
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy wonderful Wednesday!

@marcy oopph I hate it when that happens...wish you could have filled out the form and been put right at the head of the line. Hope your TBE visit went well and that you enjoyed your dinner out afterwards. I'm sorry one of your nieces still doesn't have power back. Always challenging but with a toddler and baby on the way even more so especially in this heat. Glad they can hang out in the library with AC. I am sure you will start packing again so do not worry. You are always so productive and one thing at a time girl. You got this.

@Austina whew, glad your internet is back. Always difficult when it goes down. One of the reasons I got the LTE iPad (not sure that is the correct term) because when internet (wireless) goes down here I can usually still get onto it through the LTE. Good luck to Colin with his new iPad. Sweet he was able to get the one he wanted and hope the set up goes smoothly. Sending Colin big happy and healthy birthday wishes...I get did all these years pass by so quickly...I remember being 34 like it was yesterday

@Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @mrs-b @springerspaniel @MamaBee and everyone else, good morning! Hope all is well.

Tommy is still sneezing up a storm poor baby and Bobby is sneezing too but so far not as much. And Gracie and Oliver not yet. Fingers crossed they all continue eating. My sister said a virus can last up to two weeks ugh.

I got up super early and at 4AM fed the outdoor kitties who were all waiting for me. It is so HOT out right now. Unreal. The humidity must be almost 100%. Oppressive. I worry about the kitties as this heat is not easy for humans or animals.

We enjoyed cycling yesterday despite the heat (east wind thank you) and hope today is OK to cycle as well. We shall see. Greg has an US this morning so we cannot get an early start. And then we are expecting storms through the weekend and then another heat wave starting Sunday and this heat wave we are experiencing is not yet over lol. "They" said it would be a hot summer. "They" were right.

This helps with the heat and it started melting almost immediately..heat indices 100-115F. That is, IMO, HOT

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OK so I have something to share that I find outrageous. I have spoken to a few good friends about this and they all agree. Curious what you all think. We have a good friend who is getting married in the fall. He is an MD. He is 65. He is marrying an NP. Who has a 13 yo son. She is in her early 40s. They set up a go fund me for the honeymoon and the wedding and everything in between. OVER 700K worth of gifts (my friend added it up lol). The bride"ZILLA" is insisting the guests not just wear black tie (which is A OK by me...I love back tie events) but, and this is a big freakin but IMO, the women MUST wear ALL black. No color. She specified the men must wear tuxedos (again that is fine) with a black or white dress shirt. BUT the women have to wear ALL BLACK floor or ankle length gowns. OK. Cmon. If I was in the bridal party I get it. BUT girl, I am just a guest! I think that is outrageous. If I am buying a new floor length gown I think it is super rude to mandate the color as a guest at the wedding. I mean the honey fund and wedding fund and all the funds in between are tacky enough IMO but then to say you HAVE to wear ALL BLACK. That is just OTT. IMO

Oh and one of my friends who agrees it is outrageous found some dresses for me LOLOLOL
These were my favorites out of the dresses she chose for me. I mean if I go I will choose a very beautiful dress. Not sure I want to go though. It's a friday night too. I mean cmon. And it's a two day affair with breakfast the next morning. But, OK, maybe I am biased but if you are doing a HUGE black tie affair and asking guests to fund your honeymoon and wedding and everything in between, friday night is NOT ideal. Traffic is a bear on Friday late afternoon (wedding at 530PM) and people are working OK. Cmon. The whole thing turns me off. And that's OK. I do not have to go. Still deciding.

Here are the top contenders :)

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Enjoy a wonderful Wednesday lovely ladies..stay cool. Be well. XOXO

ETA OR I can just wear what I want...something like this ;-)



Aug 18, 2013
Good lord. I wouldn't go - and I mean that sincerely - not one chance I'd be turning up for that or remaining friends afterwards, either. I think that sort of thing shows a level of entitlement that's nauseating. I refuse to give money as gifts to ANYone. If I want to give a gift - I'll choose one, buy it, wrap it, and hand deliver it or have it delivered. I'm not just going to ZELLE you. Good grief. This stuff has gotten so out of hand. Which is not to say I don't give money to friends - I do. But that's private and has nothing to do with a public GoFundMe.

Buy the red dress. Get Greg to take you into the city. Stay at the Four Seasons in a suite. Never see these people again.

(It's hot here and I'm crabby - can you tell?)
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy I wouldn’t go to that wedding. That’s a bit much. I understand a lot of people set up a go-fund-me for their honeymoon. I didn’t know they were doing that for their wedding. Of course, anymore weddings cost a fortune. I hope the kitties get over their colds and wow you are out feeding the ferals very early. I hope the rains from Beryl aren’t too bad by the time they get there.

