
Now I really did it :((


Jul 17, 2008
Oh, I forgot to ask, how is the weather today? My son is speaking in Red Bank and Holmdel this week.


Aug 18, 2013
Infusion went well - got the i/v in first shot - no bruising at all!


Thank you for all the warm wishes and supportive thoughts - I do appreciate it and feel better already. Slept the afternoon away - (no option on that - they pump me full of a big dose of Benadryl because I once had the beginnings of an allergic reaction - throat closed over slightly) - and managed to throw it off in time for dinner and an evening of packing and watching House. I've had worse days.

@missy, I hope everything is ok with you and that you're just out cycling. oxo

@Austina - great job on the lawn - and I hope the pool was delicious!

@canuk-gal - I'm hoping your shift today was fast and enjoyable.

Love to all the NIRDIs!


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies and happy terrific Thursday!
Sorry I missed wonderful Wednesday.
We both had an endocrinologist appointment in the city at 7AM then got back and went cycling despite the beastly heat and it was very manageable by the ocean thanks to the strong east wind yesterday.

It was a LONG day and Tommy and Bobby are not really eating much again. We gave Tommy Mirtazapine yesterday afternoon and he is eating a little more now but still not much. Waiting to see if we need to give that med to Bobby too.

The heat wave is supposed to break today but, when I went out at 4AM to feed the ferals this morning it was SUPER OPPRESSIVE and HOT. Supposed to rain on and off all day so we will go food shopping because we are basically out of all fresh produce. We have been cycling every day during the heat wave and just had no time to do errands. I definitely would rather go cycling lol

SO relieved your infusion went well @mrs-b !!! Wonderful news!! I love "House"...I used to watch it all the time. I bet I could rewatch the reruns and not remember any of the story so I think that is what I will do lol. Good luck with your continued packing and may you continue to feel better and better

@Slickk hope you are staying cool and comfortable. We have had thunderstorms every single night and I am not a fan. Enjoy a terrific Thursday

@bling_dream19 hugs and thinking of you sweet friend

@MamaBee girl, I am glad treatment has been decided and you are happy with your healthcare team. Sending love and continued healing vibes

@springerspaniel hope you are enjoying July and staying cool and comfortable and all is going smoothly at work and in life

@canuk-gal we are out there cycling in the 100 degree indices lol. I always say if we waited for "good" weather we would hardly ever cycle. BUT, today, is rain rain rain. So errands shall be run and no cycling today. Hope you get to enjoy cycling for the both of us

Hey Missy! Thanks for the Sea Bright post! When I lived there it only had a sea wall, one main beach near a grocery store. Glad to see the nice beach! My daughter just got a kitten I think you will like, her other cat got covid from my daughter last year and died. It took a long time to want another cat but Toby (toe beans) is 10 weeks old.

Oh my!!! @AprilBaby CUTENESS overload!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your DD's sweet new kitty @AprilBaby and I am so sorry for her and your loss :(
Please hug Toby (toe beans haha love it!) from me. And thank you for sharing

The weather here was hot (100 degree indices and 95F actual temps) but by the shore much more comfortable. In the 70s (76 at 2PM to be exact), Very lovely. Hope your son's speaking engagement went well

@Austina thank you., Yes the heat is definitely making everyone lethargic especially the outdoor kitties. Please let this heat break and let the cats all be OK. Including our indoor kitties who are not 100% still. I fear this is Tommy's last hurrah and my heart is hurting. I love him so. He is such a sweet baby. Hope you are enjoying lovely summer weather by the pool and staying comfy.

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well.

@mrs-b I owe you ice cream photos from Tuesday and Wednesday so here you go. I hope you enjoy. XOXO

Tuesday's treat

You can see how it is so hot and the ice cream started melting immediately when brought outside

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Yesterday's treat. Higher temps but felt cooler due to the stronger east wind

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May your Thursday be terrific and sweet in all ways lovely ladies. XOXO


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!

