week is hot and thunderstorms predicted every day so we shall see how it goes. Have a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies. Be well. Enjoy.

Sharing a photo of Pepsi light. Not to be confused with Pepsi. LOL
But if she keeps eating the way she has been eating she won't be pepsi "light" anymore :)

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

:lol: To Pepsi light @missy, she’s a pretty colour too. Sorry about your ankle, hopefully it won’t get any worse. Ugh to Greg having more tests but keeping everything crossed you get the results back quickly so know how to proceed. Weather here is lovely, I was looking at photos yesterday and this time last year we were in the midst of that awful 100+ weather, and the grass was just straw. Thanks to the rain, everything is looking lush and green.

Glad you’ve finally got your internet sorted out @marcy, the photo is stunning. Hopefully you’ll be all sorted soon, with everything in its place. Good job to Marty getting the gym set up, we know where his priorities lie. Happy to hear you’re happy in your lovely new home.

I’m sorry you had a tough day @canuk-gal, funerals have a way of making us realise how short life it and how unfair it can be.

I hope you’re enjoying your time away @mrs-b and finding some peace.

We’ve been enjoying the pool in cooler temperatures, we’re just dashing off to get the car washed and sign some paperwork at the lawyers.



Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot weather here! Was 21C when I got up! My shift was cancelled so I rode, did errands and went for a walk an had a decaf cold brew. DH golfed. I bought a HUGE watermelon! I could hardly carry it!!!

@missy I hope the tests Greg undergoes provide a solution. 90 minute wait seems standard here LOL. Thank you for your kind words and hope your ankle is on the mend.

@Austina our lawns are dead here. Straw is an apt description--water restrictions and no rain will do that.... My DH had that nuclear cardiac test earlier this year--and it as normal. Hope Colin's is also. Colin got to see a Cardiologist very quickly!

@marcy lovely views! Soon your home will be ship shape. Enjoy!!



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies. Happy August. I hope everyone is doing well and is having a good week

@canuk-gal thank you, I appreciate your good wishes very much. LOL 90 minute wait is unacceptable IMO but we do what we have to do. He did apologize and that's something because in our experience not every physician apologizes. Keeping you in my thoughts daily Sharon. Thank you for my well wishes. My ankle is not better but not worse. This is very weird. We are going cycling today so I am hoping it won't get in the way of that. Happy Thursday and whatever you do may you enjoy it to the max

@Austina glad you are enjoying the pool. It is the best place to be especially in August. Thank you for the well wishes and I have no clue what I did to it. I literally was sitting there watching a movie and bam. Pepsi light is very skittish like Dr Pepper. Unlike Pepsi and Fresca who are used to me and tolerate me for the most part. LOL. I love them so it's hard to explain. My heart is so full of love for them. I just want to take them and keep them safe and happy. Glad the rain is keeping things lush and green by you and what a contrast to last year at this time for sure. Enjoy a terrific Thursday

@Slickk let me know if you love the dress. I sure hope so. It was a whim of a purchase as I never thought it would look good and be decent for that price but yes it was. The only issue is it wrinkles but luckily my dh irons. Because I sure do not lol. Have a wonderful day and enjoy

Thinking of Shelley every single day and missing her. Sad I did not get to say goodbye. Last time we spoke she said she was doing well. But she was in denial. I did not want to believe it so I guess I was in denial about her denial. Anyway my heart hurts thinking of her bright light being gone. I do not believe in the afterlife but I wish it was true and hope I am wrong. It would be comforting to think we do not go away forever and that we can be reunited with our loved ones. But I just don't believe it.

Turns out it did not rain yesterday but it's impossible to predict as the radar showed rain so we did not cycle and then it did not rain. However we got errands accomplished and that was necessary. The weather is crazy. Super hot. Super humid. And thunder at any time. Last night it was lightning and thundering but no rain that I could tell. Today we are hoping to cycle but we shall see. I am unsure about if my ankle can handle it. So weird as it doesn't hurt all the time but there is something not right. It's a sharp pain when I walk and I have to adjust my position but it feels weak and with that sharp pain i have no clue. Day 3 so I am trying not to worry and hope it will sort itself out.

My driver's license expires on August 10th and drat I need a new photo. Last photo I took was years ago because the pandemic delayed a new photo. Here's my old photo. My face had fullness that I appreciate only now that it is gone LOL. Oh what I would give to have that youthful fullness back. And it wasn't even that long ago but wow. My face has thinned and I didn't realize I would miss the fullness

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Leaving you with a photo of Bubbalah that just popped up in my feed. I really have to size her again so I can wear her.

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Enjoy a wonderful first day of August and a terrific Thursday all. Be well. Love you girls. XOXO


Sep 10, 2003
Here's my old photo. My face had fullness that I appreciate only now that it is gone LOL. Oh what I would give to have that youthful fullness back.

You are still beautiful Missy.

I had to get the Real ID card last time I renewed by license and was delighted that I had a good hair day. I'm going to ask if I can keep the picture for the next renewal or at least if they can photoshop my older face with the best hair I've ever had for a driver's license photo :mrgreen2:


Jun 8, 2008
You are still beautiful Missy.

I had to get the Real ID card last time I renewed by license and was delighted that I had a good hair day. I'm going to ask if I can keep the picture for the next renewal or at least if they can photoshop my older face with the best hair I've ever had for a driver's license photo :mrgreen2:

Aww thanks Matata. Glad you had a good hair day when you renewed your driver's license and that you got the Real ID card. I might not be able to because 1. my birth certificate is stuck in the safe in Brooklyn which is unable to be opened at this time and we don't have time to get go there and get a locksmith and 2. my expired passport is there too. I will definitely have to do that at some other time.