@mrs-b I always think “ooh” every time I see your pretty blue halo ring. Stay cool.

The inspection report came in. Some was valid, some was petty. They simply want $2100 off and they’ll fix them themselves. We accepted. Onward and I best get packing again.

Supposedly they are working on TBE feverishly this week. Not. We are getting our walk through on Saturday at 2 p.m. We’ve gone out most days since Friday and haven’t found anyone working on it. They haven’t painted the outside yet either and it’s afternoon/evening rainy season.

I got three more videos ready today to record audio. I need to get them all done and scheduled through the 24th so I can pack my mic.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Here’s my flowers this summer. We are leaving them here.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls, forgive me as I received bad news yesterday health wise about a dear friend and do not want to go into details at this time. But I am really not in the mood to post. I will share some photos though because that is easier to do than write my feelings. Have a wonderful day lovely ladies. Be well.

But first, @mrs-b @marcy I agree with everything you wrote. It's hard to reconcile because Greg is good friends with him (since 1976)...He is not a bad person but I am confused as to his behavior. I will not blame the bride 100% because he is going along with it. So disappointing. I am so tired of being disappointed in people. NO I am far from perfect but this behavior of entitlement and more is just mind boggling to me

@marcy sorry they dinged you on petty things but glad you are moving forward and soon this will all be behind you and life will be sweet. Gorgeous flowers. XOXO

@mrs-b ha, I love the way you think and if that red dress wasn't 2400$ I would get it! But the night out you suggested? YES. YES we will and thank you for suggesting it. So looking forward to our catching up later...XOXO

From this AM

Look closely..two cats are in the background (Fresca and Pepsi after they had their morning feast)

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Speaking of feast...our well deserved ice cream mid cycle during yesterday's heat wave

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Stay cool and comfy lovely ladies. (((((HUGS)))))


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I’m sorry that your friend is suffering health woes @missy, and I hope, whatever it is, it can be dealt with. How are the kitties doing, hopefully recovering from their colds. I am just :-o at the sheer nerve of these people expecting others to pay for their wedding and then telling you what you can and can’t wear. It’s a big HELL NO from me, I wouldn’t be going or continuing to have contact with them. The man’s an MD, surely he’s not short of a bob or two (as we say! :lol: ). I echo everything @mrs-b and @marcy have said. I just can’t get over people feeling so entitled. If you want to get married and can afford it, fine, do it, but to have an over the top wedding and expect others to fund it, wow, just wow. What’s the world coming to?

It sounds like you’ve got off relatively lightly @marcy, and at this stage, it’s just not worth quibbling over the money. No doubt it’s annoying that they’ve pointed out silly, petty things, but you’ve got your lovely new home to look forward to. I too had to leave all my beautiful pots behind that were looking spectacular when we left. They would’ve have all had to have been sanitised in order to bring them, and we had enough to do.

It’s hot and I’m crabby too @mrs-b. We’ve just spent time putting together another pool cover reel, and of course, it’s never simple. Anyway it’s done. How’re you feeling?

Yesterday the weather was perfect, not too hot so we spent a lot of time in the pool in the morning. I can’t remember if I mentioned that we’ve been watching the 6 parter on Peacock called the Tattooist of Auschwicz? It was very good, of course horrific, but very well done. Harvey Keitel played the part of Lale Sokolov. I also have the book, which I’ve just read. Extremely well written and just fills you with awe at how people survived the atrocities they suffered. The thing I particularly liked about the book was the ‘extras’. The Sokolov’s son writes about his childhood, and the author recounts how she went to Auschwicz and to Lale’s home town. All this to say, it’s definitely worth a read, even if you can’t face the programme (which is very graphic).

We went to Trivia last night, and they sang Happy Birthday to Colin. Every week the overall winners get a banana trophy (for being the top bananas) and Colin got to wear a banana crown :lol: It was fun.

We’re off to do the food shopping now, after a very cold shower to cool us down.

Thinking of you all and sending big love and hugs. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

@missy I am sorry to hear about your friend. Hoping things work out for them. I enjoyed seeing the kitties post dining. I'm such a rotten person, I was thinking if you go to that wedding get a really obnoxious, multi-color dress. But, seriously, I wouldn't go. That's just me.