Went out early for a ride--and a nice breeze off the water was very pleasant. Saw some lovely folks and chatted them up. Loved seeing the enthusiastic fisher boys!!! And I love the lazy days of summer where the girlies and boylies are wearing cut offs and drinking cold Starbucks or DQ treats. It is 29C at present and TS are again predicted but doubt they'll materialize.

I had a great shift yesterday.

@missy stay cool and dry! Hope your folks are good and healing vibes to the kitties!
@mrs-b be well and enjoy your break!
@MamaBee hope things are looking up for you medically!
@Austina how are your plants doing? My neighbors roses are spectacular.

OKOKOK I need to stop eating the pistachios and almonds I just bought. Addiction!!



Aug 18, 2013
So these arrived this afternoon. I've posted them in the SMTB forum in the studs thread, but for anyone interested here who didn't want to have to go they are!

2.75ctw, platinum, rounds are ACAs, all colorless, VS-VVS. Made by DKJ. I'm not 100% accurate, but they're roughly 13.5 x 13.5mm.

Last edited:


Jan 24, 2015
Mrs-b, you have done it again!! These earrings are gorgeous!! Wear them in good health for many years…….along with your abundance of other beautiful earrings!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies and happy FriYAY!

@canuk-gal so, the forecast changed and we ended up cycling yesterday and it was delightful. Glad work went well and yummmmmmm to pistachios and almonds. My weaknesses too. Enjoy XOXO

@mrs-b SWOON!!!!! Wear in good health and blingy joy! XOXO

@Slickk hope your week is going super smoothly (((hugs)))

@bling_dream19 happy FriYAY and hope you have a terrific weekend XOXO

@MamaBee hugs and more hugs and bucketloads of healing wishes

@Austina hope your weather has cooled's almost cold here now LOL. Crazy weather (((hugs)))

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well.
So yesterday we decided yes we will go cycling. There was a small rain chance amended from a large rain chance so we went for it. Felt warmish despite the heat wave breaking but after noon it became an east wind (started out as a west wind) and got cooler. We stopped for ice cream and we were enjoying and chatting and we had a nice surprise. A PSer who was getting ice cream recognized me and stopped by our table. I forget her screen name on PS and she said she hasn't been here for a long time but it was lovely to meet her and chat for a bit. LOL this is the second PSer I met eating ice cream. First one was @bling_dream19 :love:

Today a switch was flipped and it is cold outside. Well, not cold but very cool. 50s F. Crazy lol. It is predicted to hit 80 by 3PM I believe. We plan on cycling today and will bundle up :lol:

Fresca enjoying the back yard yesterday and the cooler temps

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Have a friYAY filled with YAY and sweetness and only good things XOXO

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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

It’s cooler here, but hardly cool @missy :lol: It’s ‘only’ 89 degs. Glad all is well with you and you got to meet another PSer!

Absolutely lovely @mrs-b, lots of presence but so wearable.

Yay to a good workday @canuk-gal and getting out and enjoying the sights and sounds.

How’re things going at TBE @marcy, did the closing go without any issues?

We had a torrential downpour yesterday morning, then it cleared up to be a beautiful day. The new parasol bases are working out well, so we’ve been able to spend lots of time outside by the pool.

We did our food shopping yesterday, then spent the afternoon outside, and now we’ve just come in for lunch.

No plans for the weekend, have a great one lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy Caturday Saturday!

@Austina baby steps LOL...and soon enough summer will be over :( I am already seeing end of summer sales. C'mon people. Stop that. It's still only the first third of summer and we have two thirds left. Let's not rush our summer away. Greg said soon we will be seeing Halloween stuff for sale. Sigh

Hello everyone else. @Slickk @canuk-gal @mrs-b @springerspaniel @marcy @MamaBee @bling_dream19 hope everyone enjoyed a good week and is looking forward to a terrific weekend

I started my morning feeding our feral cats. The dynamic between them is hysterical and I am fascinated by each one of our sweet feral kitties. Under Fresca's eye though it is looking worse and I am at a loss as to what to do. Capturing her might cause too much stress for all involved and she does not have an up to date rabies vaccine (when we did TNR on her many years ago she got all the necessary vaccines but they are temporary). So, if we did catch her we would have to get her the rabies vaccine which is very harsh on an elderly cat. There is so much involved here and finding a vet who would treat her will be challenging and with eye issues it's not a one and done. We likely would need to treat her eye multiple times a day. For maybe weeks to months.