As for the driver's license which has to be renewed next week I have accepted my fate. I am just going with my hair back and clean face and that's it. I decided it's not worth the stress for me. I rarely (as in never) have good hair days anymore and well being completely honest here. My face is not what it used to be. But the kitties (and Greg) love me anyway :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls. Sweet JJ has died. My mom and dad's cat...she said he was only 13/14 but Greg seems to remember him being around in 2009 but we cannot be sure of the date. Anyway it really is sad. JJ was such a good and sweet kitty. He was my favorite of my parent's cats and I was always offering to take him LOL. Greg loved him too and felt the same way about him. We think he died in his sleep Wednesday overnight and my mom found him Thursday AM. Ugh. Too much death and tragedy and sadness. Too much.

Sweet handsome JJ. He was such a sweetheart. I loved him so much. I cannot believe he is gone

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JJ sort of had RBF but his personality was sweet as sugar.

@Slickk @marcy @canuk-gal @Austina @MamaBee @springerspaniel @mrs-b and everyone else. Hope all is well. @MamaBee yay on getting the infusions covered. @mrs-b hope you are feeling well and enjoying LA @Slickk how are we in August already...nooooooo going too fast

The heat wave continues. This AM I fed 5 raccoons and their momma and all our feral cats. It's a revolving door of feeding around here. It is constant lol. I just hope the raccoons and the cats don't fight because that would be very bad. I do what I can and place wet food not just in the feeder but on our porch too in order to give them separate areas. It's challenging because they show up around the same time occasionally and I feel stressed making sure everyone gets food. I don't want anyone left out and the issue is some of the cats do not get along and none of them like the raccoons so there's a lot of different personalities involved and some run away when others show so I am doing my best to make sure no one is left out and food is everywhere it can be so they all have it.

So my MacBook air has started acting up and I have had it with their stupid computers giving out after a few years. Yes I have a lot of open tabs and I am not the most computer savvy and I do not know my way around technology but still. Anyway last night we ordered a new one for me but this time custom with the most storage and whatever else (I don't know the technical terms lol) I could maximize so maybe it can handle me a little better haha. Coming by August 12th because it is being customized for me so it's a long wait. In the meantime I got this macbook air in 2021 and apple care has expired and I hope it can at least provide some decent functioning while I wait for the new one. Greg gave me his apple pro but I prefer the air. Of course I loathe change and now I have to get used to another computer when the new one arrives. But just need it to work well. Is that too much to ask? I think I average three years max on each new device. Not a good track record at all. :/

We went cycling yesterday and I was glad to get home. Very sweaty. And the compression sock I was wearing on my affected ankle caused a very intense Schamberg reaction. It would be funny if it wasn't so constant if you kwim. But the Schamberg bleeding doesn't hurt me despite the horrible appearance. Today thunderstorms scattered but we are going to attempt cycling. Wishing you all a terrific Thursday XOXO

Yesterday Greg got sorbet for a cooling effect and we enjoyed the sweet treat inside due to the heat. Have I mentioned it is very hot here? :sun:

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Sunrises Sunsets

Dec 14, 2021
Oh my, Missy. I didn't realize you were feeding raccoons and I suggest you discontinue that activity. Raccoons can carry several diseases including rabies. They also can become aggressive after being fed because they lose their fear of humans and to top it off, they will multiply rapidly. I don't even know if it is legal to feed them.

It is recommended that after feeding your pet or pets outside, you remove the feeding dishes immediately to discourage raccoons from eating the scraps. Also, never corner a raccoon either unintentionally or intentionally. They can be very vicious.

Please be careful for your and the kitties sake.


Jun 8, 2008
Oh my, Missy. I didn't realize you were feeding raccoons and I suggest you discontinue that activity. Raccoons can carry several diseases including rabies. They also can become aggressive after being fed because they lose their fear of humans and to top it off, they will multiply rapidly. I don't even know if it is legal to feed them.

It is recommended that after feeding your pet or pets outside, you remove the feeding dishes immediately to discourage raccoons from eating the scraps. Also, never corner a raccoon either unintentionally or intentionally. They can be very vicious.

Please be careful for your and the kitties sake.

We can’t control it. They’re here. They go after the cat food. I won’t stop feeding the cats so I make sure there’s enough for all
And believe me I don’t go near the raccoons but they are living beings. I won’t harm them

Sunrises Sunsets

Dec 14, 2021
I understand what you are saying. I hope they are not the reason some of your kitties have been limping or injured. Hopefully, they will befriend each other and not spread disease to the cats.


Jun 8, 2008
I understand what you are saying. I hope they are not the reason some of your kitties have been limping or injured. Hopefully, they will befriend each other and not spread disease to the cats.

No. No injuries. No fighting thank goodness. You might have missed my update the next day. She wasn’t limping. So weird because she was limping a month ago too. That healed within a day or two iirc. This time is was 12 hours and the limp was completely gone. If they weren’t feral I’d bring them into the vet because I’m thinking it could be some form of arthritis. Or as Greg thinks she might have gotten something in her paw they worked its way out. I so wish I could get closer and help them when they need it.

When the raccoons see me they run. Even if they just see me at the door. They definitely avoid trouble. Hopefully that’ll continue

Sunrises Sunsets

Dec 14, 2021
I hope it continues too. They are some very lucky ferals to have you feeding them so well.


Sep 26, 2011
@missy I am so sorry to hear about JJ's dying. I know your parents must have given him a wonderful life.


Apr 19, 2004
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