@Austina definitely what you said about affording weddings. Marty became unemployed after we ordered our wedding invitations, so we changed our plans to a much smaller shindig. We printed invitations on a dot matrix printer with a blue ink ribbon. We changed our reception to the afternoon with cake, tea and punch. Got married in a Gazebo in the park, rather than renting some place. We made it work for our budget. And didn't ask - or expect - anyone else to help pay for it. I asked my mom later if they were worried about me marrying someone that wasn't working. She said she knew Marty would land on his feet. The company he was working for wanted him to put in an extra 10 hours a week, but even though he was hourly, they said they wouldn't pay him for those extra hours. He said no, so they fired him. That program Tattooist of Auschwicz sounds quite good. I'd watch it, if I had Peacock. Any pictures of Colin with his banana crown? I had this big purse that was a banana shape, and yes, bright yellow. It was about 18-20 inches long. It was GREAT for my knitting needles. I wore it out though.

I did get some work done today. I swear. I am trying to get my video shorts done through about the 25th so I don't have to worry about them on the days I'm taking off. Plus, I want to pack up my office, including the microphone.

Marty and I each worked on notifying some places about our upcoming move and checked quite a few things off our to do list. We are having a walk-through of TBE on Saturday afternoon, so we made a long list of things to check. We ran by there this afternoon. Someone was working inside and someone was working outside caulking everything so they could paint.

I have avoided packing since Friday, so I guess i'll go start on my closet. Ugh. Just think, One week and one day, and we'll be in TBE.

Take care.


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoying lovely weather here and had a nice ride today. DH was tired since he golfed 2 days this week in the he cut his ride short. But he had ice cream!!! LOL

Found some rainier cherries but MANOMAN were they pricy!!! Had to have them tho.... Had a lovely shift yesterday--I wish work was always like that!!!



Sep 26, 2011

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoying lovely weather here and had a nice ride today. DH was tired since he golfed 2 days this week in the he cut his ride short. But he had ice cream!!! LOL

Found some rainier cherries but MANOMAN were they pricy!!! Had to have them tho.... Had a lovely shift yesterday--I wish work was always like that!!!


I LOVE Rainier cherries @canuk-gal !


Feb 27, 2007

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoying lovely weather here and had a nice ride today. DH was tired since he golfed 2 days this week in the he cut his ride short. But he had ice cream!!! LOL

Found some rainier cherries but MANOMAN were they pricy!!! Had to have them tho.... Had a lovely shift yesterday--I wish work was always like that!!!


@canuk-gal - Mmm cherries. I am glad you had lovely weather.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy friYAY!

@Austina trivia sounds like fun and so does wearing the banana crown. Glad Colin enjoyed a wonderful birthday and wishing him many many more. We don't get Peacock but I will look into the movie "Tattooist of Auschwitz"..though I generally no longer watch movies about the Holocaust because it's too upsetting especially given the fact history seems to be repeating itself. The brainwashed masses are very very scary and they are so ignorant. Unaware how this will affect their freedom. Truly SMH at their ignorance but they will see if this path continues. I will hate thinking I told them all so but I sure did. We all tried. And I am with you. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? How to fix it? Tragic really. Some people are not self aware in the least.

@marcy thank you. You're not a rotten person. I thought the same thing. I am not attending. Hopefully Greg will make the right decision. I know you have a lot to do but you are making progress. One day at a time. Before you know it you will be eating bon bons relaxing in your new backyard. :)

@canuk-gal yummmmmm I adore Ranier cherries. They are so delish. Enjoy!

@mrs-b have a terrific time in California and I will be thinking wonderful thoughts for you every single day...and of course for the next 7 weeks to go super smoothly. Big hugs dear girl. And so many hugs and kisses to your sweet furry babies...especially Ballin

@springerspaniel I hope you are remaining cool during this very hot summer. We are getting a (very short) break in the heat wave til Sunday...rain all day today. Have a great FriYAY and an even better weekend

@bling_dream19 girl, hope you are doing as well as possible and you remain in my thoughts. Every day. Sending you big hugs and healing vibes

@Slickk I hope you are having a wonderful week and looking forward to a wonderful weekend. Stay dry. Stay cool.

@MamaBee girl, you remain in my thoughts and prayers and I am here for you...big hugs and bucketloads of healing vibes sweet friend

Hello everyone else. Hope all is well. We cycled yesterday and it was hot til noon when the wind thankfully shifted to the east. Whew. We did cool off with ice cream of course lol. The kitties are still sneezing and there was blood on our comforter and sheets (that we just washed typical) so now I am concerned with which cat is bleeding when they sneeze. I have to text my sister. It's never ending. But one day at a time right?

This is for our dear wonderful @mrs-b
from yesterday

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And for you again @mrs-b a quick retrospective of some of the ice cream we've enjoyed over the years

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Hope you enjoy...and one person! XOXO to all the NIRDIs. May your friYAY be sweet and filled with good cheer

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Aug 18, 2013
Your ice cream retrospective made me cry. Literally. My neck completely spasmed up this morning and I now can't turn my head at all and have massive ringing in my ears. I won't elaborate, but suffice to say, an ice cream retrospective was a shot of pure joy at a much needed moment!