So the upshot of this is we are probably not going to try trapping her. And additionally there is another worry with Fresca. I am concerned it is something terminal (cancer maybe ?) growing under her eye. I just don't know. As much as I love the feral cats we cannot treat them exactly the way we treat our indoor kitties who are not feral. It would cause more harm than good (my assessment at this time) to trap Fresca and get a diagnosis and possible treatment plan. Thanks for letting me get it out. I have been struggling with this concern but ultimately I am doing what I feel is best for her and not for me. Because best for me would be to trap her and get her a diagnosis so I know we did all we could. But I truly feel that is too traumatic for her and ultimately the end result would most likely be the same :(

My heart is breaking a little just writing this realizing we cannot fix this whatever it is. She is a living being and was unlucky being born feral. She is no different than our house kitties expect for the fact they got lucky and she did not :( The unfairness of life is something I rally against all the time and while I know that is not wise I cannot help it. But, as usual, I digress. Sorry

We enjoyed a nice long cycling day yesterday but we had a few issues. LOL. Some thingy on the bike broke down and luckily Greg had a spare. BUT believe it or not the other thingy broke down a few hours later while we were still 25 miles away from home. Same part but we have four of them on the bike. It holds tension on the chain. I forget what it is called. We did not have another spare. Long story short Greg worked out a temp solution (he's so clever) thank goodness. Or we would have been stranded. Greg thinks we could call triple A (we are members) but I do not think they'd come for a bike. Maybe. But, IMO, doubtful. Anyway crisis averted and it was a GORGEOUS cycling day yesterday. Hoping for more of the same today. Minus the breakdowns lol

Have I shared a photo of Shasta? She is such a pretty girl

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May your Caturday Saturday be as sweet as you and may you enjoy furry babies, fun activities and lots of love this weekend

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Have a wonderful weekend lovely ladies XOXO

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Apr 19, 2004

LOL @missy I got an email from Williams Sonoma about Halloween stuff! :rolleyes: Sorry about your bike, you are having your fair share of bike woes this season. We have AMA and they do bike rescues.

Had an early ride and an iced Americano. LOL. Talked to some nice folks along the way. MY DH was too tired to go, he golfed 3 days this week (I think that is too much)



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy big and small dog Sunday!

We had a great cycling day yesterday and no mishaps on the bike LOL. Greg changed all four (actually 8 for both sides) parts and the ride went very smoothly. We hope to hit 4K miles this month. A few hundred left to go so it depends on the weather. Next week so far they are predicting thunderstorms (here we go again) starting Tuesday through Friday. That would mean no cycling but we shall see.

@canuk-gal yay for cycling. I know golf lovers golf all the time so not sure if three times a week is too much but I hear you, If it wears him out he should take a day off and go cycling with you :) Oh no LOL Halloween already. OMG. Why do they rush the summer away? I don't mind rushing winter away however :lol: Interesting that your AMA does bike rescues. Maybe triple A would? I hope never to have to find out though LOL. Hope you have a great Sunday sweet Sharon XOXO

@Slickk @bling_dream19 @mrs-b @springerspaniel @Austina @marcy and everyone else. Hey. Hope you are all enjoying a terrific weekend. All my love...XOXO

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In honor of big and small dog Sunday

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Apr 19, 2004

Just made my greek salad. Craving it! 32C today so we rode early. Hot week ahead.

@missy oh yes golfing is an addiction! My DH arthritis wears him out, so 3 days in a row is just too much. But he only did 9 holes on Friday--with our DS. They had fun despite the heat. Glad your bike is intact--may it stay that way! Hope your folks are well.

Shout out to the NIRDIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Feb 27, 2007

@MamaBee keeping you in my thoughts

@missy I hate to hear the kitties still not eating much. Good deal Greg got the washing machine working. Sorry to hear it’s been so hot there and you’re getting thunderstorms. Too cool to meet a PS’er eating ice cream. I am so sorry about Fresca, hoping she’s okay. Yay for hitting 4K.

@mrs-b I hope you are feeling better. Your remodel sounds like a good idea based on how much company you get. I hope that goes smoothly. I love your new earrings. They are gorgeous.

@Austina great idea to get your parasols welded in place. I’ve heard pergola are pricey.

@canuk-gal I’m glad you enjoyed riding. My dad loved to fish too. He’d go several times a week. I think he enjoyed the peace and quiet of it. Good deal your shift went well.

@AprilBaby what an adorable kitty.

What a busy week. The buyers of our house were going to back out on Thursday, but it finally worked out. The movers loaded up a truck load on Wednesday night, we put things in the garage on Thursday morning and the builder let us in about 1 p.m. that day. So, we spent the night in TBE estate that night. Friday was finishing moving out and cleaning our house, closings and then moving in to TBE. Overall, things went well. We had friends help us this weekend which was a HUGE help.

I had to contact the builder on Saturday. Neither the dish washer or refrigerator were hooked up to water yet. No ice, water in the dispenser and no way to wash dishes. At least the washing machine worked.

We are both frazzled and been working long days. Marty definitely more so than me. We have most of the upstairs done and some of the basement done. We can’t find ANYTHING yet. And the high speed internet they advertise for this area remains elusive. The contact for them quit and the new guy won’t call anymore back. Since our address is new construction, your call the company or go online, and they claim service isn’t available in your area. Joy! We’re both using our Verizon hot spots, but they’ll start reducing speeds on that once we reach a certain usage.

I am enjoyed TBE. And even got some of my teddy bears out today. Yay. And my rings. Speaking of which, one of the moving mishaps was our safe fell right on its face on the driveway. Broke that door wide open. Marty has NOT checked his watched yet. I think he doesn’t want to know if they got broke. I had put each piece of jewelry in a plastic bag, then put them in a padded tote bag. They all looked good and only one chain had a knot in it. Yay.

My knees are sore enough that I have a hard time falling asleep. Then we’ve been getting up at 5. I’m working again tomorrow. Marty is not going back to work until Tuesday.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning lovely ladies and it's (how did you get here so fast) marvelous Monday!

@canuk-gal yes golf is an addiction. We have friends who love golfing. I thought one day maybe we would but does not look like it. Though I adore miniature golfing but that doesn't count LOL. Yummm Greek Salad. I am sorry about your dh's arthritis. Greg has it pretty bad in his back. Our bone specialist was like whoa. Glad you got to ride and early is the way to beat the heat. Sweet.

@marcy wow you got so much accomplished in a very busy week and congratulations! I am sure everything will sort itself out. Such is the nature of moving but before you know it everything will be working right and you will find all that is missing. I remember those days of living with half our stuff in boxes. LOL when I moved to the first apartment I bought the bed was not even there yet and I had to sleep on the floor. But I was in my twenties and our bodies could take it a lot better than lol. I am glad you are enjoying TBE. And the teddy bears too. I am glad none of your bling got broken and hope Marty's watch is intact and working fingers crossed. I am sorry your knee is sore and I hope you wake with it feeling all better and that the fridge and dishwasher are working soon. I hear you on frazzled and hopefully soon you can just relax in peace and quiet in your lovely new home. Mazel Tov!

@Slickk good morning from the Twilight Zone...LOL not...when will sanity prevail?