Hugs to you, AG. oxo


Sep 10, 2003
The kitties are still sneezing and there was blood on our comforter and sheets (that we just washed typical) so now I am concerned with which cat is bleeding when they sneeze.

Feline Herpes? All my cats have it in spite of being vaccinated. Only Maliik has chronic symptoms. His poor eyes get irritated and he sometimes develops ulcers on his corneas. Bloody snot is common at my place.


Jun 8, 2008
Feline Herpes? All my cats have it in spite of being vaccinated. Only Maliik has chronic symptoms. His poor eyes get irritated and he sometimes develops ulcers on his corneas. Bloody snot is common at my place.

Thanks Matata, maybe. When we got Oliver he had a horrible eye infection. A corneal ulcer and I wondered if it was herpetic in origin. We never got a definitive diagnosis from the vet ophthalmologist as far as I can remember. I think that is a possibility. How do you treat Malik and the others when they are experiencing bloody sneezes?


Jun 8, 2008
Your ice cream retrospective made me cry. Literally. My neck completely spasmed up this morning and I now can't turn my head at all and have massive ringing in my ears. I won't elaborate, but suffice to say, an ice cream retrospective was a shot of pure joy at a much needed moment!

Hugs to you, AG. oxo

Aww thanks and more of that coming. I am so sorry you are dealing with yet another challenge...continuing healing vibes being sent your way (((Hugs)))


Oct 22, 2019
Well I feel like I am intruding because i rarely post here but i ALWAYS enjoy all the pictures!

I am actually going to the jersey shore this weekend (the entire and mean entire family goes) and CANNOT WAIT for the homemade ice cream and crumb cake!! So thats all i wanted to say :lol-2:

Missy, i would go just to wear a gown and give a smaller than i would usually give monetary gift. You know how it is here in NY/NJ area weddings... ALL and i mean ALL my clients are doctors, every single one... so i see a lot of this and always encourage certain financial moves, but generally the groom is smitten and doesnt want to upset his bride and lets her do whatever, and she often often alienates everyone.. LOL!! Im sorry to hear about your friend, enjoy some kitty snuggles and stay dry with our horrible Saturday weather!


Sep 10, 2003
How do you treat Malik and the others when they are experiencing bloody sneezes?

There isn't much one can do other than good nutrition, vitamins, and if necessary for severe congestion, keeping him isolated in a room with a humidifier. I have eye drops from the vet when he gets ulcers which is rare. Three years ago he had a really bad episode where he stopped eating for a week and I had to force feed him baby food until he felt better. Actually I'm still not sure if he started eating because he felt better or just got annoyed with me shoving a syringe in his mouth. He is a very difficult cat to treat and stresses easily. My vet and I came to the conclusion when he was a kitten that if he ever required ongoing hands-on care, it would be better to euthanize him than put him through the stresses of treatment which would only exacerbate his stress and prevent him from getting better.

I'm grateful that his symptoms haven't been that bad since. When his eyes are bothering him and/or his appetite slows down and he becomes congested, I just follow his signals. Usually he just wants to be left alone until it passes which can take between 7-14 days. If I didn't get him vaccinated every 3 years, my vet said the symptoms would be much worse.

The other 2 cats get sneezy and I'm grateful they haven't yet exhibited the full range of symptoms of my poor Maliik.


Feb 27, 2007

@missy look at all the delicious ice cream. Glad you got to go cycling today. I hope the kitties get over their cold. Are they eating okay?

@mrs-b I am so sorry about your neck. I hope that gets better soon. I used to get horrible stiff necks where I couldn’t turn my head. It was rough too backing out of the driveway when I could see where I was going.

I did work on packing. I got all the boxes out of the two spare bedroom closets and stacked them up in one room. Then I packed about 1/2 of the utility room. Tomorrow, I think we are tackling the kitchen. We have the TBE walkthrough at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

TBE is partially painted. I got all of my videos done and posted through the 26th. I’ll get my articles updated that far and then enjoy about 4-5 days off.

Take care.



Jun 8, 2008
Happy Caturday Saturday lovely ladies!

Well I feel like I am intruding because i rarely post here but i ALWAYS enjoy all the pictures!