@bling_dream19 hope you enjoyed a terrific weekend

@Austina hope the pool is keeping you cool and comfy

@MamaBee big hugs and continued healing wishes

@mrs-b I hope you are in sunny LA and feeling well. Sending love and hugs and well wishes your way

@springerspaniel happy Monday..have a good week

We enjoyed a lovely cycling day yesterday. This week is very unsettled weather wise so not sure we will get much cycling in but we shall see. Hoping today is a cycling day but I have not yet checked. It was a busy morning. The ferals are taking up a lot of my time but it is a labor of love and I feel privileged to help however I can. But it is a time suck lol. A time suck I am happy to experience. Looks like once again my endo's office messed up my labs. Cannot make this stuff up. Maintaining perspective but no one hates doing labs more than me and it's ironic I have to repeat them. Oh well. And he did not even apologize. Yet. We will see if he does. All this and 500$ an appointment now that he no longer accepts any insurance. So for Greg and me it's 4K a year if we continue seeing him every three months. IDK. I just don't know.

Anyway on to more cheery things. Have a marvelous Monday lovely ladies. Enjoy. Be well. XOXO

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Aug 18, 2013
Hi everyone! :wavey:|

Not in LA yet, but currently on the plane and about a quarter of the way there.

I dislike flying and find it horribly tedious and uncomfortable. Will be sooooo glad to see the San Gabriel mountains and get my feet on the ground! Will be in the pool this afternoon!

Difficult to type - it's a bit bumpy - so greetings and hugs to you all and wishing you a marvelous Monday!

@missy - they screwed up your labs AGAIN?? It just beggars belief. Hoping they get it sorted out for you next time!



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Hope the rest of the flight went smoothly @mrs-b and you’re back on Terra Firma. How long are you going to be away?

Oy @marcy, why on earth did the buyers say they were going to drop out? I thought the way things were done here is that they were committed at that point and that was it. In the UK a buyer can pull out right up until exchange of contract which is usually a couple of weeks before completion, but once exchange has taken place, they’ll lose a lot of money if they do. Glad it all worked out, but must’ve been worrying until it was all done. I sympathise with the unpacking, we had 255 boxes when we moved here :lol: I hope you’ll be very happy in your lovely new home.

Oy @missy, what is it with these people that they can consistently mess things up? Good grief, you’d think they’d be doing this so often that they’d be experts. Glad you had a lovely day cycling and even lovelier ice cream afterwards. Please don’t beat yourself up about the ferals, you do far more than anyone could reasonably expect, and their lives are much better because of you.

We fully intended to get back to playing golf this year, but then I had the problem with my shoulder, so that went out of the window @canuk-gal . 3 days on the trot would be enough to wear anyone out, let alone your poor DH. Woohoo to good temperatures, welcome to my world :mrgreen: I say that but it’s actually cooler this week, ‘only’ in the 80’s this week with a chance of rain.

We had a lovely weekend weather wise, so were in the pool a lot, and spent a couple of hours FT our friends yesterday, Can wait till they’re here in September.

Can’t believe we’re already in to another week, where’s the time going?



Apr 19, 2004
Lot of tears and sadness today. Lost a friend to cancer. Such a good and kind man, too young, too soon. Difficult typing this.


Feb 27, 2007

@missy yes feeding the kitties is a labor of love and you are certainly making their life easier. That is kind of rotten you have to pay for repeat labs. I’m noticing doctors here are no longer accepting insurance. That is pretty rotten. Can you submit claims and they at least reimburse the out of network amount? They make those forms so stinking confusing probably with the hope people won’t fill them out.

@mrs-b I am not a fan of flying either. I hope you made it to the pool.

@Austina I think people can back out at closing. They seemed like high maintenance people from afar. The buyers were mad because our realtor was offering $5,000 toward closing costs. They were paying cash so their closing costs were $800. They thought they’d get that entire amount. The two realtors re-worked the contract so they got the entire 5K. Yes, we’ll get there someday on unpacking and everything in its place. We are already enjoying TBE though. Glad you had some cooler weather.

@canuk-gal I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Keeping you and his family and friends in my thoughts.

Marty got up at 3:30 and I woke up. About 4:30 - when I hadn’t fallen asleep yet - he called me because he locked himself out of the house. I went to the front door. Nope. Then tried the garage door and there he was. He got his keys and headed to the gym. I stayed up and tried to work after I got around. That was interesting on my hotspot. If I left the room with my phone, the connection was cut. I had to stop and help Marty point the satellite dish for several hours. Turns out the connectors he had on the coax cable were bad. He went and bought a new cable with connectors and we had it pointed in no time. Yay. I had to run a check to the title company, they called me on Friday saying we had money coming from the sale of our house. Today she called and said - sorry, we need most of that back. So I had to run them a check. I tried to work when I got home but was too tired. About then they called me saying my sunglasses were ready to pick up, so I headed out again. Since I was hungry, I stopped and ate supper. I did organize a few drawers today. It’s quite smoky here. The Thunderbirds arrived for their show on Wednesday. They flew right over our house a few times, but were hard to follow lower in the sky, due to the smoke and my vision. They should be decent to watch from here Wednesday. Yay.

Take care.


Aug 18, 2013

Finally in Cali and fully unpacked. I just wanted to say - I get this same look on my face increasingly, the older I get. Whatever that dog is thinking, I can empathize!

New bedroom/bathroom project back in MA has generated a gazillion issues and questions. Tim said he is NEVER letting me go away again when there's a house project happening.

@marcy - on what basis could your buyers even consider backing out at this point in a sale? That must have been shockingly stressful for you! I'm so sorry! Glad, of course, that it worked out in the end, but - gees louise! And - welcome to the TBE! I hope you and Marty have many happy years there. :wavey:

@Austina - I'm here for 6 weeks this time and Tim and Eleanor will be over for a few days at the 4 week mark. It's David's 60th birthday in August, so Wendy is coming out as well and we're having a week of celebrations - followed by a less pleasant week of packing and giving this gorgeous townhouse back to the landlord. It's been a wonderful three years, from that perspective.

And @canuk-gal - hugs and warm wishes to you on the loss of your friend. I'm so sorry. ox The older I get, the more this is happening in my life, too. Life's too short.

Love to all the NIRDIs!


Jun 8, 2008
Lot of tears and sadness today. Lost a friend to cancer. Such a good and kind man, too young, too soon. Difficult typing this.

I’m so sorry for your loss Sharon :(

I’ll be back later lovely ladies. XO


Jun 8, 2008
Good afternoon girls and happy Tuesday... It’s been a busy day and I am pretty tired as I had trouble sleeping last night.

@marcy well, the endocrinologist called me at 7AM this morning LOL and couldn't have been nicer. He is a very sweet man (most of the time) but gawd his office makes lots of mistakes and of course we pay the price. Long story short he swore he added all the missing labs and thinks we have sufficient blood to run them but we shall see. I am glad he called me and I feel calmer no matter if I have to repeat some but at least I won't be repeating over a dozen that he (his staff) initally left off the requisition. I am tired of running labs. As I know you know and girl I am tired of doctors. As I know many of us are. Hope you are loving your new sunglasses and oh no Marty locked himself out and woke you up. And sorry about you needing to write a check instead of getting that money into your account. Isn't that always the way. Glad you both figured out how to make the satellite work. Everything is so complicated isn't it? I am ready for easy but that rarely happens. Challenges abound and easy is a mere concept and nothing I have experienced in real life. LOL

@Austina thank you. Yes when I use my head I know we are doing all we can but in my heart I want to do more. Thanks for sharing my frustration with the doctors and their staff. Hopefully it's straightened out but we shall see. How is your shoulder doing? I am glad you enjoyed a beautiful weekend. We have thundershowers here predicted every single day this week so far. Such is summer here. Hope you are having a good day and enjoying the pool

@mrs-b so happy for you finally in Cali and may the next 6 weeks be glorious and filled with fun, adventures and good health and peace. And LOL glad you are not back in MA dealing with all that. Good luck to Tim and may it go as smoothly as possible. I cannot wait to see what you are having done and the finished job. I hope it turns out exactly as you envision it

@canuk-gal my heart goes out to you. It seems at times that only the good die young. I am sincerely sorry for your loss and my deepest condolences dear girl. (((Hugs)))

@Slickk hope your week is going well

@bling_dream19 thinking of you

@MamaBee girl, hoping everything from here on in goes super smoothly.