I am actually going to the jersey shore this weekend (the entire and mean entire family goes) and CANNOT WAIT for the homemade ice cream and crumb cake!! So thats all i wanted to say :lol-2:

Missy, i would go just to wear a gown and give a smaller than i would usually give monetary gift. You know how it is here in NY/NJ area weddings... ALL and i mean ALL my clients are doctors, every single one... so i see a lot of this and always encourage certain financial moves, but generally the groom is smitten and doesnt want to upset his bride and lets her do whatever, and she often often alienates everyone.. LOL!! Im sorry to hear about your friend, enjoy some kitty snuggles and stay dry with our horrible Saturday weather!

Aww have fun! And girl, you are NEVER intruding..please come here anytime. We love seeing you. My husband introduced me to the jersey shore and it was love at first sight. I hope despite the weather you enjoy a wonderful time. And the good news is you can come back whenever you want because it's not far favorite time of year here is spring and autumn. The "tourists" aren't here and it is beautiful and tranquil here in the off season. IDK where at the jersey shore you will be but girl, message me if you do not know the ice cream shoppe I go to all the time. Because if you are not far it is worth the detour!

Thanks for the party advice. Growing up in NYC we always gave cash for weddings but we did not do it like this nor did we mandate the color of the gown. I don't think a bridezilla is a good look on anyone but especially a grown a** woman in her 40s with a 13 yo child. LOL. I will not be attending. At this stage of my life I am not hesitant to say no. And my life is better for it.

Have fun at the shore Inked!

There isn't much one can do other than good nutrition, vitamins, and if necessary for severe congestion, keeping him isolated in a room with a humidifier. I have eye drops from the vet when he gets ulcers which is rare. Three years ago he had a really bad episode where he stopped eating for a week and I had to force feed him baby food until he felt better. Actually I'm still not sure if he started eating because he felt better or just got annoyed with me shoving a syringe in his mouth. He is a very difficult cat to treat and stresses easily. My vet and I came to the conclusion when he was a kitten that if he ever required ongoing hands-on care, it would be better to euthanize him than put him through the stresses of treatment which would only exacerbate his stress and prevent him from getting better.

I'm grateful that his symptoms haven't been that bad since. When his eyes are bothering him and/or his appetite slows down and he becomes congested, I just follow his signals. Usually he just wants to be left alone until it passes which can take between 7-14 days. If I didn't get him vaccinated every 3 years, my vet said the symptoms would be much worse.

The other 2 cats get sneezy and I'm grateful they haven't yet exhibited the full range of symptoms of my poor Maliik.

Thanks again Matata. Yeah we are riding it out and I have antibiotics on hand if necessary. If it becomes a secondary bacterial infection. I hear you about the cat's stress levels and I feel for you and Malik. Before these four we were so lucky as the kitties were calm and receptive unlike our cat crew now. Pilling them is difficult but manageable except for Gracie so I do not delude myself should Gracie need chronic management of a disease like diabetes. I hope we never have to make that decision however and I hope you never have to make that decision either. May Malik remain well. May all our cats remain healthy. Appreciate your sharing and it is very helpful


@missy look at all the delicious ice cream. Glad you got to go cycling today. I hope the kitties get over their cold. Are they eating okay?

@mrs-b I am so sorry about your neck. I hope that gets better soon. I used to get horrible stiff necks where I couldn’t turn my head. It was rough too backing out of the driveway when I could see where I was going.

I did work on packing. I got all the boxes out of the two spare bedroom closets and stacked them up in one room. Then I packed about 1/2 of the utility room. Tomorrow, I think we are tackling the kitchen. We have the TBE walkthrough at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

TBE is partially painted. I got all of my videos done and posted through the 26th. I’ll get my articles updated that far and then enjoy about 4-5 days off.

Take care.


GM Marcy! No cycling today...rain rain rain. And our third heat wave of the season begins tomorrow but girl, it feels so hot and muggy now. TBE is looking TBE (totally beautiful and excellent). Good for you getting a head start on the packing. The kitties are eating but not a lot. Praying that they continue eating. Each meal time is a bit of a struggle and I do not know how this would have gone down if I was working because we wouldn't be able to spend this kind of time coaxing them to eat. Their cold (upper respiratory infection?) continues...Thanks for asking.

@Slickk @canuk-gal @mrs-b @springerspaniel @Austina @bling_dream19 @MamaBee and everyone else. Happy Caturday Saturday!