Hello everyone else.
We just came home from errands and this AM I had my allergist appointment. How that man continues messing up calling in the correct dosing for my RXs I will never understand. I feel like managing my drs and meds etc is a full time job. Not kidding.

Anyway we almost went cycling but it was sprinkling when we got back from the doctor and the forecast was unsettled. Instead we ran much needed errands and I feel like we accomplished a lot.

Have a lovely afternoon and evening ladies. XOXO

Ice cream for @mrs-b and anyone else wanting a sweet treat

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Baby raccoon sighting

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Oliver and Tommy say hello and may the rest of your week be purrrrrfect
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Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!

Just a quick note--as I didn't sleep well either and am pooped. I couldn't go back to sleep this AM after thinking of our friend and his suffering. But we did go for an early ride--to clear my head. And it is 33C here--so we needed to g out early. Had some ice cream.



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

@canuk-gal I’m so sorry about your friend, how awful for you all. Trite as it sounds, I hope he’s at peace now that his suffering is over, that is the only thing that brings a little comfort in these circumstances. Your temps are officially hotter than here!

Sounds like you’re going to be in for fun times before you give up the townhouse @mrs-b . Isn’t that always the way when you start a project, always more hassle than you expect.? Fingers crossed the problems aren’t insurmountable.

I’m hope all the aggravation hasn’t taken the bloom off of your lovely new home @marcy. Goodness, it must’ve been a surprise getting a call so early and having to play Hunt the Marty! We ate pizza for 4 days when we moved in here, I just wanted to get the boxes unpacked as quickly as possible and didn’t have time to cook.

Love the picture of the boys @missy, and the cute little racoon. Are the older boys still eating? My shoulder is ‘almost’ OK, thanks for asking, but there are times it hurts, but I just get on with it as there’s no alternative. Sorry about the blood work woes, fingers crossed you don’t have to go back and have more blood drawn.

Add me to the list of not sleeping well last night. Yesterday evening, Colin’s heart rate dropped like a stone, he has an ECG monitor and it was spiking all over the place. He said he felt OK, and strangely his BP was OK, when he took it, but of course it’s worrying and I found myself listening out during the night to make sure he was still breathing :oops2: We’ve just got back from the Drs, she took another ECG and it was still spiking, but his BP was OK, but his resting heart rate was low. He’s already made an appt to see the cardiologist on Thursday, so not long to wait. Fortunately, the cardiologist has moved to DS, so only 5 mins from home. Hopefully it’ll just be a change of meds to sort out the problem. Oy!

Take care lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Aug 18, 2013
@Austina - I'm sorry to hear about Colin's issues. I hope they can figure them out and resolve them very soon.

I'm going to take a little time away from my computer. I knew Shelley's death was coming, but even so, it's hit me very hard. She was a genuine friend of mine and her loss is substantial to me. I'm finding it very difficult to be on these boards where her presence was so real to me and a genuine comfort.

I'll be back shortly and I hope all of you are safe and well and enjoying your summer.



Feb 24, 2017
Thanks @mrs-b. I’m so sorry about Shelley, I know I didn’t ‘know’ her, but I feel very sad that such a lovely young woman has gone. Life’s very unfair, take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good luck to Colin today @Austina as you know Greg has a cardiology appointment too. And what I have not yet shared is that Greg's HPT is back. Cannot make this stuff up though 3.5 years ago I predicted this because the surgeon only removed part of one parathyroid. He should have removed the entire gland as we have a total of 4. We are seeing the surgeon next week. Wishing Colin a good appointment and may it all go smoothly. TY for asking about the kitties. Tommy and Bobby are still not quite right. I would not be surprised if g-d forbid in the near future it is their time. I cannot think about it right now though. I could not sleep last night given the news of Shelley's death and my heart is so heavy.

@marcy hope your internet is on soon

@Slickk Hugs and more hugs

@canuk-gal thinking of you

@MamaBee love you and so happy for a bit of good have no idea how happy you made me yesterday (before we found out the devastating news about Shelley)

Forgive me for not posting more. I am devastated about Shelley's (senseless) death. Yesterday I was going through all our texts together and all the many photos she sent me of her and Tom and the tears would not stop. I spoke with her dh Tom who said the most kind things. I will cherish her memory forever. And carry her in my heart. She was the sweetest kindest person who put everyone before her. I will not share my thoughts about her death but I am angry

I love you girls and want you to know how grateful I am for your friendship through all these years. Thank you for sticking with me and thank you for your love and support and most of all your true friendship. That is rare these days. Sending love and hugs and well wishes


Jun 8, 2008
Grief is the last act of love we give to our loved one. Where there is deep grief there is great love. Grief is a great rite of passage, it is a hero's journey of courage, of sacred battles, sorrow, love, joy and loss. Through the darkness of grief we can see the light of love which transcends death. And with the pain can come gratitude for the gift of time we had, the love that was shared and the power to become a better person because they loved us.


Mar 31, 2018
Hi everyone..I just wanted to say I’m sorry I’ve been gone. I haven’t been reading what’s going on with your lives..I hope to be in shape to come back after a month or so. I still have pain that will not go away but I’m hoping to get a good dosage of meds that will make me more comfortable.

Hollian and Missy both told me about Shelley. It’s such devastating news. She was such a sweet person. It was such a shock to know she’s gone..:cry2:

I got my diagnosis about two weeks ago Wednesday..It’s not good. I wrestled whether I should post it here..but decided there’s no reason I shouldn’t. PS is a family..It’s called Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder..or NMO..The disease now has treatments that can keep the attacks from attacking my spinal cord and brain..causing more damage and pain. Five years ago..the treatments weren’t very effective. It would have been most likely terminal becauce the attacks keep attacking different areas along the spinal cord affecting different systems .. An FDA treatment came out that has a very high success rate of preventing relapses. If I can tolerate the infusions..I have a good chance I will be around for a long while. I’m very scared..about the disease and the infusions..but determined to do everything I can to try to prevent relapses. Mine was caught early because I mentioned I had hiccups during attack of prolonged vomiting and nausea to a neurologist who was giving me an EMG.. He ordered blood tests..I was Aquaporin-4 positive..So…I have to get a super duper Meningococcal vaccine at least two weeks before the infusion. An RN has to give it to me because of the dose. I’ll be getting it
tomorrow. The vaccine was delivered to my house in a cold pack like they do for the covid vaccine..I had to put it into my fridge..I sent a photo to my son..He said it looks like a turkey. :lol: I will start reading posts backwards..Just know I think of you all often..❤️
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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Honestly @missy, I didn’t even know Shelley IRL and I just feel so upset she’s gone, she was always such a positive influence on PS. Despite the horrors she must’ve been going through, she took the time to wish me happy birthday a few weeks ago. I’m sorry that Greg is facing more surgery for his HPT, and good luck for his cardio visit today. You took the words right out of my mouth about our PS friendship.

@MamaBee, it’s so lovely hear from you. I’m sorry that you’ve got a long road ahead of you, but I’m glad you’ve finally got a diagnosis so you know what you’re dealing with. The new treatment plan sounds very encouraging, although I don’t doubt it won’t be much fun. Approaching it with a positive attitude is the way to go - we all want you to be around for a long time! We all think of you often and only want the best for you, please never worry about sharing, we’re here for you.

We’re just having a quick lunch before we go for Colin’s appt., hoping the Cardiologist will be able to sort things out. This aging lark is a b*gga, and I don’t even want to think about life without him.

Take care lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!

Lot of news and PS sadness in the air. Hope peeps are taking care and looking after each other.

kind regards--Sharon
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