@mrs-b hope your neck is feeling much better
@MamaBee gentle hugs and bucketloads of healing vibes

Leaving you with happy photos especially for @mrs-b and @MamaBee and anyone else going through a challenging time...may this sweetness transfer over to you and may you all enjoy a delicious weekend

First up...for @mrs-b

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Gracie last night..this is how she hangs out on me lol
So ladylike (just like her momma haha)

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Pepsi and Fresca heart is so full of love for them

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A jersey shore shot for @Inked

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And lastly Greg went to his urologist yesterday AM because the ultrasound he had found kidney stones and possible gallstones. But get this the gastro who is supposed to evaluate the gallbladder said he doesn't do that so we don't have a specialist yet for him to see. Anyway this dinosaur is at the urology building...he is T's cousin. T is the dinosaur we pass every day in Sea bright when cycling :)

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Enjoy a fiercely wonderful Caturday Saturday lovely ladies XOXO


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy big and small dog Sunday!!!

@Slickk hope your weekend is going well and you are having fun

@mrs-b hope you are feeling better and enjoying a good weekend

@MamaBee thinking of you...GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!!

@bling_dream19 hope your weekend is going well and you are enjoying a wonderful weekend..thinking of you

@marcy hope the packing is going well

@canuk-gal hope you are getting to cycle and enjoy the beautiful outdoors...our weather right now is not civilized with heat indices over 100 degrees f for at least the next four days...give me strength and give the feral kitties strength to get through this...enjoy a wonderful Sunday

@springerspaniel hope you got what you wanted for work and I am looking forward to a happy update when you are ready

@Austina hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend by the pool with friends

Hi everyone else...hope a wonderful weekend is being enjoyed by all

In honor of dogs here are a few photos from yesterday.

Milton jumping up on me :love:
He is such a love. I mean TDF sweet like sugar. I am crazy about him

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And Mia. Her sister Millie was there too but I didn't get a photo. We do not know Milli and Mia and just met them yesterday

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This was at the beginning of our cycling yesterday...Yes we ended up cycling yesterday though I thought initially we weren't going to go because of the rain threat. We were super lucky as there were torrential downpours around noon for about 20 minutes or so and it missed the area where we were cycling. As we were cycling back we saw flooded roads from the short storm for 25 miles. So we just missed where it was raining and it was quite the torrential downpours from the look of the roads. Whew. Today is day one of our four day heatwave ugh. When I got up this morning and fed the ferals it felt super steamy 5AM!!! SOOOOO HOT already.

The antidote for this heat wave?
That's an easy answer
You scream, I scream, we all scream, for ICE CREAM :)

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Close up...ohhh sooo good

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May your big and small dog Sunday go smoothly and be filled with sweetness and joy. Stay cool


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!

Our temps today were "cool" compared to recent days--precipitation didn't arrive and I was happy bc it was characterized as a severe thunderstorm winds hail/possible tornado...... Rain I can handle but the other damaging stuff not so much. At any rate we rode yesterday and had ice cream but today I walked the big park alone (DH arthritis bothering him...). Got take out from Little Cesar's--I love their pizza!!!! I made a greek salad.

@marcy lots on your plate! Moving is miserable--for me anyway. We went to an open house nearby yesterday. Always looking for something for my son. But inventory doesn't last long here an prices just go up and up......

@missy sorry your kitties have colds, hope it is short lived. Take care in the hot temps and your folks too.

@mrs-b hope you have a nice break in Cali. Sorry for your recent pain.

@springerspaniel I hope your proposal writing went well.

@Austina LOL banana crown. It is good to get out and meet new people.

@MamaBee I hope you are well and things are settling for you.



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Where did the weekend go?

Glad you didn’t end up getting any of the nasty stuff @canuk-gal, we’ve had rain, which was great, meant no getting up early today to water at our allotted time. If you don’t look too closely at our grass, it actually looks quite lush :lol:

It’s all systems go @marcy, I can’t believe how quickly they’ve got your house built, it’s looking fabulous. Bet you can’t wait to get in, unpacked and settled.

How’re the kitties @missy, I hate to hear one of the poor little things has a bloody nose? Glad you managed to get out and ride and avoid the rain. Yum to ice cream, our current flavour is Crème Brûlée and it’s :lickout: That little doggie is always smiling, too cute!

Hope you’re feeling well enough for your trip to Cal. @mrs-b, and you enjoy every minute of it.

I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow @MamaBee and you’ll soon be back to your lovely self.

Enjoy your time with Bear an your growing family @Slickk.

Weather here has been lovely (including the rain), warm, overcast and the pool has been perfect.

I went out for a walk with L (from next door) this morning, the pool thing is having major back issues but has been advised to walk as much as possible. We’ve just got back from a belated birthday celebration for Colin, we tried a new Italian restaurant that has recently opened up nearby. The food was delicious, I had the chicken Parm and Colin had the shrimp Fra Diavolo and we shared a limoncello cake - I’m absolutely stuffed now!

Up early tomorrow to get the lawns cut.

Big love and hugs to you all :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy how did you get here so fast Monday. Woke to thunder lightning and 15 minutes later downpours and power outage. Power went back on 5 minutes later. Next few days `100F actual temps and high humidity and thunderstorms predicted through Thursday AM. Worse thing is this morning I did not see Pepsi. Only Fresca and Dr Pepper. Pepsi NEVER misses the early AM wet food feeding. I am worried. Combined with this heat, and thunderstorm activity Monday is not starting well

@MamaBee you are on my mind...GOOD LUCK today!!!!

@canuk-gal I am jealous...longing for a break in this heatwave. I hear you regarding storms, thunder, tornados and hail. We've been experiencing it all this summer. This summer has been too hard. Too hot. Too many storms. Too much risk for the animals outside and humans too. I am ready for some better weather at the end of this week...May your good weather continue and may you continue to enjoy ice cream and pizza. Two of my fave foods :)

@Austina nice you enjoyed a lovely walk with your neighbor and a lovely belated birthday celebration for Colin. I love Italian food and I adore Limoncello. The drink. When Greg and I were in Italy we had limoncello every single evening. Thanks for asking about the kitties. Knock wood they continue to recover

@Slickk happy Monday...hope your week goes smoothly and is enjoyable despite our weather

@bling_dream19 hope you are having a good summer and I am keeping you always in my thoughts and sending healing vibes

@marcy hope you are getting everything accomplished that you need to and still enjoying some free time doing what you love to do and that Marty is feeling 100%

@mrs-b sending continuing healing wishes your way and may your LA vacation go super well and may you enjoy it to the fullest without health issues interfering

@springerspaniel hope you have a terrific week

Hello everyone else. Lots happening here. Heat wave, Thunderstorms. Our weather has gone nuts. We did enjoy cycling yesterday but I will tell you even with the east wind it was HOT. And today is hotter and tomorrow even hotter (100F predicted) and Thursday as well. I am mostly concerned about the outdoor kitties. And as I wrote above did not see Pepsi this AM and that is super unusual. So I am worried. Oh and in other news...our washing machine upstairs BROKE last night. I cannot make this stuff up. Greg tried fixing it to no avail but he ordered a drain pump and that just arrived (Amazon delivery at 6AM this morning) and we shall see if that works. If not I have to get a new washing machine..this one is an LG and their drain pumps are not good. BUT this one lasted us 17 years so in today's world I guess that is a pretty good run. Though I remember when washing machines lasted 40 years. But I digress. LOL

Leaving you with a photo from yesterday. Stay cool lovely ladies. Sending love and hugs and all good wishes your way XOXO

It was so hot yesterday we opted to enjoy the ice cream indoors. Which we rarely do. But oh the AC felt so nice

Screen Shot 2024-07-15 at 6.13.04 AM.png

Tonight I have my weekly/biweekly (depending) zoom with my girlfriends. Looking forward to it

May your Monday be sweet and go smoothly


Aug 18, 2013
A hot and sweaty day here in MA - I'm looking forward to September when the temps begin to drop - especially at night. I do love the heat, but this humidity is brutal.

The neck weirdness ultimately passed after segueing into the mother of all migraines. Happy to see *that* gone!

There was a problem with my entyvio infusion for today, so it's been pushed back until Wednesday and I've had to push my flight back till Friday. I can feel the positive effects of it draining away, so the sooner the better.

We've decided to put a new bedroom and bathroom in our basement, so Tim and I have begun cleaning out the space where that will go. In about an hour, a guy we've worked with before will be dropping by to take a look at the basement with a view to putting in a second small window, so we can up the light factor. That will then give us 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. What a mercy - given that normally, before Eleanor came and after she leaves - there will only be Tim and I here! :roll2: Somehow we seem to have endless reams of guests who can stay for anything between a weekend and 3 months or more, and we never have enough bedrooms! We're also building a new bank of wardrobes in Eleanor's room so she has more storage. *And* we've been in talks with pool people about putting in an oversized, in-ground hot tub. We want a plunge pool/hot tub fusion, so we've chosen a plunge pool/quarter pool, which is 16 x 10' and 4' deep. It has a bench around it, and we plan to have bubblers and lots of jets and a water stream added, so we can use it as a hot tub as well as a plunge pool. We're adding a heavy duty heater as well, so we'll be able to heat it to 105F, so they tell us. We had wanted to do it this year but have decided to push it back to next June because we want to do the changes to the house first, and enough is enough.

@missy - hoping the kitties continue to improve! Fingers crossed - and what is this weirdness with bloody noses?? If it's not one thing, it's another, isn't it! In honor of your photos, I've begun eating strawberry ice cream more regularly!! And missy - that Jersey Shore beach shot is DELICIOUS!

@Austina - happy belated birthday to Colin and YUM to Italian food in general! And good luck cutting the lawns! I'm guessing that's something you get out and do first thing in the morning?

@canuk-gal - I envy you your cooler weather! I'm really looking forward to it being cooler so I can get out walking again. It's like wading through a warm bath here at the moment. Pizza and Greek salad - yes!! Do you have any work days on your horizon?

@marcy - TBE looks fab! How did the final walk through go? Good uck with the packing and yay for 4-5 days off! (That's got to be a first for you, right?!) Good luck with all of it!

@springerspaniel - how did the proposal go? Hoping it was a triumph!

@bling_dream19 - thinking of you and hoping you're doing well.

@MamaBee - wishing you a positive, productive day.

@Slickk - How is your vacation going? Feet up and relaxed? I hope so!

Hallo to @Inked and @Matata - nice to see you dropping in!

Wishing all the lovely NIRDIs a happy Monday and a gentle week ahead. <3


Jun 8, 2008
Girls please think good wishes for @MamaBee today she meets with a new specialist to discuss treatment options. ❤️


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Yes, we’re up and out by 8am to get the grass cut @mrs-b, and there was a lovely breeze as I whizzed round on the tractor. Lots going on with you and your plans for the house. We decided against a hot tub because honestly, in this heat, we’d never use it, and yep, they’re usually heated to 105 degs.

Glad the kitties are on the mend @missy, what a relief for you. Glad Greg managed to get the washing machine going, he’s a keeper for sure :mrgreen: Sorry about the thunderstorms, I hope it cools things down afterwards (doesn’t happen here, it stays just as hot).

Sending big love to @MamaBee and hoping you get great advice and service from a new specialist.

Hope the packing is going well @marcy and you’re all ready for the big move.

I think I mentioned that we were getting a quote for a pergola, well the quote came in and it was so ridiculous that I think it must’ve been made of platinum. Needless to say, it’s a no. One of the reasons we were thinking about it is that the wind jiggles the bases for our parasols. They’re heavy metal, but the upright pole that the parasol goes in to screws in to the base. Anyway, I suggested we get them welded, so we took them today and the guy did a really good job on them. All this to say, we’ve saved ourselves a fortune :lol:



Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies. Happy Tuesday. Just a quick post. So far washing machine is working again thanks to my handy dh. And all the cats are accounted for thank goodness though this prolonged heat wave is concerning for their safety.

We went cycling yesterday and it wasn’t too bad. Lol. But it is even hotter today.

For @mrs-b


Thank you for your good wishes for the kitties. And I’m keeping the ice cream photos coming sweet girl.

@Austina great idea and glad the welding did the trick. Sometimes I just smh at the expense of things. Stay cool and comfy. Thank you as always for your well wishes

Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday. Be well. Enjoy. XOXO


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had nice early ride today as it was already 23C when I got up. It is predicted to be 30C and well on its way there. Hot week ahead. Another TS warning, but I wonder if we'll get any precipitation at all.

Saw lots of lovelies on the paths today--young fella's fishing. How sweet!! This one young man I spoke to was surrounded by ducks--eating algae. They didn't mind a bit he was there. I think that was his "spot". Made my day!!!!!!! My Dad taught me to fish and he said he loved this hobby. So peaceful and no one ever catches anything. (or if they do they release them) LOL.

@missy I know you worry but the ferals are OK. They look very healthy and do seem to have 9 lives. Stay cool and ice cream on!

@mrs-b travel safe and well post infusion! I have a shift tomorrow.

@Austina wonderful you found a welder to do a good job. Hope that solves your problem

@marcy keep up the good work busy lady!



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Yay for some good weather @canuk-gal. Seeing other people out and about is something I miss here. We used to see and talk to so many people when we were out with Dottie.

Hope everything is OK with you @missy and the kitties are all recovered now. Glad the ferals are all present and correct, perhaps the hot weather was making them lethargic?

Weather here is lovely, hot but not as hot as last year. We’ve been spending a lot of time outside in the pool and under the shade.

Hope it’s all going well @marcy.

Enjoy your time in Ca. @mrs-b

Think of you @MamaBee and hoping things are improving.

Big love and hugs to all the lovely NIRDIs :wavey:


Jul 17, 2008
Hey Missy! Thanks for the Sea Bright post! When I lived there it only had a sea wall, one main beach near a grocery store. Glad to see the nice beach! My daughter just got a kitten I think you will like, her other cat got covid from my daughter last year and died. It took a long time to want another cat but Toby (toe beans) is 10 weeks old.
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